HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-11-10, Page 12/ 1> ■> A / Page 12 Mrs. D. A. Anderson has re­ turned home after spending the past week with her son-in-law and daughter, Dr. and Mrs. Mc­ Allister, at Fort Wayne, Ind. Remembrance Day PARADE EXETER Friday, Nov. 11 IO;30 a.m. HURONDALE Legion members fall-in at the south end of town % Monster FROLIC Charles W. Christie The funeral of the late Charles W. Christie was held Wednesday afternoon from the Dinney Fune­ ral Home conducted by Rev, C. AV. Down. Mr. Christie passed away Monday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. AV. J. Thomson, of Usborne, following a stroke. He had been ailing for the past several months. He was in his eighty-sixth year. He was born at Mooresville, son of the late Charles and Mary Christie. He moved with his parents to the third concession of SteplieiuTwp, at the age of four years. Twelve years ago he moved to Exeter where Mrs. Christie, the former Ida Ferguson, predeceased him in January, 1945. The deceased was an active member of the James St. United Church and a member of the Session. . Surviving are three sons, J. Aylmer, of Regina, Sask.; Eli, of London; Laverne, of Toronto, and (Celia) Mrs. Thomson; one sister, Mrs. Eli Coultis, and four grandchilden. One son Earl predeceased him in 1938. The bearers were Messrs. H. Delbridge, E. J. Shapton, AV. Pybus, Charles Kerslake, Edgai’ Fauson and F. Hogarth. Inter­ ment was in Exeter Cemetery. THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 10, 1949 Announcements Don’t Forget New Community Building HENSALL Friday, November 18 commencing at 8:00 p.m. Entertainment by St. Marys Clown Band Come and see the new building at Hensall, designed from ground to roof by a Hensall contractor. Lucky Draw $3.00 In Prizes Dancing, Gaines, etc. Children Free - Adults 350 THEATRE Previews its Coming Attractions THUDS., FRl., SAT. November 10 -11 - 12 Black Bart’ 4r Yvonne DeCarlo ★ Dan Duryea A- Percy Kilbride - Color by Technicolor - In the days when the west was a whirlwind adventure, Black Bart was a legend. & MONDAY, TUESDAY November 14 -15 ‘Luck of the Irish’ Tyrone Power ★ Anne Baxter As refreshing as a stroll in the Irish countryside. WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY November 1ft -17 ‘Arctic Manhunt’ T tV Mikel Conrad. Carol Thurston Roaring adventure drama of the north* MATINEE Every Saturday and Holiday At 2:30 P.M. Ten Rounds of Turkey EXETER OPERA HOUSE Thursday Night Fifteen Rounds of Chicken A Birth. Death „and Marriage Notices are Inserted free of charge. Card of Thanks 50<?. In Mernoriam Notice 50c for single verse. 35c extra for each additional verse. En- gagements 50c. MARRIAGES GAISER—PYM — At T h a m e s Road Manse on Saturday, Oc­ tober 29,1949, Emmery Gaiser of Crediton, and Lila Pym, of Exeter* by Rev. William Mair PEEBLES-MOIR- Saturday, November 5, Lyla Olive, daughter i and Mrs. George Moir, John Charles Peebles, Mr. and Mrs- Herbert j of Atwood. .—At Kensall on , 1949, of Mr. to Mr. son of Peebles DEATHS FISCHER—At the residence of his son, William, Con. 16, Hay Township, Tuesday, November 8, 1949, Christian Fischer, be­ loved husband of Fredericka Maier, and dear father of Mrs. Biddulph; Biddulph of Dash- Amiel, of S. B, Williams A well known and highly es­ teemed resident passed away on Monday in Exetei' in the person of Mr. Samuel Benson Williams in his seventy-gighth year. He had been ailing about a week, death being due to a heart condition. Mr. Williams, was a qattle drover for the Ontario Co-operatives and was one of the oldest ship­ pers. Last year he shipped from this community around eighty carloads of cattle. ’He was born in Logan Township and at the age of five moved wth his par­ ents to the farm in Usborne now owned by Kenneth Johns. He was united in marriage with Melissa Cann and moved to the adjoining farm. Four years ago the family moved to Exeter. Mr. Williams was a member of the James Street United Church and of the I.O.O.F, For six years he served as a member of the Us­ borne Council. Surviving besides his widow is one son, Roland B. Williams; Mrs. Keith and Onah, sister, Mrs. peg. One passed away in February, 1916. The funeral will be held this (Thursday) afternoon from the Hopper-Hockey funeral home under the au,spices of the I.O.O.F. and conducted by Rev. William Mair. Lewis Johns, Wesley Johns, William Johns worthy; honofary bearers, John Hodgert, Richard Johns, Charles Johns, Les Robinson, B. M. Francis and Henry Delbridge. Interment in Exeter Cemetery. Chas. Weiberg, of Chris Fischer, of Township; Jacob, wood; William and Hay Township; in his eighty­ fourth year, Resting at the T. Harry Hoffman funeral home, Dashwood, from where a pub­ lic funeral service will take place on Thursday, November 10, at 2:15 p.m. A private service will foe held at the home of his son, William, at . Interment Bronsen 1:30s p.m. Lutheran J tery. McCarthy November residence, dulph Township, EUen, eldest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Michael McCarthy and dear sister of Annie, in her eighty-eighth year, was in St. Patrick’s in the Line Ceme- — On 2, 1949, Wednesday, at her late lot 23, con. 10, Bid- Interment Cemetery. Alta., on 29, 1949, Rems of Social and Personal Interest in find Around Exeter The Tlmes-Advocaie m always pleased to publish these items, We and our readers are interested in yQu and your friends. Phone 31w The Commodores Presentation two granddaughters, Weber, of Usborne, at home; also one Edna Fox, of Winni- daughter, Iva Dell, The* bearers are William Elford, Kenneth Johns, and William El- COMING EVENTS BAZAAR — The Ladies’ Guild of Trivitt Church will hold a Bazaar and Tea on Saturday, November 26, at 3 p.m., in the Parish Hall. A THREE-ACT HUMOROUS PLAY will he presented in CENTRALIA UNITED CHURCH BASEMENT /tfon.z Nov. 14 1 at 8:30 p.m. by the Y*P*S. of Bayfield Sponsored by the Choir ADMISSION 40c AND 25c ANNUAL MEETING of the 4? will be held in the TOWN HALL, EXETER Friday, November 11 at 8:30 p.m. Arrangement^ are being made to have special speaker for the occasion. it 1, Pooley, Chairman Harry Strang, Secretary A NEIL—At Bowden, Saturday, October Annie Miller, ibeloved wife of the late James Neil, of Lucan, aged eighty-eight years. Inter­ ment in Neil’s Cemetery, Mc- Gillivary Township. RICKER—At the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Pybus, 109 6 Talbot St., London, on nesday, November 9, Dora Elizabeth Squires, ed wife of the late Ricker and dear mother Mrs. Norman IPybus (Maud) and Mrs. Gordon Pybus (Eva), both of London. Resting at “Ardaven” the James E. Gor- danier funeral home, Ridout at Bruce Streets, London, for service in the chapel on Fri­ day, November 11, at 2 p.m, Interment in Exeter Cemetery, Wed- 1949, belov- Henry of CARDS OF THANKS Mrs. Ed Chambers wishes to express her thanks to all those who remembered her in various ways while a patient in St. Jo­ seph's Hospital, including the members of the W.A. of Credi- ton United Church and the Wo­ men’s Institute.10* Mr. thank cards in St. Joseph’s Hospital and es­ pecially to those neighbors that helped him to bring in the roots. 10* Herh Beaver wishes to all those who sent him and treats while a patient Mrs. Alonzo Hedden of Lucan wishes to thank all those who remembered her with cards, flowers -and treats while a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital. t 10c We wish to- take this oppor­ tunity of thanking all those who helped, in any way, at the scene of the accident. We wish, also, to thank the many, many people and organizations who, so gener­ ously, “ “ letters, cards and flowers, great kindness of everyone is sincerely appreciated. c —Mr. and Mrs. Pickard and family. Mrs. Lee Learn wishes to ex­ press her thanks to the friends and Neighbours who so kindly remembered her with cards, let­ ters and treats while a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. 10* offered help add sent The Mr. and Mrs. William Welsh and Mr. and Mrs. Hector Taylor were guests jof Mr. and Mrs. John McGregor at Grand Rend on Sunday and attended the an­ niversary services in the United Church, Mr. and Mrs. Lather Rey­ nolds, Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Rey­ nolds, Shirley and Bobbie, spent Sunday with relatives at Hamil­ ton. Mr. and Mrs. Norman C, Ford, daughter iDianne, and also Mr, and Mrs. David Hall, all of De­ troit, visited with Mr. and Mrs, Leon Dearing on Sunday. Miss Mary Horney of London spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs, William Allison, Mrs, Thomas Campbell of Us­ borne returned Friday afternoon from Victoria Hospital, London, where she had been a patient for over two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Gable ot Detroit and Dr. Robert Jackson of Toronto visited over the week­ end with Mrs. Frank Bierling and other relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Parsons of Windsor spent the week-end visiting with relatives. The Exeter Red Cross execu­ tive will meet Tuesday, Novem­ ber 15 in the Public Library at 1:30 p.m., following the monthly packing. Rev. H. •’J. and -Mrs. Mahoney are visiting in Guelph at the home of Mrs. R. Mahoney who today is celebrating her eight­ ieth birthday. Last Sunday Mrs. R. Mahoney cut the birthday cake of Dublin Street United Church which celebrated its seventy-fifth anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor, Jean and Jeanette, Mrs. Charles Box, iiers, Sarnia, on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Leon Dearing and family. Mrs. Joseph Davis; of Exeter North, is quite ill at her home. Her daughter, Mrs. Stephens, of Windsor, was here for the week­ end. Mr. E. Lloyd Beavers, of De­ troit, spent the week-end with his father, Mr. B. W. F. Beavers, Mrs. Lee Learn, who was rushed to St. Joseph’s Hospital for an appendictomy, returned to her home last Thursday and is gradually regaining strength. Mrs. A. McAvoy and Miss A. Sanders returned home Sunday after visiting for two weeks in Waterford with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kitchen and one week with Mr. and Mrs. Fed Chilrcli Jin. Ot­ terville. Mr. and Mrs. Preston Dearing visited over the week-end at Crystal Beach, Niagara Falls and Buffalo. Mrs. Alonzo Hedden has re­ turned to her home in Lucan after being confined to St. Jo­ seph’s Hospital. Mr. Teddy friend, of St. guests of the Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. J. B. John returned after spending Toronto owing Mrs. Qreech's Halls. Mr. and Mrs. well known residents of Seaforth celebrated their sixty-fifth wed­ ding anniversary on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Prout have retunred home after visiting for the past month in Port Huron. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dorman, of Ailsa Craig, visited on Sunday with their aunt Mrs. ’M. Amy. \ Mr. David Schroeder, who has been visiting with his daughter, in Michigan, has returned home. Frank Wood left this week to spend the winter at the coast with his daughter and son-in­ law, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hard­ wick. On the way he will stop at Regina to visit his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Wood. The exceptionally fine weather prevailing is a familiar topic of conversation. Bright, sunshiney days have prevailed. The soft maples are well out in bud. Messrs. E. D. Dell and Charles McNaughton Were in Toronto the fore part of the week attending the convention of the Ontario Progressive Conservatives. visited at Oakwood Cor- ■s Mrs. Lewis Johns wishes to take this opportunity to thank everyone who so kindly remem­ bered her’ with cards, letters, flowers, boxes of fruit, And those who came to see her while a patient in Victoria Hospital and since her return home. Also to the W.M.S., W.A., W.L of Eliihville, Mr. Mair And Dr. Fletcher 10* IN MEMORIAM Mrs. Fletcher, Margaret and the twins, dean and Joad, left this week for Ottawa prior to joining Squadron Leader T. H. Fletcher at Montreal, Mr, Flet­ cher was here assisting to move, Mrs. F1 e t c li e r is a very fine vocalist and her singing on nume­ rous occasions has delighted her hearers, Mrs. W, Fraser, who has been confined to her bed for several days, is on the mend. Her daughter, Mrs, Gordon Emmett, of London, has been caring for her, Mr. week-end here. Mrs. j many friends will hope speedy recovery. Mr. and Mi's. James and Mr, and Mrs, Howard son., and Shirley attended the Kirkton anniversary last Sunday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Stone. Miss Annie "Handford left Mon­ day foy London where she will spend the winter with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jennings. Mr. and Mrs. R. Singleton of Glencoe called on Mr. B. W. F. Beavers on Wednesday after­ noon. Mr. and Mrs, Singleton were celebrating their thirty- fpurth wedding anniversary. On the occasion of their marriage thirty-four years ago, they were the guests vers for a that time as it is at present. Mr. Single- ton is editor of The Glencoe Transcript. Emmett. spent the here. Mrs. Fraser’s for a Squire Ander- of Mr. and Mrs. Bea- week. The weather at was much the same McDonald and a Thomas, were former’s parents, Joe'McDonald. Creech and son home a few days in to the illness of sister, Mrs. Fred Sunday J. M. Govenlock, CALVARY CHURCH, DASHWOOD Thurs., Nov. 10 ADMISSION FREE LEGION ROOMS, EXETER Saturday, Nov. 12 at 3:00 pan. Aprons ' Home Baking and Candy Fancy Work Fish Pond Sponsored by Thames Road AV.M.S, and W.A. ABERDEEN HALL, KIRKTON and Dance FOR MR* AND MRS. ELMER ROWE EXETER OPERA HOUSE Friday, Nov. 18 AVON ORCHESTRA ADMISSION 50c Sat. Nov. 12 EXETER OPERA HOUSE London’s Newest Band BENNY GOODFELLOW AND ORCHESTRA Featuring Doris Dawn 9:00-12:00 Admission 75c Frank Trailer’s Orchestra Playing at Wellesley Barracks Friday, Nov. 18 8:00 p.m. Under the auspices of the Ladies’ Guild of St. Paul’s Anglican. Church VARIOUS BOOTHS PROGRAM Everybody Welcome ALDON Missionary Speaks At James St. W.M.S. Miss Sybil Courtice, of Clinton, a returned missionary from Japan, was the guest speaker at the W.M.S. " ' “ ‘ vice in Sunday gave a of the schools standard of freedom since the war and the young people are seeking new enlightenment. The challenge is to the Christian church foi’ more missionaries and for financial support. Japanese teachers are paid between $25 and $30 a month and have to pay they Miss with At motion pictures with sound pro­ duction were shown of a girls’ school in Cliengtu, China, that proved very interesting. Rev. C. AV. Down presided at both vices. , . Bazaar & Tea Crediton United Church GRAND BEND TO YOU, ITS PATRONS, PRESENTS FRIDAY, SATURDAY November 11-12 thank-offering ser- James St. United Church morning. ‘Miss Coutice very enlightening address work in the missionary in Japan. There is a new American prices for what need. Before leaving Japan, Courtice had an interview the Empress. the evening service, colored ser­ IDASHWOOD Mr. and Mrs. A. White of troit visited with her mother, Mrs. Witzel oil Saturday. About twenty E.Y.F. attended a Young Peo­ ple’s convention the week-end. Mr. and "Mrs. S. P. Currie and family spent the week-end in Meaford. Mr. and Mrs. T. Harry Hoff­ man and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Fran­ cis in Tavistock. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Miller and family and ..Mrs, Allemang spent the week-end with his sister in Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Elder and Mr. and Mrs. Kelson Foster of London Visited last Friday with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Oestrei­ ch er. Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Oestreiclier were Mrs. J. McNiten, Miss Alice Thomp­ son, Miss Elizabeth Thompson ahd Dr. Eunice Oestreicher, of London. De­ members of the in Elmira over Saturday, Nov. 12 commencing at 3 o’clock Booths null include: Fancy Work - Aprons - Quilts Hame-Baking and Farmers’ Booth ‘The Boy With The Green Hair’ ★ ★ ★ ★ in Technicolor - Pat O’Brien Robert Ryan Barbara Hale and Dean Stockwell (as the boy) Disney Cartoon, “CAT NAP PLUTO” Sport Reel, “QUAIL POINTERS” and “SWITZERLAND TODAY” Coming Provincial Young People’s Rally GRAND BEND CHURCH OF GOD MONDAY, TUESDAY November 14-15 Sat. Night, Nov. 19 and Sun. Night, Nov. 20 Guest Speaker: Rev. Gordon Schieck, Toronto Saturday Evening at 7:30 Sunday 11 aan.,. 2 p.m, and 7:30 p.m. Miss Lydia Hensen, Missionary to Africa, will speak Sunday 10 a.ni. Everybody A Vol come Road House’ ★ Ida Lupino ★ Cornel Wilde ★ Richard Widmark Celeste Holm ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Here’s the picture that has everything you like . . . hard hitting action and drama. PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL and Cartoon, “TRIPLE TROUBLE'” if Benefit Bingo and Dance OPERA HOUSE, EXETER Thursday, Nov. 24-8 p.m. sharp Entire proceeds to go to Bill McLean, who was injured while playing ball. ADMISSION 500 Your Presence Is Requested At The 15 Rounds of Chickens ‘— 10 Rounds of Turkeys GOOD ORCHESTRA Choir To Sing In Dashwood Church The Concordia College of Fort Wayne, Indiana, known for its impressive inter­ pretations of the masterpieces of sacred song, Will appear in Dash­ wood at Zion Lutheran Church On Npyember 20 at 7:30 o’clock under the auspices of Lutheran congregation. The program to be presented by the seventy choris­ ters is rich in the finest com­ positions of Christian music and includes works from the ped of Bach as well as of American composers and arrangers of the nineteenth and twentieth cenur- les. Additional variety is provid­ ed by piano and organ solo num­ bers and by the accompaniments for a Bach cantata and certain other compositions. The Fort Wayne Concordians have toured the Middle East, the South, and the East for the past .twelve years. They have given concerts in mote than seventy- five cities and communities for a total of more than 300 present­ ations of their musical, message, Arnold Lehmann, the highly gifted and dynamic conductor, received his training at the Uni­ versity ot Wisconsin, from which, he holds a master’s degree In music. He came to the Fort Wayne 'Concordia directly from a twenty-five month overseas ser­ vice in Italy. (adv’t) Choir, well Exeter Girl Honored Miss Barbara Harness has been "a much feted bride-to-be during the past Week. Oh Friday evening last, a miscellaneous shower was given at Goderich by Mrs. dames HodgekinSon at which there were about thirty guests. A hamper of lovely gifts Was presented and lunch was served at the close, Mrs. Har­ ness accompanied Barbara to Goderich. On Monday evening the ladie^ from the Exeter branch di the Canadian Canners met at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Harness and presented Barbara with an address and -a tri-light electric lamp. The address was read by dean Kirk and the presentation was made by Agnes Cutting. Lunch was ^served and a social evening enjoyed, Tuesday evening a miscellan­ eous shower Was given by Mrs. Wilfred Travis assisted by Mrs. Arnold Kuntz and Mrs. Donald Link. t Barbara, received some beautiful gifts. Court whist was Style Show of the Season Wearing Apparel and Fur Coats EDWARDS—In loving memory of a dear husband and father, John Edwards, away four years her 8, 1945. Oh, what would we your hand, Your dear, kind face to seej Your loving smile, your welcome voice, That meant so much to us. No one knows the silent heart­ ache, Only those who have suck can tell Of the grief that is borne in Silence For the one we loved so well. ______ _ ____—Ever remembered by wife and | enjoyed, followed by a lovely family* * lunch, who passed ago, Novem- give to clasp OPERA HOUSE, EXETER Wednesday/ November 16 - 3 p.m. * See the Latest Fashions from Toronto, Montreal and Quebec City Modeled by Ladies of the Surrounding District Your Opportunity To Contribute To The SOUTH HURON HOSPITAL FUND A Worthy Cause — ADMISSION 500 Sponsored by Melvin’s prizes .11