HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-12-22, Page 8Page |0 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 22, 1949
miles ori-
A Poem
For New Canadian?
Used Cars
1949 DODGE Sedan, like
only 4,500 miles.
1948 DODGE Sedan,
guaranteed, 14,000
ginal owner, name on request.
1949 FORD Custom Coach,
radio, spotlight, mirrors, cus
tom heater, slip covers, only
1945 DODGE 2 J ton truck, 2-
speed axle, 6 brand new
tires, priced low—-$600.
1933 FORD J-Ton Pickup Truck
(needs some work) only $195,
1940 FARGO Panel, good tires,
runs well, refinished, far
above the average truck.
1937 CHEV Sedan, good up-
hosltery, new motoi' last year,
knee action NO, seal beam,
lights, heater.
1937 CHEV Coach, refinished,
good tires, above average,
knee action NO.
1937 FORD Coach, clean inside,
good tires, seal beam lights.
1936 DODGE Coupe, original
finish, good upholstering, and
1947 JEEP Station Wagon, like
1930, 1929, 1928 FORD Coaches
1931 CHEV Coach repainted,
good body, good upholstering.
Christmas is a jolly time
Of carols and singing bells,
Of candlelight and mistletoe.
The Christmas story tells
About the Babe in Bethelhem
We hear it all once more,
And gladness
As friends
Christmas is
For those who are away
From families and from loved
Who face a Christmas Day
As aliens in a strange, new land.
Oh, help them to be sure
That fellowship enfolds the world
While Christmas shall endure.
That miles are not as final
As sometimes they may seem,
That Santa finds their little ones
With his same reindeer team.
Oh, welcome them and cheer
As you would like to find
friendly hand to welcome
If home were far behind.
For that small Babe .of Bethele-
Left you this charge—to do
Unto all others as ye would
That they should do to you!
—Mrs. John K. Amos
throngs our thresh-
swarm through the
a poignant time
School Closed For
Christmas Holidays
The Exeter High
Schools will
the holiday
will be held
room of the
gifts will be exchanged. The ILS.
pupils will assemble in the gym
nasium in the afternoon for a
program, f o 11 o w e d by treats.
With the beginning of the new
term a new kindergarten class
will be inaugurated. To what ex
tent the new high school will be
utilized with the beginning of
the new term has not been decid
ed on. It is expected to use
room at least to make room
the kindergarten class in the
and Public
close Thursday foi'
season. Programs
Thursday in each
public school and
A you
Zurich, Ontario
M rs. E. Gettinger
Mrs. Ernest Gettinger, Credi
ton, passed away Sunday follow
ing an illness of several years,
She was in her sixty-fifth year.
Mrs. Gettinger’s maiden name
was Lavina Klumpp. She was a
life-long member of the Credi
ton Evangelical U.B. Church and
when able was active in the
Crediton Women’s Institute. Sur
viving besides her husband are
two daughters, Velma, of Chi
cago, and (Marguerite) Mrs.
Rodney Bowman, of Windsor;
also two sisters, Mrs. John
Smith and Mrs. Godfrey Fahr-
community; anq
John Klumpp, of
Rain or Snow Classifieds Get Results
PROFITABLE steady business
with the most complete line
of household necessities from
the most fragrant cosmetics
to the most helpful floor
cleaners or polishes, There is
an exclusive territory for you
in your city or in youi' rural
area. You are sure to succeed
with our fast-selling lines.
Write today for free details,
FAMILEX, 1600 Delorimier,
Montreal. 8:15:32c
FOR SALE—An ample supply of
Bacterine on hand for treat
ment of cattle, pigs and sheep.
L. V. Hogarth, phone 266 Exe
ter. 8:15:22c
FOR SALE—1941 Plymouth 4-
dooi’ sedan, ope
mileage, spotless inside and
out. Phone 406-J.
owner, low
WANTED—B eech logs and
standing timber of all kinds,
large quantities or a bush pre
ferred. Apply; Box M, Times-
Advocate, Exeter. 8tsf
WANTED—Good used Hawaiian
guitar with instructions. Tele
phone 132-W Exeter. 22c
FOB SALE — Roasting chicken,
dressed and'.^rawn, ready for the oven, 5 tip 8 lbs. dressed.
Phone J. N. Cowan, Dash
wood 40-r-13. 8;15:22; 29c
FOR SALE—Sprayed apples, Spy,
Greening, 'Baldwin, King, Bell
flower etc. Free delivery in
Exeter and Hensall. Phone
Clinton 61.3-r-24, Fred McCly-
mont, Varna, 8:15:22:29:5*
FOR SALE—Acme modern coal
or wood range in good con
dition. Phone 20 6-M. 22*
FOUND—Ip Exeter, a gent’s
ring, I.O.O.F, emblem. Owner
may have same by paying for
advertisement, Apply at The
Times-Advocate. 22c
FOR SALE——2 bedroom home,
nicely situated and complete
with modern conveniences.
This home is well located on
a nicely trepd Jpt. It has never
been offered for sale before.
0. V. Pickard, Realtor.
vehicles TAKE NOTICE
Motor vehicles must not be
left parked on the Main Street,
or other streets, of the village
of Exeter between the hours of
2:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. from
December 18 to April 1.
This law will be enforced ip
order that snowplows may keep
our streets properly cleared.
Owners leaving cars on the
streets do so at their own risk.
By order,
Medium sized
ed. Also new
tage with full
Township of Usborne
Public notice is hereby given
that a meeting of the Electors
To Wish You
Over the World
Fr^m East to West ... all across
world., this day is being observed as a
period of blessings. With deepest feel
ing, we extend ours to all of pur
friends and to all of our neighbours.
Every Happiness
this Blessed
The Staff of the
ner, of this
two brothers,___ ______ _.
Crediton, and Thomas Klumpp,
of Dashwood.
eral was held from her late resi
dence with interment in the
Crediton 'Cemetery-
The private fun-
Tenders for '£he position of
caretaker of the Grand Bend
United Church will be received
by the Board of Stewards, until
December 29, 1949. The treas
urer will outline the caretaker’s
FOR SALE—No. 50 Doherty
'Quebec heater and pipes, like
new, priced reasonably. Tele
phone 40-r-4 Dashwood. 22c
storey brick,
home with all
Centrally locat-
2-bedroom cot-
ibathroom. C. V.
Realtor. c
FOR SALE—Lots. We have just
listed several very desirable
building lots. If you intend
building within the next year
or two it will pay you to look
at these. C. V. Pickard, Real
tor. c
M rs. Percy Tyerman
Mrs. Percy Tyerman, a resi
dent of Exeter for the past five
years, passed away suddenly at
her home in Exeter North on
Friday in her sixtieth year. Mrs.
Tyerman had been in ,gOQd
health and attended a church
meeting the day before she
passed away. Her maiden name
was Ida Belle Frain. Before
coming to Exeter Mr. and Mrs.
Tyerman resided in Brussels.
Deceased was a member of
Caven Presbyterian Church. She
was leader of the Mission Band,
a member of the choir and of
the W.M.S. Besides her husband
she leaves two sisters, Mrs. R.
McInnis of Exeter, Mrs. E. Mar
tin of Brussels, and two bro
thers, Joseph Frain of Capril,
Sask., and L. D. Frain of Brus
The body rested at the Dinney
funeral home and the funeral
service Monday afternoon was
held from the Caven Presbyter
ian Church with Rev. D. R. Sin
clair officiating. Mrs. Cochrane
presided at the organ. The pall
bearers were Messrs. Alex Cann,
William Sillery, Thomas Pryde,
Edward Yellow, Donald Tait and
Thomas Allen. The flower bear
ers were Messrs. W. G. Coch
rane, E. D. Bell, James Harri
son, Harold Beaver, Clarence
Fairbairn and Frank Taylor.
tli e
upon request. Please state
expected and send tenders
J. EARL BURR, Treas.,
R.R. 1, Dashwood, Ont.
FOR SALE—Smart white fur
plush-lined evening cloak,
with hood. Bargain, size 16-
18. Apply to Mrs. N. Hockey,
phone Exeter 239. 22*
bath, hot
tap. —W.
Exeter. -
HOUSE, lately re
new roof, 3-piece
and cold water on
C. Pearce, Realtor,
FOR SALE—Pair girl’s black
tube skates, size 4. —Phone
106. 22c
Car Skids On Wet
Pavement, Hits Tree
An auto accident took place
Tuesday morning at Hensall
when a Buick car driven by a
London lady skidded on the wet
pavement as she attempted to
make the turn from No. 4 high
way onto the main street.
The car left the road and
landed squarely up against a
tree. None of the occupants was
seriously injured.
The car was driven by Mrs.
Myrtle Bricklin, of 380 Dundas
Street, London, accompanied 'by
Mrs. Theresa Pritchett, June and
Evon Oliver, who were on their
way to visit Mr. and Mrs. Stan
ley Tudor. The two ladies re
ceived minor cuts and
and were treated at the
Damage to the car is
ed at between $300 and
Provincial- Constable Elmer
Zimmerman and Frank Harburn
FOR SALE—Solid brick house,
hydro, hardwood floors, re
cently decorated, small barn
and garage, good well, some
fruit trees. Crediton East, one
mile from Airport. Apply to
F/S Pridham, Crediton East.
FOR SALE—Baled hay, alfalfa
and timothy, good hay, $20
a ton; also loose hay. Phone
Kirkton 63-r-18. 22*
DON’T BUY storm windows un
til you have seen the Simplon
combination storm and screen
windows. The inserts are eas
ily changed from winter to
summer .from inside
the use of ladders,
stallation. For free
phone 31-W, Roland
Fall in
C. Day.
B. M. Francis In Florida
A letter from B.M. Francis
Florida states that the weather
has been 88 degrees in the
time and 66 at night.
FOR SALE—Clare ’‘Jewel” en
amel coal or wood range with
reservoir and warming closet.
Phone 17-15, Kirkton. . 22c
FOR SALE—IPlay pen; white ice
box; 4-burner, heavy duty
Acme range, 3 years old. Mrs.
Alex Ellis, 32 Ann St., phone
26R. 22:29c
FOR SALE—Evening dress, lat
est style, turquoise, used once
by bridesmaid, size 16. Elliot
Apts., 102. 22*
Three New Homes
Full Basement and Furnace
Complete Bath and Showei'
R. E. Balkwill
ist, proficient at Shorthand,
for office of local firm. Duties
to include correspondence, in
voicing, billing etc. Hours 9.00
a.m. to 5.00 p.m. with Wed
nesday afternoons off. To com
mence January 3, 1950. Apply
to Box “J” Times-Advocate,
stating age, martial status, ex
perience, names of previous
employers and salary expected.
WANTED—Full time Secretary-
Treasurer and Fieldman for
Huron County Federation of
Agriculture. Duties to com
mence January 2. Apply by
tender not later than Decem
ber 3 0 to W. V. Roy, Secret
ary- Treasurer, Box 310, Clin
ton, Ontario. 22:29
Cafeteria Help
Season's Greetings
To wish you . < » just a wonderful Christmas
and all happiness in the New Year.
To thank you . . , for your splendid patronage
during the year just ended.
Studio Closed
From Christmas Until January 3
Appointments will be accepted during this period
for wedding and emergency sittings.
Merry Christmas To All!
The Christmas meeting of the
Mission Circle met at the home
of Miss Helen Passmore on Sa
turday afternoon with a good
attendance. The service took the
form of a candle lighting ser
vice. Christmas readings and
a dainty lunch was served.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gardiner
and Marilyn visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Murray Gibson at Brynston
one evening last week.
The Mission Band met in the
church basement on Sunday af
after which the Theme Prayer
was repeated by all. Hymn 299
was sung, followed with Mission
Band purpose. Minutes of the
last meeting were read. Roll call
was taken. The treasurer’s re
port was given and collection
taken. Hymn 312 was sung,
after which the program was
given, which was as follows: A
reading by Joanne Mair, instru
mental by Mildred Ballantyne, a
reading by Rosemary Passmore,
chorus by children (“Rudolph,
the Red Nosed Reindeer”). Doris
then took the topic. Hymn 303
was sung and the meeting closed
With all repeating the Mizpah
Benediction. A tew -games
lunch brought the meeting
The new officers for the
sion Band for the coming
are: President, Joanne
vice-president, Barbara Allison;
secretary, Rosemary Passmore;
treasurer, Irene Beaver.
The Sunday School concert
with be hold in the church on
Thursday evening of this week
at 3 p.m. Each family is asked
to bring home-made candy and
lunch. We
was well
night Of this Week. The pupils,
under the direction
Hunkin, their teacher,
grand program.
Christmas services
held at Sunday School and
church this Sunday. S u n d a y
School will meet at 10:15 a.m.
and church at 11:15 a.m. Lei
us all worship together for these
U.W.O. Journalists Fete
The students of Journalism
the University of Western On
tario staged their annual ban
quet Thursday evening that was
attended by more than 125
guests, including the mayor of
London, former graduates, stu
dents and staff. Don Southcott,
of Exeter, is president of
Journalism Press Club.
for their Christmas
with leaders Dolores
and Doris Elford in
Hymn 423 was sung,
Eggs Drop . . . But Crack
Is In Prices, Not In Eggs
With the collapse of the Brit
ish market, eggs have taken a
decided drop which means a
considerable loss to this section
where egg production is quite
heavy. A week ago they were re
tailing at 52 cents and today
they are 38 cents.
Trustees Elected
At the nomination meeting at
the Township Hall, Orediton, for
two school trustees for the Town
ship School Area, Gerald God
bolt and Harry Sheppard were
elected by acclamation. The Area
trustees are George Clarke, Well
wood Gill, Roy Mason and the
two newly elected.
to a
hope for a good at-
Road School concert
attended on Tuesday
on a
FOR SALE—A newly painted
model "A” town sedan,
mileage 31,000, in A-l
tion, 4 new tires, 2
grips like new, new
and battery, upholstery spot
less, cheap for quick sale. Has
to be seen to >be appreciated.
Apply: James E. Darling, tele
phone 45-M, Ailsa Craig. 22c
FOR SALE—1,200 ft. of B.C.
edge grain fir flooring, thor
oughly dry. Phone 59-W, Exe
ter, 22c
FOR SALE—Pale blue taffeta
evening dress, excellent condi
tion, size 12. Phone 379-W.
HORSES or sale or exchange. I
have some horses which I will
guarantee good workers at all
times, which I will sell or ex
change for other unsatisfac
tory or aged horses. —G. J.
Dow, Box S3, phone S3, 22c
GOOD USED CARS for sale.
1938 Plymouth; 1936 Chevro
let sedan; 1939 Plymouth
coupe; 1932 Model B Ford;
1929 Model A Ford. —-South
End Service. 22c
FOR SALE—Young lady’s
sport jacket, brown sport
brown chesterfield coat,
grey suit,
clothing is
tion and
trench coat,
all size 12.
in excellent condt-
priced reasonably.
Can be seen -at The Times-
Advocate. 22c
FOR SALE—Real bargain: Max-
Well washing machine in per
fect condition. Apply: J. G.
Lortle, %’ Miss M. Broderick,
Andrew St. 22*
away those tired lines from
your face with a Facial given
in your own home. -—V. Burt,
phone 156. 22c
poultry flock culled by an ex-,
pert. L. V. Hogarth, phone 266
Exeter. 3:15:22c
FOR REPAIR and carp e n t e r
work, call 404j Exeter. 15:4t*
will be A GUEST OF HONOUR —All
dressed up and heading for the
Christmas dinner table, this tur
key, who
down to
al some
PLASTERING repairs done. Ap
ply: J. V. Webster, west side
Exeter Station, telephone 423.
appeals ready to sit
a banquet himself, is
to be guest of honour
family’s Noel celebra-
After February 1 the Board
proposes to serve a hot plate at
noon to students in the Cafeteria
of the new school.
Letters of application
accepted until January
persons interested in
ment. Applicants prepared
assume full responsibility should
be prepared to submit tender at
an interview.
Please state experience and
complete address. Interviews will
requested at a later date.
the Township of Usborne will
'be held in the
Township Hall, Elimville
at 1:00 p.m.
for the purpose of making and
receiving nominations for the of
fices of Reeve, four Councillors,
and two Trustees for the Town
ship School Board.
And further notice is hereby
given that in the event of more
candidates being proposed and
qualifying for any particular of
fice than required to be elected,
the proceedings will be
journed until
when polls shall be opened
9 o’clock a.m. until 5 o’clock
p.m. at the following places,
with the undermentioned offi
cers in charge, as fixed by the
township Iby-law viz;
Poll No. 1: School House No.
4, Eden; J. G. Hunter, D.R.O.;
Fred Ford, Pool Clerk.
Poll No. 2: House of Lloyd
Stewart; Chas. Jeffery, D.R.O.;
Lloyd Ballantyne, Poll Clerk.
Poll No. 3: School House No.
1, Hurondale; William Sims,
D.R.O.; Edgar Cudmore, Poll
Poll No. 4: Public Hall, Far
quhar; Leonard Harris, D.R.O.;
Ray Ballantyne, Poll Clerk.
Poll No. 5: Township Hall,
Elimville; Lloyd Johns, D.R.O.;
Weston Horne, Poll Clerk.
Poll No. 6: House of Ross
Hern; Ross Hern, D.R.O.; Nor
man Brock, Poll Clerk.
Poll No. 7: House of Russell
Morrison; Ray Mills, D.R.O.;
Cecil Camm, Poll Clerk.
Should an election for Town
ship School Board ensue, voters
in Blanshard and Biddulph will'
vote at Polling Sub-division No.
And 'all electors are hereby
requested to take notice and
govern themselves accordingly.
R.R. 1, Hensall,
Dec. 13, 1949. 15c
i ’
Exeter District
School Board,
Box B, Exeter,
will be
6 from
High *
FOR RENT—Radios, by day or
week; vacuum cleaners; elec
tric floor polishers, —Beavers
FOR RENT—Four - room apart
ment, 2 upstairs and 2 down
stairs; easily heated, garage
if necessary; 5 miles from
Aalrport on No. 4 highway.
Rent $15 per month. Apply in
evenings to Wm. F. Abbott,
phone 418-R Exeter. 22c
FOR RENT—Two furnished 3-
room apartments, heated, with
bath, hot and cold water, with
or without children. Apply—
Times-Advocate. 22*
FOR RENT—Four - room flat,
outside entrance, all conven
iences, furnished weli for a
young couple. Apply; Times-
Advocate. 22*
FOR RENT—Nine - room house,
warm and comfortable, all
hewly redecorated, lots of
water together with large
garden. Apply at The Times-
Advocate. 22:29*
FOR RENT —- Furnished apart
ment, frig and stove, hot and
cold water, separate entrance,
opposite school, near Orediton
and Airport. —Phone 378-J
Exeter, 22*
Township of Usborne
Court of Revision of the
service, town or country. Apply
Box ”B” Times-Advocate or phone Fair. 6099W Loudon. I
15:22:29:5:12:19* ] 22-29
Assessment Roll of the Town
ship of Usborne for the year
1949 will be held in the Town
ship Hall, Elimville, On the 3rd
day of January, 1950, at 10
o’clock h.m. All appeals must be
in on
Public Notice
that a meeting
the Village of .Exeter will be
held in the Town Hall,
on n
Monday, December 26, 1949
between the hours of 12 o’clock
noon and 1 o’clock in the after
for the purpose of making and
receiving nominations for Reeve,
Deputy Reeve, three councillors,
three members of Public School
Board and one Public Utilities
And further notice is hereby
given that in the event of iftore
candidates being proposed and
qualifying for any particular of
fice, than required to be elected,
the proceedings will be adjourned
Monday, January 2, 1956
when polls shall be opened from
9 o’clock a.m. until 5 o’clock
p.m. at the following places with
the undermentioned officers in
charge as fixed by Village by
law viz:
Polling Sub Division No. 1A—
at showroom of Newton Motors,
Main St.; Earl Parsons, D.R.O.;
Vera Rowe, Poll Clerk.
Polling Sub Division No. IB—-
at showroom of Newton Motors,
Main St.; Chas. Montieth, D.R.O.
Edna Taylor, Poll Clerk.
Polling Sub Division No.
at Town Hall, Main St.,
Carscadden, D.R.O.; Mary
Poll Clerk.
Polling Sub Division No.
at Town Hall, Main St.,
Campbell, D.R.O.; Alta Hennon,
Poll Clerk.
Polling Sub Division No. 3A—
at Glen McKnight”s Residence,
Main St., And. Campbell, D.R.O.;
Grace McKnight, Poll Clerk,
Polling Sub Division No. 3B—
at Glen McKnight’g Residence,
Main St., Vern. Heywood, D.R.O,;
Sarah Laing, Poll Clerk.
Polling Sub Division No. 4—
at Residence of William Webster,
Main St., Frederick O. Beaupre,
D.R.O.; Lois Learn, Roll Clerk.
And all electors are hereby
requested to take notice and
govern themselves accordingly,
Returning Officer
Exeter, Ont, December 9, 1949
of Exeter
is hereby given
of the Electors of
2 A—
or before this date.
Clerk, R.R. 1,
Hensall, Ont.
’‘Could you give a poor fellow
a bite?” asked the dust-stained
“I don’t bite, myself,” answer
ed the lady pf the house, ’’but
i’ll call the dog.”