HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-10-20, Page 8Page 8 THE TIMES-APYOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 20, 1940 Used Cars at the South End f 1947 CHEV SEDAN, radio, heat- | > er> defroster, seat covers. 1947 FORD SEDAN, in excellent condition. 1939 PONTIAC SEDAN, in good shape. 1931 MODEL A FORD COUPE. 1939 CHEV COACH, 1937 CHEV ^-TON PICKUP. . Evening Service One garage will be open, in Exeter on Sundays, Wed­ nesday afternoons and dur­ ing the evenings through­ out the week. Open this Sunday, Wednes­ day afternoon and during the evenings throughout the week: MOORE’S Sei-vice Station a new THE BEET SUGAR INDUSTRY The new-type contract, intro­ duced in 1923, under 'which farmers were paid for sugar beets according to the sugar con­ tent of their own beets, proved popular. Crops averaged close to 300,000 tons in each of lowing three years and dustry thrived. In 1926, however, threat to prosperity appeared in the form of an invasion of Cuban refined granulated sugar. This sugar moved York State barge freight cost and . Toronto, Hamilton in wholesale lots. the market upon which Ontario beet sugar depended for all large bulk sales, the effect was demoralizing. Only by drastic price cutting was the Cuban sugar influx kept within bounds. Even so, sales of Cuban refined sugar reached over 40 million pounds in 1930 *and by 1932 been forced i ■per ton for many Next up the New canal at low was sold in and environs As this was I beet prices had down below $5.00 the first time in years, week: Saves “Fixed Valuation” the Industry. CANADA SUGAR AND DOMINION CO. LIMITED Chatham Happenings In Hensail AVohelo Class Holds Monthly Meeting On Monday night, October 17, the regular monthly meeting of the Wohelo Class was held in the United Church school room, with Mrs. D, Kyle, presiding. The opening hymu was “Jesus Thou Joy Of Loving Hearts”, after which the Lord’s Prayer was repeated, Miss Edna Petske read the Scripture Lesson. The devotional was taken Dorothy McNaughton. Hyde offered prayer, were read and roll call lection were taken,. The hymn was “My Father Looks Up To Thee". The Misses Audrey Walsh and Marlene Petske rendered a lovely duett “Let The Rest Of The World Go By”, ac­ companied by Miss Edna Walsh, Miss Ellis favoured with a humorous reading. The president then dealt with the business items, She asked for ideas re making money for the group, Members favour holding a musi­ cal program in the near future. It was suggested that we also have at this event, play, same to be procured at once, McNaughton, Howard Brook and Mrs, ©. Kyle were named a pro­ gram committee to make further arrangements, At the November meeting, Mr. J. Corbett will have, charge of the devotional, Mr. E. Corbett and Mr. Bill Coleman, the program. Mr. Blackwell will take the topic and Miss Gray will be the lunch convener. Miss Edna Walsh will in future pur­ chase boxes for the sick mem­ bers. Miss Gladys Luker reviewed “The Life of Sarah”, after which a pleasing piano selection was given by Miss Edna Wal,sh. An interesting article entitled’ “You” was read by Mr. Blackwell. The hymn “Lead, Kindly Light” and the Mizpah Benediction followed. Mr. Howard Brook directed seve­ ral interesting games. A dainty lunch was served, under the con­ venership of iMiss Edna Petske. Mrs. Kyle voiced thanks to all taking part, also stressed the encouraging attendance. The Baby Band of the Hensall United Church will hold their by Miss Mrs. II. Minutes and col- next a one-act Mr. Blackwell, Dorothy school room of the church on Monday evening when a large representation of members and their husbands enjoyed a delic­ ious banquet, after which the President, Mrs. Glenn Bell, pre­ sided over the program. Mr. Grant McDonald, of Exeter, rendered apleasing solo entitled “Mother MaCree”, accompanied by Mr, John L. Nicol, A vocal duett entitled “My Hero” was rendered by Miss Jean McDonald and Grant McDonald. The hymn O Come Thou Great Jehovah” Scripture Mrs. Rev, Miss with My H. was sung and the Psalm 109 was read by MacLaren, a f t e r w h i c h Ferguson led in prayer. Jean McDonald favoured another solo “Hold Thou Hand”; Rev. P. A, Ferguson In­ troduced the Rev. Douglas Stew­ art of Kincardine, who was the guest speaker for the evening. Rev. Stewart gave a very im­ pressive address expressing the vital need of a Christian awaken­ ing within ourselves, or else Missions will become • extinct. Mrs, Bell expressed sincere thanks to Rev.' Stewart, the solo­ ists, the ‘pianist and all taking part. The offering was received and the program concluded with a vocal duett entitled” Come Holy Spirit” by Miss Jean and Grant McDonald. The Benedict­ ion was pronounced by Rev. Stewat. Hensall Holds School Concert A concert in conjunction with Hensall Community Agricultural Fair was held under the chair­ manship of Reeve A. W. Kers- lake. Pupils of Hensall Public School, S.S. 1 and 2 Tuckersmith, ........................Hibbert, program ■public a spell- directed by G. of Goderich, S.S. 10 Hay, S.S. 7 took part in the varied of music, • recitations, speaking, climaxed with ing match, directed by G. G. Gardiner, of Goderich, Public School Inspector. Following are the prize winners: Recitations, second grade, Connie Corbett, S. S. 10 Hay, David Noakes, Billie Shaddick, Hensall; vocal, ten and under, Graham Farquhar, Wayne Forrest, Neil Forrest, Hensall, Jean Henderson, Margaret Moir, oyce Faber, Hensall; recitations, , third and fourth grades, Gwen Spencer, Beth Goddard, Hensall. I 1 1— • XT J L rrv-U J bPullCUr. £56111 vrUUlldlU) XltHlbdlljannual birthday party Thursday, B } Hyde s s 10 Hay; vocal fl ofn Kr-.Y’ 97 at 9 yt yvT in Hin . _ ' _ _ _ .. _October 27 at 3 p.m. in the school room of the church. Railmen Honor Hensall Agent Mr. A. L. Case, station agent at Hensall, who is retiring after thirty-one years service with the C.N.R., was honoured at Strat­ ford, when eighty-three railway­ men attended the gathering. Of­ ficials attending were T. Mosser, Toronto, President of the Order of the Railroad Telegraphers, G.1 H. Milne, Kitchener, A. L. Bayn­ ham, Stratford, and O. C. Ingle,| Waterloo. J Auxiliary Holds Banquet , The Arnold Circle Evening {Auxiliary held their .annual Wallaceburg [ Thank-Offering meeting in the i duet, Ken Parker, Jim Bell, S.S. 1 Tuckersmith, Marilyn Mous- seau, Eudora Hyde, Hensall; trio, Ken Parker, Jim Bell, Wal­ lace Maxwell, S.S. 1 Tucker­ smith; public speaking, grade 5, Graham 'Farquhar; musical in­ strumental, Jean Lavender, Hen­ sall, Shirley Coleman, S.S. 10 Hay, Shirley Bell, S.S. 10 Hay; public speaking, grades seven and eight, Alice Armstrong, S.S. 2 Tuckersmith, Ruth Soldan, Je'an Lavender, Hensall; spelling match, Alice Armstrong, S.S. 2 Tuckersmith, Mary Elson, S.S. 1 Tuckersmith, Ruth Soldan, Hen­ sall. Miss was a Melvin Lawrence Baynham. Helen, Moir, of London, recent visitor with Moir and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. KIPPEN Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kay were Mr. and Mrs. F, Robinson and family and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Restou of Mitchell and also Mr. and Mrs. R. Duncan and Mr. and Mrs. G. Duncan of Thames Road. Mr, and Mrs. Westcott and daughters, of Exeter, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Bell. Mr. and Mrs. N, Alexander and family of Londesboro visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. 5V. Alexander, Mrs, Chandler and daughters, Mrs. W. Elliot and Miss Jean Chandler, visited friends in the community on Sunday. Sunday visitors with Mrs. W. Schilbe and Mr, and Mrs. Wil­ mer Ferguson were Mr, and Mrs, of Exeter, Hodgert of Bornholm, Mr, Mrs, Norman Ferguson and ricia, of Staffa, Mr. and Mrs. W. Horney Mrs. E. Sutton of Exeter visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A; Gackstetter. Mrs. J, B. McLean of Exeter visited on Sunday with Mrs. A. Johnson. W.M.S. Holds October The W.M.S. United Wednesday afternoon last at the home of Mrs. W, Coldwell, The president, opened Psalm Hymn Arthur The general Thanksgiving was then read in unison, Finlayson read the Mr. Hinton favoured solo. The minutes Ferguson G. Hodgert and Marjorie, Mr, and Mrs. Mervin and Pat- Main Street Y.P.U* The Main St. Young People opened the season with a short meeting followed .by a weiner roast. At the meeting the new of­ ficers were elcted for the follow­ ing year. The officers are as follows: President', Joan Hopper; Vice-President, Clare Balkwill; Secretary-Treasurer, Jack Mc- Knight, Group Leaders: Literary, Julia Dunlop; Missions, Pat Hopper; Citizenship, 'Paul Balk­ will; Devotional, Margaret Wil­ lard; Social,M'ary McKnight; As­ sistant, Ralph Sweitzer; Pianist, Jim McGregor; Press Reporter, Ralph Sweitzer. The Young People decided to hold their meetings every second week, also to have Sunday eve­ ning firesides every other Sun­ day. After the meeting the Young People enjoyed themselves at a weiner roast -which came to a close at ten o'clock. ter, St. Marys. Mrs, Hannah Millson returned to Palmerston on Saturday hav­ ing spent several weeks with Mrs. George Millson. Mrs. Bilyea of Devizes i& now staying with Mrs. Millson. * Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Brantford, visited recently Mr, and Mrs, F. Squire. Anniversary services at United Church on Sunday rilng were well attended. Currie of Crediton was guest speaker, Music was vided by the choir. Mr. Devine Of London was was a musical Mary Johnson. Ivan Johnson. The W.M.S, meet at Mrs. F, Squires’ home on Wednesday afternoon, Ether is produced by . distil* iation of alcohol with sulphuric acid. Mr Mr. and Sherritt, with the mor- Rev. the pro­ soloist and there number by Miss and Go/clon and and W,A. will of St. Church here Meeting Andrew’s met on Mrs. Robert Elgie, the meeting by reading 727 in the Hymnary. 579 was then sung. Mrs. Finlayson led in prayer. Bpy Austin FOR ECONOMICAL DRIVING South End Service visited White Foster George Par­ WHALEN and Mrs. Andy Langton, and Sweitzer Bowling Lanes that state' true after a sis a real grease job TO GAIN with 50 lbs. 50 lbs. 50 lbs. ment. It -is TH£ FASTER THE GAIN, THE MORE FRONT YOU NAME, especially summer of “fresh mix** ration liard driving. Let us re­ place that sluggish oil and give your car chas- Why let yesterday's feeding methods rob you of today’s pork profits? Feed your hogs the Notional way—-for healthier, tastel'-deVeloping hogs depend oh a fresh-mixed, Well-balanced hog grower made With National Hog Corp centra te. . Save time—save labor—save grain, the Nation­ al way. National Hog Concentrate is formulated to save yoU money—packed with ahiiftdl proteins for rapid growth, loaded with Vitamins for health arid balanced With minerals to give you a pork producing grower With less grain. Soo your local NATIONAL Food D&aler today Yes, Mr. Motorist, there a lot in NEED FEED 167 lbs. 190 lbs. 206 lbs. Our Many ThanksMr. London, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Bert Duffield. Messrs. Bert Duffield and Cecil Squire were in Brantford at the ploughing match on Fri­ day. , Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parkin­ son and Glen and also Mrs. Florence Chittick of Granton visited relatives at St. Joseph’s Hospital on Sunday and witeh Mr. and Mrs. Harry and family, Mr. and Mrs. Herman and Mr. and Mrs. kinson visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Parkinson, London, on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Khlare and daughter were Sunday visi­ tors with Mr. and Mrs. E. Fos- » We wish to announce that we have sold the Sweitzer Bowling- Lanes to Mr, Rene Francis, of Tillsonburg’, and to express our appreciation of the splendid patronage afforded us during the past year, We bespeak for Mr. Francis your same loyal support. Mrs. A. scripture, with a were read and twenty members and four visitors answered the roll call. The visiting committee for Octo- ber was Mrs. R. Dayman and Mrs. M. Cooper. It was decided to invite the Goshen and Blake W.M.S. to attend the birthday party in the church here Novem­ ber 2. The program committee for the coming year was chosen —Mrs. Eldon Jarrott, Margaret Sinclair, and Mrs. H. Caldwell. The nominating committee is Mi’s. E. Cliipchase, Mrs. W. Workman, and Mrs. A. Parsons, Mrs. Hinton then read a poem, “Look on the Bright Side”. Hymn 578 was sung. Mrs. W. Alexander gave a very interest­ ing study, “Growing with the Years”. The closing hymn was 446. Mrs. K. Elgie pronounced the Benediction. A very dainty lunch 1. Hold The drew’s United Church held annual* anniversary on Sunday last with a large congregation present at both services. The guest speaker for the day was Rev. Dr. R. T. Richards of Lon­ don. Special music was furnished by the choir, assisted by Mrs. W. Elliot of Parkhill. The mor­ ning Us”, solos and anthem was and the solos were “The Lord Is My Shepherd” and “Oh Saviour, Hear Me”. was served by Circle Anniversary congregation of St. Co-op Auto Insurance - Co-op Phone Crediton 17r3 is now available to careful drivers of well-maintained vehicles. Farm people are clubbing together to im­ prove standards and check mounting automobile in­ surance costs. anthem was “Shine Upon Mrs. Elliot chose for her “O Lord, How Merciful” “My Task”. The evening “Extol His Name” 58 GROCERIES means co-operation, care and courtesy in driving. Co­ op auto insurance is available to drivers from 21 to 64 years of age, and with certain limitations to driv­ ers of other ages. TALK WITH YOUR CO-OP AUTO AGENT: Winston Shapton, R.R. 1, Exeter Stephen Ross Francis, Kirkton Usborne Phone Kirkton 34r8 Announcement Be Kind Your Oil System Moore’s Service Station Phone 129W ' Exeter, Ont. CLIFF MOORE, PROP Centralia W.A. The monthly meeting of the W.A. was held in the church basement with Mrs. Brown in •the chair. The devotional part of the meeting was opened in the usual way with a hymn. Prayer was given by Mrs. A. McFalls. The scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Greb. A vocal duett was, sung by Mrs. K. Hodgins and Mrs. C. McCurdy. Mrs. Brown gave a synopsis of their trip to the West Canadian coast this summer, which was interesting and entertaining. A reading “How To Be An Active Member” was given by Mrs. Gates. The president took the chair for the business discussions. The date for the bazaar was set for No­ vember 1, in the afternoon. A grand total of $154.75 was col­ lected in pinch of the fowl sup­ per. Roll call was answered by twenty-three members and five visitors with the singing of one verse of hymn 584. All repeated the Mizpah Benediction. Lunch was served by Mrs. O. Langford, Mrs. A. Smith, Mrs. L. Weiburg, Mrs. W. skinner. Choir practise for Thankoffer­ ing Services will be held on Fri­ day evening at 8:39 in the church. Caven Circle Meets The ladies of the Caven Con- gretional Circle held their Octo­ ber meeting at the home of Mrs. Cochrane with president, Mrs. Rose Russell in charge. The meeting opened with the singing of hymn “Follow .Me The Master Said”. Devotional exercises were taken by Mrs. Hatter, who read a Thanksgiving message from the Everyday book and a passage from St. John, chapter 14, verses 1-16. Roll call was answered with “What We Are Most, Thankful For”* The minutes of the pre­ vious meeting were read and ap­ proved and business discussed. The program consisted of a very successful Auction Sale. Mrs. W. Sillery moved a vote of thanks to the hostess and lunch commit­ tee, The meeting closed with the hymn “Jesus I Am Resting Rest­ ing”. The Lord’s Prayer was re­ peated in unison. The next meet­ ing will be an evening meeting at the home of Mrs. Daing. With great pleasure We announce lb the people of Exeter and district the opening of our new store opposite Station street bn Saturday. We intend tu Carty a cbm- plete line of groceries and cured meats, and staple lines of hardware and drv goods. We invite ybu to come in, look around and participate in out Opening specials DRY GOODS Carnation Robin Hood •Bee Hive or Crown Choice Milk Oats Corn Syrup Pears 2 27c qj- 5-lb. w w V bag ~ 5-lb. □ / C Un n 2°'oz- 07^ A tins A f w HARDWAREMEATS We Deliver Huron Librarian Speaks At Kirkton Mrs. Eckmier, Huron County librarian, was guest speaker at the Kirkton Women’s Institute, September meeting, held at the home of Mrs. c. A. Campbell. Mrs. Eckmeir explained how lib­ raries were started, and stated that both public arid high Schools benefited by the county library. She also had a display of good books and commented on each one. Mrs. W. Batten had charge of the devotional. Plans were made for the fall conference “Develop­ ing Community Enterprise,” with Mrs. Hayes as speaker, and the St. Marys branch, guests, Mem­ bers were also reminded of the short course “Furnishing of the living room.” Readings were given by Mrs. H, G. Ratcliffe, also a solo by Mrs. G, Hall, Pauline Baton, of the Girl’s Club, gave an account of her bus trip with the Junior Farmers and Girls’ Clubs to i Kapuskaslng, Timmins, New Lis-1 heard, North Bay and. Pembroke, I traveling 1,887 miles with a party of thirty-seven. HOGS WEIGHING 75 to 124 lbs. 125 to 174 lbs. 175 to 224 lbs. 1 1 I I I I I I 8 I bn ran na bm| WILLIAM STONE SONS LIMITED A balanced Notional Hog Concentrate Speeds hogs to market and saves feed dully. INGERSOLL ONTARIO i Insist on NATIONAL pJ-upferly-biehded fertilizer TURKEYS ft/FEED MIX HOGS anil CATTH . V * . ‘ ,, ___j, ..... ,i.-, I ,.......-".r..