HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-11-24, Page 4Page 4 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 24, 1949 (Penguins are birds, but they never fly, HIGHEST cash PRICES FOB Dead Stock HORSES COWS HOGS $2.50 each $2,50 each ,50 per cwt. According to size and WOOPHAM (Mrs. Lome JoRiffo and family of Mount Elgin spent the week­ end with Mr. and Mrs- Ray Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin. Webb and Ronnie, of Grand Bend, visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs, Norris Webb, •Mrs. W. L, Switzer few days with Mr. and Loach, of Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Scottsville, spent the ■with Mr, and Mrs, Ray Mr, Jack Smith and Mr. Dave Shamblow are on a hunting trip at Pike Bay this week, Mr. and Mrs. E. Vodden spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Nimmo, of Toronto. Mr, and Mrs, Albert Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Scott and Mr. and 'Mrs. William Rundle attend­ ed the Scott-Delaney wedding in Strathroy on Saturday, AIRPORT NEWS spent a Mrs. M. Mills, of week-end Mills. Call Collect condition. Seaforth 15 Exeter 235 DARLING & COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED * T- ■ <• Air Vice-MarshaU 0. R. Sle- mon, CG GBE, Air Officer Com­ manding Training Command, visited the station last week. The newly-appointed AOC, 'who took ovei' the post from AVM E. E. Middleton, CBE, in August, made an. extensive inspection tour of the station. On Thursday eve­ ning, AVM Slemon was guest of honor at an Officers’ Mess Din­ ner at Clinton, On Friday he presented Radio-Officers’. badges th five graduating students.' * * * A successful bingo was held in the drill hall on Friday evening. The prizes were very attractive, Among kettles, services bets. them were electric tea flooi' lamps, and Hudson silver tea Bay blan- * dancing * * * Attendance at the party in the Officers’ Mess on Friday night was good. The sta­ tion orchestra supplied music for the spirited group. ♦ The curling* season got under­ way in London on Saturday morning. One closely-matched struggle saw F/L George Moir’s rink defeat a crew led by F/O Shaw Wilson. Si on Guaranteed Tryst Certificates Issued for any amount.... for a term of five years.... guaranteed both as to principal and interest.... Interest cheques mailed to reach holders on due date, or, at holder’s option, may be allowed to accumulate at compound interest. An ideal investment for individuals, com­ panies; authorized by law for cemetery boards, executors and other trustees. THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION 372 Bay Street, Toronto 1 WINCHELSEA Mrs. E. Walters of London spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Fred Walters. Mrs, Wib Batten and Mrs, Charles Stephen of Elimville’ at­ tended The St, Marys Journel- Argus banquet at Prospect tun on Friday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Southern of London, Mr. and Mrs. W. Dickey and family of Woodham, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ford, Clar­ ence and Gordon, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Horne on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Arm­ strong visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Campbell of Exeter. Our local deer hunters re­ turned home on Saturday but were not successful in capturing any game. GRAND BEND '‘Historical Research” was the topic at the regular November meeting held in the town hall recently. Mrs. Dan Hendrick con­ vened the meeting. Mrs. Max Turnbull commented on the motto, "He Has Achieved cess Who- Has Looked for Best in Others and Given Best He had”. Roll call 38 years in Business D Reduced in Price BLANSHARD Mr. and Mrs. Ross Langford and family of Lucan were Sun­ day guests of Mr, and Mrs. Herb Langford. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thacker and family, Mrs. Fred Pattison spent the week-end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ford, Donnie and Walter, Sunday at Holmesville. Mr. and Mrs. George and family spent Sunday with- Mr. and Mrs. Cochrane, of Inger­ soll. Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Stephens, of Anderson, spent Sunday with Mrs. James Mosey. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wells Ilderton were Sunday guests of I -Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mills. Lang- spent Dunn MENS’ MENS’ MENS’ BOYS’ C. C. & Al. Bicycles - Effective December 1, 1949 - & LADIES’ STANDARD & LADIES’ BALLOON MOTORBIKE & GIRLS’ JUVENILE of A Liberal Allowance for Your Present Bicycle or Joycycle Special BOYS’ & GIRLS’ SIDEWALK BIKES Fully Equipped $49.95 $59.95 $62.50 $47.50 $29.00 C. C. & M Joy cycles Three Sizes in Stock - Use Our Lay-Away Plan for Christmas - Mrs. Melville, spent Thursday Mrs. Fred Mills. Mr. and Mrs. were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Liebier, Mitchell. Miss Audrey -Parkinson, of Welburn, spent the week-end at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parkinson, Baseline, spent .Sunday with Mr. Harvey Parkinson and family. Mr. Gladwyn Hooper, Mr. Jack Thomson, Mr. Milton. Hooper spent a few days at the Royal Winter Fair this week. Mrs. Milton Hooper, Mr. Glad­ wyn Hooper attended the Jour- nal-Argus banquet at Prospect Hill last Friday. of Moncton, with Mr. and Milton Hooper evening dinner Suc- the the was answered by naming a modern convenience that our grand­ mothers didn’t have. Aftei' we were through we wondered how our grandmothers got along at all. Mrs. Hamilton reported that the community sale had -been a splendid success financially, about $150 being realized. The members again take this oppor­ tunity of thanking Mr. A'lvin Walper, who for the second con­ secutive year, conducted free' of charge. During the business the meeting plans were the sale part of complet­ ed for the Christmas bazaar be held in the town hall Saturday, December 3, 2 to p.m. Afternoon tea will also served.. A donation of $5.00 was voted to the Children’s War Hospital, London, Bus Trip To Royal Very Successful On Friday, Nov, 18, women of the Grand stitute boarded a Huron . Coach Line btus at 6 a.m. for a sojourn to the Royal Winter Fail’ at Toronto. At Crediton they were joined by seven members of the Crediton branch and at Exeter -by five from Zurich branch. On arrival in Toronto they split into smaller groups—some spending the entire day at the fair, others going downtown shopping, the "Happy Gang” broadcast, etc., claiming their Memorial thirty-two Bend In­ Exeter Radio And Electric 294 DUNDAS ST. Santa Says Shop Early for Pleasure and Satisfaction Shop Wisely for Practical Gifts of Furniture H, J, CORNISH & CO CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS H Mirrors any home, our large selec- Cedar Chests By Bosharts $24.95Also sets at ‘J $1.95 to $7.50Card tables range from (Rubber Sealed Moth Insurance Interlocking Corners Mil tion tian Mattresses acceptable gift in offers you an excellent choice in either vene- or gilt framed. See framework with colourful leatherette upholstery. Red and grey, blue and grey, and green and grey ..............‘...................................................... $27.50 For the very best we offer you the outstanding Simmons Beautyrest, as well as the other famous Simmons designs and other lower priced mat­ tresses. Bridge Sets the attractive sets in our south window. Steel attention. The bus reached Grand Bend at 3:30 a.m. Saturday morning. Every one privileged to go felt that their first venture in this mode of entertaining had turned out very well. They were warm in their praise of Huron Coach Lines and the courtesy and effi­ ciency of driver Lawrence John- if: LONDON, ONT Bedroom Suites | " v. If ‘v'! Si r v A practical family gift and we can offer you a good range of styles and prices. Quality furniture made by well - known firms. Three pieces from $75.00 to $275.00 Truly the cedar chest by which to judge other cedar chests 1 Check these three outstanding features in ad­ dition to the beautiful w o r k m an s h ip in these chests: V V V W. MARTIN Exeter South for only $890. Grain Grinder with 5 h.p. motor »> 1946 1935 Ford, 158-inch chassis and cab, good motor body, good .825 X .20 tires, new battery —* CARS new, with radio, like new. 1947 and _ $710. (To be reduced $10 a day until sold.) Ford Ford Panel, worth the money — $250. SPECIAL 1949 1947 1946 1935 1934 1930 Monarch, like Kaiser Sedan, Ford Ford Ford Chev Sedan. Coach — $195. Coach, good motor and tires — $250. Coach, looks and runs well -— $95. TRUCKS Pickup) very good KIRKTON Word has been received from Mrs. Stan Wood (nee Carrie Marshall, Regina, of the death of William S. Moffatt, fire chief of Regina for more than nine years, whose wife was a former Kirkton girl, Mary Leigh. They were married in Regina in 1917. There are no children. A bro­ ther, Howard, resides in Minne­ apolis. He was born in Kempt- ville on December, 1888. Sym­ pathy is extended to Mrs. Mof­ fatt from her friends and school chums at Kirkton. Mrs. Archie Robinson had the misfortune to fall going down a step from her living room to her dining room, (breaking her hip. She was operated on Friday morning at St. Joseph’s Hospi­ tal, London, when the doctor pegged her hip. We have her back soon. Some ten hunters first of the week for nual deer hunt, this time going to the Bruce Penninsula. They were Alf Collier, Dave Shamlaw, Dave Gettis, Jack Smith, Reg and Rey Morrison. Ross Francis, Lome and Ira Fenton Rumble. Mr. and Mrs. hope left their 'i Marshall and TRACTORS Above average International A with scuff let, bean puller buck rake — a bargain at $890. 1943 Ford) stepup transmission) and good motor. 1942 Ford, stepup transmission, motor completely overhauled. 1942 Allis Chalmers •— a buy at $495. 1940 Ford, stepup transmission. * 1938 Irish Fordson $595. Larry Snider Motors EXETER PHONS 64-W J. Coates of Toronto spent the week-end with Mrs. A. Coates and visited their son, who is a phtient in West­ minster Hospital, London. Miss Velma DoUpe w of London spent the week-end’ with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan DoUpe. Mr. Alvin Harding of Petrolia was a week-end guest with Mr. and Mrs. William Harding. Mr. and Mrs. Esson and fam­ ily of -Sarnia visited this week with Mr. and Mrs. Delmer John­ son. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Allen and family and Mrs. Walker Kers- lake Of Londesbofo were Sunday guests with Mr. Fletcher. The W.M.S. United Church thankoffering service oil Sunday morning. Rev. H. Deen Was the guest speaker. A baptismal ser­ vice was also observed when the infant son (Robert LorneV of Mr. and Mrs. Lome Doupe was baptized. Special music was pro­ vided by a trio from Petrolia. Miss Jean Humphreys is holi­ daying with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs, Russell Brock at Burgessville. and Mrs. Lewis of the Kirkton held a special Sold and Serviced House and Farm Wiring DONALD JOLLY Gifts For H im « Priced to Fit Every Family Budget at ® * a ib • Toasters Hampers Scales Cabinets Stewart Warner Radios and General Appliances Hopper-Hockey Furniture Store Presto Cookers Pin-up Lamps Carving Sets Electric Kettles Coffee Makers Sun Beam Irons Toasters Mixmasters Cooking Utensils Cake Tins Kitchen Stools Heating Pads Winchester Rifles and Shotguns Browning Rifles and Shotguns Power Tools Rods and Reels Flashlights J ack-Knives Skates and Hockey Equipment Skiis Gloves Gifts For Home Inglis Washers Inglis Ranges Inglis Rangeltes Essotane Gas Ranges. Waffle Irons Sandwich Bathroom Bathroom Medicine Mirrors Electric Clocks "Sunshine” Saniboys Pyrex Ware Roller Skates Ice Skates Skiis Sleds Toboggans Wagons Doll Buggies Dolls Metal Toys Dishes Pull Toys Books Games Train Sets Sunshine” Tricycles •»*