The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-12-22, Page 13THB TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 22nd, 1949 Page 13
Witty Boarder: Ah, your steak
is like the weather this evening,
madam. Rather raw.Witty Landlaudy: Indeed? By on ^Sunday
the way, your board bill is like
the weather, too, Unsettled.
Evening Service
One garage will be open in
Exeter on Bundays, Wed
nesday afternoons and dur
ing the evenings through
out the week.
Gleaned From Exeter District High School
i^iirjL’qL'V MICHLS
new, See us about
Panel, almost new tires — $240.
Lfeury Farm Fprum
The Lieury Farm Forum met
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
David McLeod Monday evening
last with twenty-nine members
present, The topic for discussion
being ”Is There a Farm Housing
Problem?” After a half hour of
spirited discussion which was en
joyed very much, Mrs. Elmer
Shepherd and Mr. Sandford Reid
entertained the large group with
a contest and finished the rec-
and croquinole, A nice lunch was
croquinole. A very nice .lunch was
served and it was decided to
postpone the December 19 Farm
Forum meeting due to so many
Christmas tree gatherings com
ing near.
It was decided to hold the
next Forum meeting at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Allison,
January 9,
Mrs. Alvin Hirns returned home
MB from St. Joseph’s
Hospital, London.
Mr, and Mrs. William Horney
of Exeter spent Sunday with the
former's sister and brother-in-
law, Mr. and Mrs. William Mota-
Mr. and Mrs. James Daye and
babe, of Parkhill, spent Sunday
with her parents, Mr, and Mrs,
Sam Sims,
Celebrates Fortieth Anniversary
The family of Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Lewis took them by sur
prise on December 9 when they
arrived at theta home with a
full course fowl dinner with a
two-storey cake. They presented
them with a lovely chenille bed
spread. The family consists of
t h r e e children—Mrs, Leonard
Wein, Crediton; Mrs, Alec Ham
ilton, Grand Bend; and Eber, at
home; also three grandsons.
Congratulations for many more
years of married life!
matter with
the school? It
is the
the issuing of the re
.......................................... H
very gala one and should send
all the students home with the
Christmas spirit,
Thursday, being our last day
of school, the paper staff is issu
ing a Christmas paper called
“The Inkspot”. The kids have
beep wording very hard and
faithfully trying to make this
paper a success. Credit is due to
’Ruth Krueger, our editor, who
has worked very hard trying to
have this paper ready by Thurs
Must close,—and hope to see
all of you in the “new school”
next year,
’Tisn’t old, ’tisn’t new,
But this is for the staff and you:.
A Very ,Mefry Christmas
A Happy New
P.S.: Don’t eat
turkey, kids!
Ford Custom Coach, like
one-—worth the money!
Plymouth Sedan, new motor — $1,195.
Kaiser Sedan, like new.
Ford Sedan, new motor — $1,390.
Pontiac Sedan, new motor — $1,195,
Mercury Sedan
must -be
port cards that causes everyone
to look glum. Well, after Christ
mas we will have something to
look forward t p—-the "new
school” and more pleasant sur
roundings. Make a New Year’s
resolution that’ this is going to
bp a successful year for you,
The Student Council is plan
ning a Christmas party for
Thursday afternoon in the gym
nasium, 'It is to be in the form
of a program comprised of the
talent from school, followed by
a tea dance. We understand the
Drama Club is putting on. a
play; the Glee Club and Orches
tra are preparing numbers along
with numerous other .items, This
afternoon should prove to ibe a
Bridges and
Mr. and
Your Drugs at
We are at your service al
ways with the WANT AD sect
an d
M. IJ. Elston
Alexia Davis
hr Stone Sons,
Joe will he
time. His
for a com-
Open this Sunday, Wednes
day afternoon and during
the evenings throughout
the week:
the auditorium
singing “0 Come
too much
Phone 50 Exeter
Service Station
When infectious coryza (com
monly called “colds”) hits your
flock, check it quickly with
Dr. Salsbury’s Ar-Sulfa. It’s
easy to use Ar-Sulfa
in the flock’s water.
And bird’s usually
show improvement
in just 48 hours.
Ar-Sulfa is econom- / /
ical, too. Ask for
COWS - $2.50 each
HORSES - $2.50 each
HOGS “iS 7™ 50c cwt.
According to size and
Phone Collect
Mr, and Mrs. B, D. Field visit
ed with Mr. and Mrs. - Robert
Field in London on Sunday,
Mr, and Mrs. 'G.F. Penwarden
visited with relatives in Strat
ford on Sunday.
Members of the choir attended
the Christmas Cantata “King AH
Glorious” in the Crediton United
Church on Sunday evening.
The Sunday School concert
will be presented in the school
room of the church on Thursday
evening, December 22.
Mrs. C. O’Brien, Mrs. R. Snell
and young daughter spent a few
days last week with the former’s
sister, Mrs. C. Ragier, at Mount
Miss Helen Tasko, of London,
spent the week-end with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. S- Tasko.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Blair
and daughter of B.C. were guests
last week with F/S and Mrs.
Jack Andrew and with Mr. and
Mrs. R. Gates.
School Concert Well Attended
The pupils of Centralia School
presented their annual Christ
mas concert in the school on
Wednesday evening last week be
fore a large and appreciative
audience. Some were unable to
gain admittance to the program
and had to be content with
spending the evening in the base
ment. Numbers on the program
included: Opening chorus by the
Senior grades; dialogue, “The ''Case of the Stolen Tarts”; mono-
■ logue; duet “Rudolph the Red
Nosed Reindeer; dialogue, “The
Vicious Cirde”; recitation, “Par
ticular"; dialogue, “Wild Cat
Willie”; acrostic by the Juniors,
“St. Nicholas”; recitation, “A
Joke”; “Hop Scotch Polka"; by
a number of girls; tap dancing
number; recitation; tumbling, by
boys; song, “Little Old Ladies”,
by six girls; duet, “Yuletide
Night”; by sisters in the Czecho
slovakian language; dialogue
“City Cousins”; chorus by the
Juniors; solo, “Little Fiddle”;
recitation, “The Naughty Little
Mouse”; closing chorus by the
Choir Will Present Cantata
The Centralia choir will pre
sent their 'Cantata “The Chorus
In The Skies” in the church on
Sunday evening, December 25.
An invitation is extended to all
to attend this service. A great
deal of time and effort has been
put forth in the preparation of
this Sacred Cantata and it is
hoped that everyone will put
forth a special effort to attend.
There will be choir practise in
the church on Friday eveiiing.
Mrs, Ward Fritz and daughter
of Zurich are spending some time
at the home of the former’s
father, Mr. H, K. Eilber, Al
though improved, Mr, Eilber is
still confined to his room,
Our sympathy goes out to Mr.
E. iGuettinger and family in the
passing of Mrs. Guettinger at her
home -on, Sunday, following a
lengthy illness.
Our sympathy also is given to
Mr. and Mrs, 'Clarence Fahrner
in the loss of an infant son.
Mrs. iGalpin is visiting with
her daughter? Mrs. Lorne Hodge
and Mr. Hodge.
Mr. and Mrs. George Vincent,
of Detroit visited over the week
end with Mrs. Vincent’s mother.
Mrs. Samuel Lamport.
Cantata Well Attended
The Crediton United Church
was filled to overflowing on Sun
day evening, when the sacred
cantata “King All-Glorious” was
presented by the church choir,
■assisted by F/L and Mrs. George
Moir, Mrs. R. Hollinshead and
F/O Campbell MacDonald. The
choir entered
from the rear, smgjug \j vuu.c
All Ye Faithful” and the Reces
sional was “Joy To The World”.
'The several parts were all well
taken and thoroughly enjoyed.
Mrs. E. R. Johnston, director
and accompanist, was presented
with a floral bouquet in apprecia
tion of her efforts in preparing
the evening’s entertainment. Ser
vice in the Evangelical Church
was withdrawn in favour of
Fine Program Presented
By Public School Pupils
A large crowd was in attend
ance at the entertainment given
by the pupils of Public School
in the Township Hall oh Thurs
day night of last week. Rev. H.
Currie was chairman for the
very fine program consisting of
chorus, carols, recitations, play
lets, a star drill and operetta.
The teachers, Mr, D. Lindsay and
Miss Norma Fahrner are to be
complimented on the training
given the pupils, which was man
ifest in the able manner in
which all numbers were given.
Mrs. E. M, Fahrner, who assisted,
as accompanist, was presented] with a beautiful bouquet of!
mums. Pictures were shown,I
after which Santa arrived.
On Wednesday afternoon, the
children of Rivere School and
two other schools took part in a
small Christmas concert at Pros
pect Hill hall.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Middleton
spent Thursday in London,
Misses Margarite Bernice
Westman spent the week-end at
home with theta parents.
Mrs. Elizabeth Kenny and
Ross spent Friday afternoon with
her daughter and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Clare Dunlop
spent Thursday in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Harriett
and family spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs, R. Moore.
Thursday night, December 22,
is the Rivere School Christmas
Miss Florence and Johnnie
Armitage are on the sick list.
Mr. and Mrs. ’will Cornish
spent Tuesday with friends.
Famous Tappan
in Ganada by
Inglis—-are here
at last, for YOU ip see
today! Value, convenience,
speed, beauty, economy...
have everything you’ve ever
Divided Top
’’Vlsvalife” Oven, v/ith chrome
Tworoomy storage compartments
Srtiokeless Broiler
Models for IP gas as well as city gas
Coach — $750,
Coach, very clean, new motor and tiresSAINTSBURY
The Sunday School Christmas
party was held in the parish
'hall on Monday, December 12,
with almost a full attendance.
The evening was spent in sing
ing carols, and recitations and
songs by the children. This was
followed by lunch, All reported
an enjoyable evening.
We are sorry to report that
Mr, Joe Dobbs spent several
days this past week in St. Jos
eph’s Hospital, London. He had
the misfortune to get his hand
caught in the power take-off on
the tractor -and lost his’ index
finger on the right hand and
part of his thumb,
laid up for some
many friends hope
plete recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted
-two daughters and Mr. J. Mayer
were Sunday evening guests with
Mr, and Mrs. II. Davis.
The Christmas service will be
held on Sunday, December 25,
at 3 o'clock. There will be spec
ial music by the choir.
Mr. and Mrs. II. Latta
Carol and Miss J. Davis
Mr. J. Barker were Sunday
ner guests with
E. Atkinson.
Mr. and Mrs.
and Sheila and
were Sunday evening dinner
guests with Mrs. F. Davis.
Mr. D. Simpson of London
spent the week-end at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. G. Isaac.
F ord
winterized -
To be reduced $10 a day until sold.
May This Yuletide
Mr. Sherman Willis of Peace
River has joined Mrs. AVillis who
has visited relatives here for
several weeks.
Mr. Ray Morlock has been ill
at his home for the past week.
We- wish him a speedy recovery.
. . a convector-tvpe heater which circu
lates warm air quickly throughout an en
tire room. The WARM AIR REACHES
every nook and corner . . , keeps every
body in the room comfortable! The Coss
ette attains full beating Capacity in less,.,
than five minutes. Surprisingly small for
the job it does—only IS inches long, 121/G
inches high and 8 inches wide. It’s light,
easy to carry! Sturdily constructed from
heavy-gauge steel. Safe! No exposed ele
ments to injure children or pets.
Attractively designed in ivory-baked ena
mel finish to make it an asset to anv room.
(Models for IP Gas os
Well as city gas)
A Tappan Range—the famous
range yoti’ve heard about and
Wanted—is not expensive.
Here is the Tappan F-28
Model, now made tn Canada
by Inglis •» . with Flexo-Spced
Oven, Combination Ovett
Heat-Control and Valve,
Smokeless Broiler, add all the
other exciting features. See it
for yourself.
Leader, hydraulic lift.
All winterized
and in
above average
hold everything that’s wonderful and dear!
warmth and cheer of your own hearth-
. , . the fun of trimming the tree . , . the
of being surrounded by your family . . .
true Christmas spirit of friends coming to
to extend their best wishes!
Larry Snider Motors
Thousands of washday tests PROVE
Inglis Sterling gets clothes cleaner,
faster, without wear on clothes
® Geiitle»«. thorough *M. actually retards wear on
Safety.;; emergency release stops both wringers
at once.
® It’s streamlined *»* completely smooth inside and
lit Beauty * » . sparkling enamel makes the Inglis
Sterling a washer you’ll be proud to own.
® Economy . . -» solid construction means life-time
trouble-free service.