HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-10-13, Page 3THE TIME3-APVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 13, 1B49 V Teachw: “Who can tell me what agriculture is?” Thomas: “Well, it’s lust about the same as. farming, only in farming you really do it.” NOTICE WHITEWASHING Arrangements Can Pe Made Bill Watson Dashwood Phone 35rl9 RUB IT WITH •w* Prevention week Fire is A wonderful can SH1PKA Mr. Earl Pickering has confined to his home the two weeks with a heart condi­ tion. ‘ • * ' Quite a number of oui" W.A, ladies were at Brinsley United Church on Wednesday afternoon last where they were enter­ tained by the WARS, of that place, The speaker1 was Mrs. Mc­ Lean of Lucan, At the service on Sunday last the rites of infant baptism v^re given to Rohald Wray and Bar­ bara Elizabeth, children of Mr, and Mrs. Wray Sweitzer,and to Thomas Edgar, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Russell, Rev, Mr. Weir, of Centralia, will occupy the pulpit in the United Church on Sunday, Octo- ber 16, at 10:12 ’ a.m, Sunday School will follow, Mi*, and Mrs. Norman McCal­ lum of London spent the week­ end with Mr, and Mrs, Matt Swpitzer. Miss Ruth Ratz of Oakville spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ratz. A pleasant evening was held at the home of r, and Mrs. Stan­ ley Thompson, of Mount Carmel, Saturday, October 8. Those pres­ ent were: Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Adams and family, of Shipka; Mrs. McLellan, Toronto; Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Adams and family; Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Adams, of London. been past isiNMF!PAliS LAROB rCOHOMtCAL •i« 65c MADE WO” The number of eggs a weil-cared-for hen will her inherited ability) DEPENDS > Just heat and rub in MINARD'S, and note the qalek rallef yon gat. GraaMlesa, fest-drying, no strong <x unpleasant odor. Get a bottle today; keep 13-46 «*“<»• *y$uth For Christ Meet In Clinton “Youth for Christ” enjoyed a well attended meeting Saturday night, Octobex' 8, in Clinton. Much interest in the work Of this organization for the youth was evidenced from the tact that many people came from dis­ tances of oyer forty or fifty miles. At least twelve ministers of various denominations were present and contributed to the spirituality of the service. Mrs, William Purdy of over sang very sweetly very appropriate numbers. The speaker was Rev. Washington, of Toledo, coloured evangelist, who ably and focibly from the text in Mark 10:17, “Good Master, what shall I do that I may in­ herit eternal life,” He stressed that the rich young ruler had kept all the Commandments from his youth up, but one thing still lacked: He must open heart and receive Christ as Saviour. Han- three C. N. Ohio, spoke lie his his CREDITON A recent meeting of the 'Credi­ ton Women’s Institute was pre­ sided over by vice-president Mrs. L. England. Twenty-two mem­ bers and five visitors were pres­ ent and three new members were welcomed. Mr. M. Beaver and Mrs. W. Gaiser were ap­ pointed delegates to the coming convention. Mrs. Morgan presid­ ed for the program—consisting of an address by Rev. Currie on ‘‘Community Activities”, a solo by Mrs. R. Johnston and a read­ ing by Mrs. Heddy. Mrs. Hunter of the Huron-Perth Girl Guides spoke Guides. ''Mrs. demonstration on flower rangenient and Mrs. E. Lawson reported that Mrs. F. M'orlock had been appointed Institute re­ presentative to the Film Board. Elaborate' refreshments were served by Mrs. S. King, Mrs., R. Johnston, Mrs. W. Ratz, Mrs. Keddy and Mrs. Morgan. Appre­ ciation was expressed by Mrs. Irvine Finkbeiner and Mrs. Gila- nois. Wednesday, will be ‘‘family night” Women’s on the work of Girl W. Mack gave a ar- October in Institute, when husbands and families of entertained. Goderich, the will be the will he Eckmire of 19, the the the I V1L''w. On continued good production, CENTRALIA Mr. and Mrs. R- Smith and Jimmy spent the week-end with relatives in stratfox’d and Mill­ bank.Mr, and Mrs. G. V- Pen warden and Harold visited ovex' the holi­ day with friends ixx Trenton. Mi', and Mrs. C. Brokenshire and Mr. and Mrs. H. Schroeder, q£ Detroit, were Sunday guests with the ladies parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Knight. Mr. and Mrs, W. Skinner and Arlene were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. Foster in St. Marys. * Mr. and Mrs, Truman Mills and children, of Sarnia, and Mrs. Rex Mills, of Burlington, were Friday visitors with Mrs. H. Mills, Mrs, Rex Mills remained over the week-epd and returned home with Mr, Mills and Marilyn who motored up fox' the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Hicks were guests at the Walden-Tay- loi' wedding in Lucknow on Sat­ urday and spent the week-end with Mr, and -Mrs. O. Pollock in Ripley, School children enjoyed a holi­ day on Thursday of last week when the teacher, Mrs. Hearne, attended the Regional Conference in London. L.A.C. and Mrs. W. Stewart visited ovei’ the holiday in Kitch­ ener. ■Miss Natalie Erskine, of Lon­ don visited over lianksgiving with Mr, and Mrs. L, Busselle. Mr, and Mrs. W- McRoberts, of Lucan were Monday evening visitors with Mrs, Clara Abbott, Mrs, G. F. Penwarden, Mrs. Elmer Wilson, Mrs. 0. Brown, Mrs. W. Skinnep, Mrs. M. Elliott and Mrs, Lome Hicks attended the W.M.S. Sectional Meeting at Elimville on Tuesday. There will be no church ser­ vice on Sunday morning on ac­ count of the anniversary services in the Whalen -Church. An eve­ ning service will be held at 7:30. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Robinson, newlyweds, have arrived home from their honeymoon trip. Mrs, Young has returned to her home in Cleveland after visiting with Mrs. H. Mills and relatives in Crediton. Mr. and Mrs. Er. O'Brien and daughter, of Arkona, were week­ end visitors with Mi', and Mrs, C. O'Brien. Mr. and 'Mrs. R. Snell, of Exe­ ter are spending a couple of weeks with the latter’s parents. Mrs. A. Robinson was asguest at her son’s wedding in London on Wednesday of last week. is a wonderful servant but a cruel master servant — for cooking and heating. But fire, when uncontrolled, create terrifying tragedies!- Do your part ip eliminating all fire hazards and, if a fire starts, phone the operator immediately. fIn Ten Short Years in Canada 500,454 Fires 3,441 Persons Dead 14,000 Persons Injured $394,000,000 Property Damage I Finkbeiner of Association and represent theThese men belong to the Ontario Insurance Agents* highest standards in General Insurance business. They are worthy of your patronage. H. K. Eilb er, Crediton W. C. Pearce, Exeter J. Haberer, Zurich L. B. Hodgson, Centralia P. L. McNaughton, Hensail G. W. Lawson, Exeter C. V. Pickard, Exeter Jas, Patterson, Hensail W. H. Hodgson, Exeter Clarke Fisher, R.R. 1 Exeter Jas. McAllister, R.R. 1 Zurich lay, (up to the limit of LARGELY on her FEED. Profits' are determined NOT on short term high production. So feed a well-balanced, freshly mixed feed made with National Feed Mix to give your egg machines the material needed to keep them vigorous and healthy— and to build eggs week after week. GET MORE MONEY FOR YOUR EGGS BY HOLDING THEM AT THE "A” QUALITY AT WHICH THEY ARE LAID - (1) (2) (3) Keep bests Grid litter clean. Allow one neat la five birds. Cool eggs rapidly to SO degrees and hold in clean, cool spot. (4) Cool eggs in open trays or wire bosket in 3 io 5 hours. (5) Eggs packed directly info case or solid pail fake 11 to 20 hours io codl “ Thus losing "A" quality. Sett your local NATIONAL Feed Dealer today, 9 WM. STONE SONS LIMITED INGERSOLL ONTARIO FEED MIX FOR POULTRY, TURKEYS, HOGS and CATTLE Insist an NATIONAL welbaired, properly-blended fertilizer* members Mrs. county librarian, guest speaker. Mrs. Howard Port Colborne spent the week­ end with Mr, and Mrs. D. Fink­ beiner. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Finkbeiner spent the week-end in Hamilton. Miss Maleeta Schenk visited with Mrs. Tate in Waterdown., Messrs. Calvin Fahrner and Robert Wolfe of Sarnia and Charles Brown of London spent the holiday at the homes of their parents. Mrs. M. Finkbeiner visited last week with Mrs. J. Wein. Miss Sibyl Hoskings of Ham­ ilton spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kerr. Mr. Ken Lillow of Toronto called oix friends in town on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Young spent the holiday in Kitchener. Mr. Herb Fahrner is spending two weeks Ixx Detroit. Misses Ella Morlock of Brant­ ford and Lula of Windsor visit­ ed over the week-end with their .parents, Mr. and lock. Misses Louieda, Susalx Finkbeiner days recently with William Parsons at Cromarty. Mrs. R. Bowman of Windsor and Miss Velma Guettinger of Chicago are spending, some time with their parents, Mr* and Mrs. E. Guettinger* Mr. and Mrs. J, Byers spent the week-end in St. Thomas. Mr. H* K. Either visited dur­ ing the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. Fritz in Zurich. Mil and Mrs. Earl Young of London spent Sunday with the latter’s in other, Mrs. Isaac. Mr. Royal Haist of Chicago is visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Haist. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. S. Hogarth visited ovex* the Mrs. A. M, Berry. Evangelical L.A. And W.SAV.S. The meeting of tho Ladies’ Aid and W.S.W.S. was held on Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Gordon Ratz with an attendance of thirty-thx’ee mem­ bers and seven visitors. Mrs. Ratz opened the meeting with song; scripture was read by Miss M. Schenk: prayer was offered by Miss N. Falst; a solo was sung by Miss Ella Link of Exe- ter; the chapter in the study book was given by Mrs. G. Ratz and a talk by Miss E. Link on the subject “Up”, which very much enjoyed, gram closed with song, meeting’was then taken over by the president for business. After the reading of minutes and of­ ferings taken, several items of business were discussed. It was decided to send a box of wool clothing to Europe parcels to be left at F, Brown’s store and F. Morloclc’s by October 22. A Rather & Son Banquet on Octo­ ber’ 28 will be catered to. Throe new members wei'e added to the roll. After the business, a lunch was served by the committee in charge* A vote of thanks was given the hostess and commit­ tees* Mrs. E. Salome spent a Mr. and D. Mac- Barefoot and of Toronto holiday with was The pro- The ♦ Sy V\ SO 1 PLYMOUTH QUALITY CHART All these features are STANDARD equipment on Plymouth 97 Ho r s e p o w e r Or Hi g h e r Au t o m a t i c El e c t r i c Ch o k e O) c u 2 c S. < J *s 4 Ri n g s | Pe r Pi s t o n Lo w - P r e s s u r e | Ti r e s (S t a n d a r d ) Fu l l - P r e s s u r e En g i n e Lu b r i c a t i o n iwQC0 -cS ot2 co 6 <u 5- o *7 O D> c ,S — <o 6 Ho t c h k i s s Dr i v e w- O wC 1.1 5 -JC u Low-priced PLYMOUTH YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Low-priced Car "A" YES NO NO YES NO YES YES NO YES NO Low-priced Car "B" NO NO NO NO YES NO NO NO NO NO I zj There’s ONLY one WAY to judge car value, and that is—* check and compare! The Quality Chart at the left shows only 10 of the many VALUE features that are STANDARD on Plymouth* Owners of Plymouth have enjoyed most of these features for years, yet only now are some of them being made available on cither car ”A’* or car '*B”. Plymouth likes to be compared But this is only part of the PLYMOUTH VALUE story! Your Chryslcr-Plymouth-Fargo dealer has a complete Quality Chart which compares all three low-priced cars with higher-priced cars* Check this chart—you’ll see that out of 21 quality features found in higher-priced cars, PLYMOUTH has 20—car "A” has 13, car ”B” has 4. Yes! "PLYMOUTH likes to be compared"—•for VALUE! YOU MAY SEE THE BIG-VALUE PLYMOUTH, THE ELEGANT NEW CHRYSLER AND THE MONEY-SAVING FARGO TRUCKS AT*- PHONE 216 NEWTON MOTOR SALES EXETER