HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-12-22, Page 12-Page J 2
Before You Buy
Drop Tn Andi Seo My
Complete Stock Of
Res ults Of District
AR my cars are thoroughly
............................................1 fachecked before being offered
Bob Cook
Bus. 54 Phone
Ailsa Craig
Reeve: S. S. Robinson,
Fred J. McLeod, 124,
Council: Charles Garrod,
liam Shipway, Norman McDon
ald, Earl Rees (previous ac
public School Trustees: Doug
las McLean (previous acclama
Public Utilities Commission:
Delma Wadsworth (previous ac
clamation) .
A nomination meeting to fill
two more seats on the Public
School Board has been held,
Harvey Smith and Ernest Gale,
both former members who have
served on the board for several
years, were nominated but did
not qualify,
For Sale
“.For God so loved -the
world that He gave His
only begotten Son and who
soever helieveth
shall not perish but have
everlasting life.”-
in Him
—John 3:
Poultry Farms
Edgar and Mrs. Cudmore
We Want Yow
Litter Carrier Pipes
Truck Wheels for
Manure Spreaders
Railroad Irons
Angle Irons In All Sizes
Also Buy Feather Ticks
Of All Kinds
Bring the Scrap
Into Our Yard
Exeter Salvage Co.
At Station St. - Phone 423
a u
h asm GW
V 0 I
Hensall SO-r-2 Phone 17-r-9 Kintore
This is our first season’s greeting
to you our new friends. But we
, would like to express the old wish
that this will be a very Merry
Christmas around your hearthside
and that the New Year will be
one of happiness and prosperity.
Monetta Menard’s
Above all other things in out memory at this
Christmas is the thought of the splendid asso
ciations with friends of this institution that have
made it possible for us to enjoy a very satis
factory year . « » Please accept the kind wishes
of every member of our organization for a—-
Hensall Institute Holds
Christmas Meeting
The. United Church Sunday
School room provided a grand
getting for the Christmas meet
ing the Hensall Institute on
Wednesday night, December 14,
with an encouraging attendance
of members and guests present.
Mrs, Beer presided.
Mrs. Shirray and Mrs. Chap
man were hostesses on this oc
casion. Mrs, R, Broderick, Mrs.
W. Spencer, Mrs. S. Rannie, Mrs,
Shirray and Mrs. Chapman were
responsible for the attractive de
The meeting opened with the
Ode and the Lord’s Prayer. The
minutes were read and regular
collection taken. The roll call
was taken. Some members of
fered .gifts for the London War
Memorial Children’s H o s p* it a I,
while others donated a special
collection amounting to $12..8O,
which will aid the hospital
funds. Mr. 'J. A. Paterson will
kindly attend to. the forwarding
of gifts and money.
Mrs. Blackwell contributed an
appropriate motto, “What con
stitutes a true Christmas spirit”.
Carol singing under the direc
tion of Miss Florence Welsh
was a pleasing feature. Miss
Lammie was at the piano. Mrs.
Brook operated the lantern. The
numbers used were “Joy to the
World”, “It Came Upon a Mid
night Clear”, “O Come, All Ye
Faithful”, “Hark, the Herald
Angels Sing”.
There followed an extremely
interesting demonstration given
by Mrs. R, Elgie. Beautiful
Christmas decorations, the work
of Mrs. Clarence Smillie and
Mrs. Elgie, were displayed and
greatly admired by
solos. A
and Mrs.
joyable solo,
was sung by Mrs. W.
accompanied by Mrs. C. Forrest.
Mrs. Beer reported that the
cups and saucers and other
items amounting to $24.25 had
been purchased for use in the
Legion rooms. A discussion took
place regarding euchres and
dances scheduled to begin in
tees will
date. An
will remember her with cards
and letters. It was moved by
Mrs. Drysdale, seconded by *Mrs.
Munn, that the Institute start a
separate fund as proceeds are
realized from future affairs, with
the view of eventually securing
a -piano for meetings in the
Legion rooms. Carried.
At this time the president ex
tended thanks to the decorating
committee. Mrs. Elgie also ex
pressed thanks for the card re
ceived by Margie while ill. Mrs.
Cross brought an
message entitled
Christmas Tree”.
The next meeting
,in the Legion rooms.
Armstrong i '
charge of
theme will
A hearty
tendered to
lake, after
Anthem was sung.
A lovely Christmas card was
received from the Seaforth Wo
men’s Institute. A dainty lunch
served by the hostesses and
social committee brought the
lightful affair -to a close.
I ____
all. Mrs.
favoured with piano
lovely vocal duet was
by Mrs. H. .McEwen
R. Broderick.,. An en-
“O Holy Night”/
The various commit-
fae named at a later
energetic member, Mrs.
Parke, is in Clinton
at present. Members
"Our First
will be held
Mrs. G.
and Miss Ellis are in
arrangements. The
be “Education”.
• vote of thanks was
all by Mrs. A. Kers-
which the National
—■To every home in oui* community, we extend our
wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New
Year I
Management and Staff
* e
New 'Tis the Jolly
Yuletide Season
children at
held in the
the Christmas party
—time to express our wishes for your health, happi
ness and prosperity aloud! And time too—to tell
you how much we have enjoyed your patronage dur
ing the past year . . . and to voice a hope that 1950
will prove a continuation of our happy association!
NEWEST ideas in refrigerators . . . small, yet a giant
in capacity!
And look at these popular features! Door shelves
for extra storago ... ice cubo tray . . . removable
shelves ... no moving parts to wear out.
Roy Bean”, grand champion steer of the golden jubilee
livestock exposition in Chicago, went on the auction
for the record-breaking price of $11.50 a pound, for every
one of his 1,200 pounds. At- that weight the sale price would
be arouncl $13,800. The record bid was made by “
Meeker, right, and proceeds of the sale will go to the Pecos
County 4-H Club, owner of the champ. —C.P.C.
a-.-.........-..... ....................
Twelve members of the RCAF
Pilot’s course No. 11 were pre
sented with wings and the King’s
commission at • their graduation
ceremonies held here today.
Wings' were presented by Air
Commodore W. W. Brown, Chief
Staff Officer of Training Com
mand. The new pilots are: F/L
H. P. Legace, Montreal; F/C
C. Brohman, Edmonton; C.
Debenham, Sintaluta, Sask.;
W. Found, Verdun, Que.; R.
Gluns, Windsor; -G. A. Levalliant,
St. John’s Newfoundland;
Morris, St. Catherines; S.
Newsom, Rimbey, Alta.; R. D.
Nurse, Plattsville, Ontario; J. R.
Philip, Saskgtoon; F. TI. Planche,
Drummondville, Quebec; ’ R. M.
Wood, Lloydminster, Sask.
Four of the graduating pilots
served during 'wartime with the
RCAF. F'/L Legace, who was
presented with the scroll to -Sig
nify his general proficiency,
served overseas -three years as a
tours of
officer, and did two
were 575
.............. —---- -------
1 drill hall on Saturday, December
17, Six movie cartoons were
shown, and Christmas songs were
sung before Santa arrived to
distribute gifts to each shild.
Santa was forced to transfer from
his reindeer and sled to a horse
and buggy when he ran out of
snow just north of Exeter.
* # :|s *
The first Sergeant’s Mess Din
ner was held on Thursday night,
December 15. Entertainment -was
provided by the station Barber
shop Quartet, Among the guests
were W/-C Bishop, ,S/L Burden
and F/O Sue.
* * * *
The station Glee Club Music
ale, which was presented Sunday
.evening in the drill hall, was
well-received and very well-at
tended. Christmas carols were
sung by the glee club and by the
entire audience.* * * *
The last basketball game of
the schedule before the holiday
period was played in St. Marys
on Tuesday night, December 13.
The station team were victors by
a score of 4'8 to 39.
No Milk Delivery
Sunday and Monday
December 25 and 26
Highland Hill Dairy
Bank of Montreal
Stanley Coupled
Claim Allowed
In an action entered by
uel and Mary Oesch, Stanley
Township, against the estate Of
Henry Bedard, of Stanley, for a
claim of $492 for board and
lodging and nursing, Judge T.
M. Costello, of Goderich, allowed
the full amount of the claim
and costs.
Henry Bedard died August 3,
1949. By a will made .May 22,
1945, he left his estate 'to his
daughter, Mary Oesch, with
whom he resided for a time. In
April, 1949, he made another
will revoking the former one,
and willed his estate of $2,201
to a nephew, Thomas Jones, of
observed as
in Brinsley
the Pastor,
preached an
message. An
“O Radiant
Sunday last was
Christmas Sunday
United Church and
Rev. Harold Currie,
inspiring Christmas
anthem entitled
Morn” was sung by the choir
with Mr. Douglas Lewis at the
piano. *
We are sorry to report that
Mr. Fred J. Neil is not progress
ing as favourably as we would
like to see and his many friends
hope for a speedy recovery.
Congratulations to Mr. David
Morley who was re-elected as
reeve of the township of McGil
livray in the recent election.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank McLellen
of Strathroy spent Sunday with
•Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Gower.
Mr. and Mrs. Marwood Prest
have recently moved to their new
home on the 12th Concession of
McGillivray Township.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Cousins
and son, of Belmont, spent Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. David
Morley. -Mr. Cousins is an
warden of Middlesex County.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie McAlpine
of Lucan visited Tuesday last
with Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Neil.
Miss Eleanor Pickering, of
London, is spending, the Christ
mas holiday with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Pickering.
Mr. Jimmie Chambers of Ailsa
Craig jpent Sunday with his aunt
Fairfield Farm Forum
Fairfield Farm ForUm met at
the home of George Hepburn
with twenty-three in attendance.
Being review night, after listen
ing to the radio broadcast* the
for an
One hillarious game,
joined the women’s lodge and
received the surprise of their
lives. The Christmas gift game
was played and each one re
ceived a gift, comic Or other
wise. Lunch ended a very enjoy
able evening.
The next meeting will be held
on January 9 at the home Of
Elmer PoWe. All interested in
Farm Forum are Welcome.
was given ovet to the
of Christmas carols and
family was responsible
item of entertainment,
the men
Captain —- “Well, Pte. Smith,
what did you have for .dinner?"
Privat—“Tatars, sir."
Captain (to sergeant)-—“What
does he mean by “tutors," ser
geant?" ,
Sergeant—-“It’s only his ig
norance, sir. He means “spuds".
Beatrice Dixon.
Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Guenther
are now comfortably settled in
their new home which he recent
ly purchased from Mr. P. Kraft.
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Mclsaac,
of Detroit, spent the week-end
with hi$ grandmother, Mrs. Lu
cinda Mclsaac. Mrs. Mclsaac re
turned to Detroit With them on
Monday and intends spending the
winter there.
Mrs. Mathews and Mrs. Rey
nolds and Ray Snell, all of Lon
don, were Sunday visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snell.
Mr. Louis Kleinstiver, who has
been in the hospital in London,
has returned home.
A Santa Claus parade will be
held here on Saturday afternoon,
December 24, at 2 o’clock, when
the children wilt receive pack
The public school Christmas
program will be held on Wednes
day night in the school.
The Evangelical S.S. Christ
mas program will be held Friday
night and the Lutheran program
will be on Saturday night.
We are pleased to report that
Donald Gaisor is getting along as
well as can be expected.
Mt. and Mrs. Gerald Mason
and son Garry were recent visit
ors with Mr. and Mrs, Lesumo
Mrs. Elsie Case spent
week-end with Mrs. Mary
nesey in London.
Mrs. Frank Ferrigno, of
York, N.Y., is visiting with her
mother, Mrs. 'Robert Munn.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Case spent
several* days in London during
the past week owing to the ill
ness of the latter’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs, J. Reid.
Bride-Elect Honoured
A very enjoyable time was
spent at the home of Mrs. Wm.
Smale on Thursday evening when
a large number of neighbours
and friends gathered in honor of
-Miss Ruth Hess, bride-elect of
Saturday. During the evening,
the bride was presented with
many beautiful and useful gifts,
for which she expressed her sin
cere thanks. -Refreshments were
served by the hostess, assisted
by Misses Mary Goodwin and
Norma fiangster.
Mrs. Wm. Parke, who recently
underwent an operation in Clin
ton General Hospital, returned
home this week.
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Neeb, of
Tavistock, spent the week-end
With their son-in-law and daugh
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown.
Carol accompanied them home
for the holiday.
P.S. Pupils Present Concert,
The annual Christmas concert
of the pupils of Hensall Public
School was held Tuesday night,
December 20, to a packed house,
Reeve A. W. Kerslake was chair
man. One hundred
pupils took part in
rated as one of the
Following is the
given: Songs, Rooms 1 and 2,
"Merry Christmas", “The Angel’s
Song”; 'Chairman’s re marks;
tramp drill, boys, Room 3; action
songs, Room 1, “Round and
Round The Village", “Rig A Jig,
Jig", Room 1; piano duet, Jane
Horton and Beth Goddard; Cail
tata, “When Santa Listened Ill"
song, “I’m Forever Blowing Bub
^bles", Marilyn Anderson, Tillie
Kirk, -Margaret Reid; dialogue,
“Waiting For The Train", Room
4; action song, “Oats,Pdas, Beans
and Barley Grow”, Room 1;
star drill, Room 2; song, “I
Don’t Want To Play In Your
Yard", ’Margaret Moir, Phyllis
Lostell; dialogue, “When Women
got their Rights", Room 4; song,
“What Do We Do At Christmas
Time?", -Rooms 1 and 2; piano
solo, Marilyn Mousseau; page
ant, “The Christmas Story".
“God Save Thd King",
Mr. j, F, Blackwell, principal,
and Miss Avery, Miss Winnifred
Gray, and. Mrs. R« Cook directed
and fifteen
the concert*
best present
program as
Beavers Hardware
< from your 'S'
Sergeant: "Sir, the enemy are
before us as thick as peas!"
0 ftp tai n: “All fight! Shell
Brady Cleaners