HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-09-29, Page 5THS TIMSS-APVOCATS, SXETSR/ ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER. 29, 1949
Hooper and
fall cah-
M. E. Hooper and son;
’collection and Jenkin’s
Page 5
Timothy, Red Clover
Sweet Clovers and Alsike
Shore, Gian
Highest Cash Prices Paid
Ice & Wood
E. R. Witmer & Son
Telephone 179W Exeter
Tye, Elmer
H. J. Jamie-
E, J. Atwell;
Stewart Warner Radios
General Appliances
foal, M. Pullen, W.
three-year-old, Arthur
Sold and Serviced
House and Farm Wiring
EvekibodYs Business
Tom Semple
Trucks, Windows,
Store Front; Signs,
Gold Leaf Lettering
Light Draft — Brood mare,
Phillip Meadows; foal, A. Thomp
son; three-year-old, Phillip Mea
dows; two-year-old, Peter Gra
ham, »E. J. Atwell; single hitch,
Peter1 Graham, W. J. Dale, G.
Reid, third and fourth; team in
harness, Peter Graham, W, J.
Dale, Peter Graham, G, Reid;
Diploma, Peter Graham.
Heavy Draft — Brood mare,
Peter Graham, A, Thompson;
foal, Phillip Meadows; one-year-
-old and two-year-old, Phillip
Meadows; single hitch,. Peter
Graham, first and second; team
in harness, Petei* Graham, W. J.
Wagon Horses
old, O.
A. Bannerman, Arnold
two-year-old, E. J, At
well, O. A. Bannerman; one-year-
old, Arthur Schluter; single
hitch, E. H, Schroeder, William
Decker, E. J. Atwell, William
Decker; team in harness, E. H,
Schroeder, William Decker, E. J.
Atwell, George Bennett; diploma,
E. H. Schroeder.
Percheron and Belgian—Brood
mare, Arthur Schluter; foal,
Arthur Schluter; three-year-old,
Ronald Swartz, Arnold Merner;
one-year-old, P. Graham, Arthur
Schluter; single hitch, Harry
Beaver, first and second; team
in harness, Harry Beaver; dip
loma, Harry Beaver.
Special — Four hoyse hitch,
Peter Graham, W. J. Dale, Harryt'S
More than one man has said
to me, in effect: "I’ve got a good
job. My home life is satisfactory.
And I’m probably as happy as ~
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quently advised by psycholo-^
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or other worthwhile organi
zations. And it adds a new
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making life richer and more
g •
Among the people who are
most active in community af
fairs you will invariably find
one or more fife insurance
This kind of activity comes
naturally to the life insurance
agent because he is used to
helping other people. And
his job—making it possible
for many people to face the
future with a sense of security
—is itself a vital contribution
to the welfare and happiness
of his community.
only $390.1940
Come and Drive the
Delivered in Exeter
Also Available
The Prefect
Pickup — $390.
a good one.
new motor.
— $790.
— $290.
Ford Three-Ton, 825 x 20 tires -
A Gdod Beet Truck
1947 Ford, long w.b., 825 tires, good
1937 Ford
Case 5 looks and runs like
scuffler and plough —■ only
only $995.
new, oom-
1948 VAC
plete with
1948 Ferguson
1943 Ford, motor overhauled, step-up transmission
— only $895.
Now Only $1195
These ears have the dependability of the
Model A brought up to date.
Larry Snider Motors
Phone 64W
Grafton Special—-Five or more,
Peter Graham.
Judge Bill Tapnell, R.R. 1,
Roadsters — Brood mare, A.
Schluter, Whitney Coates, Milne
Schluter, first and second; two-
year-old, A, Schluter, Pete Eisen-
bach; one-year-old, Elmer Reste-
meyer, Harvey Gelinas and son,
single roadster,
under 1'5, J. L. Wright, first and
second, A. B, Weber, Becker and
Willert, A. Schluter; road teams,
J. L. Wright, A. B. Weber, A.
Schluter, diploma, J. L. Wright;
road horse race, J. L. Wright, A.
B. Weber, second and third,
Becker and Willert.
Carriage Class —- Foal, Arthur
Schluter; three-year-old, H. J.
Jamieson, first and second, Geo.
carriage, William Mayburry,
J. Jamieson, Geo. Bennett, third
and fourth; under 15.2, William
Mayburry, H. J. Jamieson, Geo.
Bennett, third and fourth; car
riage teams, William Mayburry,
H. J. Jamieson, G- Bennett, third
and fourth, Jack ~
Johnston; diploma,
Judge — W. H.
Shetland Ponies—Brood mare,
Leighton Shantz, Jack Tye, T. C.
Sheen and sons, Montie Dickson;
foal, Elmer Johnston, R. Rob
bins, Albert Etherington,
Shantz; three-year-old, M.
Osier, R. Robbins, J. Tye; two-
year-old, L. Shantz, R. Robbins,
T. C. Sheen & sons, M. J. Osier;
one-year-old, R. Robnins, T. C.
Sheen and sons, E. Johnston;
single hitch (11 entries) .Leigh-j
ton Shantz, Tup Ironsides, R,
Robbins, J. Tye, E. Johnston, T.
Sheen and sons; saddle race,
Arnold Merner, Jack Parsons,
Arthur Schluter; Etherington
Special (under 14 years)—Billy
Etherington, Jimmy Etherington,
Doug Sheen; best outfit, L.
Shantz, T. Ironsides, R. Robbins;
saddle pony, R. Robbins, M.
Dickson, T. Ironsides; tandem
hitch, W. Mayburry, L. Shantz,
J. Tye, R. Robbins; Hopper-
Hockey Special, M. Pullen; lady
driver, W. M'ayburry, Sandra
Ironsides, J. Tye, L. Shantz.
Judge — Roy D. Stevenson,
Shorthorns — Aged cow, Roy
Nethercott, St. Marys, first, sec
ond and third; two-year-old
heifer, Roy Nethercott, McKinley
Farm, Zurich; one-yr.-old heifer,
Roy Nethercott, Bruce Keys, Roy
Nethercott; heifer* calf, Bruce
Keys, Roy Nethercott, McKinley
Farms; bull calf, G, R. Millson,
Bruce Keys, McKinley Farm;
one-year-old bull, Roy Nether
cott; diploma, Roy Nethercott.
I-Ierefords—Aged cow, E. R.
and G. A. O’Niel, Denfield; W.
S. O’Neil, John McGregor, Hen
sail; two-year-old
and G. A. O’Neil,
John McGregor;
heifer and heifer
O’Niel, E. R. and
John McGregor; bull calf, J. Mc
Gregor, W. S. O’Niel, second and
third; one-year-old bull, J. Mc
Gregor, W. S, O’Niel, E. R. and
J. A. O’Niel; two-year-old bull,
E. R. & G. A. O’Niel, H. Wright
& Son, W. S. O’Niel; diploma—-
E.R. and G. A. O’Niel.
Polled Angus — Two-year-old
heifer, David McEwen; one-year-
old heifer, David McEwen, first,
second and third; bull calf, D.
MoEwen; bull one-year-old, D.
McEwen, first, second and third;
diploma, D. McEwen.
Herd, three females, one bull,
E. R. and J. A. O’Niel, Roy
Nethercott, W, S. O’Niel.
Get of sire, three animals, Roy
Nethercott, W. S. O’Niel, E* XL
and G. A, O’Niel.
Grades — One-year-old heifer,
Murray Dawson; heifer calf,
John Pym; steer calf, Tom East
.Usborne Raby Beef — Warren
Brock, Robert Hern, Warren
Brock, third and fourth,
Canada. Packers* Special, best
cow in class,—Shorthorn, Roy
Nethercott; Hereford, E. R. and
J, A. O’Niel.
Exeter Agricultiiral Special,—
Baby Beef, W. S. O’Niel, G. R.
Millson, Robert Hern, Warren
Brock, fourth and fifth.
Traquair’s Special —»
O’Niel, Rd.-Jacobs.
W. 0. Pearce Special—Robert
Heth, John Pym,
Fink’s Special—W. S. O’Niel.
Holsteihs — Aged cow, Ross
Marshall, Hick Jacobs, Ross Mar
shall; two-year-old heifer, Ward
Hodgins, Dick Jacobs, Ross Mar
shall; ohe-year-old heifer, Ward
Hodgihs, first and second, Dick
Jacobs; two-year-old steer. Ward
Hodgins, Ross Marshall, Dick
Jacobs; one-year-old steer, Ross
Marshall, Ward Hodgins, Ross
Marshall; three butcher steers,
Ward Hodgins, Dick Jacobs,
T. Eaton and W. 0. Pearce
Special—Patsy Marshall.
Judge heef cattle Jos. Easton;
judge .dairy cattle, Hume Glut
ton, Goderich.
Bacon Hogs
boar, A. H.
, Hicks, George
year-old boar,
Hicks, A. IL Warner; boar under
months, IL Filson, A, Hicks, Goo. i Intermediate carrots, koss one-year, A, H. Warner, George | shall, Mrs. L. Harris; long
two-year-old, Geoi'ge
Becker and Willert, G.
Arnold Merner; one-
George Bennett, Beth
George Bennett; single----- .
heifer, E. R.
W. S. O’Neil
calf, W. S.
G. A. O’Niel,
R. Douglas, John Pym, Andrew
Hicks, J. Pym; hoar under six
r. Douglas, third and fourth, A.
IL Warner; two-year-old sow,
Andrew Hicks, A, IL Warner, H.
Filson, G. R. Douglas; sow, one-
year-old, G. Douglas, A. H,
Warner, II. Filson, A. Hicks, A.
H. Warner; sow under .one year,
A. IL Warner, H. Filson, G, R.
Douglas, Andrew Hicks, Fred
Holzhauer; sow under 6 months,
Andrew Hicks, IL Filson, G. R.
Douglas, third and fourth, H.
Filson; pair bacon hogs, H. Fil
Canada. Packers’ Special •—
Andrew Hicks.
G. A. Hawkins' Special —
Archie Etherington.
Hunter-Duvar Special — Hugh
Judge — D, J. Perch,
Dorset Horned—Preston Dear
ing won 6 firsts and 6 seconds
Orval McGowan won 5 thirds.
Pen, Preston Dearing, Orval Mc
Oxford Downs -— Aged ram,
Orval McGowan, Donald Dearing;
shearling ram, Donald Dearing,
O. McGowan, second and third;
ram lamb, O. McGowan, first and
third, D. Dearing second; ewe,
D. Dearing, O. McGowan, second
and third; shearling ewe, 0. Mc
Gowan, first and third, D. Dear
ing, second; ewe lamb, 0, Mc
Gowan, D. Dearing, second and
third; pen, O. McGowan, D.
Shropshire Downs—Aged ram,
O. McGowan, first and second;
shearling ram, O. McGowan, first
and third, G. H. Armstrong, sec
ond; ram lamb, 0. McGowan,
first and second, G. H. Arm
strong; ewe, O. McGowan, first
and third, G. H. Armstrong,
second; shearling ewe, 0. Mc
Gowan, first and third, G. H.
Armstrong, second; ewe lamb, O.
McGowan, first and third, G. H.
Armstrong second; pen, 0. Mc
Gowan, G. H. Armstrong.
Leicesters—William IL Pepper
won seven firsts, three seconds,
one third; George I-I. Armstrong
won two seconds and two thirds.
Southdowns —■ J. B. Kennedy
won seven firsts and six seconds.
Judge -—- A. D. Steeper.
Brahmas, hen, Ivan McCly
mont, first and second; Orphing-
tons, Ivan McClymont, four firsts
and three seconds; Wyandottes,
J. A, Douglas, four firsts, Ivan
McClymont three seconds; Bar
red Rocks, J. A. Douglas, four
firsts, I. McClymont, one second;
Edgar Cudmore and son, two
seconds; White Rocks, J. A.
Douglas two firsts and two sec
onds; I. MicClymont first for hen;
Rhode Island Reds, xL A. Doug
las, four firsts, two seconds;
Donald Dearing second for cocke
rel; New Hampshire Reds, J. A.
Douglas, four firsts, one second,
Ivan. McClymont, two seconds;
Black Giants, I. McClymont, four
firsts; Sussex, I. McClymont, two
firsts, one second; Donald Dear
ing second for cockerel; EJ"
Cudmore and
Mmorcas, J.
firsts, three
Clyinont first
Leghorns, G.
firsts, Ivan
seconds; Brown Leghorns, J. A.
Douglas, four firsts, I. McCly
mont, three seconds; Anconas, I.
McClymont, three firsts; Game,
Donald Dearing first for hen;
Australorps, I. McClymont, three
firsts; Seabriglit Bantams, Geo.
Douglas, two firsts; any variety
bantams, G. IL Douglas, four
firsts, two seconds, I* McClymont
second for cockerel,
Rouen ducks* (1. R. Douglas,
four firsts; rabbits, Geo. Snell,
two firsts.Utility pens, Leghorns, I. Mc
Clymont, Edgar Ctidnjote; Reds,
Donald Dearing, Edgar Cudmore
and son; Rocks, Edgar Cudmore
and son, Ivan McClymont; Min-
ocas, I. McClymont.
Pr, Pigeons, C. Fisher, first
and second.
Wein Special* -Edgar Cudmore
and son.
Grain And Seeds
Bus. tall wheat, Harry Strang,
M. E. Hooper & son, Ted Pooley;
bus, red fall wheat, M. E.
- Hooper and son; spring wheat,
’ Harry Strang; bus. feed barley,
■ M* E. Hooper and son, H. A,
Fuss; oats, Harry Strang, M. E.
■ Hooper and son, Clark Fisher;
■ timothy seed, M. E. Hooper and
[ I soil, H, A. Fuss; flax seed, M*
E. Hooper and soli; Red clover
seed, M. E. Hooper and son. IL
A. Fuss; small peas, M. E. Hoop
er and son; malting barley, M.
E. Hooper and son, H* Strang;
2 bus. malting barley, M, E.
Hooper and son, Harry Strang;
Beaver oats with slieaf, Ross
Keys; slieaf of barley, Mrs. L.
Harris; sheaf of wheat, Ted
M. E.
son first for pullet:
A. Douglas, two
seconds*; Ivan Mc-
for cockerel; White
R. Douglas, four
McClymont, three
rots, Ross Marshall; white or
yellow field carrots, M. E. Hoop
er and son; table sauash, M. E,
Hooper and son; Bantam corn,
Ross Marshall, Lorna Taylor;
watermelons, M. E Hooper and
son, F, McClymont; pumpkin,
M. E. Hooper and son; Hubbard
squash. Mrs. W. Roupe, Mrs. Waiter Weber; muskmelon, M*
E. Hooper and son, Lorna Tay
lor; Swede turnips, H. A. Fuss;
'parsnips, M. E, Hooper and son,
Ross Marshall; citrons, M. E,
Hooper and son, Ross Marshall;
Spanish onions, M, E. Hooper
and son; summer squash, M. E
Hooper and son, Ross_ Marshall
winter squash, M, F
son, Fred McClymont
special, Fred McClymont.
Commercial Vegetables—Cab
bage, .Ted Pooley, Archie Eller-
ington, William Ellerington, Mrs.
John Hodgert; sugar beets, Wm.
Ellerington, Archie Etherington,
Ted Pooley, Pete Willard; tur
nips, William Ellerington, Earl
Shapton, Mrs. . Walter Weber
T*ed Pooley, Archie Etherington;
potatoes, William Ellerington
Ted Pooley, Olar k Fisher, Roj
Johns, Mrs. L. H arris, Earl
Shapton; red beets, Mrs. , L.
Harris, Earl Shapton, William
Ellerington, Ted Pooley; .carrots,
Wm. Ellerington, Earl Shapton.
Judges—R. S. Austin, Arkona,
W. V. Bluett, Thedford.
Apples—Fred McClymont,
Varna, won 22 firsts, three sec-
ons;. Victor Jeffrey first for six
named varieties and Roxboro
Russets, one second; Victor Ho
garth, first for Golden Russets,
thirteen seconds; Mrs. Leonard
Harris, second for St. Lawrence;
Preston Dearing, second for
Wealthy; William Ellerington,
first for McIntosh and Delicious;
Ross Keys, first for Wealthy
Blenheim Pippins.
Pears—Fred McClymont,
firsts; Victor Hogarth, one
ond; Mrs. John Hunkin,
second; Mrs. Leonard
one second.
Plums — Rein Claude, Victor
Hogarth, Mrs. L. Harris; Brad
shaws, F. McClymont; any vari
ety, Fred McClymont.
No grapes
W. V. Bluett,
Fine Arts And Crafts
Oil Painting — Scene, Mrs. G.
C. Koch, Miss L. Livingston;
fruit pr vegetables, Mrs, Edgar
Darling, Miss L. Livingston;
flowers, Mrs. E. • Darling, Miss
Livingston; animals,_ Miss Living
Water Colors
Miss Livingston,
Miscellaneous — Pastel, Mrs.
G. C. Koch, Mrs. Darling; char
coal, H. A. Fuss, Miss Living
ston; pen and ink sketch, Mrs.
Norma Finkbeiner, Miss Living
ston; pencil drawing, Miss Liv
ingston, Mrs.
Mrs. Darling,
crayon study,
Art Crafts
or peaches were
S. Austin, Arkona;
Mrs. G. C. Koch; marine
Miss Livingston, H. A.
portrait, Miss Livingston.
— Landscape,
Mrs. Darling;
Miss Livingston, Mrs.
original study, H. .A.
Miss Livingston; portrait,
Livingston; any subject,
J. O. Byrne, Miss Living
—- Two-year-old
Warner, Andrew
R. Douglas; one-
Hugh Filsoil, A,
3% dee October 1, 1952
have been called for payment
October 1, 1949
These bonds should be presented for redemp
tion with all coupons of later date attached.
No further interest will be paid on these
bonds after this date
W. E. Reid
K3W yr,
We Expect A Car Of Molasses This Week
Drum $15.00 off car
No Price Guarantee On Future Deliveries
Mill Feed
We Expect Bran and Shorts Will Be Extremely
Scarce This Winter* They Are Available Now.
Darling; sepia,
Miss Livingston;
H. A. Fuss, Miss
Place Yoar Order Now If You Require Beet Pulp
— Collection of
snaps, Lorna Taylor,
Mrs. G. C. Koch; .Robertson’s
special, Mrs. N, Finkbeiner
Cudmore and son.
1 lo > . . ■ -
Pooler, Mrs. Leonard
ten ears husking corn,
Hooper and sons, Roy Johns,
Fred McUlyniont; grain in ear,
F. McClymont; ensilage corn, M.
E, Hooper and son, Alvin Pym;
special, M. E. Hooper and son.
judge — K. IL Hillier.
Early potatoes, Ted Pooley;
late potatoes, Ted Pooley; three
varieties, Tod Pooley; long beets,
F, McClymont; Globe beets, Ross
Marshall; sugar beet mangolds,
M. E. Hooper and soft; long
mangolds, M. E. Hooper and son,
H. A. Fuss; Globe mangolds, M.
E. Hooper and son; tomatoes,
Mrs* L. Harris, Ross Marshall;
! intermediate carrots, Ross Mar-
; car-
in ear,
Menz For Your Fall Wardrobe
Choose Your Garment Tailored by
Yes, Saville-Row not only offers you smart new fall patterns
but also quality cloths that arc. beautifully tailored to your
individual measurement. A suit or topcoat is an investment
in which you want to be sure of satisfaction. That’s why we
suggest you have Saville-Row tailor your fall garment*
Ladies* Flannelette Gowns
White with
Extra Special
We have 10 dozen of these towels
with a sand ground trimmed with
colourful stripes. They are very ab
sorbent. Size is IS” x 3(5”.
Specially priced at 450 each
coloured trim $2.75
Ladies* Flannelette Pyjamas
Pink and blue grounds $3.50
Children^ Flannelette Pyjamas
Pink and blue grounds $2*50 & $2.75
97-piece Dinner Set
Bouquet pattern—a very neat design.
If you are interested in a dinner set
come in and we’ll be glad to show
you this attractive set.
Regular price $50.00
Now $44.95