HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-07-21, Page 3Phone 368J Holiday Notice I wish to announce that for the remainder of July I will be in the office TUES, AND THURS. AFTERNOONS AND SAT AFTERNOONS AND EVENINGS Yes, this is between seasons for chicks—but we have ’em! Bay-olds, .wide choice of breeds and crosses, Some started Leghorh pullets at bargain prices, Now taking orders for fall -chicks, too— keeping some of our best flocks mated produce them —hatching to order—allow 4- 6 weeks. Bray Hatchery PHONE 27f> For Sale Waterloo M. M. TRACTORS and full line of Farm Implements BEATTY BROS. Barn Equipment Pressure Pumps » & Water Bowls R. B. Williams Exeter •» i ♦ ♦ £ F Brings quick relief Greaseless, fast-drying, ^h.- no strong odor. Economical lira 65c » > * * * * V 1 if * ft 1 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 91, 1949 / a CENTRALIA Mr. and Mrs. H. Theander and family of London were week-end visitors with Mr. and. Mrs. Frank Smith. -Mr. and Mrs. George Hicks 'and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Brown’ left on Tuesday of this week on a motor trip through the Western pro­ vinces to the coast, to California and other points of Interest in the U.S. They expect to be away for several weeks. Mrs. E, Oollins of London was a week-end visitor with Mrs. W. Bowden and on Sunday they visited with their sister, Mrs, Boyes at the home of Mr. Mrs. Elmer Wilson, Mrs. R. J, ’Smith and Jimmy have been holidaying for the past* week with the former’s parerfts" ■ in .Millbank, 'Mr. Victor Blatchford visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mitchell and with Mr, and Mrs. K, Hodgins. Mr, Clare ,W rT g h t and Mr, Norma# Tripp' of Thamesford spent the week-end at their homes, / .Mr. E. Carruthers of London is holidaying with Mr. and Mrs, George Baynham. Mr. Bruce Field is on holidays and Mr. Wilson is relieving him, MT. Robert Tripp is .spending this week at Wasaga Beach. Mr. and Mrs. A.‘ Cassells are visiting for a week.with ,Mr. and Mrs. (R. Sewell following their honeymoon trip to Buffalo. ■Miss Margaret Cook, Kitchen- ei’ spent the week-end at her home before leaving on a holiday trip to Long Island. Master Bill'Walker of London spent the week-end with the Har­ rison family, Flight Sergeant and Mrs. Jack Andrew and family moved last week into their residence recent­ ly vacated by Mr. and Mrs. A. Proctor. Mr. John Flynn of Buffalo is visiting with Mrs. Edith Flynn. Misses Shirley Lightfoot and Marina, Bowden were week-end visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Clay­ ton Lightfoot at Grand Bend. Mrs. W. Stewart and son Roy arrived from the West ,on Wed­ nesday of last week to join her husband wh0 is posted at the RCAF station. Mr. Stewart is busy remodel­ ling the brick building he recent­ ly purchased from Mrs. L. C. Hicks. Mr. Ralph Lightfoot and Mr. R. Gates have the laid for their new Main Street. i Mr. L. B. Hodgson as the result of an accident sus­ tained on Wednesday of last week while on a picnic. He is able to be around with the use of crutches but we wish .him a____ ___ ____ speedy return to his former act- j dress on “Advance-In Missions' ivity. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Lome Hick.S on Tuesday of last week were Mr, and Mrs. J. Cum­ ming of Saskatoon, Mr. Ross .Cumming of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. O. Pollock of Ripley and Miss W i 1 d a Pollock R.N, of * Kitchener. Mrs. Belle Cattermole of Lon­ don is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hicks. Mr. and Mrs, Amos .Wright at­ tended a picnic at Springbank on Saturday of last week. Mr, and Mrs. S. Henry .and family of Listowel were Sunday visitors with Mr. Hicks. (Intended for Mr. sjand Mrs, and family of Sarnia were Fri­ day visitors with Mrs. H. Mills. Miss Winnie Field is spending frOC^ON THESE HOTOAYS TH 3l?AKfrMAN CM TH" TOSSES t?At> A BAG O'* ICE: CUBES -BUT J GUESS M?f THE OLD HOMETOWN By STANLEY iff 5TATKPM AGE7MT DAD ' KFYE’S WAS LAUD LOW BY A HEAVY COL> ATTACK- WOHLO BtCHTB RtDCIlVICp 7‘ ZO Funeral Of R> Cutting The remains tof the late Rufus Cutting, former resident of Exe­ ter, were taken by train from St. Marys to shallow Lake for hur- lai. There was a short service at the home of his son, Gordon,, then to the United Church for a public service. Interment was made in Boyds Cemetery and laid beside his wife, the <■ late Jemmoa Bennett,„ Pall bearers were friends who worked with the late .Mr, Cutt­ ing. the flowers were beautiful, including two beautiful wreaths from the C.N.R. Huron & Bruce, One from the grandchildren, flowers from the family, Wo­ men’s Association of Shallow Lake and ’friends and neighbors, The flower hearers were seven grandsons, Harold and Howard Tomkins of St Marys; Lloyd, of Brantford; Calvin, Robert and Jack, of -Exeter, and Clifford Cutting of Shallow Lake. Rela­ tives who attended the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. W- Cutting, Robert and Calvin, Mr, and Mrs. J. Cutting Jr,, Mr, J. Cutting Sr., Agnes and Mrs, Eddie Coombes, all of Exeter, -Mrs. Mayvill Tom­ kins and family, of St,. Marys, Doris and Linda of Bright, ' — ---------— \ Hodgert’s team; kicking the sjippe? through hoop, Elsie Bray, Lillian Hodgert; passing cups on straws, Mrs. John Bray’s team; .p a s sing grapefruit, Catherine Bruy’s team; ladies kicking men’s shoes, Mildred Luxton, Elsie Bray;' carrying wet soap on knife, Catherine Bray’s team; guessing candies in jar, Mrs. Victor Kestle, Lloyd Colquhoun. W'* H' -H foundation homes on is off duty In this age of potential plenty we.'must devote ourselves not to the art of getting ahead of others but to the greater art of getting ahead with others thru economical co-operation. PRESTO PRESSURE COOKERS . 16.95 25*50 29.95 I 4-qt. cooker ..... r 10-qt. cookdT . 13-qt* cooker 1 AIRPORT NEWS g-"'-...... >■ ............................ Several inode! aircraft enthus­ iasts from the station took part in a .display and contest held in Brantford on July 16. A number of models .were lost during the contest, one of them by a mem­ ber .of the Centralia party. The lost model was bright yellow in colour and had a four-foot wing­ span, It is thought to have land­ ed in a tree, Aircraft pn routine flying exercises near Brantford have been asked to be on the lookout foi’ it.* * Pilots on .R&CS Flight enter­ tained the airmen of R&CS Ser­ vicing 'Oil July 19 in the station library. Movies were shown and F/O D. ..O’Brien entertained the group with selections on the ac­ cordion. Guests were G/C W. F. M. Newson, DSO DFC, Command­ ing Officer, F/L jMaeArthur, OC and Mrs. A. last week) Truman Mills some time with Miss Pearl Mer­ riam at the Red Cross Outpost Hospital at Kakabeka Falls. Mrs, Harold Tripp and Norman have been visiting with the form­ er’s sister, Mrs. Millar, of Vine­ lang. W.M.S. Entertain Baby Band Mrs. Rev. H. Snell of Exeter was guest speaker and gave a most interesting and hdlpful ad- * - - _ -i. - — - . ■ at the church on Tuesday after­ noon of last week when the W. M.S. entertained the Baby Band with their mothers. Mrs. L. B. Hodgson presided and numbers on the program in­ cluded a piano duet played by Mrs. Penwarden and Mrs. Brock; a duet by Mrs. ,0. Brown and Mrs. Hodgson; a duet by Eleanor1 Mae Hodgins and Margaret Rorm Bowden; a piano duet by Mrs. A. Essery and Mrs. Penwarden, Prayer was offered by Mrs. A. McFalU. Mrs. McFalls, superintendent of the Baby Band, spoke briefly to the .mothers and treated the babies to oranges. A dainty lunch was served at the close of the meeting. Misses Margaret Tasko and Barbara Lewis spent the week- l end at Grand Bend. —.—-—; ---------------------------gg Servicing and F/G T. Millar, OC Maintenance. * * * * Two games.were played by the station- hardball team during the week,. Both games were losses. On Wednesday Goderich defeated Centralia by. 10-2, and on Friday Clinton Colts were victors by 4-3 in the best game of the sea­ son. The Colts clinched the game with a 285-foot homer in the eighth inning. Pitcher for the station was F/O Button, a new southpaw, who hurled eight strike-outs in a sensational per­ formance, The .station team goes to Lucan on the 19th and to St. Marys on the 21st for an exhibi­ tion game. F/L 'MacArthur has taken over from S/L MacNab as manager of, the hardball team. Two softball games are sched­ uled for this -week. On Tuesday the station team plays .at Se- bringville, and on Thursday plays a home game under the lights at Wingham.* * * * A record was set on Thursday, July 14, when 9 40 take-offs were made from Centralia runways. ’ >> LAC J. H. R. Watts, of the Meteorological staff, has been posted to Churchhill, Manitoba, and is being replaced by LAC R. S. Hitchcock, who is now at Churchhill. Another new arrival in the -Met section is LAC J. W. Johnston, from Trenton. Hodgert Reunion Queen’s Park, .Stratford, was the setting for the annual Hod­ gert reunion. Th’ose responsible for the picnic were the president, Harold Lawrence; secretary, Wil­ bert Dilling; treasurer, John Bray; sports committee, Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Luxton, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Richard. A short business meeting was held at which the committee for the 195’0i reunion, was elected. Members are: Honorary pres­ ident, Mrs. William ,H o d g e r t; president, Milton Hodgert; sec­ retary, Ray CJark; treasurer, Russell Hodgert; sports commit­ tee, G. F. Bray, Charles Hodgert and Ken Jlodgert. Results of the races were as follows: girls under six, Marg­ aret Luxton, Gayle Luxton; boys under six, Kenneth Clark, Brian Hodgert; girls eight and nine, Margaret Luxton; girls up to 12, Audrey Ronnenberg, Audrey Wood; young ladies,' Margaret Bray, Bernice Dilling; young men, Ross Hodgert, Mac Hod­ gert; married ladies, Mrs. Frank Hamilton, Mrs. Russel Hodgert; married men, Archie Hodgert, Allan Goward; three-legged race, ladies, Elsie Bray and Marion Hodgert, Margaret Bray and Ber­ nice Dilling; three-legged race, men, Reg Hodgert and Don Bray, Ross Hodgert and Mac Hodgert; carrying beans on a s p o o n, Archie Hodgert’s team; filling milk bottle with . water, Archie set for Stewart’s Taxi i . m PHONE 335 Exeter -w I Amazing New Lpw-^ost Furnace Gives Everything In Home Heating Comfort THE NEW DUO-THERM FUEL OIL FURNACE $ Beavers fuel oil appliance line! The new Duo-Therm furnace gives you, everything in home heating' comfort . . . features a revolutionary heating principle that keeps your house temperatures within a whisper of thermostat settings hour after hour, day after day! Hardware is proud to present the Duo-Therm furnace—’a brand new addition to our hdating > ALL-AROUND PERFORMANCE! j Comfort! No on-and-off heating discomforts. Com* * bination of Duo-Therm’s exclusive Dual Chamber Burner, Cornfort Selector, Heat-Anticipating Thermostat and Quick-Transfer Heat Chamber provides constant, uniform, just-right heat! 2 Convenience! Fully automatic operation.* Economy! Low in first cost, low installation cost, * low operating cost. The Duo-Therm furnace is a low-priced., fully automatic heating system that provides forced air circulation, uni­ form, humidified warm air — all the comfort of winter air conditioning! A Model For Any Average Size House! Duo-Therm furnaces are built in three sizes . . . forced air circulation, thermostatic controls. All models fin­ ished in rich sun-tan enamel. See The New Duo-Therm -Furnace Today At PHONE 86 Beavers Hardware EXETER South End Service 1 HOTPOINT ' Electric Tea Kettles ELECTRO-SUN Heavy Duty Ranges MOFFAT, Electro-pails . 1320 watt . .. 3000 watt .............. 12.50 179.00 .. latest model 19.75 27.75 ■% We are in a position to supply you with upright Quick Freezers & Milk Coolers. / A Carload1 BX. Cedair Shingles, Price per Square $11.00 \ / * Reduced prices Un all garden tools, ii including power and hand operated y lawn mowers. i Office 287W Hensall Sets Rates For Fires Hensall municipal council a rate for the fire brigade going to fires and alarms out­ side of the municipality at $50 for the first hour and $25 for succeeding hours at their regu­ lar meeting last Tuesday. The municipality in which the fire breaks out will be charged for the service. The clerk was instructed to charge Stanley Township $75 for the Aikenliead fire, Usborne Township $100 for the A. Rowcliffe fire and $75 for the 0. Beaver fire. J. A. Paterson had conferred with the clerk of Seaforth about calls outside of the village. The clerk read a Quotation for a fire engine from LaFrance Fire Engine and Foamite Limit­ ed and after consideration was i instructed to arrange an inter- jview with the Fire Marshall in I Toronto in the near future, i Councillor M. Moir reported ion the stage curtain stating that I it wag not necessary to dry I clean It but it should be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner sprayed. Moir and Tudor moved permission be granted J, Richardson to operate a garage and service station on.King St. Correspondence read as fol­ lows: Muellers Limited, Super­ test Petroleum, Dept, of Public Welfare, MacLean Hunter Pub­ lishing Co., County Treasurer, Peacock Brothers, C. R. Hagey Engineering Co.. J, M. South- cott, LaFrance Fire Engine and Foamite Ltd,; same considered and filed. Bills and accounts read as fol­ lows: Hensall* Waterworks, water (hall), $5.37; Hensall I Hydro Commission,' hydro (hall) } $9.74; Drysdale Hardware, sup­ plies (hall), $6.80; Bell Tele­ phone, service, $4.15; Work­ men’s compensation Board, as­ sessment, $61.59; J, A. Pater­ son, salary, $ 175.00; F, Har- hurn, salary, $123,72; F. G. Bonthron, unemployment stamps, $7.92; Hensall Waterworks, part hydrant rental, $500.00; W. R. Davidson, coal (hall), $89.35; A. spencer & Son, supplies (hall), $3.52; A. Spencer & Son, supplies (waterworks), $7.90; .L Passmore, salary (ww.)» $41.- 66; Johnson-Turner, repairs to motors (ww.), $260.50; J, A, Paterson, freight (Ww.), $2.55; Hensall Hydro Commission, hy­ dro (ww.), $33.05; Mueller Ltd., supplies (ww.), $129.00; E, G. Bonthron, insurance (ww<), $4,- 05: total, $1,465,87, Tudor and Moir moved that the above bills and accounts^he paid. and that W. % Genera! Russ and Chuck Snell, Proprietors. Phone 378w ’ We Give Service - July 24 to July 30 Business for the last three years has been a pleasure. Thanks folks for the support you have given us. Lets make this week the boom week of the year Come This Week and Inspect Our Station Dominion British American Products 1; Batteries, Affiliated with United Cb-OpeTatives of Ontario Still a number of good extension ladders on hand* Priced for quick Sale. Exeter District Co-Operative j/a. PETRIE, Mgr ’s Our Motto” Harry Snell, Chub Edwards. OPEN EVENINGS NEXT WEEK Exeter I