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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-01-04, Page 10
Page 10 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 4, 1951 Toy/n Topics— Items of Social and Personal Interest in and Around Exeter The Times-Advocate is always pleased to publish these items.. We and °ur readers ar© interested in you and your friends. Phone 31w Reviewing The Highlights OF The Past Year Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Lindenfield left this week by nuto to spend the winter in Floria. Mr. Reg. Prebble and family, of Ilderton, spent New Day with Mr. and Mrs. 1 Sillery. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ken nedy and soxx Gordon, of Toronto spent Christmas with Mrs. Ken nedy’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Cudmore. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Hodgert, of Bornholm, Mr. and Mrs. Gor- James Tuckey idon Hodgert, of town; Mr. and r Years William i 5 II mi*, ana mrs. James Tuckey *’**• v;/and children Judy and Jimmie, Plrs* J°hn Madge, Marion, Keith of Cass City, Michigan, spent ■ aud Phyllis; Mr. and Mrs. Clay- New Years with Mr. and Mrs. tou Colquhoun, Janet and Doug- ilas, of Science Hill; spent New i Years day and Mrs. town. Holiday gust Gregus were William Woodall ‘Windsor; John, of London; Mr. i and Mrs. Paul Gregus and son, I of Chatham and Mrs. John • Spacek.? uie weaning or i , ... .t1H. J. Horton She ,T Visitors over the holiday with — • iMr. and Mrs. William Essery were: Miss B. Essery, Mr. and Mrs. E. Roberts and Marian and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Penwarden and Harold. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brintnell of town, have received word that the former’s aunt, Mrs. ’Dennis Brintnell, of Vanderbilt, Michi gan, had passed away, December 20th, 1950. Misses Margaret and Francis Tayor have returned to Preston and Thorold after spending the holidays with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Campbell, Gary and Grant, of St. Thomas visited with Mr, and Mrs. Coates on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Cairnie and Johnny spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. William Cut ting and family. Mr. Gib Schiller and family to their O. Tuckey. Wayne Turkey re turned home with them for a holiday. Mr. and Mrs, Horace Del- bridge, Bruce and Fred, Mr. and Mrs. Squire Herdman and Helen, were Christmas Sunday and New Years Day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Delbridge. Mrs. Horton has been to King ston attending the wedding of her son Pte. I_. also enjoyed the Christmas sea- ■ son at different points with her family. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Warwick, Gerry and Terry Lee, of Port Huron, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Clark Fisher. at the Archie visitors home of Hodgert, niversary —Continued From Page One the tastefully room done in gold silver Their Routly, received the guests and lunch was served in the dining room decorated with gold white streamers, gold bells baskets of gold mums. Tea was served from a covered table decorated with tall tapers and golden munis in sil ver holders and centered with a three-storey wedding cake. Pouring tea in the afternoon were Mrs. Harold Hern Garnet McFalls and in ning, Mrs. Ruby Routly and Mrs. Alex Crago. Assisting with the serving were Miss Anna Routly, Miss Seeta Barnes, Mrs. Milne Pollen, Mrs. Norman Brock, Mrs* Angus Earl, Mrs. Garnet Johns, Mrs. Lewis Johns, Mrs. A. Crago and Mrs. James Kirkland. Grace Routly, granddaughter of the bride and groom, had charge of the register in which over one hundred names were written. Mr. and Mrs. Horne received many beautiful gifts among which was a very lovely table lamp from their neighbors. They also received many cards con gratulating them and wishing them continued health and hap piness. of their baskets daughter, decorated living home which was and white with of gold mums. Mrs. W. J. and and lace and the Mrs, eve- Euchre Party Exeter Legion Hall Fri., Jan. 19 at 8:30 Admission 350 LUNCH Will Be Served Sponsored By Hurondale W.I THEATRE Phone 42.1 Previews its Coming Attractions FRIDAY & SATURDAY January 5 and 6 ‘Comanche Territory’ (Colour) ★ Maureen O’Hara ★ Macdonald Carey The wild, wanton fury of 1,000 howling savages! MONDAY & TUESDAY January 8 and 9 andi I ★ Judy Garland ★ Gene Kelly The biggest musical in technicoloiu* . * . WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY January 10 and 11 ‘Where the Sidewalk Ends’ ★ Dana Andrews •fc Gene Tierney MATINKES SATURDAY AND HOLIDAYS AT 2:30 P.M. E. won Mit- Mr. of Au-with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. and Judy, of April 20 Walter Ross Penrose died when struck on his bicycle by a truck. Miss E v e 1 y n Desjardine of Grand Bend captured second place in an Ontario competition for lyric poetry reading. April 27 Inquest into the death of W a 11 e r Penrose recommended parallel parking in Exeter. Walter F. Madge of Usborne was fatally injured when his tractor overturned in a field. May 11 Heavy winds on Saturday were responsible for the death of Ralph Atkinson of Stephen and injuries to Clifton Prouty when their farm, wagons overturned. The wind blew ovex* a large brick wall at the Canadian Can- ners factory, While fire raged in the pinery near Grand Bend, a London man stole the fire warden’s car, crashed into two others, was fin ally arrested. May 18 Times-Advocate set up a relief truckers were called into emer gency service. August 3J, Fire razed Granton grist mill causing an estimated $ J. 0,0 00 damage. Police Chief and Mrs. John fitiethNorry celebrated their wedding anniversary. Another flying training was established by RCAF Gimli, Manitoba, creased pressure airport. school HQ at to relieve in- on Centralia September 7 Two school chnms, born on the same day, Mr. William Clark and Mr. Sidney Cook, celebrated their ninetieth birthdays to gether in Woodham. Dashwood Juveniles captured W.O.a.a, *C’ championship when they ousted Drew. Sheep owned by. Preston Dear ing and son awards at the A London captured highest ONE. youth was when struck by a walking along the Blue car killed while Water Highway. A practical agricultural course wa,s established at the high school. September 14 Mitchell Legionaires won the *C’ ball title after ousting Dash wood in a hard fought series. Hensall assessment jumped $59,000 over last year. Fire destroyed the large bank barn of Mr. Harold Wallis near Granton. January 5 Reeve A. J. Sweitzer defeated W. G. Cochrane at the polls. H. L. Snider became the first deputy - reeve. E d Lixidenfield, Bill Webster and Vernon Hey wood won council seats. In Usborne, Wellington Brock < reeve with seven-vote margin [ovex* Janies Simpson. V. L. Becker, Gus Roehe, J. Willert and L. H. Rader in the Hay council election. January 12 Usborne councillor, Earl chell, was declared ineligible to qualify and another nomination meeting was called. Architect’s sketch of the addition received. January Forty district met to form club. Samaritans and Sheiks from Western Ontario held a fun-filled installation of officers in Exeter Opera House and honored Grand Master Ivan Stewart. Robert McCubbin predicted farm price stabilization at Ste-I fUU(i headquarters for victims of i To be Continued Next Week to the public 19 young men school new was thefrom a Kinsmen ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS FERGUSON—-Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ferguson, of Exeter, wish to announce the birth of a son at the Hooper Nursing Home on December 28, Ronald Ern est. COMING EVENTS are moving from Exeter home at the airport. Mr, and Mrs. G. W. and Mr. Medd are going don for the winter months and will be pleased to see any of their friends at t546 Wellington Street, Apartment 550. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Parker, of Hamilton, visited with Parker's parents, M r. and Charles Harris, during the days. Layton to Lon- M r s. . Mrs. ! holi- phen Federation of Agriculture annual meeting. January 20 Premier Leslie Frost officially opened the district high school. Exeter Old Boy Dr. Hugh Creech was acclaimed after dis covering cancel* retarding treat ment. Earl Mitchell won second ac clamation as Usborne councillor. Huron County council granted $35,000 to the hospital. Over 6,000 pullets smothered to death in a Lakeview Hatchery fire. February 2 Mrs, Agnes Baird of Bruce- field celebrated her ninetieth birthday. • February 9 Squadron Leader J. E. W. Bythell, native of Granton, was killed while testing airplane equipment for “Operation Sweet- briar”. Mrs. R. E. Pooley was elected head of the local Red Cross. February 16 Brady Dry Cleaners’ plant I other the Manitoba flood. Hensail Legion Hall was de dicated after $5,000 were spent in major repairs, May 25 The first W.O.-S.S.A. Senior B Girls trophy was presented to Captain May Schroeder by donor S. B. Taylor at E.D.H.S. com mencement. June 1 Fire damaged the new air man’s lounge at Centralia to the extent of $4,000, Hensall Spring Fair was “big gest and best” yet. June 8 Rev. Duncan McTavish, form er pastor, officially opened Janies Street United Church which was extensively redecorated. T. C. Joynt, prominent Hensall merchant, died at June 15 Lucan dedicated centre to members forces who died in Riverview Park for the site of the An hour-long air display and attractions thrilled huge celebra- age 58. its new arena of the armed service. was chosen hospital. burned and several hundred gar- crowd at Air Force Day ments were destroyed. The large bank .barn of chell Willis, Usborne, was stroyed by fire. Warren Sanders first president men. Peter Fraser, at U.W.O., was I cent of students on the North American continent. I February 23 Woodham community rink was officially opened with a carnival. Mr. Joseph May celebrated ninetieth birthday. The new electric organ Crediton United Church was ficially dedicated. Hensall officially opened new arena. March 2 Mrs. Petex* Frayne celebrated her ninety-third birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Treve- thick of Crediton observed their fifty-second March 9 Judge T. the appeal Grand Bend, who was fined summer under the Lord’s Act. Thomas Pryde, M.L.A. Huron, urged a uniform daylight saving period throughout the province in a speech to the On tario legislature. Marell 16 South Huron farmers captured the championships at the Huron County seed fair held at Clinton. Alan Walper, Parkhill, was fair champion, H. H. G, Strang wheat champion ahd R. D. Etherington corn champion. Bob Dinney and Nell Arm strong won the mixed doubles title at Clinton invitation tourna ment which drew 200 entries. Mrs. Armstrong also captured ladies’ single honours. March 23 A stray dog taken in as a children’s pet was credited Mon day with saving four persons as flames raged through the home of Mrs. Floyd Adair, Hensall. March 30 Exeter High School basketball teams swept through a field of W.O.S.S.A. Senior B contenders to capture two championships in London on Saturday. The killing IbOys time been At>ril Centralia Flyers tario Intermediate Title. Five horses, including Tom Yearley’s Amber Gratton, were destroyed in a fire which gutted the barn at community park. Canada Packers bought Exeter and Winchelsea creameries from W. G. Medd. Exeter Kinsmen became the largest club ever chartered in that organization. April 13 junior basketball Maroons brought Exeter their first On tario championship by whipping “but I'm not going ^vith jBrampton in a two-game icurslon.” t series, w- Hockey —Continued From Page One son. Subs, Musser, Charlton, Haugh, Whilsmitli, Carson, Tuc key, Mason, Stires. Granton 7, Hensall 6 Hensall blew a 5-1 lead in the second period to go down to defeat at the hands of Granton in their opening fame on home ice. Previously Hensall whipped a short-handed Granton squad 11-2 in an exhibition game. GRANTON—Goal, K. “ man: defence, Parnell, centre, F. Harrigan; wings, J. : Harrigan, C. Nichols. Subs, P. Kipp, W. Kipp G. Westman, A. Jones. Bill Legge is the coach and Ken Westman, HENSAII—Goal, R. fence, H. Nicholson, E. Nichol son; centre, Doig; wings, Flear, Cowan. Subs, Harrison, Mous- seau, Consitt, B. Moir, Ayere, Jacobi, Adkins. Ron Mock is coach, Wilson Allen, manager, tnd Bill Brown, secretary-trea surer. West- Carty; wings, Subs, manager. Moir; de- SHIFKA Miss Violet Sharpe, of Hamil- is spending her vacation and Brother, and ‘Mrs. V. Sharpe ton, with her mother Mr. family. Mr. and' Mrs. Ed. Duncan Peter, of Stratford, spent Christmas week-end with and Mrs. Ed. Lamport. Mr. Karl Guenther spent Christmas week-end with tives in Chatham. The funeral of t h e late ___ Henry Link was largely attend ed from the T. Harry Hoffman funeral home on Saturday after noon last. Rev. K. Wood, Grand Bend United Church assisted by Rev. Mr. Getz, of Dashwood U.B. Church, officiated. Mr. Wood took for his message, “The Heavenly Welcome/ Hoffman sang solos. The Pall neighbours. Mr, sympathy of the community. Harvey Ratz, of London, spending h i s vacation at his home here at Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ratz and family. Mr. and Mrs. A. Comfort, of Fenwick, spent the Christmas week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Mil- ton( and Stuart Switzer.hisses Elaine, Ruth and Wil- iha McNair, of ILderton are spending the Christmas vacation with Mr. and Mrs. H. Shippard and Dave. Visitors over the Christmas week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ratz and family were Mr. and Mrs. Herb Haist, of Ferndale Michigan, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Haist, of Madison Wisconsin, Miss Ida Switzer, Mrs. Alice Gien and son Stuart, of London. and and the Mr. the rela- Mrs. officiated. Mr. for _his message, Mr. Harry two beautiful bearers were Link has the is I and the won 6 Mit- de- was elected of Exeter Kins- Exeter, student in top one per his at of- its wedding anniversary. M. Costello upheld of Edward Odbert, last Day accomplished by girls marked the championships by local teams. for twin both first have won the Oh- C Basketball “Stand up,’’ shouted the evan gelist. “Stand up, if you want to go to heaven.” Everybody stood up but one old man. “Don’t you tvant to go to hea ven?” asked the evangelist. “Sure I do/* replied the old man, any excursion. tion at Centralia. June 22 Huron County refused tion new telephone tralia district. A student pilot was killed when he a burning plane. Juno 29 Manitoba Flood with $1,700 to its Contract for the school at Centralia Crown Attorn Hayes announced he. would pro secute Sunday amusement opera tors under the Lord’s Day Act. July G Grand Bend started a petition for incorporation. Exeter Municipal status to J. A. chant of ; July 13 Grand organized president. Hensall work on plant. July 20 S.S. 5 Hibbert drew over former pupils in a happy union. Usborne council lowered tax rate for 1950. Bell Telephone Company raised its rates. July 27 Driving hailstone wrought un estimated damage to farm crops in a two-mile wide strip south of Exeter. Despite continual rain, Kirkton Garden Party scored another big success. Paving of the Dashwood road, long delayed by private contrac tor, was started by Department of Highways workmen. Fifty students pilots from At lantic Pact countries training at Centralia. August 10 Two-year-old child of Mr. Munn, Hensall killed when run over accidental ly by a tractor. Bell Telephone workers start ed construction on a $60,000 plant from Exeter to Centralia without county council approval. August 17 A Centralia native, Nelson Hicks, died after a successful career in Detroit. Nine-yehr-old Kenneth Sullivan was killed in Crediton When a car struck his bicycle. Fire destroyed a barn and implement shed of Edward Bryce hear Brucefield. The Thames River claimed five Victims when a pleasure boat overturned in mid-stream. August 24 Usborne Township initiated a cooperative reforestation program which was approved by the county and province. Canadian activity was slowed Considerably by the crippling railway strike, Hehsall grain ele vators were forced to close and line to sanc- in Cen- at Centralia jumped from closedFund credit. RCAF was let. e y H. Glenn public applied to Ontario . Board for change in town. Stewart, Exeter, died retired mer- at 90. Bend. Lions with Eric Club was. McIlroy as. District Co-Op started a new seed-cleaning 400 re its started Munn, Mrs. Brian and district, only Alex was GIBSON—To Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gibson, on December 28, 1950, a son. McELREA—Mr. and Mrs. John McElrea, of Kirkton, wish to announce th© arrival of their daughter on Saturday, Decem ber 30, at the Hoopei* Nursing Home, Sharon Marie. WARNER—Mr. and Mrs. Reg Warner, of Exeter, wish to announce the arrival of their daughter, Mary Elizabeth, Wednesday, December 27, the Hooper Nursing Home. DEATHS EACRETT—In Mission City, B.C., on Wednesday, Decem ber 13, 195'0'. Dr. Edward J. Eacrett, a native of Exeter. KUNTZ—At his late residence in Dashwood, on Friday, Decem ber 29, 1950, John Kuntz, in his eighty-fourth year. STEWART—Ixi Orillia, on Wed nesday, December 27, 1950, Elizabeth Ann Stewart, be loved daughter of Mr. and ’Mrs. William Stewart, of Tor onto, in her ninth year. CARDS OF THANKS I wish to thank all those who sent cards and flowers to me while in Victoria Hospital. It helped a lot to know that I had so many friends. Special thanks to to my nearest neighbour Mr, Weiburg, who without an in vitation took right hold of the job at ciently. ■Mr. on at home and did it so effi- c —-Norman Mitchell Labannah Hodgins and wish to thank relatives, and neighbours for their and expressions of Mrs. family friends kindnesses sympathy during their recent sad bereavement, for the beautiful floral tributes, sympathy cards and treats, 'and those that acted as pallbearers. Thanks to L.O.L., Dr. Dunlop, Rev. Langford, Mrs. Gordon Mr. Jack Murdy and Mrs. shaw. the L. C. Mains, Hawk- sincereI wish to express my thanks to all my relatives and neighbours who so kindly re membered me with flowers, cards, treats, visits and all acts of kindness during my recent illness. c —Fred Wildman Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Clark of Crediton wish to express sincere thanks to their many friends, who so kindly remembered Mrs. Clark with cards, letters, treats and visits during her stay in Victoria Hospital, London, and since her return home. 28* I wish to thank all relatives and friends who so kindly re membered me with cards, treats, flowers and visits while a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. —Mrs. Percy Noels Mrs. P. Hewitt and family wish to thank all those who so kindly sent cards, and flowers, also those who loaned cars. Special thanks to Rev. Mahoney.4* Mr, and Mrs, Weston Horne wish to thank all the friends and neighbours who remembered them with gifts and cards; also those who called to see them on the occasion of their fiftieth wedding anniversary. Special thanks to Mrs. Harold Bell, Rev. William Mair and all helped in any way. Mr. Henry Link thank his friends and for the kindness shown, for the cards sent to Mrs. Link while in hospital, to the pallbearers, those who loaned cars, and for the beautiful floral tributes. Special thanks to Dr. J. Dunlop, Harry Hoffman, Rev. J. H. Getz and Rev. K. Wood. 4c Mrs. John Kuntz and family wish to thank their friends and neighbours for the many acts of kindness extended them during their recent bereavement. 4c RED CROSS executive meeting and packing, Friday, January 12, at 1:30 p.m. in the Public Lib rary Work Room. 4c those who4* wishes to neighbours South Huron Jr. Farmers EXETER DISTRICT H.S. Wed., Jan. 10 tit 8:30 p.m. Come out and help elect your slate of officers for 1951 Girls Please Bring Lunch Mrs. McNicol and Ernest wish to thanlc all who so kindly re membered her with cards and treats at Christmas; also during the past four and a half years of confinement. 4* IN MEMORIAM BAKER—In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Richard V. Baker, who passed away six years ago, January 1, 1945. It is lonesome here without you Dad, There is such a vacant place, For we never hear your footsteps Or see your smiling face. As we loved you, so we miss you, In our memory you are near, Loved, remembered, longed for, Always bringing many silent tears. Good was his heart, his friend ship true, Loved and knew, To a useful end— He died as friend. Thy will be done. —Ever remembered by wife and family. 28c HOLTZMAN—In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Alf Holtzman, who passed away two years ago, January 5, 1948. In our lonely hours of thinking Thoughts of sadness will come o’er us Friends may think the wound is healed. But they little know the sorrow That lies within the heart con cealed. —Ever remembered by wife and family. 4 * MITCHELL—In loving memory of Mrs. Albert Mitchell who passed away December 29, There’s a road brance Where thoughts and wishes meet We take the road in thought to day For the one Dearer still as Your memory hearts With tender love and deep regret We who loved you, will never forget. —Ever remembered by husband, and family. 28* Clinton High School presents REV. JOHN MORAN of Stratford Mrs. Moran, Soloist Fangrad, CornetistMr. J. Sat., January 6 to meet us the firstRemember Saturday of every month in the Clinton High School ALDON respdcted by all he life came a sudden he lived, everyone’s two years ago, 1948. we call remem- THEATRE GRAND BEND Presents For Your Pleasure The Following Attractions FRIDAY" & SATURDAY January 5 and 6 TWO SHOWS 7:30 & 9:30 P.M. DOUBLE BILL ‘The Palomino A stunning spectacle of the horse country in technicolour! A we cannot greet, the years depart 1 lives within our ‘The Ladies of the Chorus’ stirring musical comedy MONDAY & TUESDAY January 8 and 9 ONE SHOW 8:09 P.M. (Note Change in Time) ‘Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye’ Adult Entertainment ★ James Cagney ★ Barbara Payton ★ Helena Carter Hotter than in White Heat! Saturday Commencing IN This • i te Dances Saturday Night ** • .f f f 11 EX Mi erer Let isic by t jion /vi he Mei \emori< rv Hall 1 s nan iextet Admission 75 c Dancing 9-12