HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-12-08, Page 2Page 2 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 8, 1949
Wfje Exeter
Times Established 1873 AmalganiateU November 1924 Advocate Established 1881
Published Each Thursday Morning at Exeter, Ontario
An Didependent Newspaper Devoted to the Interests of the Village of Exeter and District
Authorized as Second Class Mail* Dost Office Department, Ottawa
Member of the Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association
Member of the Ontario-Quebec Division of the CWNA
Member of the Audit Bureau of Circulation
Paid-In-Advance Circulation As Of September 30, 1948 — 2,276
Canada, in advance, $2.50 a year United States, in advance, $3.00
Single Copies 0 Cents Each
J, Melvin Southcott - Publishers Robert Southcott
It Doesn’t Work
The uplifters in Britain who were not
content with allowing the Britishers to hoe
their own row but whose sleep was taken
away till they launched their now famous
welfare campaign fund find themselves
confronted by an unlooked for condition.
Folk from other countries have found out
that England is a land where people may
eat without working. Naturally these folk
flock to a land where everything from
store teeth to flour may be had as the fruit
of other people’s toil, Such folk receive a
scant welcome but little do they care so
long as the taxpayers give them an easy
living. England already has too many peo
ple for her land to feed but these ne’er-do-
wells are flocking in and making the Bri
tish government’s policy all the harder. All
sorts of measures are in the air of that
good land to see that sufficient food and
clothing and all sorts of other necessities
are provided. So much for this tiling of
doing for the other fellow what he would
be the better off doing for himself.
What About The Backbenchers?
A few men in the federal parliament
are making things lively while the rest of
the backbenchers sit back and look in or
have a rare time in the movies or else
where. As far as news of what they are
doing goes, they are quiet as hibernating
bears. They are in their place when the
decision bell rings and are dear-knows-
where when the bell is ringing. They vote,
of course, but they vote at the nod "of the
party whip. We wonder what those worth
ies would answer were they asked why
they voted on certain questions. They are
a good natured lot, those backbenchers.
They can tell "good” stories. They enjoy
good things for the inner man and sleep
well at nights and run home as hard as
they can trot when the session is over.
They are good neighbours and friends and
good mixers, but they are fearfully and
wonderfully quiet in parliament. ‘ They
know how to get elected and that is a
great deal. They do not let anyone know
what they think and that is great comfort.
A Far Cry
It is a far cry from Western Ontario
to Palestine. That cry is being heard never
theless. We have heard of the war in that
far-off land but we are unaware of the
distress of tens of thousands of folk who
are reduced to the extreme of want. Fur
ther, the distress of not wholly due to the
ravages of war but to the generations of
long waste of natural resources. The soil
in the special region referred to has be
come almost utterly worn out. Extreme
want is the bitter result. The cry comes to
'Western Ontario not to wear out her soil.,
Sixtv-odd years ago, as some of us will re
member, the cry was to get the water off
the land. Swamps were looked upon as a
menace, woods were regarded as the foes
of farm progress, Nowadays we are seeing
the folly of those earlier times but we are
not doing what we should to conserve
water and the fertility of the land. But the
evil effects of water waste and of soil de
pletion are showing their effect. For some
unhappy reason onr farm livestock is not
showing the improvement local advantages
call for. We have climate that leaves little
to be desired, even if we find it inconven
iently severe at times. Our best farmers
see the cause in the inferiority of the soil.
That almost desert land over there in Pal
estine indicates what we may have in this
part of the world should we keep on wast
ing soil fertility and a regular supply of
water at the rate that now is practiced.
Let us do some waking up in this particu
lar by encouraging the well doing farmer
to do still better. The task is one that can
not approach completion short of a long
term of years but every step in that direc
tion will give good returns to the tiller and
to the whole commonwealth. As the soil
improves, so will the province's prosperity
Hi ❖ $
The Threatened Hydro Shortage
That hydro is not to be had in the
abundance we hoped for is all too evident.
The simple reason is that the electricity is
not available in the quantities we looked
for, The reason is that there has been a
shortage of rainfall and in our desire to
be thrifty we have missed the mark by
not controlling onr water supply. Already
we are turning to steam to turn our elec*
trie generating a p p ar a t u s , Fortunately,
there is no acute coal shortage nor oil
shortage in sight. What we fear is that the
generating of electricity by other than
water power will increase our hydro rates.
No one can estimate the disturbance in
our whole life that a genuine shortage of
electricity would cause. All of which re
minds us that before we can live comfort
ably we must first live. Want ever has fol
lowed on the heels of waste, no matter
what form that waste may take. Necessities
must come before gadgets if we are to
stay in the battling ring of life.
❖ v ❖ ❖
“I Must Work Or Starve”
All of us thought that this good citizen
had done well in business. And so he had.
But he had not done well enough to allow
him to retire in comfort. For a while all
went merrily after the job had been aban
doned. The easy gait and the time to stop
and talk and the delight of meeting old
friends with the opportunity of taking an
occasional trip were greatly enjoyed. Then
came some severe family sickness. Along
with the sickness came what Burns called
the damnation of expenses. Worst of all
there was no income. Bills commenced to
accumulate and credit was vanishing. Then
came the plaintive admission “I must work
or starve”. Had the good man but seen this
necessity ten years before and had he bent
over the little area that he could control
with a will that would have proven to him
that labour is life, there would have been
no plaintive wailing as his life’s autumn,
hastened towards a winter. Again was
found out the truth of Scotland’s bard
when he spoke of age and want as an ill-
mated pair. It is as true now as it was
centuries ago that foresight is better than
hindsight. When one thinks of retiring he
will do well to get it well into his head that
he is well off who has a fairly good thing
under his control and a wiser man still who
stays with a fairly ood thing.
5js $ ❖
The Hangman’s Whip
In the brave days of yore each com
munity had its hangman. If a hungry man,
or a well fed man, stole a sheep, when he
was nabbed he was hurried off to the hang
man who had a sturdy gallows all ready to
administer treatment to the alleged offend
er. Judge Jeffries in England was assigned
the task of dealing with political offenders.
The trial of the disturbing party was not
unduly prolonged. The judge did not sug
gest any mental treatment but gave the
prisoner to the care of the hangman. On
one historic occasion the defendent’s law
yer made an eloquent plea for his client on
the score of sound moral character and ex
emplary conduct, “That is all fine the
bench replied, “but he’ll be none the worse
of hanging.” We are not advocating a re
turn to those rough and ready days but we
wonder if it is not within the power of our
rulers to devise some simple way of caring
in an educative way for mothers who can
not, or who do not, control youngsters who
practice all manner of mischief on other
people’s property. A hint should be suffi
cient in this case.
One Wunders
Why this tendency to neglect the warn
ing of men whose forecasts for three dec
ades have become history? We are think
ing in this instance of the civilization and
Mr. Churchill. “Who is that man who is
talking?” an inquiring American asked.
“Oh,” came the reply, “that is Mr. Church
ill-—nobody heeds him,” Yet what Mr.
Churchill said oil that occasion was to be
written with a doleful pen in Britain’s an
nals. Later he told the world of the necess
ity of a European alliance if the west was
not to go down before the grinding ice
berg progress of Russia. Elis remarks were
met with two words: “Nonsense! Imposs
ible!” Yet this very hour the best minds
of civilization are doing all they can io
give form and substance to his wise pro
ject# In ohe of his greatest speeches he
spoke of Russia as hidden behind an iron
curtain. His words were characterised as
harsh and provocative of Russia. Yet Rus
sia has proven to be worse than he depict
ed her and the threat of her aggressions
more serious than we even d r e a m e d *
Through all this Mr* Churchill has come.
But, wonder of wonders, Britons will not
heed this man who so consistently has de
monstrated his fitness to be their guide*
Plain men persist in asking how all this
comes about. Small boys will read the story
of this great man and wonder why he was
passed by.
Bracelets, pins, earrings, neck
laces, and many other distinctive
Brush Sets
For Men And Women
Attractive, useful sets that would
make a very acceptable gift.
Christmas Cards
Neatly designed, colorful Indivi
dual cards priced from 5 c to 50 c.
As the-----------
(The Exeter Advocate 1899)
A junket party composed of
Hon. J. Israel Tarte and about
twenty other gentlemen from
Montreal passed through here on
Sunday in their private car on
their way home after paying a
visit to the famous “city” of St.
Joseph. We understand the bill
of fare while there was a most
varied and elaborate one, and
now the people are wondering
who, is to foot the bill.
W. T. Acheson is having an
acetylene gas plant installed in
the Central Hotel this week.
Dashwood is now organized
into a police village.
Up to last Saturday evening,
about ten tons of dressed poultry
mostly turkeys, were shipped
from Brussels in one week. J. G.
Jones, of Exeter, is the buyer. A
dozen men were at work every
day killing, dressing, packing,
shipping etc. The average price
paid is 6% cents, live weight.
—— ................——
ing one of her paintings, “The
Homestead”, hung in the Can
adian Academy at Ottawa'.
(The Times-Advocate 1934)
The Department of Highways
has decided to open an office at
Exeter for the issuing of motor
licenses and permits.
Twelve hundred invitations to
the 193 5 Reunion of Exeter Old
Boys and -Girls went out on Mon
day and at least one hundred
addresses have been handed in
Mr. James Bowey has a unique
display in his window. He has
fitted up an old-fashioned fire
place and beside it are a spin
ning wheel and a loom fox* wind
ing yarn. He also has a brass
candlestick and snuffers that be
long to the pioneer days. Most
interesting is a small piece of
wood split into many pieces and
made into matches with sulphur
Smart gift boxes of
stationery are an ideal
Beautiful pieces in a
wide range of designs
and prices.
(The Exeter Tinies 1924)
The Times-Advocate is in re
ceipt of a letter from Mr. Lome
W. Brown, of New York City,
formerly of Crediton, congratu
lating us on the amalgamation
of the two Exeter papers. Mr.
Brown was in Europe this sum
mer' attending the World's Sun
day Softool Convention at Glas
Messrs. William Statham and
R. Welsh, of town, and John
Decker, of Zurich, bagged a large
number of rabbits while on a
two.day hunting trip at White
church in Bruce County.
. Miss Lila Taylor, a promising
artist of Usborne township, has
had her work recognized by hav-
The Young Peoples Union lield
slides on the work of the church
in Africa.
Mr* Donnie Middleton gave a
speech at the family night in
Revere school ‘concert is to be
held Thursday night, December
22, at 8:15 pan, Everyone is
welcome. ‘
Mrs. Elizabeth Kenny and
Ross, of strathroy, spent Sun
day with her daughter, Mrs. Roy
Misses Anne and Laura "West
man spent the week-end with
Miss Margaret Westman in Lon
Mi*, and Mrs. Bill Bendall, of
St. Marys, spent Sunday with
her parents here.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivor Lindsay
held a birthday party for Mr.
M. Lindsay on Friday night.
Revere school pupils and tlxeii*
teacher, Mrs. Bowman, are tak
ing part in the concert at Pros
pect Hill on Wednesday, Decem
ber 14.
Mr, and Mrs. J. Laison spent
Friday in London.
Miss Vera Moore spent the
week-end in St, Marys with Mrs.
F. -Foster*
“You say a delivery truck caused
this run down condition?”
(The Times-Advocate 1939)
Several Boy Scouts were in
vested with their Boy Scout
badges Tuesday evening by Dis
trict Scout Master Sam Castle Jr,
of Clinton. The boys who were
invested are—John Page, Donald
Traquair, 'Glenn McTavish, Nor
man Hannigan and Britain. San
•Mr. S. J. V. Cann and sons
have purchased a 120-acre farm
known as the Galbraith farm,
near Bayfield.
Hard to beleieve . . . but the
dust is flying in December.-—
Thames Road.
Mr* R. N. Rowe is erecting a
new sun room in front of his
Farm Survey
Farmers across Canada are
again being asked to supply facts
about their farms in order that
estimates can be made of the
numbers of live stock in Canada
and the cost of hired labour.
The success of the survey and
the accuracy of the agricultural
statistics published by the Bur
eau and the several provincial
Departments of Agriculture de
pend on the co-operation of the
farmers in filling out and return
ing the questionnaires. A wide
spread response from all types
of farmers throughout each pro
vince is needed in order that the
statistics can be based on a suf
ficiently large number of reports
from a representative sample of
farms throughout Canada.
The statistics obtained from
the survey are used extensively
throughout the year. The Domin
ion Bureau of Statistics is the
official Source of statistical in
formation in Caniada and its
figures are used by governments,
farm organizations and industry
to plan future operations, inter
national organizations such aS
the world Food and Agriculture
Organization depend on the Bur
eau to supply up-to-date figures
on Cahada^s agricultural indus
try. The fanner, through his re
sponse to the questionnaires sent
out by the Bureau, has a real
opportunity to help form a true
picture of agricultural conditions,
and it is in his own interest to
do so.
The survey has no connection
with taxation. The farmer’s in
dividual form is seen only by
workers in the Dominion and
Provincial agricultural statistical
offices and the farmer is pro
tected by law against the wrong
use of his return, All individual
forms are kept strictly confiden
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Don’t Just Guess
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An Attractive Short-Term Legal Investment
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