HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-11-24, Page 12Page: 12 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 24, 1949 Evening Service One garage will he open In Exeter on Sundays, Wed­ nesday afternoons and dur­ ing the, evenings through­ out the week, Open tips Sunday, Wednes­ day afternoon and during the evenings throughout the week; SOUTH END B.A, Service Station Let Us Solve Your Grinding Problems HENSALL The Chamber of Commerce, Hensall, is pleased to report total amount cleared frolic was $1,500. Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Neeb turned to Tavistock after spend­ ing a few days with their son- in-law aud daughter, Mr. and Mrs. William Brown and family. Mr. and Mrs. Slater and son, Gordon, of Toronto, visited over the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Bert Riley. Mr. Glenn McNaughton of Toronto visited over the week­ end with his parents, Mr. Mrs. Lome McNaughton. • A very enjoyable evening spent at the home of Mr. Mrs. Bert Riley, in lxonoux- of Mr. aud Mrs. Jinx Howe and Alice, who are moving from the community. The occasion was the seventeenth wedding anni­ versary of Mr. and Progressive euchre with the following ners: Ladies’ high, McNaughton; ladies’ J. Taylor; men’s Venner; men’s Lorne McNaughton. McNaughton read panying address and Mrs. Riley presented Mr. and Mrs, Howe with, a wall mirror, The formex’ expressed sincere thanks. Bar­ bara McNaughton presented Alice with a gift. Here is the address: “Dear Mr. and Mrs. Howe: “On the occasion of youi' de­ parture from this community, it gives us pleasure to have the opportunity of honouring you. For several years you have been one of our neighbours and we shall miss you in many ways. Since you have seen fit at this time to make your home else­ where, we want you to know that we wish you good luck in the years to come. As you ac­ cept this gift and hang it in your hoxne, may you have pleas­ ant recollections of the tixne you spent among also wish the the future, “Signed on and neighbours,’’ Mrs. Riley, was played, prize win- Mrs. Lome consolation, ■high, Wes consolation, ■Clarence the accom- us. Foi’ Alice we best of success in behalf of friends •with a Champion D-7 Grain^Grinder heavy duty BALL-BEARING GRINDER The friends of Mrs. James Squire will regret to know that she is laid up ‘at her home through a fall which injured her leg somewhat. It is hoped she will soon be around again. i® f /J Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Stewart i and son were at Mitchell Satnr-1 day attending the funeral of Mr. Stewart’s uncle, the late Malcolm Campbell. Mr. Stewart was one of the bearers. Relatives were present from Cromarty, StafiA, Logan and Fullarton townships. An advertiser who uses the classified columns of the Times- Office quite frequently, stated Tuesday that he hud never run an advertisement without re­ ceiving some response. ■Miss Handford has returned home from a visit with Rev, Statton and Mrs. Statton, of Mixnico and othei' friends in To­ ronto, Mi*. Ted Taman, of Listowel, was appointed secretary of the Perth Liberal Association at the annual xqeetiixg held in Stratford Satui'day, heavy snow Grand Bend about a foot storm x'aged Mr. and Mrs. B. M, Francis left Monday for Mt. Dora, Fla., where they will spend the winter. They remained here long enough to get a taste of our first winter weather a n d then left for a warmer ’dime. Mr. Francis was top man in the recent fall cam­ paign fox* the Canada- Life As­ surance 40q. . • Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Davis and family, of Toronto, visited with the and Mrs. week-end. who has proving slowly, Mr, Charles Davis visited in Londoix over the week-end, former’s parents, Mr. Joseph Davis over the Mrs. Joseph Davis, been quite ill, is im- I Members of Exeter Dodge No. 67 1.0,0,F, will hold a social eve­ ning, Wednesday, November 30, at 8 o’clock, AU members and Rebekahs and their partners and Oddfellows’ willows arc invited. i Ladies Please Bring Lunch - GARNET JOHNS, N.G. E. A. HOWALD, Sec. Grinder with 7-inch plate complete with 3-h.p. motor For Sale USED GEM GRINDER with 2-h.p. motor W. J. Thompson CENTRALIA Phone Kirkton 48-r-4 Softball Team To Banquet The Exeter Girls Softball team are whetting their appetites in anticipation of a turkey banquet at the Central Hotel Friday night when they will be entertained by the Exeter carried off the district decided to banquet. Jack Parks, sports edi­ tor of the London Free Press, will be tlxe^-guest speaker. Fol­ lowing the banquet a film will be shown to the girls. Council. The girls the top honors for and the council have honor them with a DOES TWO JOBS AT ONCE Who said you couldn’t do" two jobs at once? Robert Bayless, 15, of Boystown, Neb., is caring for one of the boys’ community’s prize bulls at a San Francisco livestock show and, at the same time, he is plugging through his school studies. The bull, looking ovei' his shoulder, is in a good position to help young Robert by getting a high price at the show. —C.P.C. Announcements Birth, Death and Marriage Notices are inserted free of charge. Card of Thanks 50c. In Memoriam Notice 50c for single verse. 25c extra for each additional verse, En­ gagements 50c. BIRTHS ■» JOHNS- Novembei' 22, 1949, to and Mrs. John N. Johns Evelyn Hodgins), a son. MICKLE—In St. Joseph’s pital, London, November and Mrs. Exeter, a SNELL—At ing home, her 17, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. >Ray Snell, Exeter, a daughter, Deborah Charlene. ■In Toronto on Tuesday, Mr. (nee Hos- on Tuesday, 22, 1949, to Mr. Glenn Mickle, of son, Robert Clarke. Mrs. Batten’s nurs- Thursday, Novenx- CARDS OF THANKS F/O M, A. Worth, Mrs, Worth and son, Bobby, have moved from Grand Bend into the resi­ dence on William Street recently vacated by 'S/L Fletcher. Mr. Martin Rogers, of the R.C.A.F. Station, Centralia, has received notice that he is being transferred to the station at Chatham, N.B., and will leave early in December fox' that place. He and Mrs. Rogers have been occupying an apartment of Mr. J. A. Stewart. Mrs. Samuel Pyni is visiting at the home of her son, Ewart. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Frayne were Royal Wintei' spent a few days visitinj Mr. and Mrs. Oran Moir in St. Catharines. storm struck area Monday of snow fell, all along the Lake Huron front,from Goderich to Sarnia. Mr. Nelson Peterson of Park­ hill, visited with his sistei' and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Sid Sanders, for a week. , Mrs. j Kenneth, grandson spent the Messrs. Cal, Ralph Campbell and Charles Glanville, were at Mantouline Is­ land last home two Mr. and and Bruce Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Blaii' and Barbara, of New Westmin­ ster, B.C., are expected home this week on a visit. Cape Horn is at the southern­ most tip of South America, * * * $ Twenty-eight pieces are used in the game of dominoes. COMING EVENTS few days last Dale and daughter Sid Sanders. Robert wife, of Mr. week-end here. Moses Bechler and son son, and week and brought deer. Mrs. M. R.. Cudmore spent the week-end in USBORNE FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE in Toronto attending the Fair and also g with Dinner Elimville United Church BAZAAR — The Ladies’ Guild of Trivitt Church will hold a Bazaar and Tea on Saturday, November 26, at 3 p.m,, in the Parish Hall. Annual Meeting Town Hall, Clinton Tues., Nov. 29 at 1:30 p.m. - Special Speaker - V. S. MILBURN Sec.-Mgr., Ontario Federation This is your annual meeting and your organization. Come out and .show your interest. Annual Banquet Concert and Dance Previews its Coming Attractions TIIURS., FBI., SAT. Novelfiber 24 - 25 - 26 Jeanette MacDonald Lloyd Nolan Lassie famous author of ‘‘The Yearling” comes a story of the courage of a dog and the faith of a boy . . . By MONDAY, TUESDAY November 28 * 29 ‘My Dream Is Yours’ j i - Color by Technicolor - ★ Jack Carson ★ Doris Day Yes, it’s the greatest thing in entertainment . . . the most romance . . . the longest laughs! WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY November 30 - December 1 - Double Bill - . Exeter, Ont Be Practical, Give Electrical Gifts Be practical this year with your gift giving and choose something electrical. We invite you to come in and look around, You’ll find many attractive suggestions that will be gaily received and enjoyed for a long time to come, Phone 109 Mrs. William Musser wishes to express her thanks to every­ one who so kindly remembered her with cards, letters and treats while a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital at London. I would like to express my sincere thanks to all who re­ membered me with cards, flow­ ers, gifts and visits while I was a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital and since returning home. 24* —Mrs. Alton Isaac The years may Wipe out many things, But this they wipe out never— The memory of those happy days . When we were all together. —Evei- remembered by husband, brothei’ and sisters-in-law. c WILLERT — In loving memory of a Reinhardt W-, who away one year ago, November 26, 1943. leaf in the book of memories Is gently turned today, Oui' thoughts are of you— You’re never far away. ’ —Lovingly remembered by mo­ ther, sister and brothers. dear son and brother, passed of at 6:30 pan. Guest Speaker: PROF. E. G. PLEVA Western University, London Tickets on sale by directors and will be honored first at the door Ross Marshall, Dehner Skinner, President. Secretary. Mrs. Allen Jaques wishes to take this ’Opportunity to thank everyone who so kindly remem­ bered her with cards, letters, treats and visits while a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital and since returning home. 24* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bullock Wish to take this opportunity to thank everyone who so kindly remembered her with cards, let­ ters, flowers and treats, and those who called to see her while a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, and since returning home. „ .24c IN MEMORIAM KYDD—In loving memory of a dear father, Jonathan Kydd, passed away one yearwho . ago, November 26, 1948. A leaf Is gently turned today; My thoughts are of you, dear dad, You’re never far away. !When all is still and quiet | And sleep forsakes my eyes, •My thoughts still wander to a silent .grave Where my dear father lies. —Missed iby Ills daughter, Flor­ ence, * in the book of memories Cardno’s Hall, Seaforth ON SAME EVENING at 7:00 p.m. - Special Speaker - WATSON PORTER Editor-in-Chief, Farmer’s Advocate, London ENTERTAINERS London Artists with Bern Con­ way as Master of Ceremonies and his Continental Orchestra. Tickets may still be obtained from Township Directors to County or County Secretary- Treasurer. ‘Air Hostess’ * Gloria Henry Ross Ford ‘The Devils Henchmen’ ★ Warner Baxter ★ Mary Beth Hughes A / NFall DANCE OPERA HOUSE, EXETER Thursday, Nov. 24-8 p.m. sharp ADMISSION 50d EXETER OPERA HOUSE MATINEE Every Saturday and Holiday At 2:30 P.M. * In Technicolor Here’s Racy, Romantic, Exciting Entertainment Spiced with Songs .arid Laughter paramount newsreel 15 Rounds of Chickens — 10 Rounds of Turkeys GOOD ORCHESTRA Entire proceeds to go to Bill McLean, who was injured while playing ball. ADMISSION 50jj H Children 50c MONDAY, TUESDAY November 28 - 29 ★ Jack Carson ★ Doris Day Lee Bowman ★ Adolphe Menjou Huronia Male Choir And Assisting Artists will present a concert in Woodham United Church Thursday, Dec. 8 at 8:30 p.nr. Under the auspices of the Woodham Choir ADMISSION: 50c and 25c Tickets Available From Members of the Choir GRAND BEND TO YOU, ITS PATRONS,- PRESENTS South Huron Junior Farmers* Wed., Nov. 30 Music by THE SHAMROCKS Proceeds for the South Huron Hospital Fund It’s Coming Benefit WALPER—In loving memory of a dear mother, Carline Wal- per, who passed away two • years ago, November 21, 1947 Days of sadness still come o’er us, Tears in silence often flow; For memory keeps you ever near us Though you died two years ago. —Lovingly remembered by John, Linda, Theodore. 24* WILLERT—In loving memory ot a dear husband and father, Reinhard Willert who passed away November 26, 1948. His smiling way and pleasant face Ate a pleasure to recall, He had a kindly word for each And died beloved by ail. Some day we hope to meet him, Some day, we know not when; To clasp ixis hand in the better land, Never to part again. —Ever remembered by his wife and family. 24* BROCK—in loving memory of Mrs. James Brock, who passed away three years ago, Novem­ ber 23, 1946, FRIDAY, SATURDAY November 25-26 ■A Penny Singleton ★ Arthur Lake ★ Larry Sims Saturday - 8 p.m. sharp And on the Same‘Program Aii Action Musical With Spanish Style “ROSE OF SANTA ROSA” With The Hoosier Hot Shots Featuring STARS OF RADIO AND STAGE Adults 75c Sponsored by the Exeter Maroons* Basketball Club