HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-11-03, Page 1fifty- wed- good Seventy-sixth Year Single Copy 6jS <5 the' 1949 X V" Former Minister finally Monday night for sponsored party in the Arena. Headed by the Band, the youngsters in EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 3, 1949 • i ' i $ Intensive Hospital Fund Drive Started This Week ■i — The executive of the South Huron Hospital Association gratefully acknowledge a splen­ did contribution from a former resident, Miss Evelyn Howard, of Toronto, and from her letter we reprint a few excerpts: “Toronto, Oct. 24, Mr, R. N. Creech, Exeter, Ont, Dear Mr. Creech: I see by the last Times-Ad- vocate that the Hospital Build- ing Fund Campaign is under,, way and I would like to make, a con­ tribution- to it. I am enclosing a cheque for $100, I would fee glad to make it a $500 contribution, with say $100 a year* or whatever ar­ rangement is used for future payments. A hospital is certainly needed in the “district and I am glad to have a part in ft. Yours truly, S. Evelyn Howard” Miss Howard has since made her contribution $500. •Amount previously ac­ knowledged ................ Larry Snider ................. W. C. Allison ............... Chambers & Darling .... Richard Eacrett Estate . Unsolicited Subscriptions Miss S. Evelyn Howard, Toronto ........................ Mrs. Ida M. Eccleston, Grand Bend ............... H. A. Ruth, London ..... Gary Hogarth, Kingsville Miss Fanny Hatter, Hay P.O............... ................. Observe Weeding Anniversary Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs, J. T. Allison of the Thames Road, who on Sunday, October 23, quietly observed the ninth anniversary, of their ding, Both of them are in health, r Kirkton Society Hears London of Move Into New Air port- Homes After watching for many months the erection of new homes for the housing project now under way at the Centrally Airport the first units have be­ come available and at a cere­ mony Thursday afternoon of last week F, Spooks, Ghosts, Witches In Force At Lions Party ..$38,525. .. 500' 500 200 .. 1,000 500 5 $42,240 Usborne Township was organ­ ized Monday night and canvas­ sers will this week start out on an intensive campaign. Horticulturist A well attended meeting the Kirkton Horticultural Society was held in the S.S. room of the Mt. Pleasant United Church on Wednesday evening, October 26. The room was profusely decorated with / dahlias, zinnias and other flowers from the gar- •den of Mrs. Arthur Cole. An interesting .programme was provided. A, short sing-song led by Mrs. Fredd Switzer was en­ joyed by all. Mrs. Sheldon .Wein, of Exeter, ' exhibited interesting moving pictures of birds, par­ ticularly of wild geese in flight and nesting. Many other Can­ adian birds were_ shown. McCallum, well “The Mrs. “My contralto voice of and wide range. “The main item was an by Mr. James Burston, Discuss Sunday School Teaching “I find .that the cream of the people-are-doing children’s work” said Miss Helen Anthony of Tor­ onto to a group of children’s Sunday School teachers gathered at Main St. Uuited Church on Friday afternoon last. Miss Anthony is children’s work Secretary of the Ontario Council of Christian Education. She said “I travel all over, meet­ ing groups like you. Sometimes I stay a week or longer at one place to conduct a leader’s train­ ing group”. She pointed out that some of the qualities of a good children’s teacher are: \ (1) A teacher must be a per­ son who has had a real Christian experience and has a desire to share it. (2) A teacher must have crowning personality—must still willing to learn. (.3) A teacher must love or her work. “God so loved I world that he gave his only gotten son.” A teacher so loves that he wants to give and share. (4) A teacher must master the technique of teaching—must be ready to .be forgotten as a person—must remember that the children are learning other things front him or her, such as neatness, punctuality, worship­ ful attitudes. (5) A teacher must know each individual pupil very well —get acquainted by means of a questlonaire—-by means of visit­ ing in the home—in his school. In planning, the teacher of the lesson must think of Mary or John or Bill and adopt the les­ son to interest them. Some af the basic^tools of a teacher are: An attractive class­ room space *—• not necessarily elaborate but al least clean; scrap books of stories, of pray­ ers, of hymns and of handwork. “Remember*', said -Miss An­ thony” that the Sunday Schools of today are the church of to­ morrow,” She had a display of helpful books and invited a dis­ cussion of any problems anyone had to bring before the group. Everyone present felt that Miss Anthony’s talk had been very helpful and inspiring. Mrs. K. Wood, of Grand Bend, convened the rally and led in an impressive worship service with the theme “Beginning With Me”. The ladies of Main St. very graciously Served a cup of tea and the discussion continued over the tea cups. Representatives were present from Grand Bend, Greenway, Lucan, Coven Presbyterian, Main St, and James St. Churches. a be ms the be- Attend Christening Service .Mr, and Mrs, Asa Penhale and Grace spent the Week-end visit­ ing their daughters Id Windsor, Belmont and London, On Sun­ day morning they attended the christening of their little grand­ son, Willi a m J o h it Thomas Bland, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Bland, in St. Paul’s United Church, Windsor, Mrs. gave aof Bethel, rendered reading entitled Preacher’s First Ken Scott, .of Bethel, sang Hero,” displaying good Visit.” a rich quality address a well- known horticulturist of London. He was introduced by Dr. C. A. Campbell. Mr. Burston had many things to say of interest to the amateur flower grower and gar­ dener. One was that mice may be eliminated from the garden by scattering pieces of turnip or potatoes, dusted with zinc phos­ phide in places known to be in­ fested or in the runs of the mice. He stated that African Violets may be kept’ in an east window during the winter months. The sun at this time of the yeai' is not sufficiently strong to injure the foliage, and the increased light promites growth and flow­ ering. They should be watered in the morning with water at room temperature or a little warmer, but never with water at a colder temperature than the room. Concerning the planting of tulips for forcing, he said that one-half to one-third of the bulb' should remain above the soil. Place1 the soil lightly in pots and press the bulbs into the soil and press the earth around them. The flat side of the bulb should be next the rim of the pot. Pot by the end of October, water well and put the pots in a dark cold place, not freezing temper­ ature. Bring into a warm room in February until the flowhr bud shows and then keep in a cool bright window until , the flowers begin to show colour. When one wished geraniums for winter flowering, he suggest­ ed that slips be planted in five inch pots in May a^id the earth packed down hard—avoid fertil­ izer. The pots should then be set in the ground in the garden. Rempye the first blooms—bring the plants into the house in the fall. Many questions relative to the gv owing of plants and bulbs were answered. Mrs. Arthur Cole thanked Mr. Burston for his ex­ cellent address. The Society disposed of its surplus stock of valuable bulbs by auction and many bargains were obtained. An extra premium of six tulips was given each member of the Society. The Society Secretary reported 130 members. There is every evfdenee of exceptional activity along the Hortctultural lines. An excellent pot luck lunch was served by the ladies of Mt. Pleasant district. A collection was taken for- the flower fund of the Cliurch. ' The annual dinner of the di­ rectors will be held the first week in December. Among the relatives .who at­ tended the funeral of the late Provincial Constable’John Fergu­ son were Mrs. Lenora Defoley, a niece, from New' York; 'Mr, and Mrs. Victor Campbell, Mrs. J. Campbell, F. 0. Hicks and Guy, of Windsor; Mrs. L. II. Hislop, .of Listowel: Mr. and Mrs. W, J, Mills, of Goderich; Mr. and Mrs. Murray Ferguson, of Galt, and Mrs. u Christina Campbell, of Wingham. KEYS TO NEW HOME — Cpl. R. B. Alward ..received from Group Captain W. F. M. Newson, C.O. of the Centralia R.C.A.F. station, the key to the first home to be occupied by married personnel. In process of erection are .185 homes. Mrs. Alward and Ronald look on. —R.C.A.F., Photo ------:------------------------- --------- -------------------------------------------- Carl Truemer Carl Truemer, §0n of Daniel and the late Mary Truemer, passed away in Woodstock Friday, October forty-first year lengthly illness, by his father; Aaron Wein, of Crediton; five brothers, Dr. El'.”:r Truemer, of Chesley; Herbert, of Flint, Mich­ igan; Ohlen, of Stephen Town­ ship; Dr. Ottis Truemer, of Strathroy; Howard, of Belmont. The body rested at the Hoffman Funeral Home in Dashwood from where the funeral took place on Monday, October, Octo­ ber 24. Interment took place in Dashwood Evangelical Cemetery, Goshen Line. Rev. J. V. Dahms officiated. Lodge Past Masters lyieet Over 100 past masters, repre­ senting a dozen lodges, members of the Past Masters’ Association, met in Lebanon Forest Lodge Friday evening and listened to a very informative address by Past DjD.G.M. Carl Hitching of Woodstock. Members of the Exeter lodge opened the meeting, following which Wor. B. Albert W. Reis of Milverton, president, took over the gavel. D.D.G.M. William Cann gave a short address. The brethren adjourned to the O.E.S. rooms where a turkey barbeque was enjoyed. The fol­ lowing lodges were -represented: Woodstock, St. Marys, Goderich, Carlow, Hensail, Milverton, Mit-? chell, Stratford, Lucan, Granton, Parkhill. w ircchelsea School Holds Hallowe’en Party A Hallowe’en party was held in Winchelsea School on Friday evening with a lot of spirits in Costumes;" After ■ the masquerade a dance followed and euchre was played upstairs, awarded winners children, Skinner; ward Hern, best dressed girl, Grace Routly, May Skinner; best Hallowe’en boy, Bruce Delbridge, Fred Del- bridge; best Hallowe’en girl, Betty Ann Stephen, Hazel Spar­ ling; best comic boy, Dalton S k i n n e r, Floyd Cooper; best comic girl, Elaine and Perla Hern as a horse, Anna Routly; best disguise, Elaine and Perla H e r n, Donna Gilfillan; best dressed couple, Billy Armstrong and Marilyn Tate, Shirley Jaques and Frances Skinner. The Elimviile Mission Circle will be held* on Thursday eve­ ning, November 8, in the church basement. Every member is re­ quested to attend this meeting to discuss many items of interest to your Mission Circle. K Mr. and Mrs. L. Collyer visit­ ed with friends in the commun­ ity over the week-end. Prizes ' were to different classes <with as follows; Pre-school Shirley Jaques, Francis best dressed boy, Ed- Edward Skinner; ) 130,000 120,000 - 110,000 • 100,000 90,000 70,000 60,000 50,000 on 21> 1949, in his £ o;i 1 o wd n g a He is survived one sister, Mrs. the Commanding Officer W. M’ Newson handed over the keys of the first home to be occupied to CpL R. B, Alward.Cpl, Alward since 1943 has been stationed at various places while his family has been living at Port Stanley. The married personnel commit­ tee, which includes representa­ tives of all ranks, were present for the occasion and after an inspection of the home were entertained to afternoon tea. There are yarned types of homes in -the project. The one occupied by Cpl. Alward has a modern kitchen with electric stove, refrigerator, hot and cold water and .cupboards. The living­ dining room has large .picture windows and a den completes the main floor. There are three bright bedrooms with bath and shower upstairs, while in the full-sized basement there is a thermostatically' controlled fur­ nace with forced circulation laundry facilities. Of the the under contract occupancy and made ready. A two churches the. community. Attend Annual Meeting- Messrs. E. Jones, J. B. Creech, F, G. Meek and Morley Sanders represented the Exeter District High School at the annual meet­ ing of District 4, Ontario Second­ ary School Teachers’ Federation at Stratford on Saturday ,E. Clysdale, addressing a at Main St. the occasion Sunday 125,000 115,000 105,000 05,000 85,000 75,000 65,000 55,000 and 185 homes ten' are ready for others are being public school are planned now and for Elimviile Anniversary The Elimviile Church held Its anniversary services on Sunday with a large crowd in the mor­ ning' and evening. Rev. Reba Hern of Varna "was guest speak­ er in the morning and Rev. P. A. Ferguson ..of Hensail Presby­ terian Church in the evening. The choir rendered lovely an­ thems, assisted by Mr. Allan Elston of Centralia in the eve­ ning, singing a lovely solo. The church was prettily decorated with mums and palms for services. John VX’illis is' with pleurisy. and Mrs. Eric III at the Ms Campbell week-end Mr. ■’Mr. home Mr. of Belmont spent the with the former’s parents. j a.nd Mrs. Andrew Campbell and attended the Main Strqet church anniversary.- Mr, and Mrs. R. Phillips, of Ailsa Craig, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. William May. Mr. and Mrs. Phillips have just're­ turned from a three months visit in the British Isles. We regret this week that con­ siderable correspondence and other items have had to be crowded out owing to lack of space. Excellent weather has pre­ vailed during the week. A slight touch of snow fell but soon dis­ appeared. Hallowe’en passed off quietly in town. A nuihber of caps were taken from the gas tanks of autos and deposited in the post office letter box. They are now in the Times-Advocate window and owners may secure them. At the twenty-eighth annual convention of the Manitoba Hos­ pital Association recently Reid in Winnipeg, Mr. II. G. Prior, of Portage la Prairie, a former Exeter boy, was elected second vice-president. former twenty- recalled Undergoes Operation We are sorry to report that Mrs. Orville Smith of the Pari Line Is a patient iti St. Joseph’s Hospital having undergone an operation the past week. Her many friends wish for a speedy recovery. 40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 Rev. and Mrs. P. E. Clysdale of Thorndale spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. IV. Powell, Vic­ toria Street. 45,000 * Speaks At Main St. Anniversary “If ever the spirit of the pion­ eer was needed it is needed to­ day” said Rev. F, of Thorndale, in large congregation United Uhurch oil of their anniversary .last morning. Rev. Clysdale was a pastor at, Main Street five years ago and he the many stalwart leaders of the church at that time. “On this anniversary day we pay tribute to those ,of the past, not by erect­ ing monuments or placing wreaths of flowers but, by our determination to uphold their faith and fight the good fight with all our might," said he. “There has been ,a drift to hap hazard living—it is very pro­ nounced in our day. It has been producing selfishness, hatred, dis­ trust and war. .That’s not the way to conquest. We do not live in quiet fear—one for .which afraid of are not sure of ourselves. Our generation is not sure of itself. Many of our leaders are not sure of themselves. There are a few today who think things through. We drift with the spirit of the age and we are not adequately alive to the dangers crowding at our very door. We are desperate­ ly -bdsyE-uwe'' ^aii’t stop to wor­ ship,—that’s not the way to win —that’ not the way to victory— it’s the way down. All the pion­ eering was not done by pur fore­ fathers. There are new obstacles to be overcome—new dangers to be faced. We know things are not well. Our young people know it. To this end there are youth conferences, Student Christian movements and these are all to the good. The considered judge­ ment of these movements was that if the Christian church ’will not rise up and accept her re­ sponsibility then the church will pass away. The church must be­ come bigger, better, more sac­ rificial than ever before, with a wider, more effective program than it ever had.” . The choir rendered ceptably two anthems, M a g n itf y Thee 0 Lord” ■conquest, we live in of the four freedoms we fought. We are not other powers, but we very ac- “I Will and “Nearer *My God To Thee” with Mis Dorothy Davis, Mr. Frank LAST RITES FOR PROVINCIAL CONSTABLE FERGUSON ing the Main Street United Church, In the centre arc Rev, Mr. Brooks (left) and Rev. Mr. Mahoney. Staff Inspector T. Wilkinson, of General Headquarters, Toronto, is at the salute, and Sgt. CiubJj, of No. 2 District, London, is opposite. —Jack Doerr, Exeter — Procession is seen lenv- Spooks and gpblins, ghosts, witches and pirates were ouC in force Liops‘ Exeter Exeter every kind of get-up marched to. the arena, where each was 'Pre­ sented with three tickets. One entitled the recipient to a hot dog, another to a bottle of chocolate milk, and the third to an apple. Bedlam was loose as the merry-makers mulled about the room but brought under and paraded classes before winners were: Ghosts: Vern Heywood, Pat­ ricia Gauthier, Doug Hodgson. Witches: Carol Sutherland, Lily Marsh, Brian Hall. Tramps: Ron AVareing, Noel Thomas, George Bell, Kevin Del- bridge. Pirates: Michael Burns, Grant, Bill Pollen. Cowboys: Fred Sanders, Snell, Daryl Tuckey. Nursery rhymes: Linda thier, Margaret Howey, Wayne Bowen, Roxanne Beavers. Indians: Barbara McDonald, Lloyd Fogilberg, Dianne Dyck. Negroes: Bob Skinner;, Mickey Caddy, Paul Wilson. National: Jim Parkinson, Snelgrove, Jack Shaw. Clowns: Tom Ellerington, . Tennant, Paul Petrie. D’evils: Michael Watkins, ; ley Anderson, Steve Pascall. Little old ladies: Janice Ham­ ilton, Rod Rutherford, Irvin Ford. Gipsies and Mexicans: Sally Ann Acheson, Douglas Murray, Jeannie Sutherland. Comics: Fraser Williams, Bob Broderick, Hether and Johnnie MacNaughton, Elsie and Howard Busch. t Miscellaneous: Simons, Bobby Hoonaard. Special prizes: wood, Chubby Cook, Ann Grayer. Judges: .Mrs. G. C. McDonald, Mrs. Hollingshead. Following the reels of moving shown. The committee Fred Darling and and assisting them were S. Taylor (who did a swell job with the hot dogs), A. J. Sweit­ zer, K. Hockey, R. E. Russell, J. B. Creech, Dr. Cowen, Wallace Seldom Andy Snelgrove and Jack Doerr. they were partial control in the the judges. The various David John Qau- Judy Judy Shir- Car.ol Ann Higgins, Clem Florence Hey- Moir, Barbara judging two pictures were in charge was Claude Blowes B, Honoured On Tenth Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Urban Ayotte, of Stephen Township, were pleas­ antly surprised on the occasion of their tenth wedding annivers- ! ary, October 21, 1949. Their par- Wildfong and Mr. Gerald Skinner ents, brothers, sisters and family taking solo parts. The choir was assembled at their home to cele- assisted by Mr. Harry Hoffman, brate their anniversary. who sang two very pleasing The evening was pleasantly solos. ' | spent playing cards, games and At the evening service, Rev. in other amusements after which Clysdale gave the message and > & dainty decorated wagon filled -----useful gifts was drawn into the living room by little Marie Regier and Keith Ayotte, niece and nephew of the honoured couple. Urban in a very fitting reply expressed their appreciation, joined in singing “For they jolly good fellows”. Lunch served by the ladies. the Huronia Male Choir provided j the music. Mrs. Albert Gaiser ■ Sybilla Charlotte Gaiser, daughter of the late William and , Lydia Morloek, passed away in , St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, on October 26, 1949, in her fifty­ sixth year. She was married to Albert j Adam Gaiser, April 25. 1918, ■ and they spent their lives farm­ ing at Shipka. She was a mem­ ber of the Evangel! c a 1 U.B. Church at Crediton and took an active part in the Ladies Aid ; and W.A., and was teacher of the “Seekers” Glass in Sunday School. The deceased is survived by her husband, Albert, two sons, Arthur and Melvin, of Shipka; two daughters, Ada <Mrs. R. | Dinney) and Elsie, of Exeter; * one sister, Mrs. Charles Hoffman, Bluevale; two brothers. Freemen and Lome Morloek, of Crediton. A short service was held fiom the Dinney Funeral Hume, Exe-| ter, followed by service from the j Evangelical U.B. Church, Credi- ton, on Saturday, Oct. 29. The | service was conducted by Rev. J.: V. Dahms and assisted by Rev. j M. E, Reuber, of New Hamburg, | Musical selections wore rendered by the Seekers Class and a trio consisting of Norma FalmterC Ruth Swartz and Mrs. Dahms, interment took place in Crediton Evangelical Cemetery. The pall­ bears were Roy Rats, Arthur Finkbeiner, Matthew Sweitzer, Major Baker, Cliff Russell and Carl Guenther. Flower bearers were Harold' Finkbeiner, Ross Love, George Love, Gordon Ratz, .Ray Morloek and Gordon Mor- lock. * All are was Dashwood Group Holds Hallowe*en Party The basement of the Lutheran. Church, gaily decorated in black and orange and grinning jack-o’- lanterns, was the scene of a gala Hallowe’en party held last Thursday night. A very welcome guest was Seigfried Miller, who just returned from a two-month jaunt out west and to the coast. League members came in cos­ tume, with prizes for the most wierdly and comically dressed going to Gloria Kraft and Ray­ mond Wein. Bobbing for apples resulted in many duckings but miraculously no drownings. Next .in line of entertainment was fortune-telling. We are still wondering whether or not it was the fault of the teller. Margaret Becker, that the boys are to be happily married husbands, while the girls are all destined to be­ come old maids, and Bill members games that were really not so complicated after all. An appealing lunch of sand­ wiches, pumpkin pie. and sweet cider was served by the com­ mittee. Anna Messner played the piano while everyone gathered ’round for a hearty sing-song before breaking up. ___ . Gloria Kraft Becker pjuzzled the with some guessing i z