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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-09-08, Page 5
CHURCH TRIVITT MEMORIAL — Anglican — Rector, Rev. C. L. Langford, B.A.. M.A. Come to Mr. Robert Cameron, Organist Sixty-first Anniversary Services 10:30 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:30 a.m,’—Morning Prayer: The Rector. 7:00 p.m.—Evening Service. Preacher: Canon A. A. Trum pet’, L.Th., Rector St. Matt hew’s Church, London. A very cordial invitation is extended to all our friends to join with us in these services. CREDITON PASTORAL CHARGE United Church of Canada Minister; Harold F. Carrie Brinsley United Church Anniversary 11 a.m.—Rev. William Mair, Thames Road. Special music. 7:30 p.m.—Rev. Harold Snell, James Street Church, Exeter. Special music. Crediton Evan gelical Choir. CALVARY Evangelical-United Brethren Dashwood Rev. J. H. Getz, Minister Mrs. Ken McCrae, Organist 10 a.m.—Worship Service. Subject: “T h e Reconsecrated Altar.” 11 a.m.—Church School. 7:30 p.m.—Public Worship. Subject: “Returning and Rest” Evening services are resumed. Tues., 8 p.m.—'Youth Fellowship. Wed., 4:15 p.m.—-Junior League. Stewart’s Taxi PHONE 335 Exeter Evening Service One .garage will be open in Exeter on Sundays, Wed nesday afternoons and dur ing the evenings through out the week. Open this Sunday, Wednes day afternoon and during the evenings throughout the week: NEWTON Motor Sales M THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 8, 1949 JAMES STREET UNITED Rev. H, J, Snell, Pastor Mr. Lawreiice Wein, A.W.C.M., Musical Director 10 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m.—Morning Worship. Subject: “The Providence God.” Solo: Grant McDonald, Evening Service Withdrawn favour of Trivitt Memorial An niversary. Of in MAIN STREET UNITED Rev. Harry J. Mahoney, B.D. Mrs. A. Y. Willard. Organist 11 a.m.—“God Is Our Security.” 12 noon—-Sunday School. Evening Service Withdrawn. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN Rev.Donald R. Sinclair, B.A. Minister J. G. Cochrane, Organist a.m.—Sunday School, a.m.—Public Worship. 10:00 11:00 “Source of Our Strength. ZION Evangelical-United Brethren Crediton Rev. J. V. Dahms, Minister Mi’s. F. W. Morlock, Organist 10:00 A.M.—Morning Worship. Speaker ■—■ Mr. Bert Carr. 11:00 A.M.—Sunday School. The 7:30 service is withdrawn in favor of Brinsley annivers ary. PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE T. Kendrick, Pastor p.m.—Y.P.S. 2:30 p.m.—W.M.G. S p.m.-—Chalengers meet H. Fri., 8 Thurs., Thurs., at Mrs. K. Miller’s, Mitchell. Sat., 8 p.m.—Win a Youth for Clirist. Speaker; Bill Schram. A Great Song Feast: The girls’ trio, the London female quar tette. Hear Miss E. Robinson and her piano accordian. Come and join in oui* Young People’s Fellowship. Sun,, 10 a.m.—Sunday School. >Supt.: Mr. E. Cudmore. Sun., 11 Strough, of Kitchener. Sun.,' 7:30 _ Strough, of Kitchener. a.m.—Speaker: p.m.—Speaker: Mr. Mr. Hensall Mailman Retires Charles L. Jinks, who has car ried the mails to and from the Hensall Post Office to the C.N.R. station for the past fifteen years without once having been late foi’ a mail, has resigned. He was presented with a gift from the Station Agent A. L. Case and Assistants Robert Sang- ster, George Thiel, and Con- ductoi’ Urquhart. Harr Hoy, of Hensall, has received tiie appointment. Now Is the Time Now is the time to consider your heating and cook ing problems for the fall and winter season. On our floor you will find models in heaters and stoves that combine beauty as well as efficiency. We will be glad to show you the merits of the well known manu facturers represented here. * ELECTRIC RANGES By Bea^h, Findlay and McClary ESSOTANE RANGES By Beach, Findlay and McClary COAL AND WOOD STOVES By Beach, Findlay and McClary 5 OIL SPACE HEATERS By Findlay and Coleman The largest and best assortment of toys in our store is now on display! Turkey Fatena Checkers Don’t let your turkeys go to market improperly finished* You can’t make money that way. About four weeks before market time, if you switch t.o Purina Turkey Fatena Checkers, you’ll have birds with a smooth, plump finish when you tome to sell them. This feed contains special fatten ing ingredients that turkeys really like. You’ll get top market prices by finishing them on Purina* FTi ............. • _ JTraquair s Hardware '■ CREDITON Schools re-opened on Tuesday, Mr, Lindsay has been re-engaged to teach in the senior room of Crediton School; Miss Norma Fahrner will be in charge of the junior room. Miss Elaine Mitchell has been re-engaged to teach in Eden School and Miss Irene Finkbeiner will be in charge of S.S. No, 3. Miss Ella Morlock has been engaged to teach in Brantford, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Clark and Glenn of Detroit visited over the holiday week-end with Mr, and Mrs, F. W. Clark, Mr. Douglas Hill of London and Miss Mabel Henderson of St. Marys spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. -Garfield Hill. Rev. and Mrs. H. Currie and family have returned from vaca tion, Rev. -Currie conducted ser vices on the charge on Sunday. There will be no preaching service in the United Church on Sunday morning. Service is with drawn in favour of anniversary services in Br‘ Mr. ,and Mrs. Walter Dearing of London visited a few days last week at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Lawrence Hill and while here attended the turkey dinner and celebration given in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Hill’s silver wedding anniversary by their -family at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Allen Pfaff. Mrs. Lydia Fahrner, Mr. and Mrs. G. Walker, Miss Evelyn Fahrner, Mr. D. Johnson and Miss Sandra Van Doren, all of Saline, Mich., visited recently with friends and relatives here. Week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Finkbeiner were Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Finkbeinei’ of Hamilton and Mr. George Aenerson, of Clear Lake, Mus koka. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wolfe and family of Exeter spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wolfe. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Damm of Cass City, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. George Miller of Saginaw, and. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Miller of Pigeon, Mich., spent a few days over the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hill. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Faist of Thomas spent a few days Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Faist accompanied by Mr. and Faist, visited on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. C. Huras in * nsley Ch arch. St. with and, Mrs. with Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. William Smith and Mr. Gerald Smith are spend ing a week in Pigeon, Mich, Mrs. S. S. Wuerth week-end at Belle Mr. spent Ewart. Miss and the S. S. Pearl Haist of Adrian, Mich., and Mrs. Ruth Brinsley called on town on -Sunday. Mrs. Roy Goulding spent a few days last week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Wein. Mr. Ray Crittendon and Miss Marguerite Lamport visited with Mrs. Samuel Lamport and at tended the Lamport re-union at Poplar Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Krueger and daughter, Jean, and Mr. Henry Fahrnex’ spent Sunday in Waterloo and Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. James Byers visited over the week-end in St. Thomas. Holiday visitors in town in cluded Mr. and Mrs. -C. Berg, Mr. McDonald and Frederick, of Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. Lou Hoare and Rickey of London with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Fahr ner. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Morlock of Galt Morlock Young; of Port Mrs. D. bert Wolfe, Calvin Fahrnex’ and Charles Fahrner and Charles Brown at the homes of their parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. Wind, Mr. and Mrs. R. Hopkins and Mr. and Mrs. . J. Hanna of DetX’oit visited With Mrs. Mary Eilber. Mrs, Rodney Bowman of Wind sor visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Guettinger. Mr. Ken Lillow of visited with relatives and Reeve and Mrs. Elmer have returned from a most en joyable motor trip through the Canadian and American west, as far as Banff and Jaspei’ National Park. They spent some time in Alberta With Mr. Lawson’s uncle and aunt, Sara Clarli ''and Mi’S. Dewberry, Ernest Hodgson Of Red Deer, and with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Brett of Red Deer. They also visited Mrs. Lawson’s relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Donaldson, of Rocaxiville, Sask., and Mr. and Mrs. Archie Gray of Nut Moun tain, Sask., and with Mr. Charles Gower and C. Treitz in Marsden, ’Mah. They report a bumper crop of grain in many sections, es pecially from Winnipeg south to the border; but some sections of Saskatchewan and Albert have suffered greatly from drought. Evangelical Ladies’ Aid Meets The meeting of the Ladies’ Aid with the Mission Band, hold ing their “summer Christmas tree” at the home of Mrs. Dail Finkbeiner, was held on Friday, August 26, and the regular meeting Was held on September 1 in the church school rooms, with an attendance of sixteen members and two visitors, Mrs. Ed Finkbeiner opened the meet ing with quiet music and the hymn “Take My Lite And Lev It Be” was sung. Mrs. Lorne Mor lock Was In the chair and all members took part In reading parts on stewardship. Mrs. Ed Finkbeiner gave a piano solo and Watson of friends in of London holidayed with Mr. A. and Mr. and Mrs. H. Mr. Howard Finkbeiner Colborne, with Mr. and Finkbeiner; Messrs. Ro- CENTRALIA Mr. and Mrs, L. B. Hodgson spent last week at their cottage at Grand Bend, Mrs, C, Cattermole, of London, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Hicks, Mr. Jack Gates was a week-end visitor with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R, Gates. School re-opened on Tuesday for the fall term, with Mrs. Ivan Hearn (nee Christina Brown), of Lucan, again in charge. Rev, and Mrs, returned home companied by who had been them at their Muskoka district. Marietta Mitchell, of London, visited last week with her aunt and uncle, Mr, and Mrs, K. Hod gins. Mi*, and Mrs. G. F, Penwarden and Harold spent the holiday at their cottage at GrandBend. .Miss Margaret 'Cook of Kitch ener spent the week-end at her home. ■ Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. O’Brien were Mr. and Mrs, Gerald O’Brien and family, of Mount Carmel, Mr. and Mrs. E. O’Brien and Linda, of Arkona, Mr. and Mrs. R. Snell, of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. M. Elliott and Miss Agnes Anderson were holi daying at Grand Bend over the week-end., Mr. and Mrs. George Baynham visited over the week-end with Mr. E. Carruthers, in London. Mr. Eldon Murray of the Creamery staff is on vacation. Mr. and Mrs. W. Skinner and Arlene visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. Foster in St. Marys on Sun day. Mrs. T. Willis, Miss Flossie Davey and Mrs. W. Bowden spent the week-end at Grand Bend. Miss Ada Mitchell and Miss Elsie McKay, of Delaware, Ohio, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. Hodgins and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mitchell. Mrs. J. Barry, of Detroit, Mrs. C. Regier, of Mount Carmel, were Tuesday visitors with their sister, Mrs. C. O’Brien. Choir practice will be held in the church Friday evening. Honored On Eve Of Departure A very pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mrs. T. Willis on Tuesday of this week when .she and Flossie entertained a< number of ladies in honor of Mrs. Bowden on the eve of her departure. During the evening an address was read by Miss Agnes Anderson and the presentation of a handkerchief shower was made by Miss Flossie Davey. Mrs. Bowden expressed her ap preciation for the lovely gifts, good wishes and kind thoughts of her friends. A dainty lunch was served by the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hicks and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hicks were Sundays visitors with Mr. and Mrs. S. .Henry in Listowel. The Henry children returned home with them after holidaying with their grandparents. W.A. Hold Monthly Meeting The regular monthly meeting of the W.A. was held in the church basement on Thursday, September 1. The first part of the afternoon was . spent in quilting, and then the President took the chair for a short busi ness discussion and a devotion number. Mrs. W. Skinner favored the meeting with a piano solo which everyone enjoyed. After the reading of the minutes, it was decided to collect , money instead of having a fowl supper, this money to be brought in at the October meeting. The .con venors for the booths for bazaar were appointed. Mrs. Bowden, who is moving shortly to Exeter,, was then asked to stand and Mrs. Gerald Godbolt read, an address and Mrs. Penwarden presented her with a cup and saucer. Mrs. Bowden replied with a few well chosen words. The meeting was closed with the usual social cup of tea and lunch, served Willis, the its eve- and Toronto friends. Lawson Mr, James and Miss also his cousins, Mr. Wesley Hodgson of and Mr. and Mrs. Weii* and family last week ac- Arlene Skinner, holidaying with cottage in th© which was by Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Mi’s. Greb and Mrs. Gates. WOODHAM John A. Wheeler, ofMrs. Brownsburg, Quebec, is spending some time with her son, , Mr. George Wheeler and Mrs. Wheel er. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Lambert of Flint, Michigan, spent the week-end with Mrs. J. Jaques. School opened on Tuesday With Miss Yvonne Mills .of Thorn dale as teacher. Mr. and Mrs. M. LoitCh and Frank, of Hamilton, and Mr. Marvin Zinn and Mr, Wilfred Sillampaa of -Sudbury spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Switzer. Mrs. George Wheeler and David spent a few days with Rev. and Mrs. John Wheeler, of Harrowsmith. Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Moun tain of Georgetown and Mr, and ,Mrs. Stanley Mountain of St. Marys visited on .Sunday with Mrs. M. Copeland. Mr. George Wheeler, Phyllis and Verla spent, a few days with Mr. and ,Mrs. Cedric Wheeler, of a duet by Miss Nola Faist and Miss Ella Morlock. The meeting was then taken over by the president for business. After the reading of the minutes, several items of business were transact ed, It was decided to sell Christ mas cards again. The W.S.W.S. rally is to be held in Crediton the latter part of September. The meeting was closed with the benediction and a dainty lunch was served by the committee in charge. (3REENWAY The Harmony Class of United Church will hold monthly meeting on Friday ning at the home of Mr, Mrs. Elton Curts, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rich ards and sons, of Aurora, ill., spent a couple of days last week With their aunt, Mrs. J. Brown, and Miss Elda. Brown and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hodge and daughters of Detroit spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Johnnie Steeper and family. Miss Muriel Fallis of Sarnia and Mr. Claude Fallis and Peter of Mt. Forest, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bro- phey and Francis. Miss Ruby Pollock returned to Hamilton on Sunday after spend ing the summer here. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Steeper spent a few days last week motoring in Northern Ontario. Mr._and Mrs. Harold Dettloft spent aunt, and Richard, of Detroit, the week-end with their Mrs. Albert Pollock. Miss Lillian Ulens and Caroline Fraser of Windsor the week-end with Mrs. W? T. Ulens. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Eagleson and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Love spent the week-end in Cleveland. Mr. and Mrs. .Lawrence Curts and Eleanor, Mr. and Mrs. Elton Curts and Iva spent a few days last week motoring in Northern Ontario Toronto Miss spent and also attended the Exhibition. Lady. (interviewing new maid) “I forgot to ask you if you had any religious views.” Maid: "No, I haven’t ma’am, but I’ve got some dandy snap shots of Niagara Falls and Brooklyn Bridge.” Brownsburg, Quebec. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ford, of Winchelsea, Mr. and Mrs. Free man Horne and family of .Win chelsea and Miss Joy Whitlock, of St. Thomas, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Pat .Dickey. Mr. Lloyd Brine, Misses Myrtle and Pearl Brine, of Rannoch and Mr. and Mrs. Phil Brine and Nancy of (St. Marys visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Brine. BLANSHAF® Mr. and Mrs. Herb Langford were Sunday guests' of Mrs, Edgar Hooper of St. Marj% Miss Lois Hodgins of Glendale spent a few days with her grand parents, Mr, and Mrs, Herb Langford, ’ , Mrs. John Thomson, Norma and Cecil moved to Toronto on Thursday, Miss Audrey Parkinson has taken up her duties at S.S. No. 13, W. Nlssouri, on Tuesday, Mr. Joe Dann and Miss Made line Dann attended the C.N.E, at Toronto one day last, week. Mrs, Hyland of Toronto is spending this week with her aunt, Mrs, James Mossey, . Mr. andz Mrs. Theodore Stephens and Maxine, of Ander son, spent Monday with Mrs. James Mossey, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mills and family were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. Jack Melville, of Moncton. Mr, and family, of with Mr. Thacker. Mr. and and family Mrs. Ellis Waugh and London, spent Friday and Mrs. Leonard Mrs, Leonard Thacker '/ spent „ Wednesday with Mrs, T. Waugh in London. Mrs, Orville Langford, and John of Centralia returned home aftei’ spending last week with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pattison. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Dobson of Toronto spent the week-end. with Mr. and Mrs, Fred. Pattison. Mr. and Mrs. Les Kerr, of De troit, Mr. and Mrs. Angus McKay of Port Huron spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jones. Mrs. Bert Taylor, of Auburn, returned home on Sunday after spending the past week with Mr. and Mrs. “Milton Hooper. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hooper, Mr. and Mrs. Gladwyn Hooper, Ruth, Clare and Veryl were Sun day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tamblyn of Blyth. t Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomson, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jones spent Sunday at Ipperwash. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thomson, Murray and Ann were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. John Rinn and family, Baseline. Mr. M. E. Hooper and son won several prizes at the C.N.E. on their grain, winning first on wheat, first on'early oats, second on late oats and third on Man golds. POP'S Taxi Service Phone; Crediton 18rll Exeter 357 Special Attention Use this 10-point double-check plan; V Tires and tubes V V V V V V Wheel alignment Foot and hand brakes Radiator, fan and fan-belt Engine lubrication Chassis lubrication Clutch, differential, rear axle V V V Distributor, battery, spark plugs Carburetor Lights - Depend On - j Snell Bros. & Co. for economical tune-up service Phone 100 Exeter Beaver dams are sometimes fourteen feet high and many thousands of feet in length. Jones & May Floor Coverings for Fall ‘We have just 1-eceived a shipment of flooi* coverings for fall. Congoleum and feltol rugs, inlaid linoleum and congoleum by the yard. Floor coverings are still in short supply, so we would advise early buying in these lines. Three rolls 3-yard wide congoleum, mottled designs in shades of sand, wine and blue at $2.50 running yard. * Draperies Curtains Curtain Nets for Fall We have an exceiitionally large stock of curtains made up, curtains nets by the yard and draperies, at very reasonable prices We have the extra wide criss-cross curtains for large picture windows as well as regular widths. Special 3 webs 36-inch drapery, good floral de signs. Regular value $1.25 yd., on sale at 790 yd. Window Blinds, Curtain Rods, and Swing Cranes A large stock always on hand. I 2 for 450 EXETER 1-lb. bag 610 AYLMER CHOICE PUMPKIN Large 28-oz. tins .................... 2 for 230 FANCY PINK SALMON Extra value, ^-lb. tins Ladies7/ Misses’, Complete showing of ladies’, wear now ready for fall and Girls’ Clothing misses’ and girls’ ready-to- winter. Hundreds of coats, suits, dresses, blouses and skirts, etc., to choose from at reasonable prices. Special Four more webs of that good quality circular pillow cotton 42 inches wide, on sale at 790 yd. Ticking Plain, floral and striped ticking for pillow cases in the down proof quality again in stock. Hosiery Nylon hosiery—Supersilk, Orient, and Gotham Gold. Stripe-— in the new fall shades in 42-, 45- and 51-guage, now ready for fall. Superior Store Specials for Thurs., Fri. and Sat DEL MAIZ NIBLETS CORN Very popular brand .......... 2 tins 330 WAGSTAFFE’S STRAWBERRY JAM 24-fluid-oz. jar ...... each 370 JELL-O POWDER Or Jcll-o Lemon Pie Filling 2 pkg. 170 NABOB COFFEE Canadd’s favourite PHONE 32