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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-12-08, Page 4
be Electrician Electric Wiring Of All Kinds Motors —- Poultry Timo Clocks —- Waterheaters — Thermostats — Furnace Controls — fixtures, etc. Garfield Thomson Phone 232m And Electric Stewart Warner Radios * and General Appliances Sold and Serviced House and Farm Wiring DONALD JOLLY ROBERTSON’S zero.u WW1 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, PECEMBER 8, 1949 Exeter Cagers Trounce Airmen Exeter Maroons took to the basketball floor in the Arena Monday night decked out in their smart new uniforms and then proceeded to trounce the Centralia Airmen 65-28. Monday night been the opening schedule against the game was postponed and in its place an exhibition tilt was by a count of was to have of the regular St. Marys but AIRPORT NEWS 8 Condition Powder 3 lbs-$1.00 9 lbs.-$2.45 Guaranteed No Filler Results considered, you will find this powder un equalled as a tonic for all farm stock. Your Drugs at ROBERTSON’S Phone 50 Exeter ia c Q Notice arranged. The locals play their first scheduled game in St, Marys this Friday night, with possibly the return match in Exeter next Monday, The game with the Airport was a rough affair in which three players were thumbed off, by referee Sasso. George Rether of the Maroons, and McCready and Lepine of the Airport, all had five fouls. Cord Farrow's boys carried the play right from the start and at the end of the first half were well out in front 25-13. However, it was in the last half that they really set the pace, hooping forty points. Johnny Rether, high scoring forward for the Maroons, was closely guarded by the Airmen and was held to seven points. However, Murray May and Bill O’Brien took over the scoring to each sink nineteen points. AIRPORT: Johnson, 2; Gal vin, 8; Armstrong; McCready, 2; Seedhouse, 3; Weinberg; Thomas; Lepine, 4; Andrews, 7; Boudreau, 2. EXETER: J. Rether, 7; Cann, 8; May, 19; O’Brien, 19; G. Dobbs, 3; F. Dobbs; U. Schroe der; G. Rether, 9; G. Schroeder, Referee—Sasso, Airport. M „ .............. . The Station dance held on De cember >2 was very well-attended. Dancing was from 9 to 1, to music supplied by the station orchestra. Many favourable com ments regarding the evening were received by the entertain ment committee.* # » * A farewell party for F/O Doug Catrano was held in the Officers’ Mess on the evening of December 2. Flying Office:' Catrano has left the station to take up his new duties at Aylmer, * * « * The station hockey team was defeated by the Army on Mon day night, in a thrilling game held in London. The Army held a 3-0 lead until the 10 minute mark in the final period, when the locals rapped home three goals to tie the score. The Army scored the winning goal with only 10 seconds left to play. * * * * The basketball team suffered a defeat in an exhibition game with the Exeter Juniors held on Monday night. On Tuesday, No vember 29, the station team won the season opener against St. Marys, and on T h u r s d a y the locals were beaten by a team from Clinton. * * . * * Curling teams skipped by Tom my Crane, Eric Wilson and Geo. Moir were victorious on Saturday The village milkman bought a horse for the morning round. It was not exactly a thoroughbred, but it had four legs. ’One day he took his bargain to the blacksmith to have him shod. The smith regarded the weary-looking animal critically, paying particular attention to his lean body and spindly legs. “You ought to have a horse there some day,’’ he said at length. “I see you’ve got the scaffolding up.’’ Parents re Kindergarten Children wishing’ to attend Kindergarten classes on January 3, 1950, must have reached the age of 5 years before December 31, 1949, and must present a Birth Certificate or other suitable proof of age to the teacher, Mrs. Helen Jermyn, at the Exeter Public School. The mother is to bring the pupil to the Exeter Public School on either December 29 or December 30 according to the following; Those whose surnames commence registered on December 29, 2:00 p.m. to Those whose registered on December 30, 2:00 p.m. to surnames commence R A to L are to be 4:00 p.m. are to be 4:00 p.m. Your Co-operation Is Requested Exeter Public School Board •H 8 CARS We arc now delivering 1950 Fords and have some 1919’s with low mileage priced very attractively. © 19Ki 193(1 1931 Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Stephen Names Ed Chambers To above average — $1,290. a clean ear — $350. > good motor and tires .— $190. TRUCKS $890.Pickup, good tires Panel — $250. SPECIAL Ford, 158-inch, chassis and. cab1917 ..... . . ............... .. .... (To be reduced $10 a day until sold.) TRACTORS $590, © See and drive the 1950 Ford! 1948 Leader, above average condition.All 1913 Ford.worth 1012 Ford.the 1910 Ford.money. 1938 Fordson.re us now! larry Snider Motors PHONR 64-W EXETER morning when the six station teams played in London. * * # * About 25 Flight Cadets from RCAF Station Summerside, PEI, visited the station on Tuesday. Object of the trip, which takes six hours by air, is to provide the cadets with practical long- range navigation experience. * * * * The control tower reports an other completely accident free month, During Novembei’ There were 9,007 take-offs and land ings and an accident rate of More efficient navigation and safety aids are being added to the station. The latest is a 90- foot aerial for the homer. The homei’ is a radio instrument that transmits a signal, As the air craft radio is tuned in to the signal frequency,, a radio com pass in the aircraft shows the heading that must be flown to reach the station, By means of the homer, verbal instructions also may be given to aircraft in the area. The new aerial will en able aircraft to pick up the loca tion of the aerodrome from a much greater range, * * * * ‘ S/L Grindlay and F/L Miller, of R&CS, are in Montreal this week working with the Ground Controlled Approach system. Canadian Cement Exeter District Co-Operative Phone 287-W J, A. Petrie, Mgr. Store Open Wednesday Afternoons Until Christmas Gifts for Girls PATRONIZE LOCAL MERCHANTS GLOVES HANKIES Sweaters E.D.H.S. Board The Council of the Township of Stephen met in the Council Rooms Tuesday, November 29, with all members present. The minutes of previous meet ing were read and adopted. On motion of John Morrissey and Harry Beaver the By-Law 15-49 appointing «Poll booths, Deputy Returning Officers and Poll Clerks for 19 49 Election was adopted. On motion of Harry Beaver, Roll on which are to be levied was adopted. On motion of Harry Beaver and John Morrissey, Mr. Ed. Chambers was re-appointed Trus tee for the Exeter District High School for a term of two years. On motion of Harry Beaver ■ and Charles MacGregor the Court of Revision of the 19 49 Assess- men Roll will be held on Thurs- da, December 15, 1949, at 1 p.m. On motion of Harry Beaver and Charles MacGregor^ the fol lowing General Accounts were authorized foi’ payment: Mrs. Thos. Kenney, care of Milton Kenney, $9.00; Bert Holt, shelter for Mrs. Carruthers, $7.00; F. W. Morlock, stamps, $25.00; H. F. Young, account, $4.55; Lloyd England, unem ployment Insur. Stamps, $6.72; Times-Advocate, printing, $219.- 23; Municipal World, printing, $4.30; Provincial Treasurer, In sulin, $2.05; Police Village of Grand Fend, Twp. of Stephen, share policing, $113.35; H. K. Eilber, Burglary Ins. Premium, $25.0$; Herman Powe, part sal ary, 200.00; Crediton Library, grant, $10».00; Centralia Library, grant, $10.00; Crediton Park Committee, grant, $12.00; F. J. Wickwire, By-laws Walker Drain, $100.00; G. E. Faist, janitor, $61.00; F. W. Morlock, balance on salary, $187,510; Elmer Law- son, Reeve, salary, mileage and telephone, $150.00; H. Beaver Deputy-Reeve, mileage and tele phone, $100.00; John Morrissey Councillor, mileage, telephone $100.'00; Roy Swartz, Councillor, mileage, $100.00; Charles Mac Gregor, Councillor, mileage, $100.00; Dr. D. B. Ferguson, Medical Health Officer, one-half a year, $115.00. Total, $1661.70. On motion of John Morrissey and Roy Swartz the following Road Accounts were authorized for payment: Lawrence Hill, Supt., $129,64 Cliff. Kenney, operator, $148.89 Car. Roeszler, operator, $146.09 Eldon Smith, operator, $92.54 Lloyd Roeszler, helper, $7.00 Kenneth Preszcator, labor o: culverts, $8.5’0; Janies Eagleson, cutting weeds, 14.40; Albert Morlock, welding, 7.30; Larry Snider, repairs, $7.70; Exeter Times-Advocate account, $15.23; Tuckey Tran s p o r t, cartage, $7.35; Lawrence Hill, telephone and mileage, $34.74; H. Young, account, $28.73; W. F. .Tennison, gravel, $7.20; Lloyd Hey, ac count, $41,90; Imperial Oil Ltd., fuel oil, $173.46; Department of Highways, tax on fuel oil, $33.- 00; Nola Faist, clerical assist ance, $30.0’0; Joseph Bullock, ac count, $40.10; Lloyd England, unemployment Insurance stamps, $12.60; Guenther Transport, car tage, $2.43; Twp. of Stephen, Excise stamps and postage, $25.- 00: Dominion Road Machinery, repairs, $9 8.83. Total, $1112.63. Grand Bend Police Village W. F. Jennison & Son, gravel, $691,50; Twp. of Stephen, grad ing, $215.00. Total, $906.50; Centralia Police Village Twp. of Stephen, grading, $25.00. On motion of Chas. MacGregor and Roy Swartz the meeting was adjourned to meet again on Thursday, December 15, 1949. i ---F, W. Morlock, Clerk Roy Swartz and the Assessment the 19 49 taxes UMBRELLAS HAND BAGS SCARVES LINGERIE HOSE LUGGAGE SLIPPERS ROBES BRACES Blankets Tl;e a n s w e r to the family gift; and what better can you give? For the gift-wise buy er we suggest a hand some Kenwood or one of our other well known blankets. BELTS SCARVES LUGGAGE HANDKERCHIEFS SOCKS SLIPPERS SPORT SHIRTS PARKAS OVERCOATS HATS Winter Footwear rub- and give you real comfort in winter weather. Foot wear to fit the whole 1 good stock of bcrs, goloshes heavy boots to Pullovers or Cardigans Choose from Plain shades . grey, yellow, Pullovers $3.95, $4.50 either style in long’ or shorteither style in long or short sleeves, of Rio green, powder blue, red, beige, navy and brown. Cardigans $4.75, $6.50 House Coats A Christmas wrapping for the lady on your list. The flan nel materials are in plain shades of red, powder blue and wine, while the tartans are Brichanan and R.C.A.F. They are priced at ............................................. $18.95 and $19.95 The moire house coats are in powder blue and wine. Sizes 14 to 20 ............. $14.95 Dresses Any woman would be delighted to find a new dress for her wardrobe under the tree this Christmas, were looking for a smart dress for the holiday Drop in and see our fine selection of have a good range or perhaps you season ? crepes and wools. We Table Cloths A suggestion that will meet favour . . . Cotton designs with are priced from .. Linen cloths, colored borders $5.50 and $7.95 Lace, in a good range of sizes $5.25 to $12.50 Plain damask cloths ........... $8.50 and $10.50 Beautiful boxed sets with table cloth and serviettes in different sizes. These are priced from .......... $15.95, $16.50, $25.00 and $32.00 . g ' ,.ir ' with floral . $2.95 to $3.95 lasting’ border ss t $ Gifts for Boys HE’LL PRIZE He Wants Shirts % For your Adam this Christmas Eve, slip a shirt beneath his tree. Every man looks forward to a gift shirt and here’s the place to pick a finely tailored Forsyth or a cheaper make. $2.95 to $7cheaper make. $2.95 to $7 For y o u r Christmas morning male are al ways the rights gifts. Santa w o u I d h a v e chosen from our ex cellent choice himself . $1.00 to $2.00 Gifts for Men BUY CHRISTMAS " SEALS Gloves Are Grand That’s right—gloves are a seasonable gift that he’ll start wearing on Christmas Day, Leather and wool in browns, tans, creams, greys and blacks. Priced from . .. $1.35 to $4.50 PHONE 16 EXETER I