HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-01-04, Page 6Pat* 6 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 4, 1951. Feminine Facts ’n Fancies A Page Devoted to the Interests of the Women Readers of The Times-Advocate Grand Bend W. I. Completes Donation The members and visitors of the Grand Bend Women’s In­ stitute were laden -with bright Christmas parcels as they attend­ ed the Christmas meeting in the town hall, Grand Bend, for an exchange of gifts. Mrs. H. Pfile, the vice-president, was in the chair and the treasurer’s report showed a balance on hand of $314.00. The treasurer was to complete our gift of $600.00 to the South Huron Memorial Hos­ pital at Exeter. A donation of $5.00 was voted to the Child­ ren’s War Memorial Hospital in London. The South groups project of the Institute was reported by Mrs, Emery Desjardine. A turkey dinner was served ‘by the Nu- Health Aluminum Ware of Wind­ sor, proceeds of which were $69.37 which was turned over to the treasurer. Mrs. Garnet Pat­ terson, our district delegate, re­ ported on the executive meeting held in Crediton. The short course, “The Work Shop”, is to be held in Zurich January 24 to February 18 when leathercraft, weaving, needlecraft and textile printing will be taught. The Christmas story from Luke was read by Mrs. Carman Lovie. Roll call of “An old Christmas cus­ tom” brought forth many old and interesting ideas. Motto, “What constitutes a true Christ­ mas spirit”, was taken by Mrs. Harold Walper which was very good. Let us have more of the manger and less of Rudolph. Carol singing was enjoyed by Tomi inson’s Hairdressing - Featuring - All Lines of Beauty Culture - Specializing In - THE NEW “FLUID WAVE” With Exclusive Magic Phix The Greatest Permanent Wave Advancement in Years Eiimyille Institute (Intended for Last Week) The Christmas Meeting of the Elimville Institute was held in the Hall December 13 at 2.30, Mrs. ‘Charles Stephen was host­ ess, Mrs. Kenneth Johns presid­ ed for the business of the meet­ ing. The Institute sent the War Memorial Children’s Hospital ten dollars. Miss Ruth Skinner gave a report on the District Execu­ tive held at Clinton. Mrs. Jackson Woods took the chair for the programme. Christ­ mas carols were sung. A Christ­ mas story by Mrs. Harold Hunt­ er. Mrs. Haun sang a lovely solo Mrs. Warren Brock a reading. “The other half of Christmas message.” Next Meeting will be held on January 10th. All members are to bring a Fancy Paper hat. In­ strumental by Mrs. Philip Johns, Chapel Chimes. Surprise Quartette by Mrs. Harry Ford, Mrs. Harold Bell, Mrs. Austin Dilling, Mrs. Arthur Kerslake. A big surprise to the Quartette as well as the audien­ ce. Mrs. Hern gave a reading “Always better with butter”. Mrs. Jackson Woods a reading, “Christmas Songs”. M r s. Jud Dykeman sang a comic song which was enjoyed jby all. Lunch was served by the hostess and her committee. all with Mrs. Russell Webb at the piano. A story was told by Mrs. Ray­ mond Kading, “Is There a Santa Claus”. The most real things are the ones we don’t see. There is a veil covering the unseen world which not the strongest men or even the united strenght of all the strongest men that ever lived could tear apart; only faith, fancy poetry, love, ro­ mance can push aside the cur­ tain and view the picture of the supernatural beauty and Glory beyond. The demonstration of several Christmas table settings was on display. Luch was served by Mrs. Raymond Kading and her committee. Many folks find profits in classified ads.—You can too. Ridley-Dunn Exchange Wedding Vows A pretty wedding took place at the James St. United Church parsonage Wednesday, December, 28th. when Rev. Harold J. Snell solemnized the high noon cere­ mony in which Mrs. Iva Belle Dunn and John Ridley, Elim­ ville, exchanged marriage vows. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Willis, Exeter. 'Wearing a blue tailored suit with black accessories and cor­ sage of red roses and white cry- s anthem urns, the bride was at­ tended by Mrs. Elmer Willis, wearing a wine suit. Elmer Wil­ lis was groomsman. Guests were received later at Monetta Menard’s Exeter. For traveling the bride dom­ ed a green topcoat over her wed­ ding suit. Mr. and Mrs. Ridley will re­ side in Elimville. McGillivray Couple Marry In St. Peter’s Saturday at St. Peter's Church (McGillivary), Rev. Fr. J. M. Fogarty officiated at the cere­ mony uniting in marriage Anna Bernice Conlin, daughter of Mr. and -Mrs. F. P. Conlin, of Clan- deboye, and William Rose Regan of London, son of William M. Regan, and the late Mrs. Regan. Given in marriage by her fa­ ther, the bride wore a floor­ length gown of blue velvet, fash­ ioned with fitted bodice, lace yoke, and tapering sleeves. She also wore a matching velvet hat, and carried a nosegay of pink roses. Miss Anne Riley attended the bride wearing burgundy velvet, and carrying a nosegay of yel­ low roses. John MacDougall was groomsman, and the ushers were Denis Regan and Joseph Con­ lin. Aftei* a reception at the Club Monetta, in Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Regan left for a trip to Buffalo and New York City. For travel­ ing, the bride donned a cinna­ mon crepe dress, with matching accessories, muskrat topcoat, and corsage of yellow roses. The couple will reside in London. Airmen’s Wives Hold Christmas Party (Intended for Last Week) To help celebrate Christmas the airmen’s Wives Auxiliary R.C.A.F. Centralia entertained their husbands to cards sing song and refreshments in the Flight Cadet Mess. The lucky bridge winner was L.A.C. Bill Morris and euchre Cecilia Sword. Squadron Leader Bishop drew the winning ticket for the door prize a non-electric vacum clean­ er which was won by L.A.C. Nixon. Immediately following the food hamper was drawn for and was won by Flying Officer Stanley. A Christmas cake adorned the centre table. Buffet lunch was served. President Joyce Mac Coomb and vice president Loret­ ta MacQueen cut and served the cake. Everyone agreed it was a grand party and we hope to have more in the future. SHIPKA Communion service will be held Sunday next at the United Church at 10:15 a.m., Rev. Par­ rott in charge. The W.A. will meet Thursday afternoon of this week, January 4, at the home of Mrs. Wray Sweitzer at 2 p.m. Miss Violet Sharpe has re­ turned to Hamilton after holi­ daying with her mother, Mrs. J. Sharpe, and brother, Mr. and Mrs. Verne .Sharpe and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Lamport of Toronto spent the New Year holidays with the former’s par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lamport, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Norman McCal­ lum of London spent the week­ end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Sweitzer. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Coultis of Elimville spent New Year’s Day with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Finkbeiner. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Keyes and Miss Pearl Keyes spent New Years with relatives at Varna. Rebekah Lodge Holds Christmas Party Over 60 members of the Pride of Huron Rebekah lodge attend­ ed the regular meeting last Wed­ nesday night in the newly decor­ ated lodge rooms. A lighted Christmas tree and other decora­ tions in keeping with the season made an attractive setting for the party and exchange of gifts which followed the meeting. Group singing of carols led by Mrs. Kay Cann and accompanied by Mrs. L. Willard were enjoyed preceding Santas arrival and the distributing of the gifts which were piled high under the tree. Lunch was served followed by a committee convened by Mrs. Maurice Coates. On January 17 the Rebekah Lodge of Seaforth will visit the Exeter lodge and their degree team will initiate several candi­ dates for Pride of Huron lodge. Eastern Star Holds Christmas Party On December 27, Exeter Cliap- ter No. 222, O.E.S. held a Pot Luck supper previous to the re- gulai* meeting. Small Christmas trees and other Christmas de­ corations made the Chapter Room very attractive. The mem­ ber’s families were invited and over seventy-five persons sat down at the prettily decorated tables and enjoyed a bounteous and delicious meal. After a short business meeting an exchange of gifts was con­ ducted with the ’Worthy Patron substituting for Santa Claus. Christmas Party The annual Christmas party of Trivitt Memorial Woman’s Auxiliary was held at the home of the president Mrs. H. Bierl- ing. Each guest was given a paper hat made by the hostess. A game of bingo and other games and contests were enjoy­ ed. Also an exchange of gifts. The hostess served a very deli­ cious lunch, bringing to a close another happy evening. Centralia Choir Presents Cantata The Choir under the leader­ ship of Mrs. G. I, Penwarden presented their Cantata, “The Mangei* Prince” in the Church on Sunday evening. Owing to the stormy weather there was only a fair attendance as road condi­ tions prevented the people from getting in from the Country. Following a short Worship Service the choii* singing “Joy to the World" entered the church and took theii* places in the choir loft. The opening number was a chorus by all members. Solo parts in the Cantata were taken by Mrs. Penwarden and Rev. Burton. Alto, tenor, bass and saprano parts were taken by different members interwov­ en to portray in song the beauti­ ful Christmas story. A duet was sung b y Mrs. Penwarden and Winnie Field. At the close of the service the choir members were invited to the schoolroom of the church where they were entertained't o a very delicious lunch by Mrs. M. Elliott, Miss Angnes Ander­ son, "Mrs. I. Willis and Miss Flossie Davey. The choir members presented their leader with an attractive table centre and a cup and saucer. The leader Mrs. Pen­ warden presented all members with a gift in appreciation of their support. A very fine Christmas concert was presented in the schoolroom of the church on Friday evening by the school under the supervi­ sion of their teacher, Mrs. Lome Hicks and by the different clas- es in Sunday School. Santa Claus arrived in a very jolly mood and the gifts were distributed. Mr. Cecil Skinner in his usual cap­ able manner acted as chairman. Year in year out quality has always been and will always be the first consideration with Mother: “Now William, don’t annoy your father with any more questions.” William: “It’s not the ques­ tions that annoy Dad, it’s the answers,” Dot’s Beauty Shoppe (North of Bell Telephone) Naturelle Permanent Waving Lustron Cold Wave - Open Wednesday Afternoon - Dorothy G. Pfaff, Prop, PHONE 71 EXETER Ladies It is our alm To help you share In the many phases Of our beauty care. Call: V’s Beauty Shoppe All Lines of Beauty Culture Vera C. Fraser, Prop. PHONE 112 EXETER Health, Style and Comfort In Spirella Your made-to-measure Spir­ ella fits like your skin. Doesn’t ride up. It lifts as nature intended, upward and backward, for„ a natur­ ally beautiful active figure. Look and feel years young­ er with Spirella’s help. Mrs. V. Armstrong Ann Street Phone 125