HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-10-13, Page 10Page 10 THE: TIMES.ADVQCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 13, 1949
A woman who fasted for 62 days.
To prove that the stunt could he
From hundreds of. .Scotsmen had
letters of praise,
And proposals from seventy-one.
Taxi Service
Phone: Crediton 18r.ll
Exeter 357
take any effort at all.
You Just relax in comfort
and let your Gar Wood heating
unit do the Job for you. Fuel
savings of up to 40% have
been reported and Gar Wood
owners everywhere are unani
mous in their praise for the
ease, the convenience, the
smoother, better heating of
these modern, efficient units.
Completely automatic thermo
stat control ensures a healthy,
even heat regardless of changes
in the weather.
Designed for clean, silent opera-
Hon, the Gar Wood line includes
oil-fired Tempered-Aire and
gctJer-Burner Units. Manufactured""
by Engineering Industries Co.
Limited, Toronto.
Sold and Serviced by
Get the: Highest Prices for your Poultry
Heavier, balanced crankshafts give extra
work reserve*.
Riverside Poultry Co.
Phone Collect 17r9 Kintore* or 80r2 Hensail
» *
Blacklee and j, MUler. They ex-
pldined the system by which the
improvements would he paid.
Mr. Nathan Doupe, a former
teacher of the school, gave. a
short talk complimenting the
section on the improvements
made and reminiscing in his own
inimitable way, Xmnch was served
by the committee in charge. The
school was decorated with cut
f 1 o w e and autumn maple
leaves. Also children’s work was
on display. In all it was a very
enjoyable evening well spent.
Thanksgiving guests with Mr.
and Mrs. (George Allen were Mr.
and Mrs. William Moodey from
Thames Road and Mr. and Mrs.
J. C- Gardiner of Ottawa.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ridley and
Mr* and Mrs. Howard Desjardins
of B-line motored to North Bay
and other points over the week
Mr. and Mrs, Newton Hayter.
Linda and Barbara, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred McLinchey and Mrs, Maria
Hayter attended the wedding in
Dashwood on Saturday, of Miss
Dorothy Hayter*
Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Hardy
and son Tommy, of Lucan, Mr.
and Mrs Ross Love, of Shiplca,
and Mr, Mansell Hodgins and
sister went to Petrolia on Sun
Stephen Council
The Pouncil of the Township
of stophen met in the Council
Rooms on October 4, 1949, with
nil members being present.
The minutes of previous meet
ings were rend and adopted on
motion of MacGregor and ;SwarU.
On motion of Beaver and Mor
rissey, -Mr. Elmer Bell was -in
structed to draw up plan of Eva
Street and Pearl Street roadway
L.R.W. Com and apply to the
County Judge to close the said
roads and have same transferred
to private ownership.
On motion of Lawson and
Beaver the Liability Insurance
Contract of the British-American
Assurance Co., was accepted for
one year.
The following committee was
appointed to represent the Town
ship of Stephen on the Exeter
Hospital Committee: Chairman,
Elmre Lawson, Fred Walker, H.
K. Eilber, James Daltop, Addison
Tieman, and Ray Lammie.
On motion of Morrissey
MacGregor the following
Accounts were
R. J.
30; Mrs. J
Joi* Library,
shelter Mrs.
Des jar dines
Powe, part salary,, $100.00; L.
England, unemployment stamps,
$4.20; Municipal World, supplies,
$.3.71; F. W. Morlock, part sal
ary, $187.50; H. Hodgson, Lia
bility Ins., two months, $ 29.00*;
H.E.P.C., lights in hall, $4.05;
Mrs. Thos. Kenney, care of Mil
ton Kenney, $9.0’0. Total, $619.-
On motion of Beaver and Mor
rissey the following Road Ac
counts were authorized for pay
Lawrence Hill, Supt. $150.08;
Carmen Roeszler, operator and
labor, $152.18; Clifford Kenney,
operator and labor, 158.4S; El
don Smith, operator, $55.37; J.
Martens, labor spraying
$2.00; Henry Fahner,
spraying weeds, $2.50;
Martene, labor, spraying
$30.00; Lawrence Hill,
portation, $25,20-; F. W
table, repairs, $63,90; Imperial
Oil Co., fuel oil, $56.95; Depart
ment of Highways, tax, $37.07.
Scotts Elevator, tile, $14.90;
Dominion Road Machinery, re
pairs, $12,50; J. D. Adams Ltd,.,
repairs, $179.10; Nola Faist,
part salary, $2S.OO; Lloyd Eng
land, unemployment s t a m p s,
$10.92; A. W. Morlock, welding,
$27.75; H.E.P.C. lights in Grader
Shed, $4.0'5; Larry Snider, Trac
tor repairs, $14.96; L. ,P. Boul-
lianne, posts, $7.20; Aaron Wein,
hauling tile, $11.00., Total
Grand Rend Police Village
Merven Ravelle, labor, $1.00;
William Gill, labor, $5.00. Total,
authorized for
Co., Assessors
F. IV. Morlock,
voters list 1948, $184.-
M. . Tieman, grant
$10.00; Bert Holt,
Carruthers, $.7.00;
Store, relief, Mrs.
$10*00; Herman
Womens editor . , * fashion ex
pert . . . world traveller . .
cooking expert . . . grandmother
. . ... authority on family rela
tions, Who else but
Don’t Just Guess
..................................... " >
Join Her Each
at 10 o’clock
Mr. and Mrs, William Rhode
visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. William Thompson at Wood-,
Miss Arlene Knight of Kitch
ener visited on Sunday with
Miss Irene Beavers.
Several from this community
attended the Teeswater Fair on
Wednesday last.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Hall and fam
ily of Wellburn visited with Mr.
and Mrs. William Elford on Sun
day lust.
Mr. and Mrs. E, J. Roberts of
Camlachie visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Aimer Pass-
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Passmore
and Alice visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs, Albert Scott, of
Mr* and Mrs. Lome Passmore
visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs, Edgar Rodd at Woodbajn,
Mr. and Mrs. H. Rhode spent
Sunday with Mrs, George Mon
Hon. James and -Mrs. Gardiner
of Ottawa visited over the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. George
Allan and attended the church
service at Thames Road on. Sun
day morning.
Thanksgiving services
well attended on Sunday
iug.Mrs. Wilfred Hunkin,
Jean Cann and Mrs. Wm.
attended the Teachers'
tion in London on Thursday of
last week.
Several of the ladies from this
community attended the South
Huron Presbyterial of the W.M.S.
in Elimville Church on Tuesday
of this week.
Lome Passmore is spending
this week at the Provincial
Plowing Match at Burford, Ont.
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Charlie Allison were Mr.
and Mrs. Bruce McCall and fam
ily of Bennington, and Mr. Roy
Ross, of Bennington.
Mr. and Mrs, G. Tenant, of
Toronto, visited over the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley
Misses Frances Lostelle, Marg
aret .......... .. ....... ■___
London spent the week-end
their homes here.
W.A. And W.M.S. Hold
Regular Monthly Meeting
The regular monthly meeting
of the W.M.S. and W.A. was
held at the Manse on Wednesday
| evening of last week with a good
i attendance. Mrs. Melvin Gardiner
: presided, over the meeting which
‘ opened with quiet music, follow-
* ed by a hymn. The scripture
* lesson was read by Mrs. Orval
Cann. The "Bible Thought" on
■■ "Thanksgiving" was read by
i Mrs. William Rhode. Hymn 577
■ was sung after which Mrs. Chas.
‘Allison gave a reading on
. "Thanksgiving”. The minutes of
'.the last meeting were read. Roll
* call was taken and business was
? discussed. It was decided to hold
s a Bazaar and a Baking Sale |
sometime scon, date to be setj
■; oy committee appointed. Mrs.
J Elford took charge of the W.M.S.
:i business. Mrs. Ed. Hocking of
; Roys was guest speaker and gave
t a report of the Summer School
; at Alma College, St. Thomas.
; Mrs. Bray was in charge of the
? program which consisted of a
! reading by Mrs. Robert Miller
! and Mrs. Stanley Coward. The
? collection was taken and the
< meeting closed with a hymn,
after which Rev. Mair closed the
« meeting with prayer. A delicious
" ten-eent tea was served by
Group Two of the W.A. and a
.social time spent over the tea
5 cups.
3 Sunday services will be at the
»usual hour on Sunday morning,
ij Sunday School at lu:15 a.m.
si and church at 11:15 a.m. Mission
'i Band will meet during church
“ service hour on Sunday morning.
? The Annual Church Annivers-
■'( ary Services will be held on Sun-
iday. October 23. Rev. Woolfrey,,
1 of C” ’ will be guest speaker i
'..for *ntog service and Rev
Dab Creditsa for the eve*
Cauu and Elsie Bray, -of
, trans-
•F. W. Morlock, Clerk.
and family.
Mr. and
James Gemmell of
of the
( Inn* Sedan. Very clean.
Ford Sedan, new motor.
Ford Coach, ta-oiiomical transportation
Phone 64W
19 17
Ford. .>25 tin?-. »ml
Ford Three-Toll.1940
reduced $10.00 a day v
• $?!>».
s25 tires — $390. (To be
until sold.)
John Det-re 51. v/orlw-ci less than 100 hours,
plete with lights* - tires* loader and plough,
price £1.(130. Our price* only $1,390.
Ford, stepup transmission, only $895.
Allis Chalmers, with bean puller, only $190.
used International Corn Picker* picked less
300 acres, only $390,
are holidaying with their
Fred, at Windsor.
Mr. and "Mrs. John Wiseman
and little son, of Hamilton,
spent the holiday week-end with
Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Wiseman,
Thanksgiving guests with Mrs.
Truman Tufts were Mrs. L.
Funnell and children, of Wood-
stock. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Tufts
and daughter, Anne, of London.
Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Gunning
of Granton, Mr. and Mrs. G. M.
Ferguson and children of Tor
onto. visited with friends in the
village this week.
Mr. ,and Mrs, Fred Lankin of
St. t Marys, Mr* and Mrs, Ernie
Thompson of Hamilton visited
I with I. N. Marshall Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Humph
reys and daughter, Helen, Mrs.
Allen Berrys and Mr. Tliomas
Brock were Sunday guests with
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brock at
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Giles J
and daughter, Marjorie, of Tor
onto, were holiday guests with
Mr. and Mrs. A. Coats.
Entertain Teachers
The members of the Kirkton
Public Library Board held their
regular meeting Wednesday eve
ning at the library rooms and
also entertained the public
school teachers of the surround
ing district. The teachers pres
ent were Mrs. Ridley, Plugtown;
Miss D. Copelaixd* Metropolitan;
Miss Mills, Woodham; Mr* R.
Heard, Kirkton. After a survey
of the library books, the guests
were entertained by the libarian,
Mrs. Russell Morrison, and
dainty refreshments were pro
vided by the members of the
board. All report a very enjoy
able evening.
Miss Velma Doupe of London
spent the holiday week-end with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N, B.
Open Night At School
Some 165 people attended open
night at the Kirkton Public
School Friday night, October 7.
The purpose of the occasion was
to afford those of tile sections
to view the renovating made in
the school of a new basement,
heating system, lavoratories and
hardwoodf loots, Mr. Heard act
ed as chairman. “O Canada’* was
sung and a varied program was
given by the pupils, followed by
adult numbers. Greetings and |
speeches were given by the I
'trustees, Messrs. C. Switzer, M.
When the truck must fit a wide variety
of jobs and loads, many Canadian
owpets bank ont the Ford F-68
Express, With hs big, 62 cu. ft. body
d l‘ton capacity.
i•* No wonder Canadians use more
? Ford F-47 Pickup Trucks. With
generous 45 cu. ft. load capacity
(to top of box), they combine
rock-bottom costs for gas, oil,
The beauty of the F-47 Ford Panel
Truck is not merely in standout
Styling... but its sealed tight con
struction, and the fact it's built
stronger to last longer.
Canada’s top "buy" is the-famous
Fotd F-135 2-ton chassis .»* when it
comes to loading flexibility* Choice
of 134,15 8 and 176 i rich wheelbases—
adaptable to practically all body styles.
If your job strains the Ordinary
truck, make this vour buying
guide: More Canadians use the
Ford F-155 3*tonner than any
other make of heavy-duty truck!
used in Canada than
any other make
Full Floating Rear Axles for longer life.
Give a wider range of use in all models.
For "Living Room Comfort"
action cab suspension.
Heavy*dofy roll action steering linkage—
"Feather Foot" Hydraulic Brakes—Gyro
Grip Clutch for low pedal pressure.
*6ONUSi 0SohtetWhg given fn aJdrflort^^dt.
ot strictly due." . _'
Webster's Dfeti’on'ory