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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-12-22, Page 14
Page 14 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 22, 1949 COMING EVENTS CHRISTMAS CONCERT by the Winchelsea Public 'School will be held on Friday evening, Decern* her 23, in the EJimville United Church at 8 p.m. sharp. Admis sion 50 apd 35 cents. Everyone is welcome. Santa Claus will be present. DANCE EXETER OPERA HOUSE /Ml on., Jan. 2 AVALON ORCHESTRA I Novelties General Admission I Thurs., Dec. 29 8:30 p.m. WOODHAM ORANGE HALL © 15 Rounds for 500 © Door Prize © Special Rounds Under auspices L.O.L. 492 THEATRE Previews its Coming Attractions COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON MANAGEMENT AND STAFF FRIDAY & SATURDAY December 23 - 24 ‘Unfaithfully Yours’ •fc Rex Harrison ★ Linda Darnell Yes, another hit by the man who gave you Miracle of 34th Street! MON.,. TUES., WED. December 26 - 27 - 28 MATINEE MONDAY December 26 at 2:30 p.m. ‘In the Good Old Summertime’ ★ Judy Garland ★ Van Johnson —Romance —Laughter —Songs —Color by Technicolor Everybody loves the story of * the Good Old Summertime” “In General Admission i Sponsored by Sharon Ball Club Coining December 30 - 31 “THE WIZARD OF OZ” THUR., FRI., SAT. December 29 - 30 - 31 MATINEE EVERY SATURDAY AND HOLIDAY AT 2:30 P.M. ‘Chicken Every Sunday’ •k Dan Dailey Celeste Holm It’s a wonderful corned’’ for the whole family Mr. Garnet Frayne, who is confined to his home through illness, is slightly improved. Crediton Town Hall WSW'- & SWELL IS (TP The many friends of Mr. Sam uel J^hns will regret to know th** he is critically ill at his at®e I Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Margison and Bobbie, of London, visited i at the home of her mother, Mrs. (Ed. Johns. Bobbie celebrated his | third birthday on Sunday. EXETER OPERA HOUSE Thursday Night Fifteen Rounds of Chicken Ten Rounds of Turkeys MAKING IT A “WHITE” CHRISTMAS — Plastic snow flakes whirling in the wind light up the promenade leading to the 75-foot frosted Christinas tree in Rockefeller Centre, New York City, as the yuletide season officially gets under way. —Central Press Canadian MUGGS AND SKEETER OPERA HOUSE, EXETER ^..HANDKERCHIEFS ... GLOVES..* STOCKINGS... HANDBAGS- Monday, December 26 CLAYT STEEPER’S NINE-PIECE BAND Vocals by Julie Riley Join the Large Crowds for a Good Time! Council Holds Final Meeting The Municipal Council of Village of Exetei' held its Statu tory Meeting in the Council Chambers, Thursday, December 15, with Reeve Sweitzer an< Councillors Hern, Hughes, Lin denfield and Snider present. The minutes of the last regu lar meeting of December 5 were read and adopted. Communications were read and dealt with as follows Goderich—re Boxing Exeter District H. .1 transfer of funds. J of Montreal, Auditor re deposit receipt. Telephone Company, stallation. Attention Workmen’s Compensation Board, ire .Cornish. Filed; Workmen’s Compensation Board, re assess ment. Filed; Office of Fire Mar shall, Provincial grant. Filed; Petition from merchants ask ing that December 27 be pro claimed Boxing Day and a Pub lic Holiday had beer acted upon and was filed. Committees reported that var ious drain troubles had been cor rected and that dump had been cleared .with bulldozer. By-Law No. 22, 1949. Re Taxi Stand was given its three read ings and finally passed on the motion of Councillors .Snider and Lindenfield. It was moved and seconded that Reeve and Treasurer be given authority to issue .neces sary cheques for balance of year. The following applications fox’ building permits were .granted on the motion of .Councillors Snider and Hern. W. Simmons & sons, a new front in the Main Street building; Albert Dellow, a sec ond storey to his restaurant building; Huron Lumber Co., an open face storage shed. The Treasurer presented his reports of receipts and expendi tures to date .including accounts to be passed at this meeting. Re port showed a credit balance of $2,029.62. It was moved and sec onded by Councillors Hern Hughes that the treasurers port be accepted and that required number of copies printed. It was moved and seconded by Councillors Snider and Hughes that a new blade for the .side walk snowplough be ordered through Fred Huxtable. The following accounts were read and ordered paid on the motion of Councillors Hughes and Hearn: Larry Snider Motors, repairing truck, §8.55; Traquair’s Hardware, paint, etc., town hall, §23.31; Bell Telephone Company, fire hall, §4.0;0i, J. Norry, §2.30, $6.30; Central Hotel, banquet, Ladies Softball, $43.50; Super test Station, gas and. oil, truck, $25,27; Clarence Heywood, car penter work, town hall, $222.75; Lindenfields Ltd., lavatory and wash room, town hall, $3 89.6 6; Cudmore’s Gravel, gravel, street maintenance, §12.00; E. ,D. How ey, Treas., E.D.H.S. Board, pay ment received from Stephen Twp. for E.D.H.S. Board, §603.72; E. D. Howey, Treasurer E.D.H.S. Board, tranfer funds, §25,387.- 65; C. V. Pickard, revising voters lists. §164.25, postage, excise and Unemploy Insur. §51.70, tele phone, §9.75, miscellan., §17.25, §242.95; Eric Carscadden, .re vision voters lists, §5.00; stamps, $5.00, $10.00; John Norry, re vision voters lists, $4.00; Baileys Florist, flowers, §3.00; Ander son’s, .supplies, $2.70; William Laverty, labour, $29.34; Samuel Grainger, labour, §25.14; Edgar Mawhinney, labour, $26.24; Sam uel Sweizer, labour, $8.46: John Stire, labour, §32.00; Edward Coombes, labour, . §9.54; Paul Sass, labour, §29.30. All motions were carried. Ad journment on the motion Councillor Snider. Town of ’ Day. Filed; ,S Board, re Filed; Bank z’s Statement Filed; Bell re new in- of Reeve; and re- the be GLARE ICE BRAKINC DISTANCES ON VARIES SURFACES AT 20 M.P.H. * % CONCRETE % PAVEMENT PACKED SNOW NEW WINTER ACCIDENT FACTS, based on research by the National Safety Council, show an alarming increase in accidents from skidding and from poor visibility, twin spe cial hazards of winter driving. Officials urge that all motorists reduce speeds in winter and use tire chains frequently. Also needed are efficient windshield wipers, defrosters, proper ly equalized brakes and well aimed lights. Items of Social and Personal Interest in and Around Exeter The Times-Advocate is always pleased to publish these items. We and our readers are interested in you and your friends- Phone 31w and are her Mrs. William Woodall Judith Dianne, of Windsor, spending a few days with father, Mr. August Gregus. Miss Nettie Keddy spent Tues day in St. Thomas visiting with friends. Mr. Clarence M. Morley, of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, spent a few days last week visiting his father, Mr. John Morley. Mr. Ed. Neil, of town, is under the doctor’s care. ■LAC James and Mrs. Low of Rockcliffe R.C.A.F. station, Ot tawa, are spending Christmas with the latter’s mother, Mrs. Thomas Dinney. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Green and family, of Petrolia, spent the week-end with friends in Exeter and Dashwood. Mr. Aquilla Sheere, o f Lan sing, Mich., is visiting at the home of his brother, Frank. s ff PW. h I JI . "AX J W\ A O' O «. Tv ~Z- a Mr. and Mrs. William Sweitzer visited .relatives in Kilworthy, Muskoka, over the week-end. Celebrate Fortieth Anniversary On Thursday, December S, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis celebrated their fortieth wedding annivers ary with a family- dinner at their home in Crediton, The dinner’ table was centred with a tiered wedding cake and lighted tapers at either end. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis have a family of three— one son Eber, at home, and .two daughters, Mrs. Leonard Wein, Crediton, and Mrs. Alex Hamil ton of Grand Bend; aslo three grandsons, , all of whom were present for the occasion. They were the recipients of many con gratulatory messages from friends and relatives as well as some very lovely gifts. Opening Hockey Tilt On January Second The following is the schedule for the Exeter Hockey Club this season. The first game will ibe played on local ice against Dash wood on January 2. The sched ule for the league will be pub lished next week. January 2— Dashwood at Exeter January 6— Exeter at Dublin (Exeter) January 9— Lucan at Exeter January 13— Crediton at Exetei’ January 20— Dublin at Exeter January 23— Hensall at Exeter January 25— Exeter at Granton January 30— Zurich February Exeter February February Granton at Exeter February Exeter February Exeter February Exeter Exeter at Exeter 1— at Dashwood (Zurich) 3— 6— 10— at Zurich 13— at Hensail 20— at Crediton (Hensall) at Lucan (UttrteTeii CWBc*- SHE HAS ALL THOSE THINGS! CONFIDENTIALLY, MUGGS, SHE TOLD ME OF A PRESENT SHE D, APPRECIATE MORE WAN any thing ELSE YOU AND SKEETER COULD GIVE HER.. Sunday School Awards Presented At James St Nineteen years of perfect at- tendance at James Street Sun day School was recognized when Mrs. Howard Holtzman (nee Do reen Parsons) was presented With a seal to add to her Robert Raiked Diploma. Mrs, Holtzman is now a teacher in thq Primary department of the school. In ali fifty seals and diplomas were given out, the largest class in a number of years, Beginning in the Primary those entitled to seals and diplomas were called to the front where they were congratulated by the Superin tendent, Mr. Carfrey Cann. The awards were as follows: First Diploma: Sharon Apple ton, Margaret Sanders, , Helen Jones, Joan Batten, Donald Cann, Donald Thompson, Ann Hockey, Linda Westcott, Roht. Schroeder, Barbara Hodgson, Ted Sanders, Marian Sanders, Marilyn Bissett, Eleanor Jones, Jeanette Beavers, Nancy Cudmore. , Second Year: Sandra Walper, Gordon Snell, Mary Margaret Mc Bride, Patricia Cann, ;Dayid Grant, Frankie Boyle, Walter Westlake, Grant Westlake, Mabel Westlake. Third Year: Ruth Ann Me Bride, Louise Hockey, Barbara Brintnell, Mavis McBride, Mar jorie McBride, Bob Pooley, Kath leen Armstrong. “Fourth Year; Kathryn Hicks, (also second seal), Marilyn Hicks (also second seal), Dorothy Pooley, Billy Batten, Fifth Year: Joan Thompson, Margaret Thompson, Shirley Thompson, iBruce Cudmore. Sixth Year: Janice Hamilton, Douglas Wein, Nancy Boyle. Seventh Year: Marie Hodgson. Eighth Year (Second Diploma) Keith Coates, Richard McFalls. •Ninth Year: Kathleen May, Tenth Year: Charles Parsons. Eleventh Year; Marie Cutbush, Lorna Taylor. Nineteenth Year; Mrs. Howard Holtzman. On Tuesday, William Pearce attended the funeral service in St. Thomas of the late Donald Mc Alpine, of Iona, both having 'been neighbors for many years. Sacred Cantata entitled “THE CHORUS IN THE SKIES’’ will be presented by the CENTRALIA' CHURCH CHOIR in Centralia United Church Sun., Dec. 25 at 7:30 p.m. New and Old Time DANCE Fri., Dec. 30 GOOD MUSIC Legion New Year’s Eve Dance Exeter Arena - Sat., Dec. 31 * Dancing 9:00 p.m. to 12:00 p.m. ROSS PEARCE and his ORCHESTRA Admission: Couple, $2.00 * Single, $1.25 BY WALLY BISHOP Closed more New New SUNDAY AND MONDAY December 25 and 26 I ALDON THEATRE AGRAND BEND WISHES EVERYONE A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS New Year s Eve RESERVATION We still have accommo dation for a few reservations for Year’s Eve and Year’s Day. Monetta FRIDAY & SATURDAY December 23-24 I ‘The Adventures Of Don Juan’ - In Technicolor - Errol Flynn ★ Viveca Lindfors ★ Robert Douglas ★ Alan Hale The most famous of all adventures sweeps across the screen as the King of Romance crosses swords with danger . . . , Bugs Bunny Cartoon, “GREY HOUNDED HARE1” i I MONDAY & TUESDAY December 26 - 27 ‘Make Believe Ballroom’ music parade of ’49 with a r The rousing parade of top rhythm stars setting the downbeat for love . . . PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL Thi’ee Stooges Comedy, “HOT SHOTS’’ and “ROBIN HOODLUM” (Cartoon) ♦