HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-03-22, Page 12Page, 12 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 22, 1951■ POP’S Taxi Service | Phones; j Exeter 337 and 545-r-3 HI-—.................................—....■■ini Politician: "I'm. for the great-Tj ■ II /* I g*/”4 to. the greatest »u»-| Hensall Lrowd Applauds Choir Earle Terry and inis all-girl chorus of London, 34 in number, presented a delightful program at the United Church in Hensall. The program included sacred numbers, semiclassical, folk and popular numbers. The program was well received by the large attendance. Mr. Terry announced each number. For the sacred numbers the girls wore choir gowns, for the rest of the program they chang­ ed to evening gowns. Over $125.00 was taken in re­ ceipts. The event was sponsored by the choir of the church of which S. G. Rannie is rector and Miss Greta Lammie, organist. Members Qf the choir served lunch to the artists. Personal Items Mrs. William Brown, Billie and Carol returned home after spending several days with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Neeb in Tavistock. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Case spent the week-end with the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. John Reid in London. i Mr. and Mrs. Lee Oescli and family of St. Catherines visited with relatives here over the week-end. Mr, and Mrs. Archie Mac­ Gregor returned home after a pleasant motor trip to Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Chipchase and family spent the week-end with Mr, and. Mrs. James Morris in Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. H. W, Neeb, of Tavistock spent a few days with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. William Brown. In Hensall United Church on Sunday morning, March 18 th, Mrs. T. Coates rendered an ex­ ceptionally fine solo, “Open the gates of the temple.” The choir offered the selection “O come let us ■worship” in which Mr, S. D, Rannie provid­ ed the solo. On Good Friday evening pre­ paratory service will be held in the United Church at 7 p.m., Following the service session members will meet. Special Easter music is being planned for next Sunday morn­ ing’s service, under the direction of Mr. Rannie and Miss Lammie the organist. New members will be received at this service. Holy Commun­ ion will be observed. Rev. Rogers in charge. An Easter drama, “For he had great possessions” will be pre­ sented in the Town Hall. Sun­ day evening, 'March 25th at 8 o’clock. Rev. Rogers is director. At the afternoon service in the Chiselhurst United Church Mr. Benson most acceptably of­ fered the solo, “The Palms”. Ditti; "And what is the great­ est number?” Politician: “Number one." * ♦ * ♦ Men, more than women, are afflicted by color blindness. Forty out of every one thousand men are color blind. Meat Prices are going higher and higher. This makes poultry meat very economical to^ serve. Use it regularly. Serve andcut-up chicken for frying, roasters for roasting, turkey, 03 Order TODAY from Your Local Meat Market SILVERCREST POULTRY FARMS Phone 171-r-14 Exeter E of Oxfords Several pairs of black $4.59. G Spring Is Just Around the Corner Have you those leather shoes ready for the warm weather ? Look them over. If they need repairs bring them to Wuerth’s and you will not be disappointed when you must discard the rubber footwear. We have an extensive stock of work shoes for men and boys in plenty of different styles. Priced to suit any pocket ranging from $3.49 to $8.95. Leather,, neolite and crepe soles. Also See Our Line In brown, burgundy or black, oxfords to clear at $3.59 and Still a few pairs of short rubber boots at $3,59. Others Have Tried It And Are Coming Back How About You? We do not pay more than the prevailing market price for your eggs but we do handle your eggs care­ fully and grade them properly. We have a truck covering most of the surrounding territory. PICK UP YOUR EGGS, TELEPHONE COLLECT Egg Grading Station E. R. WITMER, MANAGER Res. 255-M IF YOU WISH US TO CALL AND 4 ♦ ■ 4 TO OWNERS 8 COWS OR LESS WITH THE NEW DE LAVAL SPEEDETTE MILKER Th6 New De Laval Sterling Speedette Milker was designed foi you—if you milk 8 cows or less* It is low in price, inexpensive to install, built for many years of low cost, trouble-free oper­ ation and top milking performance-the labor-saver, time- saver and profit-maker never before available to the small herd owner. Why put up with the drudgery of hand milking? tf you milk rfiore than 8 cows bo sure to see the great new De LavaTMaghefic and De Laval Sterling Speedway Milkers today t t automatic ''Controlled Milking." Irvine Snider Andrew Street WATERLOO EQUIPMENT Phone 443-J * a of and United Church were served hot dogs and LoveJ. of Varna with Mr. Jimmy and were Sunday and Mrs. H. KIPPEN Mr. Ernie Chipchase held very successful auction sale his farm stock and implements on Thursday last. The W.A. of St. Andrews present coffee. Mrs. Wayne visitors Jones. Dr. James Jarrott has return­ ed to his home in New York after visiting his Mother, Mrs. K. Jarrott. Mr. and Mrs. W. Horney, of Exeter, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Gackstetter. Mr. B. Van Velden and friend, of Hamilton, were Sunday visit­ ors with friends in this vicinity. Mrs. Robert Dalrymple and baby daughter returned to their home here from Clinton hospital last week. Little Bonnie Dalrymple who has spent a couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. g. Baird, of Bruce- field, returned home on Sunday Mr. Emerson Kyle ing a broad smile this baby son arrived at his Sunday. W.M.S. The W.M.S of St. United Church met on day afternoon Jlast with Mrs. Emerson Anderson and Mrs. John Anderson as hostesses. The president Mrs. W. Workman pre­ sided. Mrs. Allan Johnson the Scripture after which Workman lead in Prayer. A letter of thanks was from the parsons Family. Mrs. John Anderson accepted the position of secretary of as­ sociate members. The visiting ccommittee ap­ pointed for March are Mrs. W. Workman and Mrs. H. Caldwell* Miss with a The Robert to the .. _ . _______ Mrs. Workman. A bountiful lunch was served by Circle number two assisted by the hostesses. is wear- week. A home on Andrews Wednes- read Mrs. read Helen Love favoured piano instrumental, study was given by Mrs. Elgie. A vote of thanks hostess was extended by An acorn was frequently used as a design bn Colonial furniture because it was considered a sym­ bol of hospitality.* * * * Ouija boards get their names from French "yes*’. a combination of the and German words for * * were * * brought in here"You ___ __ ___ for drinking," ldcturbd thb po­ lice sergeant. . "Thash mighty fine, S&rg," replied the culprit; "Let’s get Started." Announcements Birth, Death and Marriage Notices are inserted free of charge. Card of Thanks 50c. In Memoriam Notice 5Qc for single verse, 25c extra for each additional verse, En­gagements 50 c, BIRTHS dl BIBBY—To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bibby, March 17; a daughter; at the Hunter Nursing Home, BIERLING—Mr. and Mrs, Cliff Bierling of Dashwood wish to announce the birth of their daughter, on March 19; at the Hooper Nursing Home; Freida Thelma. DINNEY—Mr. and Mrs. Stan Dinney wish to announce the birth of their daughter, Linda Patricia; on March 8, 1951; a sister for Richard Paul. EDWARDS—-The Hooper Nurs­ ing Home wishes to announce the birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Edwards, of Crediton, at St. Joseph’s Hos­ pital, London, on Saturday, March 3, Dianne Elizabeth. RASMUSSEN — At Mrs. Ballan- tyne’s Nursing Home, Exeter, March 19, to Cpl. Ray B. and Mrs. Rasmussen; a daughter, Carol Lynn; a sister for Hea­ ther. STOCKERMANS—Mr, and Mrs. Cornelis Stockermans of Grand Bend are very proud to an­ nounce the arrival of their son, Martin Joseph, 133/> lbs.; on March 17, 1951; at the Hooper Nursing Home. TOMPKINS—LAC and Mrs, Tompkins of Grand Bend wish to announce the birth of a son, Bruce Robert; on March 17, 19 51; at the Hooper Nurs­ ing Home. WILLERT—Mr. and Mrs. H.' Willert of Hensall wish to an­ nounce to birth of a daugh­ ter; a sister for Barbara and Richard; on March 19, 1951; at the Hooper Nursing Home. WHITEFORD — Mr. and Mrs. Earl Whiteford, Clandeboye, are proud to announce the gift of their son at Victoria Hospital, on March 17, 19 51. Kirkton Couple Has Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Marshall entertained at their home on Friday evening in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Robinson, who celebrated theii’ fifty-second wed­ ding were son, Mrs, Jack Mr. and Mrs. Jack Switzer. Mr, and Mrs. A. Robinson were pleasantly surprised Mon­ day evening by their neighbours. A few games of euchre were en­ joyed after which refreshments were served. IV.M.S. And W.A, The regular meeting of Kirk­ ton W.M.S. and W.A, jnet at the home of Mrs. Delmar Johnston. The W.A. president, Mrs. George Allen, opened the meeting by a short worship service. The cup­ boards committee submitted a couple of drawn plans for con­ sideration. William Harding, presi- of the W.M.S., was in the fox’ the remaining pro- which consisted of an ad- by Mrs. Pike who was anniversary. Those present Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Robin- Pauline and Ross, Mr. and Bob Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Robinson and Stephen, and ■' T. Mrs. dent chair gram dress dressed in a Polish costume. She showed several broidery work people. The roll call an Easter thought. Mrs. Johnston favoured with a recorded musi­ cal number. Mrs. N. Roach gave a reading. Personal Items Rev. Pike closed the meeting with prayer. A dainty lunch was served by the hostess. Mrs. Kemp of London is ing with Mr. and Mrs. Roy zer. The Blansliard Municipal phone System held its annual meeting on Wednesday, March 14, in the Aberdeen Hall, with a large attendance. Mr, Arnold Wiseman was elected new com­ missioner for a three-year term. articles of em- done by Polish was answered by visit- Swit- Tele- DEATHS HARRIS—In War Memorial Children’s Hospital, London, on Thursday, March 15, 1951, .Stephen Charles Harris, 'be­ loved son of Charles and Helen Harris of London, aged one year 11 months. WALKER — Suddenly, on Tues­ day, March 20, 1951, Sadie E. Walker, late of 350 St. Claii- Ave. West, Toronto. Resting at McDougall & Brown Fun­ eral Home, 64 6 St. Clair Ave., Toronto, where service will be held on Thursday, March 22, at 7 p.m. Service in Hopper- Hockey Funeral Home, Wil­ liam St., Exeter, on Friday, March 23, at 3 p.m. Interment in Exeter Cemetery. • ! CARDS OF THANKS The family of the late Henry M. Willert wish to thank the friends and neighbours for their kindness shown to them in their recpnt bereavement. ■ Mrs. Ray Clarke wishes thank the many friends neighbours for cards, letters treats and to those who visited her while in hospital; also those who assisted at home in any way. 22* I wish to thank my many friends and neighbours for cards and treats given me while in St. Joseph’s Hospital; also the kind­ ness shown me by my neighbours in helping with the farm work, while I was unable to work. All these acts of kindness are very much appreciated. 22c —Douglas Lewis, Ailsa Craig Mr. Everard Miller wishes to thank his friends and relatives who so kindly remembered him while a patient at home. 22* Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Allen wish to thank their relatives and neighbours for gifts, cards and good wishes which they received on the occasion of their wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Charles wish to express their thanks for the cards that were sent to Stephen at the hospital; also to the friends and relatives for the kindness and smypathy extended during their recent be­ reavement, with special .thanks for the beautiful floral tributes. 22* 22c to and and fiftieth 22c Harris sincere of Women’s held oh the Caven W.M.S. The March meeting ■Caven Auxiliary of the Missionary Society was Thursday evening at the manse with Mrs. F. Simmons and Mrs. J. Taylor as co-hostesses. Mrs. Mitchell opened the meet­ ing. Roll call ing the word ‘ of scripture. Mrs. Harry the Glad Tidings, pointing out many interesting articles. Mrs., Alvin Mbir had the topic, using "The Lord’s Prayer" as her topic; A new feature of the Auxiliary was answered us- ’Risen” in a verse Strang reviewed Income Tax ■ Bookkeeping Careful Attention Given to Your Tax Problems J. Norman Cowan Dashwood 40-r-13 Sarepta Hay P.O., Ont. f n‘ Easter Lilies 1, 2, 3, and 4 BLOOMS Pots of Hyacinthes, Daffs and Tulips Mixed Help decorate your church on Easter Sunday by having us send a pot of lilies in loving memory of someone dear to you. CROMARTY Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hunkin, of Belmore, visited on Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Will Mamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Routly of Alymer were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Allan on Sun­ day. •Miss Betty McKellar is a pa­ tient in Seaforth Hospital having undergone an operation on Mon­ day. School was closed on Monday owing to the illness of the teach­ er, Miss Boyce. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ross, of Motherwell, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wrightl We are glad to see Mr. John! Robertson back on his mail route after being off for a week with the flu. Miss Margaret Walker has re­ turned home after spending a couple of months in London. Several interesting picture films were shown by Mr. Lloyd Sorsdal at the St. Patrick supper in the basement of the church on Friday night. Irish songs were sung by Mrs. T. male quartette, favoured with a ing. There was a and all enjoyed the social gather­ ing. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker, Mr. Oswald Walker and Mrs. Darrel Parker attended the fun­ eral of a cousin, Oswald Walker near Paisley on Monday. 1 L. Scott and a Mrs. Sorsdal humorus read­ good attendance WINCHELSEA Mr. and Mrs. George McGavin, of Seaforth, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Horne. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith, of Woodham, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Johns. Mr. Frank Brock and Mrs. John Johns received word of the death of their nephew, Mr. Alf Brock, of St. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Johns and Mr. Brock attended the funeral on Monday afternoon. Mrs. William Spry, of London, and Miss Joy Whitlock of St. Thomas spent the week-end at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Ford and Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Horne. Miss Margaret Walters spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Clarke, of Sunshine Line. Mrs. Beverly Morgan and Johnny and Mrs, Mac Hodgert, of Thames Road, spent Saturday afternoon with Mr. Newton Clarke. Mrs. Colin and Mr. and spent Friday forth. Miss Betty visited over the week-end with hei* parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bailey. and Mrs. and Grant F. Batten Gilfillan Mrs. W. afternoon at Sea- Bailey, of Exeter, Joe be on GREENWAY Good Friday service will held in the United Church Friday at 11.45 a.m, A number. of people in this community are sick with the flu. Mr. and Mrs. moved recently hbuse at Corbett. Communion and service was held in HI _____ Church on Sunday. Helen, Eliza­ beth Eagleson,., daughter of vMr. Fred Steeper to their new BaptisiinaTi the United Phone 276 Hensail Motor Sales 1938 1936 And •ial Deluxe, ' Sedan, Ralph Bailey & Family VALUES Plymouth Spec 1949 . 1949 DL11 “S-Ton E^ss. Chevrolet Se^)de)s To Choose 3?io» 1941 Dodge 1940 Many Other Save If you are . what you. model car, h®*®, cUStom been blue sedan cellent { trouble- ThiS Xd and ^eady ^rflng. radio. is a talent table Crops With NATIONAL well-curfitif'ptopetiy-^fOnQoaticKitLiztiKmoney for the expert) A social half much enjoyed. ho 31