HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-12-01, Page 11I THE T1MES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 1, 1949 Are You Ruptured? Our Service is Different. We Sell You a Fit in Our Private Truss Room Trusses, Belts, Supports of All Kinds SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Over 15 years experience, Your Drugs at Robertson’s Phone $0 Exeter St Mary? Institute Entertains Kirkton K i r k t o n Women’s institute presented the following program when it was the guest of the St. Marys W<I. 3$rs. C, J. Switzer was, in the chair. Mrs. W. Bat­ ten gave humorous readings; Mrs. G. Hall, a yocal solo; Mrs, Robert Ratcliffe, a talk on “The ■Country Woman’s Day”, Piano duets by Mrs. W. Levjr and Mrs. C, Switzer were followed iby a talk on the Canadian Nurses’ Association by Mrs, A. Wiseman, R.N. .She said the association has a membership of 50,000 and 1,170 schools of nusing of which sixty-j;hree are in Ontario. Re­ freshments were served. ts For Sale ★ ★ iSr ★ Litter Carrier Pipes Truck Wheels for Manure Spreaders Railroad Irons Angle Irons In All Sizes WE BUY SCRAP IRON Also Buy Feather Ticks • Of AU Kinds Bring the Scrap Into Our Yard WHALEN «'--Whalen W.M.S, held its an­ nual meeting at the home of Mrs, John Hazelwood. Rev. Gor­ don Weir conducted the election of officers who are: President, Mrs. Bert Duffield; vice-presi­ dents, Mi’s. Cecil Squire, Mrs. Ronald Squire; recording secre- George Arksey; as- Gordon Johnson; Mrs, treasurer, Mrs. tary, Mrs. sistant, Mrs. corresponding secretary, Will French; treasurer, m#, Hilton Ogden; community friend­ ship, Mrs. Alton Neil, and Mrs. Milne Pullen; temperance, Mrs, Will Hodgson; pianists, Mrs. Milne Pullen, Mrs. Bill Morley Jr.; missionary monthly, Mrs. Frank Squire; supply secretaries, Mrs, Melville Grenning, and Mrs. Will Hodgson. THE OLD HOME TOWN •—By STANLEY Exeter Salvage Co. At Station St. - Phone 423 /ROCKBOTTOM CASH STORES Continues Balance of this Week » STRAWBERRY JAM Large Jar 39c London House BABY ROLL CHEESE 1 lb. 45c Cook’s SPECIAL BLEND COFFEE Ground While You Wait 65c per lb. VEL Large Cake of Palmolive Soap FREE 33c “Good Luck” MARGARINE 31c per lb. Campbell’s TOMATO SOUP 2 tins 19c 4 GRANULATED SUGAR 10 lbs. 87c ... .-■■■........... ... ... ROBIN HOOD OATMEAL 5-lb. bag 35c Nabisco SHREDDED WHEAT 2 boxes 23c GOOD VALUE: Heinz Tomato Catsup at 230 bottle Exeter, Ont.Phone 58 THAMES ROAD Mr. and Mrs. William Rohde entertained Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rohde and Jimmy, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Rohde and family, of Mit­ chell, Mr. and Mrs. R. Kellar and family, of Exeter, and Mr. and Mrs. H. Rohde on Monday evening of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Passmore visited with M’r. and Mrs. Wel­ lington Haist at Crediton on Thursday evening of last week. The Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Miller and- Lumley schoolhouse on Monday evening of this week. 'Norma and Lome Kellar, of Exeter, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. William Rohde. Mr. and Mrs. R o o b o 1 are spending a few days this week in Ridgetown. Maja is staying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Anderson and attending school. June Coward, Agnes Bray, Ann and Doris Elford, Alice Pass- more, Dolores Allison, Marion Hodgert, Mrs. Mac. Hodgert and Mrs. Mair attended the South Huron Mission circle Rally which was held in James St. Church on Wednesday evening of last week. Several from this community attended the Federation of Agri­ culture Banquet which was held in Elimville Church on Friday evening of this week. The Y.P.U. will meet on Sun­ day evening in the church base­ ment. Harvey Sparling and other members of the Elimville Y.P.U. will be in charge of the program. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rohde moved to their new home in Exeter on Thursday of last week.' Their many friends wish them every success in tlieir new home. The 'Christmas meeting of the W.M.S. and, W.A. will be held at the home of Mrs. Stan. Coward on Wednesday afternoon, Decem­ ber 7, at. 2:30 p.m. Miss Dorothy McCurdy re­ turned home from Victoria Hos­ pital, London, on Tuesday of last week. The Y.P.U. met in the church basement on Sunday evening last. Sunday services will be at the usual hour on Sunday, Sunday School at 1'0:15 a.m. and church service at, 11:15 p.m. Agriculture experts say the toad frog eats each year as many insects as it would cost a farmer $8 to kill. NOW ON DISPLAY The NEXT LOOK in cars! I I * I IB A I »5ll i i 4 i i ■ ‘£i ★ NEW DREAM EINES * NEW LUXURY RIDE | 9 Wi ★ NEW INTERIORS ★ NEW DOLLAR VALUE ■ e COME IN ANO SEE IT TODAY I Exeter Announcements Birth, Death and Marriage Notices are inserted free of charge. Card of Thanks 50c, In Memoriam Notice 50c for single verse. 25c extra for each additional verse. En­ gagements 50c. BIRTHS FLETCHER—At Mrs. Batten’s nursing home on Monday, No­ vember Ronald Fletcher, Woodham, a son. 28, to Mr. and Mrs. MONET—At Mrs. Batten’s nurs­ ing home on Wednesday, No- . vembei* 30, to LAC and Mrs. Monet, Centralia, a □ASHWOOP The Youth Fellowship of Evangelical U.B. Church have charge of the evening vice Sunday, December 4. N. Eh Dahms of Sebringville will be the guest speaker anti special music will be provided by the Sebringville Young people, The Evangelical Church Coun­ cil has granted the ■ young* people of the community the privilege of using the church shed as a skating rink. Arrangements have been made with the Lutheran Church Board for the use of its shed for the horses during the winter. The auditorium of the Evan­ gelical U.B. Church is being re­ decorated. Dedication s e r v ic e will be held in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Willert and Lloyd, Mr. and Mrs. E# Walper visited with friends in Toronto last week and also attended the Royal Winter Fair. Miss Gladys Marks of Listowel spent the week-end with her sister. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoffman spent last week-end at Richmond Hill and also attended the Royal Winter Fair at Toronto. Mr. Fred Schlunt is on the sick list. Mrs. Cowan of Hanover is visiting with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kellerman, . Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Hoffman and Mr. and Mrs, L. Kleinstiver spent last week-end in Bowman- ville and also attended the Royal Winter Fair at Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Saunders and family of Exeter were Sun­ day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hoffman. Mrs, Louis Wolfe of Clifford is spending a week convalescing at the home of her daughter, i Mrs. Carl Oestreicher: J. A, O, son. Mi's. Hunter’s nurs- on November 29, to POWE—At ing home Mr. and .Mrs. Elmer Powe, of Centralia, a daughter, a sister for Elaine. DEATHS GIBSON — In Victoria Hospital on Tues., November 22, Dora Christina Lewis, beloved wife of William Gibson, in her fifty- first year. CARDS OF THANKS The family of the late William E vel an d wish to thank their friends and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy shown during their recent bereavement. Thanks to those who loaned and offered cars, also to anyone who helped in any way. Special thanks to Dr. D. Ferguson, Gordon Eagleson and Harry Hoffman. I* I would like to express my sincere thanks to all who re­ membered me while I was sick. Special thanks to Mrs. Ken Hoc­ key and Mrs. M. Smith. lc —Mrs. Albert Keyes, William St., Exeter Mr. William Gibson and fam­ ily wish to thank their friends and neighbours for the kindness and sympathy shown them in their recent sad bereavement, for the beautiful floral tributes and to those who helped in'any way. Special thanks to Rev. Mr. Vollick and Mrs. Vollick. * I wish to thank all my friends for the cards and treats sent me while in the hospital. They were1 greatly appreciated. 1* —Gary McDonald IN MEMORIAM I HORTON—In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Hillary Horton, who passed: away November 29, 1945. I Four years have passed since that sad day When one we loved was called away, God took him home—it was his will. Within our hearts he liveth still. —Lovingly remembered by wife and daughters. 1* RADER—In loving memory of Harry Rader who passed away two years ago, December 1, 1947. Like autumn leaves the years roll by, Hut in our hearts you never die, For every day in some small way Cherished memories come to stay. -—Always remembered by his wife and family. 1* REYNOLDS—in reverent mem­ ory of my dear husband, Hor­ atio T. M, Reynolds, who passed away December 6, 1948. There’s an open gate At the end of the road Through which each must go alone, And there is a light we cannot see; Our Father claims His' own. (Beyond the gate my loved one Finds happiness and rest. And there is comfort In the thought That a loving God knows best. —Lovingly remembered by his wife, Susan J, Reynolds. 1* lie: "‘Well, I suppose you’re angry because I came home with a black eye last night.” She (sweetly): “Not at all, dear. You may not remember it, but when you came • home you didn’t have that black eye.” $ :# >1 « V.' <I' :• X: ■ .< -• - •' ‘ >. - j: I I. i . > I > > J > V; i t r £ OF AAT ORDER OFFICE . ’ .••’•.--’.‘-.A..*’. A ..A M*MA XZ.^x.,..Z,.. * ’ ®sr tfefe. Tlotei i A § > ::V Save Time Save Money B Visit Simpson’s new Exeter Order Office todays to shop from the big new Fall and Winter Catalogue, or from the sparkling new Christmas Catalogue! Both are packed full of quality merchandise at low mail order prices. » Shop by phone too . * . it’s so quick and con­ venient! Just call 424 for Simpson’s Exeter Order Office. B You may order also from Simpson's London and Toronto Store newspaper advertisements, on display daily in your Order Office. e Simpson's convenient Charge Account Service and Monthly Payment Plan are available* Enquire at the Order Office for particulars* Office bouts: 9 a.m. to 6 pan. daily Wednesdays: 9 a.in. to 12*00 noon* HOW TO GET A CATALOGUE Simpson’s publishes two large and four small catalogues every year. Regular orders xvill ensure that you receive all these catalogues* SIMPSON’S W.MtANTKK Satisfaction or Money Refunded. THE ItOREItT SIMPSON COMPANY EIMlTEO Office Will Open Monday, Dec. 5