HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-12-08, Page 3294 DUNDAS ST Grand OpeningJ Come and help us celebrate our grand opening! THANKS FOR THE ’BOGGAN RIDE Children and Mrs, John Hazelwood to London* to spend the Instit- euchre Friday and David week-end Mrs. Wil- McKenna spent a few in Torolnto during last LONDON, ONT. H. J. CORNISH & CO. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS THE VERY FINEST IN STYLING AND QUALITY ®nerocl CABINET HARDWARE So® our complete display ■■'ll-,.'' i .1 .11, Nl, J L, Exeter District Co-Operative SUGAR INDUSTRY While the eventual conquest of “black-root” disease of beet seedlings will' be dependent on development of resistant seed strains, remarkable progress in controlling the disease has been made here in Ontario. First, Wil­ bur McKeen, working at Harrow on a $3,000 fellowship, given by C. and D. Sugar Co., established that certain fungicides, applied in precise amounts —• not too much, not too little—were death t o “aphanomyces cochlioides” •fungi, deadly enemies of. beet seedlings. After taking a Ph, D. degree, McKeen rejoined Drs. Koch and Hildebrand at Harrow and re­ search on black root continued. It is now established that “T.T. D. ” fungicide—properly applied in right amounts at seeding time —will increase yields over 40 per cent on soil badly infested with the destructive fungi. Im­ properly applied —• T.T.D. is simply wasted. The indefatigable scientists are now seeking a fun­ gicide equally effective—but less expensive than the $4-per cost of T.T.D. Next week: Segmented or Beet Seed. acre i Split CANADA AND DOMINION SUGAR CO. LIMITED Chatham Wallaceburg WHALEN The W.M.S. and W.A. will meet at Mrs. Harry Khlare’s on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Tom Simpson and Miss Eileen days week. Mr. went winter months. Mr. and Mrs. J, Dickins, Lon­ don, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. F. Squire. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Carter and family of Metropolitan visit­ ed on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Roy Hodgson. Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Lynch and Gary of Hazel Park were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. William French. Mrs, Russell Brock of Burgessville were visitors with Mr. and liam Morley. Miss Audrey Arksey, London, was a week-end visitor with Mr. and Mrs. George Arksey. Mrs. Harry White, Donna, Lloyd and Ann, and Mr, Russell Parkinson of London were Sun­ day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Squire and Douglas visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Squire, Exeter. Progressive euchre was held in the school house on Thursday evening with nine tables at play. Prizes were won as follows: Ladies’ high, Miss Mary Her­ bert; gents' high, William French; lone hands, , Howard Hodgson; consolation, Jim Chap­ man. Lunch was served. A family gathering in honour of Mrs. George Millson’s eighty­ seventh birthday was held at her home on Thursday. Mrs. Millson is enjoying good health. She received many birthday con­ gratulations by letters, cards and telephone calls. Mr. and Mrs. Melleville Gun­ ning and Muriel, Mr. and Mrs. William French and family, Mr. and Mrs. William Morley Jr. and Mrs. Russell Brock and David were Friday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Morley. The occasion was the forty - first wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Morley. w ■ 1 1 IIMIIBK >.■ ■> 7 * 'iwW b H PT £ s' in most parts of Canada have their toboggans out, their ear muffs and mittens on, as they make the most of the early and plentiful snow. Cars may stall and .skid, householders may raise blisters from snow shovelling, but to youngsters with sleds, snow is the stuff dreams are made of. —C.P.C. ELIMVILLE and Mrs. Harold Fink- belner and Billy of Shipka and Mr. and Mrs. Russell King and Wayne, of Crediton,, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cooper. Miss Donna March of Rondon spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Harold Bell. Miss Wanda Stephen and Mr. Laurie Stephen spent the week­ end at their home. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Bird, of London, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Orville Bird. Elimville W. I, Meet The Elimville Women’s ute held a successful party at the town hall on evening. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. William Johns for ladies’ high, Mr, Delmar Skinner, gent’s high and Mrs, James Earl, the consolation. Mrs. Melville Hern and.JMr. Newton ’Clarke won the carrying prizes. Lunch was served at the close. New Club Holds First Meeting The f i r s t m e e t i n g of the “Saucy Scissor Club’’ was held at Winchelsea School on Satur­ day, December 3, with twenty members present. Mrs. Delmar Skinner and Mrs. Harold Taylor were the leaders. Election of of­ ficers was held by ballot with Elaine Hern as president; Bar­ bara Hunter, treasurer; press reporter, Seeta Collyer; singing leader, Marion Skinner. The next meeting will be held at Winchelsea school on Decem­ ber 10, and all girls interested in this club are asked all meetings. The club girls between the ages of 12-26. to is attend for all 15' Opening Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday December 8-9-10 Hi Highlights Gleaned From Exeter District High Sqhool By BETTY MICKLE Hi— Exams are all over and Christmas is just around the corner. Doesn’t it make you feel happy? i Ji *fti'ft ftra ft FT IDEAS 4* DesksDoll Buggies suggestions for gift giving. Everyone likes to select gifts from a well rounded out stock. That s why we have endeavoured to have in our store a large range of home furnish­ ings—-pieces that will be practical as well as surroundings of any home. We invite you to our many fine lend visit beauty to the interior our store and inspect ........... ........................................—— K The boys and girls have start­ ed ’practising basketb_all and they make their at Goderich hibition tilt. I will give the games next week. Last Saturday morning,, most of the senior boys’ basketball team journeyed to Clinton, where helpful informations was received on basketball. The speaker was Mr. McLaughlin and he described the fundamentals of basketball and also gave them some very helpful sug­ gestions. In the afternoon some of the boys participated in an exhibition game to enable the referees to try out for their certificates. All in all, the boys .found the day very enjoyable and many came home with an increased knowledge game. The intramural girls’ ball schedule commenced The teams consist of from each grade. These are played during the noon hour in the gym with the girls from the W.O.S.S.A. volley ball team officiating. The grade that wins the most games in declared champion volley (ball team cheers debut Friday night* Collegiate in an ex­ Best of luck, kids, you full details of Elimville Farm Forum The Elimville North Farm Fo­ rum met ‘Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller with twenty present. The topic for discussion was “As Others See Us”, a comparison of Canadian far in life with that of other lands. After recreation, lunch was served. The next meet­ ing will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Johns, Exe­ ter. Lushus JELLY n o HPOWDER J-/hr All flavors Campbell’s TOMATO Q 1 Asoup z-iyc Redeem Your Worth Lux Coupons I /I I* Here *' Raspberry 35c OXYDOL 33c Pkg. GRAPENUTS FLAKES j qpkg. ioc Rick’s Foodland We Deliver TVes Ryckman, Prop. Phone 58 of the volley today, players games the for for ft Dinette Smokers Phone 99 Natives of the West Indies, wlio regularly chew sugar cane, are said to have better teeth on the whole than Canadians. Here’s the answer to the young ladies* happiness this Christmas and many hours of pleasure in the new year. Priced from $5.50 to $15.95 Sturdily constructed pieces in walnut.and walnut finish. Student and knee-hole styles — both with plenty of drawer room. This is a suggestion that will give many hours of satisfac­ tion. the year. (Three Grade XIII!) Thursday we are of those very special Per, usual there will ity of boys. Come on, fellows, and join in the fun. Just think—only about ten or eleven more days of school this year. P.S.; Don’t forget your Xmas shopping. having Tea Dances, be a scarc- one Hampers Strongly made of are of pyroline or A moderately priced gift that besides being attrac­ tive is also very useful. Colours are in white, blue and green. wicker over a framework. Tops are upholstered. Chrome handles. Suites Modernly styled^ and trimmed with brilliant chrome w i t h tubular chrome legs on tables a n d chairs. Durable plastic tops. Extension space. Also sets in natural finished Wood. Sturdy metal smokers for the man of the house. Made of bronzie or chrome.* Some have attractive lighting f i x - lures. leaves provide greater top er-Hockey FURNITURE STORE BLANSHARD (Intended for last week) Mr. and tained the Bryan, of day night There were thirty guests there in honor of Mrs. Bryan’s seventy­ fourth birthday. Monthly Social Hold The monthly social was held at Metropolitan School on Wed­ nesday evening with a fair at­ tendance. The evening was spent in progressive euchre. The win­ ners were as follows: High score, gents, Mr. S. Adantson; high score ladies, Mrs. Leonard Mills; lone hands, gents, Jack Dunnell; lone hands, ladies, Mrs. G. Car­ ter; low score, gents, G. 'Carter; low score ladies, Mrs. M. Spence. A presentation was made to Mr. Fred Thomson and Mrs. Jack Thomson who are leaving the community. Leonard Thacker read the address and Mr. Ken­ neth Parkinson, Mr, Lloyd Thom­ son and Mr. Kenneth Langford presented them with a beautiful chesterfield chair and cushion and a table lamp. Mt, F« Thom­ son thanked them in the usual manner. The committee in charge were Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thacker The Mrs. Biil Jones enter­ family of Mrs. William Granton, on Wednes- to a turkey dinner. and Mr. Ken Parkinson, committee for December is Miss 0., Copeland, the teacher, Mr, and Mrs. 'G. Carter, Mr. and Mrs. H. Carter, The December social will be held on December and Canadian mothers have given birth to six sets of quadruplets but the Dionnes still stand alone I as far as the quints are con- i cerned. We’re Ready! Are You Ready? Let us help you fill your Christmas List with the right gifts at the right prices Sleighs SANTA’S Hockey Equipment Dolls Meccano Sets READY 10/.* »< Sporting Goods and Toys Are Welcome Gifts Skis Games Wind-up Trains Pop-up Toasters Telechrom Electric Clocks Pop-down Toasters — Pressure Cookers See Our Fall and Winter Thrift-Time Catalogue for Christmas Specials See These Items Displayed on Our Special Counter Shop Early For Choice Selection At Lindenfield s Limited