HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-02-22, Page 1Sixty-Seventh Year CARETAKER RETIRES Tom Collingwood, who’s been ringing the bell at the Exeter Public School for 32 years, will retire at the end of this term. See page 3. —Jack Doerr EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 22, J951 Single Copy (?£ Farmers Can Appeal Price Paid For Poles, Gov’t Says Appeal to the Oxxtario Municipal Board, for consideratioxi of their claims is open to any farmers who feel that the Ontario Hydro Commission is not paying sufficient for xxse of land in erecting powerlines or has injured timber or other property, Hydro Commissioner George Challies stated Friday in the Ontario legislature. He added the Hydro would accept any award made without argument._______________ ________ Saunders ' tlxe was be- Trustees Discuss (Hydro Chairman said the Hydro would pay costs of such appeals.) The statement of policy made when the near-battle tween 50 Western Ontario farm­ ers and Hydro workmen was air­ ed in the House by Liberal Lead­ er Oliver before orders of the day. Mr. Oliver asked what were the factors behind the incident near Staffa when the farmers had to be dispersed by several carloads of provincial constables. Work had been held up for a few hours on a line being erect­ ed between St. Marys and Sea­ forth. Mr. Olivex’ pointed out that in the Staffa instance the main trouble seemed to be what Hy­ dro men were doing in the woodlots and with standing tim­ ber. They had been told their claims had been received and would be considered. “The farmers they would be prices,” said Mr. I’m afraid there someone saying, were assured paid higher Chailies, “but was a case of ovmcvAAt? »«*jr***b, Boys, we ve got the Hydro on the run so let's stick to-getlxer and get.” “What? Did 50 farmers say that?” asked Mr. Oliver. “Oh, no,” said Mr. Chailies, “but perhaps a few. As to tim­ ber, if they feel we are not be­ ing fair, they can ask the muni­ cipal board to jxidge the case. We’ll pay gladly, if tlxe award goes highex’ than our offer.” Farmers Protest Erection Of Lines Demonstrating they still pro­ test agaixxst the price paid for hydro pole erectioxx across their farxxx, 50 farmers iix the Staffa section staged “one big show” Thursday and held up H.E.P.O. line-Strxxxging crews three hours in the afternoon. Samuel Norris, R.R. 1, Staffa said farmers disrupted the opera­ tion “merely to let them know we havexx’t lost interest in tlxe situation”. The faxmxers blocked the path of a bulldozer which hauls one-1 inch cables. Provincial police from Exeter, Stratford, Seaforth and Goderich came to the scene and restored Norris said a policeman had hinted that the Riot Act would be read, Mr, Norris told reporters that the farmers did not intend to stage atty daily demonstra­ tions of protests, but, as the re­ sult of a meeting a few weeks ago, decided to hold “one big show to-day/’ operations. Mr Neighbours Find Lady Unconscious Mrs. John Parsons, an aged j^dy now in her ninety-second year, was discovered unconscious in her home Tuesday night and was taken by ambulance to. Vic­ toria Hospital in London. Several attended a home of Miss N. McTaggart on their way home about ,11'00 p.nx. noticed a light in Mrs^ Par­ son’s home. Realizing that this was unusual, they investigated, and through the window they observed Mrs. Parsons sitting in a rocking chair apparently asleep. They attempted to awak­ en her, but failing this they notified a neighbour, Mr. Claude Blowes, who in turn secured Dr. Milner and Provincial Constable Elmer Zimmerman along with Nightwatchman John Cowan. A forced entrance was made through a rear door. There was some gas in the room but it was thought that Mrs. Parsons had suffered a stroke. Dr. Dunlop also arrived at the scene and Mrs. Parsons was removed in an ambulance to hospital in London. Mr. J. Wellington Hern accom­ panied her. The ladies who first noticed the light and remained to the end were Mrs. Robert Crawford, Mrs. Fred Bawden and Mrs. H. Bierling. A phone call to the hospital Wednesday afternoon elicited the information that Mrs. was still unconscious and critical condition. Anglican ladies had gathering at the and Parsons in a Caso,Reynold Wuerth, Don Bill Tuckey and Gerald Moffat returned Sunday from a trip to Florida. Their trip was difficult on the way down due icy roads, but there was Florida and the boys got winter tan. Best Memorial The Clara Vosper Fund reached a total of $40 this week as more donations were received from former pupils. Trustees of the fund, R. N. Creech and The Times-Advocate, are considering what type of memorial would be best have investigated several ibilities. The suggestion last week scholarship seemed an priate one, ibut the trustees felt that the amount of money neces­ sary to set up a perpetual fund would be out of the reach of the present campaign. They pointed out, too, that a perpetual scholarship would create problems of supervision and administration. According to the letters re­ ceived, the majority of the sub­ scribers favour a plaque suitably engraved and placed in the new school, together with a large photograph of the revered teach­ er. It would always be in view, an inspiration to teachers and pupils and within reach of the fund. The trustees emphasized that while the plaque would al­ ways be on display, the scholar­ ship would only come to the at­ tention of the public once a year. Donations received this week were: and poss- of a appro- to the sun in a mid­ Discuss Civil Defense Measures Wingham Laces Kinkids: Playoffs Exeter Kinkids held a fast­ skating Wingham six to a three- goal lead before the roof fell in a play off tilt Tuesday night. Final score was 13-1 in the first game of the home-and- home goals to count series in W.O.A.A. Midget C competition. The game was played in the Wingham arena. Playing a rougher and a fast­ er game than they’re used to, the Kinkids held their competi­ tion to a 2-01ead in the first period. Don Wells got the lone Exeter tally in the second, with assists from Peter Cowen and Bill Batten. Score at the end of the stanza was 4-1. But the top blew off the pot in the last frame and before the final racked up niine counters. Return game will be played in Exeter if, and when, cold weather returns. Seventeen penalties were hand­ ed out by the referees, seven to the locals and 10 to Wingham. whistle came Wingham Recreational Program Includes Craft Groups: Kinsmen Speaker A municipal recreation pro­ gram must include non-physical and cultural activities as well as athletics, Bill Hare, director of recreation for St. Marys, told Exeter Kinsmen Thursday night, “Too many towns make the mistake of arganizing a purely athletic program”, he said. “It should cater to the men and wo­ men of all ages. Mr. Hare stressed that hobby and handicraft groups and cul­ tural activities were as much a part of recreation as physical activities of sports and games. Speaking on “Municipal Or­ ganized. Recreation” the director explained to Kinsmen the set­ up under which an official re­ creation program is formed, A committee of seven members is appointed by the municipal coun­ cil and its expenses are paid for by grants from the town and the province. One-third of the salary of a full time director and twenty percent of the operating and maintenance cost will be paid by the province if it approves the program and facilities of the committee, “The committee draws up policies and purposes of the pro­ gram and decides upon the acti­ vities it will foster. It is respon­ sible for drawing up a budget and administrating it, subsidiz­ ing as broad a program as pos­ sible.” The committee personel is made up of members of school boards, council and service clubs and holds regular meetings. It is divided into executive, finance, non-physical, public relations and special events subcommittees and these committess report to the entire commission at the regu­ lar monthly meeting. “The director”; said Mr. Hare, “is a consultant expert and ad­ vises the commission on what can be done and what can’t”. The commission tells the direc­ tor what they want done, how they want it done and it's his job to do it.” He emphasized that the direc­ tor could not do everything and that part of the responsibility is taken off his shoulders by committee men and part time help. “Publicity can make or break a program”, Mr. Hare said. “Re­ creation can grow only as fast as the public accepts it.” He said it was wise to have a man on the commission who was responsible for publicity. “The public Should know where their money is go­ ing and they should know they can phone the director or a members of the commision and find out what is going on. The committe e,” he said, “should co-operate with service clubs and coordinate all activit­ ies of a recreational nature in the town. The speaker was in­ troduced by Vice-president Don Southcott. Sergeant-at-arms for the meeting was Harold Elliot and a quiz was conducted by Director Eric Sutherland. Secre­ tary Ray Frayne, treasurer Ro­ bert Southcott and midget hoc­ key team treasurer Ken Cud- more gave reports. Two guests, Lou Roddis and Len Stock, were present from London. Transport Men To Vote Saturday The Ontario Labour Relations Board has directed that a vote be taken on Saturday, February 24, at 2 o’clock at the Exeter offices of Guenther Transport Limited. t The vote, by secret ballot under the direction of the OLRB will allow the employees of the transport company to show whe-1 ther they wish to be represented by Toronto Local of the union or not. Returning officex’ will be a OLRB official. C. V. Laughton will be scrutineer for the com­ pany and the union will also represented. be Centralia Teams In Playoffs Centralia Flyers—both basket­ ball and -hockey varieties—are fighting for championship hon­ ors in their respective groupings. The basketball team, Western Ontario champions by virtue of their overwhelnxing victory over Tecumseh last week, will meet Watford, winners of the Central Ontario division, iix a home- and- lxome series. First game will be. at Centralia on Saturday. In a spectacculax* finish in league play, the hockey team won a play-off birth in the dis­ trict O.H.A. Intermediate B. group. In sixth place a week ago they captured their two remain­ ing ganxes to win fourth spot, They meet Milverton in a three- out-of-five series starting to­ night. (Thursday) Conversion Men, In Hensall The men from Comstock Co,, London, are In Hensall taking inventory of the electrical equip­ ment of the business places hero as a prelude to conversion to GG- cycle power. Mrs. Charlotte Peterson Box, of Parkhill enclosed $1.00' and said, “The name Miss Vosper is one to live up to, for a better woman, or more understanding teacher would be hard to find in any age.’* Mrs. 11a Johnston Dorrance, of Seaforth, sent $1.00 and describ­ ed Miss Vosper aS ‘'not only a good teacher but a very good friend.” Other contributors of one dol­ lar were Mrs. Maude ROllins May, Mrs. Irene Handford Myers and Mrs. Merle Gould Lamport. Ninety-Fourth Birthday Congratulations to Mrs. Peter Frayne, Who on Thursday ob­ serves her ninety-fourth birth­ day. Mrs. Frayne, who has been a remarkably smart woman for her years, is now in declining health at the home of daughter? Mrs. Samuel Jory. her of is from an attack of the Sally Acheson, daughter Mr. and Mrs. Charles Acheson suffering measles. Purchases Heme Mr, Reg McDonald has pur­ chased one of the wartime houses and will get possession immedi­ ately. At a meeting of the Town Council Monday evening, a grant of $2,000 was made to the Exeter Branch of the Can­ adian Legion towards their new building, together with a recommendation that the 1952 council make a further grant of $2,000 and the 1953 council make a gyaxxt of $1,000. This action was taken in response for a grant of $5,000. “The action of the council will undoubtedly not meet with the approval of all the ratepay­ ers and there is liable to be some criticism, but that is one of the things we have to face when accepting municipal office," said Mayor Tuckey, after one of the were cut”. C. to a request from the Legion councillors suggested they likely to get “their throats S. MacNaughton, of the S.H.D.H.S., again waited on the council in regard to drainage from the septic tanks at the school, which is not satisfactory. The Road and Bridge committee together with the Reeve were appointed to investigate the sit­ uation and to co-operate with the High School Board to secure remedies. Mr. Earl Witmer waited on the council asking permission to erect an egg grading station sign in front of his newly-established business on Ann Street. Permis­ sion granted subject to super­ vision of Road Superintendent. A communication was received in reference to the setting up of an organization for civil defence. This was passed to the Persons and Property Committee for study. A financial ceived from Board which discussion on artificial ice. opinion was that yet ready. A communication was received from Hay Township Council stat- that they were willing to pay any assistance rendered 'by Exeter fire department in township according to the report the led the The was re­ Exeter Arena to a lengthy possibility of concensus of Exeter is not ing for the the Exeter By-law. An inquiry was made from Toronto as to any available buildings that might he used for industrial expansion undex* the government’s war preparation program. Information was sent regarding the Cold Storage plant. The grant to the Exetei* Legion was made on the motion of Reeve Snider and Councillor Beavers. County Engineer Roy Patter­ son submitted estimates on the building of 500 feet of roadway on the McKerral property for a hospital site north of the river. One thousand cubic feet of fill would be required at an estim­ ated cost of $920. Councillor Mc­ Kenzie thought the estimate too low and most of the councillors agreed with him. “Do any of the members feel that this council is obligated to supply a site for the proposed new hospital?” asked Mayor Tuc­ key, Councillor Snelgrove felt there was a moral obligation as the council had given a site anil then taken it away. Deputy­ reeve Cochrane also felt there was a moral obligation. “Should not the petitioners who objected to Riverview Park, kick in with some of the cost,” suggested one member. The Mayor, Reeve and Deputy- Reeve were appointed to inter­ view Mr. McKerral for option on site and report back to council. Councillor Campbell reported that the Exeter fire department had accepted the recommendation of council as to scale of remun­ eration. Deputy-Reeve Cochrane report­ ed that no action could be taken on the Hawkers and Traders Act without first getting consent of the Department of Municipal Af­ fairs. Clerk C. V. Pickard was instructed to write for permission to draft a by-law raising the lic­ ence of hawkers and pedlars to $100 and that pin ball machines be licenced. On motion of Cochrane and Webster the Public Utilities was asked to have the pole at the corner of Main and Wellington Streets removed off the corner. Thomas H. Walker was grant­ ed permission fox' the erection of a new house on William Street. Cochrane and Campbell moved that Daylight Saving Time begin at xnidnight, Sunday, April 29, and end at midnight Sept. 30. Moved by Snider and Webster that ixo action be taken on Mr. Ward Fritz’s claim for water damage to his property and that he be so advised. A new oak Board chairs to match will the council chamber date the new town nine members and the clerk. On motion of Snider and Snelgrove the Public Works Committee was empowered to secure table and chairs and arrange a gener­ al redecoration of the council chamber, A petition was received for the paving of Thomas street. A by-law was passed appoint­ ing the following Boards: Arena Board, A. O. Elliott, W. H. Pol­ len, E. R. Hopper, Robt. M Southcott, C. S. MacNaughton and two members of the council; Parks Board, A. G. Hicks, A. J. Sweitzer, Harry Swartz, William C. Allison, E, E, Buswell and two nxexnbers of council for two years. table with soon adorn to accomi- council of Pupils And Teachers Eagerly Await Opening Of New School In April ■ 'y.,- ' |A r > ¥ - Pupils and'teachers at the Eke ter Public School can hardly wait until they move into their new school, expected to open after the Easter holidays. (Upper right} The Jackson twins, Lyn and Lee, survey with glee their special kinder­ garten room while Tommy Kestlc, Caroline Harris and Johnny MacNaughton inspect the pint-sized water foun­ tain. (Above) Principal Claude Blowes and teacher Mrs. R. D. Jermyn smile with pride as Johnny and Lee try out the new blackboards. —Jack Doerr, Exeter (School Cut Courtesy of The London Free Press) ,,.-y