HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-10-06, Page 10Page 10 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 6, 1949 Hensall School Fair Attracts ■BB Stewart’s Taxi PHONE DUROBend on Sunday Dixon has re- to a Sold and Serviced House and Farm Wiring EMCO Mr. Wallace Marlene eve- Lin spent Saturday with Joyce Marion Moore. and were $112.00 F.O.B. LONDON, CANADA McBride, 'George Bell. , Gwen Spencer, Bobby Bennett; , Jane Horton, , Beth Goddard; last. Mr. bouquet, Pfaff, Margaret Moir, living room bouquet. Cecil Ellwood Wednesday and Mrs. MODtRNIZt -Eudora Marilyn George Gerald Eggs'—Brown, Kenneth Parker, Betty Parker, 7 Fixtures and fittings designed for style and utility, for modernizing kitchen, bathroom, and laundry . . . and economical too! Come in and see how easily you can improve your property . . . enjoy new comfort every day! Dianne Rannie, decorated vase, M. Elson.' Gert- i HARPLEY and Mrs, Maurice Murray C. Iv, Love at- Fair. on Friday. Eddie Gill and YOUR cattle ... all your livestock . . . NEED fresh, clean, running water to keep production . . . and profits ... at peak levels. That’s why so many alert farmers are depending on DURO for, this essential service! DURO is the pump especially designed for farm require­ ments, builf to give years of trouble -free service, provide running water for house, barn,’s ta b 1 e s, truck gardens, fire protection for all buildings. Increased profit and new convenience are only part of the story. Savings in time and labour will soon pay for a DURO installa­ tion See us for the full story, today. Ice & Wood FREE DELIVERY t**' E. R. Witmer & Son Telephone 179W Exeter Stewart Warner Radios and General Appliances DONALD JOLLY Evening Service One garage will be open in Exeter on Sundays, Wed­ nesday afternoons and dur­ ing the evenings through­ out the week. Open this Sunday, Wednes­ day afternoon and during the evenings throughout the week: NORTH END B-A Service Station ES Splendid Exhibits, Parade I—Continued from page One bert; Jean Hyde; Spy Apples, Bobby Clark, 1 Tuckersmith; Joyce Munn, June Munn. poultry—Bantams, Mary Lou MbLellan, 7 Hibbert; Lola Vol­ land. Gerald Horton; Barred Rocks, Murray Bell, 1 Tucker­ smith; Joan Kerslake, Arlene, Hoggarth, 7 Hibbert; White Leg­ horn, Leslie Riley, 7 Hibbert; Hybrids, Bobby Clark, 1 Tucker­ smith; Arlene Hoggarth; Hybrids (any variety) Joyce Faber, Carol McMurtrie. Hensall. Cattle—Beef type calf, Wayne Perker Gerald Bill Kerslake, 1 Tuckersmith; ___ ____ , Hibbert; white eggs, Alice Armstrong,'1'Tucker­ smith; Jean Henderson, Grace McLeod, Showmanship—-George Parker, Gerald Bell, Wayne McBride. Pigs—Gerald Bell, Lola Vol­ land, Kenneth Parker. Pets—Rabbits, Gerald Moir, Wayne Welsh, Jimmy Baynham; Cats, Jean Lavender, Carol Mc- Murtrie, Jimmy Smale; Birds, Earl Bell, Leslie Riley, 7 Hib­ bert; Gerald Bell; Pets, all first, Eudora Hyde, Bobby Baynhani, Marilyn Mousseau, Gordon Lav­ ery. Best trained dog- Hyde, Bobby Baynhani, Mousseau; Calf Race, Parker, Don Koehler, Bell. Flowers-Dining table Joyce Pfaff, Margaret G. Moir; liviug luuui uuuyucL, grades 1 and 4, Rod Ferguson, Earl Bell, Joyce Munn; living room bouquet, grades 5 and 6, Alice Armstrong, 2 Tuckersmith; Marilyn Mousseau, Leslie Riley; bouquet, wild flowers, grades 1 and 4, Steve Kyle Geraldine Har- burn Hensall; Connie Corbett 10 Hay. Woodwork models, grades 5 and 8, Wallace ‘Maxwell, Gerald Bell, Robert Bell; stuffed toys, grades 5 Margaret Dining Brintnell, dine Parker; plasticene models, grades 1 and 2, Terry Forrest, and S, Corine Smale, Elson Jean Soldan. table bouquet—Douglas Dianne Rannie, Geral- n Ruth Dojmldsom Patsy Jones; spool knitting,‘ grades 1 and 2, Joyce Faber, Margaret Smillie, Wayne .Foryest; decorated vase, Ilene Maxwell, David Noakes; Wayne Welsh, rude Bell; bouquet of wild flow­ ers, grades 5 and 8, Margaret Elson, Shirley Coleman, Gladys Moir; Art Exhibit, grades 1 and 2, Murray Bell, Norma Passmore, Joyce Faber; writing, grade 3, Dianne Rannie, Geraldine I-Iar- burn, Arlene Hoggarth; writing, grade 4,. Jim Baynham, Ann Sin­ clair, Phyliss Lostell; flower plaques, grades 2 and 3, Shervin Couillard, George Parker, .Gwen Spener, Embroidered articles neth Coulson, garet grades Gladys exhibit, Walsh, dan; Bell, writing Louise Hyde, Marilyn Mousseau writing, grade ,3 Doug Brintnell, printin, grade 2 Margaret Smillie art exhibit, grades 5 and G, G. Moir, .Grace McLeod, Lola Vol­ land; writing,grade 7, Ruth Soldan, Margaret Elson, Audrey Walsh; safety poster, Maxwell, Gerald Bell, Petzke. Girls’ running race, 6-S, Beth Goddard, Geraldine Parker, ,Joan Kerslake; girls running race, 8-10, A. Bell, Mary McLellan, Joan Koehler; girls running race, 10-12, Jean Lavender, Lois Tin­ ney, Shirley Coleman; girls run­ ning race, over ,12, RuthjSoldan, Eudore Hyde, Jean LaveiTder. Boys running race, 6-8, Mur. ray Bell, Jerry McClinchey, Chas. Mickle;boys running Tace, 8-10, Wayne Chuter, Doug Brintnell, Bill Kerslake; boys running race, 10-12, ‘ _ - Bobby Baynham; race, George Girls Elaine Sharon McLellen Betty Parker; girls three-legged race, over 10, A. Walsh, Eudora Hyde, Joan John­ ston, Grace McLeod, Ruth Sol­ dan, Jeap Soldan; boys three- legged race, 6-101, Bob Bennett, Murray Harburn, Jim Baynham, Bill Kerslake; boys tliree-leggVd race, over George Parker, Ken- Lola Volland, Mar- glass . painting, 6, Grace McLeod, Corine Smale; art Audrey Ruth Sol- 5, Shirley W. Welsh; McMUrtrie, Moir; 4 and Moir, grades 7 and S Gerald .Moir, writing, grade Lois McLellan grade 6, 0. Gerald Bell, Jack Bell, boys running 12 and. over, Ron Chuter, Parker, .Gerald Bell. three-legged race, G-10, Bell, Lois McLellan, Elder, June Tinney, Mary Betty Parker; race, over New Shur-Gain Dairy Ration with Molasses The swing is to Shur-Gain Dairy Ration because . (1) Molasses rich for jmlatability (2) Balanced for top milk flow . (3) Freshly made (4) New low hulk prices to save the feeder money FOR EXTRA PROFIT FROM YOUR COWS SWITCH TO SHUR-GAIN 16% Shur-Gain Dairy Ration 24% Shur-Gain Milk Producer Cone. 32% Shur-Gain Dairy Cone* Essential Cattle Mineral 25% Calf Meal 22% Shur-Gain Calf Starter Pellets $3.15 $3.’65 $4.30 $3.60 $4.90 $4.30 Feed Shur-Gain Pellets Slogan The Following1 Are the Slogan Winners in the Shur-Gain Contest: FIRST PRIZE — Claude Blowes, Exeter Take your hog and use your eyes— With Shur-Gain feed, it’ll grow in size. SECOND PRIZE — Ruth E. King, Exeter, R.R. 1 Turn stole a pig, ami used his eyes In six months, just look at the size! RUNNER-UP —- Eileen Jeffery^ Hensall This pig sure was a small target, But Shut-Gain put it to market. RUNNER-UP — Mrs. Maud Horton, Exeter Little man eotne look and see What six months’ Shur-Gain can do for thee! inners BRINSLEY The sympathy of the commun­ ity is extended to the family of the late Clifford Lewis in their recent sad bereavement. Owing to the funeral of the late Clifford Lewis, on Sunday last, the services in Brinsley United Church were withdrawn. Therefore Holy communion will be observed on Sunday next. Mrs. Samuel MeRann of New York is spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Morgan. We are glad to report that Mr. Fred J, Neil has returned to his home after spending some time in Victoria Hospital, Lon­ don. Mr. Hilton Banting, who has been visiting for some time with Mr. and Mrs. Almo Morgan of Forest, has returned to his home here, Mr. -and Mrs. and Betty spent ning with Mr. Craven. Mrs, Beatrice turned to her home here after spending some time with friends in Winnipeg, Mrs. Donald Sutherland enter­ tained a .number of ladies quilting on Thursday Congratulations to __ Mrs. Jack F. Phillips, Who recently married. Miss Betty Morley of Strathroy is spending a few days at her home here. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. John Mackey, who were married i n Brinsley United Church on Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Hodgins, Phyllis, and Bobbie, and Mr. and Mrs. Lin Craven spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Gam­ ble of Sparta. EDGEWOOD Earl Middleton and Clare Dunlop have quite' a number topping sugar beets. Mr, and Mrs, Joseph Zubol spent Sunday with her sister in London, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Suja. Mi’, and Mrs. Roy Moore and Mrs. Bill Bendall -called on Mrs. Clarence Pfaff, who is a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital bn Sun­ day. A number of farmers have started drawing sugip* beets to Granton. Miss Anna and Laura West­ man and Mr have been on a trip to Montreal and other points, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rfdley and Jean visited with Mrs. Ed Stew­ ardson at Grand “ evening, Mr.. and Nirs, tended Thedford Mr. and Mrs. family, Mrs. Mary'Gill, of Grand Bend, and Mr. and Mrs. Person, of Ontario, California, were visi­ tors with Mr, and Mrs. C. K. Love on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Love visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Love at Hillsgreem Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Pedlar and baby of Ailsa Craig spent a few days at the ‘home, of .Mr, Maurice Murray. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. C. K, Love were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Elliott and Mrs. Bessie McTav;ish, of Strathroy. Production Means Bigger Profits yours with rouRQ5 WATER SYSTEMS J -------------------------------------------------------------------- Gerald Bell, Ron Chuter, Ron Passmore, Bill . Fink, Wayne Chuter; girls and boys, kicking the slipper, Ron Passmore, Ger­ ald Horton, Ron Chuter; girls throwing ball, Joan Johnston, Ruth Soldan, . Grace McLeod; boys throwing ball, Ron Chuter, George Parker, Wallace Maxwgll. Girls standing jump, grades 5 and 6 Tinney, Mary McLellan, Shirley Bell; ..girls standing jump, grades 7 and 8, Ruth Soldan Joan hoys ham, boys Ron' Passmore; and 8, Joan Johnston. Jean Lav­ ender, Jean Soldan; girls running jump, 5 and 6, Margaret Reid; hoys running jump, 5 and G, W. Welsh, Jimmy Bay uh am; boys running jump, 7 and 8, Gerald Bell, Ron Chuter, Geo. Parker. Johnston, Alice Armstrong; standing jump, Jim Bayn- Bill Fink, Wayne Welsh; standing jump, 7 and 8, Chuter, Gerald Bell, Ron girls running jump, 7 CREDITON EAST Mr. and Mrs. Harold Glanville Sr. and Mr*’ and Mrs. Harold Glanville Jr. and daughter, of the Manitoulin Islands, visited last week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Glanville. Mrs. William I-Ieatherley of London spent last week with’ Mr. and Mrs. William Motz and and Mrs. R. Motz. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis Mrs. Leonard Wein and Mr. Mrs. Alex Hamilton and son of Grand Bend spent Sunday in In­ gersoll with Mrs. .Emma Ed­ wards. Mr.' Jack Anderson of Tpronto spent here. Mr. spent Mr. the week-end at and and his home Baynham Shipka. For Sale By' Lindenfields Limited and Mrs. Sam the week-end in Sam Sims returned home Wednesday from Victoria Hospi­ tal where he had been receiving treatments. Mr. Kenneth Kuhn is ill in Victoria Hospital, London. London EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO. LIMITED Hamilton - Toronto - Sudbuty - Winnipeg OWNING ANfUOPERATING METALS LIMITED Calgary Edmonton Vancouver Vancouver t like magic to keep windshield cleat of ice Sleet and mist* cfflCRCURY nr roue sew/ce Fuel System Fuel lines • Fuel Pump • Carburetor ♦ Air Cleaner Electrical System ” J • Starter • Generator • Connec­ tions ® Regulator ‘Magic Air" Healer and Defroster Brings Warm, fresh outside air to both front attd back seat , . , Passengers. Add com-fort to your Winters driving,. Defroster acts I f Law tVlCl UU Vi • j f J*.ji* .rSiL.'if. iJ -• •1’1 EXETER imonQRCH | Complete winterizing service means more than just anti-freeze—more than just a change of oil. Ford of Canada Dealers from coast to coast offer complete 5-WAY WINTERIZING SERV­ ICE that will give you trouble-free driving for'the winter months ahead. Your Ford of Canada Dealer is ready to completely winterize your car now. His expert servicemen—factory- approved equipment, factory-approved methods and genuine parts provide a complete 5-Way Winterizing Service for safe, depend­ able, trouble-free winter motoring. Cooling System Anti-Freeze • Radia­ tor • Connections • Thermostat ©Ignition System Coil • Spark Plugs • Distributor Permanent-Type Genuine Ford Anti-Freeze You can depend on Genuine Ford Anti- Freeze (for lasting protection. High quality ethylehe- glycol type that does not evaporate ... and will not rust or corrode! Factory-Specified" Spark Plugs New spark plugs save you money on every mile Of wittier driving—add new “pep” and smoothness to performance. Your Ford of Canada Dealer has the correct type of spark plug for your car. OElectri Battery General Lubrication Engine Oil • Filter • Chassis • Transmis­ sion • Differential Genuine Ford Gallery Cold weather driving iS tough on batteries. A.GenuiheFord Battery will help you enjoy quick, easy starting all winter . • . saves you bothersome service I LI N CO LN~3~