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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-11-03, Page 2
THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 3, 1949 rf Times Established 1873 Amalgamated November 1924 Advocate Established 1881 Published Each Thursday Morning at Exeter, Ontario An Independent Newspaper Devoted to the Interests of tlie Village of Exeter and District Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa Member of the Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association Member of the Ontario-Quebec Division of the CWNA Member of the Audit Bureau of Circulation Paid-In-Advance Circulation As Of September 30, 1948 SUBSCRIPTION RATES Canada, in advance, $2.50 a year United States, in Single Copies 6 Cents Each Publisher? /MEMBSnV LUDIT \ Rureau j 5^ O» / URCULATldtf 2,276 advance, $3.00 J. Melvin Southcott Robert Southcott THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 3, 1949 A Place For Small Business “Little boats should keep near the shore.” Centuries of experience have taught the seafaring folk to observe this practice. “It is dangerous to bite off more than one can chew,” is another maxim that wise people are careful to heed. There is good fishing where wind and rocks do not mo lest. There is good digestion and lots of fattening if one fills his mouth with food that does not dislocate his jaws or choke his swallowng apparatus. Yet these prin ciples are steadily overlooked these bust ling days. A ten-cent man undertakes a thousand-dollai* job and comes to grief. Many a farmer who was doing well on a fifty-acre farm, due to some unhappy cause imagined that lie was qualified to manage hundred of acres, only to find himself at seventy stripped of all that he once had. The road has become his only possession. Many a small business man allowed him self to think in, terms of the skyscraper when he should have been contracting his affairs, only to find that while he had done a large stroke of business that his credit was gone and his caJsh a minus quan tity. On the other hand, no one has diffi culty in pointing to the small farmer who has doubled his income. during these last few years. Fie will tell you that little fields well tilled mean little barns well filled and that a reasonable every transaction of expression on The steady drop soon filled hi^ bucket. He’s a wise man a fairly good thing good thing with a contented mind. # They Can’t Lay Him The British government raised ■demon of social welfare and now find they cannot lay him. They were warned of their folly but resolutely slew their pro phets who told them that trouble would follow from their forsaking the principle of1 every man’s paying his own bills and being content with the results of his own enterprise. They were not content with every man’s reaping what he sowed but did all they could to cash in on the other fel low’s bank account. And now they find that their brave social welfare scheme is proving a rod they cut that now beats their own back. It could not be otherwise. They looked to their welfare schemes to put plenty on their tables their scheme is making barer hours must They in their own factories only to be told that the best of their cloth and the best of their other products must be sent abroad on the pain of being kicked out of their island home. They adopted a system where initia tive and general quality of service were discouraged. They shouted that Jack is as good as his master only to find that when the blind lead the blind disaster follows. An unsympathetic world quietly looks on as the Britisher squirms under his self- made lash, and quietlyZeomments “You got yourself into this hobble. Now, get out of at”. knew the needs of his own locality and of the province and he knew how to meet them. His withdrawal from public life was a distinct loss, particularly to agricultural Canada. We have lost a and friend. fine public servant $ Remarkable And History was made amount put away with' soon put the right sort the face of his banker. who knows tv hen he and who stays by day by day. They of work only to work harder and expected to wear has that the that only to find that the tables a little looked for shorter be told that they for longer hours, the clothing made 4, A Wholesome Sign Informed citizens regard the return of Mr. J. M« Macdonnell to public life as one of the healthy signs of the times. Universal regret was felt when Mr. Macdonnell went down in the recent political storm. Liberals were as sorry as were the Conservatives that he was not to be in the public coun cils of Canada. We are quite sure that the Liberals did a great deal to see that Mr. Macdonnell was elected in the recent by election. This is a good sign of the times. We see no evidences that the millenium lias come in the political life of the domi nion but dians are what we recognize is that Cana- citizens firsst anti politicians last. Passing Of Nelson Monteith lived so quietly and worthwhile things The Mr, Monteith so busy getting done that we were unaware of his worth to the province. He was essentially a prac tical man. He knew reforstation by having wrought out its methods and. its value on his own farm over there near Stratford, where he had fine acres and a good home. He knew the nature of trees of all Ontario varieties. He understood their culture and so was able to start the nursery at St. Wil liams, a forestry nursery that had an inter national reputation. He was a master of livestock farming and of seed farming. He Historical in tlie Canadian parliament the other day when the Cana dian House of Commons and the Canadian Senate met in joint session to welcome and to listen to the Prime Minister of India. It will be remembered that the Indian prime minister was introduced by the Cana dian prime minister, a French-Canadian, who addressed the gathering in French^ whi}e a third speaker was the speaker of the House of Commons, a Scotsman, who addressed the gathering in English. The* Indian prime minister gave his address in the purest of English. This event was, in itself, a wonderful gathering that stirs the imagination. Added to this was the fact the addresses were broadcast to the entire world and were listened to by the whole of civilization. Better still was the note of good wilt that made®. music to which the speres might well have listened. The event was a* fay of cheering sunshine under cir cumstances that are dark enough and per- plexng enough. When the leadng men . of the two countries meet with the resolve to cultivate goodwill a better day has dawned. $ ❖ ❖ ❖ That Water Shortage Word has just eonie in of an Ontario county where the water supply has come to be decidedly short. One farmer with a herd-of some sixty cattle is obliged to draw water for their needs for six miles. The water for household purposes is cistern? water with a decided leaning to scarcity. This case is by no means singular. We can not but wonder that authorities are not’ waking up jto the state of affairs. Every municipality in Ontario should take steps immediately to go 'thoroughly into the whole situation. The emergency is at our doors. "Why bother about matters of second ary importance when the demand for water soon may be the call to avert calamity? We have no wish to see large portions of Ontario approaching Sahara conditions. Let it be remembered that every deep well is likely to drain every source of supply of lesser depth. We simply must be up and doing or go to the wall. We should be pre paring to control the large supply of water that next spring season may bring with it. Instead of the water running off in floods, it should be controlled as to seep into the ground and so feed the streams running underground that in turn feed our wells. So far, most municipalities either ignore the situation children or are busy playing with it- play with water wheels. iKi as•»* *»** as A Fine Move this week we came across a cir cumstance that gives real pleasure. The Avonbank United Church has installed an oil heating and atmosphere conditioning plant. Already the congregation is delight ed with the move. The ail* conditioning por tion of the plant was tried out during the summer months and gave decided satisfac tion. During the cold weather of autumn tlie heating apparatus proved a success. High hopes for comfort during the winter months ate entertained. This plucky little congregation is to be congratulated on its enterprise. Some of us have dreary recol lections of Sunday morning in a 'country church Usually the fire in the furnace was not started till Sunday morning. Often the flues did not work well. Hence a smoke that made life miserable. The abundant tears shed were not always evidence of sin sincerely repented of. Of course, the heat from the stove or furnace made a bee line for their ceiling where it met with a cold reception that made drops of moisture dis turb the deacons and the amen corner, By the time benediction was pronounced the heat of a torrid temperature had reached the heads of the devout, though the floor was cold to a degree that would have froz en a Greenlander. Avonbank will have none of this, with the result that about the most comfortable jroom in the community will be the church. The management of the church is thinking of keeping the church at medium temperature the week through, in this way the necessity for car rying cushions to chufch will be avoided. Let other churches, both rural and urban, follow the example of this plucky congre gation. Just SEVEN LEAGUE BOOT With Our Shurone I Anti-Freeze H 50 YEARS AGO (The Exeter Advocate 1899) . This issue of the Exeter Ad vocate prints the following letter to the editor: Dear Sir— We were somewhat surprised the other evening when taking a walk on some of our back streets to find at the corner of Gidley and 'Carling streets an old time coal oil street lamp .suspended from the limb of one of the beautiful shade trees that adorn our streets. On making inquiry from some of our neighbouring rate payers as to the cause of this I was informed that the lamp had been erected for the purpose of locating the where abouts of our electric lights. We would ask, is this as it should be?.Our ratepayers pay the enor mous sum of oVbr $900.00 for lighting our streets and then to have to re’sof.t to this old .time method of lighting the streets of oil reflects .very badly on <the managers of the Electric Light and Power Co. Thank you Mr. Editor for your space. —A Rate Payei’ The ladies of Centralia1' are having their big fowl supper to night —- great preparations are j being made. 25 YEARS AGO (The Exeter Times 1924) x Misses Mildred Rowe, Ruth Lamport, Gertie Frances, Mary Horney, Carrie Davis and Mr. E. Christie, Normal students, were home for the holiday. Mr. J. M. Southcott showed lantern slides in James Street Sunday School on Tuesday on the Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association trip overseas to Bel gium, France and Great Britain. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Harvey were in Port Perry on Saturday attending the wedding of then- son, Rev. Linden C. Harvey, to Miss Lillian Follick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Follick. Your Car 11 Run Like A Summer Breeze winter catch you ’ cold. Now is the time to -freeze put in your car’s radiator, We’ll flush it out, too, if you, wish. At the same time, let us give your car a good winter lubrication service, ‘s Service Station Phone 129W „ Exeter, Ont. CLIFF MOORE, PROP. by 15 YEARS AGO (The Times-Advocate 1934) The Central Hotel, which has been closed down for several weeks, has been-rented to Mr. J. J. Cox, Brantford, who took pos session on Wednesday. * Miss Catherine Peters, of Wes tern University, spent .the week end at her home here—Elimville neTys. At the Sunday morning service in St. Paul’s Anglican Church, Hensail, the beautiful new brass lectern which is being presented in memory of the late John and Ann Petty by the family was dedicated—Hensall news. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Hern celebrated the twentieth an niversary of their marriage on Monday evening when thirty guests were present. 10 YEARS AGO (The Times-Advocate> 1939) Messrs. Bill Balkwill and Bill Chambers left the latter part of the .week by auto foi* the north country on a deer hunt. They left here for North Bay. ■Mrs. L. Bender, of Dashwood, was the winner of a $3'00 cash prize in a contest conducted by a number of merchants in Exe ter during the past few weeks. Walter* Penrose, of Exeter, awarded second prize. Mr. Wellington Brock, of borne, lost two fingers of right hand in a cutting kbox day morning of last week. Mr. L. Burness Moore, Plato, Sask., has purchased the property on the Lak© Road at present occupied by Mr. Hubert Cooper. Items Of Historical Interest Sought Reeve Stanley Snyder of Col- borne Township was elected as chairman of tlie Huron County Historical Committee at a meet ing in the court house at Gode rich. County Clerk N. W. Miller was authorized to publicize the fact that the committee desires all persons having in their pos session v articles or documents of historical interest to retain them for the committee; also that the public he informed that the museum exhibits when gathered together will be displayed in each municipality throughout the county. , i The clerk was instructed also to write to the Minister of High ways, pointing out the import ance and location of the Dunlop tomb and suggesting that -this site be taken into consideration when a new highway is con structed. The tomb is a historic spot as in it are,the graves of Dr. Wil liam (“Tiger”) Dunlop, pioneer settler and fifst warden of Huron County, his,, brother, and others. The committee endorsed a re commendation that the ’ County Council be requested to pass a resolution urging the provincial governmerit to sponsor county museums and give guidance in their operation. It is the intention of the com mittee to hold meetings in var ious parts of the county, which interested persons will be invit ed to attend. Other committee m e m hers present were: H. C. Beaver, of Crediton; Warden John Arm strong, Londesboro; Charles As quith, Auburn; Harry McCreath, •I know right whore every- i Saldtford; George Jefferson, of Clinton; N. W, Miller, secretary. Do Not Burn Leaves Start Conservation Right At Home You have observed the’ carpet oi* leaf mould in the woods. That is nature’s way of improving the soil and stopping runoff water, McConkey ,of the Field Husbandry Agricultural Col- says Dr. O. M. Department of at the Ontario lege. Your garden good leaf mould. Leaves contain organic matter, nitrogen, minerals, phosphorus, potash, and calcium; all Valuable elements for increasing fertility of your garden soil. instead of burning leaves pile them on the compost heat). File in layers about eight inches deep, dampen down with water, and then add alternatel two inch lay ers of soil. I<ee$ the pile of com post hollow in tlie centre so that the rain will Soak in. In a few months you will have beautiful leaf mould to apply to your soil. soil is hungry for HOIRAJO “Doilt touch a thing, Miss Mil lab thing is.” t "I’d be happy if I could just solve my biggest problems,” said a neighbour of mine the other day. Here was a man who believed that his whole life was spoiled because he had troubles. Hap piness was not for him.. .How wrong he was!. Life is full of difficulties, trials, dis appointments and problems. Yet countless people have learned that they can find hap piness in spite of these uni versal handicaps. Indeed, the wisest of them have also learned that to overcome hardships and create right out of wrong is in itself a source of great satis faction. Your work, for instance, may be far from your ideal. ’But don’t let that fact depress you or mar all the other satis factions that life can bring. There is no "ideal job”. So make the best of whatever is set before you. No, life is not easy. It seldom hanjds us happiness ready made. But from its raw mate rials, we can build a lot of happiness by our own efforts. • • • Is there an "ideal method” of meeting people’s needs for life insurance? Experience has proved that the efficient service of competing companies, to' gethe;r witly'the helpful per sonal attention of their agents, meets everyone’s needs most satisfactorily. Get the Highest Prices for your Poultry Riverside Poultry Co. THAMESFORD, ONTARIO Phone Collect 17r9 JGntore, or 80r2 Hensall I ■ X on Guaranteed Trusf Certificates ISSUED for any amount.... for a term of five years.... guaranteed both as to principal and interest.... Interest cheques mailed to reach holders on due date, or, at holder’s option, may be allowed to accumulate at compound interest. An ideal investment for individuals, com panies; authorized by law for cemetery boards, executors and other trustees. THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION 372 Bay Street, Toronto 1 * 38 years In Businos* ■... /t/so 7n econom/cs/ ii POUMO. Z4V<5*