HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-03-22, Page 14Page |4 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 22, 1951
Hawkers And Peddlars To
Pay License Fee In Town
Hawkers and peddlars will be
subject to a §50 licence fee be
fore they can sell theii’ wares in
town, if the Municipal Board ap
proves of the by-law which was
given first and second reading at
Exeter council Monday night.
Retail sellers and door-to-door
salesmen who don’t nav a busin
ess tax in Mie town will be liable
to the fee. Maximum penalty for
•violation of the by-law is $5<J.
Business places which operate
pinball machines will he assess
ed $50 pe:
two and one-quarter
side the
Bierling and will be used to en-
^-dtarge the refuse ground. Cost of
the land was $600.
Rev. IL Kendrick,
of the nmgrgations
Presbyterian and
church, requested a street light
on the hill south of the bridge
on Main street.
A petition for a new sidewalk
on John street east was received
from C. S. MacNaughton. Both
requests were referred to Public
Works Committee.
Council decided to join the
Canadian Federation of Mayors
and Municipalities, whose con
vention will be held in London
in June.
Mayor Turkey -was empowered
to interview Mrs. Sadie Lawson
to obtain a right of way to ex
tend Edward street to Sanders
The Library Board received a.
grant of Sl.8’75. an increase of
$150. over the previous year.
Building permits were grant-|g
ed to Ernest Carson, Mrs. Lois j
Armstrong, for houses, and
don Parker, for a garage.
Wins Honors
Michael Farrow, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Claude Farow, James
Street, received first class hon
ours in his grade eight piano ex
aminations at the U.W.O. Con
servatory of Music, He also woii
top honors in grade two theory.
Michael is 12 years old.
machine. •
authorized purchase of i
acres be-i
municipal dump. The
belongs to Mr. Arthur
on hehaT
of Caven
Lions Strive To
Raise Funds
Ways and means for
ing of funds to carry
public welfare work
chief topic under consideration
at the Lions Club supper meeting
Friday evening. President Char
lie MacNaugliton handled the
gavel and Tail Twister Andy
Snelgrove was active in the col
lection of fines. Doug Knowles
led the singing, featuring a
.number of Irish songs. Ted Shaw ‘was lucky to carry off a picnic
i liam having drawn his own tie-
’ket in a draw. A card signed by
•the members was sent to Lion
Bruve Fields, of Centralia, who
is quite ill at his home with
heart condition.
Vosper Fund Grows
Contributions continue to come
in for the Clara Vosper Mem-
| •’%»*$ O 1 ’C111 '•1 <3 irr/lnl.. O D
Thirteen Join Church
At the •communion service
James Street United Church
Sunday morning, thirteen
m embers were received into
church membership, twelve of
them being boys, members of a
communicant’s class from the
•Sunday School. The evening ser
vice was withdrawn as the pas
tor, Rev. H. J. Snell, was just
recovering from an attack of the
□ rial Fund. This week $3 were
contributed by Mrs. John Norry
and her two daughters, Mrs.
Mildred Black and Mrs. Florence
Fleischer, of London.
Mrs. Gladys Ford Haas sends
$1 from Buffalo “for the Clara
j Vosper Memorial Fund which is
a worthy tribute to a teacher
who spent so many years in the
Exeter school”.
Mrs. Mary Mack McLachlan
states: “I am glad to learn of
the Clara Vosper Memorial Fund
and enclose my donation of one
dollar. I remember Miss
as a teacher who had
personal interest in her
Mrs. Rose Cudm'ore
donated one dollar.
of finding their
tors are io have
Downing Street.
tawa, into which
will move this
the west entrance of the beautiful old home.
81« years
minis-own accommodation, Canada’s prime
an official residence. Counterpart to No. 10
London, will be No. 21 Sussex Street,. Ol-
Prime Minister and Mrs. Louis St. Laurent
spring. Seen above i.s an artist’s sketch of
such a
Conservation Club Starts
Drive For More Members
A drive for reforestation and | " “ "
larger organization was started j Discontinue Service
at a well-attended meeting of the j
Willie's little sister came to
the schoolroom door and handed
the following note to the teacher:
“Teacher please excuse Willie
—he caught a skunk.”
Holy Trinity Church Anglican
Young People’s Association
of Lucan
will present their
car to the
he lost con-
car over on
was on his
was demol-
Bottles Fly When
Truck Tire Blows
Bottles went flying all
the place when a soft drink
truck blew a tire near Zurich
last Friday and plunged into the
ditch. PC Elmer Zimmerman re
ported some $600 damage to the
vehicle, owned by the Seven-Up
Bottling Company.
LAC Eldon Ferch,
tralia," damaged his
extent of $375 when
trol and rolled his
No. 4 high-way. He
way to the station.
A '39 model car
ished when the driver lost con
trol and the car rolled over four
times near Grand Bend Friday
afternoon. Sergeant H. G. Rug
gles, RCAF Centralia, the driver,
and AC1 J. N. Scobey, a pas
senger, suffered from shock and
minor bruises. Scobey was thrown
from the car into a ditch full of
mud and water. PC Bill Cox
worth investigated.
Stephen Conservation Club in
town hall Tuesday night.
New officers for 19 51
Irwin “Bunny” Ford, president;
Wellington Haist, vice-president;
and Graham Arthur, secretary
A committee
organize clubs
A drive for
organized in the form of a con
test among the members. Prizes
were offered to those who se
cured the most members.
Last year’s president, Les
Robertson, suggested the club
branch out into .reforestation ac
tivities. A committee of five was
appointed to investigate.
Three members were chosen
as the fish conservation com
mittee. Dalton Fink'beiner, last
year’s secretary-treasurer, report
ed on activities in the parent
club in the county. ,,
was formed to
in Crediton and
membership was
For the past couple of years
the Guenther Transport, Limited,
have operated a chartered bus
each Sunday afternoon from
Kirkton through Exeter and Hen-
sall to Clinton conveying a num
ber of families from Holland to
anguage in the . Presbyterian
church there. The transport ser
vice is to be discontinued
Sunday, March 25th.
a service in their own
Good Friday A Holiday
Good Friday will be a public
holiday. Next Sunday being East
er special Easter services are be
ing arranged. Easter being one
of the more important days in
the church calender no doubt
large congregations will be pre
Woodham Orange Hall
Fri.,’March 30
at 8:30 p.m. sharp
ADMISSION 500 & 250
Under the Auspices of L.O.L. 492
Phone 431
Previews its
Coming Attractions
March 23 and 24
Choir Banquetted
The choir of
United Church
entertained to
church parlors
of last week. The Women’s As
sociation take this method of
expressing their appreciation of
the services rendered by
Mrs. . . _
words of appreciation as did the
and Walter
leader, Mr.
voiced his
members of
loyal support.
the James Street
were royally en-
a banquet in the
Thursday evening
services rendered by the
from Sunday to Sunday,
provided an excellent re-
The president of the choir,
Percy McFalls, spoke a few
', Mervin Cudmore
Cutbush. The choir
Lawrence Wein,
appreciation to the
the choir for their
I Bad Weather Doesn't Stop
Flyers On Korean Airlift
Reject Union
As a result of a recent vote
among Guenther Transport em
ployees, the Ontario Labour Re
against the union, five in favour.
Board officially turned
the application of the
General Truck
938 Toronto, to be-
certified bargaining
vote,taken on Saturday,
24, showed 15 were
Crediton Youth
To Go To Banff
One of sixteen chosen
Western Ontario, Robert
Crediton, will attend the
Canadian Army Cadet
Camp at Banff, Alberta,
summer. A grade II student at
SHDHS he holds the rank of Cap
tain and is second in command
of school Cadet Corps.
Robert will attend the Bauff
camp after taking the summer
course at Ipperwash from July
All expenses for the trip, and
a new uniform, will be supplied
by the Department of National
E. D. Howey, cadet instructor,
at the school received the an
nouncement from
this week.
Others chosen
Rich of Medway
Wood of Clinton.
,, this
are Michael
and Kenneth
Hi Lights
—Continued from Page 4
Entries have been sent in for
the verse speaking competition
being held Easter Monday in the
Theatre at the Toronto Museum
Four students are competing,
Evelyn Desjardine and Shirley
Pearson in the lyric class and
June Walters and Charles Cow
an in the dramatic verse speak
Bob Wade a Grade II student
has received the honor pf being
chosen as one of the 1G cadets
who will represent the Western
Ontario military district at a
four week course held at Banff,
Alberta during the summer holi
Dpuble Facilities
At Centralia
Tenders have been called for
construction of two additional
buildings to house officers at
RCAF Station Centralia,
They are part of a large con
struction program planned for
Centralia, necessitated by expan
sion of the pilot-training school.
The new structures will more
than double present facilities.
‘City Lights’
Charlie Chaplin
★ V. Cherrill
You’ll never laugh so loud
so long . . .
‘Texas Dynamo’
-,V Charles Starrett
•fr Smiley Burnette
Crackling with action
a n d
Town Topics
Mr. Cy Strange of CFRB,
Toronto, spent the week-end
visiting his
Mrs. Cecil
Lucknow for
week with
Mr. and
of Exeter
end guests
Mr. John
visited in
days last
Mrs. Mac-
J. H. Harrison
had as week-
March 26 and 27
tAt Ronald Reagan
A- Ruth Hussey
The funniest thing that
happened, to a family!
March 28 and 29
‘Right Cross’
* June Allyson
★ Diclc Pewell
AU 2530 PM
__ „___ Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
Halstead and David and Mrs.
Mary Halstead, of Detroit Mich.,
who also visited cousins at
Science Hill, Stratford and Elirn-
Misses Donna Powles and
Sadie Watson, accompanied by
the former’s mother, Mrs. Pearl
A. Powles of St. Thomas, spent
Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. J.
W. Powell, Mrs. Powles remain
ing for a few days.
Rev. Harry J. Mahoney is con
fined to his home through ill
Mrs. A. Simpson, of Strathroy,
and Mr. and Mrs. Gallmofe,
Brenda and Shirley, visited Sun
day with Miss Elliott on Carling
Mrs. F. G. Forrester
toria Hospital, London,
been ill for a week.
Dr. Harry* Seldon, of
Clinic, Rochester,
Mrs. Jackson, of Kingston
ed with their father, Mr.
Seldon over the week-end.
is in Vic-
She has
the Mayo
Minn and
R. (L
Hensail Council
Awards Contract
Hensall council awarded the
gravel contract to Wilson Allen
at the tender price of 77c. per
yard for crushed gravel and 77c.
per yard for coarse gravel.
Other tenders were from D. L.
McArthur $1.00 and 90c.; W. Mc
Cartney 85 c. and G5c.; W. C. Mc
Donald $1 and $1; O. D. Truein-
ner & Son $1.58 and $1.58; C-
Reid $1 and 50c.
Council met Monday night due
to the postponement last week on
account of sickness. All members
were present.
Clerk J. A. Paterson reported
on the convention held in Toron
to. The auditing of the municipal
books had been completed and
the outstanding arrears of 19 5 0
taxes were $850.70.
The assessor and any other
interested were instructed to at
tend the meeting
next Wednesday.
Council ordered
steps to be taken
south end of Wellington St.
Daylight saving in the village
will be observed from April 29
to September 30.
Harvey Keys was appointed a
member of the Community Park
Board to take the place of W. R.
Davidson whe recently resigned.
in Mt. Forest
the necessary
to close the
Hurondale W. I.
Holds Euchre
The Hurondale Women’s In
stitute held a successful pro
gressive euchre in the Legion
Hall Friday evening last. There
Were 27 tables in play*. William
Ellerington announced the rules
for the evening. The ladies’ high
prize was won by Mrs. Ted Sims;
gent’s high by Fred Penwarden,
who also won the prise for lone
hands. A lucky chair prize was
won by Mrs. Norman and door
prize by Percy Passmore. Mrs.
Alvin Moir announced that a
draw was
stitute on
cloth and
were sold,
the close.
Huron Trappers
Elect Officers
At the annual meeting of the
Huron County Tappers Associa
tion in Clinton recently, last
year’s slate of officers were re
named for 1951, as follows: Pre
sident, Mervyn Batkin, Clinton;
first vice-president, Robert John
ston, Clinton; Horace Salt, St.
Pauls; Ross Taylor, Belgrave;
and secretary-treasurer, Keith
Cox, Bayfield.
A board of directors was nam-
‘ed at the meeting and members
are—Carl Stire, Kirkton; Leslie
Dolmage, Winthrop; Ken Stew
art, Clinton; Horace Salt, St.
Pauls; Thomas Lawrence, Blyth;
and Dick Brown, Zurich.
The association, which was or
held in
were made for a picinic in the
summer months.
last year, with a rneni-
of approximately 75.
that meetings would be
March, September and
instead of the usual
meeting. Tentative plans
Daughter In Hospital
Mrs. E. M. Quance is keeping
house at the home of her daugh
ter, Mrs. Clarence Hawkins. The
latter is a patient in St. Joseph’s
hospital, London.
Fo rmer Exeter Lady
Stricken On Train
Mis Sadie Walker, 61, who
died on the train near Niagara
Falls - -
Born in Warwick township,
she was a daughter of the late
Mr. and Mrs. William Walker.
While. living in Exeter she at
tended school and then went to
Toronto, where for thirty years
she was with the Robert Shnp-
son*v Company. She went to
Florida "a month ago.
She is survived by three sis
ters, Jean and Mrs. Harvey
Stewart, London; .Mildred, R.N.,
of Ottawa, formerly of London;
and four brothers, Edwin, Lon
don; the Rev. John Walker, Har
row; Dr. James
lington; and R.
Ingham Quebec.
The remains
McDougall and
home London until Friday morn
ing when they will be taken to
the Hopper-Hockey funeral home,
Exeter, where services Will be
conducted at 3 p.m, by the Rev.
IT. J. Mahoney. Interment will
be made in Exeter cemetery,
Tuesday was a former resi-
of Exeter. She was travel-
to Toronto ,£rom Florida
G. Walker, Bur-
Bruce, of Buck-
will rest at the
Brown funeral
being held by the In-
a lovely lace table-
a number of tickets
Lunch was served at
HAPPY EASTER — This Easter
Bunny is Susan Dinney, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Din
ney, Exeter, Susan opened the
Beta Sigma Phi Fashion Show
Wednesday night.
Student: I hear the Board of
Trustees is trying to stop neck
Co-ed: That so? Next thing
they’ll be trying to make the
students stop too.
Weather doesn’t bother
flyers on the Korean airlift,
cording to Cpl. Ray B. Rasmus
sen who just returned home on
leave from the RCAF “Thunder
bird” squadron.
“We’ve landed at Schemya
little island in the Aleutians)
a blizzard, at Tokyo in rain,
Honolulu in high winds and low
clouds, and at San Francisco in
Cpl. Rasmussen nas been fly
ing with the air transports as
a radar technician—one of the
men who make those landings in
difficult weather possible. He’s
been with the “Thunderbirds”
since February 1, flying ammu
nition and supplies to Japan and
carrying hack wounded soldiers
from the Korean front.
The corporal is home on "spe
cial occasion” leave—he became
a father for the second time on
Monday. The family is doing
fine and the corporal expects to
be transferred back to Centralia
Round trip of the airlift takes
five days for the aircraft. Start
ing at McChord Field, Washing
ton, they fly to Alaska, Sliemya,
Tokyo, Wake Island, Honolulu,
San Francisco and back to Mc
Chord Field. The crews are re
lieved at points along the way
and make one round trip every
12 days.
In Tokyo, the RCAF bunk
with Australian pilots and Brit
ish seaman. Morale among the
UN forces is “pretty good”, ac
cording to Rasmussen.
He described conditions in
Japan as “terrible”. Open sewers
run down the main street in
front of the open air food shops.
The weather is “miserably wet”
all the time.
Holst ein Breeders
To Hold Kippen Meet
At a meeting of the officers
and directors of the Huron Cty.
Holstein Breeders Club it was
decided the annual county Black
and White Show would be held
in conjunction with the Blyth
Fall Fair Septemer 19.
Plans wore made for the an
nual twilight meeting to be held
June 28 at'the farm of Jarrott
Bros., of Kippen and for a one-
day bus tour the first week in
June. A .Holstein calf club will
be sponsored again this year.
Date for the spring meeting is
April 5 in Clinton.
Howard Trewartha, president,
was in charge of the meeting
with W. Hume Glutton, secretary.
Return From Florida
Mr. and Mrs. William Sweit
zer arrived home from Florida
after a three months visit. Their
holiday home was situated on
the Gulf of Mexico. During their
visit they toured all the interest
ing places in Florida and spent
some time, on the Atlantic coast.
They were very much impressed
with the paintings in the Art
gallery at Sarasota and the
beautiful architecture of the
buildings. They visited St. Augus
tine and Marine city and saw
all the different types of ocean
fish. Weather conditions were
ideal and Mr. and Mrs. Sweitzer
returned home with many fine
souvenirs of their trip.
play by the Brucefield Young
People, to be held in the Opera
House, Friday, April 6th. Aus
pices of Exeter Chapter No. 222
O.E.S.. Produced by special ar
rangement with Samuel French,
BAKE SALE & TEA —- Eastern
Star are holding a bake sale and
tea on Saturday, March 24, at
3 pan. in Jensen’s Store. 15:22c
Male Chorus will present their
annual concert on Friday, April
13, in the school auditorium.
will be presented in
Th ames Rd. United Church
Wed., March 28
at 8:00 pan.
By the Adult Group of
Brucefield United Church
Adults 500, Children 250
Presents For Your Pleasure
The Following Attractions
March 23 and 24
‘Woman Hater*
A charming, fast moving com
edy starring . . .
★ Stewart Granger
★ Edwige Feuilere
★ Joan Cassiale
TWO SHOWS — 7:30 & 9:30
March 26 and 27
‘Oh, You
Beautiful Doll’
The One and Only
★ June Haver
★ Mark Stevens
They're dancin’ in the street,
kissin’ in the park, and singin'
down lovers’ lane.
Glorious Teclinicolour
ONE SHOW — 8:00
Dance Reunion
Friday, March 30
9 to V
Exeter Legion Memorial Hall
Cliff Watson Officiating
Admission 750
Saturday Night
This Saturday Night
Exeter Legion Memorial Hall
Music by the
Admission 750 Dancing 942