The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-01-11, Page 5THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 11, 1951 Psge 5
Rev, Harry J. Mahoney, B.D,
Mrs. A, Y, Willard. Organist
3.1 a.m.—“A Message of Comfort
and 'Courage,’’
Anthem: “I Rest My Soul on
12 noon—Sunday School.
7 p.m.—“Chaos'or Christ?”
— Anglican
Rector: Rev. C. L. Langford,
B.A., M.A.
Organist: Robert Cameron
Sunday, January 14—
10:30 a.m.—(Sunday School.
11;30 a.m,—Morning Frayer.
Thurs., S p.m.-—Prayer Service.
Fri., 6:30 p.m.—Ladies’ Guild
and Choir Supper Meeting.
Rev. Donald R. Sinclair, R.A.
Organist: Miss Norma Knight
11:00 a.m,—Public Worship.
Rev. Mr, Sanderson of Hensall
will preach.
12:15 p.m.—Sunday School.
7:00 p.m.—Preparatory Service,
Thurs., Jan. 11, 8:00 p.m.—The
Annual Meeting of the con
Thurs., Jan. 18, 3:00 p.m.—The
Caven Auxiliary, Women’s Mis
sionary Society, will meet at
the home of Mrs. G. Dow.
Evangelical United Brethren
Rev. J. V. Dahms. Minister
Sunday, January 14—
10 a.m.—Worship.
Sermon subject: “How to
know You Are Saved.”
11 a.m.—Church School.
7:30 p.m.—“What Christians Be
lieve about Baptism,”
Fri., Jan. 12, 8 p.m.—Week of
Prayer Service.
Wed., Jan. 17, 8 p.m.—Prayer
- Anglican - Episcopal -
Grand Bend, Ontario
Rev. J. E. G. Houghton, Rector
10:00 a.m.—Sunday School.
11 a.m. — Morning Prayer
Holy Communion first Sunday
of each month.
A hearty welcome is extended
to all.
Rev. H. Kendrick, Pastor
Special Services
Tuesday Through Friday
At 8 P.M. Each Night
of Detroit
You are invited to come and
hear these singing Evangelists
Sun., 9:45 a.m.-—Sunday School.
Mr. E. Cudinore, siipt.
11 a.m.—Morning Worship.
71 So p.m.—A Gteat Song Feast.
Evangelistic Message by Rev.
Rev. H. J. Snell, Pastor
Mr, Lawrence Wein, A,W«C*M«,
Musical Director
11 a.m,—“Transcendant Love of
Duet: Irene Sweet and Bernice
Anthem by the Choir,
3 p.m.—Sunday School.
7 p.m.—‘‘Head, Heart and Hand”
Duet: Jean Taylor and Doro
thy Pooley.
United Church of Canada
Rev. W. O. Parrott, B.D.
Worship Services:
Shipka—10:15 a.m.
Crediton—11:30 a.m.
Brinsley—2:45 p.m.
Church School:
Crediton—>10:30 a.m.
Shipka—11:15 a.m.
Brinsley—1:30 p.m.
Evangelical United Brethren
Rev. «T. Henry Getz, Minister
Mrs. Ken McCrae. Organist
10 a.m.—Qhurcli School.
Re-dedication of Church School
Rooms and Worship Center.
11:15 a.m.—Service of Holy
7:30 p.m.—-Evening Worship.
Union Prayer
Services In
Crediton Churches
Union Prayer Services are be
ing held in the local Churches
this week. Service on Wednesday
night was held in the United
Church when Rev. Dahms, of
the Evangelical Church was the
speaker. On Friday night, ser
vice will be held in the Evange
lical Church and address will, be
given by Rev. Parrott. Services
will commence at eight o'clock.
Communion services were held
in both churches on Sunday.
Personal Items
Meeting of the Crediton Wo
men’s Institute will be held in
the Councill Chambers, Wednes
day evening, January 17.
Mr. Lorne Hodge has disposed
of the brick store, formerly
known as the Red and White
store to Mr. Harold Glanville,
who will conduct a tinsmithing
Mr. Frederick Wuerth spent
last week in Guelph where he
took a short course at the O.A.C.
Robert Galloway, s o n of Mr.
and Mrs. J. Galloway, is a pa
tient in the Children’s Hospital,
London, having undergone an
operation for removal of appen
Miss Mary Chambers is visit
ing with relatives in Woodstock.
Mrs. Mary Gallop, of Kirkton,
is visiting with her daughter,
Mrs. W. L. Hodge and Mr, Hod
■Mr. and Mrs. William Rivers
and family, of Hamiota, Man.,
visited on Friday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Clark, They
were en route to Forida, where
they will spend the winter with
Mrs. Rivers, mother. Mr. Rivers
is a nephew of Mrs. Clark and
over 40 years had elapsed since
the two had met, Needless to
'say the visit was a pleasant ev
Mrs. A. M. Berfy is spending
a few weeks in London and To
Miss Delores Schenk, of Lon-
, don, spent the week-end with
relatives here.
We are sorry to report that
Mrs. J. V. Dahms is a patient
in -St. Joseph Hospital, London,
having undergone an operation
there a week ago.
Evangelical L.A.
and W.S.W.S.
The regular meeting of the
Ladies Aid and W.S.W.S. was
held on Thursday January 4, at
the home of Mr. and Mrs, Wel
lington Haist, with a good atten
dance. Meeting opened with
with quiet music by Mrs. Ed.
Finkbeiner. Mrs. Gordon Ratz
was in charge of Devotions. Fol
lowing a hymn, Scripture was
read by Mrs. 'H. C. Beaver and
a musical number was contribut
ed by Mrs. E, Fahrner. The
Study book, “The Near East”
was reviewed in two parts by
Miss Maleeda Schenk and Mrs.
Gordon Ratz.
Pres., Mrs, W. Wein presid
ed for business period when let
ters of appreciation wbre read
from shut-ins remembered at
Christmas. Further plans Were
made relative to the kitchen be
ing built in the church base
Meeting closed with prayer
and! lunch was served by committee in charge.
"My advise to you, cOlohel is
to go through the movements of
driving without using the ball/’
said the golf instructor.
"My dear fellow,” answered
the colonel, "that’s precisely the
trouble I'm trying to overcome!"
Hensall Council
Sets Committees
The inaugural moating of Hen
sall council was held Tuesday
morning in the council chambers
with all members present. Mem
bers took their declaration of
office before Justice of the
Peace, James A. Paterson.
Reeve A. W, Kerslake ad
dressed the council asking for
their cooperation again this year
and stated that they had worked
well together last year and
hoped for the same this year.
New appointments made by
the council were: Mrs. E. Norm-*'
inton to the Public Library
Board for three years; W. Parks
and L. Luker to the Community
Park Board for one year, •
Council committees appointed
were: street, Park and Luker;
property, Jones and Hoy.
The clerk was to prepare the
necessary by-laws pertaining to
the appointments; also prepare a
new by-law setting out the rent
ing and control of ths hall, in
cluding closing time, and author
izing the manager to have full
control of the same as regards
closing and conduct of the par
ties using it.
The matter of fthe fire depart
ment and the chief of the same
was discussed and action was to
be taken in the near future at
the discretion of council.
Personal Items
Mr. Peter L. McNaughton who
recently underwent an operation
in Clinton General Hospital, re
turned home. His many friends
are pleased to hear of his
speedy recovery.
Mr. Stewart Bell is in Victoria
Hospital, London, where he is
undergoing treatment in the in
terment of his health.
Mrs. Catharine Delvin return
ed home after spending the past
few weeks with her son and
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Cook in Toronto.
Rev. P. A. Ferguson conduct
ed services in Carmel Presbyter
ian Church on Sunday. Rev. R.
H. Sanderson contributed a
pleasing solo entitled, “Jesus
Lover of My Soul.” The choir
sang an anthem entitled, ~ “Face
to Face”.
The annual congregational
meeting of Carmel Presbyterian
Church will be held in the
school-room of the church on
Friday, January 19. The meet
ing will be preceeded by a pot
luck supper.
Mrs. Letitia gangster, of Lon
don, spent a few days with rela
tives here last week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. McCloy and
babe returned to their home in
Toronto after a pleasant visit
with Mrs. McCloy’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. George Hess.
Wohelo Class Plan I
Year’s Activities
Rev. and Mrs. Rogers opened
their home to the members of
the Wohelo Class for their
monthly meeting on Wednesday
night, January 3. Mr. Blackwell
The meeting opened with a
hymn and prayer by Rev. Rogers.
Mrs. Lillian Hyde read the scrip
ture passage. The devotional,
"Taking Stock of Our Lives”,
was ably presented by Mrs. D.
The next item was the slate
of officers for 19 51. In this case
all Officers were re-elected:
Pres., Mr. J. Blackwell; vice-
presidents, Miss Gray, Mrs. J.
Corbett; sec., Miss Gladys Luker;
treas., Miss Dorothy McNaughton;
■press reporter, Mrs. Hedden;
•pianist, Miss Mary Goodwin;
Buying Committee, Cards and
Boxes, Mrs. Hyde, Mrs. G. Brod
erick; Transportation Committee,
Mr. J. Corbett.
It was decided to have a Var
iety Concert in the near future.
The following members Offered
to look after arrangements: Mrs.
D. Kyle, Mrs. R. Drysdale and
Mrs. J. Harrison.
In case a sleigh-ride party can
be arranged Dave Kyle and Jack
Corbett will attend to this mat
Mrs. R. Drysdale and Mrs. D.
Kyle volunteered to act for re
creation and lunch for a skating
party. Mrs. G. Broderick and
Mrs. Jack Harrison will be in
charge of social plans.
Mr. Blackwell extended sin
cere thanks to Mr. and Mrs.
Rogers for their gracious hospi
tality. Following the hymn "This
Is My Father’s World”, Miss
Ellis provided a contest.
At the close, the host and
hostess served delicious refresh
ments, There was a splendid at
Birthday Party
A happy birthday for Diane
Weber on Saturday, JJanuary 6;
seven of her cousins, Donna,
Garry and Franklin Eagleson
spent a pleasant afternoon With
games, tea parties and a supper
With ice cream and cake for
Dianne’s second ibirthday.
Evening Auxiliary Meeting
On Monday night, January 8,
the Evening Auxiliary meeting
Was held in the school room of
the United Church. Mrs. Lillian
Hyde presided for the opening
Mrs, Hyde introduced the Wor
ship service in which Mrs. Rogers
acted as leader. She was assisted
by Mrs. Mack, Mrs. Harrison
and Mrs. Rannie. Prayers were
offered by Mrs. D. Kyle, Miss
Luker and Mrs. Jack ‘Corbett.
The installation Of officers
took place. The topic, "The
Church of Christ in Japan”, was
Greenway Groups
Elect Officers
The Annual meeting and elec
tion of officers for the W.A, and
W.M.S. of the United Church
took place at the home of Mrs.
Lawrence Curts and are as fol
lows for W.A. l
Honary president, Mrs- John
Brown; .president, Mrs. Lawren
ce Curts; first vice-president,
Mrs. Harold Brophey; second
vice-p resident, Mrs. Russell
Brown; secretary, Mrs. Carman
Woodburn; assistant secretary,
Mrs, Lawrence pollock; treasur
er, Mrs, Bryden Taylor; auditors,
Mrs. Joe Horner Jr. and Mrs.
Roy Whiting; order funeral
flowers, Mrs. Dean Brown; pian
ist, Mrs. Lloyd Brophey, pack
sick boxes, Mrs. Milton Pollock
and Mrs. Lawrence Pollock;
visiting committee, Mrs. Lisle
Woodburn, Mrs. /William Hicks,
Mrs. Joe Horner Sr., Mrs. H.
Harlton, Mrs. Joe Eagleson, Mrs.
Ed. Bullock; monthly meeting
committee, Mrs. Lloyd Brophey
and Mrs. Russell Brown.
Honarary president, Mrs. R.
English; ‘ president, Mrs. Fred
Steeper; first vice-president, Mrs.
Elton Curts, second vice-presi
dent, Mrs. Albert Pollock; secre
tary, Mrs. Lesle Woodburn; trea
surer, Mrs. Joe Horner Jr.; mis
sion band superintendent, Mrs.
Wood and Mrs. Graham Eagle
son; baby ’band superintendent,
Mrs. J. Geromette, C.G.I.T. lead
er, Mrs. Carman Woodburn;
Christian stewardship secretary,
Mrs. R. Whiting; literature sec
retary, Mrs. Milton Pollock;
strangers secretary, Mrs. A. Pol
lock; supply secretary, Mrs. H.
Harlton; associate members sec
retary, Mrs. D. Brown; order
Missionary Monthly, Mrs. J.
Horner Jr.; press secretary, Mrs.
H. Brophey; temperance secre
tary, Mrs. Joe Eagleson; finance
committee, Mrs. F. Stephen, Mrs.
J. Horner Jr., Mrs. L. Wood
burn; pianist, Mrs. L. Brophy;
auditors, Mrs. L. Curts and Mrs
E. Curts; sale of cards, Mrs. H.
Personal Items
We extend sympathy to the
family and relatives of the late
Mrs. Annie Ridley.
Sunday visitors with Mrs. 0.
Gardner were: Mr. and Mrs.
Bruce Gardner and Patsy, of
London, Mr. and Mrs, Earl Gard
ner, of Sarnia, Mr, and Mrs.
John Mathers and Mr. and Mrs.
George Hall.
Mr, and Mrs. Milton Pollock
visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Ross Pollock and son, of
Mr. and Mrs. Arthui' Baker,
of Dashwood, visited on Sunday
with Mr. a n d Mrs. Russell
Brown and family and Mr. and
Mrs. Dean Brown.
Miss Sophia Young had the
misfortune to fall and hurt hei’
shoulder. We wish her a speedy
Mr, and Mrs. Lesle Woodburn
and Mrs, T, Isaac visited on
Wednesday evening with Mr.
and Mrs. W. Willert, of Dash
Mr, Robert Snowden, of Park
hill, is visiting with Mr. and
Mrs. Walter McPherson.
Mrs. J. Gardiner is spending a
few days with Mr. and Mrs.
John Mathers.
Mr. Dawson Woodburn, of
Toronto, spent the t week-end
with relatives here.
The property of the late Mr.
and Mrs. George Millson has
been sold to the "Mardlen Con
struction Company,” London.
Personal Items
The W.M.S. and W.A. will
meet at Mrs. Bert Duffield’s on
Thursday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Squire
visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Laverne Scott, Dorchester.
Mrs. Walter Gunning is visit
ing with her sister, Mrs. Archei*
near London, for several days.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Carter
and family, Metropolitan, visited
on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs,
Roy Hodgson.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith,
London, visited recently with
Mr. and Mrs. Alton Neil.
Mr. and Mrs. William French
and family were in Michell on
Sunday visiting with Mrs. Camer
Mr. and Mrs. William Hodg
son and Mr. Thomas Morley
were recent guests of Mr. and
■Mrs. Alex Baillie.
■Mrs. F. Squire sent the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. N. Ogden
in Exeter.
■Mr. and Mrs. Melville Gun-
ing and also Mr. Wilfred Her
bert visited on Sunday evening
with Mr, and Mrs. Milne Pullen.
We are glad to report that
Miss Elva Morley and Mrs. Jos.
Whelithan who are patients at
St. Joseph Hospital will be re
turning to their home this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Squire and
Mr. and MrS. F. Suqire and
Grafton spent Monday evening
at Mr. and Mrs. C, Millson’s
Prospect. The occasio was a
birthday celebration in honor of
Mrs. Ralph Millson.
ably discussed by Miss Ellis. In
teresting passages were read by
Mrs. Pearl Passmore, Mi’s. G.
Broderick and Mrs. B. Kyle.
Miss R. Avery directed a con
test. The social committee served
delicious refreshments. During
the social hour1 Miss Luker pre
sented th Mbs. Hyde, retiring
president, a life membership And
Tin. The recipient expressed Sin
cere thanks for same.
Mrs. Fred Switzer was a re
cent guegt with her sister at
Wainfield and Welland.
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Grays, of
Stratford, left this past Wednes
day for California. Dr. Gray has
been the supply minister in the
United Church for the past five
Mr. and Mrs. Rundell and son
John, of Toronto, are welcomed
to the villiage, Mr. Rudell has,
accepted a position with the
Blanshard Municipal Telephone
Mrs. Mary Gallop is holiday
ing with her daughetr, Mrs.
Lorne Hodge, at Crediton.
Miss Nancy parott, of Mitchell,
spent the week-end with her
sister, Mrs. Roger Christie.
Rev. W. H. Pike, of Ilderton
is supply preacher on the Kirk
ton circuit, and was very much
enjoyed by all.
Celebrates Birthday
A very happy Birthday Party
was held Saturday afternoon
January 6, when Mrs. Roger
Christie was hostess to a party
in honor of her son David. Mrs.
Christie packed the boys in her
car and headed for Mitchell
where they attended picture at
the local theatre. Then they
were taken to the Cozy Grill for
The guests were; Harold
Doupe, Murray Pridham, Harold
Burgin, John Rundell Harold
Jaques, Ronald and Bill Mar
shall, David and Bryan Christie.
January Clearance Sale
Men’s Fine Broadcloth Shirts
By famous makers.
Plain or French cuffs.
Values to $3.95 ON SALE AT $2.69
Values to $5.50 ON SALE AT $3.95
Men’s Sport Shirts
Reg. $5.50 ON SALE AT $3.95
Men’s Flanelette Pyjamas
.Reg. $3.95 ON SALE AT $2.95
Reg. $4.50 ON SALE AT $3.95
Men’s Parkas
Heavy satin
Reg. $19.50 ON SALE AT $14.95
Men’s Station Wagon Coats
Gabardine with niouton collar.
Reg. $26.50 ON SALE AT $21.00
25% Off - All Men’s Winter Overcoats
Men’s Plaid Jackets
Heavy Wool
Reg. $9.95 ON SALE AT $6.95
Reg. $13.95 ON SALE AT $10.95
Boys’ Broadcloth Shirts
Reg. $2.25 — SALE PRICE $1.79
Boys’ Gabardine Parkas
Reg. $12.95 ON SALE AT $9.85
Boys’ Hockey Sweaters
Pure Australia Wool
Ideal for school — $1.95
Boys’ Woo! Windbreakers
Sizes 30, 32, 34 Only
Reg. $5.75 ON SALE AT $3.95
Boys’ Station Wagon Coats
Reg. $13.50 ON SALE AT $10.95
Boys’ Satin Bomber Jackets
Reg. $11.95 ON SALE AT $8.95
, Boys’ Wool Ski Caps
Outstanding Value
TwelVe only, BOYS’ WINTER OVERCOATS, sizes 25 to 33. Valuers to $15.00,
reduced to clear at
All Ladies’, Misses* and Girls*
Winter Coats and Dresses
25% Off Regular Prices
Children’s fleece-lined sleepers, 2-3-4
sizes, pink only. Reg, $2.00 line to cleai'
at .................. .... $1.39 each
Extra Special
One rack of ladies’ dresses; shades of
black, grey, green, wine, navy and
brown; sizes 181/^ to 24^. Specially
priced to clear at ................. $8.95 each
Children’s Chenille Coat Sets
Sizes 2, 3 and 3X, pink and blue shades.
Reg. $9.00 to clear at ........... $6.95 set
In heavy wool flannel with fur trim.
Reg. $12,95 to clear at ....... $9.85 set
Plaid Flannels
Five webs all wool plaid flannels, 56”
wide for skirts, blouses, dresses, etc.
Values up to $3.75 yard. January sale
price ...................... $2.50 yard
Twelve webs, figured and striped, for
night gowns, pyjamas, etc. A real good
quality on sale this month at 490 yard
Lightly sweetened, 15-oz. tins 2 for 450
Heavy weight, 100-foot rolls .. each290
One of each j all for 390
11-oz, bottles each 170
Always popular ....... 3 tins 330
Large tins 2 for 290
Mr. and Mrs. Wellington
Brock visited at the home of
Mr, and Mrs- Tom Olgie, of Lon
don. ’
My. and Mrs. Gerald Hern and
family visited on Saturday even
ing with Mr, and Mrs. Max Bil-
yea, of Blanshard.
JZipn Church was filled to cap
acity on Sunday, Rev. G- Wan-
less conducted the service and
the sacrament of the Lord’s sup
per was administered.
The boys from the community
who attended the short course
at Guelph returned bnme on Fri
day evening, having spend a
pleasant and profitable week.
On their arrival home the boys
all thanked Mrs. Christie for a
pleasant party.
Fit. Lieut. Re. Homer Dean,
of Camp Bordon, spent the
week-end with his family at the
parsonage in the village.
The annual meeting of the
Kirkton Aberdeen Hall was held
Monday night, January 8, in the
hall with the usual attendance.
Auditors report shows a balance
of $373.0'0'. Trustees for the
coming year are Mr. Reubin Swit
zer, Lewis Fletcher, I. N. Mar
shall, Harold Davis and Lorne
Marshall; care taker, Mr. John
Many folks find profits in
classified ads.—Yon can too.
Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Collier, of
Kirktop visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bailey.
Mrs. E. Walters, Mrs, Bill
Brock, George and Linda, < of
London, spent the week-end at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Mr, and Mrs. Harold Clarke
spent Sunday evening with Mr,
and -Mrs. Neil Caddie, of Exeter,
The executive of Elimville
W.A. and W.M.S, met at the
home of the president Mrs. Hor
ace Delbridge, on Wednesday
last to plan the meetings for
O.E.S. Has Card Party
The card party held by Exeter
Chapter 2?2, O.E.S., on January
4, was fairly well attended in
spite of the inclement weather
and icy roads, Mrs. George Hicks
was the luck winner of the prize
for ladies’ high score. Mr. O,
Brown won the prize for gentle
men’s high score and Mr, C.
Davis had the highest number of
lone hands. Refreshments were
served at the close.
Safe For Whom — Officer —
"Yes lady, I know that but you
drove through a safety zone,”
Lady—"And why not? Haven’t
I a right to be as safe as any
body else?”