HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-07-21, Page 10Rgig'0 10 » THE TJMEStAPVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MQRNINQ, JULY 21/1949 * ■fc Litter Carrier Pipes Truck Wheels for Manure Spreaders Railroad Irons ★ Angle Irons In All Sizes WE BUY SCRAP IRON ■M Exeter Radio And Electric Sales’ & Service Radio Repairs General Wiring1 Stewart Warrener Radios Langmuir Paints Phone 187W Exeter a ROBERTSON’S 3 lbs-$1.00 9 lbs.-$2.45 Guaranteed No Filler Results considered, will find this powder equalled as a tonic all farm stock. you un- for Usborne Council The0 Municipal Council of the Township of Vsborne met in regular monthly session on Mon­ day afternoon, July 11, 1949, with Reeve Hugh Berry presid­ ing and Councillors Brock, James Pineombe and present. The minutes ular meeting, held on June 13, 1949, were confirmed as printed on motion of Councillors Pin- combe and Brook. The Committee in charge of , repairing the Hall reported that arrangements had been made to cover the ceiling with wall-board and that the material was on hand to begin work. The Clerk reported that C. P. Dietrich had made cattle-crossings over the Elimville drain where requested by the property owners and as directed by the Council at the June meeting. Public notice in the Exeter Times-Advoeate to the effect that the Township would not be liable for any damage claims arising out of the erection of milkcan stands on the Town­ ship roadsides was noted and ap­ proved. At two o’clock the Dunn Muni­ cipal Drain Report dated Muy 3 and filed with the Township on June 20 from S. W. Archibald, Engineer, w a s read and con­ sidered: all interested .ratepayers having been given previous statu­ tory notice of the reading. After considering the report and dis­ cussing it with J. Howes from the Engineer’s office, Council provisionally adopted the Dunn Drain Report by a resolution moved by Councillors Simpson and Jeffrey and , in the same resolution directed that the Clerk proceed to have the necessary by-laws printed and served on each of the assessed landowners by registered mail; the Court of Revision to be held op the next day, Wellington Simpson, Verne Harold Jeffery ■CREDITON EAST Sunday visitors with Mr, an Mrs, Sam Sims were Mr. an Mrs. William Laye and Dot, Mr. and Mrs. Jim ,Laye of Parkhill and Mr. and Mrs, William Kai- painen and son Rickey, of Lon­ don, and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Sims, The occasion being first wedding anniversary pf and Mrs. Jim Laye. Mrs. Bella Edwards and Jim of Exeter spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Lewis. Mrs. B. Waddell of Toronto, is holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Anderson. Mrs. Charles Anderson re­ turned home Sunday after visit­ ing in Sarnia for two weeks and spent last week in London with Mr. Anderson, who is improving nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Anderson and Lynda, Mi'. B. Waddell and Mr. Harry Lewis visited Mr. Charles Anderson Sunday in $t. Joseph’s Hospital, London. Dublin Cpw Sets Milk Productipn Record Marina Segis A b b e k e r k, owned by Morley H, ‘’Lannin, Dublin, Ontario, has recently completed q record of perform­ ance test containing cord was old in 3 65 day milking.1 / * In 1947 Marina completed a junior three-year-old record of 21,246 lbs, milk containing 743 lbs, fat, that' was the highest completed in its class in Canada on t w i c e-a-day-milking and stands fourth for milk for all time. In 19 48 her 305 .day twice- a-day milking record of 18,131 lbs. milk containing 636 lb, was an Honor List Record in senior four-year-old .class, of 22*730 lbs. milk 789 lbs, fat- This re­ made ,as a five-year- days on three-tlmes-a- i’at the Your Drugs at ROBERTSON'S Phone 50 Exeter regular council meeting August ,8 at three p.m. J. A. Howes tabled work com­ pletion certificates on the, Elim- ville and Taylor drains recom­ mending that the contractor be paid the balance of the contract prices in full. He advised that the Stone Drain had not been quite completed according to specifications and the completion certificate was withheld until further consultation with Mr. FOR Sterling Stamp & Stencil Co. RUBBER STAMPS And Other Marking Devices QUICK SERVICE Exeter Times-Advocate Archibald. Mr, Howes advised that the report on the repair of the Mc­ Dougall drain would soon be completed and sent out. Tie also advised that they had found that it was adviseable to vary the original assessment on the Brock .drain in a report now being pre­ pared by Mr. Archibald’s office specifying repairs .on the Brock drain. He asked the Council to pass a resolution granting them permission to vary the original assessment thus conforming with the Municipal Drainage Act. He also requested that Blanshard, a contributing township to the drain be asked t0 grant similar permission. Council granted permission to S. W. iginal drain paring , . on motion of Councillors Brock and Pineombe. 'Council directed that the Township of Blansh'ard be asked to .pass a similar' reso­ lution at, their next Council .meet­ ing. W. H. Hodgson interviewed the Council in regard to .the re­ newal of the Employer’s Liability policy held with General Accident Insurance Co. Policy was re­ newed for one year on motion of Councillors Brock and Simp­ son; premium 867.50 charged 84'0.00 to Roads & Bridges Ac­ count and 827.50 to General Account. . Council directed that 'the Dum­ fries Construction Co. contract­ ors on the repair of the Stewart drain, be advised that if they ’ did not. proceed to complete i contract immediately that i fences would be repaired ' the work completed at their ! pense. j Consideration was given I the setting of the Township mill rate for the current year; final ■ setting of the rate was laid over j until the next meeting. The following correspondence was tabled and .dealt with as follows: W o r k m e n’s Compensation 1 Board advising that farmer em- ; ployers were not required by the 1 Act to carry compensation ■ on j farm help. Filed. J County of Huron, notice ! reduced fox bounty amounts 182 for adults. $1.50 for pups. I Filed. ' County of Huron tax requisition .for 1949 a total of $22,745.76 or 8 mills on the equalized assess­ ment. The Road Superintendent pre­ sented vouchers to the amount of $1.9:17.43 for .payment, these I together with other current ac- * counts to the amount of $3,296.- 28 were passed for payment on 5 motion of Councillors Simpson I and Jeffery.! All motions were unaminously ■ carried and Council adjourned to I meet again in regular session on , Monday afternoon, August 8. -—Harry Strang, Clerk. TO LEAD TROOPS AT DIEPPE —- Maj.-Gen. A. E. Walford, who has left Canada for England, will ledd a Canadian contingent to the anniversary services at Dieppe, France, on August 19, where he Will he a guest of Win­ ston Churchill, He will also be presented to King George and Queen Elizabeth. —C.P.C. Cobbledick Picnic Archibald to vary the or- assessments on the Brook where necessary in <pre- a new report for repairs, the the7 and ex- to ► Call. Collect HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR Dead Stock HORSES cows HOGS S2.50 each $2.50 each .50 per cwt, According to size and '1 ZION Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hern, Harry and Bob, visited on Sun­ day with Mrs’. L. Kyle of Exeter. ,A number of buys from the community spent the week-end holdayin^ Kat Grand Bend. Mrs. Orville .Snell of Grimsby spent the past wbek visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eph. Hern. Miss Anna Brock spent the past week holidaying in the Mus- koka district. The W.M.S. ladies are holding their special church service on Sunday next, July 24, at 10 A.M. Rev. Wanless will deliver the ad­ dress. Mrs. Wanless will be guest solist. A -cordial invitation is ex­ tended t0 all. On Sunday people were in ■ church service. Kirk gave a Others assisting .with the service were Harry Hern and Kathleen Johns. The W.M.S. ladies entertained the Mission Band and Baby Band in the schoolhouse on Tuesday evening. A choice program undei' the leadership of Mrs. Harold Hern was rendered by the child­ ren. Mrs. Warren Brock told story. , The .Cobbledick .picnic foi’ 19 49 was held July 17 at “Jerranee” at Ipperwash, the summer home of Mr, and Mrs. Harry Thar, of London, ‘with an attendance of 5 6. The children enjoyed races and games while the older ones renewed old times. A sumptuous dinner and supper was served 'on the lawn. Guests were present from Exe­ ter/ Shakespeare, Clandeboye, Lucan, London, Fullarton, Sarnia and Detroit. ■’ The 1950 picnic will be held the third Sunday in July at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Allen, Fullarton. . Boys and girls six years —— John 'Conqitt, Don 'boys 6-8 *— Harold Ronnie Anderson; girls Eileen McLean, Marion boys 9-11 — Kenneth Douglas Cooper; girls Ann Sinclair, Elaine Bell Grant McGregoi s race — Dayman Dorothy ; married William Mrs, Alex McMurtrie; stiff Bill Consitt, Keith —— J ack Dayman, Sinclair;• —x, Mrs, ■ Robert Kippen And HiHsgreen Sunday Schools1 Picnic The annual Sunday School and Congregational picnic of Kippen and Hillsgreen Pastoral charges was held at Jowett’s .Grove, Bay­ field on July 15 . Winners of the sports events were: and under Johnston; Parsons. 6-8 •— Turner; Porter, 9-11 boys 12-14 Keith Love; young men' Ray Consitt, young ladies Turner, Mona women’s race Bell legged race Love; three-legged race ’Caldwell and Howard Elaine Beil and .Ann ladies kick the slipper Edgar * McBride, 'Mrs. Elgie; -mens kick the slippqr — Jack Caldwell, Gerald .Parsons; softball throw — Jack Caldwell, Howard Dayman. ( A delcious supper was served followed by a ball game in the evening. Howard race — Campbell .— Mrs, condition. Seaforth 15 Exeter 235 / 4 Of last the .young charge of the Miss Florence splendid address. a WHALEN Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Woodward, Stratford, visited on Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. George Park- I,1 inson. Miss Margie Hogarth, London, was a week-end visitor with Mrs. Ronald Squire. Jean Arksey is holidaying and Mrs. BRINSLEY The sympathy of the 'commun­ ity is extended to the family of the late William Morley. Miss Viola Kennedy of St. Marys is with her Watson. Mr. and of St. Thonias, spent Friday eve­ ning with Mr. and Mrs. Morley. Mrs. Ward and Mr. "and Redmond and children of fox'd visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Morley. The many friends of .Mrs. Lewis will be glad to know she has returned to her home after being a.patient .at St. Joseph’s Hospital. t Mrs, William Prest entertained the-iW.A. and W.M.S. of Brinsley United Church on Wednesday last. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Baker and daughter of St Thomas spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ro­ land Neil. Mr. and Edmonton relatives in Girls At Softball Game. *Local business men drove the Exeter ladies’ softball team to London Tuesday night to watch London Supremes defeat the Windsor Chix twice in a ladies’ fastball doubleheader at Labatt Park. spending so-rne time sister, Mrs. Wesley Mrs. Merton M'Orley, Earl Mrs. Wat- Earl that UPHOLSTERING CHESTERFIELDS AND OCCASIONAL CHAIRS REPAIRED ANb RECOVERED Factory Guarantee Free Pickup and Delivery DAW NG & CO. OF CANADA LTD. OasS1* Tirestone CHAMPIONS STRATFORD UPHOLSTERING CO. 42 BrUnswick St., Stratford — Then drive in’for a brand-new set of Canada’s Number One Tire —FIRESTONE, it’s the safest, longer- mileage tire built today! For further information enquire at Hopper-Hockey Furniture Store STUDEBAKER SALES . I Phone 210 Exeter j Look to Austin for Driving Comfort and Economy -—Clean, smooth and modern in design- *—40 h.p. valve-in-head engine —At least 35 miles per gallon of fuel at 30 m.p*h. —AH steel, sound insulated coajchwork —Maroon, green or grey colours with Scotch leather upholstery -Parts easily obtainable -Capacity of only 3 quarts of oil and 3 quarts of anti-freeze -Tire size 525x16 ■Licence only $2.00 4 Immediate Delivery South End Service Exeter with Mr. Thomson. Mr. a n d Mrs. Science Hill, Mr, Sutherland of recently with Mr: and Mrs. Alex Baillie, Mr. and 'Mrs. Ronald Squire were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cole, Talbotville. Mrs. S. Baillie and Gary, of Toronto, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hutchinson and family of ^Detroit visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walt­ er Gunning. Miss Marion Morley is holiday­ ing at Woodstock with Mr. and MrS. Hillis Foster. / Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hodgson were Sunday .visitors with Mr. and. Mrs. Ken Murray, St, Marys. Mrs. M i 1 n e Pullen returned home from St. Joseph’s Hosptal home from St. Joseph’s Hospital the past week. We wish her a speedy recovery. W.A. And W.M.S. Meet The W.A. met at the (flxurch on Thursday evening with 13 members and 2 visitors present. Mrs. William Hodgson was in charge. The meeting opened with a hymu followed, by the Lord’s Prayer I n unison* M rs. Roy Hodgson read the Scripture. Lesson Thoughts "Church and Home" was given by Mrs, Melle- ville Gunning and Mrs. William Morley offered prayer. Readings were given by Mrs. G. Arksey and Mrs. G* Squire. During the business meeting thank-you cards were read from Mrs. G e r a l d Chapman and Mrs. Harry Squire. The meeting closed with the benediction by Mrs. Wni. Morley. Mrs. Hazelwood presided ovei' the W.M.S. The first scripture was read by Mrs. Neil and the second by Mrs, Grdon Johnson. Prayer was given by Mrs. Hazel­ wood* A short business period was held. Readings were given by Mrs. Ken Hodgson and Mrs. Cecil Squire. Solo was sung by Mrs. F, Squire. Questions and answers were given by Mrs. Wtn. Morley and Mrs. Hazelwood. The meeting was closed by Mrs. Hazelwood. C. S w i t z e r, and Mrs. John Hamiota visited Mrs. Morley Neil of have been visiting the neighborhood. DRIVE IN TODAY FOR/ COMPLETE . Tirestone 'SERVICE - -? -.''■■tv ;..x g /-,x Comfort is the word for Canadian National travel* Whether you ride in coach or parlor cat, you enjoy roomy dtmchair ease as the miles speed smoothly by* The hours pass swiftly, perhaps in interesting conversation, in reading, letter-writing — or in just relaxing* Stretch your legs when so minded, by a stroll to the smoking compartment or dining cat. Canadian National service ensures your every comfort* You arrive relaxed and refreshed — when you go Canadian National. For dependable all-weather service, travel by train* Locals Mr. and Mrs. W* E. Bdshell of Toronto visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley JohnsMr. and Mrs. J. M. Smith of Toronto visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ethetington Mrs. Cora Carter of Claude- boye visited Mr* and Mrs. Albert Htherlngton and attended the Cobbledick re-union. txrijj ****rtr*~*1{^/'*^ Canadian