HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-03-22, Page 4Page 4 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 22, 1951
boys basketball
much praise
W.O.S.S.A. '
! in
and Mrs.
i visited during
i with their son <
law in Trenton.
Mrs. Duffield
sick list during
We hope to see her out again in
the near future.
Mrs. George Godbolt is Con
valescing at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Gerald Godbolt.
Miss Wilda Pollock, R. N. of
' Kitchener was a week-end guest
with her sister, Mrs. Lome
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur MeFalls
I visited with their daughter in
* London on Monday.
; Mrs. T. Boyes spent the week-
; end with relatives in London.
' Mr. and Mrs. Robert Field, of
London, visited last week with
the formers parents.
' Mrs. B
s Choir
tained to
' Mr. and
; in Exeter
The pastor,
holding lenten
church this week
been on the
B. Gates
past week
Ask Her If She’s Got A Girl Friend For Me.”
the past week.
Hi Highlights
The Senior'
team deserves
winning the
basketball championship for
second consecutive year,
boys showed plenty of fight
Friday afternoon defeated Chat
ham Vocational 32-18 and in the
final game edged a strong Kings
ville team 36-35 in one of the
most thrilling games the fans
have witnessed this year.
Both of the other Exeter,
W.O.S.S.A. entrants were victor
ious in the semi-finals but bowed
to strong teams from Waterford
and Aylmer in the finals.
The Sr. girls won their first
game against Watford 37-12 but
were defeated by Waterford 26
19 to lose the Championship-
they were defending. »
The junior boys walked awav '
with their first game trouncing f
Stratliroy 67-23 but in the Ayl- ?
mer Juniors they were, faced with <
superior odds and were defeated
53-31. I
During the Easter holidays , ... , , „four members of the Glee Club ! ™ .•?
are going to Toron to to Slllg in
the all Ontario Secondary Schools
. Mass Chorus. There students are
Joan Hopper, Dorothy Pooley,
John Haberer and Don Bergie.
William Brokenshire
William H. Brokenshire,
who died at his home. Tuesday
in Lucan, was born in Hay Town
ship and had lived in Lucan and
vicinity for 20 years.
Surviving are his • wife, two
daughters, Mrs. Harry Hill, Ham
ilton; Mrs. Charles George, Lon
don; two sons, Samuel, Saska
toon; Stewart, Hamilton; three
sisters, Mrs. Luke Lucas and
Mrs. William Bennett, Atwood,
and Mrs. John Sims, Exeter, and
a brother, Mark. Dashwood.
The body rested at the Haskett
funeral home, where service was
held Thursday, 2 pan., by the
Rev. E. M. Cook, Lucan United
Church. Burial Grand
Bend Cemetery.
D. Field.
Ill dill) 61*S
dinner at the home of
Mrs. G. F. Penwarden
on Saturday evening,
Rev. Burton, is
services in the
The last ser-
when a good attendance is re
Christ’s Legacy of Peace was
the theme used for the Easter
W.M.S, service which opened by
all singing, "Dear Lord and
Father of Mankind.”
The study, "Which Way .Jap
an’’, was presented with several
ladies taking part.
Mrs. Lome Hicks was in the
chair for the business. The roll
call was
er verse,
ian Stewardship,
was discussed. Silent prayer was
offered for our missionary of
the year, Mrs. Graham, of India.
A delicious lunch was served
by Mrs. Kershaw, Mrs. N. Mit
chell and Miss Agnes Anderson.
answered with an East-
The visiting committee
ten visits. Mrs. Lloyd
gave a talk on Chirst-
Supply work
Almost all English sparrows
in Canada are decended from
eight pairs imported from Eng
land in 1850.
Tn step u/itk
gnou/mg needs...
New industries, new communities, new
sources of oil and iron and power .
Canada moves on with amazing strides.
And with this expansion come added calls
for every form of banking service. Your
chartered banks have moved ahead in step
with these growing requirements. That is why
it now takes 45,000 men and women to do
the banking of Canadians — almost double
the number of ten years ago. That is
why there are now 3,700 branches to serve the
expanded needs.
Wherever initiative and growth demand it,
banking is there — claiming your
continued confidence.
One of a series
Wpm en’s Auxiliaries
The first meeting of the newly
organized Amalgamated Women’s
Auxiliary to R.C.A.F. Station
Centralia was held at the station
on March 13 at which there
were 120 members present.
At this meeting the former
Airmen’s. Sergeant’s and Officers’
Wives Auxiliaries were merged
into one organization and a new
slate of officers installed.
Mrs. J. Edwards was elected
president; Mrs. H. Foster, first
vice-ipresident; Mrs. H, Glover,
second vice-president; Mrs.
Goodille, secretary; and Mrs.
Gauthier, deputy; Mrs.
Griudlay, treasurer and Mrs.
A. Rumball, deputy.
The new Auxiliary
on its welfare work
convenership of Mrs.
activities were planned for the
coming months.
wife of the
A varied
will carry
under the
B. Stib-
program of
and social
Radio Service
The monthly program spon
sored by the Young People of
Huron County over CKNX Wing
ham will be heard from 4:30 to
5:00 instead
The Huron
ill sponsor
All Appliances
Exeter Radio & Electric
Prop.: Don JollyPhone 187-W
do IW lie n
Foreman: ‘‘Since this
is your first day here,
Dokes, I will be glad to
youra n sw er an y o f
Joe: “
strike ?”
of 2:30 this Sun-
County executive
the program and
Y.P.U. members from this dist
rict will be featured.
Does your car act as if it would go on strike?
There’s no need for that when you can drive it into
the South End for a pick-up tonic.
Don Middleton attended
the meeting of young people on
Monday night in Granton.
Mr. Eldon Westman is back
to school at Medway after hav
ing an operation a couple of
weeks ago.
Mrs. Cecil Bowman, Revere
teacher attended the teacher’s
meeting in Ilderton on Tuesday
lin are
a son.
ed young peoples meeting Mon
day night.
Mr. Gordon Moore had an
x-ray on his elbow on Monday
afternoon. We are glad to report
no bones broke.
Mrs. Percy Armitage is spend
ing a few days at Byranston I
this week with friends. j
Mrs. Joesph Zuball is under j
the care
tended the dance in Lucan
the Arena on Friday night.
Mr. Ken Garrett has been sick
with the flu this week.
Mrs. Ormer Burnett, of Lon
don Township visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Victor Westman on
Wednesday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Middleton
attended the Variety Show at
Medway on Wednesday night.
Miss Grace Lindsay is teach-
g Ruth Garrett music.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Middleton
and Don attended the last of
night school series on Tuesday
night at Medway school at Arva.
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Barrie,
of Woodstock, has bought the
farm of Mr. and Mrs. William
Mr. and Mrs. Haysel Perrins
attended the funeral of Mr
Oscar Perrins at the Chapel of
Needhams in London on Wednes
day last.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bowman
attended the Variety show 'on
Wednesday night at Arva.
Visitors with Mr, and Mrs.
Roy Moore on Sunday were Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Paff, of Ailsa
Craig and Mr.
Kirk, of Arva,
Trevor Foster,
Blanshard and
Bendall and
and Mrs.
all smiles
Gordon Mard
on the birth of
Dunlop attend-
of Dr. Patterson, of
with a sore arm.
Arnold Lewis, of Kirkton.
on Mr. and Mrs. Ray
on Tuesday afternoon,
and Mrs. Clare Dunlop at-
and Mrs. Ken
and Mr. and Mrs.
of Base Line of
Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Darlene, of St.*
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Middleton
attended the funeral of the
tie Barber boy, in London
Tuesday afternoon.
Revere Forum
Revere farm forum met at
home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Dykes.
A good discussion was held on
the subject, “What kind of train
ing for rural teachers?”
we make rural teaching
tractive? was the first
It has been suggested
same salary scale should
adopted for teachers in ___
and urban schools. Our opinion
is that the same salary scale
should be adopted for teachers
provided that adjustments be
made in assessments and grants.
The second question, "Do you
think rural teachers should be
expected to act as a leader in
the community?” We didn’t
think so, but she should be will
ing to help in different activities
and be considered as one of the
The next meeting to be held
| at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
j Charlie Gowans with Mrs. West-
I man convener and William Bain
as discussion leader, A dainty
j lunch was served by the hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Anderson
and Lynda, of London, spent
the week-end with Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Anderson.
Mr. Charles Anderson is visit
ing in London with Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Anderson.
Mr. Murray Neil has opened
up a store here.
Mr. Jack Jasney has re-opened
his service station.
’’Mr. Alvin Sims, of London,
spent Sunday with his father
Mr. Sam Sims.
Mrs. James Edwards and
baby girl returned home Satur
day after a weeks stay with Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Smith in Exe
The March meeting of Caven
Congregational Circle was held
at the home of Mrs. E. Johnston
on Tuesday evening last. Mrs,
W. G. Cochrane presided over
the meeting. Mrs. A. W. Whil-
smith conducted the devotional
services taking as her subject
the Easter Story.
The programme was prepared
by Mrs. R. McInnis and consisted
of several Irish poems read by
and Mrs. A.Mrs. W. McLean
An interesting
prepared by Mrs.
questions being taken from
Exeter Times-Advocate of
previous week. One of the high
lights of the evening was an
apron parade, the members
bringing the aprons which were
then sold.
A dainty lunch was served by
Mrs. G. Mason and Mrs. W. Mc
Between 1601 and 1609, 2,000
Frenchmen of noble birth fell in
South End Service
Exeter Phone 328
your &&
Models "AR" &“R
engine-driven hydraulic Powr-Trol.You’ve no idea of the great forward strides John
Deere has made in standard-tread tractor design
until you see and drive one of these sparkling new
performers in the field.
Here is power to get you through the tough spots,
to cut days off your working calendar. Here is
proved two-cylinder economy that will save you
money on fuel and maintenance. Here is every
modern, operating advantage, including direct
the nailThe 4-5-plow Model “R” Diesel hits
right on the head with big-power users. The Model
"AR” meets the complete needs of farmers who
want two- or three-plow power. It is available with
all-fuel or more powerful gasoline engine.
For new performance that will open your eyes,
try one of these tractors in the field. See us soon for
complete details.
W. G. Simmons & Sons
JT—■ f - —
How can|
more at- question. I
that the ’
Elderly Gentleman (at elab
orate wedding): "Are you the
bridegroom, young man
Wedding Guest:
am not. I was
* ♦
"Is this the
"What do you do when you
get all spades?”
* *
sir, I
in the
$5,000,000 is needed to support
Red Cross services for Disaster, Veterans,
Free Blood Transfusion, Outpost Hospitals
and Civil Defence Training. *
As they pray for peace,
Canadians turn unafraid to
the tasks and duties of the
preparedness prudence urges.
In cities and towns every
where, quietly yet earnestly,
they are laying their plans for
effective Civil Defence.
Well in the forefront of this
planning is the Red Cross.
Through past testing times,
your Red Cross has met each
challenge to the full. If history
repeats . .. with your help, your
Red Cross will not fail.
That help is needed now to support
the vital role the Red Cross must play
in working for the aid and protection of your
loved ones, your hon\e and community.
Give now ... keep your Red Cross strong to
meet the call of duty.
William Pybus, chairman of Finance Committee
Mrs, W* E. Middleton, Vice-President, Phone 353-M
Mrs. Vernon Heywood, Secretary, Phone 219-R