HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-11-17, Page 10Page 10 THE^TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 17, 1949 COMING EVENTS ISA25AAR —- 7L.. of Trivitt Church will hold a Bazaar and Tea on Saturday, November 26, at 3 p,m., in the Parish Hall. Open Mail Order House Here Simpson’s,of Toronto, areThe Ladies’ Guild opening up a, mail order house nirMi will hnm n ™_ HWHRE-—-The T.M.C. Club will hold progressive euchre on Mon­ day evening, November 21 at .8:15 • p.m. Everyone welcome. Good prizes. Lunch. Admission 35c .. 17c in Exeter in time used as the Central Hotel, They have an advertisement for help on classified page. what was at one a sample room in the Fall been Monster Confined To Bed After Mrs. H. H. Cowen has confined to her home owing to injuries received in a fall. Mr. Cowen’s mother, from Fergus, has been spending a few days here. Mr. and Mrs. Hogg of Oshawa visited during the past week with the latter’s mother, Mrs. W. J. Ford. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Tuckey and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Parsons are holidaying in Detroit Mr. C. V. Pickard, who fQX' the past seven weeks has been laid up with injuries following a motor accident, has returned to his duties at the clerk’s of­ fice. Items of Social and Personal Interest in and Around Exeter The Times-Advocate is always pleased to publish these items. We and our readers are interested in you and yoiir friends. Phone 31w 1 F New Community Building HENSALL Undergoes Appendectomy Miss Jean Petrie, daughter Mr. and Mrs. Jos, A, Petrie, town, underwent au operation for appendicitis in the Clinton Hospital Monday. Her friends will hope for a speedy recovery. of of Friday, November 18 commencing at 8:00 p.m. Entertainment by St. Marys Clown Band ■ Come and see the new building1 at Hensail, designed from ground to roof by a Hensail contractor. — LUCKY DRAW — $300. in Prizes Dancing, Gaines, etc. Children Free Adults 350 7. motions That regular tober 3 Octobex* That strong. K.C., chambers, November following THEATRE Previews its Coming Attractions FRIDAY, SATURDAY November 18 - 19 ‘Leather Gloves’ A Cameron Mitchell A Virginia Grey The story of a fighter who double-crossed himself for a woman . . . MON., TUES., WED. November 21 - 22 - 23 ‘We Were Strangers’ A Jennifer Jones A John Garfield An explosive story of dangerous lives lived recklessly . . . Coming! Coming! Coming! “THE SUN COMES UP” starring ★ Lassie MATINEE Every Saturday and Holiday At 2:30 P.M. Grant $1,500 To Hayz Arena Fund The Council of the Township of Hay met in session in the Hay Township council Zurich, on Monday, at 1:30 p.m. The were passed: the minutes of the last council meeting of Oc- aud special meeting of 8 be adopted as read, the reeve. George Arm- eonsult Frank Donnelly, the township solicitor, re­ garding the writ of summons received November 3, 1949, from Sheriff Nelson Hill regarding: Joseph Cantin vs. Corporation of the Township of Hay in regard to Lots 22, 23, 24 South of Bis- sonnette That given to munity Arena. That the by-law providing the holding of nomination election of officials for Township of Hay, Zurich Police Village and trustees for the Hay Township School Area be read a third time. That the council of the Town­ ship of Hay and the committee representing the South Huron Hospital Association postpone the canvass for donations until Jan­ uary of 1950 and that the fol­ lowing canvassers be appointed to make a canvass of their re­ spective school sections: S.S. 2 and U.S.S. 13—‘Albert Keys and Nelson Stanlake; S.S. 10—Har­ per Rivers and Robert Munn; S.S. 14—Sydney MacArthur and William R. Bell; S.S. 3—James McAllister and Garnet Jacobe; S.S. 6—Simon Hoffman and Jacob Gingerich; S.S. 7—Ted C. Haberer, Leroy O’Brien, John Gascho and Johxx Turkheim; S.S. 4—Roland Geiger and Aaron Gingerjch; S.S. 8—Kuno Hart­ man and Ivan Sharrow; S.S. 12 —Blake Horner and William Edighoffer; S.S. 11—G a r n e t Patterson and Leonard Sararas; U.S.S. 15—Max Turnbull and Allan Miller; U.S.S. 16—Gordon Bendex' and Arthur Allemand; U.S.S. 9—William Clarke and Ed Erb; S.S.S. 1, Hay, and U.S.S. 1, Stanley—Gus Roche and Armand Denomme. Street, St. Joseph, a grant of $1,500 be the Hay Township Com- Centre and Memorial Hensall Wohelo Class A delightful program was pre­ sented in the Sunday Scool room of the Hensail United Church oxi Monday evening undex* the aus­ pices of the ................ ~ ceeds will be and M. fund, in .charge of mittee, Mr. Blackwell, Miss Doris McNaughton, Mrs. D. Kyle,presi­ dent, and Howard Brook. Rev. R. A. Brook ably presided. Vocal solos were sung by Miss Jean McDonald, of Exeter, accompan­ ied by Miss Luker; violin solos by Mr, Jervis Horton; solos and duets by Messrs. Vandenberg, of Seaforth, and W. Reihl, of Clin­ ton; readings by Miss Anna Brock, Exeter; vocal duets by Misses Audrey Walsh and Mar­ lene Petske accompanied by Miss Edna Walsh at the piano; piano selection, Miss Florence Welsh. Mr. F. Appleby favored with an interesting paper-tearing de­ monstration, Mrs. Appleby at the piano. Rev. Brooks conducted a lively sing-song with Miss Lam- mie accompanist. Miss M. Ellis directed a humorous one-act play “Wanted, A Housekeeper” enacted by the following char­ acters, Ed. Corbett, Dave Kyle,’ Miss Gray, Mrs. L. Hyde, Mrs. G, Broderick, Mrs. Blackwell, Miss Dorothy MicNaughton and Ted Norminton. At the close class members and those who had contributed their services were served re­ freshments. Wohelo class. Pro­ directed to the M. Arrangements were the program com- Mr. Martin Madge and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Madge, of Milk River, Alberta, visited. with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Jo h n s last week. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Fisher, Mrs. Robert Blair and Judith visited'with Mr. and Mrs. Antes Warwick, of Port Huron, Mich, Miss Nettie Keddy and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wood, of town, and Mrs. W. M. Murdoch, of Hamilton, motored to Fenton, Mich., Friday apd visited fox* a few and days with Mrs.. W. Keddy daughter iMiss Beulah. id- Legion Bingo EXETER OPERA HOUSE Thursday Night Fifteen Rounds of Chicken Ten Rounds of Turkey for and the '19 CREDITON Mr. and Mrs. William H. Smith and Gerald and Mrs. Sims were called to Mich., Saturday, owing ------ _ ----- Smith’s Clayton Pigeon, to the mother, J.\ Voelker. A family of death of Mrs. Mrs. _.s _______ „ seven children survive. took Harrison-Harness A pretty fall wedding place at the Main Street United Church parsonage Wednesday at noon when Phyllis Barbara, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Harness, became the bride of Douglas James Harrison, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Harrison, of Goderich. Rev. H. J. Mahoney officiated. The bride was lovely in a suit of skipper blue with black ac­ cessories and a corsage of pink Happy Day roses. The bridesmaid wag Mrs. Wil­ fred Travis, who chose a wine suit with gray accessories, wear­ ing a corsage of Serenade roses. The groom’s sister, Beverley Dianne, made a charming little flower girl in a suit of navy blue and carried a nosegay of sweet peas and lily-of-the-valley. The groom’s attendant was Mr. ‘Bill Vyse of Ingersoll. A reception was held at the Central Hotel. For the reception the bride’s mother wore a Rus­ sian green dress with black ac­ cessories with a corsage of Jo^ hanna Hill roses, and the mother of the groom was dressed in grey with black accessories, her corsage being of Butterfly roses. The groom’s gift to the bride was a platinum chamaline set with turquoise stones. Mr. and Mi’s, Harrison left on a trip to Ottawa and Montreal. Out-of-town guests, were from Goderich, Flint, Mich.; London, Stratford, Ingersoll St. Thomas, and Clinton. USBORNE FEDERATION OF AGRICULTUREDANCE LOOBY’S HALL, DUBLIN Tuesday, Nov. 22 Dancing 10:00 to 1:00 a,m. Annua! Meeting and * DinnerMrs. Susan J, London, spent r Exeter last week with the Sims' family. Mrs. Eliza Sims returned with hex' on a visit. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Seth Winer were the latter’s aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Sebierfc of Kitchener, Ont. •Mrs. Douglas Gardiner and little son, of London, and her sister. Miss Lois Blatchfoj’d, of Fort William visited with Mr. and; Mrs. W. H. Wood and othex* relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs, O, Keener, of London, Ontario, spent Sunday with his sister and brotlxer-iu- law, Mrs, and Mrs, Seth Winer, Mrs. Victox* Kestle Toronto Thursday with Mr. Charles W. Hodgert over the week-end. They took ixx the Ice Capades at Maple Leaf Gardens, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Williams and Onah and Mrs. B. W. Wil­ liams visited in St, Thomas on Sunday. Miss Margaret Taylor, of 'Pres­ ton, and Isabelle, Margaret and Francis Taylor, of London, spent the week-end with their parents, Mx\ and ’Mrs. Lloyd Taylor. Miss Winnifred Field, Mrs. R. E. Pooley and Mrs. R. W. Kestle were ixi Delhi on Saturday at­ tending ' the Huronia Area Girl Guide Rally. . Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Cochrane spent a few days in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Hedley May and family visited with relatives in Waterloo on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wood have returned home aftei’ a very pleasant visit Hamilton. Mr. J. Grant week-end with real attending between Western and McGill. Miss Shirley Moise, R.N., of Detroit, and Miss Florence Southcott, with the and Mrs. Sunday. Mr. and and son, Reynolds, of a few days in I . DON ROBERTSON And The Ranch Boys ABERDEEN HALL^ KIRKTON Friday, Nov. 18 Elimville United Church Friday, Nov* 26 at (J:30 pan. . Guest Speaker: PROF. E. G, PLEVA of Western University, London Tickets on sale by directors and will be honored first at the door■a Ross Marshall, President. Delmer Skinner, Secretary*KIPPEN Mrs, J. Wood and son, Manitoba, are visiting the tor: er’s parents, Mt. and Mrs. H. Damm. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Smith, of Guelph, were recent visitors with the latter’s .parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Jarrott. Mr. and * Mrs, Chester Dunn and Mrs. W. Horney, of Exeter, Mr, and Mrs. Keith Westlakey Robert and Kenneth were Sun­ day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A, Gackstetter. Mr. and Mrs. A. Gackstetter attended the funeral of the* lat­ her’s uncle, Mxx Benson Williams, in Exeter, on Thursday, and the funeral of Mrs. Dora Rickei' in London oxi Friday.Miss JesSx Alexander, of Lon­ don, spent the 'week-end at hei' home here. Mrs. Cliff Watson, of Cen­ tralia, visited with her daughter, Mrs. P. Gridzack, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Cooper, Jack and Lloyd attended the fjxneral of Mr. Benson Williams in Exe­ ter on Thursday. W.M.S. Holds Birthday Party The W.M.S. of St. Andrew’s United Church was hostess to the Auxiliaries of Goshen, Blake and Hillsgreen on Wednesday afternoon, November 2, for the occasion of the annual birthday party. The president, Mrs. Robt. Elgie, presided and opened the meeting with the theme. The opening hymn was No. 249. Mrs. Eldon Jarrott read the scripture lesson. Mrs. Earl Sproat led in prayer. A hymn was sung. The minutes and roll call were given by the secretary, Mrs. John An­ derson. Mrs. Morley Coopex* gave the report of the Visiting Com­ mittee, having visited six shut- ins. The offering was taken by Mrs. W. Caldwell and Mrs. M. Cooper. Mrs. Harry Caldwell gave a poem, “Don’t Quit”. Mrs. Ross Broadfoot favoured with a piano instrumental. ’The guest speaker Mrs. Hocking, of Roys’ Church, was introduced by Mrs. Allan Johnson. Mrs. Hocking gave a very interesting report on school for leaders which she tended in Alma College, at Thomas. Many missionaries furlough gave lectures and spoke of their rseponsibilities in those fax' away lands. “It is not just spreading the gospel, tlxeir bur­ den is heavy,” Mrs. Hocking stated. Mrs. Harold Jones, Mrs. A. Gackstetter favoured with a duet “Jesus Is Calling” accomp­ anied by Miss Edith Love. The meeting closed with a hymn and Mi’s. Elgie pronounced the Bene­ diction. „ The ladies then the Sunday School they were divided for a dainty lunch. Jones and Mrs. poured tea. The large birthday cake -was cut by Mrs. W. Alex­ ander. Mrs. W. Hayter, Goshen, extended a vote of thanks from the visiting ladies. W.A. Holds Succcssul Bazaar The bazaax* and home cooking sale sponsored by the W.A. of St. Andrew’s United Church held here on Saturday proved a big success. The proceeds from all the booths and the tea exceeded $250.00. Large donations were received in all booths. The fish pond and candy booths kept the children and adults alike busy. The vegetable, home baking and lunch and cake booths were also well filled, but sold out early. The tea room was also a very busy spot. With such enthusiasm, the W.A. are indeed encouraged to continue their bazaars yeai* to year. Mrs. Dora Ricker The death occurred oxx nesday, November 9, of Dora Elizabeth Ricker, in her eighty-seventh year, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Norma Pybus, 1096, Talbot St. London. Mrs. Ricker, the* former Dora Squires, was raised at Bright, Ontario, where she was united in marriage to Henry Ricker, who predeceased her in 1924. Mr* and Mrs. Ricker were well known farmers of this district, having lived for many years on the first Blind Line of Hay Township. They were members of the Meth­ odist Chueh here and latter of the St. Andrew’s United Church. She leaves to mourn hex* loss two daughters, Mrs. N. Pybus (Maude), Mrs. G. Pybus (Eva), both of London; a son, Arthur, passed away eight years ago. There are six granddaughters, and three r great grandchildren. The funeral was held on Friday, November 11, from the “Arda- van”, the James E. Gardanier Funeral Home, London, with interment in Exeter Cemetery. The pall bearers were James Petty, William Horney, William Petty, William Thompson, Wil­ fred Wiedo and Charles Dick. of m- the at- St. on returned to room where into groups •Mrs. Herbert L. McBride Adults 75c Dance to 's Coining Saturday, 8 p.m. sharp — ■B * November 26 *— Featuring STARS OF RADIO AND STAGE Draw i x Children Sponsored by the Exeter Maroons’ Basketball Club from Mr. and motored .to and visited and Mrs. in Toronto and Smith spent the friends in Klont- the rugby game df—-•'London, visited latter’s parents, Mr. J. M. Southcott, on Mi's. E. L. Crocker Edwin, and wife, of Toronto, called on relatives in town on Friday of last week. Mr. and and Peter visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Murdoch in Hamilton recently. Mrs. Sidney with hex’ son, Port Credit. Mr. Thomas visited with his Tapp, over the Messrs. V. J. Jack Weber are ‘where they have Salisbury products Winter Fair. Preston Dearing aid, are attending the Royal Wintei* Fair in Toronto with their Dorset Horned sheep. Misses Joan Hoppex* and Shir­ ley Taylor spent the week-end in Toronto. Miss Helen Penliale of Toron­ to spent the week-end at the home of hex* parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Penhale. and Mrs. Lee Slatex* of Mr. the Mrs. Percy McFal'ls Davis R. E.<, is visiting Davis, ht‘ Wed- Mrs. z 8:00 p.m, Under the auspices of the Ladies’ Guild of St. Paul’s Anglican Church VARIOUS BOOTHS PROGRAM Everybody Welcome Presentation FOR MR. AND MRS. ELMER ROWE EXETER OPERA HOUSE Friday/ Nov. 18 AVALON ORCHESTRA ADMISSION 50c Coming Provincial Young People’s Rally GRAND BEND CHURCH OF GOD GRAND BEND , TO YOU, ITS PATRONS, PRESENTS FRIDAY, SATURDAY November 18 -19 ‘South of St. Louis’ - Color by Technicolor - A Joel McCrea ★ Alexis Smith ★ Zachary Scott A Dorothy Malone Warner Brothers’ thundering' new tnhimph. Carto^f “DAFFY DUCK HUNT” ‘ and “DRUMS OF INDIA” Tapp sister, week-end. Hogarth and in Toronto, a display of at the Royal / and son, Ger-. of .Detroit Miss Mary Mr. Detroit were the guests of and Mrs. R. N. Creech ovex* week-end. Mrs. W. E. Winer has re­ turned home after spending three weeks with Dr. and Mrs. Truemner of Stratliroy. Mrs. John A. Kemp of Toron; to is visiting with Mr. and Mrs* Ken Hockey. Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Roulston, Gale and Karen, of Simcoe, spent the week-end with Mrs. Roulston and Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Howald. Sat Night, Nov. 19 and Sun. Night, Nov. 20 Guest Speaker: Rev. Gordon Scliieck, Toronto Saturday Evening at' 7:30 Sunday 11 a.m., 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Miss Lydia Hensen, Missionary to Africa, will speak Sunday 10 a.m. Everybody Welcome MONDAY, TUESDAY November 21-22 A ★ ★ ★ Glen Ford Nina Foch ' Janies Whitmore Barry Kelley Undercover The true story of how America’s most notorious criminals were brought to tlieir knees. PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL SPORT SHORT and CARTOON '4 9 H * Benefit Bingo and Dance OPERA HOUSE, EXETER Thursday, Nov. 24-8 p.m. sharp GOOD ORCHESTRA ' Entire proceeds to go to Bill McLean, who was injured while playing ball. ADMISSION 500 15 Rounds of Chickens — 10 Rounds of Turkeys