HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-11-03, Page 4i:t a *1 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER B, 1949 /I t t Classified Directory WORK WANTED 8®I Tune In * To make room for incoming Christmas merchandise and toys, we offer the following (while they last): Blue Willow Pattern 32-pieee set, service for (I. Regularly $13.95 ...... Surrey Pattern 38-piece service for 6 Regularly $12.95 ..... English Black Moyen (56-piece service for 8 Regularly $63.75 ...... STENOGRAPHER—desires posi­ tion, familiar office routine. Apply: Box S, Exeter Times- Advocate. 3 * ... Special $8.95 ... Special Special Special Clearance of ADDISON RADIOS Covered bv regular- 90-day warranty, Addison Mantel Model 43A Regularly $39.95 ................ Addison Mantel Model 41C Regularly $37.95 ................. Addison Multi Grill Regularly $16.95 ................ Special Special $10.95 $39.95 $27.50 $25.95 Special $9.95 WATCH FOR THE OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT OF OUR TOY TOWN This year we have enlarged our toy town and will have a larger selection of QUALITY TOYS than ever before. • Beavers Hardware PHONE 86 , EXETER TYPING—Air Force wife de­ sires typing to do at home or occasional stenographic work. Box E, Exeter Times-Advocate 3* WANTED WANTED TO RENT- or small house without children, Box 91, Exeter. -Apartment by couple Apply to 3* WANTED—Several head of cat­ tle to feed for Phone 17-r-15 141 Exeter. the winter. Crediton or 3* HORSES WANTED—Any age and any weight. —Frank Tay­ lor, phone 138 Exeter. 29/9tfc WANTED to acres with sion soon, Apply Box BUY—Farm, 100 ■buildings, posses- not over $ 6,50 0. 92, London, Ont. 27:3* WANTED—Unfurnished, or fur­ nished apartment for young Exeter couple. Phone 136 Exe­ ter. s 27:3c WANTED—Child’s crib, 27 x 51 inches, with mattress. Phone 90-r-6 Zurich. 3c LOST ******** LOST—A bunch of keys on ring with name on tag. Please re­ turn to Ray Smith or call 193-J. 3c LOST — On Saturday afternoon near Jones & May Grocery Store, a ladies’ gold Elco wrjst watch with black band and “Margaret” engraved on back. Reward. Phone 9 8 or leave at Times-Advocate. 3c FOR RENT FEED SERVICE FROM THE M/XER TO YOU 4 Fresh Feed Is Best Experienced feeders know the value of fresh feed. Palat- abilitv is higher and there is less danger of vitamin loss. These facts are important to young stock. Your calves baby pigs will do better on SHUR-GAIN starter feeds. and Shur-Gain Calf Starter Shur-Gain Pig Starter $4.15 $4.00 CANN’S MILL LIMITED EXETER WHALEN CORNERS We FOR RENT—Radios, by day or week; vacuum, cleaners; elec­ tric floor polishers. —Beavers Hardware. FOR RENT—H o u s e, centrally located in Exeter, new. Apply by letter to Box H, Exeter Times-Advocate. 3* FOR RENT—P a r t Ty furnished house on Highway 83 near Exeter with all conveniences. Apply: Roy Ballantyne, phone 21-r-21 Kirkton. 27:3* HELP WANTED WANTED — Secretary-treasurer for Huron County Federation of Agriculture. Duties to com-' mence early in December. Ap­ ply by tender to W. V. Roy, Secretary-Treasurer, Box 310, Clinton, not later than Novem­ ber 29. 3:10c £ HELP er al near good Exeter Times-Advocate stating age and experience. 3:10c WANTED—Girl for gen­ housework, good home London. Private room, wages. Write to Box D, WANTED—F e m a 1 e help, full time. Apply in person or plione Mayfair Bakery, 52. 3c NOTICES COUNTY COUNCIL The next meeting of the Huron County Council will be held in the Council Chambers, Court House, Goderich, com­ mencing Tuesday, November 15, at 2:00 p.m. ” All accounts, notices of depu­ tation and other business requir­ ing the attention of Council should- be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than Saturday, November 12, 1949. N. W. Miller, «. County Clerk, Goderich, Ont.3:10c the opening of •*4. are now open for business and offer complete service to all motor cars ami trucks. We specialise in body and fertder work and painting, as well as general re­ pairs to all makes. We cordially solicit your patronage and guarantee satisfaction. Jack Traquair < s' i FOR SALE — Double-barrelled hammer shot gun; Beatty cop­ per tub electric washer. R. E. Balkwill. 3* FOR SALE FOR SALE—1942 Clare Jewell cook stove, no shelf resevoir and water front, white enamel. Apply at Lakeview Hardware, Grand Bend. 2-7:8* FOR SALE"—Started pigs, born and raised on the premises. A. E. Oestreicher. 57—10 Dash­ wood, 114 .miles north of Dashwood, ’ 2:9:16* FOR 'SALE—1936 Ford coach, in good condition, seal beam lights. Apply: Earl Dietrich, phone 31-r-lG Dashwood. 3* FOR SALE—Carrots, $1 a bus. Apply: William Walters, R.R. 1, Woodham, phone 14-r-16 Kirkton. 3* FOR SALE'—Girls’ purple coat, With gold stars on sleeves. Size 8 to 10, Good condition. Lgss than half price. Apply: Mrs. Clarence Down, phone 177-r-2 Exeter, 3* FOR SALE—Hydro poles and clothes line poles. See Cen­ tralia Farmers’ Supply. 3c FOR SALE—Brown chesterfield coat, size 17, excellent condi­ tion, drycleaned, $12, Sun­ shine walker or toddle cart, complete, good condition, $5. Phone 83-r-ll Hensall. 3* FOR SALE—1938 Ford deluxe coach, new brakes, builtin radio, good condition, reason­ able for iquick sale. Phone 362-J' Exe(er. 3* FOR SALE—.McCormick Deering 3-furrow plow, 12-inch bot­ tom. Apply: William Allen, R.R. 1, Woodham. 3* FOR BALE—Three-piece light maple studio couch with two chairs. Price $60.00. —T. M. Webster, 30 Ann St., Exeter. 3c FOR SALE—Small cook stove with reservoir. Phone 27 6-J. 3c FOR SALE—C elery by the crate; bring your own crate. Apply: Alvin Gingerich, R.R. 3, Zurich, phone 90-r-6. z 3c FOR SALE—Studio couch, like new; set of 4 kitchen cup­ board iinits, will divide in 2 sections* for ease in moving; 2-burner lighty duty rangette; also 25 New Hamp, pullets, 5 months. R. P. Robbins, R.R, 1, Exeter. 3* FOR SALE—A young man’s overcoat, brown, in good con­ dition. Apply at The Times- Advocate. 3 * FOR SALE—Two good York • sows, due in 2 weeks with third litter: also a number of weaned pigs. Apply: Russell Morley, phone 176-12. 3* CONSTIPATION SUFFERERS — A famous formula, developed by Robert G. Jackson, M.D., has helped * to relieve thou­ sands of sufferers. This form­ ula is known as Roman Meal and is a delicious cereal that helps nature relieve constipa­ tion. It combines the natural food values and delicious fla­vors of whole wheat ancf whole rye with the gentle, laxative properties of flax-o-lin and bran. Roman Meal is an excellent energy food ages. It is sold by all grocers. Write today for FREE “Nature’s Way to Good Health” by Robert G. Jackson, M.D., to Dr. Jackson Foods Limited, Dept. K, 1 Willingdon Blvd., Toronto. RM1 Will Clearing AUCTION SALE Of 35 Registered Scotch Shorthorn Cattle (Fully Accredited) be sold by public auction on River Road 2J miles north of St. Marys MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7 commencing at l;30 o’clock CATTLE: The herd consists .of 3 5 head fully accredited Shorthorn cattle. Herd Sire: Ransom Masterfay, rising'’ 2 years old, bred by Wm. Manning. Two Orange Blossom cows Lavender cows; cows; Maid Mina grade service; lings; 3 calves. HOGS: Owing late Mr. J. W. Somers, the above herd must be sold. NO RESERVE. Terms; Cash, LINCOLN WHITE & W. E. NAIRN, Auctioneers DONALD SOMERS, acting for J; W. Somers Estate 2 4 Rosemary 3 Tiara cows; 3 .Merry cows; 2 Bracelet cows; 1 cow; 2 Rosaline cows; 2 cows; 2 bulls, ready for 3 open heifers, year- heifer calves; 5 bull 35 Yorkshire hogs, to the death of the H! Echoes of A DAILY INSPIRATIONAL BROADCAST Featuring , , , Short Gospel Messages by Rev. M. F, Cornelius' Hymns, old and new, by Fob Ostrosser, 17-year-old bass-baritone 630 on your dial — Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday — at 2:30 p.m. CFCO A < *4 » i < ' *• <•/' 4 The Smartest Bedtime Story EverTold! BOTH IN ONE COMPACT UNIT MITCHELL COMMUNITY AUCTION FARM SALE will'Se held in the Village of Crediton SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12 (Under Cover) Chesterfield suite; defroster;, camera; hot water; car heater;. 2 girls’ overcoats; flight boots; 6 yards velvet; rocking chair; easy chair; 50-ft. garden hose; oven for hotplate; tire .600x.l6; electric iron in good working order; china; kitchen clock; electric toaster; Hoover vacuum c’eaner; cistern pump; pedestal; white enamel kitchen stove; mattresses; organ; stool; leathei- davenport; bicycle; hotplate; 50 Sussex pullets; dresser; table; cupboard; commode; buffet; ’34 Chevrolet panel; ’50 Dodge 1- ton pickup; Durham calf, 6 months old, T.B. tested. If you have anything contact Wm. H. Smith, and your article will be Come, buy and sell. WM. H. SMITH, Auct. Crediton, Phone 43-l’-2 lamp and Radio operate separately or together, as desired. ’* Here’s the smartest bedtime story ever told I Read under perfect light that’s kind to your eyes—while your favorite radio program plays softly in your ears. The Lullaby, styled like a dream in gleaming^ plastic, combines a true-toned qual­ ity radio with a scientifically de- «signed no-glare reading light. Com- to sell Auct., listed. I for all leading booklet USED UNIVERSAL PIPE complete motor, and All set LINE MILKER with pipes, pump, unit to milk 2 cows, up ill your stable for $100. have over $3,000 worth'- MILKERS IN STOCK AT THE OLD PRICE including new Hinman pew Chore Boy low vacuum milker And some good used machines: Surge - Right Way - Universal etc-* We of Larry Snider Motors - Phone Us Today - 64-W - AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE — Big Com­ munity Auction Sale on Novem­ ber 12. If you have anything to sell it will he advertised If you cdll Frank Taylor, 138. Clearing AUCTION SALE Of 1,00-Acre Farm, Stock, Implements and Feed W. E. Nairn, auctioneer, will sell by public auction on Lot 3, Con. 8, Blansliard 1% miles south and 1 mile east of Woodham on THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10 commencing' at 1 o’clock sharp the following: HORSES: Clyde mare, 12 yrs. old; Clyde mare, 8 years old; Clyde gelding, 11 years old. CATTLE: Two Holstein cows, fresh; 2 Holstein cows, due in November; 2 Holstein cows, due in Jan.; 6 Holstein heifers, 2 years old; 2 Holstein heifers, yearlings; 2 heifer calves. HOGS: Berkshire brood sow, With litter 5 weeks old. FOWL; 100 White Leghorn hens, 1 year old.HAY & GRAIN: Thirty 'tons of good mixed hay; quantity of straw; 15 ft. of bus, mixed grain. IMPLEMENTS: binder, 6 ft. cut, and truck; cut; M.H. hay loader; M.H. side rake; steel hay rake; corn bind­ er; Lorn cultivator; Deering grain drill; cultivator; disc har­ rows; Steel land roller; single riding plow; walking plow; wagon and rack and rolling rack; set of sleighs; buggy; cut­ ter; root pulper; set of scales; barbed wire; snow fence; iron posts; ’ ladders; stoneboat; wheel b ar row; steel colony house; wooden colony house; feeders; fountains; incubator; an electric brooder, new; oil stove; turnip drill; 4 steel hog troughs; steel drums; 2 sets double har­ ness; 4 Scotch collars; 4 open collars; electric cream separator and motor; milk pail; churn; forks; hoes; chains; whiff le- trees; etc. ’ Also a quantity of furniture and a quantity of coal. THE FARM consists of 100 acres, more or less, of good land, abundance of water, fenced and drained, 10 acres bush, bal­ ance in grass. Good bank barn, Cement silo, drive shed, hen house, brick house and kitchen, TERMS: Will be sold subject to reserve bid. Ten per ceiit cash oh day of sale, balance ar­ ranged. Chattels, cash. No re­ serve. FRED THOMPSON, Prop, W. E. NAIRN, Auct. 3* ensilage; 500 M.H. McC. - Dearing sheaf carrier mower, 5-ft. 3 irs A POWERFUL PURE-TONED RADIO! IT’S A PERFECT BED READING LAMP! BED LAMP-RADIO U. $. FARNt NO 171,473 pact; fits any bed; for AC or DC; just plug in for lamp or radio operation. There’s nothing like the Lullaby for luxurious bedtime living! District Co-operative Phone 287w Exeter Your Portrait It’s the Lasting Way to Say “Merry Christmas” There are approximately only four weeks remaining in which to arrange your sitting. So, right now, why don’t you make an appointment" to have a portrait made for the first names on your Christmas list. .r' ft Yoh of Phone 343-W Closed All Day Wednesday Owing to the large number of Christmas sittings our studio will be closed all day Wednesday until further notice. Notice In the columns of this issue of The Times- 'Advocate it will be noted that the subscription fund now ' been men totals in excess of $40,000.00. This amount has subscribed largely in Exeter from the business on Main Street. t I 4 f t I i I 4 4? I i * » ♦ ft « a » * ( » < I r t i »• ft * » t < » AUCTION SALE Of Cattle Strati iroy SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5 100 tested stock cattle including run of western calves A. G. McALFlNE. Auct 3c Additional Classifieds n e 5 AUCTION SALE Of 'Household Goods And Furniture on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10 At 2:00 i>.m. nt the residence of the late Felix Wild nt Dashwood At the same time there will be offered for sale the house and lands of the decease^ sub­ ject to a reserve bid. TERMS: Chattels, cash. Real estate: 10 per .cent on day of snle, balance lit 30 days. ALVIN WALPER, Auct. EMMA STATTON, JESSIE WILDS, executors Felix Wild estate 3:10:17c The canvass of the business section of- Exeter is almost completed and the committee in charge of the local drive is presently formulating plans for can­ vassing the rest of the village. This work undertaken shortly and it is hoped that the ,s continues to be as gratifying as it has thus is to be tesponse far. »• r » ft ft Plans are also 0 nearing completion for Vass of the adjoining townships and it is that the work will be underway this week in Stephen and Hay. the can- expected Usborncj ft ft We solicit the continued support of all in this' worthy undertaking. uron Hospital Association •< J 4