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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-03-01, Page 6
Page 6 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 1, 19S1 'Dust Gatherers' Into 'Cash Catchers' With Want Ads FOR SALE FOR SALE—Pony gelding foal, halter-broken and very quiet, phone 366, L. V. Hogarth. lc SPECIAL OFFER—One truck rack, 8 X 13%, 5% ft. height, 7% x 13% inside fit 158 or 160 wheel. One space oil heat er, like new, used only short time. One truck rim 8.25x20, two 8.25x20 tubes. —Freeman Horne, Woodham, R. 1. FOR SALE — Used Spramotor weed and crop sprayer. Rea sonable. Exeter Farm Equip- ment, phone 508.lc FOR SALE—Two wine tone on tone rugs 6’9” x 9’. Apply Times-Advocate.______ lc FOR SALE—1949 Dodge Club Coupe, A-l condition. All equipped. Mileage 17,500. One owner. Cpl. Sagriff, House 120, Private Married Quarters, Cen tralia. lc WOODHAM Mr. and Mrs. Grant Mills, of Scottsville visited during the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mills. Mrs. Harold Thomson, of Park hill, spent, the week-end with her mother, Mr. and Mrs. A. Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Webb and Ronnie, of Grand Bend visited during the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Norris Webb. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Levy and family, of St. Marys, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Bert Rundle and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith. Mr. and Mrs. William Whyte and family and Miss Donna Webb, of Toronto, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Nor ris Webb. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Chisholm and family, of Mount Forest, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Stephens. Miss Florence Kirk attended a London Conference .Y.P.U. Ex ecutive meeting at Woodstock during the week-end, Marilyn Brine spent the week end with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Wray Stephens, of Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Wray Stephens and family, of Anderson, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Brine. Mr. William Mills, Misses Rhea and Blanche Mills and Mr. and Mrs. Norris Webb attended the London Chapter S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A. Minstrel Memories at the Grand Theatre in London on Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Erie Thorton, of Sebringville, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jaques. Mr. Carl Mills, of Auburn and Miss Jean Humphreys, of Kirk ton visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jaques. Mr. and Mrs. John Selves visited on Sunday with Mr. J Selves and Mrs. J. Jaques. Australia is the only contin ent lying entirely south of the Equator.* # * # Wife: “John, is it true that money talks?” Husband: “That’s what they say, my dear.” “Well, I wish you would leave a little here to talk to me dur ing the day. I get so lonely.” WE ARE UNLOADING A CAR OF No. 4 COAL Exeter District Co-op Phone 287-W Exeter... ... — a This Week’s Used Machinery Bargains 1 1947 Case VA tractor and mounted plow 1 1938 Case C tractor on new rubber 1 Irish Fordsoii tractor on steel 1 Massey 4-wheeled spreader on rubber _ 1 1936 Chev l|-ton, stake body truck Exeter Fa rm Equipment Phone 50« Exeter CLASSIFIED RATES 25 words or less - 35ff More than 25 words l£c per word. Subsequent Insertions 25c More than 25 words lc per word. Semi-Display Classifieds *(restricted to one column) First Insertion 84c per inch Subsequent Insertions 70o per inch Classifieds calling for a box number 10c extra. Classified ads accepted up till Wednesday noon. Auction sale copy should be in Tuesday at the latest. Bookkeeping charges will be added to all accounts not paid within one month. WORK WANTED WOMAN will do housework by the day; -will also do dress making. Apply Times-Advocate. 1:8* MISCELLANEOUS SEWING MACHINES bought, sold, serviced and repaired. Phone evenings, Bob McLean, 527-J. 30tfc I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow. phone S3 Exeter. l*tfc PAINTING and paperhanging, kitchen cupboards and cab inets. Tom Walker, Exeter, phone 553.tfc BABY SITTING — At Grand Bend; during day or evening by the hour, by capable mother. Apply to Mrs. R. Car ruthers, Grand Bend, Box 116, Post Office. 1* FOR SALE FOR SALE—Dry maple stove wood. Delivered. Custom power chain-sawT work. Reasonable rate. Phone Dash wood 35-r-2. 22:1:8:15* FOR SALE—A young gander. Frank Triebner, phone 45 8-r-6 Exeter. 1* FOR SALE—4-burner heavy-duty range, automatic oven. Phone 554-J Exeter. 22:1* FOR SALE—Get your honey •while it last, 10 cents lb. — Phone 418-R. 1:8* LOOKING for a new or used Dodge car or truck? Phone 31 Hensail for immediate delivery. 22:1:8:15c FOR SALE—Clare Jewell wood or coal stove; also Canadian Beauty rangette, both in good condition. Phone 258 Exeter, lc FOR SALE—Wisconsin air-cooled engine, 5-h.p. with clutch, suitable for garden tractor. — Telephone 26 6, L. V. Hogarth, lc FOR SALE—S u n b e a m Shave master, used short time. Price $20.00. Apply at The Times- Advocate. 1* FOR SALE—’47 Chevrolet Style master two-door sedan. Low mileage and best mechanical condition. New set of low-pres sure tires. Good finish. Seat covers have been used. C. V. Pickard, Main St., Exeter. 3-1-tfc FOR SALE—1929 Model A Ford coupe, in good condition. Ap ply Bert Bissett, phone 485-R Exeter. 1* FOR SALE—One reg. Hereford bull, 3 years old, bred by George Rod anz, Stouffville, Ont. Apply: Stanley Jackson, Kippen, phone Seaforth 653r5. lc FOR SALE—Household effects, living room, dining and bed room furniture, some kitchen items, garden tools. Reason for sale, leaving town. —Mrs. Art Trites, corner Ann and Carling St., phone 453-J. lc FOR SALE—1939 Chev coach in A-l mechanical condition. — Phone 31-r-18 Dashwood. 1* FOR SALE—25 large sap buc kets, 54 spiles galvanized, a good oak barrel. Phone 457-r- 31 Exeter, Ed Yellow. 1* FOR SALE—Registered Hereford bull, 11 months old. Apply to Milne Pullen, 17-r-2 Kirkton. __________________________f* FOR SALE—1948 Chev Fleet master Coach, one owner, low mileage, excellent condition; 1940 Chev Coach, good condi tion. Apply; Broderick Bros., phone 277._______________1* FOR SALE—Purebred York hog. Harold Hern, R.R. 1, Granton, phone 4-r-14 Kirkton.______1* FOR SALE—Quantity of straw and mixed baled hay, Norman Mitchell, Centralia. 1* FOR SALE—Four-burner heavy- duty range, automatic oven, Phone 554-J Exeter, 1* FOR SALE—A new fox fur, never worn; also a fox skin to be made up. Apply at Times- Advocate. 1* TENDERS WANTED TENDERS WANTED—For wir ing S.S. No. 10 Tuckersmith. Apply to James Drummond, phone Hensall 690-r-15. 22:1c TENDERS WANTED — Tenders will be received by the under signed for the supply of 250 cubic yards of crushed gravel aryl 250 cubic yards of coarse gravel, more or less; same to be delivered on York and Nel son Streets in the Village of Hensall. This gravel to 'be de livered before May 15, 1951. Tenders to be in the hands of the Clerk on or before March 12, 19 51. Lowest or any ten der not necessarily accepted. —James A. Paterson, Village Clerk. 22:1c TENDERS WANTED for bus driver to transport pupils from the fourth concession of Mc Gillivray to S.S. 5 school. In surance paid by the board. Full particulars can be ob tained from the undersigned. Lowest or any tenders not ne cessarily accepted. All tenders must be marked and in the hands of the secretary, Neil McRann, Clandeboye, by March 7, 1951. lc REAL ESTATE 50 ACRES level clay loam, Us- borne Twp. Frame house, shingle clad, implement shed, bank barn. Electricity. W. C, Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. FOR SALE—175-acre farm, good L-shaped barn, brick house, hydro, water pressure. Reply Box ‘L’, Times-Advocate, 1:8c FOR SALE—2 - apartment home in village with 1% acre lot; white brick with five rooms down and four up, with two complete bath rooms, full cel lar with hot air heating, frame barn, good garden with ber ries and fruit* trees, early pos session. —Wm. Pearce. 15 FOR SALE—Brick house, seven rooms with sun porch, hard- •wood floors, hydro, small barn, greenhouse, 3 acres of land, north of Thames Road Church. Mrs. Wm. Smith.22:1* FOR SALE—Two bedroom cot tage, complete bath, furance and hardwood floors. R. E. Balkwill.8,15,22;!* 6-ROOM frame house, insulated, oak floors, 3 bedrooms, 3-pce. bath, furnace, built-in cup boards, hot and cold water, hydro. Garage. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Sales man. 150 ACRES in Stephen Twp. 1% storey brick house, bank barn, hog pen, hen house, driveshed. Electricity. W. C. Pearce, Real tor. EXETER NORTH, 4-room house with partial basement, built-in cupboards, sink, town water, garage, barn. W. C. Pearce, Realtor. 11:18:25c GOOD BRICK HOUSE with liv ing room, dining room, den, 3 bedrooms, modern kitchen, 3- piece bath, fir flooring. Good high basement in 3 parts with hot air furnace. Storm win dows and screens. Brick gar age. One block west of busi ness section. Apply: Ralph Batten, Exeter. 7tf* 134-ACRE FARM for sale. This farm has good buildings with hydro and water pressure. The land is in a good state of cul tivation. There is a good young bush. Located close to village and highways. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter. 12tfc FIFTY ACRES—No. 4 highway. Modern one-storey house, like new; good barn. Hydro throughout. Possession to suit purchaser. This is a very de sirable property. C- V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. HOME & INVESTMENT—We are offering, at a reduced price, a property which will provide you with a very comfortable home and, at the same time give you a very good monthly income. It will pay you to in vestigate this. 0. V. Pickard, Main St., Exeter. 6-ROOM, li-storey brick house, 3 bedrooms, 3-pce. - bath, fur nace, hot and cold water, hydro. Barn, henhouse and more -than one acre land. W. C. Pearce, Realtor FARM FOR SALE The Executors of the Estate of the late George Washington Parker are offering for sale by tender the South Half of Lot Number 3, Concession 13, Huron Road Survey, in the Township of Tuckersmith, in the County of Huron, On the said lands are about seven acres of good hardwood bush. Through the said lands runs a never-failing spring creek. All the cleared lands are seeded to grass and the farm is well fenced. Terms: 10% on acceptance of bid, and the balance in 30 days. All tenders to be in the hands of the undersigned on or before the 7th day of March, 1951. F. FINGLAND, K.C., Clinton, Ontario. Solicitor for the Estate. 22:1 WANTED HORSES WANTED—-I am in the market for any number of horses of all kinds:will pay lb. Also —G. J. l*tfc UP to want Dow. 3 cents per bush horses. LIVESTOCK WANTED ■— Cash; up to $10.00 for Dead or Dis abled Horses; $10.00 for Cows; Hogs $2.50 per Cwt.— at your farm. Prompt service. Phone collect Exeter 287-W. William Stone Sons, Limited. Ingersoll, Ontario. 2 5tfc preferably in Reply giving WANTED—Faym, Exeter region. ALL pertinent facts to Box “D”, Times-Advocate. 8*tfn WANTED—Three cords green cord wood, body wood, beech or beech and hard maple. — ,S. Yelland, phone 284-R Exe ter. 1* WANTED—Roomers and board ers. Apply 364-R Exetei’ or Times-Advocate. 1:8* WANTED—U s e d bags suitable for seed grain; good prices paid. —Cann’s Mill. lc WANTED—100 acres, good buildings, near Exeter. Terms cash. AU 'replies confidential. —E. J. Roberts, 464 Central Ave., London, Met. 709-J. lc FOR RENT FOR RENT—2 furnished rooms. Apply at Times-Advocate. ________________________25tfc TO RENT—N e w 1 y decorated, heated, three - roomed apart ment, all modern conveniences, hot and cold -water, garage, basement, garden, laundry, private entrance. Available on March 1. W. C. F. Oestricher, Crediton. 22tfc FOR RENT—Eight - room house with double garage and lots of garden ground, close to Exeter and the Airport. Suitable for one or two families. Ready about April 1. —Phone 226 Exeter. 1:8* FOR RENT—Four-room cottage, newly decorated, partly fur nished, bath and conveniences, hydro. —L. V. Hogarth, phone 266. 22tfc FOR RENT — 3 - roomed heated apartment, private bath, hot and cold water, private en trance, 1 mile south of Exeter. Available March 5. Call Exe ter 175-r-23. lc FOR RENT—4-room apartment, all furnished and comfortable for a young couple. Apply at Times-Advocate. 1* APARTMENT for rent; also two wheeled trailer. Apply Times- Advocate. 1* FOR RENT—Three - room apart ment, heated, hydro, water, and separate entrance, 1% miles east of Exeter; reason able rent. Apply 176-r-12 Exe ter; available immediately. 1* FOR RENT—T w o unfurnished rooms, heated, bath, separate entrance, redecorated. —Phone 551-W Exeter. lc FOR RENT—Three-room apart ment with bath; also laundry room. Apply: W. F. Abbott, Victoria St. 1:8* FEMALE HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED—Re quires knowledge of bookkeep ing, must be accurate in fig ures. Apply in person to Geo. T. Mickle and Sons Ltd.,, or call 103 Hensall. ltfc MALE HELP WANTED WANTED—T wo quick young men for about 6 weeks work. Start about March 20. Very good wages. Phone 266, L. V. Hogarth. lc EXPERT Mechanic GOOD WAGES For Right Man Larry Snider Motors Phone 64-W EXETER • AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE 11 Acres of Land, Poultry House, Poultry Supplies The undersigned has received instructions to sell by public auction at CENTRALIA on FRIDAY, MARCH 2 at 2 o’clock sharp the following; POULTRY HOUSE: Frame, double-deck poultry house, 3 Ox 36, insulated, hydro, two wells, LAND; 11 acres of land, Lots 124, 125, 126, 127, Village of Centralia. SUPPLIES: 2 colony houses; 6 range shelters; 2 brooder stoved; 20 galvanised pails; 6 drinking fountains; 12 feeder troughs; 40 rods 2-20 woven fence; 20 rods poultry fence; 25 steel posts. TERMS: Accessories — Cash. Terms of Real Estate made known on day of sale. LLOYD HODGSON, PROP. FRANK TAYLOR, AUCT. AUCTION SALE of Household Effects and Coal Sheds IN VILLAGE OF HENSALL Opposite Cook’s Garage SATURDAY, MARCH 3 at 1:00 p.m. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Cream enamel cook stove, like new; Quebec heater; chesterfield and 2 chairs, like new; modern wal nut finish 9-piece dining room suite; hall table and mirror; kitchen table and 4 chairs; kit chen cupboard; kitchen buffet; fernery; 2 furnished bedrooms, complete; small tables and oc casional chairs; electric lamps; scatter mats; kitchen congoleuin; complete dinner set, serving for 12; breakfast set; '’'quantity of other dishes; linens; fruit jars; garden tools; number of other articles. COAL SHED: Approximately 100’ by 18’, rolling doors, steel roof, suitable for implement shed. Must be moved off property. Unloading coal scoop, bars and other coal equipment. SCALES: Set of 10-ton scales used in coal business. TERMS: Cash. HAROLD JACKSON, AUCT. MRS, GARNET CASE, PROP. Extensive - CLEARING SALE of Farm Stock, Implements and Furniture W- E. Nairn will sell by public auction on FARM ADJOINING VILLAGE OF DUBLIN six.miles east of Seaforth five miles west of Mitchell on No. 8 Highway, on TUESDAY, MARCH 6 at 10:30 a.m. HORSES: Matched team of Clyde geldings, 6 years old. CATTLE: 110 head consisting of 28 Durham and Hereford cows, 4 fresh, 16 cows due in March, 4 due in April, 4 due in May, registered Shorthorn bull 2 years, 17 Hereford and Durham steers fat 1000-1'200 lbs.; 8 fat heifers; 15 fed yearlings; 15 Dur ham and Hereford steers; 8 Durham and Hereford steers; 3 calves 6 months old; 3 calves 3 months old; 4 young calves. HOGS; 2 York sows with lit ters of 10; 53 store hogs from 125 to 175 lbs. FOWL; 300 Sussex Red hens. IMPLEMENTS: D.C. Case trac tor with hydraulic lift; 3-furrow Case plow; 16-plate Case double disc; 9-ft. Mc.D. cultivator; 10- ft. Bissel packer; Mc.D. 15-disc fertilizer power drill; Case side rake; Case hay loader; Otacco rubber-tired wagon with hay rack & roller rack complete; ’4 9 1%-ton Dodge truck. The above implements are all new. Ten-ft. power binder, nearly new; Case threshing machine with cutter 28x50; cream separator and motor; oat roller with motor; fanning mill with motor; Stewart power clippers; 3 rolls barbed wire; 2 rolls woven wire; also a large number of useful articles found on an up-to-date farm. A quantity of furniture. NOTE: This an outstanding sale. The cows are heavy milkers and guaranteed sound, both hand and machine milked, and all in calf to a $500 bull. The herd has a clean test. This being a very large sale, it will start sharp at 10:30 a.m. Small articles and implements will be sold in the morning, fur niture at 1 p.m. Lunch will be available at booth. No reserve. Farm is sold. Terms cash. HAROLD WILSON, PROP. W. E. NAIRN AUCT. Clearing AUCTION SALE of Livestock, Auto, Tractors, Farm Implements, and Household Effects ON THE PREMISES Lot 16, Con. 7, Usborne Twp. 3 % miles east of Huron Street, Exeter; 1 mile south of Thames Road Church, 83 Highway; or 1% miles north of Blimville The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7 commencing at 1 p.m. sharp CATTLE: Two Durham cows’, carrying their second calf and due in March; Durham cow, carrying fourth calf, due in March; 3 Durham cows, carrying second calf, due in July; Dur ham heifers rising 2 years old; 1 steer rising 2 years old; 2 steers rising 1 year old; 2 hei fers rising 1 year old; 2 heifers rising 9 months old. All these cattle best of quality. PIGS; Three Yorkshire sows with litters at foot 7 weeks old at time of sale; 3 Yorkshire shouts, 3 months old at time of sale. AUTOMOBILE: Model A 1930 Ford Coupe, reconditioned motor, low mileage. TRACTORS & IMPLEMENTS: Oliver 99 tractor on rubber, equipped with starter and lights, recently overhauled, a real threshing tractor in guaranteed condition; M.H. 81 roe crop tractor on rubber, equipped with starter and lights, mounted plow and adjustable scuffler. All in new condition. Hatchet Hammer mill, like new; M.H. 3-furrow adjustable 23A bottom plow, mounted on rubber, this plow being purchased in late fall, has plowed only 9 acres; Fleury 3- furrow plow in fail’ condition; M.H. team mower 6-ft, cut, used two seasons; M.H. bindery 8-ft- cut; M.H. 28-plate double disc; Fleury JBissel 10-ft. cultipacker; Bueltei’ 9-ft. cultivator; John Deere corn stalk cutter; John Deere Model II tractor manure spreader; John Deere team man ure spreader. All of these implements are practically new. Two rubber-tired wagons; 2 16- ft. flat racks; M.H. No. 9 cream separator; set of bob sleighs with bunks; oat roller; Clinton fanning mill, complete sieves; Jamesway 500 capacity electric brooder, nearly new; 2,00 0-lb. scales; pig crate; speed jack; new extension ladder; jack all jack; large grease gun; 3 range shelters; 100-ft. snow fence; 200-ft. corn crib wire; .40 rods woven fence; 30-rods woven pig wire fence; quantity steel posts; 2 airplane wheels, gear and tires suitable for large trailer; 150-ft, garden hose; 50-ft. 6-in. rubber belt; 7 5-ft, high speed Hammermill; special 7-in. belt, like new; 2 300-lb. wheel weights; chains; forks; shovels; and many other articles too numerous to mention. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Kel- vinator 6-ft., used two years; chesterfield; 2 occasional chairs; wicker chair; centre table; din ette table and cabinet; 6 dining room chairs; square top exten sion table; kitchen cupboard; daybed; small metal table; hall stand; chest of drawers; wooden bedstead; 2 - element rangette; small heater for wood or coal; lawn mower; numerous dishes, kitchenware, etc., etc. Being this is a large sale, selling will start sharp at 1:00 p.m. Plan to attend this sale. No reserve as the farm is sold! TERMS: Cash. KEITH WEBER, PROP. MILFORD MERNER, CLERK ALVIN WALPER, AUCT. 22:1c Belgian Horses BY AUCTION at KITCHENER STOCK YARDS THURSDAY, MARCH 8 at 1:00 p.m. Seven matched teams of pure bred Belgian mades, one stallion, all chestnuts with silver manes and tails, from 1600 to 1900 lbs., direct from Ohio, the home of good Belgians. These are really good horses and will be sold alpng with our regular offering of cattle, hogs, sheep, ponies, at the largest most mod ern Auction Market in Ontario. Dr. J._H. Shillinglaw is on hand every "Thursday to see that no infected stock is offered. This protects the purchaser. Beef cat tle are sold by weight or toy the dollar, as you wish. Three auc tion rings. Eight loading chutes. Fast efficient service. Lunch counter. City bus service, and many other features not avail able elsewhere. This makes Kit chener the best place to buy or sell livestock. Come and see for yourself. F. J. STEFFLER, MGR. Phone 2-9 6 71 Clearing AUCTION SALE of Livestock, Tractor, Farm Implements, Hay, Grain and Household Effects ON THE N.H. .Lot Stephen north of PREMISES . 13, Con. 3, Township Centralia Airportm.’2 The undersigned auctioneel* has been instructed to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14 commencing at 1 p.m. sharp CATTLE: Holstein cow, rising years, old, fresh 6 weeks; Hol-6 stein cow, carrying second calf, due middle of March; Holstein heifer, carrying second calf, due in May; Jersey cow, 6 years old, fresh 3 weeks with twin heifer calves at foot; black Jersey cow, rising 6 years old, fresh 6 weeks with calf at foot; -part Shorthorn and Holstein cow, 4 years old, with calf at foot; yearling Short horn heifer; 2 Polled Angus heifers, rising 2 years old; part Holstein and Polled Angus hei fer, rising 2 years old; 2 Polled Angus steers, rising 2 years old; Holstein yearling heifer; Polled Angus yearling steer; 4 Polled Angus heifers, rising 2 years old; 3 summer calves; Shorthorn yearling steer; 2 Shorthorn steers, rising 2 years old. These all good grade quality cattle. PIGS: Two purebred York shire sows, carrying second lit ter, both due before sale date; 3 purebred Yorkshire sows, months old, not all choice pigs. TRACTOR & Goodison Oliver rubber, equipped front axle, -powei* lift bean puller, and 2-row "scuff ler. his tractor is nearly new and in guaranteed condition, Mc- Deering 13- run disc drill equipped with horse or tractor hitch and markers, new condition;, Case 8-ft., plate automatic trip tractoi’ disc; Mc-Deering 9-ft. cultipacker; Mc- Deering 3-furrow ace bottom tractor plow, All these imple ments are practically new, John Deere rubber-tired wagon, roller 4 bred. These are IMPLEMENTS: 60 tractor, on With adjustable take-off, power iii. brand 32- bearing, 16x650 6-ply heavy fduty tires, new last year; 14-ft. flat dump rack, suitable for hauling canning factory produce. Massey- Harris 6-ft cut binder; 3-section diamond harrows; Fleury No, 21 walking plow; homemade rubber- tired wagon, equipped with 600- X19 extra heavy tires, 2 tires are brand new; John Deere team manure spreader; Maxwell hay loader; M-H- mower; Deering 10-ft. dump rake, like new; extra heavy 2-wheel trailer, with stock rack; 1-horse scuffler; heavy set of logging sleighs; side scraper; large potash kettle; stoneboat; colony house, 10x12 ft.; colony house 6x8 ft.; 2 range shelters; large capacity Queen oil brooder stove; coal brooder stove, both in good con dition; 100-ft. of snow fence; various feeding hoppers; M-H. cream separator; complete tattoo outfit for horses and cattle; brass mounted britchen harness; plow harness; single driving har ness; 2 brand new horse collars; sleigh bells; 75-ft. 7-inc,h rubber belt; bag truck; 1,200-lb. scales; stirrup pump and hose; garden hose; root pulper; 3-h.p. heavy duty brand new electric motor; scythe; milk pails; milk strain er; cow lead; shovels; chains; boxes; doubletrees; tools; and many articles too numerous to mention. HAY & GRAIN: Nine ton of alfalfa and timothy hay; 175 bales mixed hay, all of good quality; 100 bushels of Cornell wheat; 250 bushels mixed grain; quantity cob-corn. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Solid oak complete dining room suite; 3-piece mohair chesterfield, like new; combination book case and writing desk; daybed; complete bedroom suite; Brunswick 'phono graph with records, in new con dition; leather rocker; various mirrors; chest of drawers; bed couch; lawn mower; metal churn; 2 copper boilers; new ringer; 4 congoleum rugs, various sizes; glassware; chinaware; odd dishes; pictures; etc. All articles are in new condition. TERMS: Cash. This being a large sale, selling will start at 1 p.m. sharp. No reserve, as the farm is sold! WILLIAM PARKER, PROP. MILFRED MERNER, CLERK ALVIN WALPER, AUCT. Clearing AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock and Implements LOT 25, CON. 1, HAY TWP. 1% miles north of Hensall The undersigned has received ' instructions to sell by public auction on THURSDAY, MARCH 15 at 1:00 p.m. sharp LIVESTOCK: 4-yr-old Holstein cow, freshened Dec. 25; 6-year- old Holstein cow, freshen sale time; 5-year-old Holstein cow, freshen sale time; black cow, due in November; Jersey cow, freshen time of sale; Durham and Holstein heifer with calf at foot; Durham heifer bred; Dur ham heifer springing; blue roan heifer springing; blue roan hei fer near 2 years old; 2 Holstein heifers. Herd TB tested. PIGS: Five York sows, due between March 25 and April 2. IMPLEMENTS: W.D. Allis Chalmers tractor, on rubber adj wheels, one year old, starter, I lights, power take off; Oliver bean puller to fit tractor; Allis Chalmers 60 combine, one year old; International 3-furrow plough; Cockshutt side rake, 2 years old; Cockshutt 7-ft. culti vator, 1 year old; Lever har rows; packer; Me. mower; 3- section drag harrows, 1 year old; rubber-tired wagon with rack; 1 rubber-tired wagon; hay loader; dump rake; 2-wheeled trailer, 16 x 600 tires; extension ladder; horse scuffler; root pulper; 100 steel posts; anchor and brace posts; electric fencer; barbed wire; 175 feet new hay rope; 1%-h.p. electric motor; forks; 5 bunches shingles; barrels; 3 gas drums; set double harness; and other articles. POULTRY EQUIPMENT: Four 500 -capacity electric brooders; 10 chicken shelters; water (founts; etc. DAIRY EQUIPMENT: 5 milk cans; cream can; filter strain ers; new electric cattle clippers; DeLaval separator. SYRUP EQUIPMENT: 200 buckets and lids; spiles; 2 pans 6 ft. and 7 ft.; heater; gather ing tank. MISO.; Five to 6 tons of baled hay; 2 tons cull beans; bushel clover seed; some turnips. TERMS: Cash. No reserve as farm has been sold, E. H. CHIPCHASE, PROP. BERT HORTON, CLERK ED CORBETT, AUCT. 1:8c Father: “Johnny, what makes you stay away from school?” Johnny: “Class hatred.”* * Judge: “What possible excuse did you fellows have for acquir ing that murderer?” Juryman:“Insanity.” Judge: 1 'Really? All 12 of you?”** * * Life Insurance Examiner—I don’t think I can pass you. You seem all worn out. What’s th© matter? Prospect---Your agent nearly talked me to death before I sur rendered.