HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-11-17, Page 4track; s couches;" 1 \ rv /I ■*» rt I'll leaf USED CARS GRAHAM ARTHUR Service Station Open tills Sunday, Wednes­ day afternoon and during the evenings throughout the week: Before You Buy Drop In And See My Complete Stock Of ft THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 17, 1949 WANTEDFOR RENT FOR SATE io MISCELLANEOUS S3 Floor NOTICES Sanding FEMALE HELP WANTED H UPRIGHT CLEANER CYLINDER CLEANER 4 th, day of Novem FLOOR POLISHER Exeter, Ont.REAL ESTATE st « SA day day of Novem-12th AND LUXURY 17:24:le AGENTS WANTED Freeman Hydraulic Loaders; I Post Hole diggers etc. Apply J. A. Petrie, Manager . } FOR SALE—Girl’s tweed suit, STRAYED Christmas with her ■ BABY CHICKS and adults’ PHOTOGRAPHER (name) (oddreji) hfcUe)17c » for appeal be- of December, with hot day for day of appeal be- November Ratz, Mr. Mrs. Ger- George, office 01’ ® Old Floors Re-finished. ® Asphalt and Rubber Tile ® Linoleum Laid. C. V. PICKARD, Clerk, STRAYED—From Lot 6 Con.9, Crediton, a roan cow with TB tag in one ear. Phone Lloyd Lamport 47r31 Credlton, col­ lect. 17c FOR SALE—One general purpose grey gelding, rising two. High­ est offer takes the horse. Ap­ ply George Beer, R.R. 2, Hen­ sail. 17c FOR RENT — Two comfortable rooms; also light houselceep- Ing for a couple. Apply The Times-Advocate. 17* ATTENTION—Baby Sitters. We would like to compile a list of baby sitters. Please telephone 384-W.17* WANTED—-A pair of ice skates and shoes, sisse 12, phone 452w Exeter. . 17c WANTED—Three vicious watch­ dogs, Will pay good price, —’ Wein Bros., phone 78 Exeter, 10:17c STRAYED—Onto the farm of Roy Carrick, Highway S3, two yearlings, black. Owner may have same by paying expenses,; 3:10:17c WAITRESS WANTED — Good wages for reliable, good work­ er. Call at Kether’s Coffee Shop. / 17c in kitchen stove; electric n e w; table; FOR SALE—Streamlined electric train including transformer, extra tracks and cars and switch. Used one year. Apply Times-Advocate. 17c Phone 343-W FOR RENT — Two-room apart­ ment with all conveniences. Phone 44r9 Kirkton. 17* FOR RENT—Radios, by day or week; vacuum cleaners; elec­ tric floor polishers, —Beavers Hardware, FOR SALE — 194 0 Studebaker coupe, Good running order, radio, heater, new tires. Apply Madame Yvonne Shoppe, Park­ hill, Ontario 17c FOR SALE—-Gem oat -roller, nearly pew, half, price. Lloyd (Reynolds, phone 177-r-4 Exe­ ter. 17c FOR SALE—-35 Sussex, 35 New Hampshire pullets, 5^ months old. Apply — Harry Jeffrey, " phone 177rl2 Exeter. 17c F. W. MORLOCK, Clerk, 10:17:24c Township of Stephen eer, and your article will listed. Gome, buy and sell. WM. H. SMITH, Au ct. Phone 43-r-2 Crediton HORSES WANTED—Any age and any -weight, —Frank Tay­ lor, phone 138 Exeter, 29/9tfc FOR SALE—Little pigs. Apply Hubert Heywood. Phone 32rl4 Kirkton. 17c n.ib'-nvm vaaHOj ivivuvh vctuxiitov, two phonographs with records; large hall mirror frame; 4 good chairs; hamiftock; FOR SALE—Red Durham bull, one-year-old. Ernest W. Rader, two miles west of Dashwood, phone 17r47. 17:24* FOR SALE—100 acres, comfort­ able house and good barns. Hydro. Close to Exeter. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. < 17c FOR SALE—Barge modern cab­ in trailer. Apply: Chas. Diet- rich Construction Co., phone 20-r-33 Crediton. 10:17:24* 100 ACRES self-drained land at Denfield, 12 acres bush, frame house, large bank ibarn, hen­ house, hydro. —W. C. Pearce, Exeter. 17c STRAYED—From part lot IB a yearling grey heifer. Kindly notify Wm. Fisher, Dashwood, phone > 4 lr 12. 17c Mel Haist, R.R. 4, Brantford. 17* Yes. ladies, these four useful home appliances are at our store. The fact that they are manufac­ tured by Hoover assures you of the best in cleaning equipment. Come in and let us demonstrate them to you. FOR SALE—Stove with reser­ voir, kitchen cabinet, chest of drawers, kitchen table, bath Qxb and chairs. Phone 27 6 j, Exeter 17c TWO-BEDROOM cottage for sale. Hardwood floors and conven­ iences. Immediate possession if desired. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. 17c FOR SALE—-Woman's winter coat, black fur fabric, size 40, Price $7.00. Apply at Times- Advocate. 17* FOR SALE — English pram, , phone 304M, Exeter. 10c WANTED TO BUY — Pair of misses’ white skates, size 12. 'Phone 3 9 Gw or apply at Mrs. W. G. Appleton, Huron St. W. Exeter. - 17c WANTED — About 12 head of cattle to feed for winter. Geo. Link. Phon’e 34r21 Dashwood i 17* • IT’S SO EASY TO APPLY • Before you painf, remodel, or build, be sure io see our complete dis­ play of Genuine Amerock Cabinet Hardware. Four beautiful "matched" designs io suit every purse and purpose. pillows; Quebec stove; 6 eating potatoes; wooden inside storm windows with coal oil heater oven; and chairs; sewing machine Your Portrait is the perfect gift for Christmas giving. A fine photograph of you will be cherished by both your family and friends. WANTED — D e a I e r for John ■Neate Sales, Clarkson. Brock­ way Tractors and equipment; Ezee flow fertilizer spreaders; FOR SALE—Complete baby lay­ ette, as good as new: Apply: LAC Lortie, % Miss M. Brod­ erick, Apidrew St,17* size 12, good as new. —Phone 138 Exeter, , 17* Wallace Bowden WOODHAM Phone Kirkton 53rl0 leather rocking chair; setee, with chair to FOR SALE — R.G.A.F. officer's greatcoat, best quality Melton, Shows no wear, Size 42, to fit a man 180 lbs., 6 ft, tall. Phone 376 Exeter. 10* BABY SITTER available. Call 156. 17 e FOR SALE—Started pigs, born axxd raised on the premises, A, E. Oestreieher. 57—10 Dash­ wood, 1% miles north of Dashwood. 2:9:16* FOR SALE—5 lx.p. International gasoline engine in good shape. Apply Edwin Falxner, Credi­ ton. Phone 19r32. 17* FOR SALE-—1934 Chev. Master sedan. Best offex' takes the car. Apply George Beer, R.R. 2, Hensail. 17c Garfield Thomson Phone 232m chest of bureau; glass cup- 2 wash stands; kitchen antique folding bed; 3- 2 steel PB7 ......... NEW TWO-BEDROOM Cottage Electrician Electric Wiring Of All KiiMh Motors , Poultry Thue Clocks <—• Whterhemters —- Thermostats —Ii’urnaco Controls —y- Fixtures, etc* Full Basement and Furnace Complete Bath and Shower R. E. Balkwill * 17:24? Lieury Form Forum Monday evening last, Novem­ ber 14, gathered together twen­ ty-four members of the Farm Forum group. The topic for dis­ cussion was 4 All Work" and was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Thompson. After a n h o u r ‘ s discussion which was well enjoyed by all, Miss Irene Neil and Mrs. Joe Carey provided a half hour of recreation and fun. A bountiful lunch was then served and it was decided all would club to­ gether and meet at the new Arva High School, November 21, to heax* some interesting speak­ ers and view the new school- The next Farm Forum meet­ ing will again have discussions November 28 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Les Shaddock. Father and Son Banquet Held At Zurich The Men’s Brotherhood of the Evangelical United B r e t h e r xi Church -held a Father and Son banquet in the basement of the church, prepared by the Ladies Aid. Rev. II. E. Roppel toasted "The Ladies,” William O'Brien, Si’., the fathers, and ■William O’Brien, Jr. replied, W. H. Ediglioffex’ welcomed the visitors. Rev. Ralph Waugh, Lambeth, spoke. Rev. F. Faist, Milverton, special speaker, dis­ cussed "Activities of Men in the Church.” CLERK’S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS’ LIST Voters’ List, 1949, Municipality of Township of Stephen, County of Huron Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 7 of The Voters’ Lists Act and that I have posted up at my office at C-rediton, Ont., on the 4th day of November, 1949, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said municipality at Munici­ pal Elections, and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate pro­ ceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law, the last ing the 25tli 1949. Dated this ber, 1949. FOR SALE—Seven - tube Pliilco console radio, 3 bands, phono attachment, very- good condi­ tion; child's tricycle, 24-inch, cheap; steel shaft badminton racket, press and cover. —w. F. Balfour, Devon Apts. 17* FOR SALE—B 1 u e dressmaker suit; red suit, black velvet trim; grey tailored suit—$10 each—dresses reasonable, all size 12 (small). Also muskrat fur coat, $25. —Phone 442-W 17* FLOOR POLISHER ATTACHMENT for the upright cleaner R. E. RUSSELL Phone 109 STREAMLINED STYLE AT MODERATE COST Potential Manageress WANTED for new SIMPSON’S order to be opeifecl iix Exeter oh ' about December 1, Must be experienced in office and sales work and of neat and tidy appearance. Remuneration in ac­ cordance with experience and ability.. Please apply in own handwriting giving full particu­ lars as to age,, education, past experience, address and tele­ phone number to Mr, H. N. CARON, Central Hotel, Exeter, OntarioCLERK’S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS’ LIST Voters’ List, 19 49, Municipality of Village of Exeter, • Coutv of Huron Notice is hereby given that I have compiled with Sectioxi 7 of The Voters’ Lists Act and that I have posted up at my office I at Exeter, Ont., oxx the 12tli day of November, 1949, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said municipality at Munici­ pal Elections, and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate pro­ ceedings to have any errors ox’ omissions corrected according to law, the last day ing the 3rd 1949. Dated this ber 1949., WANTED FEMALE ASSISTANT TO ACCOUNTANT Write to box C Exeter Times- Advocate stating age and qualififeatios; etc. Postponed COMMUNITY AUCTION FALL SALE will be held in the Village of Crediton SATURDAY, NOVEMBER (Under Cover)Kitchen dinette suite, jack-knife table; defroster; wafer lxeatex’; camera; car heat- ex*; 2 boots; chair; hose; .600 x .16; working order; china; clock; electric toaster; vacuixm cleaner; cistern pedestal; white enamel stove; matti'esses; organ, leathei' davenport; bicycle plate; 50 Sussex pullets; table; cupboard; commode; ’34 Chevrolet panel; ’50 1-ton pickup; Durham months old, T.B. tested, broodex* stove, 1,000- electric brooder, girls’ overcoats; flight 6 yards velvet; rocking easy chair; 50-ft, garden oven for hotplate; tire, electric iron in .good kitchen Hoover pump; kitchen stool; : hot- dress- er; buffet; Dodge calf, 6 Coal bird capacity; 300-bjrd capacity; chicken feed­ ers and waters; Viking cream separator, 600-lb. capacity; two cistern pumps; 2 new iron litter carrier poles, 36 ft. long; 4 oak dining room chairs; bed, with' new spring-filled mattress; sofa; bed; bags door, glass some with frame on wheels; oak buf­ fet; 4 dinette chairs; mahogany rocker; .700 x.20 truck tire; Quebec stove, suitable for gar­ age; .Model A, 1931, good tires; dinette; Banner cook stove. If you have anything to sell, contact Wm. H. Smith, auction- be sideboard; 2 leather antique baby bed; 3 complete with and commodes; West- bedroom suites, dressers ...7. . . ixiglxouse electric radio, in good coxidition; Sherlock Manning or­ gan, in first crokinole board; ironing board wheel chair; pet sweepei’ wash stand sets; table; lamps; utensils; complete; ware fish bowl crocks class condition; wardrobe ; 2 feather ticks Clothes rack; car quilting frames; 3 complete tbilet chair; I high1 chair; drop hanging lamp; small kitchen sink; kitchen 78-piece dinner set, odd dishes; silver- glassware; butter dish; chinaware;, sealers; 3 rugs, 9 x 12 ft.; var­ ious congoleum rugs, of various 12 x 14 ft.; potato sprayer; garden tools; and sizes; linoleum wheelbarrow; small wagon, numerous otixer articles. TERMS: Cash. Estate of the late CATHERINE FINKBEINER REUBEN GOETZ, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auct. Exeter District Co-Operative Phone 2S7w FARM MACHINERY DEALER WANTED for a full line of farm machinery including trac­ tors, corn planters, tillage and haying machinery and other lines. A very profitable fran­ chise. Contact George White & Sons Company Limited, Lon­ don, Ontario. 17:24:1c FOR SALE—Studio couch, like, new; set of 4 kitchen cup­ board units, will divide in 2 "*■ sections for ease in moving; 2-burner light duty rangette. —R. P, Robbins, R.R. 1, Exe­ ter, phone 27-r-22 Crediton. 17c HIGHWAY village hardware, at­ tached dwelling — bathroom, electricity, essotane. Property 15,500, about $6,000 stock at invoice. —W. C. Pearce, Re­ altor, Exeter. 17c FOR SALE—Grocery and meat store, fully equipped, 5-room apartment at rear. Neai' Wind­ sor. Fox' information write: Postmaster, Emery’s Corners, * Ontario. 17* Portraits are going to be a popular gift this season. With the number of sittings already booked we advise you to arrange immediately for your photograph, especially if they are to be mailed out of the province. There are approximately only two Weeks remaining in which to Complete your sitting STRAYED—Fr.om Lot 12, Coh.^ 4, tsboma, a 2-year-old black and White heifer, •with. T.B. tag in one ear and a vaccinate tag in the other ear. Please phone Harold Taylor, 39-r-8,. Kirkton. 3:10:17c FOR SALE—Weaner pigs. Ap­ ply: Allen Westcott, 176-r-32 Exeter._______*_____ ,17 FOR SALE—Thirteen pigs, 7 weeks old: 5 pigs, 8 weeks old. —Phone 40-r-7 Dashwood 17c FOR SALE—A storey and a half 6-room house in Crediton, hot and cold water, 3-piece bath, builtin cupboards; grounds are fenced. Phone 52 Crediton. 3tfc SHIPKA Miss Ruth Ratz from Oakville visited the week-end patents. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Albert Gaiser, Mr. and aid Godbolt and son, _ . visited last Wednesday with Mr, and Mrs. E. Bawden and family at Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Keyes, and Mr. and Mrs. Lome Devine visited on Saturday last with re­ latives and friends, at Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Ford McGregor and family from Parkhill were Sunday visitors with Mr. Leon­ ard and Miss Dorothy Desjar- dine. Mr. Roy RatZ, Mf. Ed Lip- pard have left for a hunting trip in northern sections. Mr. A. Gale, Mrs. O. Gale and Mrs. B. Stewart and two daugh­ ters from London visited Satur­ day last with Mr. and Mrs. Clar­ence Gale. | BEWARE OF HARSH LAXA­ TIVES—They gripe and may harm delicate internal organs. Play safe. Help relieve your constipation naturally. Every morning take Dr. Jackson’s Roman Meal .» • * the cereal that’s more tlittn a cereal . . delicious and nutty in flavor « . . with a gentle laxative action that has won the grati­ tude of thousands of sufferers from constipation. Rom al Meal, developed by Robert G. Jack- son, M.D., combines the natur­ al food values and delicious flavors of whole wheat and whole rye with the gentle lax­ ative properties of flax-o-lin and bran. Ask your grocer for Roman Meal today. Write today for FREE Book-4 let, "Nature’s Way to .Good Health” by Robert G. Jackson, M.D. Address Dr. Jackson Foods Limited, Dept K, 1 WH- lingdon Blvd., Toronto. RM3 RUMMAGE SALE Babies’, children’s clothing; draperies; also electric toaster, Iron; baby scams; Aew Thor electric xroner; electric stove; Coffield washing machine; electric radiator; double hot­ plate. Thursday Afternoon, Saturday Aftemoon & Evening November 17 A 19 Mt& E» R. Johnston, * South Road, Crediton DUPLEX FOR SALE—W e are Offering, for the first time, a large duplex home, well locat­ ed in Exeter, complete with two bathrooms and two heat­ ing units. Buyer may live in Comfortable quarters and draw good income from balance of property. Quick possession. Other houses. G. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter, 27c Clearing AUCTION SALE , Of Real Estate And Household Effects in the Village of Dashwood The undersigned auctioneer has beexx instx'ucted to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, NOWEJtfBER 23 commencing at 1:30 p.m. sharp REAL ESTATE: Property con­ sists of part Lot 24, S.B., Hay Township; 1$ acres of land, frame house, with surnmei’ kit­ chen and woodshed covered with asphalt shingles, good sized frame bai’n, excellent water, best of garden land; will be sold subject to a reserved bid. TERMS of Real Estate: 10% oxi day of sale, balance in 30 days. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Ban- nex* range, in good condition; coal oil heater; 2-burner hotplate, like dining room extension 6 dining room leather seat chairs; kitchen table; (j kitchen chairs; kitchen cabinet; with beautiful oak x'oeking uuttiia, uauiuiuun, Singer sewing machine; two oak centre tables; various fex'n stands; drawers; board; 1 sink; piece bedroom’ suite; beds, springs and mattress; com­ mode; dressers; ’ electric lamp; I 2 wash stands; galvanized tubs; washing machine; toilet set; small mirrors; beautiful hand- painted pictux'es .and frames; rack; good leathex’ suit ironing board; complete set; odd ; various silverware; blankets; pil- wheelbarrow; fire extin- 2 tree pruners; onion lawn mower; various large assortment AUCTION SALE Household Furniture Wesley Atkinson Town of Lucan WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23 at 1 o’clock the following: BEATTY electric washing ma­ chine; Quebec heater; dining room suite, including table, 6 chairs; china cabinet; chester­ field suite; library table; 2 chairs to match; 2 beds, springs and spring-filled mattresses; 2 dressers; 2 chests of drawers; hall seat; .daybed; cupboard; 2 toilet sets; 2 living room tables; 5 dining room chairs; number of small tables; kitchen chairs; rocking chair; living room rug and pad, 12 x 9; bridge lamp; number of table lamps; quantity of dishes; some bedding, pillows and other numerous articles, One 1930 Chevrolet car. TERMS: Cash. In the event of rain, sale will be held under cover. J. R. McLEAN, Auct. .All my cars are thoroughly checked before being offered fc.’ sale. • MOTOR SALES HENSALL 3 - Phono Sunday and Evening Service One garage will be open in Exeter on Sundays, Wed­ nesday afternoons and dur­ ing the evenings through­ out the week. paper case; birdal wreath dinner dishes; some antiques jardiners; glassware kitchen utensils lows: gUislier; scuffler; garden tools. of carpenter tools in best of condition; and many articles too numerous to mention. TERMS: Cash, JESSIE WILD, EMMA STATTON, Executors of Felix Wild Estate ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer FOR SALE—Modern new home, full basement, furnace, elec­ tric hot water heater; fir trim throughout, hardwood floors, oak and birch; amble kitchen cupboards. Priced right. —J. W« Kern, Sanders St., Exeter. 13*tfc NEUHAUSER EARLY CHICKS —Order them how and have a head start. Early hatched chicks feather better. Fryers and roasters bring more money because they ate sold oh a higher market. Early hatched pullets lay twice as many eggs when the price Is high. We will have chicks available after November 30, —Neuhauser Hatcheries, 81 King St., London. 17c Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Real Estate And Household Effects ill the Village of Dashwood The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19 commencing at 1:30 p.m. sharp REAL ESTATE: Property consists of a well built brick house with a good dry cellar; has woodshfed, small bam, good garden, hydro. A very desirable property, suitably located, with plenty of good water. Property Will be sold subject to a re­ served bid if not previously sold. TERMS of Real Estate: 10% on _day of sale; balane in 38 days. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Kit­ hen stove, Banner; small coal and wood heater; coal oil stove with oven; dining room exten­ sion table; square top centre table; 6 dining room chairs; clover leaf top table; 4 rocking chairs; '***'*.«.,. leather match; kitchew table; 6 kitchen chairs; kitchen cupboard; large kitchen mirror; music, rack; 4 jardiners of various sizes; hall' BENEFIT BY THIS GOOD NEWS COMBINATION YOUR HOME TOWN PAPER gives you complete, dependable local news. You need to know all that is going oh where you live, But you live also in a WORLD where big events are in the making — events which can mean to much to yciu, to your i°b, your home, your future. For Constructive reports arid interpre­ tations of national arid iriternri- tional news, there is no Substitute for THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR. lf Enjoy the benefits of being Lest inforitted---t6fcallyr nationally,, internationally— with your Ideal paper arid The Christian Science Monitor. LISTEN Tuesday nights over ABC stations to "The Christian Science Monitor Views the News,” Arid usd this coupon today for a special in- x u o s ip 1 Funds The Christian Science Monitor One, Norway St., Boston 15, Mass., U.S.A. Pldose send me an Introductory subscription to The Christian Science Monitor —* 26 issues, t enclose