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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-10-13, Page 12
Page 12 THE TiMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 13» 1949 Junior Farmers Wednesday, Oct. 19 8:30 p.m. EXETER ARENA All Boys awl Girls Please Bring Lunch Thames Road Anniversary Mrs. (larry Lyon is spending a few weeks with her daughter, A. Kerslake. and Mrs. R. M. Long, and Linda. Royal Oak, visited with Mrs. Long's Mr. and .Mrs. A. E. Mrs. . Mr. Barry Mich., parents, Wuerth for Thanksgiving and at tended the Wuerth-Henderson wedding in London, Saturday. Hon. James G. Gardiner was a Thanksgiving visitox* at Thames Road. Mr. and Mrs. Donald ’Hill, of Windsor, spent Thanksgiving week-end with the later’s mother, Mrs. Milo Snell. Sunday^ October 23 11:15 a.m.—Morning Service. Rev. Wilfred J. Woolfred, On tario Street Church, Clinton. 7:30 p.m.—Rev. J. V. Dahms, Crediton Evangelical Church. A Cordial Invitation to AU m of n Announcements Birth, Death and Marriage Notices are inserted free of charge. Card of Thanhs 50c. In Memoriam Notice 50c for single verse. 25c extra for each additional verse, En gagements 50c. •» SPECIAL MUSIC THEATRE Previews its Coming Attractions Minor Dobbs Word has been received Exeter of the sudden death Mr. Minor Dobbs, Of Glencairn, Ontario, formerly of ^Biddulph T 0 v ush i p. Mr. Dobbs passed away Wednesday evening from a heart attack. He was in his sixty eighth year. Two daughters, Mrs. Cliff Bi'oek and Mrs. Ivan Brock, of ElimviUe, visited with their parents for Thanksgiving and Mr. Dobbs was then in his usual health. Surviving besides his be reaved widow, whose maiden name was Eunice Doupe, are ten children. Four of his sons were in the Airforce in the last Great ■War. He is also survived by three brothers and four sisters, George in the West; Fred, of Exeter; Albert, of Stratford; Mrs. New ton Clarke, Mrs, Wesley Atkin son, Mrs. Lorn© Scholdiee and Mrs. Charles Fisher, all of this vicinity. Arrangements for the funeral have not beexp completed at time of writing. BIRTHS COWARD—At Mrs. Hunter’s nursing home oh Friday, Oc tober 7, ip49, to Mr. and Mrs. William Coward, Thames Road, a daughter. JESNEY—At Mrs. nursing home on tofaer 11, 1949, Mrs. John Jesney lia, a son, Leslie Joseph’s Hospital, Sunday, October and Mrs. James Betty Sims) of son weighing 8% .Harold Rowe, of Usborne, has been huite ill for the past week in St. Joseph's Hospital in Lon don. His many friends hope foi* a speedy recovery. ‘ Monday being Thanksgiving and a public, holiday, the Times- Advocate is one day late this week. ■Mrs. Gordon J lyn visited for Mr. and Mrs. 2 of Stratford. Mrs. Millard 1 ton, Kentucky, couple of days with Mr. and Mrs, Alt ' HWWH■ own topics Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Cochrane spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Cochrane’s relatives at Simcoe. Coates. THURS., ERL, SAT. October 13 -14 -15 ATTENTION' The WANT ADS are bringing in more satis fied customers every day. Farrow and «Caro- a few days with Freeman Farrow, Owens of Coveng- , visited fox' a Item? of Social and Personal Interest in and Around Exeter The Times-Advocate is always pleased to publish these items. We and our readers are interested in you and your friends* Phone 31w NOTICE Hunter’s Tuesday, Oc to Mr. and , of Centra- Jolm. 1 BLANSHARD LAYE-—In St. London, on 9, to Mr. Laye (nee Parkhill, a pounds. DEATHS ‘Rim of the Canyon’ W Gene Autry & Champion W Nan Leslie Gene Autry blasts ghost town badmen. COMING EVENTS HOFFMAN—Suddenly, in Galt General Hospital, on Sunday, October 9, 1949, Clara Faust, beloved wife of the late Wil liam Hoffman of Zurich. MARK—111 Parkhill, Ont,, on Tuesday, Oct. 4, 1949, John Henry, beloved husband of the late Mary Jane McCubbin, in his ment was In tery. WEBB—At the granddaughter, Becker, in Stephen Township, on Wednesday, Oct. 5, Richard Webb, in his first year, interment Grand Bend Cemetery day afternoon. MARRIAGES eighty-sixth year. Parkhill Inter- Ceme- of hishome Mrs. Arnold 1949, ninety- was in on Fri- MON., TUES., WED. October 17 -18 -19 - £of Home’ ★ Lassie 4r Edmund Gwenn ★ Janet Leigh Metro-Goldwyn-Meyer brings to the screen anotlier*great drama as wonderful as the Green Years ONE DAY ONLY October 20 ‘Hamlet’ Lawrence Olivier MATINEE AT 1:30 P.M. ONE EVENING SHOW AT 8:30 P.M. - Special Prices - Matinee: ADULTS 75c STUDENTS Night: ALL SEATS $1.00 50c MATINEE Every Saturday and Holiday At 2:30 P.M. A' BAZAAR — To be held by the Order of the Eastern Star, Saturday, Canadian Legion rooms. Home baking, fancy work and aprons. Tea served 3 to 6, 6:13c on October 15, in the •At the United . Church, Saturday, Octobei’ Rev. G. W. Goth, Elizabeth, daugh- and Mrs. R. J. PROGRESSIVE EUCHRE — The T.M.C. Club will hold a pro gressive euchre in the Parish Hall on Monday evening, Octo ber 17, at 8:15 p.m. Prizes and lunch. Admission 35 cents, c KIRKTON — Tuesday, October 18, a’t Kirktou Hall, the Kirkton Community Association annual meeting, 8:30 p.m. c CARD PARTY — Women’s League Bridge and Euchre Station Library at Station on Wednesday, 26. The public is cordially invit ed to attend. c The Catholic will hold a WUERTH - HENDERSON- Metropolitan London, on 8, 1949, by Miss Hilda ter of Mr. Henderson*, St- Marys, to Reg inald Alfred Wuerth, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E.’ Wuerth of Exeter. ROWE - ELLIOTT—A t C a v e n Presbyterian Church on Satur day, October 8, 19 49, Mary Geneva, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott _of Exeter, to Elmer John, young est ter by son of Mr. and Mrs. Ches- Rowe of Hay Township, Rev. Donald Sinclair, V> XI* RU1U CV J Party in the the R.C.A.F. Octobei* ENGAGEMENTS Mr. DANCE — Keep Friday, Novem ber 4 open for the first big dance of the season sponsored by the Exeter Girls’ Softball Team. BAZAAR — W.A. of Main St. Church will hold a Bazaar and Tea on Saturday, November 5, at 3 p.m. in the Legion Rooms. BAZAAR — The Ladies’ Guild of Trivitt Church will hold a Bazaar and Tea on Saturday, November 26, at 3 p.m., in the Parish Hall. TRACTOR RODEO — Watch for the announecment of the Tractor Rodeo and Driving Com petition by the Junior Farmers, c Change of Date for Paper Drive ♦ To Be Held in Exeter % and Mrs. Wilsbn Morley announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Ola Mae, to John Creasy, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. John Creasey, London, the marriage to take place the lattei’ part of October. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith an nounce the engagement of their second daughter, Yvonne Tone (Bonnie), to Jack Coughlin of Lucan, the marriage to place Saturday, October 15. CARDS OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hod gins, Lois and Lorene, of Glen dale, Mr. and Mrs, Gladwyn Langford, Shirley and Edwin, of Kirkton, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Langford. Sunday visitors in the com munity are as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Langford and family ' of Lucan with. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Langford. Mrs. T. Waugh of London with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thacker. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Hern, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hern and Larry, Zion. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parkinson of Baseline, with Mr. Harvey -Parkinson. Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Baker, David and Paul, of Zion, with Mr. and Mrs. Will Thomson, Mr. and Mrs. John Hazelwood of Whalen, Mr. and Mrs, Alex Dobson of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hodgins, Jimmy and Joan, of Granton, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Langford and John, of Centralia, with Mr, and Mrs. Fred Pattison. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Joiies and Carl, Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Jones and Ross, of Glendale, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Paynter and Ray mond, of Kirkton, Knowles and Mr. St. Marys, with Fred Thomson, Mr. and Mrs. Toronto, ,Mr. and * Mrs. Mitchell Leibler of Urquhart of Kirkton, and Mrs. M. E. Hooper. Mrs. Leonard Thacker, Eliza beth and Linda, spent last Wed nesday with Mrs. Morgan of Clinton. Mr. Leonard Th acker, Mr. Kenneth and Harry Parkinson attended Teeswatei' Fair week. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan family, Mr, H. Cornish of ton spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thacker. Mr. and Mrs, Alex Dobson of Toronto spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pattison. Mrs. James Mossey and Kath leen, and Mr. Cecil Mossey were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Martin of St. Marys. Mr. and Mrs, E. Hooper were Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. Lubler of Mitchell. Mr. Alonza B. Johnson of Mr. and Mrs. Will Yule of Mitchell, Mrs. E. with Mr. last and Clin- take* Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Becker and family wish to express their appreciation and thanks to all the relative, friends and neigh bours for floral tributes and kindness shown in the. passing of their, grandfather, Mr. Rich ard Webb. Special thanks to Rev. Woods and Mr. and Mrs. T. Harry Hoffman and to the Grand Bend choir. * Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Schenk of Creditem wish to thank their many friends and neighbours who so kindly remembered them in any way following their re cent accident, cards, flowers visits to Mrs. patient la St. Joseph’s Hospital and since returning home. * IN MEMORIAM and for treats, and the many Schenk while a Due to circumstances beyond control of the Scouts and Cubs, the paper drive date has been changed to Tuesday, 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. — ADMISSION 500 Please have all papers tied Securely and outside by 8:00 a.m. Saturday morning. For information call 347W, 376 or 41W Benefit Old Time EXETER ARENA Earl Heywood and his CKNX Barn Dante Gang This choice is being sponsored by the Exeter Baseball Club. All proceeds are to help Harry Holtzmann defray expenses of leg injury. t BOYES—In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather, -Thomas William Boyes, who passed away five years ago, October 17, 1944. He has gone across the river To the shores of ever green, And we long to see his dear face— But the river flows between. Some day, some time, our eyes shall see The face we loved so well; ; ome day we’ll clasp his loving hand And never say farewell. We do not know why oft ’round us, Our hopes all shattered seem to be; God’s perfect plan see, But some day stand. Sadly missed gotten by his and family. MAIER—In loving memory of our dear son and brother, L.Cpl. Harold L. Maier, killed in action in Italy on October 1'2, 1944, Gone is the face we loved so dear/ Silent Is the voice we loved to hear; Too far away for sight or speech But not too far for thought to reach, Sweet to remeber him who once was here, And who, though absent, is just as dear. —Always remembered by mom and dad, sisters and brothers. 13* we cannot We Will under- never £or-and Wife, daughter 13* Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Davis ■and two children, Leu and Shir ley, were at Guelph Friday eve ning attending the marriage of their eldest son, Dr. Donald G. Davis, V.S., of Uxbridge, to Miss Irene Frances Mortimer, daugh ter of Mr, and Mrs. John Morti mer, of Flora. Mr. Davis are spending their moon at Cedax* Grove Muskoka district. Mi', and Mrs. John A. of Toronto, spent tlie week-end with Mr. and Mrs, K.' Hockey, Mr. H, S. Walter returned home Monday after being ill fox’ several weeks with pneumonia in Victoria Hospital, London, Mr, E, R. Hoppei’ is in Ottawa attending the annual convention of the Ontario Funeral Directors, Miss Annie Handford spent the past week with liei' sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Jack Jennings, in London. Ruth Allan, of Munro, former ly of the Thames Road, under went an operation foi' appendici tis in the ^Stratford General Hos pital and is progressing favour ably. She expects to return home sometime this week. t Visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Davis over Thanksgiving were Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Davis and Allen, of London; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Davis, Shirley and Leonard, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Miller, of Chatham, Gordon May, of Toronto, spent Thanksgiving with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William May. MiSs Evelyn Howard, of Toron to, spent Thanksgiving holidays in Exeter, the guest of Miss Anna Fish, and called on friends. On Saturday she attended a reunion of hei' class at' Western Univers ity. and Mrs, honey in the Kemp Mr. and Mrs. S. J, Fortner, of St, Thomas, were callers at the home of Rev, James and Mrs, Anthony last week. Mi\ and Mrs, Gordon Davis, Len and .Shirley, visited in Exe ter and Hensail for Thanksgiv ing, Mr, J, G, Cochrane has return ed home .aftei’ receiving treat ment at Westminist'er Hospital foi’ about four weeksi,- Miss Isabell Anthony and Miss Gladys Ecklyn, of Hamimlton, and Miss Helen Anthony, of To ronto, spent Thanksgiving with Rev. James and Mrs. Anthony. Donald Kirk, of Kingston; Mr, and Mrs. Keith Henderson and Gordon I£irk, Ross Cowan, Thanksgiving parents, Ml’, Kirk. Mr. and Mrs, meyer of Cavalier with Mr, and Mrs. Dr. and Mrs. H. .Hostetler, of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Allan Fraser ■ sp'ent the holiday week end in Detroit. Mr, and Mrs. J. R. C. Moffat and daughter Mitzie, of Toronto,' were Thanksgiving visitors with Mr. and Mi's. William May. I Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. (John Prance on Sunday "were Mr. and Mrs. Major Baker, Of Ship- ka; Mr. and Mrs. John Prance, of St. Tlionxas; Mr. and Mrs. J. Burtwistle, of Talbotville, and Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Pym and family of Thedford.Mr. ‘ _ ----- David Dunn, of Toronto, were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dunn. The Exeter Ladies' Bowling Club intend holding a marathon bridge during the winter months. AU ladies who ate interested please leave your names with the president, Mrs. S, B, Taylor, oi’ the secretary, Mrs, L. S, . Howey. I Reception FOR MR. AND MRS. WILFRED HUNKIN I IN MEMORIAM MAIER—-In loving memory of a "clear friend, L.Cpl. Harold Louis Maier, who paid the supreme sacrifice in Italy five years ag<f, Octobei* 12. To a wonderful life came a sudden end, 1 He died as he lived—everyone's friend; Always thoughtful, kind, A beautiful memory hind. —Ever remembered missed by Doris. BOWER—In loving Wayne, our who passed ago, October 16. We long for patter of your little , feet; And the tap tap and call ‘Pappy’ at our door. Dear Wayne, we’ll hold those memories dear for evermore. —L o v i n g 1 y remembered >b y 1 grandma and grandpa. 13* BOWERS—In loving memory of Wayne, who passed away one year ago, October 16. A beautiful memory of a loved one so dear We cherish still with a love sincere, day that comes regret And one that we forget. We miss his love, ways, With him we spent Our days. memory we see him same, long as We live cherish his name, For we loved him so dearly to ever forget. —L o v i n g 1 y remembered and sadly missed by mother, fa ther, and Joyed. 13* SMITH—in loving memory of my dear mother, Priscilla Smith, who passed away two,, years ago, October 12, 1941?, often sit and think of her When I am all alone, Her memory is the only thing That I can call my own. Like ivy on the withered oak, When other things decay, My love for her will still keep green And never fade away. One by one earth’s ties are broken, One by one they’re linked above; * Some day there will be a sweet reunion I Once again with those I love J —Lovingly remembered by het I only daughter, Mrs. Albert Fletcher. 13* A Ill As jl loving and of London, and of Fingall, spent with and the former’s Mrs.Louis Alvin N.D., Allen /Reste- visited Fraser. and Mrs. Jack Paisley, and’ Jeane and Elmer Friday, Oct. 14 FARQUHAR HALL Music By THE SHAMROCKS Everybody Welcome Presentation and Dance FOR MR. AND MRS. ALWYN KERSLAKE EXETER OPERA HOUSE Friday, Oct. 21 ADMISSION 50c DASHWOOD Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Weido and daughter, Shirley Louise, of Tor onto, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Schlunt over the week-end. I ----------- Frank Hagan Frank Hagan, the best known Township, died Joseph’s Hospital, London, He was unmarried ^hd is survived by three brothers, Dr. John and Dr. Laurie Hagan, of Chicago; Jhmes, of Seaforth; and three sisters, Mother Angela, St. Reita, Rockford, Alberta; and Mary and Dolly, at home. The remains rested at the family residence, Concession 6, Hay Township, and requiem high mass was sung Wednesday in St. Boniface Church, Zurich. In terment was made in the adjoin ing cemetery. sixty-six, one of farmers of Hay Sunday in St. f r- J he left be-' and sadly ♦ memory of dear grandson, away one year With sad will never his -cheery happiest just the we will --- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exeter Roller Skating Rink (Two Blocks West, Of Soufhcott Bros. Store) Skating Wed,, Fri. and Sat. General Admission: Adults 350, Children 250 SKATES SUPPLIED REFRESHMENT BOOTH Hot Dogs, Soft Drinks, Cigarettes, Ice Cream, Candy, French Fries J Caven Presbyterian Church ANNIVERSARY Lulu Morlock's Letter —Continued from Page One along the Marine Drive took us to the southernmost portion of the Cape Peninsula through a Nature Reserve where the pre servation of wild flowers is be ing encouraged. Here one sees many species of “Protea,” South Africa’s national flower. The scenic highway follows the coast for thirty miles with breath-tak ing hairpin turns and often with a sheer drop of fifty feet or more to the ocean below. From the bare rocky promontory at Cape Point one may see both oceans simultaneously — The Indian Ocean and The Atlantic. (To be continued next week) GRAND BEND TO YOU, ITS PATRONS, PRESENTS FRIDAY, SATURDAY October 14*15 George Montgomery Bod Cameron * Ruth Boman S’ IM A1 A * ★ * ‘Belle Starr’s Daughter’ thundering epic of America’s toughest eta , * * March of Time Short, “FARMING PAYS OFF” and Cartoon, “HARD-BOILED EGG” MONDAY, TUESDAY October 17 * 18 Alan Lmld Betty Field Macdonald Carey Ruth Hussey ‘The Great Gatsby’ * ★ A fabulous fellow who had everything he Wanted . . « but the love of one woman. PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL and Cartoon, “Lumber jack And jill” j Sunday, October 16 At 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. GUEST SPEAKER Rev. George Lamont Soloist: Mrs. George Lamont Special Music by the Choir at Both Services J A 1949 South Huron Plowing Matchb Friday, October 21 Edgar Rodd & Son - Usborne Twp. 14 Mile East- of Zion, 1(4 Miles South of Woodham and West Over $625.00 Offered ih Prizes Percy Passmore, president Earl Shapton, Sec.-Treas. Asa Penhale, Vice-Pres. ■W -W Exeter Opera House ONE NITE ONLY Saturday, October 15 PAUL CROSS AND HIS ORCH. (From Stratford) (Frank Traher and Otch. playing at Officers* Mess, Wolseley Barrack#) 9t00* 12:09 , # « Admission 750/* Every Wednesday Night % Exeter Opera House Old Tyfne Dance MELODY MAKERS (From Springbank Pavilion) 9:30-12:30 Admission .750 Mm