HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-09-29, Page 7THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 29, 1M9 Page 7 Some $70.uo were collected by the girl canvassers in the Navy League Tag Pay last Satur­ day in Exeter. THE BEET SUGAR INDUSTRY The Ontario sugar industry did not escape the post-1-0 20 slump and some means of stimulating greater beet production was needed. Hitherto farmers’ beet prices in North America had been linked to prices received for spgar but only the average sugar' content of all beets grown iby several thousand farmers had been reckoned. In 1923 Dominion Sugar Company (now C. & D.) came out with a novel contract incorporating the unique princi­ ple of paying each individual grower according to sugar con­ tent of his own beets. Henceforth farmers who got below - average tonnage, accom­ panied by above - average sugar content, received returns for their beets commensurate with those of farmers who regularly produced large yields with rather low sugar content. Also, both types of growers approached nearer to the average return per acre of the entire crop. This form of contract has been extensively copied in U.S. areas where considerable variation in yield and sugar content occurred. Next Week: Closing of Kitchener Plant CANADA AND DOMINION SUGAR CO. LIMITED Chatham Wallaceburg BLANSHARD Mr. and Mrs. Herb pangford were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Langford, Lucan, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thac­ ker, Ome, Elizabeth and Linda spent Sunday in Xmndon. Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Lang­ ford, Walter and Donnie, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Tre­ wartha, Holmesville. Mrs. Tre­ wartha returned with them for a few days, Mr, Harvey Parkinson, Ken­ neth, Audrey and Marion, Miss A, Thorpe, were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs, Melville Hern, of Zion. Mrs.'W. B. Young of St. Marys spent the week-end with Mrs. James Mossey. Mrs, Denjzil Patterson of Bel­ ton spent Thursday afternoon with Mrs. James Mossey. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Thomson, Marion, Grant and Sharon, spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. 'Gladwyn Hooper. Mr. and Mrs. George Hopkins of Mitchell are spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jones. Mrs. Jones and baby re­ turned home from the hospital last Thursday. Mrs, Walter Patterson of Bel­ ton spent Thursday with Mrs. Gladwyn Hooper. KIRKTON Mr, and Mrs. George Fisher, Madrid, New York State, spent the past week-end with Mr, and Mrs. G, A. Wiseman, iMr. and Mrs. J. M. Mills, of ‘North Bay, visited this week with Mr, and Mrs. H. E. Rathburn, and Mr. and Mfrs. N, B. Doupe. Miss Masie Anderson, of St. Marys, is holidaying with her sister, Mrs. Wes Hodge. — ----------—.—------------------2--------------------a Special Revival Services Church of God, Grand Bend Beginning October 2 REV. C. M. WASHINGTON Coloured Evangelist and Author Toledo, Ohio Glen Beach, Pastor M" — ■ —M Surprise Party On Saturday evening, Septem­ ber 24, Mr, and Mrs. H. Latta of London and Mr, and Mrs. D. Maguire held a surprise dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Atkinson on the occasion of their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary, The table was tastefully decorat­ ed with pink and white steamers and candles and centered with an anniversary cake and bud vases of snapdragon. Mrs, Atkin­ son was presented with a cor­ sage of red rose buds and Mr, Atkinson with a white carnation from their two grandchildren. They also received many beauti­ ful silver gifts. Best wishes were extended to them by all present for many happy anniversaries. They received many cards and telephone calls during the day, Mrs. John -McElrea is a patient at St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, We hope to have her home soon, Rally Day Service Held Rally Day service was held jn Kirkton United Church with a combined church and Sunday School service. The superintend­ ent. of the Sunday , School, Mr, Clarence Switzer, took charge, using the pamphlet set for the day. Miss Marian Kemp gave the story, Rev, Green, of Lakeside, was the guest speaker. Little Miss Elizabeth Esson of Sarnia, is holidaying with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Del­ mar Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Marshall and sons, Billy and Ronald, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Switzer. SHIPKA Mr, George , Love returned home from London Hospital on Thursday last, Mr. and Mrs. Colin Keys from Royal Oak, Mich., .were Sunday visitors with relatives. Mr. Tom Lamport met with an accident while working with the combine, injuring his hand and requiring medical attention. The regular meeting of the W.A. will 'be held October 6, at 8 pan. at the home of Mrs. Geo. Love. Communion service will be held in the United Church on Sunday, October 2. Service at 10:15, Sunday School following. Mr. and Mrs, Roy Baynham and family have moved in with Mr. L. Schroeder. Roy has been engaged with Jack Ratz in the chopping mill. Messrs. Roy and Gordon Ratz and Albert Gaiser were on a fishing trip over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Russell and two children, Doug and Tommy, spent last week-end in Detroit. you’ll r* Experience teaches that if you let your cows get down in production and condi­ tion in the Fall, they’ll likely stay down all Winter. That means a lot of feeding without much return. It’s better busi­ ness to do some of that extra feeding now... keep them UP in milk flow and in flesh. Prevent the Fall fall-off’by in­ vesting a little extra in extra-good feed, and. both save and make money I Look over the list be­ low. Size up your grain situation. Then come on in and talk it over. MORE MILK TO SELL If you’d like to put more milk in the can, less in the calves, switch them to PURINA CALF STARTENA lots of Grain If you have plenty of good grain, here’s the balancer for you — COW CHOW CONCENTRATE Fair Amount If you have only a fair amount of good grain, here’s your choice — COW CHOW SUPPLEMENT Low on Grain If you’re low on grain, or out, here’s a complete milk­ maker — MILK CHOW Straight from the Bug Genera! Helper High in carbohy­ drates and minerals, bulky, tasty, mildly laxative — BULKY-LAS Bulk and Succulence HIGH EGG-MAKING EFFICIENCY Purina Laying Chows have been stopped up in energy... in vitamins ... in protein balance ... in egg-making efficiency. Tests prove that they make more eggs from less feed, Better see us about a supply! PURINA LAYING CHOWS Get EXTRA Eggs Don’t waste time and work on Wet mash, this Fall. Feed your wet mash dty<—feed PURINA CHECKERS F New Idea il Burner For Furnaces HARDWARE THS STORE with the CHECKERBOARD SIGN * on Sunday and Mrs. and Sandra of days with Come to CHURCH JAMES STREET UNITED Rev, H. Snell, Pastor Air, Lawrence Wein, A.AV.C.M., Musical Director 10 a.m.—‘Sunday School, 11 a.m.1—World Communion Sunday. Dr. Robert Hicks, of London, will be assisted by Rev, C. W. Down. Anthem: “Ashamed of Jesus, p.m.'—Evening Worship. Rev, William Mair. Solo; Miss Maxine Reeder. 7 TRIVITT MEMORIAL — Anglican — a Rector, Rev. C, L. Langford, B.A.. M.A. Mr. Robert Cameron, Organist 10:30 a.m.—Sunday School, 11:30 a.m,—-Harvest Thanksgiv­ ing. Preacher *, Rev, AValter Jones, Rector of St. Mark’s Church, London. Thurs., 8 p.m.—Ladles’ Guild at the home of Mrs. R. Crawford. Wed., Oct. 5, at 8:00 p,m.—Con­ firmation Service. Right Rev. G. N. Luxton, D.D., Bishop of Huron. MAIN STREET UNITED Rev. Harry J. Alahoney, B.D. Airs. A. Y. Willard. Organist 11 a.m.—W o r 1 d Wide Commu­ nion Sunday. Sacrament the Lord’s Supper. Anthem: “I Love to Tell Story.” 12 Noon—Sunday School. 7 p.m.—Rev. Reginald A. Brook, B.Th., of Hensail. of the CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN Rev, Donald R. Sinclair, B.A. Minister airs. J. G. Cochrane, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School . Mission Band. 11:00 a.m.—Public Worship. “Forgiveness.” Tues., Oct. 4, 3:00 pun.—The Caven Congregation Circle will meet at the home of Mrs. J. G. Cochrane. ZIQN Evangelical United Brethren Crediton V. Dahms, Minister 2—WQhld Communion Be- To- Rev. J. Sun., Oct. Sunday, 10 a.m.—“The Question fore Communionism.” 11 a.m.—'Sunday School. 7:30 p.m.—“The Passover Ken.” Thurs., Oct. 6, 8 p.m.—W.S.W.S. meeting at the home of Airs. Gordon Ratz. Sat., Oct. S, 1:45 p.m.—Mission Band meets in church school rooms. DASHWOOD Mr. and Mrs. S. Nienkercheu, of Pembroke, were week-end visitors with Rev. and Mrs. Getz. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Evans and family of Richmond Hill, spent the week-end with her parents, air. and airs. H. Hoff­ man. airs, Evans and children are remaining for a few days. Mr. and airs. R. Eckstein, and Miss Lily Hoffman, of London, and Miss Anna Hess, of Zurich, were visitors at the home of Air. and Mrs. Harry Hoffman on Sun­ day, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Restemeyer spent the week-eiia in London. Air. and Airs. V. Dlnnin and Billie, of Zurich, spent Sunday with Air. and Mrs. Harry Hoff­ man. Air. and Mrs. Herbert Hoffman of Kitchener spent Sunday with their niece, Air. and Airs. Carl Oestricher. Airs. Louis C. Wolfe is spend­ ing a vacation with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Oestricher. will CREDJTON PASTORAL CHARGE United Church of Canada Minister; Harold F. Currie World Communion Sunday be observed in these churches’, Shipka—10;15 Crediton—‘11:30 Brinsley—2:45 Fletcher of Exeter is to 1 the soloist at Crediton. These services will all he on Standard Time. three Mrs.be WQOPHAM Air. and Mrs, Murray AHUs of North Bay visited last week with Air. and Airs. W. L. Switzer, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Doupe and Grace visited on Sunday with Air. and Airs. Lawrence Mills. Air. John Sawyer and Mr, and Mrs, W. Scott of Kirkton visited on Sunday with Air, W. L. Switzer. Mrs, Ben Webb and London spent a few Mr. and Mrs, Norris Webb. Mr. Ben Webb spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, N. Webb. Mr, and Mrs. Henry Small, Thelma and Wilbert, St. Thomas, visited on Sunday with Mr. Mrs. Norris Webb. Rev. Danard of Staffa guest speaker at the church vice on Sunday evening. The monthly meeting of Mission Circle was held at home of Mrs. Ken Langford on Tuesday evening of last week with fifty-five present. Beatty Bros Equipment PRESSURE STOM8 WATER BOWLS LITTER CARRIERS Sold and installed R. B. Williams was ser- the the Special Attention CALVARY Evangelical-United Brethren Dashwoodl Rev. J, H. Getz, Minister Mrs. Ken McCrae, Organist 10 a.m.—Communion Service. 7:30 p.m.—Evening Worship. Subject; “Back-sliders.” For this Sunday the Church School will Tues., Oct. 4, ^Fellowship. Wed., Oct. 5, Leger of Reutlegen, Germany, will address. a mass meeting in this church. The public is cordially invited to attend. meet at 8 at 8 at 10 a.m. p.m,—Youth p.m.—Dr. R. PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE H. T. Kendrick, Pastor invites you to come to the Special Evangelistic Meetings at 8 o’clock every evening commencing on SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2 Monday through Friday I. 1 a.m. and 7:30 pan. Salvation for the Soul Divine Healing for the Body The Baptism of the Holy Ghost and the Second Coming of oui* Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Hear Miss Winn sing the old songs and preach “The. Old Message’’ Come to an Old Fashioned Revival Meeting and. Meet God Sunday ‘School at 10 a.m. Supt.: Mr. E. Cudmore WHALEN Airs. George Millson and Mrs. Hannah Millson were in Kit­ chener Sunday visiting with Mr. and Mrs. James Beckett and family. Mr, and Mrs, George Arksey and family visited, on Sunday with Mrs. John T. Hern, Zion. Mrs. Ronald Squire attended a shower on Tuesday evening at Devizes in honour of Miss Isabel Jeffrey. Week-end visitors in the com­ munity were Miss Evelyn Wynne, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Duffield; Miss Audrey Murray, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Ron­ ald Squire; Mrs. J, Dickins, Lon­ don, with Mr, and Mrs. F. Squire; Miss Audrey Arksey, of London, with Air. and Mrs, Geo. Arksey, Mr. and Mrs, W. Morley have returned home from their honey­ moon. We welcome Airs. Morley to our midst. »» Use tills 10-point double-check plan: Tires and tubes Wheel alignment Foot and hand brakes Radiator, fap. and tan-belt Engine lubrication. Chassis lubrication Distributor, battery, spark plugs Carburetor Lights Clutch, differential, and rear axle - Depend On - I Snell Bros. & Co. for economical tune-up service Phone 100 Exeter Mr. and Mrs. Harold Carter and family, Metropolitan, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hodgson. fi. For Your Listening Pleasure Now is the time of year when you will be spending more time listening to your radio. For that reason you will want perfect reception. If your radio is acting up, why not drop it in today and let us tune it up for you. ST. JOHN’S-BY-THE-LAKE — Anglican — Grand Bend, Ontario 2:30 p.m.—Service every Sunday 3:30 p.m.—Sunday School. You are invited to worship with us and will be most wel­ come. I RADIO BATTERIES FOR SALE R. E. RUSSELL Phone 109 Exeter, Ont. Jones & May At the Pre-War Price of $5.00 This is the best hat value in the trade today. Made by the famous Stetson Hat Company of genuine fur felt, with bound edges and satin linings. See the new fall styles in shades of brown, grey, bine and green. Babies* Wear For Fall and Winter We have a complete stock of new fall and winter lines in our babies’ wear department, including coats, dresses, sweaters, bunting bags3 rompers, bootees, etc., at very attractive prices. i i EL1MVILLE Mr. and Airs. Harold Kerslake, Miss Eunice Penhale, Air. and Mrs. Ross skinner were guests on Saturday at the Kerslake- Veal wedding in Exeter. Mr. John Delbridge, of Exeter, and Mr, Laverne Skinner left last week on a trip to the west­ ern provinces. Air. and frirs. Alvin pym, How­ ard and Aldeen, Air. and Airs. Philip Alnrch, Air, and Alts. Ross Skinner and Lurry visited on Sunday with Alt*, and Mrs. Nor­ man Jaques and attended their anniversary service. -Air. and Airs. Gord Colquhoun and Sandra moved' to .Crediton on Saturday from the house of Mr. Squire Herdman, Bride-Elect Honoured A shower was held at the home of Airs. Ross Skinner on Wednesday, September 21, in honour of Miss Alfldred Miller, bride-elect of last Saturday. Mrs. Ross Skinner read the address and Misses Annie and Dotis El­ ford carried in a basket of kitchenware. Aiildred thanked everyone in her own way, and everyone joined in singing “For She’s A Jolly Good Fellow”.Gaines were played and Iiincli | was .served at the close. I ■ i This department is one of the most popular in our store; our prices are very reasonable, Come early and see our large range of ladies’^ misses’ and girls’ coats, suits, dresses, blouses, skirts, etc.j now complete for fall and winter. Snow Suits Babies’ and small girls’ coat sets comprising coat, leggings and hat, plain and fur trimmed in chinchillas and flannelsj a n exceptionally fine stock to choose from. Snow suits for all ages. See out large stock be­ fore purchasing. New Fall Dress Fabrics We have just received a shipment of new fall and winter dress fabrics, in­ cluding moires, figured and rayon taffetas, flannels, etc. SPECIAL — New moire taffeta, a very popular fall dress fabric, 50” wides shades of wine, green, and black, a real value at $2.50 yd. LIBBY’S TOMATO JUICE A good brand. 2S-OK. tins .. .... 2 for 210 BLUEWATER TUNA FISH Flaked, spec, value, 7-oz. tins each 270 LIBBY’S DEEP BROWNED BEANS Large 20-02:. tins ........... ........... each 150 AYLMER CANNED PUMPKIN Large 28-oz. tins, choice qual. 2 £or COLGATE’S FAB, 10 DEAL Pkg. Fab and Palmolive soap aull for 370 BULK SOAP CHIPS Last call nt this very low price 2 lbs. 250 PHONE 32 ewter %