HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-09-08, Page 44 '□THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER S, 1949 NOTICE whitewashing Arrangements can be Bill Watson Dashwood Phone 35rl» -------- - -------------------------—--- NOTICE. The Optometrical Office of JOHN W. ORCHARD will be closed all day Saturday, September 10. Floor Sandins ® Old Floors Re-finished. • Asphalt and Rubber Tile ® Linoleum Laid. Wallace Bowden WOODHAM Phone Kirkton 53rl0 © Are You Ruptured? Our Service is Different. We Sell You a Fit in Our Private Truss Room Trusses, Belts, Supports of All Kinds SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Over 15 years experience. Your Drugs at Robertson” Phone 50 Lamport Re-Union Held Labour Day Ninety members of the port clan registered seventeenth re-union, Poplar Hill on Labour Day, Mi\ and Mrs. Nelson Lamport conducted the following sports: Girls, six to eight years, Grace McKenzie, Marlene King; girls, ten to thirteen years, Sandra Sears, Marion Lamport; boys, six to eight years, Doug McNair, Dave Shepherd; boys, ten t< thirteen years, Rae Grundy Bruce Grundy; young ladies Elaine and Wilma McNair; young men, Jim and Bob McNair; mar­ ried women, Mrs. Bill McKenzie, Mrs. William Lamport; married men, Orval Ford, Ted Lamport; passing the shire’s side; Ted Lamport; through the wards. The mystery box was won by Leona Grundy, Mrs. James Wil­ lis Sr. was the oldest person present; Brian Lamport was the youngest. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lam­ port were the longest married. Mrs. Merle Willis came the long­ est distance and Mr, Gordon Grundy had the largest family on the grounds. The program consisted of read­ ings by Sandra Sears, Anne Evans and David Shepherd. In­ strumentals were played by Mrs. O. Clarke, Margaret McMurray and Bill Grundy. A trio was sung by the Clarke family and a duet by Misses Esther and Leona Grundy. A musical num­ ber and dance was given by Or­ ville Ford and two daughters. After a silence in memory of departed ones, James Mawhinney led in prayer, “O Canada” and “God Save the King” were sung, after which the election of offi­ cers for the 19 50 re-union (to be held at Poplar Hill on Labor Day) took place. President, Arva Brokenshire, London; vice-presi­ dent, James Mawhinney, Dash­ wood. treasurer, Mrs. Woodall, Crediton; secretary, Mrs. Mc­ Donald, Ailsa Craig; program committee, Mr. and Mrs. Orval Ford; sports committee, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McNair; table con­ venor, Mrs. ’Ed Noyes. ring, A. Broken- throwing the ball, kicking the slipper ring, Melvin Ed- at held WORK WANTED MISCELLANEOUS Lam th eh at WOMAN WANTS HOUSEWORK by the day. Crediton 3!0r22. 1* FOR SALE-—Three-piece chester­ field suite, in good condition. Aply Box UD”, Exetei’ Times- Advocate. Sc FOR SALE—A stove, like new, burns coal or wood. Phone 371’18 Dashwood. 8:15c FOR SALE—1936 Ford. •—Mrs. Alex Service, Grand Bend. I 8:15c HAT HELPS CREATIVE MOOD — Underneath that ten-gallon hat is Winston Churchill shown entering his hotel at Gardone, Italy, following a search through the countryside for colorful sub­ jects for his canvasses. On a six- week vacation the wartime prime minister is expected to devote much time preparing, for next spring’s election. —C.P.C. Union Services Concluded The union services of Main Street and Janies Street United Churches which have been held during July and August were concluded last Sunday. During July, the services were held in James Street Church with Rev. Mr. Snell in charge and, for August, the services have been held in Main Street Church with Rev. Mr. Mahoney in charge. The services have been held in the morning and were well attended. For Fast Action Try A Want Ad! FOR SALE FOR SALE WANTED TENDERS WANTED PLASTER CONTRACTING — Plain or ornamental, Guaran­ teed satisfaction, mates. Telephone 122, D, L. Filby. Free esti- Dashwood 14tfn c ODD JOBS DONE — Plastering, chimneys, sidewalks, etc. —J. Webster, Exeter station, west side. 1:8:15:22* NEW SINGER SEWING MACH­ INES’—Cabinet and Electric, also Treadle machines. Re­ pairs to all makes. Singer Sewing Centre, 78 Ontario St, Stratford. 2tfc FOR SALE—Canning peaches now on. —Vance Bros., phone 611rl4 Forest. 25:1;8c FOR SALE—Cider press. Apply Harry Zimmer, phone garage 72 or residence 4, Dashwood. 1:8:15c FOR SALE—Wine velour studio couch, like new, cheap; sev­ eral windows suitable for chic­ ken house or garage; also good swing door with glass. Apply; Norm Hockey, Exeter, phone .239, 1:8* FOR SALE—1932 Chev coach in fair condition, good tires, priced right. —Phone 2 Or 2 3 Crediton. 1:8c FOR SALE—Corn blower, Mas­ sey Harris No. 10, inside and outside pipes. —N. M. Cann. 1:8* WE’VE GOT THE IN TOWN! Snell Bros. & Co. Exeter Phone 100 Supertest Gas & Oils They’re longer-wearing . . . cooler running . . ; extra safe. They’re Dominion Royals — with Safety Bonded Cord, Ventilated Tread, and Safety Tread Blocks. See us today. DOMINION ROYAL TIRES WANTED—Live poultry. Norval Reid, telephone 328W, Exeter. 25:1:8:15c WANTED TO BUY—Hudson seal & Electric seal coats; fair con­ dition. —Mrs. Norman Hoc­ key, phone 239 Exeter. 1;8* WANTED TO BUY—-Large size baby crib. Apply: Box *‘R”, Times-Advocate, 8c WANTED—A heated garage in the vicinity of Main Street. Phone 378J Exeter. 8* WANTED — Small unfurnished house or unfurnished apart­ ment, modern conveniences de­ sired; middle-aged couple, no children. —O. B, Holmes, Cen­ tralia Airport. 8:15* MALE HELP WANTED HELP WANTED—Finished car­ penters. Apply: Hill Clarke Francis, R.C.A.F. housing, at 'Centralia. 8c FEMALE HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED — A waitress wanted. Call in per­ son at Rether’s 'Coffee Shop. 8c HELP WANTED HELP WANTED—F o r grocery department, —Southcott Bros. 8c LOST LOST — One steer, black .with some white, about 85'0< pounds. About concession 6, Hay town­ ship. Elmer Desjardine, 3 8r27, Dashwood. 1c REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—Two-storey brick house, suitable for large fam­ ily or apartments. —C. V. Pic­ kard, Realtor, Main St., Exe­ ter. 18c HOUSES—If you require a home, get in ahead of the fall rush. Buy now. We have sev­ eral two- and three-bedroom homgs. Immediate possession, if desired. These are good properties and well located. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. 4c FOR SALE—By cash or terms, a 7-room brick house, central­ ly located. Water and electri­ city. Also a new toilet set, com­ plete, not installed. Double garage and a large garden. Apply to John Prout, Main St., Exeter South. S* IN EXETER, small insul-bric house, built-in cupboards, sink, town water, heavy wiring, 3- piece bath, 2 bedrooms, pos­ sess Oct. 1. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor. Sc Tenders will be received by the undersigned (for the purchase of building known as the Exeter Legion Rooms on Main Street, Exeter. Certified cheque for per cent of purchase price accompany, tender, Highest any tender not necessarily cepted. Tenders received up September 30, 1949, ELMER D. BELL, For Canadian Legion, Exeter. 8:15:22c- STRAYED 10 to or ac^. to STRAYED—A black yearling strayed from the 19th conces­ sion, believe north, belonging to Chas. Wilton, on August 31. Will anyone knowing of it please notify me at once, — Charlie Wilton, R.R. 2, Dash­ wood. 8c FOR RENT For Rent VACUUM CLEANERS ELECTRIC FLOOR POLISHERS FOR SALE—200 S u s s e x-New Hamp pullets, starting to lay. —:Roylance Westcott, phone 172rll Exeter. Sc BRINSLEY Anniversary services will be held in Brinsley United Church on Sunday next, September 11, at 11 a.m., with Rev. William Mair of Thames Road as guest speaker and special music (by Brinsley United choir, and in the evening at 7:30 with Rev. Snell of Exeter as guest speaker, as­ sisted by the Evangelic&l-United Brethren choir of Crediton. The community will be sorry to know that Mr. Fred J. Neil is’ at present a patient of Vic­ toria Hospital, London. His many friends hope for a speedy re­ covery. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Steeper spent the week-end with friends in Windsor and Detroit. Mrs. George Hodgson spent a few days with her brother, Mr. Frank Turner, of Parkhill. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Baker of St. Thomas visited recently with his sister, Mrs. Roland Neil. Master Eddie Watson spent a few days last week with his grandmother, Mrs. John Ken­ nedy, of St. Marys. Mr. and Mrs. George Chesher of Corunna and their grand­ children, Cecely and Jan Chesher of Calgary, visited last week with Mrs. Wesley Morley. Miss Margaret Dixon of Lon­ don spent a, few days with her cousin, Miss Jean Dixon. Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Hodgins and children visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dobbs of Lucan. Mr. and Mrs. David Hamilton of Exeter spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mac Allison. Master Leslie Steeper spent the week-end with his grand­ mother, Mrs. Wesley Morley. Mrs. Emerson Glenn, Mrs. George Mercer, and Mrs. Russ Schroder were camping at Grand Bend last week. The men of the congregation of Brinsley United Church have just completed putting a new aluminum roof on the church. Miss Betty Ellwood returned to her home here after visiting her aunt, Mrs. Les Honlon (nee Violet Dundas) of Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Art Merner of Detroit visited over Labour Day FOR SALE—New cook stove, all white enamel. Apply: Exeter Times-Advocate. 8* IpOR SALE—Large white Wing- liam Clipper range, equipped with Silent-Gio oil (burners. Excellent condition. ■—-Norman Ryan, Mount Carmel. 8* FOR SALE—Truck platform, 7 x 12, with Brantford hoist; also 11 x 12 platform. Phone 9rl0 Kirkton. 8* By Dav or Week Beavers Hardware AUCTION SALES -----------------------------—. AUCTION SALE OF Household Furniture The undersigned has received instruction to sell by ‘Public auction SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 at 1 o’clock sharp on Andrew Street DINING room suite; dining­ room table, 6 chairs; buffet cab­ inet; china cabinet; living room chesterfield and chairs; library table; 2 floor lamps; vacuum cleaner; sewing machine; fruit ‘bowl; dining set, complete; vases; odd dishes; 1 rug; mats; hall tree; hall rack; towels; tablecloth; pedestal; pictures; linens; curtains; centre •pieces; table mats; knives; forks; spoons; 2 toasters; pres­ sure cooker; copper tea kettle; General Electric refrigerator; 3- way pot steamer; all kinds of cooking utensils; chesterfield; 1 chair; kitchen table; 3 chairs; arm chair; radio; clock; card table; jardiniere; couch; small rug; 3 beds, springs, mattresses; dresser; commode; cedar chest; bedding; quilts; spreads; pil­ lows; sheets; rocker; small ta­ bles; drapes; curtains; centre table; oak rocker; bathroom towels; 8 pairs of woollen blan­ kets; sheets; 1 rubber air cus­ hion; bathroom table; 6 pairs of cotton sheets; cushion; bathroom mirror; electric plate; 7 good quilts; electric heater; washing machine; tub stand; rack; lawn mower; spade; hose; rake; edger; shovels; carpenter tools; garden tools; and other articles. TERMS: Cash. CHES HODGSON, Prop. FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. FRED DAWSON, Clerk i:8.‘15e FOR SALE—Little pigs. Apply: Hubert Heywood, 32rl4 Kirk­ ton. S*>,Attend Funeral In Toronto Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Pickard were in Toronto Tuesday attend­ ing the funeral of the former’s aunt, Mrs. Frederick Burnett. Mrs. Burnett was the former Gertrude Verity, daughter of the late William H. Verity, founder of the Verity Plow Company, which had its origin in Exeter. FOR SALE—-Baby pram in good condition. —Mrs. Edward S. Jackson, Ann St., Exeter, tele­ phone 3 51 J. 8* Return From Month’s Trip Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Alexander Usborne and Mr. and Mi’s. Wil­ liam Stone of Exeter returned Saturday from a month’s motor trip through western States, via Bad Lands, Black Hills, Big Horn Mountains and Mount Rushmore and Yellowstone Park then southward to Salt Lake City and Salt Flats to the famous speed­ way, -on to San Francisco. Cal., then taking Oceanic drive north by Redwood Highway and scenic Oregon coast to Seattle, visiting the Grand Coulee Dam in Wash­ ington, this being the world’s largest man-made dam yet built. They then went i nto British Columbia and Victoria, o n through the Candaian Rockies to Banff, calling on friends at j selection of a new leader. Ardath and Weyburn in Saskat- Oliver will continue to lead the chewan and at Manitou and Win- thirteen members in the house nipeg in Manitoba. They report a J very scenic trip covering nine | thousand miles. , j _____________________ i of MIXED WOOD—Stove length, dry, ready to burn. Free de­ livery. —E. R. Witmer & Son, telephone 17 9 W. 8* Duncan Graham Duncan Graham, aged ninety, for forty years operator of a planing mill and lumber yard at Rodney, died at his home Satur­ day. He is survived by one son, Dr. M. G. Graham, of Dutton, formerly of Exeter, and daughter, Grace, at home. FOR SALE—Young York hog, ready for service. Roy Diet- rich, R.R. 2 Dashwood, phone 164r3. 8* one FOR SALE — Polled Hereford bull. T.B. tested. Ed Schwartz- entruber. Phone ,97rli Zurich. Sc Liberal Leader Resigns Farquhar Oliver, leader of .the Liberal party in Ontario, has tendered his resignation and a meeting will be held shortly in London to set a date for the Mr. until his successor .is appointed. He was elected to parliament the age of 22. He is now 45. •at FOR SALE—At cut price, two rolls of new linoleum, G feet wide, 7 yards long, rubberized, will not crack in cold weather, fawn and green diamond pat­ tern. Phone 40723 Crediton. Sc FOR SALE—Registered Suffolk Ram lambs. Frank Hicks. Phone Crediton 30r22. 1* I ?Swartz Family Holds Reunion Sons and daughters of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Swartz, and their families, celebrated their annual reunion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alf Weurth on Sunday. Members of the family came from Detroit, Royal Oak, Lon­ don, Centralia and Crediton for the occasion. Fall Injures Granton Man When a scaffold on .which was standing collapsed Saturday, | 74-year-old Thomas I Granton, was feet to the ’fractures of | collarbone. I i FOR SALE — Two men’ suits, navy blue and grey, in excell­ ent condition. Size 38. Phone 25r5 Dashwood. 1* he Gould, of thrown about six ground, suffering the left hip and FOR QUICK SALE—Coleman 3- burner gas stove, built-in oven, table top, like new. Phone 51, Hensail. 8* Admitted to St. Joseph’s Hos- wIth Mr. and Mrs. George Mer- pital, London, the aged man's | eel­ condition was considered as just J ^Tr nnf1 ATrc vvuittara fair. According to a relative, Mr, , ’ Gould was applying siding’to the In Police Court 8 walls of his house and was work- I Richard “Frenehie” Ayotte I V ‘ nf was fined $10 and costs at last i °E’ Thursday’s magistrate’s court in $atform to collfnse 10 Exeter on conviction of a care- ptattorm t0 eouapse. less driving charge. Mr, Ayotte ‘ pleaded guilty and evidence sup- j Clocks Made By Zurich plied by village constable, John Geni gtiH Running Norry, was used by Crown At- & torney Glenn Hayes to provd the case. Duncan Holmes, K.C., levied the sentence. The chdrge resulted from a crash on August 10 when a milk wagon was demolished and the driver, Derry Boyle, injured. Other cases against Grand Bend operators and Ernest Perry, were adjourned. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Whittard and family of St. Catherines visited over the holiday with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ellwood. Mrs. D. Finney of Ottawa and Mrs. M. Duncan and baby of Kingston, are visiting with their | parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andy "J Ta** FOR SALE—1939 Ford deluxe sedan, i n A-l shape, good tires. Apply at Broderick Bro­ thers, phone 277 Exeter. 8* NO. 8 HIGHWAY town new ser­ vice station garage, equipped, attached lunch and meal room fully equipped, both heated by air circulating oil furnace; de­ tached dwelling with full bath, hot air furnace, large lots. — W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. Sc the | • Keogh. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Odd— — ----------„ _ — andJ daughter, who have spent the earli- com- mas- three General Electric Hoover McBrine Sunbeam R. E. RUSSELL Phone 109 Exeter, Ont IMP T These days particularly, people want honest value for their dollar. Our cutomers and national surveys prove that respected quality -mer-NATIONALLY KNOWN and ehandise is getting the call. Real economy is in true our styre you find such well merchandise: value. That’s why at known names on our re­ Frigidaire Philco ’ One of Huron County’s j est settlers, George Hess, | bined inventive genius and , ter craftmanship to build tower clocks which still survive, says R. Webster, writing in the | London Free Press. Patents for | his tower and electric clocks I were granted in 1888, and one I of the former, placed in the tower of the Lutheran Church at Zurich, still runs and most of the original wooden works re­ main in the mechanism. A native of Rothenberg, Wurt- temberg, Germany, Hess came to Hay Township in 1855 and after eleven years as a carpenter journeyed to •Switzerland to pur­ chase equipment and merchandise &6 he could open his own busi­ ness as jeweler and cloekmaker. He returned, establishing his business in Zurich in 1867. In 1870 he purchased a house on Goshen Street, which presently is occupied by Mrs. William Hess. Here he erected a building to be used as a photograph gal­ lery, bicycle shop, jewellery shop and assembled equipment for the manufacture of town and electric clocks. it was in this shop, from 1884 until 1888, that he manufactured the three tower clocks and also an electric clock. The Sebastopol (north of Tavi­ stock tower clock was installed in 1886, the Exeter Town clock in 1887, and the Zurich one In 1888, The patents for these and for his electric clock are .the prized possessions of Harry G. Hess, Zurich, a grandson. The clockmaker died in 1891, aged ,54. summer at Copanolo, have turned to their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Carter of Detroit spent the holiday with the latter’s father, Mr. Hilton Banting. The trustees and officials of the McGillivray Township Public School home Amos for a of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Young. Mr. Young, a public school in­ spector, has been transferred to Kingston. They were presented with a coffee table, Area gathered at the of Mr. and Mr£ Oliver on Tuesday evening last social evening in honour i Sixty-Five Attend Rader Family Picnic The Rader family held a nlc at Bayfield on Sunday after­ noon, September 4, with sixty- five attending from Goderich, Kitchener, London, Montreal, Exeter, Zurich and Dashwood. The program of sports Was in charge of Alvin Walper, Miss Dorothy Rader, and Mrs. Milford Merner. Supper was served by Mrs. Leh Prang, Mrs. Vyme Weldo, and Miss Frieda Rader. A cake was presented to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Whittier , of Montreal In honour of their first wedding anniversary, and a prize was donated to Paul Rader, three-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Rader, for the young­ est baby, and to Ernest Rader for the oldest person at the pic­ nic. It was decided to hold an­ other picnic next year on the same, date with Alvin Walper as president, pic- FOR SALE—S mall apartment piano, walnut finish, with bench. Liberal allowance for your present piano. —W. Mar­ tin. Sc FOR SALE—’37 Studebaker se­ dan, overdrive, radio, heater, 4 new tires, original owner, $500 or best offer. —J. N. Cowan, one mile east of Dash­ wood. 8* EXETER 4<i ACRES suitable for sub-dividing, 5 - r o o m house with furnace, partial bath, hy­ dro, town water, henhouse. Possess October 1. —W< >C. Pearce, Realtor. Sc 1. FOR SALE—Quebec coal and wood range. Apply: Mrs, Wil­ liam Sweitzer, -Exeter, phone 257. Sc FOR SALE—A new 5-room cot­ tage, oak floors, picture win­ dow in living room, 2 bed­ rooms with c.c., full basement, all modern conveniences, ready for occupancy. Apply: Greta Hodgins, Huron Street West, phone 361W. 8* Mrs. Before You Buy Drop In And See My Complete Stock Of USED CARS All my cars are thoroughly checked before being offered for sale. FOR SALE—Electric stove with deep well cooker, automatic oven, 5-speed burners, cheap; also chest of drawers, 43 x 72 x 24. Phone 133W. 8* 4# .. ... FARMS FOR SALE—W e have several good farms in the Exeter district; 100 acres close with good buildings and hy­ dro, price $7,500, easy terms. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor. Sc Bob Cook MOTOR SALES HENSALL Res, 178 » Phone Bus. 54 Treasurer’s Sale of Lands in Arrears of Taxes COUNTY OF HURON, PROVINCE OF ONTARIO To Wit: BY VIRTUE OF A WARRANT under the hand of the "Warden and Seal of the County of Huron, bearing date the Sth day of July, 1949, and to me directed, commanding me to levy upon the lands, mentioned in the following list for arrears of taxes thereon, together with all costs in­ curred, I hereby give notice that, unless the arrears and costs are sooner paid, I shall proceed ta sell the said lands, or as much thereof as shall be sufficient to discharge such arrears of taxes and charges thereon, at my office in the Court House, in the Town of Goderich, by public auction, on November 8, 1949, at the hour of 2 o’clock in the afternoon, in compliance with the Statutes in that behalf. Notice is hereby further given that, if any of the said lands remain Unsold, an ad­ journed sale will be held on November 15, 1949, at the same time and place, at which the Munici­ palities may reserve the right to purchase any of the said lands. A, H. ERSKINE, County-Treasurer, Goderich, Ontario, July 18, 1949.Years in Name and Description Arrears Taxes Costs Total TOWNSHIP OF HAY Joseph Cantin—Pt. Blk A and Lots 1-18, S. of Trudel St. in Village of St. Joseph ................ .1946-7-8 23,94 2.60 26,54 TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN John Mrs. Gower Estate—PC Lot 11, Con. 7 .................. Robert Graves—N. Lots 331-338, L.R.W..................... 1946 1946-7 .66 104.30 2.25 4.60 2.91 108.90 VILLAGE OF HENSALL Catherine Logan Estate-—Lots 196, 197, Petty Survey 1946-7-8 150,85 5.77 156,62' VILLAGE OF 1SXETER Ivan Louzon—Pt. Lot 759 ........................1946-7-8 3.65 2.26 6,96 All of the above lots are patented. Dated July 18, 1949.