HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-02-01, Page 6Page 6 THJE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 1, 1951 Semi-Final Series Begin On Monday i * 31,Jan. Vein Heywood tossed 684 (277) for the winners, while Ed Brady was best with 515 (190) for the Eagles.* * * * Bride-Elect Honoured A' bride-to-be of this Saturday, Miss Ellen Bell, was given a shower by her many friends at the home of Miss Mary Goodwin pf Hensall. About 20 friends gathered for the miscellaneous shower where many gifts were presented to the bride-to-be. The remainder of the evening was spent in games and contests and a dainty lunch was served. , FOR SALE LOST REAL ESTATE BABY CHICKS portrait say "Be My Valentine” Let's make a date today, to make this the happiest Valentine's Day ever, for the one you love, Just cal! us for an appointment to have your portrait taken V PHOTOGRAPHER Phone 343AV 1 K FINAL ST Keglers ............. Schmoos ............ Strikes ............... Spare Parts ..... Pinpoppers ....... Dukes ................ Tradesmen ........ Spares ................ Butchers ........... Big Six ............ Chuckers ........... Rural Rollers ... Not Quites ....... Apple jacks ........ Whizz Bangs ..... Short Circuits ... Mighty Mice .... Eagles ............... * * ENDINGS 51 51 51 ..... 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 ...... 51 51 51 51 51 51 i * On Wednesday night, the men’s bowling league ended its regular schedule, with the Keglers and the Schmoos tied for first place. They will play off on Thurs. night (tonight) to declare the league winner. In the game between the Dukes and Whizz Bangs, the short-handed Bangs came out on the short end of a 3-1 score. Gord Stringer topped the Dukes with 569 (215) f^hile best of the Whizz-Bangs was Glenn Robin­ son with 634 (255), On the next two alleys, the Spare Parts roundly trounced the Not Quites 4-0. Lloyd Cushman banged out 774 (285) for the winners, followed by Johnny Schroeder with 669 (257). For the Not Quites, Ken Crowe was best With 55 5 (196). The Tradesmen had little trou­ ble overcoming the Eagles 4-0. K Final Clearance Sale ON OVERCOATS 9 at 25% off 6 at Half Price Boys* Suits 20% off Easter Is Early This Year! McKnight & Walper Order Your Spring Suit Now I ■ Uk SaiHpic STARTER Playoff Schedule Monday, February 5, 7-9 PAI. Keglers vs. Spare Parts on and 2; Tradesmen vs. Chuckers on 3 and 4; Not Quites vs, Short Circuits on 5 and 6. 9-11 P.M. Schmoos vs. Pinpoppers oh 1 and 2; Spares vs. Big Six on 3 and 4; Applejacks vs. Mighty Mice on 5 and 6. Wednesday, February 7, 7-9 P.M- Strikes vs. Dukes on 1 and 2; Butchers vs, Rural Rollers on 3 and 4; Whizz Bangs vs. Eagles on 5 and 6. Operated Upon Next Week Mrs. Jack Waldron of Clinton is ill in bed at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norm Hoc­ key. She will undergo a serious operation next week. This makes three operations upon members aof the family in little over year. BLANSHARD Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thack­ er, Orrie, Elizabeth and Linda were Friday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gladwyn Hooper. Mrs, Melville Hern, of Zion, spent the week-end with Mr. Harvey Parkinson and Mr. and Mrs.- Kenneth Parkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Parkin­ son, Mr. Harvey Parkinson, Miss Audrey Parkinson, ma Carter, Kay Shirley Milo were ing dinner guests Mrs. George Dann Lorna who was celebrating her 12th birthday. Mrs. Jas. Mossey spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Theo­ dore Stephens, of Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mossey and Lois, of London, Mrs. W. B. Young, of St. Marys spent the week-end with Mrs. Jas. Mossey. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jones and Carl, Mrs. Gordon Jones, of Glen­ dale, were guests of Mr. Mrs. George Hopkins, of chell on Sunday. Mrs, John Hazelwood, of don, spent a few days with Fred Pattison. Mr. and Mrs. Oreille Langford of Centralia, visited Sunday with Mr. ad Mrs. Fred Pattison. John returning home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hooper were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Rogers, of Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hooper were Monday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Sookel, of Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thompson, Murray, Anne and Barrie were Saturday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Knox. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thompson, Murray, Anne and Barrie were Sunday evening dinner guests of I Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Dunnell. Mr. John Rinn, Howard and Bill, of Baseline, Mr. Gordon Jones, of Glendale, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thompson, Misses Nor- Mossey and Friday even- of Mr. and in honor of and Mit- Lon- Mrs. dinner Now Contains Meat Meal and Fish Meal Plus * A.P.F. Supplement ^A.P.F. Supplement is made up of Vitamin B-12 and a New Growth Factor. SHUR-GAIN FARM TESTS PROVE that you can WEAN HEAVIER LITTERS (averaging 10 lbs. per pig and more) with this new SHUR-GAIN Pig Starter. Place SHUR-GAIN Pig Starter in front of your litters when they are 2 weeks old—-you will Mrs. Wes Mossey spent a few | days with her parents at Arthur. Mr. Wes Mossey visiting on Saturday and Sunday with them. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hooper were Friday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kerslake, of Exe­ ter- Mrs. Fred Thompson spent Tuesday with her sister, Mrs. Wallie Jones, of Glendale. Mrs. Fred Thompson spent Wednesday with Mrs. Dave Ste­ phens, of Woodham. WANTED get amazing early growth. Shur-Gain Pig Starter Shur-Gain Hog Grower Shur-Gain Hog Finisher Shur-Gain Hog Cone. Shur-Gain Sow Cohc. Shur-Gairi Laying Mash Shur-Gain Chick Staffer 4.65 3.75 Pellets 4.80 а. /u 5.35 б. 15 4.00 4.95 4.60 (bulk) 4.15 5.10 CANN’S MILL LIMITED EXETER WHALEN WANTED—Just received an or­ der for 100 horses. Will buy any kind of a horse, heavy or light, young or old. —Frank Taylor, Exeter, phone 138. ________________ 5tfn HORSES WANTED—I am in the market for any number Of horses of all kinds; will pay up to 3 cents per lb. Also want bush horses. —-G. J. DOW. _____________16tfC LIVESTOCK WANTED — Cash: up to $10.00 for Dead or Dis­ abled H o rs e s ; ‘ $10.00 for Cows; Hogs $2.50 per Cwt.— at your farm. Prompt service. Phone collect Exeter 287-W. William Stone Sons, Limited. Ingersoll, Ontario. 2 5 tfc CORN WANTED—Several truck loads of cob . coth reasonably low in moisture. J. R. Henry, phone 150, Bly th. 25;1;8* WANTED—Used bags suitable for seed grain, good prices paid. —Cann’s Mill. ic FOR SALE —- International 62 combine with motor, flax rolls, pickup attachment, used one’ season; also International Farmall-A tractor on rubber with starter, lights, power rake off and pulley, wheel weights, fluid in tires; corn, scuff ler, bean puller att.; also 2- or 3- furrow tractor plow, narrow bottom. Would like to sell as complete unit. Apply: William Grube, R. 5, Mitchell, 3 miles north of Mitchell on Highway 23. 25:1* FOR SALE—Reg. Shorthorn bulls sired by Premium Sire, Grand Sire imported, of ser­ viceable age; also four open heifers by same sire. John Deere power lift cultivator 8 ft. wide, one year old- —Ross Dick, Hensail. 25:1:7* FOR SALE—Piano, in excellent condition. Apply Times-Advo- cate. 25:1c LOST—One pair of civilian flight boots, Saturday night, January 27, shortly after midnight, from Monetta Menard’s. Would the person who took these, by mistake, please return them as soon as possible to Monetta Menard's. 1* LOST—9S lbs. of flour and 100 lbs. of sugar at Devon Corner on Saturday. Finder please contact Times - Advocate, Re- wrard. 1* FOR SALE—Shoe business and repair shop located in Dash­ wood. —C. F. Pfile, Dashwood, phone 29.1:8:15* HENSALD 2-storey brick house, all conveniences. 1 % storey frame house for early posses­ sion. Kippen frame house at a bargain, Mitchell house with conveniences, good barn and henhouse. W. C. Pearce, Real­ tor, Earl Parsons, Salesman, Exeter. LOST—A pair of glasses in brown case, possibly in the theatre. Please phone Jack Es- sery, 541-r-13 Exeter. lc 150 ACRES in Stephen Twp, 1% storey brick house, bank barn, hog pen, hen house, driveshed. Electricity, W. C. Pearce, Real­ tor. FOR SALE-—Baby chicks! Be­ cause the poultry industry in Canada is an important source’ of the total cash farm income, we believe that farmers need strong, husky chicks that will develope fast into 'high, produc­ ing layers—-real money mak­ ers! If you agree and want this type of chick this year, write or phone Huctwith Pro­ duce Co. Ltd., Forest, Ontario, or phone Norval Reid at Hen­ sall. Our government approved WL x Barred Rock crossbred chicks, or Barred Rock chicks from fast feathering rugged stock will prove real money making hustlers for you, Or­ der today* 1:8:15:22c: FOR RENT FOR RENT—2 furnished rooms. Apply at Times-Advocate. 2 5 tfc WANTED—T wo houses with conveniences and 3 bedrooms. East of Main Street conven­ ient to school. W, C. Pearce, Realtor. AUCTION SALES 1941 DODGE special deluxe se­ dan, black, with heater and 4 new tires. This car is in good condition. One owner. Apply to Campbell Eyre, Kip pen , phone 6S4-r-13 Hensail. 25:1c FOR SALE—Beautiful canarys, singers, heart mountain roll­ ers, yellow, bird of fancy hens. Also splash birds, sell at re­ duced prices. Mrs. Silas Stan- lake, Carling Street.1* MONARCH ice box (75’ lbs.), 3-wire, heavy-duty rangette, 2- burner, automatic oven, used only short time. Also Quebec heater. Reasonable for quick sale House No. 241. 25:1* FOR SALE or EXCHANGE—One red Durham cow, due to fresh­ en, four years old. Will ex­ change on fat cow. Apply to John Caldwell, phone 13-r-ll Exeter.1* FOR SALE—30-gal. water tank and 3,000 watt heater, at­ tached. Phone 379-W, Samuel Bower, John Street,1* FOR SALE—Boy’s 3-piece all- wool brown winter outfit, size 6x, price $7.00. Girl’s 3-piece chinchilla outfit, white fur trim, size 3, price $7.00. Both in very good condition. Apply Box "R’1, Times-Advocate. 1c FOR SALE — Frigidaire and washer, 3 mos. old. —Phone 5 27-W Exeter. 1* PIGS FOR SALE—Five chunks. Phone 40-r-7 Dashwood. lc FOR SALE—Two-burner heavy- duty electric stove. —Phone 395-M Exeter. lc FOR SALE or EXCHANGE on fat cattle: Two grade Hereford bulls, serviceable age; also two heifers, due to freshen. Apply to John Caldwell, tele­ phone 13-r-ll Exeter.1* FOR SALE—Findlay enamelled range, and oil-burning space heater. Telephone 150-W, R. D. Hunter, Exeter.1* FOR SALE—Astral baby frig., used 4 months, $120. Apply at Times-Advocate. 1* APARTMENT for rent in Cen­ tralia, 4 rooms and bath. Pri­ vate entrance. Phone 541-r-22 Exeter. Call evenings. 1* WANTED—50- to 100-acre farms suitable for cropping or pas­ ture east of No. 4 highway; also one in Grand Bend area. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. TO LET—A 3-room unfurnished apartment, heated. Phone 297- J. 1* FOR RENT—4 - roomed cottage, all conveniences, partly fur­ nished. Tel. 266 Exeter, L. V. Hogarth, lc FOR RENT—Tn Exeter, one bed­ room apartment, self con­ tained, very suitable for busi­ ness girls. Apply Times-Advo­ cate. lc HOUSES WANTED—We have buyers looking for medium size houses in Exeter. If you would consider selling your property call on us and talk the matter over. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St,, Exeter. EXETER NORTH, 4-room house with partial basement, built-in cupboards, sink, town water, garage, barn. W. C. Pearce, Realtor. 11:18:25c FOR RENT—Furnished, heated, living accomodations. Abstain­ ers February 1, Phone 17, Exeter, 1* NOTICES NOTICE Would the gentleman who phoned Monetta Menard’s and said he had the wrong overcoat please return same as soon as possible or phone the owner at 172-r-2 Exeter. lc FOR SALE—Brand new fully modern house, 6 rooms and bath, 2 rooms upstairs un­ finished. Full, sized basement, air conditioned furnace, large water heater, gleaming tile, bathroom and kitchen, large master bedroom, prime oak floors, large picture window. Will decorate as desired. Open for inspection this week-end at Huron and Marlboro Streets or call at 8 Ann Street. 2 7 tfc USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY The Annual Meeting of the Usborne & Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held in Farquhar Hall, Farquhar, on Monday, February 5, 19 51, at 2 p m. for the purpose of receiving the reports of the Directors and Auditors for the past year, for the election of two Directors for a three-year term, the election | of Auditors and any other busi- jness that may be in the interests of the Company. ARTHUR FRASER, Secretary-Treasurer GOOD BRICK HOUSE with liv­ ing room,'* dining room, den, 3 ■bedrooms, modern kitchen, 3- piece bath, fir flooring. Good high basement in 3 parts with hot air furnace. Storm win­ dows and screens. Brick gar­ age. One block west of busi­ ness section. Apply: Ralph Batten, Exeter. 7tf* 134-ACRE FARM for sale. This farm has good buildings with hydro and water pressure. The land is in a good state of cul­ tivation. There is a good young bush. Located close to village and highways. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter. 12tfc MISCELLANEOUS SEWING MACHINES b o u g h t , sold, serviced and repaired. Phone evenings, Bob McLean, 527-J. 30tfc TWO LARGE HOUSES—We are offering two large houses, either of which will provide a good home for the buyer and at the same time a good in­ come from apartments rented. Both have full modern con­ veniences and are well located in Exeter. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Yorkshire Hogs, High Class Power And Farm Machinery, Grain And Furniture W. E. Nairn will sell by public auction on Lot 2 6, W. Mitchell Rd. • FULLARTON TOWNSHIP* 5 miles north of Rannoch 10 miles south of Mitchell, on WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7 commencing at 12:30 o’clock the following: HOGS: Five Yorkshire brood, sows, bred; 20 store hogs; 150 to 160 lbs.; 20 shoats; 10 pigs, 10 wks. old; 1 Yorkshire hog, 10 months old. FOWL; 75 Sussex and Red ■pullets. GRAIN: 150 bu. Cartier oats grown from rteg. seed; 100 bu. Galore barley; 300 bu. Cornell wheat; 1500 bu. mixed grain; 200 bu, mangolds; potatoes; 2 bags Inter-mineral; quantity of dry stove wood. IMPLEMENTS: W. D. Allis- Chalmers tractor on rubber, starter and lights, with powQr take off and 3-furrow hydraulic plow. D. Allis Chalmers tractor on rubber, starter and lights, with 6-ft. mounted mower; C. Allis Chalmers tractor on rubber with starter and lights with corn scuffler; inter. 2-furrow tractor plow ; Dion grain separator, 28 x 47; John Deere 8-ft, power binder; Inter, tractor manure spreader; Roby cultivator; 7-ft. Case tractor disk; Inter. 4-section. spring tooth cultivator; M.H. 11- lioe fertilizer drill; Case side de­ livery rake; 1946 %-ton Stude­ baker truck; forge and black­ smith equipment; also a host of other articles and a quantity of good furniture. NO RESERVE, the farm is sold. Terms: cash. W. T. Murray, Prop. W. E. Nairn, Auctioneer lc FOR SALE—Weiner pigs. Allan Westcott, 176-r-32 Exeter. lc FOR SALE—1948 RCA Victor car radio with antenna. Apply Harness Barbel' Shop.1 FOR SALE—Not one but two Case VA tractors. Both owned but apparently unused for 3 years. The best we’ve ever had and if prices have gone up we haven’t heard about it. See Dick Jermyn at Exeter Farm Equipment, phone 508, Exeter, Ont. lc FOR SALE—Cheap. Baby car­ riage in very good con’dition. Phone 336-M or apply 21 Marlboro St.lc FOR SALE—Male pup, -part Col­ lie. Ross Oke,- phone 177-r-3 Exeter. 1* FOR SALE—Two pair skis, one pair steel edged permanent base wax, 2 pair down hill harnesses, 2 pair steel poles, 1 pair boots, edged, water­ proof—Price $35.00, F/O W. L. Rittle, Blatchford’s house, William St. 1* FOR SALE—High Chair, in very good condition. Phone Times- Advocate. 1* FOR SALE—1949 green Austin coach, in good condition, 19,- 000 miles. Apply South End Service. lc FOR SALE—1939 Chev Deluxe Coach. Guaranteed original mileage 35,000. This car in far above average condition.—* Norm Walper, phohe 521-W Exeter. _________ lc FOR SALE—Heavy duty, two- burner grahamette rangette, Al condition. Gordon Farrow, phone 7-R Exeter.______ FOR 'SALE — Bassinette crib, baby buggy, hot point iron, small china cabinet, Phone 332W. 1* The seven wonders of the modern world arc the airplane, radium, antiseptics, antitoxins, x-ray, radio and the telephone. I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. •—G. J. Dow, phone 83 Exeter. Sept, 14* tfc PAINTING and paperhanging, kitchen cupboards and cab­ inets. Tom Walker, Exeter, phone 5 53. tfc FARMS WANTED — We have calls for 50- and 100-acre farms in Stephen and Usborne Townships. Also for smaller acreages. —C. V. Pickard, Re­ altor, Main St., Exeter. FEMALE HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED—Re­ quires knowledge of bookkeep­ ing, must be accurate in fig­ ures. Apply in person to Geo, T. Mickle and Sons Ltd.,, or call 103 Hensall. ltfc FOR SALE—Property on the south side of Waterloo Street, in the Village of Exeter, con­ taining one acre of land, the property of the late Peter Coleman. Apply Elmer D. Bell, Solicitor, Exeter. «« IS:25:1c NOTICE TO CREDITORS Wanted Clerk-Steno GENERAL BOOKKEEPING TYPING SHORTHAND RETAIL SELLING Apply to Buswells HELP WANTED WANTED'—Full time salesman with car for profitable Rural Watkins Dealership. Credit furnished responsible parties. If you are interested in good earnings and are between 25 and 55, write today to Dept. O-E-P, The J. R. Watkins Company, 350 St. Roch St., Montreal, QUe. 1:15c EXPERT Mechanic GOOD WAGES For Right Man Larry Snider Motors Phone 64-WVEXETBR In the estate of^ JONAH JAMES KESSELL, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of- Jonah James Kessell, late of the Town­ ship of Stephen, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the sixth day of May, 1950, are required to file particulars of same with Elmer D. Bell, Soli­ citor, of Exeter, Ontario, by the third day of February next after which date the estate will be dis­ tributed, having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Dated at Exeter this twelfth day of January, 1951. ELMER D. BELL, K.C., Solicitor for Executor, Exeter, Ontario. 18:25:1C In the Estate of PETER WELLINGTON COLEMAN, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Peter Wel­ lington Coleman, late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 13th day of July 1950, are required to file particulars of same with Elmer D. Bell, Soli­ citor, of Exeter, Ontario, by the 17th day of February next, after which date the est&te will be distributed, having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. ELMER D. BELL, Exeter, Ontario, Solicitor for Administratrix 1:8:15c EXECUTOR’S SALE Of Valuable Farms And Real Estate On WEDNESDAY, the 2 STH OF FEBRUARY, at the hour of 2 P.M., the following parcels of land with buildings thereon will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid, 10% of purchase price on date of sale, and con­ ditions announced and read at the time of the sale. 60% of purchase price may be left on. Mortgage. PLACE OF SALE—the late Dr. Moir Estate, one mile south of Hensall on Number 4 High­ way. PARCEL 1:—100 acres more or less, Lot 1, Concession 1, L.R.S., Tuckersmith, choice clay loam farm with 8 acres of bush. On this farm is situated a 3- storey, 19 room brick dwelling suitable for apartments, with full size basement and hot water heating system, bank barn 80 by 40, driving shed 50 by 25 and pig pen 30 by 20. PARCEL 2:—Part of Lot 17, Concession 1, Township of Hay, consisting of comfortable house and 2 acres of land having a frontage on the Highway of ap­ proximately 365 feet. PARCEL 3:—Parts of Lot 16 and 17, Concession 1, Township of Hay, on Number 4 Highway, being all of Lot 16 and 17 lying east of railway. This property contains approximately 60 acres, and has situate on it a comfort­ able dwelling, good barn and large chickenhouse. Excepted from this parcel is -a second cot­ tage having a frontage of 85 feet on the Highway by 316 feet and a right Of way. PARCEL 4:—Lot 23, Conces­ sion 3, iii the Township of Hay, containing 100 acres more or less, being choice clay loam farm with barns 26 by 40 each, and- comfortable frame house, good water supply. The above described parcels are in a good location and in a very desirable farming district and each has an ample water supply, For further particulars apply to either of the undersigned. BERT FABER, R.R. 2, Kippen, Executor of'the Estate of the late Dr, Alexander Moir and EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Clinton, Auctioneer 1:8:15:22c