HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-03-15, Page 12WWW the young people of Church Tuesday even­ worship service was by Main St. Y» P. with Joan Page 12 Hold Joint Meeting ■> Main Sit, Young People were hosts to Janies St. iug. The conducted the following taking part, Hopper, Julia Dunlop, Bob Rus­ sell and Margaret Willard, par. Hopper presided at the piano. Following the program crokinoie was enjoyed with Shirley Taylor winning the ladies prize and Bob Russell the gents. Refresh­ ments were served at the close. Annual Meeting of EXETER GAME CONSERVATION CLUB March 20 TOWN HALL — 8:15 P.M. Business, Election of Officers, and Disposition of Pheasant Pro­ gramme fol’ this » Season. Every­ one welcome, especially residents of Exeter, and a special invita­ tion to the farmers of Stephen Township Euchre Sponsored by Hnrondale WJ. Legion Hall Fri.z March 16 Proceeds for Hospital Fund Admission 50 $ LUNCH SERVED Home-Made Candy and Baking Sale Sat., March 17 from 3:00-5:30 p.m. Trivitt Parish Hall Sponsored by the Trivitt Ladies’ Guild THEATRE Phone 421 S---------------------------------------- FRIDAY & SATURDAY March 16 and 17 ★ Arthur Franz ★ Jean Heather Previews its Coming Attractions THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH IS, 1951 Kirkton Society Plans Activities The directors of the Kirkton. Horticultural Society met at the home of Canon and Mrs. James, Kirkton on Tuesday afternoon, March 6. The yearly fees and premium forms were brought in by the directors. The member­ ship is now over two hundered, which is the largest in the his­ tory of the organization. The programme for the year was dis­ cussed and planned. Mr. John Clarke, field representative for the Ontario Horticultural Asso­ ciation will be the guest speaker at the meeting in May. There will be a garden party in June, a picnic in July, and a flower' show in August and other interesting and educational meetings in the fall. Mrs. Fred Switzer and Mrs. C. A. Campbell represented the society at the Ontario Horticul­ tural Association Convention at the Royal Connaught Hotel, Hamilton, on March 8-9. Personal Items A play entitled, *T wouldn’t Know” was presented by Avon- ton Institute in the Kirkton Hall Friday, March 9, under the aus­ pices of the Kirkton Institute. Nir. and Mrs. William Switzer spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Switzer. Mrs. A. E. Coates is spending a couple of weeks at Trenton with Mr. Coates. Misses Ilene Roger, of London, spent the week-end at their home. Misses Norma Tufts, of Lon­ don, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Tufts. Miss Sally Ward is spending a few weeks at her home Monkton. Norma. Adelene and near CROMARTY Fortieth Anniversary We extend our congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Mc­ Lachlan, who quietly celebrated the fortieth anniversary of their marriage on Thursday, March 8, at their home in the village. They were presented with a love­ ly bouquet of ruby carnations and a cake with fort}’ candles by their daughter, (Grace) Mrs. Carter Kerslake. A few of their neighbours gathered in the eve­ ning to extend their good wishes. ■Cards were enjoyed and refresh­ ments served. Personal Items Mr. Jack Hoggarth is confined to bed with a severe attack of flu. Mrs. H. Moore sang a very pleasing solo at the church ser­ vice oxi Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Scott had as their guests last week Mr. W Roebuck and his daughter, Miss Marian Roebuck, of Vermillion, Alberta, who are cousins' of Mrs. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Scott and 'boys accompanied them as far as London on Saturday and visited with Mrs. Jean Chalmers and •David; also with Rev. Mrs. Or­ ville Locke. Messrs. Will and Frank Ham- fine Cal- ‘Red Stallion of the Rockies’ (Colour) Thrill to Red Stallion’s newest and greatest adventure! MONDAY & March 19 ‘Summer Judy ★ Gene ★ Eddie Bracken Those M-G-M musicals are bet­ ter than ever . . . Come and laugh and sing with Judy, Gene and Eddie. TUESDAY and 20 Garland Kelly ilton have purchased a Shorthorn animal from Mr. der McKaig. A congregational pot-luck per will be held in Cromarty Church on Friday evening, March 16. A program of Irish songs and music will be provided by our home talent. Miss Pearl Riegle of Walton visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Howe and family. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Deichert and Ronnie of Zurich spent Sun­ day afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. T. Laing. Mrs. W. Houghton visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dalrymple in Egmondville and attended the shower for Audrey Dalrymple at the home of Mr. and Mrs. net Dalrymple. sup- Gar- ■' WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY March 21 and 22 ‘Breaking Point’ Patricia Neil ★ John Garfield MATINEES SATURDAY AND HOLIDAYS AT 2:30 P.M. WOODHAM Mr. and Mrs. Thomas grove of London visited on Wed­ nesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rodd. Rev. T. G. Wanless and Misses Florence Kirk and Ombra Cope­ land attended a London Confer­ ence Y.P.U. Fellowship Week­ end at ^Calvary United Church in London during the week-end. Mr. Wilbur Wynn is a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carroll attended the funeral of the late Mr. William Carroll at Lucan on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Brine and Nancy of St. Marys visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Brine. Love- ■• MONSTER Legion Bingo Legion Hall Thursday, March 15 15 Rounds 500 DOOR PRIZE 10 Special Rounds Donated Prizes Names to Appear Next Week Announcements Birth. Death and Marriage Notices are inserted free of charge. Card of Thanks 50c. In Memoriam Notice 50c for single verse. 25c extra for each additional verse, En­gagements 50c. —w BIRTHS BLOMMAERT,—Mr. and Joseph Blommaert, of Exeter, are very happy to announce the arrival of their daughter, Judith Patricia, on March 7, at the Hooper Nursing Home. DES JARDINE—On March 3, to Mr. and Mrs. Herman Desjar- dine of Grand Bend, a son at the Hoopei' Nursing Home. DINNEY—To Mr. and Mrs. Stan- on Mar. Hooper Mrs. to Mr. of Exe- ley Dinney of Exeter, 8; a daughter, at the Nursing Home. ELLIOTT—On March 3, and Mrs. Bill Elliott ter, a daughter, Shirley Elaine, at Mrs. Hooper’s Nursing Home, Exeter. MARTINE- Nursing Home; and Mrs. Charles March 12, 19 51; Sharon Florence; Joanne. NEILSON—Mr. and -At Miss Ballantyne’s born to Mr. i Martine, on a daughter, a sister for Mrs. Edward Neilson, of London, (nee El- frieda Messner) wish to an­ nounce the birth of a David Frederick, on March 7 at the Hooper Nursing Home, VOGAN- ' ~ ~ Vogan birth Ann, March soil, -Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd wish to announce the of a daughter, Sharon in Listowel Hospital, 3, 1951. CARDS OF THANKS Mr. Samuel Oestricher wishes to thank his friends and neigh­ bours who so kindly him with cards and a patient in hospital. We wish to thank of Thames Road—and surround­ ing community—who so thought­ fully sent kind messages, flow­ while remembered visits while 15* our friends fully sent kind ers, cards, etc., ill. —Arthur and London. Mr. and Mil? wish to thank their neighbours, friends and relatives for cards and visits, the treat from Wood­ ham W.A. and to those who of­ fered while Gerald was ill at home and in Victoria Hospital. Also thanks to Rev. T. we were Stella Gardiner, 15* Gerald Lawson or helped in any way G, Wanless. 15* Mr. and Mrs. wish to thank the neighbours and relatives who so kindly remembered Mr. Laub with cards, flowers, letters, treats and visits; also those who helped in any way during his illness in the hospital. Mrs. Roy Watson and family and mother, Mrs. I ‘ wish to express their sincere thanks to friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and the many beautiful floral tributes which testified to the high es­ teem in which the departed was held, to all those who helped by 'baking, loan of cars, to the solo­ ist Mrs. George Whiting and ac­ companist Mrs. Lome Watson, the pallbearers, and to Rev. Davidson of Parkhill who offi­ ciated; also the helpful way the Box funeral staff conducted their services during our recent sad bereavement. nc Martin Laub many friends, 15c Edgewood Lodge Whalen Visitor en-i a r ni re- the in C. Entertains Families Foresters Entertain Wives The local Foresters Lodge tertained their wives and fam­ ilies to a dinner which was held in the basement of the United Church in Granton when about 170 were 'present. Some from around this district. The table was decorated with flowers and streamers of the Lodge colours. After the dinner there was a programme and dance in the Oddfellows Hall with the Mills orchestra accompanied by Mrs. Dunlop. Lenten Series The fourth of Lenten series the United Church by Rev. G. Raymer Sunday morning last was “Judas”. Some of the things we may live by are things like these. Attitude and intentions may be wrongly used in life, up until the time of Judas’ down­ fall. Jesus had hoped he could put Judas on his fee. But who are weak display weakness as in Judas’ case. He had warmed himself than once in the deep fellowship he had with Jesus and he turned away. We today are still held responsible for the Kingdom of God; we should not betray Jesus. Personal Items Mr. Eldon Westman returned home from St. Joseph’s Hospital on Friday last. Mr. Joseph Zubal bought a team of horses on Monday. Mr. Don Middleton is sporting a 19 51 Mercury truck. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Parnell of London called on Mr. and Mrs. Clare Dunltp and family on Wednesday night. Mr. Allen Westman is able to be out again. Mr. Roy Moore, Jimmie and Leslie and Mr. Trevor Foster of the Base Line attended the auc­ tion sale ■ at Elimville on Wed­ nesday afternoon. Mr. Earl Middleton and Del- mei' Westman and Morris Dens­ more attended the Seed Fair in London on Tuesday afternoon. Marion Moore celebrated her birthday on Saturday with a few of her little friends. Mr. and Mrs. William Garrett returned home, last week after spending two or three months with their daughter, Mrs. Bernie* Burchell, of Mr. Earl on the sick of days. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lambourne of London is moving to the farm to put the seeding in. Mr. and Mrs. attended the Seed day afternoon and square dancing at in third in the contest. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Moore and Jim visited Mr. and Mrs, Henry Biebei* and family on Saturday. Mrs. Warner Hudson received ,word a few days ago that her those their more Ottawa. Middleton has 'been list the last couple Clare Dunlop Fair on Tues- the contest in night, coming Lin Craven, ‘father had a severe stroke at IN MEMORIAM MORLEY—In loving memory of my deal* wife who died four years ago, March 18. God took you home— It was His will; But in our hearts She liveth still. —Evei* remembered by and son.husband 15* SCRUT0N—In loving brance of our dear ______ Mary Jane Scruton, who passed away March 19, 1948. At rest in God’s beautiful gar­ den, Sheltered from sorrow and pain; Someday w*hen life’s journey is ended, • We shall meet our loved one again. —Evei’ remembered by her child- Mildred 15c Harold, Alma, Joyce. LUCAN remem­ mother, Mrs. widow 42 years a resident of Blenheim, died at the home of her daugh­ ter, Mrs. William Haskett. Mrs. Rowe was a native of Franklin Centre, Quebec and taught school there for 16 years She came to Lucan nine months ago. Surviving are one son, Frank A., Waldorf Maryland; two daughters, Mrs. W. Haskett, Lucan; Mrs..0. C. Lille, Birming­ ham, Michigan; one nephew, the Rev. Warren Hill, in New York State; and a niece, Helen Hall, Montreal; three grand children and foui’ great grandchildren - The service was conducted by Rev. E. M. COok in the Haskett funeral home on Wednesday, Marph 14th. •Interment took place in James cemetery, Clandebdye. Francis Rowe, age of Arthur W. Rowe, 96, for St Mi*r and Mrs. Alonzo Ford, London, visited with Mr, Mrs, Jack Caldwell, on Tuesday last. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bailey, of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bailey oh Tuesday. Of and the home of his daughter, North Peterboro. Clandeboye Party Miss Finkbeiner, teacher pupils of S.S. No. 4 and the village had a party on day 13 th in the school Films from National Film were shown. Entertainment included munity singing, a short skit, and a display and sale of shell craft, lawn ornaments and fancy work. Refreshments were sold and an enjoyable evening was spent. Pupils deserve credit for their fine display work. and 12 in Tues- room. Board com- WINCHELSEA Mr. and Mrs. Alf Collier, Kirkton, spent Sunday after­ noon with Mr. and Mrs. Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Horton and Gerald, of the Boundary, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Colin Gilfillan. Mr. Sparling and school pupils are sponsoring a box social to be held in this coming Mr. and strong and attended the funeral Bryon Rowcliffe at Tuesday last. Misses Elaine and were hostesses to Elimville Mis­ sion Circle on Monday evening last. Misses Marion Creery and Jean Gilfillan were in charge of the program. ■Mr. and Mrs. Harold Denham, of Wallaceburg visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Batten. Mrs. Harry Ford Freeman Horne were in Strat­ ford on Monday to attend the funeral of their aunt, the late Albert Poyner, who died on Saturday. Interment the Exeter cemetery. Mrs. i who was fornerly Mrs. Williams of Exeter was of Winchelsea school Friday evening. Mrs. Mrs. W. Harry Arm- F. Batten of the late Clinton on Perla Hern and Mrs. Mrs. there was in Poyner George well known in this community. ( We are sorry to hear that Mrs. James Horne met with an unfortunate accident on Monday of last week when she fell at her home breaking her left arm near the shoulder. We a speedy recovery. Mrs, Garnet Johns wislf her spent a couple of days this past week with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ogle in London, . Mrs, Russell Mills held aluminum demonstration at home one evening last week. Mrs. Gordon Sugden has spent the past two weeks visiting with relatives at Thorndale. an her Mr, and Mrs. Milton Luther and Anne attended the funeral of the late Mrs, Poyner in Strat­ ford, Monday. Dies In Crash Mrs. William Morley Sr. ceived the tragic news of death of Mr. Robert G> Moeller, Detroit. Mrs. Moeller the form­ er Marion Tiefney is a relative of Mr. Morley and through her frequent visits at Whalen has made mourn loving Mr. of a industrial was killed instantly in a two car crash on U.S. ford Michigan. Mr. son and funeral of Lancaster, son in St. Mr. and Joan, of Elimville, were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. Walter Gunning. Miss Audrey Arksey, London, was a week-end visitor at her home. Mr. George Earl having spent the past three weeks with Mr and Mrs. Milne Pullen is now visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Nor­ man Brock, Zion. Mr. and Mrs. and family, of Sunday visitors with Mrs. Ray Parkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Harold London, visited on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. F. Parkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gunning attended Mrs. B. her son Personal Miss Alice Chapman, Exeter, visited on Sunday with Mrs. Melleville Gunning and Muriel. Mrs. Hazelwood, London, is spending a few days with Mr,- and Mrs. Alton Neil. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Carter and family, of Metropolitan, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. William Hodgson. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hodgson visited in St. Marys on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Birtch. Miss Marion Morley spent the week-end at Edgewood at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dunlop. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. William Morely Jr. were Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Pym and Mr. Cephas Pym, Thames Road. Mr. Norman Hodgins left Lon­ don on Sunday for St. Louis. Norman was winner at the draw for the trip to the Purina Farms sponsored expects to nesday. Several attended the Hockey games at the Seaforth arena on Tuesday night of last week. Euchre The regular Euchre party was on Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Hodgins and Mr. and Mrs. Alton Neil in charge. Prizes went to; gents William French; ladies Mary Ogden; lone hands, Squire; Consolation, Mrs. beiner. many friends who will with her the loss of a husband and friend. Moeller was 55 and head Detroit construction equipment firm. and He 10 near Water- and Mrs. Glenn the late Mrs. Venetta aunt of Mrs. Parkin- Marys on Wednesday, Mrs. John Miners and Frank Parkin- attended the Arthur Hardy Devizes, ' Mr. were and Bell, with; the funeral of the late Routly at the' home of Carmen at Seaforth. Items by Cann’s Mill. He return home on Wed- from the community high, high, Harry Fink- ZION and Mrs. Stanley Burnett Bobby of Denfield, Miss Mr. and . , __ Janie Sutherland of Barrie and Mr. Garfield Nixon of Cooks Town visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hern. Mrs. Wellington Brock visited a few days last with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ogle of London. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Hern and family visited on Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hern of Kirk ton. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hern and family visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hector Taylor of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Eplxriam Hern, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hern and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hern and family, and Mrs. H. Kyle visited ’ on Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Allan West­ cott of near Exeter. The dinner was in honour of Mr. Ephriam Hern’s seventy-fifth birthday. Miss Lynda and Master Rich- Westcott of near Exeter their Eph- ard Westcott of near spent the week-end with grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. raim Hern. Mr. Martin Laub, who been -ill in hospital for the three and a half months, is now able to be out and is recuperat­ ing at 639 Lome Ave., London. L.A.C. Melvin Lawrence, has been posted to Gimily, Manitoba, and left on Tuesday, Mrs. Law­ rence has gone to her home in Merriton for a few weeks. Their apartment has been taken by B. R. Hatter, of Leamington, who has taken over the Melvin Store here. has past Pdy Rural Teachers More, Says Forum The Elimville North F Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Johns on Mon- day evening to discuss, Kind of Training for Teachers?”. We believe that the school teacher, with eight to teach, should receive a salary than teacher who grade. The rural be expected in the community. The prepara­ tion of school work takes up so much of the teacher’s time that there is not much time left. We like the teacher to take part in the community life. The teacher is paid to teach school and can’t be expected to take part in all organizations. Next Monday evening the topic will be, ‘‘Pipe Lines of Informa­ tion”. The Forum will meet at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Philip Johns, lection •‘What Rural rural grades higher schoolan urban only teaches one tepvher should not tc act as a leader This will be the last col- night of the year, Dr. visited Johns over the week-end and at­ tended the funeral of the late Mrs. Albert Poyner, of Stratford. A. E. and Mrs. Johns with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley COMING EVENTS DANCE REUNION — Old Kip­ pen Gang Friday, March 30, dancing 9-1; Exeter Legion Hall. Let’s plan a real old get-together, 8:15 BAZAAR —, At S.S. 3, Usborne (Plugtown School), Wednesday, March 21, at 8 p.m. Woodwork, fancy work, baking and novel­ ties. 15c SPRING CONCERT — Huronia Male Chorus will present their annual concert on Friday, April 13, in the school auditorium. 15c PRACTICE for Junior Farmer Variety Concert, Monday night, 8:30, at Opera House. 15c Miss Alice Mitchell was taken suddenly ill on Friday afternoon with flu. Dr. Milner was called, She has been looked after by her granddaughter, Mrs. Jack Cough­ lin and daughters, Alice and Ione, On.. Sunday she was visited by her daughters from London. Mrs, Ida Johns andjier husband and also by her grandchildren, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnston of Brant­ ford. he is improving nicely. Mrs. Melvin Greb had her tonsils removed Thursday, March 8, at Hooper Nursing Home. ALDON THEATRE GRAND BEND Presents For Your Pleasure The Following Attractions FRIDAY & SATURDAY March 10 and 17 - Double Bill - ‘Tarzan and the Slave Girl’ The one and only Tarzan in his most. thrilling adventure. An extraordinary picture! Added Attraction: Walt Disney’s True Life Adventure ‘Beaver Valley’ Better than Seal Island . , , - Technicolour - TWO SHOWS — 7:30 & 9:30 MONDAY & TUESDAY March 19 and 20 Please Believe Me’ BAKE SALE & TEA — Eastern Star are holding a bake sale and tea on Saturday, March 24, at 3 p.m. in Jensen’s Store. 15c | A Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Standout Picture! ★ ★ ★ ★ SHORTS & NEWSREEL ONE SHOW — 8:00 Deborah Kerr Robert Walker Mark Stevens Peter Lawford t ■ H' By Popular Request THE EXETER LEGION PRESENTS "Coveralls" The Sensational 3-Act Play by the Elimville W.I. ion Hall Wednesday, March 21 PREACHING MISSION CO-OPERATIVE LENTEN SERVICES Wed., March 7 to Palm Sun,, March 18 will be sponsored by the Evangelical United Brethren Churches of Crediton, Dashwood, and Zurich Guest Minister: DR. E. S. FAUST of Kalamazoo, Michigan — Services As Follows — ZURICH: MAR. 7 - 11 (A.M.) CREDITON: MAR. 11 (P.M.)-14 DASHWOOD: MAR. 15-18 0 Evening Services at 8:00 Sun. Morning Services at 10:00 DANCES This Saturday Night Exeter Legion Memorial Hall the the had Lu- Lucan District News Appears This Week This week, the Times-Advocate adds news of Lucan and district to its coverage of. the area. The addition is made at request of many residents in Irish settlement. They have no local newspaper since the can news discontinued publica­ tion last year. Correspondents for the area are Miss Lina Abbdtt, Lucan, and Mrs.* Clarence Lewis, R. R. 2, Benfield. They will be glad to receive newsjtems from resi­ dents of the cominunity. Lucan District News appears on pages three and nine,O' Music by the MERV HALL SEXTET SPOT DANCES Admission 750 Dancing 9-12 0