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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-10-27, Page 6
Page §THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 27, 1949 T Women Teachers Plan Welfare ProjgcU Centered at Meaford, Chatham and Ingersoll, fall regional con ferences on the theme "Our Re- sponsibilty” have been held by the Federation of Women Teach- er‘- Associations of Ontario. Dele gates attended, from North and South Huron, Middlesex East, North and South Oxford, Elgin ■and South Perth and the City of London. Conferences approved sending Of Bibles to children of Berlin, a city in which need for <3 00,'000 Bibles was reported. Christmas 83 FOR ECONOMICAL DRIVING and dune checks will be sent, as in the past three years, as a goodwill project, to twenty-three exchange teachers from theBrit- ish Isles, and funds will be solicited te purchase scientific books in Canada to be sent to rebuild war-devastated scientific libraries abroad. Conferences also planned ”Ou- tario,”—a teachers handbook of province-wide pioneer history. Dates of Education Week were announced as March 5 to 11, 1950. Reminders to teachei’s con cerning community activity and professional ethics were given. Attending from South Huron Association were: Misses L. Rob inson and O'- MacDowell from Goderich, Miss Olive O’Brien and Mrs. Dorothy Koehler from Zur ich and Mrs. .Marion .Porter from Exeter. Buy Lieury Farm Forum Lieury Farm Forum began South End Service Lieury Farm Forum began its season’s meetings again last Mon day evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andy Erskine. Officers were elected for the fall and winter term and it was decided to hold the next Forum at Hie ho m e of Thompson, was served social hour Hurpndale W*L The Hurondale Women’s In« stitpte chartered a Western On tario Motorways bus and went to Toronto last Thursday on a con ducted tour of the city, The tour was arranged by Miss Anna F, Lewis, director oflnstitutes of Ontario and guided by two mem-* hers of her staff, Miss M. Tag gart, of the home furnishing de partment and -Miss M. Thompson, librarian, There were forty-four women in -the party and they were taken to see the Happy Gang broadcast and, were shown through the parliament buildings, the Instit ute for the Blind and the Museum, During the course of the busy day the ladies had an hour in which to shop at the Eaton College St, store. After dinner in the evening the party went to a show and then started for about midnight, the bus driver for helping to make the day a success. It was a most profitable and interesting outing. home, arriving Credit is due Mr. and -October and all of music. Mrs. Roy 31, Lunch enjoyed a Beginning November 1 THE BARBER SHOPS OF EXETER Close All Day Wednesdays The Price Of Shaves Will Be Increased To 35 Cents No More Shuddering Between Shivery Sheets! An Electric Blanket Pre-Warms Your Bed If you are one of those people who like to keep their bedrooms cool, it still needn’t be a courageous ven ture clambering between icy sheets. A G-E electric blanket will warm up your bed before you get into it . . . will keep you cosy all night long at exactly the temperature you find most comfortable no matter how much the house cools off during the night. You’ll enjoy comfortable, restful sleep every night with an electric blanket. R. E. RUSSELL Honour Newlyweds About fifty cousins gathered at Dundurin Farm, home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Love, on Friday evening to honour Mr, and Mrs. Mervyn J. Love, of Grand Bend. The evening was spent playing crokinole, euchre, monopoly and bingo. While the newlyweds were seated in decorated chairs, Mrs. Ellison Whiting read' the follow ing address: Dear Wilma and Mervyn—• It is so m e time since the cousins have had the opportunity to meet ifor such a happy occa sion as this. We have gathered to initiate a new member into the “clan”, and we sncerely wel come you, Wilma, into the fam ily. We years of happiness and content ment, a helping hand at any will surely do so. To be helpful right have brought our gifts, large, some small, but all wrap ped with our best wishes. May God bless you and yo’ur new home. ZION Mr. and Mm Arthur Kerslake, Bob, Pat, Fhyliss, Mrs. Lyons, Londesboro, visited oxi Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Melville Hern. Ml and Mrs. Warren Brock were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Mill, of Thames Roa4. Mr, and Mrs. F. Hern visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Westcott, of Exeter. ■Mr. and Mrs. James Earl were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs, Howard Kerslake, of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johns and Mrs. Sudgeon visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Johns. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald family spent Sunday with the latter’s parents, Mr. Nixon, of Granton, Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Brock were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Penwarden, of Centralia. Mrs, Isabelle Sudgeon spent several days recently visiting with friends at Thorndale. Mr. and Mi's. Tom Dickenson and family, of Denfield, visited on Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs, Warren Brock, •Mr. and Mrs. Norris Hem and family visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hector Taylor, of Exeter. Mr. Tom and Anna Brock visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jeffrey, of Exeter. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Hern, Harry and Bob spent Sunday visiting in Exeter. Hern, and and' Mrs, * Classified Directory FOR SAbE HELP WANTED wish your marriage many and if any -of us can lend time, we now, we some —Your cousins. Miss Katherine Hodgins and Master Gordon Whiting drew in a decorated wagon filled with many beautiful and useful gifts. Mervyn and Wilma replied very fittingly, and a bountiful lunch with ice cream was served. Exeter, Ont.Phone 109 Centralia Busy As Sugar Beets Move The other morning we had occasion to visit Centralia and we found the -Main St. truck loads of sugar reached right down to station. At the station a bunch of busy workers unload ing the trucks- and we found work very fascinating. The trucks passed over weigh scales and then onto unloading platform where they were dumped and carried by, a revolving belt up a steep incline and into the waiting freight cars. At the top of the incline two men, took out a twenty-five bag sample of each load. The dirt from the sugar beets entered a hopper and after dumping his load the farmer backed his truck under the. hopper and re ceived th© dirt to be taken away. It was considered valuable as it was top soil, well fertilized. The whole operation took about four minutes. In charge of the operations was Bill Essery with a truck with which the freight cars were moved forward a little at a time as the car became filled. We learned that there are 402 contracts, with 1639 acres under contract this year as compared with about 900 acres last year. The sugar content, however, is down a trifle, averaging 16% per cent as compared* with 17% per cent last year. The beets average from 1’0% to 11 tons to the acre. Up to 24 earloads of sugar beets have been handled in a single day. The estimated num ber of cars to be shipped out of Centralia this year is 400. A special freight train was re quired each day tor bringing in empties and taking away the full cars. At 5:30 p.m. the line of trucks was marked off and this was the quota for the day. On different days several loads remained on the street over night. One break in the monotony of the long Wait in line was the fact that the ladies from the Centralia Church saw in It an opportunity for both rendering a service and making -a little pro fit. They served hot dogs, pie and coffee and did a fine job of business. There are eight employees for unloading the beets. Mrs. Harold Lightfoot has charge of the Weighing in of the beets and weighing out the tare and keep ing the records. She had all the records at her finger-tips, It takes three men to operate dumping of the beets. They Bruce Isaacs, Ron Schwarts James Cronin. Otto Brown George Godbolt filled the twenty- five pound bags while Bill Dren nan was a handy man along with Bill Essery, SHIPKA The regular meeting of W.A. will be held Thursday after noon, November 3, at 2 o’clock, at the home of Mrs. Vern Sharpe. Please remember the Hal- lowe’n party to be held in the Public School, October 31. Every body welcome. Mr. H. Delbridge, of Elimville, visited the Sunday School on Sunday and announced the con vention to be held in Roy’s United Church on Novembei’ 4. Mr. and and and Mrs. spent Saturday at Brigden with Mr. and -Mrs. Clyde Nicols, it being the wedding annivei'sary of Mr. and Mrs. Harlton. Mrs. Ed Duncan, of spent the week-end at of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mr. Lamport has been doctor’s care this past week. Mrs. Albert Gaiser has been confined to her home the past week suffering from a condition. the and Mrs. Herb Harlton daughters-, Misses Dorothy Mabie, R.N.’s, of London, Audrey, of Granton, and G. Robertson, of Wheatley, Stratford, the home Lamport, under the heart lined with beets that the C.N.R. there were the the an Ham- Satur- i i the are and and The United States produces the greatest a monnt of iron and steel in the world. FOR SALE—Choice varieties of winter apples including North ern Spie, King, Golden Delic ious, Golden Russet, and others, —L. V, Hogarth, tele phone 266 Exeter, 29:6;13:20:27:3* I . . . HELP WANTED—Woman for Upon hour work from 11 a,m» until 2 p.m. Experience on sandwiches preferred or will ing to learn. Apply: Mayfair BakOry, Phone 52. ?7e LOST ANP FOUND LOST — Between CrediC<$p and Exeter, the lid of a milk cam No. 2344, Finder please phone 36r31 Crediton. 27c FQR SALE—A’ new tractor a gopd Apply; wood, 3 -furrow plough, Fleury-Bissell, buy for quick sale. Louis Zimmer, Dash- • 21;28* WANTED—Housekeeper — not over 5Q years. Two in family; strictly modern home, Apply; Mrs. L. C. Clarke, 1195 Dun das, London, telephone Met. 8915. 27c LOST—Little brown dog, answers to the name of “Brownie”, Pet of a child. Apply to John Crawford’s, across from the South End Service Station. 27* I< FOR SALE—100 acres of good grass land, comprising Lot 20, Con, 7, E.C.R., “ Township, known as idy farm. Apply to Neil, Ailsa Craig, phone 615-r-33. McGillivray the Cass- Fred G. R.R, 3, 20:27c WANTED OUND—In the vicinity of the Lucan Hotel, a Ronson lighter initialed ”D. 0.” Owner may have same by proving proper ty and paying for ad, 27c FOR SALE—Heater in A-l con dition. Apply at Times-Advo cate. ' 20c DRESSED CAPONS — Eight to 10 pounds at any time. Phone 174-1--22, Grant Case. 27c FOR SALE—1942 Clare Jewell cook stove, no shelf resevoir and water front, white enamel. Apply at Lakeview Hardware, Grand Bend. 2-7:3* FOR SALE — Tw^o Yorkshire hogs, ready fox’ , service. G. Miners. Phone 3 2r9 Kirkton. 27* FOR SALE — 19 36 Ford V-8 sedan in .good condition; elec tric gjiitar and amplifier. Clare Masse, Dashwood. 27* FOR iSALE — Registered, T.B. Durham bull, fifteen months old. Stanley Jackson, , phone Seaforth 6531'5. 27* FOR SALE—1941 Ford %-ton pickup, good condition, $55 0 cash. Apply; Warkintin, % S. Jory, Simcoe St. 27* FOR SALE—19 37 deluxe Ply mouth 5-passenger coupe, first class condition. —Ed Lippert, R.R. 3, Dashwood. 27c FOR SALE—Collie pups. Clif ford Moir, telephone 9 2-r-31 Exeter. 27* FOR SALE—Frame house for wrecking, will sell reasonably. Arnold Gaiser, Dashwood, R.R. 1, phone 32-r-28. 27* FOR SALE—Roan heifer, calf at foot. Fresh. Phone 82-r-22 Zurich, 27* FOR SALE—100 Red x Rock pullets, six months old, start ed to lay. Telephone 21-r-31 Crediton. Please call at 12:30 noon or 7 to 8 evenings, 27c KIRKTON Mr. and Mrs. Maitland mond and daughters left day to make their home in Fer gus where Mait has a position as teacher. Mrs. Sidney White and her daughter, Sheila, of Guelph, spent the week-end with Mrs. Thomas. Foley and Mr. H. Flet cher. Mr. and Mrs, Esson and fam ily of Sarnia spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Delmar John son. Mrs. James Kemp of London is holidaying with hex* daughter, Mrs. Roy Switzer. Mrs. Fenton Rumble of Med ina spent Sunday with friends in the village. A number of boys from the village and district, seven in all, spent Sunday in try. Mr. and Mrs. London visited Mrs. Paul this Mr. and Mrs. FOR SALE—Apples by the tree or bushel. Cheap. Apply to Bruce Tuckey. 27* FOR ’SALE—Piano with bench. Apply Box W, Exeter Times- Advocate. 27c FOR SALE—Rangette, cheap. Apply at Apartment 4, Devon Apartments. * 27* the north coun- James With week. Frank Howe of Mr. and Smith of Aylmer spent the week-end with the latter’s aunt, Mrs. Louis Fletcher. Mr. John Sawyer returned to his home in the village having spent the past few weeks with, his son, Mr. Orville Sawyer, of Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. .Tames Muir and son, and Miss Betty Proctor of Embro, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ullyott of St. Marys were Sun day guests with Mrs. M. Gre gory. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Dudley of Pt. Huron were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Scott. Mrs. Stuart Shier returned to her home this week, having spent a pleasant holiday with her sister, Mrs. jpettlpone (Es ther) at Sudbury. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hunt of St. Marys visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wes Batten this Week. FOR SALE FOR SALE—Combination ward robe; steel crib, brown; small kitchen range; oil burner; ex tension table and six chairs; white kitchen cabinet; and a guitar, in good condition. — Phone 83-r-4 Hensail. 27c FOR SALE—Thirty started pigs. Apply to Russel! Morley, tele phone 176-r-12 Exeter. 27* FOR SALE—Drop - head sewing machine. Phone 3 9 7-J. 27* NOTICES NOTICE TO PARENTS—Because of the danger from accident, we yould like to see the par ents keep their children away from the construction work now going on. —C. P. Diet* rich Construction Company, 13:20:2*7* FOR SALE—Pail' black shoes, size 5 %; paix* brown shoes (new), size 5;'tweed —4” navy cloth coat, size b 1' o w n tailored suit; dressmaker suit, size 12; crepe dresses, dress, size 14. Clothes in per fect condition, too small for owner. Phone 410-R. 27* coat; 14; wine 2 size 14; wool FOR SALE—A child’s rocking duck and a small tricycle, both in good condition. Phone GS-W. 27c FOR SALE—Chrysler 52 coach, 192S, mechanically good, good tires. Ross W. Hern, Granton, Ont., phone 4-r-7 Kirkton, 27c FOR SALE—COM bicycles, ladies* and gents’* models. To clear $25. W. Martin, Exeter South. 27* FOR SALE—1937* Plymouth coach. -—W. Kline, % Parker Construction, Centralia Hous ing. 27* FOR SALE—1930 Chev sedan, good working order. Apply: Gordon Hamilton, Ft e n s a 11, phone 73-rl2. 27* FOR SALE-—Singer sewing ma chine, console model, bench, used about twice; cost $230, for sale $145. Apply: Mrs. Stevens, William st. East, five up from Huron. 27* FOR SALE—Fifty White Leg horn x Rock Pullets, ready to lay. Apply: Silas ‘Stanlake, Carling St, 'Exeter. 27* FOR SALE—Faucette oil space heater, dearly new. Price $7(h Phone Exeter 206-M, 27c USED UNIVERSAL PIPE complete motor, and All set LINE MILKER with pipes, pump, unit to milk 2 cowS- up in your stable for $100. have over $3,000 worth MILKERS IN STOCK AT THE OLD PRICE including new Hinwah, new Chore Boy low vacuum milker And Some good used machines: Surge - Right Way - Universal etc- We Of Larry Snider Motors - Phone Us Today - 64-W - an a a a at WANTED—By December unfurnished apartment, small house in Exeter quiet congenial couple two-month-old baby. Apply Times-Advocate, 20:27* 1, or . by with HORSES WANTED—Any age and any weight, —Frank Tay- lor, phone 138 Exeter. 29/9ffc WANTED TO acres with sion soon, Apply Box BUY—Farm, 100 buildings, posses- not over $6,500. 92, London, Ont. 27;3* WANTED—Unfurnished, or fur nished apartment for young Exeter couple. Phone 136 Exe ter. * 27:3c WANTED—We are prepared to do sewing or dressmaking. ■—• Mrs. Rumpel, Simcoe^ Street, across from -Cooper ‘Garage. n 27* WANTED—200 White Leghorn one-year-olds; also young cow ■ due to freshen in November or December, State price. — . Box S. 27* WANTED—Will pay cash for good used piano. W. Martin, Exeter South.. 27* WANTED—Ten head of- cattle to feed for Ben Dietrich, Exeter. winter. Apply: phone 178-r-3 27* STRAYED—F r o m Wm. Goss- man’s pasture, one black hei fer and black steer 2-year-old with tag in right ear. Please call 41-r-5 Dashwood. 27* FOR RENT FOR RENT—Radios, by day or week; vacuum cleaners; • elec tric floor polishers. —Beavers Hardware, FOR RENT- house Exeter Apply: 21-T-21 •Partly furnished on Highway 83 near with all conveniences. Roy Ballantyne, phone Kirkton. 27:3* FOR RENT—After Nov. 1, 3- room heated a p a r t m e n t, equipped with all modern con veniences, hot and cold water, 3-piece bathroom, cellar gar age. Only desirable tenants need apply. Wm. Oestreicher, 12-J Crediton. 27c FOR RENT- Two partly fur nished rooms on ground floor, sink and cupboards, and heat ed. One or two elderly people preferred. Apply at Times- Advocate. 27* REAL ESTATE PERSONAL , ... 'A SKINNY MEN, WOMEN! Gain 5 to 15 lbs, New pep, too. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double results; new heal thy flesh; new vigor. New ‘get druggists. ■yHY BE CONSTIPATED?—Why endure the distress and dis comfort of constipation? Why tolerate a condition that may lead to serious disorders? Thousands have been helped to relief with Dr. Jackson’s Roman Meal. Here is no harsh, griping or irritating laxative but a delicious, whole some and natural cereal. De- » veloped by Robert G. Jackson, M.D., it combines the natural f ood values and delicious J.lav- vors of whole wheat and’whole rye with the gently laxative properties of flax-o-lin and bran. Make Roman Meal" your daily cereal for the Mxole family. Write today to Dr, Jackson Foods | Limited, Dept. K, 1 Willingdon Blvd., Toronto, for FREE Booklet “Nature’s Way to Good Health” by Robert G. Jackson, M.D. RM4 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Of Cattle Strathroy SATURDAY, OCTOBER. £0 One hundred and fifty tested’ . mixed stockers, including one load of choice stock calves. Trucks to deliver. A. G. MCALPINE. Auct. AUCTION SALE Of Livestock and Implements Estate of the late Clifford Lewis Lot 12, Con. 4 McGillivray Twp. on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2 at 1 pan. ■HORSES AND CATTLE: Black mare, 6 years old; grey gelding,. 10 years old, good in every way; set double harness; red cow, 3 years old, due April 15; red cow, 3 years old, due June 22; roan, cow, 7 years old, just bred; roan cow, 6 years old, due February 25; red cow, due March 16; roan cow, due May 8; 2 roan heifers, due January 5 and February 3; 4 yearling heifers; 2 yearling 1 steers; 6 spring calves; Durham ' bull, 18 months old. This is a good herd of Durham cattle. HOGS: Sow, due October 30; young sow not bred. IMPLEMENTS: M. 7 ft.; M. H. mower; tilizei’ disc drill, 11 tractor disc; with Chrysler DUPLEX FOR SALE—We are offering, for the first time, a large duplex home, well locat ed in Exeter, complete with two bathrooms and two heat ing units. Buyer may live in comfortable quarters and draw good income from balance of property. u i c k possession. Other houses. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main st., Exeter. 27c FOR SALE—Modern new home, full basement, furnace, elec tric hot water heater; fir trim throughout, hardwood floors, oak - and birch; ample kitchen cupboards. Priced right. —J. W« Hern, Sanders St., Exeter. 13*tfc now insul-brlc 4-room Walls and ceilings in- 3-piece bath, modern full cellar. Possess Also brick hou§e and EXETER, Cottage, sulated, kitchen, Oct. 31. barn with small acreage in Zurich. —W. O. Pearce, Re altor, Exeter. 20c H. binder,. M. H. fer- run; culti vator; tractor disc; rebuilt Ford- •son, with Chrysler 72 motor; hay loader; new M, H. side rake; dump rake; John Deere manure spreader; set drag harrows; har row cart; riding plow; 2-furrow Oliver tractor plough; clover buncher; set sleighs; rubber tired wagon; sliding hay rack; 5 Jeep wheels, suitable for wagon, with tires and tubes 600x16; buggy; cutter; new Renfrew with electric motor; coal brooder; i * .* 400-egg incubator; r _. eubator; hay fork slings; 150 ft, hay rope: root pulper; 2 iron kettles; oil barrels; set box end Wrenches; 24-piece chrome steel socket wrench set, new; electric H. D. animal clippers, new; other tools, and other articles too numerous to mention. FEED: 25 tons mixed hay, mow of cut straw. Terms—*-Crtsh J» R. McLEAN, Auctioneer EDGAR LEWIS, Administrator HAZEL LEWIS, Administrator set ton scales; cream separator,. TDO-chick set sling ropes; L ; 160-egg in- FIRST CLASS FARM on paved road, convenient to villages, house with conveniences, large barns have good stabling, lit ter carrier, abundance Water before cattle, silo, driveshed. Hydro; 20 acres wheat, some ploughing dohe. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 20c IN EXETER, small insul-bric house, built-in cupboards, sink, town water, heavy wiring, 3- piece bath, 2 bedrooms, pos sess Oct. 31, —W. 0. Bearce, Realtor. c»■ -nH-uiyn .......liB ■ t TEESWATER AREA—50 acres, 8 acres bush, balance tillable and pasture; bank barn, gar age, 5-room house, new siding, new roof; Delco system light ing, telephone. Price $1500 —W. p. Pearce, Exeter. 20c FOR SALE—Insu.-bric house, 5 rooms and bath, built-in cup board, town water, ready for occupation, —John Caldwell, phone 13M1 Exeter, Hay jP.O. AUCTION BALE - Farm Stock arid Implements Undersigned has receivedThe instructions to sell by public auction onS, Half Dot 22, Con. 3, Stephferi THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3 at iiSO p.m. the following: FARM STOCK: Cow, due Doc. 1; 6-year-old red and roan, due March 12; red cow, due May 10; white-faced now, due May 17; red cow, due Match 25; 2 Hereford heifers, rising 2 years; 1 baby/beef; 2 spring calves; 1 steer; 1 heifer; 7 pigs, 2 months old; 3 pigs, around 200 pounds. Twenty-five year-old hens; 12 ducks; 20 Leghorn roosters, IMPLEMENTS: Maxwell bind er, in good condition; cultiva tor; roller; sleighs; turnip drill; cutting box; Moffat cream sep arator; logging chains; scraper;; cedar posts; pick. TERMS: Cash. GEO. WALKER, Prop. FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. WILFRED SHAPTON, Clerk