HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-02-22, Page 2Page 2 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 22, 1951 Bfje Cxeter CCunES^bbucate times Established 1873 Amalgamated November 1934 Advocate Established 1881 Published Each Thursday Morning at Exeter, Ontario An Independent Newspaper Devoted to the Interests of the Village of Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Department, Member of the Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association Member of the Ontario-Quebec Division of the CWNA Member of the Audit Bureau of Circulation Paid-in-Advance Circulation as of March 31, 1950 — SUBSCRIPTION RATES Canada, in advance, $2.50 a year United States, in advance, $3.00 Single Copies 6 Cents Each J, Melvin Southcott < Publishers Robert Southcott Exeter and District Ottawa 2,329 THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 22, 1951 Being Found Out All is not peaches and cream with Russia. That condition was not to be looked for, Russia being morally what she is. Her approach to people is by the way of turning the approached nation to bread where now there is a stone. She appears to offer peace and security though she cannot give a reasonable assurance that she can provide either. She may give peace for a while but so doing is at the cost of free­ dom. Nations that have sold themselves to Russia find that they have merely fled from their present whip to be tortured with the Russian scorpion. So it is proving in Czecho Slovakia and Yugoslavia. These nations are gradually walking up to the slavery into which they have sold them­ selves by becoming Russian satellites. Russia is doing her best to suppress the growing uneasiness in these and other satellite states now hand in glove with her. Sooner or later Russia will find that she cannot drive the love of liberty from the human breast. Man is too great for that to be done. The human soul may break under misrule but it will mend and issue from the oppression more terrible than ever. Russia will find, moreover, that her ill treatment of the weaker nations will result in her own undoing. The oppressor always undoes himself. It cannot be otherwise. The western nations see this and welcome the effort Russia is putting forward to stave off war. The longer time is given to Russia the completer will be her moral decay. A second force working for Russian overthrow is the iron curtain she has drawn between herself and her contemporaries. We know how “queer” a child becomes who is separated from the playmates of his time. We know the oddity of any man who keeps away from his contemporaries. In sharing our lives with others we gain even more than we give. It is bound to be so with Russia. She has lived to herself so long that her hegrt is becoming a dusty den of suspicions. Soon she will not have a sincere friend in all the world of nations. Britain became great when she made the seven seas her home and became the friend of every nation that would trade with her on equal terms. No nation can become or remain great that does not show herself friendly.* * * * Far Reaching Those strikes involving transportation companies are far more serious than they seem to the casual observer. The recent wild cat strike of the railway switchmen is a case in point. That strike involves the wood workers of Canada. When cars could not be had or moved promptly, the paper mills could not get rid of their product. This involved the men in the woods and all the workers in the mills. Besides, the paper and pulp manufacturers inevitably lost their business contacts as competitors in other countries were quick to take advan­ tage of the difficulties of Canadian and United States manufacturers. The switch­ men’s Strike involved a great many more than the switchmen. Strikes are terrible weapons. Just now' the dock workers’ strike in Britain hampers the work of defence most regrettably. Lab­ our with the strike as its weapon is a giant that must use that weapon with the utmost care. In the end, the striker is very liable to prove himself his own enemy.* * * * Disturbed Municipalities in the Wingham area are disturbed by the word that the railway serving the Kincardine and Palmerston con­ stituency is about to be folded up. Twenty- five municipalities adjoining this road met •in Wingham last week to make protest to the government and the railroad authorities against such action. It is just as well for all concerned to know that there is little sentiment in the affair. It comes down to the question is the railroad a paying proposition? Railroads arc not maintained on scenery and fresh air. They require good old-fashioned cash for their .upkeep. And they require a great deal of cash. That must not be forgotten. Recently the railroads have suffered severely from competition of trucks and other such facilities for transportation. The car has reduced the railroad’s passenger traffic very considerably» A family is looked upon as old-fashioned if it does not own at least one car. Still more recently, air travel is looked to as being the proper thing for rapid passenger transportation. The truck for transporting farmers’ live­ stock is seen on nearly every road in the older portions of the Dominion. All of which means that there are a great many dollars that do not go to support the rail­ roads. The solution to the problem is at least two fold. Railroads are required to give the farmer and the small dealer in the smaller centres better service. Goods coming to the railway station must be got to the man who orders the goods. Railway management should meet this necessity. Goods for rail­ way transportation should be called for whether these goods are farm products or store goods. Meanwhile the truckers and transporters are giving fine service. A com­ plaint in connection with such service is rare. Railroads tell their constituency that if business is provided for them in paying quantities the railroad service will be con­ tinued.* * * # Then And Now Last Friday we were astonished to read in the market reports that oats were selling at six times the price paid for oats in the later years of the last century. There are farmers still living who were offered seven­ teen cents per bushel for their oats. That is not the case just now. Good wheat was sold for forty-five cents per bushel. Now the price is above the two dollar mark. Genuine maple wood was sold in those good old days for two dollars per single, cord. One needs good financial backing to secure a cord at the present time. It is a costly business coming into the world. As the little lady remarked the. other day, “Babies are “spensive’.’’ It is a problem to finance one’s way through life, and a costly affair to get out of the world. But we’re here and “faint heart ne’er won fair lady”. # "X* What Now? It may well be asked which way Brit­ ain is to take, now that she has national­ ized the steel industry, an industry that has done so much to win and to sustain Britain’s prestige. We know something of what the steel industry has accomplished in the past. We are partly aware of the pay envelopes it is filling now. We are aware of liow the industry has enabled Britain to leave behind the "wooden walls made forever famous by O’Frake and Fro­ bisher and Nelson and to give in their place those mighty structures that have, so long been the. bulwark of freedom the world over. We recall with pride and grat­ itude the steel of British railroads and bridges and of structures commercial and private. Wherever one looks he sees the monument steel has built for its perpetual remembrance. Sober, indeed, informed peo­ ple believe that the steel has bas been, one of the strongest nerves in the British econ­ omy. As the steel industry has flourished the national strength has grown. Today the British steel worker and the management get on together with little friction and much satisfaction and mutual advantage. Little wonder that many lovers of the British race are tortured with doubts as to what the future may have in store not only for steel but for the whole commonwealth of nations. But while fears are in the way hopes are entertained that this nationalizing of an industry that has done so much for British welfare and is at the present so potent will not result in the backward step. This hope is built on the inherent qualities of the British race. That race did not exhaust itself when by giving to the world Sir Humphrey Davy with his incandescent lamp, James Watt with his steam engine and Stephenson with his rail­ roads but will prove equal to the present emergency however grave that emergency is bound to prove. Providence is sure to fulfill His promise for Britain however strange the ventures the British people care to make, # * * «• Those Floods British Columbia is again suffering from the devastations of tempest and flood. All Canada sympathizes with this brave struggling province that seems, lately, to have more than her share of troubles with nature’s vagaries. “Suddert the worst turns to the best to the brave.” So may it prove with British Columbia, the land whence has come the choicest fruit, the finest timber and the best of minerals. This Pacific coast province is but in the earliest years of Iler development. If British Columbia has supped full of disaster she may be sure to have her days of uninterrupted develop­ ment. UP FOR PARDON As the---------- «TIMES” Go By ..........- ■ ......................................................................—— ..I.—M 50 YEARS AGO Mrs. Joseph Smith, after a pleasant visit with friends in and around Exeter, left Wednes­ day morning for his home in Detroit. Mr. Smith formerly con­ ducted the carriage business now owened by William Kuntz and left here about thirteen years ago for Detroit where he has since resided. He follows the occupation of stair-building. A very pleasant and social evening was spent at the resi­ dence of Mr. Robt. Pickard on Friday night last—the occasion being a gathering of his employ­ ees to partake of an oyster supp­ er, Mr. T. W. Hawksaw, who has conducted the Commercial House here for a number of years, dis­ posed of that famous hostelry last week to his uncle, Mr. Wil­ liam Hawkshaw of' St. Marys. The Exeter Hockey Club journeyed to 'Parkhill on Thurs­ day last to play a game with the team of that place, resulting in favour of the home team by a score-of 10 to 5. 25 YEARS AGO Mr. Chas. Anderson was in London Thursday, attending a banquet of Metropolitan agents. Mr. R. N. Rowe is remodell­ ing his furniture store and fitt­ ing up a funeral parlor. Mr. G. T. Dow shipped a car­ load of horses to Montreal on Wednesday, Mr. C. Webster ac­ companying them. Mr. J. G. Stanbury was in Toronto Tuesday and Wednesday where lie was engaged as coun­ sel in a will case at Osgoode Hall. Miss Mildred Norry, of Lon­ don, visited her parents, Mr. and and Mrs. John Norry, over the week-end. Mr. Bellz Please! We’ve Been Turning Cranks Long Enough d?p.s. Not long ago we went through i We’d just love to get our fin- the usual procedure of twirling gers tangled up in a little ol’ the little crank beside our desk, picking up the telephone receiver and waiting. It was two or three minutes before we heard an ex­ hausted and pathetic voice say, ”1’111 sorry, sir, but we’ve 'been so busy I haven’t been able to answer your ring. What number. dial. •1‘ * * t! INTERNATIONAL — Canada’s Mr. Milton Russell, of Sex­ smith is drawing the material for the erection of a new house next summer*; Mr. C. C. Pilon has installed a laqueroid system for painting cars and has already put a fine finish on several cars. 15 YEARS AGO On Tuesday morning a large caterpillar tractor plow arrived in Exeter after opening up the highway south of town. The plow has tremendous power and is driven at a slow speed throwing the snow well back leaving banks on either side of the road S to 10 feet high, The bakers of town have been using horses for the deliv­ ery of their bread owing to the blocked roads. On Monday of this week Mr. Middleton’s deli­ very man travelled over ninety miles and only missed a few of their customers. Miss Irene Kydd recently frac­ tured both bones of the left leg when it became twisted in the runner while riding on a cutter. IO YEARS AGO Mr. Les Coates, manager of the Exeter branch of Chainways, has received word that he is being transferred to the Listow- el branch. Two auto loads from town were in Toronto on Saturday taking in the Boston and Toron­ to hockey match. Major Watson, Field Secretary for the Canadian Red Cross So­ ciety, was greeted by a splendid audience of workers from the Exeter Branch where he spoke in the chapter rooms of the Eastern Star on Friday evening. Miss Pauline Follick, nurse­ in-training is visiting at her home here. Raises SalariesRabbits? A local resident became an­ noyed this week with rabbits nibbling at the bushes in his back yard, so he set a trap. On Tuesday afternoon the trap was sprung, but instead of a rabbit being caught, it was a skunk. The question arose as how to dispose of it, when P. C. Wade came to the rescue. A shot from his revolver ended the earthly existence of Mr. Skunk. Know­ ledge of the incident could not be concealed for quite some time afterwards. (Huron Expositor) W. J. Hairy Bartliff Citizens from all walks of life paid their respects to one of the most highly esteemed busi­ nessmen of the town on Monday afternoon, February 12, 1951, when a very largely attended funeral service was held at the Ball and Mutch Funeral Home, High St. Clinton, for William James Harry Bartliff. Rev. R. M. P. Bulteel officiated, with in­ terment following in Clinton Cemetery. All business places were closed during the service as a mark of respect. (Clinton News Record) Call Eire, School Conference Seaforth town council met in the council chamber Monday evening for the regular Febru­ ary meeting. Important business included calling a conference With the four surrounding town­ ships to discuss the whole ques­ tion of rural fife protection, and arranging for a special meeting with the public school hoard to dismiss using the former agri­ cultural survey at the west side of the town as a site for build­ ing a new public school. (Seaforth News) Clinton Town Council, at a special meeting in the Council Chamber last evening, appointed Joseph Ferrafad, Guelph, as Chief. of Police at a salary of $2,300 per year, and raised the salaries of all officials and em­ ployees, effective today. Total increase in salaries amounts to approximately $2,- 350, (Clinton News Record) Mitchell Doctor Hurt Dr, J. B. Moore has been home for a few days this week following an accident that was, fortuately, not serious. En route home from London last Wednes­ day when the snowstorm was at its height, several cark came to grief owing to the visibility. Dr. Moore was in the act of lending assistance to a motorist when he was caught between the bumpers of Iwo cars, pinning his legs. The impact was not hard enough to break any bones and he is resting comfortably at home, (Mitchell Advocate) Named ASs’t Speaker Thos. L. Patrick, Progressive Conservative member for Middle­ sex North, on Tuesday of this week was named assistant Speak- er of the Legislature. Motion for the appointment was made by Premier Frost, Mr. Patrick will act as chair­ man when the Legislature is in committee of the whole and will take the place of the Speaker, Rev. .M. C. Davies, when he is absent. (Parkhill Gazette) Working on a crossword puz­ zle, Mrs. Clark asked: “What is a female sheep?” "EW6,” replied Mr. Clark— and the battle was on, please?” We don’t often get an explana­ tion when the interval between; our ring and the operator’s voice is a long one and this time our sympathy and curjousity was aroused (and, incidently, our anger abated for the moment). We’ve often complained^ and heard complaints, of the service rendered by the Bell Telephone here. Most of it results from the mood of the moment, of course, ■but there are times when criti­ cism seems justified. We can hardly blame the oper­ ators—it’s mostly the system that’s at" fault. Eight hundred subscribers call the local office "central” and the five girls on the crowded switchboard take 4,- 700 Hiid 5,3 00 calls a day from crank-turners in the town and district. To put it mildly, the board is overloaded. And the situation's not im­ proving. New phones are being installed every week and orders are coming in as fast as they are filled. What’s more there’ll soon be an estimated 400 more phones connected at the RCAF housing project at Centralia. We don’t know much about this crank-turning system but it’s a nuisance for the subscriber and a headache for the operator. She’s got to check the calls com­ ing in, check before she discon­ nects, check the line calls, and check the ring-offs (which a lot of people forget to do). If you’re a customer, it means you’re not going to get prompt service. For ordinary calls, it’s a nuis­ ance as we said before. But on emergency calls it’s a serious sit­ uation. When an accident hap­ pens and you need a doctor, or the firemen, or the police, valu­ able time is lost turning cranks and waiting for busy operators. How the Bell Telephone Com­ pany plans to improve the ser­ vice here, we don’t know, but one thing’s certain: We’ve been turning cranks long enough. defense figure of $5 billion over three years represents about 10 percent of the national income, In plainer talk, out of every buck you earn ten cents will go to’ buy shells or planes or ships. In United States, they’re spend­ ing 14 percent of the national income on defense. Russia, we’ll wager, has been, spending much more for war, and they’ve been doing it since 1945. We’ve just started. Let’s hope we can catch up! Along the same line we don’t like that Press report from Korea, scoring Canadians for their war effort, It was a Can­ adian correspondent talking. The Yanks, he says, are disgusted at our meagre efforts of .getting only 1,800 troops into the war area after eight months of U.N. action, When you come to think of it that’s just a little more than two-thirds of the people in Exe­ ter. Should we hide our heads in shame, or should we let the Yanks do the work? Some people laugh at the frenzy the U.S. is working up over Korea and the Chinese Communists. Let’s not be hasty. Nobody’s laughing albout Neville Chamberlain’s "Peace in our time” attitude of the last war. Actions speak louder than peace treaties when you're dealing with dictators.* # £ SHORT ONES — One of our typesetters made a mistake last week, which if the proofreader hadn’t noticed it, might have proved embarrassing. In a report of a local women’s organization meeting, he had a young girl singing “Abide With Men” . . . When you see two farmers laugh­ ing about the high price of retail meat they’ve just 'bought you know something must be up their sleeves. It happened when two local farmers ibought quar­ ters of beef from Ralph Hicks at Exeter Frozen Foods. Sur­ prized when they laughed at the price, Ralph figured they’d just made a nice sale. He was right •—some choice baby beef at a juicy price. The Reader Comments Letters to the editor published hereunder represent the views of individual persons. We invite our readers to make use of this column. Supports Scholarship For Vosper Memorial Exeter,' Ont., February 19, 1951. To The Editor, Exeter Times-Advocate, Just to say that I heartily en­ dorse the suggestion set forth in a letter from London, re, "Clara Vosper Memorial”. While the other ideas, men­ tioned in your paper recently, are commendable, this one seems to me to be more tangible and worth while. There must be a great many ex-pupils who would be glad to honor the memory of Miss Vos­ per by contributing generously to this fund. As has been voiced before, we all have appreciated the earnest and untiring effort of this teach­ er who passed us through the eigth grade and on to High School. A Scholarship, to my mind would be a loving and lasting remeberance. Thanking you for your valu­ able space; Your Truly G. M. Armstrong. SMILES . . . . The man who brags, "I run things in our house,” usually refers to the lawn mower, va­ cuum cleaner, baby carriage, and errands.* * * * Employee (approaching mana­ ger) : "Could you give me a raise in salary? Three other companies are after me.” Manager: "What companies?” Employee: Gas, electric and coal, sir.” * * * s'i Patient (at Lunatic Asylum); “We like you better tnan the last doctor.” New doctor (Flattered): “How is that?” Patient: "You seem more like one of us.” LAFF OF THE WEEK