HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-10-06, Page 50’ Fair, Tom heifer 4 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 6, 1949 r V 1 COWS > $2.50 each HORSES - $2.50 each HOGS - .50 per cwt.■ * According to size and condition Phone Collect EXETER 287 INpERSOLL 21 The following is a list of_the prize winners at Kirkton. held last Friday: Dairy Cattle Jersey —- Milch Cow, Brock, Garnet Doupe; calf, Gam.pt Doupe. Holsteins Bull, two and under, Dick Jacobs; cow, Ross Marshall, Dick Jacobs; two-year-old heifer, Ross Mar­ shall, Dick Jacobs, Monty Dob­ son, Ross Marshall; one-year-old heifer, Ross Marshall, first and fourth, Dick Jacobs, Monty Dob­ son; bull .calf,* Ross .Marshall, first and second, Thomas Brock; .heifer calf, Ross Marshall, first and second, Dick Jacobs, Thos. Brock; herd, Ross Marshall, Pick Jacobs; pest male, Ross Mar­ shall; best female, Ross Mar­ shall. Beef Cuttle Shorthorns — Bull, two-year- old, O. A. Bannerman, Moncton, Roy Nethercott, No. 1 St, Marys; cow, Rop Nethercott, first and second; O. A. Bannerman; two- year-old heifer, R. Nethercott, first and second; one-year-old heifer, Roy Nethercott, O. A. Bannerman, Roy Bannerman; heifer calf, 'Roy Nethercott, first and second; -bull’ calf, O, A. Ban­ nerman, first and second; Roy Nethercott, third and fourth; one-year-old bull, O. A. Banner- man, R. Nethercptt, third and fourth; herd, O. A. Bannerman; male sweepstakes, O. A. Banner- man; female sweestakes, Roy Nethercott. 'Herefords — W, S. O’Neil, of Denfield, eight firsts and ,two seconds. Blanshard Township Baby ,Beef 'Competition — Roy Nether­ cott, first and .second, Clarence Switzer. Usbornq Township Baby Beef Competition — Warren Brock, first and third, Robert Hern, second. Agricultural Society Grade Steer -— Thos. MacKenzie, first and second, Warren Brock, Robt. Hern. Agricultural Society , Heifer — Warren Brock, first and second, Roy Nethercott, third and fourth. Traquair Secial — Beef, Roy Nethercott; dairy, Ross Marshall. Stall Fed Steer, — one-year- old, Warren Brock; heifer calf, Clarence Switzer; steer over one year, Roy Nethercott. “ * Grade Beef Cattle, Grass Fed —- ,Cow, two-year-old heifer, one- year-old heifer, heifei’ under one year and one-year-old steer, Clar­ ence Switzer, first and second, also third for . cow. Judge — James H. Robinson. Hogs Yorkshire — Calvin .Christie, Cromarty, took three firsts; R. Litt, Mitchell, two seconds. Tamworth — George Douglas, Mitchell, foui’ firsts and two pec- years Mikh Deer- firsts - p. five Deer-E. firsts and Five —-‘V^ard Deering, Bennett. " onds, Fred Holzhauer, two sec­ onds, ■ Shoats —- Harold Davis, .Kirk­ ton; George Douglas, Mitchell. Eaton Special, four Bacon Hogs — Roy Nethercott (Sold to Bums of Kitchener for thirty-two Cents a pound.) Sheep Oxford Downs -Donald ing, No. 1 Exeter, won five and five seconds. Dorset Horns - ing & Son, Exeter, five seconds. Special, .Pen of Hern and Preston Judge — R. G. Races Bicycle race, Atfchill, Stephens, Shute; boys, under 16, Clifford Stephens, Gerald Brintnell, Keith Heywood; girls under 16, ,Velma Francis, Hazel Sparling, Marg­ aret Woodbridge and Jean Gil- fillan tied foi* third; open foot race, J. Urquhart, .Thomson, Bob Bibby; freak outfit, Donald Pul­ len; calf race, Harold Doupe, Muiiel Switzer; Shetland Pony race, Etherington, Keith_ Coates. Horses Clydes —• Tworyear-old, Elmer Atwell', Belton; Tandem, James Miller, Woodham, Elmei’ Atwell. ■Three1 James This Week’s ♦ Spring Filled Mattresses $21.50 AND UP Griffin Thomas Furniture - GRAND BEND Percheron or Belgian- year-old and two-year-old. Miller. Roadster—Brood mare, ney Coates, Exeter; Milne Granton; foal, Milne Whitney '' Coates; one-year-old, Elmer Atwell, Elmer * Johnston, of Atwood. Wagon Horses — Three-year- old, O. A. Bannerman, Moncton: two-year-old, Elmer Atwell, O. A. Bannerman; single,- Elmer At­ well, first and .second; team, Elmer Atwell. Hackneys — Team, single tan­ dem, lady driver and single turn­ out, Elmer Johnston, Atwood. Pony Class Brood Mare ■—■ Elmer Johns­ ton, Albert Etherington, Hensall, second, and third; foal, ,Elmer Johnston, Albert Etherington, second and third; single, .Elmer Johnston, first and second, A. Etherington; team, Elmer Johns­ ton, A- Etherington. Judge — R. J. Forbes. Domestic .Science Maple Syrup, Allan Berry, Sam Giles; maple sugar, Mrs. Clayton Colquhoun, Science Hill; homemade .buns, Marion Creevy, Woodham; tea biscuits, Mrs. Colquhoun; angel cake, Mrs. H. Hern; Light cake, jelly roll and pumpkin pie, Mrs. M. Hammond, of Kirkton, bran muffins, Mrs- Harold Hern, E. S. Selves; dark cake, Mrs. H. Hern, Hammond; apple pie, Hern, Elizabeth Taylor; pie, Mrs. H. Hern, Mrs. lioun; doughnuts, Mrs. houn; pumpkin pie, Mrs. niond; tarts, Mrs. Hammond, E. S. 'Selves; oatmeal cookies, Mrs. Colquhoun, Mrs. Hammond; jelly, MVS. M. Gallop; cheri’ies canned, Mrs. Hammond; pears, Mrs. Hammond; raspberries, Al­ lan . Berry, Mrs. C. Routly; peaches, Elizabeth Taylor, Mrs. Hammond; canned apples, Mrs. Hammond, Mrs. Routley; grapes, Elizabeth Taylor, Mrs, Routley; corn, Allan Berry, Elizabeth Tay­ lor; peas, Allan Berry; tomatoes, Sam Giles, E. S. Selves; < chicken, Mrs. Hammond; lunch, Mrs. Hammond; chicken, Mrs. Hammon, Colquhoun; white cake, Hammond; icrock of butter, Fred McClavis. Judges •— Mrs. Ella Urquhart, Mrs. Ethel Grago. Poultry Anconas, Fred McClymont took Whit- Pullen, Pullen, Mrs. Mait. Mrs. H. lemon Colqu- Colqu- Ham- Page 6 Sold and Installed i R. B. Williams Floor Sanding ® Old Floors Re-finished. • Asphalt and Rubber Tile *®> Linoleum Laid. Wallace Bowden WOODHAM Phone Kirkton 53rl0 W-------- ----- ■tf Beatty (Bros* I Equipment PRESSURE SYSTEMS WATER BOWLS LITTER CARRIERS three firsts and three seconds. White Rooks, cook, T. Crew; hen, T. Crew, Fred McClymont; cocke­ rel and pullet, J* D. Douglas, of Stratford, first and second. Bar­ red Ply Rocks, J. D. Douglas, three firsts and two seconds; utility, cock, T. Crew, T. Brock; hen,' T. Brock, Fred McClymont; cockerel pullet, F, McClymont, first . and second, *Wh. Wyan- dottes, J. D. Douglas won four firsts and two seconds; hen, sec­ ond, F, McClymont. Columbia Wyandottes, T. Crew won four firsts . and three seconds; T. Brock second 'for Cock, New Hamps, J. D. Douglas, four firsts and one second; F. McClymont second for cockerel. White Leg­ horns, show, George Douglas, four firsts and four seconds; utility hen, G. Douglas, F. Mc­ Clymont; cockerel and pullet, F. McGlymont. Brown Leghorns, J. D. Douglas, .four firsts and one second; hen,’ cockerel, F. McCly­ mont second, Jersey Black Giants George Douglas, four firsts, Fred McClymont, four seconds. Road Island Reds, J. D. Douglas, four firsts, two seconds, Fred McCly­ mont, two seconds. Black Alin- orcas, J.. D. Douglas, three firsts and three seconds. Hoggarth Special, Wuerth and Lakeview Special, F. McClymont. Geese Toulouse, T, Brock, four firsts, three seconds. Douglas, four Curdy, second Rouen Ducks, four firsts, T. onds. , Judge — A. E. Doan. Ladies Work ' Quilt, Mrs. Clayton Colquhoun, Science Hill; quilt, pieced cotton, Mrs. Thos. Constable, St. Marys, Rhea Smith, Kirkton; bedspread, •Monty Dobson, Kirkton; floor mat, braided, Allen Berry, Wood­ ham; pillow .cases, cut work, Mrs. T. Constable, Harold Davis, Kirkton; pillow cases, ftross stitch, O. Sawyer, Harold Davis; pillow cases, other style, Mrs. T. Constable, Otis Sawyer; sheet and pillow cases, Mrs. T. Cons­ table, Har. Davis; guest towels, Mrs. T. Constable; vanity set, Rhea Smith; laundry bag, Elaine Hern, Woodham; chesterfield set, Mrs. Constable, Mrs. George Hall, Kirkton; wool cushion, Mrs. T. Constable; cushion, any style, Allen Berry; afghan, *' T. Constable; table centre, T. Constable, Otis Sawyer; runner, Mrs. T. Constable, old Davis; living room accessory, Mrs, George Hall, Kirkton; .Mrs. T. Constable; buffet set, Mrs. T. Constable, Harold Davis; table cloth, crochet, Mrs. T. Constable; luncheon set, Mrs. T. Constable; luncheon set, any other kind, Mrs. T. Constable, - Rhea Smith; serviettes, Mrs. Constable; centre piece, M rs. Coftstable, Rhea Smith; tea. cosy, Mrs. Constable; tea .towels, Mrs. 'Constable, Otis Sawyer; house coat, Monty Dob­ son; ladies pyjamas, Monty Dob­ son, Mrs. Constable; handker­ chiefs, Mrs. T. .Constable; ladies gloves, Harold Davis; baby car­ riage cover, Mrs. George Hall; child's dress, knitted, Harold Davis; children’s rompers, Har­ old Davis; infant’s dress, Mrs. T. Constable; knitted boy’s sweater. Mrs. Constable, Mrs. men’s fine shirt, Mrs. men’s gloves, Mrs, men’s hand knitted Constable; men's socks fine, Mrs Constable, Harold Davis; socks Mrs. T. Constable, Mrs. G. Hall needlepoint, Mrs. T. Constable, gift article, H. Davis, Mrs. Cons­ table; fancy work bag, Mrs, T. Constable, Mrs. G. Hall. Grain And Seeds Sheaf fall wheat, Charles At­ kinson, Jim Harris; sheaf oats, Milton Hooper & Son; sheaf of barley, Milton Hooper & Son, Jim Harris; fall wheat, oats and barley, Milton Hooper & Son; soy beans, Jim Harris; large white beans, Nathan Doupe; small white beans, Milton Hooper & Son, Orville .Roger; ears Gold­ en Bantam corn, Elizabeth Tay­ lor, Nathan Doupe; ears Indian Corn, Milton Hooper & Son; ears Yellow Sweet Corn, M. Hooper & Son, Alvin Crago; stocks ensilage corn, Clarence Switzer; Milton Hooper & Sou; ears ensilage corn, Clarence "Switzer, Alvin Crago. Klrkton-Woodlmm Farmers Club Special — Wheat, Milton Hooper & Son, Ross Marshall, Allen Berry, Jim Harris; oats, M, Hooper & Son, .Jack Urquhart, Clarence Switzer, Alvin Crago;* barley, AL Hooper & Son, Jim Harris; field 'crop competition, Beaver 'Oats, Milton Hooper & Son, Jack Urquhart, Ward Hern, Alvin Crago, Allen Berry. Roots And Vegetables Sabago potatoes, ML Hooper & Son, R. E. Doupe; .Chippewa pot­ atoes, M. Hooper & Son; Green Mountain potatoes, Thos. Crew; Irish Cobblers potatoes, Alvin Crago, Thomas Crow; Dooley potatoes, Charles Atkinson; any other variety, Thos. Crew, Nathan Doupe; Swedish turnips, Mrs. Clarence Routley, Al, Hooper & Son; shipping turnips, Wilfred Doupe, Maurice Blackier; heavi­ est Juriiip; James Miller; field carrots, Thomas Crew, Milton Hooper & Son; pmngels, red, James Miller, Alvin Crago; white sugar mangels, Earl Watson, AL Hooper & Son; yellow mangels, Robert Ratcliffe, Earl Watson; heaviest mangels, James Miller, Earl Watson; garden carrots, Lome Marshall, ML Hooper & Son;garden carrots, short, Mrs. •AL Gallop, M. Hooper & Son; Pekin Ducks, G. firsts, Milt Mc- f o y duckling. George Douglas, .Brock four sec­ / Mrs. Mrs. table Har- canned ; new jellied , Mi's. , , Mrs. ( Open the Year ’Round — Value Beyond Compare Open Evenings I t I Slashes D e Von? means CAmTt^ AUSTIN w, ^IP°RD ” owners frohA?iUsstllds oi fes?E "A«” rtJanUl Ule >»ane "A40’‘ £££AND°rBft™Merate Atlanta to°he’pSa,tl?fiedIA®SHn MV0N 11 °” 1OWe,‘ cost 3‘0»“*^sl,apeMlw2.°" operating cos(s YOU GET ALL THESE with THE "A40” AUSTIN ★ Room In plenty for four ★ 40 miles per gal­ lon economy Vr Powerful valve-in-head engine ★ Sliding "sunshine” roof Mr Most generous luggage accommodation ★ inde­ pendent front-wheel sus­ pension and double-act­ ing hydraulic shock ab­ sorbers for riding com­ fort ★ Electric turning indicators ★ Heater and deftnster *(standard equipment) ) I I I PHONE 328 i t Inspect the complete range of a Austin passenger and com­ mercial vehicles, There’s one for every purse—every need. FREE DEMONSTRATION AT YOUR CONVENIENCE parsnips, Thos. Crew, AL Hooper, & Son; blood red beets, Alvin Crago, Elizabeth Taylor; cab­ bage, flat, Otis C. Sawyer, AL Hooper & Son; cabbage, red, T< Crew, M, Hooper & Son; cabbage, round, Thomas Crew, ,M. Hooper & Son; cauliflower, Otis Sawyer; tomatoes, red, Charles Atkinson, Otis Sawyer; tomatoes, pink, 0, Sawyer; citrons, Son, Mrs. T. pumpkin, Hooper & Son; Hooper, Fred McClymont, ,Varna; muskmelon, Ear.l Watson, M. Hooper & Son; table squash, AL Hooper, Fred AlcClymont; mam­ moth squash, M, Hooper, Fred McOlymont; Hubbard squash, M. Hooper, Fred McClymont; cu­ cumbers, green H. Hooper, Fred MeClymont; cucumbers, table, Orville Roger, 0, Sawyer; onions, from ijeed, Alvin Crago, Milton Hooper & Son; onions, dutch setts, M, Hooper .& Son, Earl Watson; collection vegetables, Otis Sawyer, Fred McClymont. Fruit Fred Me Clymont.,Varna, won 27 first prizes and 4 seconds in this class; Alvin Crago, of R,R, 1 St. Marys, won 2 firsts and 3 seconds; Orville Roger, St Marys, won 2 first prizes and 1 second; Allen Berry, .Woodham, won first prize for snow apples; Sam Giles of Science Hill won second prize for Talman Sweet and second foi' Fall Pippin apples;' Elizabeth Taylor, of Science Hill, won first prize for St. Lawrence and won second for Northern Spy Apples; Ward Hern, Woodham, won sec­ ond for St, Lawrenc'e & Wealthy apples; Lorne Doupe, of Science I-Iill, won second prizes for Fall Pears, Golden Russet, .King of Tomkin Apples; Dr. Campbell, of Kirkton, won first for Sheldon Pears. Judge — John Berry. Flowers Snapdragon, Mrs. Har. I-Iern, Granton, Mrs. Arthur Cole, of Science Hill; asters, Mrs. .Harold Hern, Elizabeth Taylor,, Hill; asters, curved, Airs. Hern, Robert Ratcliffe, Hill; asters, basket, Airs. Hern; asters, basket, M, Hooper & H. Burgin; pie Earl Watson, Milton watermelon, M. seabiosa, Mrs. Harold' Hern, Mrs. Clarence Routley; African mari­ golds, Mrs. George Hall, Kirkton, Mrs. Har. Hem, Granton; French marigolds, Mrs. Arthur Cole, .Science Hill, Mrs. Wilf. Doupe; verbenas, Wilfred Doupe> Mrs. Harold Hem; pansies, Dr. Camp­ bell, Ward Hem, Woodham; zinnias, Dr, , Campbell, Harold Hern; zinnias, small, Robert Rat­ cliffe, Mrs. T. H. Burgin; a best display of annuals, Mrs. Arthur Cole, Mrs. Harold Hern; a hest display of perennials, Mrs. A. Cole, Mrs. T. H. Burgin; bride’s bouquet, Airs. Arthur Cole, Airs. T, H, Burgin; basket cut flowers, Airs. James Aloore, prize, Mrs. Authur Cole, Mrs. Harold Hem; spray, .Mrs, T. H. Burgin, Mrs. Arthur Cole; roses, Airs, T. H. Burgin, Dr. Campbell; roses, best display, Dr. Campbell, Airs. T. H, Burgin; general display, Mrs. Arthur Cole, Otis Sawyer; begonia, Sani Giles; geranium, Mrs. Harold Hern; geranium, collection, Mrs, Clarence Rout- ley, Airs. Harold Hern; flowering house .plants, Mrs, 0, Routley, Sam Giles; flowering asparagus plumosis, Mrs. Clarence Routely, -—Please Turn to Page Eleven Science Harold Science Harold xjLcijn, ciaicio, yasiiei,, CUTVed, Mrs. Harold Hern, Otis Sawyer, Science Hill; cosmos, Mrs. Clay­ ton Colquhoun, Science Hill, Mrs. Harold Hern; dahlia, Mrs. Harold Hern, Wilfred Doupe, Kirkton; dahlia, miniature, Alvin Crago, Mrs. T. H. Burgin, Kirkton; dahlia show, Wilfred Doupe, A. Crago; carnations, Mrs. Clarence Routley, Kirkton, Mrs. .Clarence Cole, Science Hill; gladioli, Mrs. Harold Hern, Mrs. C, Routley; gladioli spikes, Mrs. C- Routley, Otis Sawyer; gladioli, basket, Mrs. T. H. Burgin; balsams, Mrs. Harold Hern, O. -Sawyer; stalks, Mrs. C. Routley,* Otis Sawyer; phlox, drummondi, Mrs. Arthur Cole, Mrs. M. Gallop; phlox, perennial, Mrs. T. H. Burgin; petunias, Mrs. T. H. Burgin, Wil­ fred Doupe; petunias, double Mrs. Harold Hern, Mrs. T. JI. Burgin; salpiglosis, Mrs. M.' Gal­ lop, Kirkton, Mrs. Harold Hern salvia, Wilf/ Doupe, O. Sawyer “It s no Mirage it’s our new Westinghouse Yes . . ♦ the famous Westinghouse refrigerator is back again f We know that whep you see it you’ll be as proud to have one in your home as we are to have it in our store. The new Westinghouse is smartly styled for your kicthen. It features exclusive TRUE-TEMP, the only control that keeps your food at the desired temperature regardless of outside fluctuations, and the famous economiser mecha­ nism for the most economical and dependable operation. Hardware PHONE 86 EXETER Geo. ‘Hall . Constable Constable mitts, Mrs Beavers One Cent Sale J BETTER LIVING " Children’s and Misses Rubber Boots To make room for the new samples we are making a special offer of our present designs. For every roll you purchase at the regular price, we will give you another for one cent. There are still some lovely patterns lor any room in the house* These boots are genuine all-rubber stock and are of high cut design* We are overstocked with these items and are passing on a wonderful saving to you in order that we may clear our supply, 25 prs. of children’s, reg. price $2.69 Very special at $1.95 Misses’, while they last Reg. price $3.00 - very spec, at $2.19J Men, For Your Fall Wardrobe Choose Your Garment Tailored by Sunworthy Fast-Colour \ EXETERPHONE 16 BfflriMsariKiHMtamiM wra Yes, Saville-Row not only offers you smart new fall patterns but also quality cloths that are beautifully tailored to your individual measurement* A suit or topeoat is an investment in which you want to be sure of satisfaction, That’s why We suggest you have Saville-Row tailor your fall garment* Ladies* Flannelette Gowns White With coloured trim $2.75 Ladies* Flannelette Pyjamas Pink and blue grounds $3.50 Childrens Flannelette Pyjamas Pink and blue grounds $2.50 & $2.75 Southcott Bros. ....... ...... o Jr 1