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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-12-08, Page 8
Page 8 •Most of put comes the world’s nickel out- from Canada. SS $ * Chinese —“Doctor, what teeth for me?" Doctor — right?” Chinese: “Yes, tooth hurty all right, but what time you fixee?” (on telephone) time you flxee “Two-thirty, all the Mi’s. Ervin Ratz held © o Tumblers Aluminum Wares Baseball Mitts to to Binoculars Checkers Minibrix Childs’ Records Per set and Pickering on the ar- a haby girl, Linda Carving Sets Tools Fishing Tackle Golf Clubs a beautiful duet by Currie and Mrs. Ross piano solo by Miss Sharpe, a Christmas and the singing of THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 8, 1949 IB ? f SHIPKA The annual Christmas W.A. meeting was held in church on Thursday afternoon with a fine attendance. Mrs. Boss Love presided for the de votional period, after which Mrs, H, Currie was in charge of the election of officers. A vote of thanks was tendered to Mrs. Ross Love for her fine leader ship during the past year. She in turn expressed her gratitude for the help given her from the ladies, The meeting was then turned over to the program committee. The program consist ed of a Christmas poem iby Miss P. Keys, Mrs. H. Love, a Eleanor contest, corals. The committee in charge served a grand lunch. There was an exchange of gifts from a very lovely decorated tree. The officers for 1950 are as follows: Honorary president, Mrs. Ross Love; president, Mrs. Jacob Ratz; first vice-president, Mrs. Harry Sheppard; second vice- president, Mrs. Cliff Russell; secretary, Mrs. V. Sharpe; as sistant, Mrs. Earl ’Pickering; treasurer, Mrs. E. Keys; assist ant, Mrs. A. Finkbeiner; pian ists, Mrs. George Love, Mrs. Milt Ratz; missionary treasurer, Miss P. Keys; flower fund, Mrs. Jack Ratz, Mrs. Wray Sweitzer, Mrs. Stpart Sweitzer; parsonage committee, Miss P. Keys, Mrs. Roy Ratz, Mrs. V. Sharpe, cor responding secretary, Mrs. Milt Ratz. The meeting closed by re peating one of the Christmas carols. x a Dot’s Beauty Shoppe (North of Dell Telephone) Naturelie Permanent Waving Lustron Cold Wave - Open Wednesday Afternoon • Dorothy G. Reeder, Prop. Tel. 71 Exeter Tomlinson’s Haird ressing - Featuring - All Lines of Beauty Culture - Specializing In - THE NEW “FLUID WAVE” With exclusive Magic Phix The greatest permanent wave advancement in years. Shellcraft Demonstrated At Hurondale W«L The November meeting of the Hurondale W o m e n’s Institute was opened with the singing of the Ode and “Come All Ye Faith ful”, followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. The roll call was responded to with a gift for child in the War Memorial .ospital. There was also a good response for the clothing to be seni to Europe. Mrs. Dougall led in ax sing-song, accompanied by Mrs. William Kernick. A ve)’y enlightening talk was given by Mrs. Cunningham, a representative of the Health Unit in this county. Miss Anna Brock favoured the women with a read ing. Mrs. Woods, assisted by Mrs. Gill of the Grand Bend Institute, demonstrated the art of shell craft which was very much en joyed. Another very amusing reading was given by Miss Brock. The ladies then joined in anothei’ sing-song of Christmas carols. A vote of thanks was given by Mrs. William Etherington to all those participating and to the hostess and committee. The meet ing closed with the singing of the National Anthem, after which a very delicious lunch was served by the committee. The December meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. William Kernick on afternoon of December 28, BROCKVILLE SHOWS NEIGHBOURLY SPIRIT dents of Brockville, Ont., showed their neighbourly spirit when a business block fire rendered 100 persons homeless. Cash flowed in, and clothing was given in great quantities. Henry Walters, candidate for mayor, assists a Salvation Army worker in distributing clothing to the homeless. All victims were taken into Brockville homes. Thos. H. Walker Painting - Decorating EXETER Cabinet Work Woodworking PHONE 286J Kitchen Cupboards V’s Beauty Shoppe The loveliness of a lady May depend upon her hair, Its lustre and its styling And its professional care! Hair Tints - Radio Waves All Lines of Beauty Culture Machine and Machineless Wave: Telephone 112 Exeter Vera C. Fraser, Prop. The Correct SUPPORT Makes You Feel Better- As Well As Look Better! That’s why smart women like the entirely different principle of design used in Spirella FOUNDATION — Phone MRS. VALERIE Trivitt Ladies Hold. Successful Bazaar Trivitt Memorial Ladies Guild held a successful bazaar and tea in the Parish Hall. Mrs. Langford welcomed the visitors. The vari ous tables were convened by the following ladies: Aprons and fancywork, Mrs. Crawford, Mrs. Fraser and Mrs. Shaw; home baking, Mrs. Heywood, Mrs. Dobbs, Mrs. Case and 'Mrs. Mid dleton. Mrs. Vernon Heywood convened the Fish Pond with the girls of Junior W.A. assist ing.’ Tea tables were in charge of Mrs. Bierling, assisted by Mrs. Acheson. Others assisting were Mrs. Genttner, Mrs. Luxton, Miss McTaggart and Mrs. Bawden. The holders of the lucky tickets were: for the quilt, Mrs. Grant Carew, and for the cup and saucer, Mrs. Pym. Congratulations to Mr. Mrs. Earl rival of Diane. Mr. and I a dinner Friday evening last, in1 honour of Mr. and Mrs. William Ratz, fortieth wedding anniversary. The family presented Mrs. Ratz with a gold necklace and ear rings, set with rubies, and Mr. Ratz with a gold watch chain and matching cuff links. GARMENTS 125 — ARMSTRONG ROE VITAMIZEP FEEDS PROMOTE GIOWING HEALTH, FATTER PROFITS, PUE TO SCIENTIFIC BALANCE OF FINEST INGREDIENTS ROE FARMS MILLING CO."ATWOOD, ONT. i YOU CAN GET ROE FEEDS FROM: J. A. Traquair, Exeter C. Tindall, Mooresville II. G. Webber, Woodham H. Kellerman, Dashwood Milton Dietz, Zurich James St. W.A. Holds Christmas Meeting The Christmas meeting of the W.A. was held- in the ladies par lour which was beautifully dec orated for the Christmas season, on Thursday afternoon. The meeting opened with the president, Mrs. W. Witmer, in the Cihair, and the singing of “Joy To The World”, followed by the Lord’s Prayer in unison. After the business part and re ports were given, the hymn “Hark The Herald Angels Sing” was sung. Mrs. Crocker favoured with a very delightful piano solo. Mrs. D. Anderson gave the Christmas message on the theme “Christmas In Other Lands”, which was most interesting and instructive. After singing “It Came Upon A Midnight Clear”, Mrs. Sandy Elliott favoured with a very beautiful Christmas solo. The singing of “Silent Night” and the benediction closed the meeting. Following the meeting a social hour was spent at which a dainty lunch was served from a table beautifully centred with Christ- | mas tree and candles. Mrs. Wit- | mer poured tea. BENEFIT BY THIS ’ GOOD NEWS COMBINATION your home town paper gives you complete, dcpcndoble local news. You need to know all that is going on where you live. It But you live also iq a WORLD where big gvenh Ote. ill thg rrtaking events which can * "mean so much to you, to your job, your home, your future. For ' constructive reports and interpre tations Of national and interna tional news, there is no substitute for THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR. Enjoy the benefits of being best informed—-locally, nattondllyr internationally- with your local paper and The Christian Science Monitor. LISTEN Tuesday nights over ABC stations to "The Christian Science Monitor Views the News.” And use thii coupon today for a special in- v. s. troductbry Subscription, q) I Fund* The Christian Science Monitor Ono, Norway St., Boston 15, Moss., U.S.A. Please send me an Introductory subscription to The Christian Science Monitor—-2fi Issues. I enclose SI. Bible Class Holds Annual Meeting The Comrades Bible Class of James Street Sunday School held its annual meeting on Friday evening, December 2, in the Sunday School rooms. At 6:30, ‘about forty-five members sat I down to well filled tables and enjoyed a bountiful repast. Following supper there was a sing-song led by Mr. William Cook. Marilyn Bissett favoured with a piano selection and Mrs. L. Dixon with a guitar solo. Rev. T. G. Wanless of Woodham was guest speaker and chose for his subject “What Is A Christ ian?” This was followed by a beautiful solo by Mrs. WanlesS. Mtg. Dixon favoured with an other guitar selection, and this was followed by the election of officers, which resulted as fol lows: President, Mr. Arthur Amy; first vice-president, Rev. C. W. Down; second vice-president, Mr, Wes Johns; third vice-president, Mr, William Welsh; secretary treasurer, Mr. Arthur Rundle; assistant, Mr. Edgar Squires. Reports of the various com mittees were read and adopted, and the meeting closed with the singing of God Save the King. (nemel .(aw-tf a.auUfoii MWaWwaWei Jli1 (address) (city) PB7 isewe)UfbW Zurich Bazaar Held The Ladies’ Aid of the Zurich Evangelical U,B. Church held a successful bazaar, baking sale and tea. Mrs. C. Haist was con vener of the bazaar with Mrs. J. W. Merner, Miss Olive O’Brien, Mrs. T. L. Williams, Mrs. G. Jacalie, Mrs. C, L. Smith and ; Mrs. W. C. Fritz were conveners of the booths. Over $185 was realized. ( Fancy Cookie Jars 3.75 Colored Bowl Sets 5-pc. 2.89 Tea Pots (all prices)” Electric Clocks Toy town Specials Meeh. Trains .69 Flying Airplane Carpenter Sets .29 6.50 3.25 1.15 2.85 1.50 N£W Pyrex Fluted Custard Cups Set of Six Now more dainty than ever For oven and table use Set of six 59c and 79c r I Kt A New Uw Price ^^95 and have the rest to your ouse Accurate auto matic control of heat in True- Temp oven. All elements have 5-heat switches. $ Good cooking is a “natural with your Westinghouse Elec tric Range. Five-neat surface elements (wo/merely three) give you everything from gentle “SIMMER” cooking to record “HIGH” speed. And the fully automatic Oven-heat control takes* all the guesswork out of roasting, baking and Oven- cooking. Make a date to see these beautiful new Westing house Ranges today. Phone 86 Exeter