HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-09-22, Page 10THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 22, 1949 Watermelons are more .than 93% water. Home Baking and White Elephant Sale Home Baking and White lhe- phant Sale at the Exeter Legion Hall on Saturday, September 24, at 2 pan,, sponsored by the Offi­ cer’s. Wives* Auxiliary, R.C.A.F. Station Centralia, e. Presentation and Dance FOR MR. AND MRS. DON DEARING Tuesday, Sept. 27 9:30 p.m. EXETER OPERA HOUSE Everybody Welcome Clandeboye Lad Injured In Collision A two-year-old boy, Claude Chiasson, of R.IL 1, Clandeboye, was admitted to London Hospital last night suffering lacerations following a two-car collision oxi Highway No. 4 a quarter-mile south of Elginfield. The accident occurred on the side of the hill where the high­ way is being resurfaced. It is the second accident there in the past .week. Police say the car driven by the boy’s father, Mathias Chais­ son, going north, apparently went out of control, went off the east shoulder of the road, along the ditch for some distance, then re­ gained the road where jt was in collision with a car moving south driven by Miss Olive Sheppard. 824 Maitland street, London. Both drivers suffered minor face lacerations. Damage to the cars was esti­ mated at $500. First aid was given to the Chiasson boy by Dr. C. II. George, of Lucan. Provincial Police Constable John McGettrick investigated. Town Topics Items of Social and Personal Interest in and Around Exeter The Tinxes-Advocate is always pleased to publish these items. We and our readers are interested in you and your friends. Phone 31w Mrs. Stewart Dick has accept­ ed a position with Mr. S. B. Taylor. Previews its Coming Attractions FRIDAY, SATURDAY September 23 - 24 Zane Grey’s ‘Red Canyon’ - Color by Teclinicolor - ★ Ann Blytli 4* Howard Duff ★ George Brent MONDAY, TUESDAY September 26 - 27 ‘City Across the River’ 4r Steplien McNally 4r Sue England The shock drama of our wayward boys and girls. Two Drivers Fin ed For Careless Driving Convicted of careless driving which caused five persons to be hospitalized, John . A. Gillies, Detroit, was fined $25 and costs by Magistrate Dudley Holmes, K.C., in Exeter court, Thursday. The charge resulted from an accident last Sunday on Highway 81, a half-mile west of Grand Bend when Gillies’ car collided head-on with one driven by Hugo Schenk, Crediton butcher. Mr, Schenk, his wife, Mervyn. Revelle, Grand Bend, Gillies and two others from Detroit were hospit­ alized because of injuries sus­ tained from the accident. A Riverside youth was con­ victed of careless driving and il­ legal possession of beer at Grand Bend two weeks ago and was fined $25 and costs. Magistrate Dudley Holmes, K.C., levied the fine aftei' listen­ ing to evidence given by Grand Bend . special police, William i Lochner. Lochner testified that the youth, driving a model A touring ear. seriously threatened traffic by erratic driving through the main street. An unopened case of beer and two full bottles, confiscated from the car, were produced by the crown. WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY September 28 - 29 ‘Lust for Gold’ ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ★ Ida Lupino ★ Glen Ford A true story of secret treasure! MATINEE Every Saturday and Holiday At 2:80 P.M. Notice Huronia Male Choir will resume rehearsals Tuesday, September 27 at 8:00 p.m. in the school rooms of James Street United Church Attention Bowlers There Will Be an Open Meeting in the Town Hall, Exeter Friday, September 23 8:00 P.M. For the Purpose of Organizing a Bowling Association for Exeter and District a—........................... —........ m Marilyn Pfaff has accepted a positioix with The Exeter Tinxes- Advocate. She began last week. Mrs. Stevenson and son, David, of Windsor, are visiting with the former’s parents, Mr. .and Mrs. H. J. Kestje. Rev. L. C. Harvey, of Byron, and a native of Exeter, had some fine photographs oxx display at the Western Fair last week, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. . Moise, Jack and Bill, of Blenheim, and formerly of Exeter, were Sunday visitors at the home of .Mr, and Mrs. J. M. Southcott. Jack is carrying his right foot ixx a cast as a result of a brokexx bone iix his ankle. He returns to Toronto next week to continue his studies at the University. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Pym and family of Thedford spent the week-end with the latter’s par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. .Johix Prance. They also attended the Morley- Pym wedding at Elimville on Saturday where Miss Eloise Pym was one of the waitresses. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Miller, Katherine, Ronald and Tommy, of Innerkip, Miss Jessie Ellis, of New Hamburg, and Miss Helexx Armstrong, of London, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. John Prance. Mrs. Janies McFalls and son, Rey Silas McFalls, of London, and Mrs. Alex McFalls, of Exe­ ter, visited with Mr. and Mrs. James Peacock, of Bluevale. Mrs. J. H. Hendry returned home Sunday after spending a couple of days in Owen Sound with Mr. Hendry, newly appoint­ ed manager of the Bank of Mont­ real there. Arrangements are being made to move their furni­ ture the latter part of the week. Mrs. Sarah Gibson underwent an operation in St. Joseph’s Hos­ pital, London, and is doing as well as can be expected. Mr, Lloyd Bell, who has been ill in Victoria Hospital, London, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Wright of Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. Gor­ don Sewell and son, Collis, Fort Erie, visited fox* a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Clarise Snell and attended the Hill-Snell wedding on Saturday. Mx*. and Mrs. V. L. Roulston, Gail and Karen, of Simcoe, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Howald and Mrs. G. F. Roulston. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. McLaren of Peterborough are visiting with ' Mrs. D. A. Anderson. Rev. Arthur Page, of Owen Sound, formerly of Exeter, who recent underwent an operation in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, is progressing favourably and xs expected to return home shortly. Mr. and Mrs. -John Earl of Seaforth visited with Mr. .and Mrs. James Squire. Mrs. A. Raeburn-Gibson is visiting with her dauglxtex* and son-in-law, Mr.* and Mrs. Jack Doerr. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Balkwill, Paul and Claire, are motoring on a trip through the U.S. to Sault Ste. Marie this week. Mr. Peter Fraser returned from Ottawa this week to visit with his parents for a few days before going back to university. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Currie and daughter Mary Francis, and Jac­ quelyn Currie, of Wingham, visit­ ed with Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Hopper and family on Friday. Dr. A. D. C. and Mrs. Mc- Lagan, of Preston, and Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Chambers and family, of London Township, visited with theix* mother, Mrs. W. E. Winer, on Sunday. Mrs. Winer returned with Mr. and Mrs. Chambers to London on a visit. Miss Jean Ivison, Kippen, and Mrs. J. Balfour of Regina visited with Mrs. J. B. McLean and fam­ ily on Wednesday of last week. Week-end guests with Mr. and Mrs. Pollard were Mr. and Mrs. P. Nichols of Parkhill. I Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Horney, Bobby and Joanne, of Ridgemay, visited last week with the form­ er’s brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William Horney. (lev. II. J. and Mrs, Mahoney, Phyllis and Margaret attended the wedding of Rev. Mahoney’s nephew, Norman Marshall, to Betty Smith. The wedding was solemnized at .St. John’s Anglican Church, Rockwood, on Saturday noon. Phyliss acted as junior bridesmaid, Dorothy McLean, R.N., of Owen Sound Hospital, visited last week at the home of her mother, Mrs, J. B. McLean, Mrs. Norm Hockey has been very ill at her home with blood poisoning. Mrs. Hockey’s sister, Mrs. R. Simpson, of Toronto, is looking after her. Mr, Allan Hobbs of Galt visit­ ed with his sister, Mrs. T. O. Southcott, over the week-end. Mrs. Jim Green, who is re­ covering from a broken hip, re­ turned home from London hos- pqital this week and. is now at the home of her daughter, Mrs.' John Stuart, in Hibbert. Mr. and Mrs. William Street and two daughters, of Penetang, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Percy McFalls. Miss 'Phyliss Scott and Miss Lome Beattie entertained at a miscellaneous shower in hoxiox* of Miss Doris Penliale at Mrs. Beattie’s home, Maitland St., London, on Tuesday, September 6. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Davis, of Kincardine, are holidaying at the the home of Mr. Davis’ mother, ■ Mrs. Sidney Davis. Mr. Thomas Tapp, of Detroit, is visiting with his sister, Miss Mary Tapp. Mi^s Shirley Taylor spent last week-end in Detroit. Wife Of Accountant Dies Mr. Jack W, Kinnell of Simcoe will have the sympathy of many friends in the death of his wife, Minerva McIntyre Kinnell, who passed away at Simcoe Friday in her thirty-fifth year. Mr, Kinnell was the accountant at the local branch of the Bank of Montreal for about a year, being trans­ ferred to Simcoe in 1947, While here, they resided in one of the Elliot apartments. Undergoes Operation Mr. Keith Weber, Usborne, is in Victoria Hospital, London, having undergone an operation on his knee. Some time ago, Mr. Weber ran a nail in his knee and complications arose that ne­ cessitated an operation. Mrs. Webex* (nee Hazel Williams) also met with an unfortunate acci­ dent. Mrs. Weber had just sat down to a meal after placing a hot pot of tea on the table when Joyce, eleven-months-old daugh­ ter, grabbed the ipot and spilled the contents over hex1 mother, Both legs were badly scalded. The accident happened several days ago and Mrs. Webex* has suffered considerably. Teni-Year Chevrons Presented To Lions Twelve Monarch. Chevrons for ten years membership were pre­ sented at the Lions Club meeting last Friday by past president Dr. Harvey Cowan. The chevrons were awarded to W. J. Hern, G. C. Kocli, L. J. 'Penhale, C. .V. Pickard, W« H, pollen, H. C, Rivers, W. G. Sel­ don, Ulric Snell, H, O. Southcott, C. J. Stewart, S. B. Taylor, tand A. J. Traquair. Rev. H. J. Mahoney spoke to the meeting, commending the club on their various projects. He suggested ways of arousing enthusiasm and loyalty in the club, “But”, he warned, “God is the first loyalty 'of public-spirited citizens.” Lion Joe Creech re­ plied to the address. , 'Reports from the membership and sight committees, headed by Lions Reg Beavers and Harvey Pollen, ,;were heard. GRAND BEND TO YOU, ITS PATRONS, PRESENTS FRIDAY, SATURDAY September 23 - 24 ■k Robert Mitchum . 4 Barbara Bel Geddes ★ Robert Preston ‘Blood on the Moon’ Packed with blazing action, thundering drama, and Stirring romance. Cartoon, “PLUTO’S PURCHASE” “BIG MOUTH BASS” and ADDITIONAL SHORT .. ... .. ......—— Exeter Roller Skating Rink (Two Blocks West Of Southcott Bros. Store) Skating Mon*, Wed*/ Fri. and Sat. General Admission: Adults 350, Children 250 Saturday Afternoon — 2:00 to 5:00 p.tri. Adults 250, Children 200 SKATES SUPPLIED REFRESHMENT BOOTH Hot Dogs, Soft Drinks, Cigarettes, Ice Cream, Candy, French Fries Women’s Association JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH Sunday, September 25 REV. L. H. TURNER pf Goderich will be the guest speaker Mrs. Thomas Fletcher Will Be the Guest Soloist Frank W. Weekes A former resident of Exeter, Frank Whiteford Weekes, passed away Wednesday, September 14, at his late residence in Brant­ ford. The remains were brought to Exeter and a private funeral service was held Saturday after­ noon from the Hopper-Hockey funeral home with Interment in the Exeter cemetery. The de­ ceased, who was 63 years of age, was born in Exeter, only son of the late ’William D. and Mrs. Weekes. His father for many years was associated with the marble works in town. Mr. Weekes learned photography with Mr. J. Senior, now of Cali­ fornia. After leaving Exeter lie conducted studios in Brandon, Hamilton and Brantford. After locating in Brantford his two aunts. Misses Annie and Minnie Weekes, of town, moved to that city to make their home with him, Mr. Weekes kept a close ■ touch with his old friends and visited Exeter quite frequently. The funeral Saturday was con­ ducted by Rev. Mr. Sinclair. The bearers were Messrs. T. Pryde, R. G. Seldon, W. Cunningham, William May, T. O. Southcott, and G. W. Hawkins.'Among those attending the fuiieral from a distance were Miss Minnie Weekes, of Brantford, Evan. Mc­ Donald and C. Spademan, of Guelph, Mr, and Mrs. George Weekes, H. Eston, Rev. Mr. Grigg and W. IL Levett, of Lon- , don. Return From Trip Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Johns and Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Skinner1 returned home oxi Monday last after a four weeks extended trip through Western Canada and the United States. ’They visited with relatives axxd friends at Winni­ peg, Virden, Regina, .Saskatoon, Salvador, Coronation and Cal­ gary, and travelled through Banff National Park to Lake Louise. They grossed the Great Divide as fax* as Kicking Horse Pass before crossing the border at Carway, Alberta, to visit Glacier and Yellowstone National Parks, returning home through the Bad Lands of North Dakota and Northern States by Chicago. They travelled 5,500 miles. Bowlers Plan To Form Association There will be an open meet­ ing this Friday night at the Town Hall to organize a bowling association for the town of Exe- ter and district. The idea behind the associa­ tion is to do away with the con­ fusion that resulted in last year’s bowling. A set of rules will be drawn up and a president, sec­ retary and treasurer will be elected. Anyone wishing to enter a team in a league will be given an opportunity to do so and it is hoped to have two leagues, or possibly three. -The Exeter Mens Bowling League and the Exeter District League will be represented at the meeting. These leagues are the original Exeter leagues, and are the main factors in forming a bowling association. It is hoped that someone can be hired to look after all scores, and handicaps, with all teams contributing toward the cost of having a man. With The Editor -—Continued from Page One new wax beans saute, potatoes minute, coupe dame blanche, as­ sorted cakes, coffee, Tuesday evening the members were taken by bus to the side of a lake where preparations were made for a barbeque that took place Wednesday at noon in true western style. (This we hope to describe next week,) Famous Malign c Canyon Wednesday afternoon the party was taken on a sight-seeing trip around the mountains and visit­ ed the famous Maligne canyon, one of the most spectacular sights in the Rock Mountains. A gorge some 200 feet deep has been cut through the rock and in places was less than ten feet in width. Two bridges nave been built over parts of tne narrow canyon where excellent views are obtained as you look down be­ tween the narrow walls which must have taken many centuries for the waters to cut through. Wednesday evening the asso­ ciation banquet was held, when the trophies and awards were distributed to the winners of the various contests conducted in connection with the xiewspapets. Thursday there was more sightseeing and preparations for the homeward journey. Granting of land ih most pro­ vinces does not give the recipient the right to mine it. «■—.. . ..———- -— ■ Announcements Birth, Death and Marriage Notices are inserted free of charge. Card of Thanks 50c. In Memoriam Notice 50c for single verse, 25c extra for each additional verse, En­ gagements 50c. II- -----— ----—--------- -------—■ BIRTHS AYOTTE—Keith, son of Mr, and Mrs. Milford Ayotte wishes to announce the arrival of his baby brotlxex* (Clarence Mil­ ford) in Exeter on September 20, 1949. DIETRICH—At Mrs. Batten’s nursing home, on Thursday, September 15, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Benedict Dietrich (nee Mary Glavin) of Cen­ tralia, a daughter, Anna Marie. HEYWOOD — To Mr. axxd Mrs. •Hubert Heywood, Usborne, at Mrs. Hunter’s Nursing home, on Septembex* 16, a son, Hu­ bert Wesley Herbert. KNAPP—At Mrs. Batten’s nurs­ ing home on Sunday, Septem- bex* IS, 1949, to LAC and Mrs. Erving Knapp, of Exeter, a son, Lawrence Arthur, a bro­ thel* fox* Sharon and June. MARRIAGES BEATTIE—PENHALE—-At Col- borne St. United Clxurch, Lon­ don, on .Saturday, September 17, by Rev. A. M. Stuart, Doris Evelyn, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Penhale, of Exeter, to Mr. Kenneth Alex- andex* Beattie, son or Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Beattie, of London. DEATHS WEEKES—At ills late residence, Brantford, Wednesday, Sep­ tember 14, 1949, Frank White­ ford Weekes, aged sixty-three years. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. William Gilfillan, Kirkton, announce the engage­ ment of their daughter, Wilma Marinda, to Mervyn John Love, son of Mrs. Love and the late Thomas Love, of Grand Bend. The marriage will take place on Friday, October 7, at 7 p.m., in the Kirkton United Church. • Mr. and Mrs. William Cutting wish to announce the engage­ ment of their youngest daughter, June Elizabeth, to Mr, John Cairnie, member of the R.C.A.F. Centralia. He is the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. John Cairnie of Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. The wedding will take place on Octo­ ber 29. * CARDS OF THANKS I wish to thank all those who so kindly remembered me while I was a patient in .Victoria Hos­ pital and since returning home.* —Eleanor Dawson Charles “Tupper” Anderson wishes to express his sincere thanks to the many friends who so kindly remembered him while a patient ill St. Joseph’s Hospital and since returning home. * Mrs. W. W. Coleman and fam­ ily of Exeter wish to express tlxeir sincere thanks and appre­ ciation for the many acts of kindness extended to them dur­ ing the illness and bereavement of a loving husband and father. Special thanks to Dr. J. C. God­ dard, Rev. R. A. Brook, Mrs. Harry Faber and Aunt Annie Consitt, also to their many re­ latives, neighbours and friends for their kind expressions of sympathy and floral tributes and to those who loaned cars or helped in any way. c IN MEMORIAM SANDERS—In memory of Cor­ poral N. Hilton (Fat) Sanders, who was killed in action five years ago today. Your memory to us is keepsake With which we will never part, Though God has you in His keeping, , We have you in our hearts. —Lovingly remembered ?b y mother, dad, sisters and bro­ thers, 220 Save Your Scrap Paper A PAPER COLLECTION is being made within 3 weeks. ——---- -—----- ------—B Callins All CUBS All boys between the ages of 8 and 11 years, who are m embers of the Exeter Wolf Cubs, or who wish to join, are requested to meet at the SCOUT HALL on Wed., Sept 25 At 7:00 P.M. a,——.,—......................................jj MONDAY, TUESDAY September 26 - 27 ★ Ray MiUand Audrey Totter * Thomas Mitchell ‘Alias Nick Beal’ Bringing to the screen a kind of unforgettable explosive drama you’ve never seen before! PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL and CARTOON WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY September 28 - 29 ‘Kiss in the Dark’ 4- David Niven 4 Jane Wyman 4- Victor Moore It’s a merry romantic' romp, hitting the heights in hilarity! “BUGS BUNNY” CARTOON and “BANNISTER” BANTERING BABIES H —--------— ..............................— • » Legion Bingo LEGION ROOMS Saturday Night is—------.—------.-----—------------------------------------------------sa M IH Sn COME TO Kirkton Fair Thursday an d Friday, Sept. 29 and 30 FEATURING A STAGE SHOW (With Three Outstanding Vaudeville Acts) Margaret Lewis, Queen of the Accordian Tex Star, and his Guitar Roller Skating TeamThe Twirlows, Sensational Saddle Races - Calf Races Livestock Parade Pony Races - School Parade Running Races for Boys and Girls Band in Attendance Increased Prize Monies Adults 35c Children under 12 yrs. 15c Cars 25c Oliver McCurdy, Pres.Hugh Berry, Sec.-Treas. -------------------------------— Exeter Opera House Dance Every Saturday Night FRANK TRAHER AND ORCHESTRA 9:00 to 12:00 Admission 750 Starting Wednesday, Sept. 28 AND EVERY WEDNESDAY FOLLOWING OLD TIME DANCE 9:30 to 12:30 MELODY MAKERS Admission 750 Dancing Friday Night Only OLD TIME DANCE 10:00 to 1:00 MELODY MAKERS Admission 750 ——-------