HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-03-15, Page 6Page 6 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 15, 1951 Euchre Winners At Elimville Club Elimville Euchre Club was Theld on Thursday evening in the town hall with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Johns as hosts. There were 11 tables playing and win­ ners were ladles high, Mrs. Alvin Pym; Gents high, Jaques Kenneth be held the hall Want Ads - Busiest Workers In The District FOR SALE FQR SALE Mr. Clifton, and consolation, Mr. Johns. The party will this Thursday night at with Mr. and Mrs. Gor­ don Penhale as hosts. Mission Band Elimville Trulohese Circle met at the home Ward Hern on Monday with nine meembers present. The president, Miss Elaine Hern, was in the chair and a splendid pro­ gram was given with Jean Gil- fillan as program leader. Lunch was served at the close of the meeting. A number of oui* young people will be baptized at the regular morning service on Sunday by Rev. William Mair. Mrs. Elizabeth McFalls, of Exeter, spent a few days this week with her sister, Mrs. Wes­ ton Horne. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cooper and Floyd, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell, Mr. Laverne Skinner spent the week-end with Mrs. Harry Murch of Owen Sound. Miss Helen Parsons, Hensall visited over the week-end with Miss Lenore Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woolsey and Robbie, of Centralia, visited on Sunday with Mrs. Thomas Bell. Miss Hazel Dilling, of Lon­ don, spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dilling being confined bed with the flu. The Elimville Institute successful afternoon on Wednes­ day at the sale of Mr. Keith Weber selling refreshments of hot dogs sandwiches and coffee. Mrs. Jackson Woods Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. aid Gollings of Toronto. FOR SALE—Dry maple wood. Delivered. •Custom power chain-saw Reasonable rate. Phone wood 35-r-2. stove work. Dash- 22:1:8:15* FOR SALE—Purebred York hog, 7 months. A good one, at farmers’ prices. Andrew Hicks, Centralia. 15* Mission of Mrs. evening Austin to her held a spent Ron- DASHWOOD Personal Items Mr. Sam IVitzel, of Toronto., spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Witzel. Russell Hopcroft spent a few days last week with relatives in Port Colborne and Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Clemas were and and family, of London, Sunday visitors with Mr. Mrs. T. Harry Hoffman. Misses Marie and Pearl Kraft are confined to their home with the flu. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hopcroft were Sunday visitors with friends in Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. E. G.Kraft and sons, Kenneth and Gordon have returned home after spending two months in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. George Tieman spent the week-end in Toronto. Mr. Lorne Kleinstiver spent last week on business in Bowm- anville. Mrs. Kleinstiver is spending this week with her parents in Bowmanville. Mrs. Allemang who has been staying with her daughter, Mrs. Albert Miller was taken to the hospital, in London, recently where she underwent a serious operation on Saturday. Her many friends hope for improve­ ment. W.M.S, Elects Officers The W.M.S. meeting was held with Mrs. G. Link’s group in charge. A prelude of music was played by Mrs. M. Klumpp. The scripture was read by Mrs. W. Gossman, A reading was given by Mrs. I. M. Tieman. A piano duet was played by Mrs. M. Klumpp and Connie Klumpp. Mrs. M. Haugh gave a short reading. A playlet was given by Mrs. G. Link, Mrs. Kellerman and Mrs. C. Snell. The study book was taken by Mrs. H. Kellerman. Rev. Getz took charge for which resulted as dent, Mrs. R. H. president, Mrs. Rec. secretary, Mrs. Assistant secretary, Mrs. G. Ben­ der; Cor. secretary, Mrs. C. Gaiser; W.S.W.S. treasurer, Mrs. J. M. Tieman; Ladies Aid trea­ surer, Mrs. H. Kellerman; Spiri­ tual Life, secretary, Mrs. G. Link. Rev. Getz closed with prayer. Lunch was served by the com­ mittee in charge. FOR SALE—About 125 sap buc­ kets and spiles; gathering tank pearly new. —Emerson Ander­ son, Hensall, phone Hensall 675-r-4. 8:15* FOR SALE—Sunshine men’s balloon bicycle, almost new. Apply H. Parsons, phone 692- r-33 Hensall. 15* Why have MOTH DAMAGE? 5- yeai’ written guarantee with Berlou against moth damage on rugs, chesterfields and clothing. Free estimates. — Dinney Furniture, phone 20-W Sctfn FOR SALE—Karn upright piano in good condition, $75. House No. 200, RCAF Centralia. 15* FOR SALE—Astral refrigerator, and metal table for same, both in new condition, $125, Phone 523-W, evenings. 8tfn CLASSIFIED RATES 25 words or less ? 350 Mpre than 25 words lie per word. Subsequent Insertions 35c More than 25 words jp per word, Semi-Display Classifieds (restricted to one column) First Insertion 84c per inch Subsequent Insertions 7Qc per inch Classifieds calling for a number 10c extra. Classified ads accepted up till Wednesday -noon. Auction sale copy should be in Tuesday at the latest. Bookkeeping charges will be added to all accounts not paid within one month. FOUND FOUND—In Exeter, a ladies gold watch. Owner may have same by proving property and pay­ ing for advt. Apply at Times- Advocate. 15c with light with mat­ suite box PERSONAL FOR SALE—A quantity of well coloured, good quality cooking and eating apples. $1.00 and $2.00 per bus. in your own containers at the farm. Stew­ art Middleton, Clinton, Ont., phone 906-r-6. 15:22:29* FOR SALE—1949 Monarch Club Coupe, whitewall tires, radio, air-conditioning, slipcovers, fog lights and back-up lights, low mileage, good mechanical con­ dition. Also 1947 Monarch convertible. —Phone Clarence Knight, 174-r-ll Exeter. 15* SKINNY MEN, WOMEN! GAIN 5 to 15 lbs.; new pep. Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets for new, healthy flesh; new vigor. In­ troductory, “get -acquainted” size only 60£. All druggists. 15c TENDERS WANTED REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—“Gladiron” ironer in very good condition. Wal­ lace Bowden, Woodham, tele­ phone Kirkton 112. FOR SALE—1949 Mercury half­ ton pickup, $1,100.00. Apply Charles Dietrich, 20-r-3 Credi- ton. 8:15:22* sale—Six- three-room 1 small quarters. FOR SALE—Muscovy drake and two ducks, already laying. — Phone 41-r-24 Kirkton. 15* FOR SALE—Two-wheeled heavy duty utility trailer, with lights and removable canvas top. — Phone Exeter 512-J, 31 Ann Street. 8:15* TOURIST CAMP for room house, 3 winterized cabins, store with living Hydro and water throughout. Close to R.C.A.F. Station and Grand Bend. Year round busi­ ness. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. TRUCK Tenders will be received by the Council of the Township of Stephen on the purchase of a 19 50 Chevrolet Half-Ton Truck in good condition. Highest any tender cepted. All the hands before the 1951. F. W. MORLOCK, CLERK, Crediton, Ontario. not necessarily tenders must of the Clerk 31st day of or ac- in or be on March, 8:15c FOR SALE-—Truck load of feed turnips. Leonard Harris, tele­ phone Kirkton 33-r-18. 15* FOR SALE—T earn of Clyde horses; 14-plate out-throw disc; International scuffler with bean puller; In. two- furrow foot lift plow; quantity of large turnips; male Collie pup. Frank Parsons, R.R. 1, Hensall, 692-r-33. 15* LOOKING for a new or used Dodge car or truck? Phone 31 Hensall for immediate delivery. 22:1:8:15c FOR SALE—Two bedroom cot­ tage, complete bath, furance and hardwood floors. R, E. Balkwill. Sctfn NOTICES FOR SALE—Boy’s balloon bi­ cycle, $25. W. Martin, Exeter South. 15* FOR SALE—4 chrome chairs, practically new. Apply Box F, Times-Advocate. 15* FOR SALE—’46 Chev Fleet­ master sedan, in excellent condition; ’30 Plymouth sedan. Apply Broderick Bros., phone 277. 15* FOR SALE—Pair of tractor tires. Ideal er. Exeter Farm phone 508 Exeter. used 9-24 for spread- Equipnient, FOR SALE—1934 Chev sedan. Apply to Wm. Treibner, Snell Bros. 15* FOR SALE—Kodak camera, complete with flash attach­ ment and case. Apply Times- Advocate. 15* FOR SALE—’46 Mercury sedan, radio, heater, other acces­ sories. In good condition. Clean. Apply Win. Dougall, phone 174-rl3 Exeter. 15* FOR SALE—Case S tractor on rubber, lights, starter and take-off, nearly new. Apply: Wesley Morley, R.R. 3, Ailsa Craig, phone 609-r-23. 15:22* FOR SALE—19 29 Model A. Call at South End Service Station. 15* FOR SALE—Dining room suite, 6 chairs, table, buffet; colony house, brooder stove and two shelters. —-Norman Ferguson, Cromarty. 15* FOA SALE—Clare Jewell coal or wood stove in good con­ dition. Phone 258 Exeter. 15c the election follows: presi- Taylor; vice- G. Wildfong; C. Snell; Whalen Plans Supper Fourteen members and five children attended the W.M.S. and W.A. meeting of Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Ronald Squire. Final plans were made for the congregational supper on March 16 in the Sunday School rooms of the Mrs. ed for those Khale, Mrs. Cecil Squire, Mrs. and Mrs. Ken Hodgson. Milne Pullen favoured with a vo­ cal solo. ! For the W.A. Mrs. French was in charge assisting were Mrs. Mrs. George Arkswy Neil. A ten cent tea was the hostess and her assistants. “My grandfather lived to be over 90 used glasses.” “Well, lots and never of other people prefer it otit of the bottle, too.” FOR SALE—1949 Chev De Luxe Fleetline 2-door sedan, 'blue colour, air conditioning, heat­ er, custom radio, slip covers on since new, 20,000 miles. — Emerson Anderson, Hensall, phone Hensall 675-r-4. 8:15* FOR SALE — 4 - burner Moffatt electric range with high oven and warming oven. Phone 180 Exeter. 8:15c FOR SALE—2 - apartment home in village with 1% acre lot; white brick with five rooms down and four up, with two complete bath rooms, full cel­ lar with hot air heating, frame barn, good garden with ber­ ries and fruit trees, early pos­ session. —Wm. Pearce. 15 NOTICE—We are cancelling all drain tile orders dated iprior to January 1, 1951. If you still require tile we would suggest that you re-order them at once. —Geo. Coultis & Son, Thedford, Ontario. 15:22c ....................................f' light oak bedroom suite springs and mattress; one oak dresser and washstand wht iron bed springs and tress; one wht bedroom with 44” bed (vanity dresser with bench) and washstand (springs and mattress); one 36” spring-filled mattress and springs new only used 6 month; Wright piano mahogany finish with stool in good condition; 3 oak rocking chairs in excellent condition; 2 smaller kitchen rockers; a quan­ tity of kitchen chairs; 6 cane bottom chairs; 1 sq. living room table with shelf 25” by 25”; 1 walnut couch with blue tapestry; 1 walnut ehair without rockers with blue tapestry; all 3 pieces in good condition (1 tapestry covered stool 14” high); 1 round dining room table dark good condition will seat dining room chairs to table extra good; 1 new oil burner medium size; rug, 3 yds, x 2 %; _ yds. by 2% in.; curtains; poles; floor waxer; floor polisher; kit­ chen cabinet; medicine chest; sewing machine New Williams; Conner washing machine; tubs; 2 glass washboards; wash bench. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS;' One toilet set nearly new, 7 pieces; 2 parcial toilet sets. (Child’s crib, baby’s basinet, baby’s toilet basket); feathers duck; bread box, meat saw, dishes, empty sealers, pans, fruit; kettles; 2 rolling pin; clothes ; pictures; flower baskets; baskets; magazine rack; rack; wooden bowl; house new shelf 24”; step lad- mirrors; 2 electric irons; lamps; dishes apd antiqiies; pot­ atoes and apples; 6,000 hricks; 1949 Mo Dodge 6-passenger club coupe, new tires, pigs and calves; items. Bring what you Turn it in for cash. We’ll sell it. TERMS: Cash, WM. H. SMITH, AUCTIONEER 15:23c with radio; many other have, to sell. FOR SALE—14-plate Fleury- Bissell inthrow disc. Apply: Reg Hodgson, Centralia. 15c FOR SALE—Brick house, seven rooms with sun porch, hard­ wood floors, hydro, small barn, greenhouse, 3 acres of land, north of Thames Road Church. Mrs. Wm. Smith. 8:15* NOTICE—Applications will be received until Monday, March 26, for Stenographer for the Huron County Public Health Unit at Clinton, Ontario. Ap­ ply in writing, giving exper­ ience and references to Mr. A. H. Erskine, Sec., Huron Coun­ ty Public Health Unit, Gode­ rich, Ontario. 15c FOR SALE—Two male collie pups. Phone Exeter, 275-R-3T. 15* FOR SALE—1941 Chev. Coach, in good condition, Charles Rollings, phone 5 3 6-r-21, Exe­ ter. 12* FOR .SALE—’37 Plymouth sedan in good condition. Motor re­ cently overhauled. New clutch and new battery. Phone Exe­ ter 316. .Local 11. 15c FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—1 Hereford bull calf, ’ll months old; 1 Hereford heifer with calf. Apply to John Caldwell, Exeter, phone 13-r-ll. 15* CAR FOR SALE—1937 Chev coach in good working con­ dition. See Asa Penhale, John Street E., Exeter. 15* FOR SALE—Electric range 4- ■burner. —Phone Exeter 316, Local 11. 15c BARN FOR SALE—To be re­ moved from property, cheap for cash. Apply Mrs. H. Peter­ son, Dashwood, Ontario. Tel. 31-r-15. 15:22:29c FOR RENT FOR RENT—Modern apartment, 3 rooms and bath. R. B. Wil­ liams, Andrew St. 15c FOR RENT—4-room apartment, all furnished and comfortable for a young couple. First ' house north of roller rink. 15* FOR RENT — Two unfurnished rooms, heated and bath. Sep­ arate entrance, redecorated. — Phone 551-W Exeter. 8:15c church. William' Hodgson presid- the W.M.S meeting and taking part were Mrs. Mrs. William Morley Jr., O’Brien Mrs.,1 William and those Duffield, and Mrs. served by And we think you’ll prefer the service and work­ manship we have to offer* The next time you need attention on your car we invite you to give us a try. South End Service RUSS & CHUCK SNELL Exeter Phone 328 WANTED WANTED TO BUY—A pair of second hand roller skates in good condition. Apply Times- Advocate. 15c WANTED—A drake. Phone Mr. Russell Web'b, 34-r-10 Dash­ wood. 15* WANTED TO RENT—4 unfurn­ ished rooms. —Const. John Cowan, phone 22 6 Exeter. 15c WANTED—Roomers and board­ ers. Modern home. Phone 22-M Exeter. 8:15* HORSES WANTED—I am in the market for any number of horses of all kinds; will pay up to 3 cents per want bush horses. Dow. lb. Also —G. J. l*tfc WANTED—Farm, preferably in Exeter region, ALL pertinent facts to “D”, Times-Advocate. Reply giving Box 8*tfn MISCELLANEOUS MONEY TO LOAN on first mort­ gage on farm. Apply Times- Advocate.8:15* SEWING MACHINES bought, sold, serviced and repaired. Phone evenings, Bob McLean, 527-J. 30tfc I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of hdrses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow, phone 83 Exeter. l*tfc PAINTING and paperhanging, kitchen cupboards and cab­ inets. Tom Walker, Fxeter, phone 553. tfc oak in 10; 6 match Quaker valour tapestry, 3 AUCTION SALE of valuable Farm Property on SATURDAY, MARCH 24 A.D. 1951 there will be offered for sale, at the premises, LOT 28, NORTH BOUNDARY CONCESSION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MCGILLIVRAY 1U miles west of Mt. Carmel This is a good grass farm with running water, containing 100 acres. TERMS: 10% down on the date of sale, balance in thirty days. Property will be sold subject a reserve bid. JAMES R. McLEAN, Auctioneer JOHN JOSEPH MAHONEY MARY OVERHOLT Executors Catherine Mahoney Estate 15:22* to 6-ROOM frame house, insulated, oak floors, 3 bedrooms, 3-pce. bath, furnace, built-in cup­ boards, hot and cold water, hydro. Garage. W. C. Pearce, Realtor. Earl Parsons, Sales­ man. EXETER NORTH. 4-room house with partial basement, built-in cupboards, sink, town water, garage, barn. W. C. Pearce, Realtor. 11:18:25c Dog Owners EXETER According to Town By-law all owners of dogs must pay tax and secure tag. This tax is now due and may be paid at Clerk’s office. C. V. PICKARD Town Clerk NOTICE TO CREDITORS FIFTY ACRES—No. 4 highway. Modern one-storey house, like new; good barn. Hydro throughout. Possession to suit purchaser. This is a very de­ sirable property. C- V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. HOME & INVESTMENT—We are offering, at a reduced price, a property which will provide you with a very comfortable home and, at the same time give you a very good monthly income. It will pay you to in­ vestigate this. C. V. Pickard, Main St., Exeter. 6-ROOM, li-storey brick house. 3 bedrooms, 3-pce. bath, fur­ nace, hot and cold water, hydro. Barn, henhouse and more than one acre land. W. C. Pearce, Realtor. BRICK HOUSE, hall, spacious living and dining rooms have hardwoood floors, den, kitchen on main bedrooms upstairs, heater, floor, four roomy and 3-piece bath Automatic water hot air furnace. Attic insulated. Attached garage. This is one of those houses well built from basement to roof, mostly in good condition. Suitable for a family desiring space for nice furniture. It could be duplexed. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. FEMALE HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED—Re­ quires knowledge of bookkeep­ ing, must be accurate in fig­ ures. Apply in person to Geo. T. Mickle and Sons Ltd.,, or call 103 Hensall. ltfc MALE HELP WANTED HELP WANTED—Licensed auto­ mobile mechanics for one of the busiest shops in Western Ontario. .Ideal Working con­ ditions. Full insurance cover­ age. Flat rate on the basis of $1.37J per hour. Webster Motors (Windsor) Ltd., Ford- Monarch dealer, Windsor Ave. at City Hall, Windsor, Ont. 15c A LOCAL WATKINS Dealership is open for a reliable man, be­ tween 25 and 55, Owning car or light truck. No capital or experience required. Perman­ ent and 'profitable connection for right party. Write Dept. O-E-6, The J, R. Watkins Com­ pany, 350 St, Roch, St., Mont­ real, Que. * 8:15:22:29c Clerk Wanted young man Desirous of learning the Men’s Wear Trade Apply at: JONES & MAY Exeter In the Estate of TOM FISHER, otherwise known as THOMAS FISHER, deceased. persons having claimsAll against the Estate-of Tom Fisher, otherwise known as Thomas Fisher, late of the Township of Usborne in the County of Huron who died on or about the 26th day of January, 1951, are re­ quired to file particulars of same with Elmer D. Bell, Solicitor, of Exeter, Ontario, by the 31st day of March next after which date the estate will having regard only to claims of which notice has received ELMER D. BELL, Exeter, Ontario, Solicitor for Executor, Administrator. •8:15:22c be distributed, only to those been AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE of Household Furniture The undersigned has received instructions to sell by public auction on ELIZABETH STREET, EXETER FRIDAY, MARCH 16 at 1 o’clock sharp the following: Dining room suite; table; fet; 6 ’ chairs; chair; stoves; tables, saw; axe; clothes horse; shovels; garden tools; flowfer stand; bed­ room chair; couch; 2 cupboards; chest of drawers; carpet sweep­ er; bureau; pictures; sausage grinder; red dresser; mattresses; springs; dishes pots and pans; walnut china bed; kitchen buf- chairs; 6 dining room 2 rockers; wicker arm 3 small tables; 2 kitchen Quebec heater; 2 kitchen one white enamel; buck kinds; clock; antique ueu, mbvucii uimuij ladder; lamps; a couch bed; step ladder; centre table; 2 9x12; 2 kitchen of all alarm cabinet; mirror; lawn mower; linoleums, new, clocks; fruit and sealers; parlor rug, 9x12; 4 kitchen Chairs; clothes basket; wash stand and set (toilet set); coil spring mat­ tress; cabinet radio; 2 oil cloth rugs; washing stand; small birds; feather tick ing form; TERMS MRS. JOSHUA HEYWOOD Proprietress FRANK -TAYLOR, AUCT. machine; 1 wash table; case of dress mak- some antique dishes. Cash. AUCTION SALE of Furniture and and Household Effects on SATURDAY, MARCH 17 AT WOODHAM The undersigned auctioneers have received instructions to sell public auction at WOODHAM at 1:00 p.m. the following: FURNITURE: Otte 3-plece by iron pots; horse; work paper toilet; der; iuinvrtr, xs eievinu •quilting frames; curtain stretch­ ers; crosscut saw 6 ft.; forks; hoes; shovels; and many other articles too numerous to mention, TERMS: Cash. Estate of the late ALONZO MILLS FRANK TAYLOR AND MAT MARRIOTT, AUCT. Clearing AUCTION SALE TUESDAY, MARCH 20 at 1 p.m. * W. Nairn will sell by public auction at LOT 19, CON. 5, HIBBERT ’ 2 miles south of Dublin half mile west FOR' L. KUNTZE Nine fresh Durham cows; yearlings; 7 spring calves. T.B. tested. Clean barn. Two horses; 3 sows; Il weaners; 11 chunks; implements and furni­ ture. • TP. AUCTION SALE of Real Estate and Household Effects undersigned has receivedThe instructions to sell by public auction at SIMCOE STREET, EXETER on TUESDAY, MARCH 27 1:00 o'clock HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS chen table; 4 bed; rocker; inet; 3-piece parlor stove; beds; mode; cleaner machine; lamp; floor lamp; phonograph; cupboards; electric washing ma­ chine; lawn mower; ladder ; pots; pans; dishes; pails; quan­ tity of fruit sealers; sausage 1 grinder. | REAL ESTATE: Lots il329, 1930, 1331; brick house ; 24x28; 3 bedrooms and bath J rooms downstairs,. built-in cupboards, hot water {heating, large basement, adjoin- iing building 15x25. Kitchen. range hooked up with hot water pipes, to go with the property. Four lots ‘with 50-foot front­ age. ■Clothes reel’ and stand, chick­ en house. Garage 30x58. Power lift in garage. Vulcanizer, air tank, air compressor; 6 horse power gas engine, four 45-gaI. barrels, stove, 2 vises, 2 lengths of 4-in. piping. TERMS: Chattels, cash. Real estate, 10 per cent on day of sale, balance in 30 days. For further particulars apply to ERNEST COOPER, PROP. FRANK TAYLOR, AUCT. Kit- da y- cab- chairs; radio; buffet; china chesterfield suite; linoleum; clock; 2 springs; matresses; com- new Air Way vacuum ; electric range; sewing ironing board; trilight ; upstairs, 3 nun ’ ■, . •> ■ . 15c Two - wheeled Deer- 10-ft. nearly drill; AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock and Implements The undersigned has received instructions to sell 'by public auction at LOT 21, CON. 2, STEPHEN TP. 1 mile west of Exeter, on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21 at 1:00 p.m. the following: CATTLE: Cow due March 15; cow due March 17. IMPLEMENTS: trailer; M.H. 6-ft. binder; ing mower, nearly new; McCormick dump rake, new; M.H. fertilizer seed M.H. cultivator; 2 scufflers; disc harrow; walking plow; iron ket­ tle; 4-section harrows; set dou­ ble harness; land roller; double disc; plow; wheelbarrow; straw cutter; 200 ft. of hay fork rope; 4 slings; fanning mill; turnip pulper; set of scales; 2 McCor­ mick Deqring cream separators, new, with motor; steel-tired wagon; rubber-tired wagon with flat rack; set of sleighs; light sleigh; 8 bus. clean beans; 6 tons timothy hay; pig trough; boxes; barrels; chains; whiff le- trees; neckyokes; forks; shovels; hoes. A quantity of furniture. TERMS: Cash. FRED -FINKBEINER, PROP. FRANK TAYLOR, AUCT. 1% 5 Clearing AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock and Implements AT LOT 22, CON. 2, TUCKERSMITH TWP. east & 1% north of Kippen THURSDAY, MARCH 22 at 1:00 p.m. HORSES: Team Clyde fillies, and 7 years old, 1,400 lbs. Harness and collars. CATTLE: Nine choice Durham cows, fresh and freshening in spring; 10 baby beefs; 6 Durham Calves. POULTRY: 200 hybrid hens. Quantity of hay and grain. Full line of farm machinery and some household effects. TERMS! Cash. Harold Jackson, Auct. Mrs. Warren Schilbe, Prop. E. P. Chesney, Clerk 15c Community AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, MARCH 24 at the VILLAGE OF CREDITON Under Cover Chesterfield beds; tapestryir----»rug; 1 round kitchen table; l|ine an<1 grinder square extension table “ “ ‘ ing chair; 1 2, __ l^mall table; 3 congoleum rugs like- new, 2x9 J J “ 1 pr. plastic churn. enamelled cook stove, ing board . 1 rock­ cupboard; springs; 12 ft.—9 curtains, battery radio; stove; 3~burner, like new by 10|; new; 1 1 white 1 gas iron- 1 gas iron; coal oil 1328, AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock, Implements and Household Furniture LOT 6, CON. 8, STEPHEN TWP. 1 Vi miles south of Crediton and 1 mile west THURSDAY, MARCH 29 at l;00 p.m. sharp HORSES: 1 general purpose team of mares. CATTLE: 1 cow, sale; 1 cow, due cows, due in May lieifer, due time of ers, due May & June; 7 heifers, about 800 lbs.; 7 steers, 800 lbs. 4 last .summer steer calves; 4 last summer heifer calves. PIGS: a number of small pigs; some chunk pigs. POULTRY: 5 geese; 2 gand- 61’3 IMPLEMENTS: 1 Massey Har­ ris oil bath mower; 1 Massey Harris manure spreader; 1 Mas­ sey Harris 15 hole drill; 1 Mas­ sey Harris bean scuffler and pull­ er; 1 International hay loader; 4 section drag harrows; 1 3 drum steel roller; 1 disc; 1 cul­ tivator; 1 root pulper; 1 .Stewart horse clipper; i buggy; 1 road cart) 1 rubber tired wagon; 1 steel tired wagon; 2 flat racks; 1 sleigh; 1 wagon box; 1 colony house; 2 sets of team harness; horse collars; cedar posts; snow fence; Lumber; 1 McCormick Deering separator; chicken feed­ ers and watering cans. MISO.: Battery radio; 1 ex­ tension ladder; 400 bales of hay. All cows T.B. tested on first of March. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: 1 oak buffet; 1 square top exten­ sion table; 5 chairs; 1 General electric radio; 1 oak commode; 1 steel bed with walnut finish; 2 toilet sets; 1 oak library table; 1 player piatto, bench and rolls; 2 congoleum rugs, size 3 by 4 yds.; 1 • 3 yds.; Heater, enamel one year, stove, like new due time of in April; 3 and June; 1 sale; 6 heif- congoleum rug, size 3 by 1 Wooden bed; 1 Quebec wood or coal; 1 white range,(Findlay), used 1 oil burner brooder 1 sausage mach- ; 1 lawn bench; 3 sets of springs and mattress; 1 leather rocking chair; 1 copp­ er boiler; trunks; 1 cellar table and benches; milking pails and crocks; pictures; dishes and pots and pans; Sealers. TERMS: Cash. THOS. YEARLEY, PROP. FRANK TAYLOR, AUCT. Sealers.