HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-09-22, Page 4Page 4 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 22, 1949 W' I n 4 Tom Semple SIGNS Young husband: “When I got home my wife had my chair drawn up before the fire, my slippers ready, my pipe—” Cynic: “How did you like her new hat?” > Trucks, Windows, Store Front Signs, Gold Leaf Lettering J PJHQNE 155M EXETER M nr.,....."................................................ I I “Are you really content to spend your life walking about the country begging?" asked the old lady severly. “No, lady,” answered the tramp. Many’s the time I wish I had a ear.” LOST AND FOUND LOST—On the night of Wednes­ day, September 14, between the Pentecostal Tabernacle and the North End, a Bible; finder please return to Rev. H. Ken­ drick, Exeter. 22* .M PS- » Notice LOST—A black heifer since Au­ gust 31, from Concession 19, little white underneath, be­ longing to Chas. Wilton, R.R, 2, Dashwood, Reward, 22c STRAYED To The Residents of Exeter Eastern Standard Time will go back into effect at MIDNIGHT, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 By order of the Municipal Council of the Village of Exeter, C. V. PICKARD, Clerk Wanted Timothy, Red Clover Sweet Clovers and Alsike Highest Cash Prices Paid W. E. Reid PHONE 87W DASHWOOD Don’t Forget EXETER FAIR and while in town, choose a good used car from our group on the lot. We will be very happy to serve you. 1941 Dodge Deluxe 1939 Dodge Coach 1941 Ford Super Deluxe 1939 Chev Coach 1938 Dodge Coach The above cars are in good repair and ready for many years of service. We have also some cheap units that are worth the money: 'PS ! s; Sunoco Gas & Oil FRED DOBBS EXETER PHONE 200 Quick Heat 1939 International Panel 1929 Ford A Coaches (2) 1934 Ford Fordor 1928 Chrysler Panel Genuine Chryco Parts Oil Heaten Phone Exeter, Ont. •w Drop in today and let us show you this efficient, smartly fin­ ished heater. Radiant - Circulator Model with famous low-draft burner. You can depend on comfort for cool mornings and evenings or on rainy days by lighting a Cole­ man provides direct radiant heat quick warm-up, circulates air to distant corners. OIL HEATER E. RUSSELL 109 STRAYED—From the grass farm of J. Mousseau, Con. 6, Hay Twp., a black steer with some white, mark on right ear. — Elmer Des jar dine, phone Dash­ wood 3Sr27. 15:22c STRAYED—Onto the premises of Frank Triebner, one 2-year-old heifer. Owner may have same by proving property and pay­ ing expenses. —Phone 17rl6 Crediton. 22:29:6* WANTED WANTED—Garage for fall and winter months. —Art Whil- smith, William St., Exeter. 22c WANTED—B a by sitting, very well experienced, any time, day or night. —Phone 297J. 22c WANTED—Plain sewing, child­ ren’s play things, layettes, etc. preferred. Apply: Mrs. Wesley Jaques, John St. West. 22* WANTED—Baby sitting evenings and week-ends. Apply to Mrs. Verth, phone 5 6 Exeter. 22* WANTED—To buy: a single bed and springs in good condition. —Mel Alderson, phone 18 6J. 22c wanted nished Airport. Box P, TO RENT—An Unfur­ house near Centralia Adults only. Apply: Times-Advocate. 22c Mark Golden Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoffman, of Dashwood will mark their golden wedding anniversary on Tuesday, September 27." They will celebrate the fifty-year an­ niversary with a family dinner on Sunday, September 25, and will receive friends and relatives on Tuesday afternoon and ning. eve- Kin- Exe- Bowl At London Messrs. J. G. Davis, of cardine, who is visiting in ter, and W. M. McGregor, of St. Marys, were in London Friday evening last and won first prize in a Scotch Doubles bowling tournament of the London Bowl­ ing and Rowing Club on the P.U.C. greens. They had 3 wins plus 27, the prizes being a or overcoat. suit Caven C. C. Meet The ladies of Caven Congrega­ tional Circle held its September meeting at the home of the president, Mrs. Rose Russell. The meeting opened with sing­ ing of “Sing Unto the Hand of Harvest”. The devotional exer­ cises were taken by Miss Brown reading the 100th Psalm; a J short passage in keeping with the 100th Psalm was also read, followed by prayer. Roll call was answered with the presentation of talen money. Minutes of previous meeting were read business discussed. A splendid program was sented under the supervision of Mrs. Hatter and Mrs. Tyreman, during which Mrs. Garnet Frayne played the violin, accompanied by Mi’s. Bert Bisset on the gui­ tar. Miss Hatter read two poems -—“The Old Sitting Room” and “Thanksgiving Day”. Mrs. W. Hatter gave a splendid summary of E. Pauline Johrfson and read two of her famous poems. The program closed with Mrs. Frayne and Mrs. Bissett playing the ever lovely “Bells of St. Marys”. The meeting closed with the singing of “Follow Me, the Mas­ ter Said” and prayer. Mrs. N. Stanlake thanked the hostess and everyone taking part in the provided by Mrs. Cochrane Sr., Mrs. -Cochrane Jr. and served by the hostess, Mrs. Russell, Laing and Mrs. Taylor. the and pre- Mrs. CREDITON Birthday Celebration. Neighbors and friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Krueger the past Monday evening in honour of Mrs. Krue­ ger’s father, Mr. Henry Fahrner, on his seventy-first birthday. The evening was spent in games, after which Mr. Fahrner was presented with a beautiful gift. The address was read by Mr. A. Kendrick. The gift was present­ ed by Mrs. Nelson Schenk, after which “For He's A Jolly Good Fellow” was sung. Private JSmith was brought be­ fore his commanding officer and charged with being disorderly in the canteen the previous night. “Now, Smith,”’ said the C.O. “this is the tenth time appeared before hie charge. What have yon “Well, sir,” said Smith, hope our acquaintance will ripen Into friendship?’ you have oti tli is to say?” “I FOR SALE—A 1940 Ford panel truck, in good condition, rea­ sonable. Call Dashwood 123. 22c FOR SALE NEW SINGER SEWING. MACH­ INES—Cabinet and Electric, also Treadle machines. Re-* pairs to all makes. Singer Sewing Centre, 78 Ontario St, Stratford. 2tfc FOR SALE—Raspberry plants foi' fall planting, good sturdy canes (Latham and Viking). $3.00 pei’ hundred. Apply to Mrs. Emalie Carter, third house south of South End . Service Station, Exeter. 15:22;29c FOR SALE—Navy blue suit, 2 pair trousers; one suit, grey, size 40. Phone 249, Exeter. 15:22g FOR SALE—Fawcett oil space heater, in good condition, phone Exeter 206M. 22c FOR SALE—*30 Model A Ford; house trailer, cheap for quick sale. —Phone 100r21 Zurich. 22* FOR SALE—1938 English Ford- son tractor, new rubber and overhauled in April; also two- furrow plough, reasonable, — Gordon Prance, Winchelsea, phone Kirkton 37r22. 22:29* FOR SALE—T wo purebred Shorthorn bulls, one dark red and one roan, almost service­ able age. —Geo. Allen, Kirk­ ton, phone 34r7. 22* FOR SALE—’37 Plymouth, new motor recently, new tires and radiator also, $600. Apply to Lennis Gingerich, Zurich, tele­ phone 84r3. 22* FOR SALE—One pedal kiddie car, in good condition. Apply at Mrs. Sutton’s residence, on Simcoe Street. 22* FOR SALE—Good working mare, black, 7 years old, quiet, and nicely marked. Apply to V. Cooper, Cromarty. 22* FOR SALE—Golden Hamsters. Apply to Mrs. Kenneth Johns, Woodham, Ont., phone Kirk­ ton 441’5. 22* FOR SALE—T r a c t o r, Massey- Harris pony, with a scuffler, power take-off and pulley. Ap­ ply: Imperial Garage, Grand Bend. 22c FOR SALE—One coal and wood range, warming closet and water front, good condition; one chest of drawers; also one chesterfield. Apply: J. A. Don­ ner, Grand Bend. 22* FOR SALE—1,000 cords of 12” hardwood. —F. O. Kalbfleisch & Son, Zurich, phone 69. 22:29:6:13c FOR SALE—1947 half-ton Ford pickup and Model A coach. Apply: South End Service Sta­ tion. 22c FOR SALE—’3^ Chev sedan, in good condition. Apply: Broder­ ick Bros., Exeter, phone 277. 22* FOR SALE—’46 Dodge deluxe sedan, in good condition. Tele­ phone 270 Exeter, G. A. Cann. 22c FOR SALE—Electric stove, with deep well cooker, automatic 1 oven, 5-speed burners, cheap; also wardrobe. —Phone 133W Exeter. 22* FOR SALE—Durham cattle, have been T.B. tested. Apply at Wesley Venner, Kippen, Ont., phone 84r3 Hensall. 22* FOR SALE—Used piano, $59.00. W. Martin. Exeter South. 22* FOR SALE—Heater for coal or wood, $3.00; also girl’s blue coat, size 14, $5.00. Apply to Mrs. A. Bierling, Hay P.O. 22* FOR SALE ! FEMALE HELP WANTED electric re­ ft., good $195, Also scale, $24. FOR SALE—A Norge frigerator, 5 cu. working condition, 1,200-lb. platformOne bag truck, $4.95. Apply; Mrs. E. Case, Hensail, phone 35. 22c WANTED—Woman to help with new baby, starting September 26. Apply to Box B, Times- Advocate, 22c Help Wanted FOR SALE—1936 Dodge sedan, in good condition, at reason­ able price. —Phone Dashwood 164r8. 22* FOR SALE—Boy’s suit, 6 years, all-wool brown check, good condition, cheap; man’s navy blue overcoat, reasonable. — Phone 159W Exeter. 22c FOR SALE—A child’s steel crib, in good condition, Phone 3 61 J, Mrs. Ryckman. 22c FOR SALE—1937 Ford coach, In good condition. Price cheap for quick sale. Apply to .Ed Hendrick, Crediton, telephone 19r25. 22* FOR SALE—Two heaters. Apply Box P, Times-Advocate. 22c FOR SALE—1947 Chev coach, in first class condition, low mileage, good tires. Apply: Lox C, Exeter Times-Advocate. 22c FOR SALE—Beach 4-plate elec­ tric range, heavy duty. —Ed’s * Imperial Sales & Service, Exe­ ter. 22c FOR SALE—1938 Chev sedan, original owner. A few dollars will put this car in real shape. A good buy for $550 cash. — Exeter Times-Advocate. 22* FOR SALE- Large frame barn; also choice lot with fruit trees on nice street. Phone 15 Exe­ ter. 22c FOR SALE—-A small size Beach cook stove with high shelf and reservoir, all new brick and linings in perfect condition. Apply 176-12 Exeter. 22* FOR SALE—Choice fall honey (with no buckwheat) at 15c per pound; also clover honey in 4-lb. containers. Apply; Ewart Pym, phone 338J Exe­ ter, 22* Young Woman For Clerking and Office Work h Experience preferred but not necessary. APPLY BOX “B”, TIMES-ADVOCATE FOR SALE—Sprayed apples, fall varieties. Orders taken Spies, King, Greening, etc. Fred McClymont, Varna. 22:29:6* for MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE—Rangette, cheap. Phone 349J Exeter. 22* PLASTER CONTRACTING — Plain or ornamental, Guaran­ teed satisfaction, mates, Telephone 122, D. L. Firby. Free esti- Dashwood 14tfn c MALE HELP WANTED WANTED—A boy or young man to learn the butcher trade. — Chambers & Darling, Exeter. 22* ODD JOBS DONE — Plastering, chimneys, sidewalks, etc. —J. ’ Webster, Exeter station, west side. 1:8:15:22* PLUMBING, electric wiring, oil heating. Phone Gerald Grat­ ton, 42r3 Grand Bend. -tfc FOR RENT NOTICE TO CREDITORS FOR RENT—T wo rooms for light housekeeping, furnished. A-pply at Times-Advocate. 22* In the RADIOS By day or week. VACUUM CLEANERS ELECTRIC FLOOR POLISHERS Beavers Hardware TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the undersigned for the purchase of building known as the Exeter Legion Rooms on Main Street, Exeter. 'Certified cheque for 10 per cent of purchase price to accompany tender. Highest any tender not necessarily 'ac­ cepted. Tenders received up to September 30, 1949. ELMER D. BELL, For Canadian Legion, Exeter. 8:15:22c or Coal The Exeter District High School Board invites tenders for 100 tons of stoker coal—2-inch nut and slack similar to Cavalier, Champion, and ‘Superior, with a fusion of 2,400 degrees. Contrac­ tor should state in his tender the B.T.U. content of coal Ten per cent of contract to be de­ livered immediately, the balance at the direction of the board with the latest delivery not later than April 30, 1950. Tenders must reach the secre­ tary by 6 p.m., October 3, 1949. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders should be addressed to E. D. Howey, secretary, Exe­ ter District High School Board, Box B, Exeter. 22:29c REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—Two-storey brick house, suitable for large fam­ ily or apartments. —C. V. Pic­ kard, Realtor, Main St., Exe­ ter. 18c HOUSES—I f you require a home, get in ahead of the fall rush. Buy now. We have sev­ eral two- and three-bedroom homes, immediate possession, if desired. These are good properties and well Ideated. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St,, Exeter. 4c IN EXETER, small insul-bric house, built-in cupboards, sink, ..own water, heavy wiring, 3- plece bath, 2 bedrooms, pos­ sess Oct. 1. —W. 0. Pearce, Realtor. 15c NO. 8 HIGHWAY town new ser­ vice Station garage, equipped, attached lunch and meal room fully equipped, both heated by air circulating oil furnace; de­ tached dwelling with full bath, hot air furnace, large lots. — W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. « 15c FOR SALE—80 acres, 11 miles out. Brick house, driveshed, barn with abasement stabling, hydro, $7,000, 100 acres in house, b a n k $7,500. 150 acres in house, large barns, hydro. 200 acres brick house, abundant water, and electric­ ity. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exe­ ter. 15c Stephen, bar n, Hibbert, L-shaped brick hydro, brick bank i n Tuckersmith, large barns, FARMS FOR SALE—W e have several good farms in the Exeter district; 100 acres close with good buildings and hy­ dro, price $7,500, easy terms. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor. 8c estate of Eli J. Lawson, deceased. PERSONS having claims the estate of Eli J. Law- ALL against son, late of the Village of Credi­ ton in the County of Huron, Gentleman, deceased, who died on or about the 17th day of August, 1949, are required to file particulars of the same with Herbert K. Eilber, Crediton, one 'of the undersigned executors, on or before the tem'ber, 1949, the executors distribute the gard only to which notice J Dated this Sth day of Septem­ ber, 24th day of Sep- after which date of the estate will • same having re- > those claims of has been received, 1949. Mrs. Lucy Brokenshire, 202 Prospect S„ Hamilton, Ont. Mrs. Lily Ellen Wright, 33 Ellis Ave. East, Windsor, Ont. Herbert K. Eilber, Crediton, Ont. (Executors) 15:22c AUCTION SALES Clearing AUCTION SALE OF Livestock, Implements Household Effects On Lot 19, Con. 13, Hay 1% " - * and miles west and half mile south of Zurich undersigned auctioneer has instructed to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 commencing at 1 o’clock sharp HORSES: Aged working horse; Bay gelding, rising 9 years old. CATTLE: White cow, due in November; roan cow, carrying her third calf, due in March; spotted cow, 3 years old; two white yearling heifers. All cattle are T.B. tested. These are all good JMirham cattle.PIGS: Yorkshire sow, with! litter of eleven at foot; 2 young| York sows, weighing 135 pounds each. IMPLEMENTS, ETC.: Deering binder, 6-ft. cut; Deering mower, 5-ft cut, in good condi­ tion; Massey Harris 11-hoe ferti­ lizer drill; Deering hay rake; Deering 3-horse cultivator; 3- horse cultivator; 3-section har­ rows; Fleury walking plow; Quebec sulky plow, like new; hand scuffler; steel-tired wagon; 14-ft. hay rack; gang plow; 2- horse disc; gas engine on trucks; wagon box; stock rack; set of bob sleighs; Clinton fanning mill complete with sieves; 2,00 0-lb. cap. scales; 240-lb. cap. scales; good top buggy; cutter; colony house; stove with Hoover; 2 side scrapers; circular saw; block and tackle with 100 feet of rope; quantity pi cedar posts; wire gate; quantity of galvan-, ized sheeting; onion sieves; p grindstonel emery; rubber belt; < bag truck;" grain shovel, new; 15 good grain bags; quantity of twine sacks; hog crate; quantity of lumber; electric fencer; 2 iron kettles; wheelbarrow; set of harness; ladders; quantity of bee supplies; 3 good iogging chains of various sizes; planks; quantity of lumber; trussels; heckyokes; doubletrees; Model T auto frame; and ous other articles. HAY & GRAIN: Eight timothy and alfalfa hay, quality; 240 bushels of mixed grain, oats and barley. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Six dining room chairs; small table; square top extension table; bur­ eau; 2 cedar chests; bed springs and mattress; phonograph with records In first class condition; Wack leather rocking chair; side­ board; sink; kitchen stove; coal heater; 3-burner coal oil stove; cupboard; flour chest; incuba­ tor; crocks; hand-made carpet Strips; sausage press; etc. NO RESERVE aS the proprie­ tor has sold hig farm. Terms: Cash. DANIEL OSWALD, Prop. R. F, STADE, Clerk. ALVIN WALPER, Auct. 22:29c The been AUCTION SALE OF Farm Stock, and Implements Lot 12, Con, 3, Bicldulph Twp, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 at 1;OQ o’clock ’ HORSES; Gray mare, 6 years old; bay gelding, 13 years, CATTLE: Nine cows, all good; milking good; Holstein, due in April; Holstein, due in .May; blue cow, due in March; 2 black' cows, 4 years old, March; black cow, 3 years old, April; Jersey cow, 6 years old, April; 2 black cows, 2 years old, May; regis­ tered Hereford bull, “Bobbie' Domino”; 3 yearling heifers; 4 yearling steers; 2 veal calves; 7 spring calves. Cows are all T.B. tested, FOWL: Six yearling hens. HOGS: Two pigs, 125 lbs.; 7 pigs, 100 lbs. IMPLEMENTS: Wagon, rack, sulkey rake; new mower; disc harrows; set harrows; walking plow; cutter; set sleighs; water tank; set double collars; root pulper; colony house, 10’ x 12’; 175-ft. rope; electric fence; forks; chains; neckyokes; whif- fletrees; boxes; barrels; pails. FURNITURE: Kitchen cup­ board; washing machine; "exten­ sion table; radio; brooder stove; rockers; beds; springs; dresser; commode; sideboard; lamps; and other articles. TERMS: Cash. ARTHUR McFALLS, Prop. FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. JOHN MURDY, Clerk 15:22c < ■* J 1 1 /I t J I <! AUCTION SALE OF Farm Stock, Implements, The undersigned has received instructions to sell by public auction on Lot 18, ton. 6, Usborne Twp. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5 at 1 o’clock sharp LIVESTOCK; Good work team 11 and 12 years old; cow, with calf at foot; cow, due Jan. 23; cow, due March March steers, heifers, calves IMPLEMENTS: McC. binder, mower; stiff tooth riding plow; 3 walk­ disc; set harrows; fanning mill; root diamond harrows; 1; cow, due 3 2 3 >«.j,di Vrit jl } w vy i i 10; 2-year-old steer; rising 2 years old; rising 2 years old; 6-ft.; M.H. cultivator; ing plows; hay rake; pulper; set corn cultivator; scuffler; rubber- tired wagon and box; hay rack; fertilizer drill; steel-tired truck wagon; set sleighs; gravel box; stock rack; electric clipper; 2- buggies; cutter; 2 sets double harness; set single harness; cream separator; pig crate; set scales, 2,000 lbs.; barbed wire; quantity of lumber. A 10-20 Mc.D. tractor; 3- furrow Mc.D. 12-inch wide bot­ tom tractor plow; 2 40-gal. gas; barrels; 1 25-gal. gas barrel; 1 10-gal. gas barrel; wood turning lathe; cutting box; quarter-h.p. heavy duty electric motor; Mas­ sey Harris 13-run fertilizer drill with grass seeder; Mc.D. 3-sec- tion spring lever harrows, TERMS: Cash. LESLIE H. ROBINSON, Prop. FREI) DAWSON, Clerk F. TAYLOR, Auct. 22:29e ■f ♦ I 4 « « I « * I Ji $ -x Time Table Changes EFFECTIVE Sunday, Sept. 25, 1949 Full information from Agents Chicken Dinners Every Sunday 5:30 to 7:30 North-End Restaurant Mechanical F6H numer- tons of best of Welder We have just installed an­ other piece of equipment to our modern service station to give you, our customers, the best in repairing effi­ ciency. For Cold Welding: CRACKED BLOCKS CYLINDER HEADS VALVE TORTS, ETC. - Guaranteed Satisfaction • Ed’s Imperial SALES & SEIWIOK! Plione 38W Exeter I ♦ » ♦ ♦ I 4 ♦ t »>» 4 ! ! I *«■ 1 r •<r I* »■ Y