HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-07-14, Page 4THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 14, 1949 Hotel Clerk: "Beg pardon, sir, but what is youx' name?" Visitor; “Why you idiot, bnven’t I iust put my signature on the register?" Hotel Clerk: “Yes; that is what aroused .my curiosity!" Caller;: “These flowers gre for the telephone operators.” Supervisor: “Qh, thank you, sir. You flatter our service." Caller: “Flatter? I thought they were dead." BLANSHARD Hl i IP R. Phone Don't Make Washing A Chore Is your old washer making wash day a big chore for you? If it is, you should see the General Elec­ tric and Simplicity models on display on our floor. They com­ bine all the latest features of the modern washer, as well as being built for long service. E. RUSSELL 109 Exeter, Ont. 13 1 Don’t put up with flies . . . kill them 1 We stock Purina Fly Sprays (with DDT and 1068) for your cattle, your stable, and your home - real time-savers, real fly killers. PURINA FLY SPRAYS Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thac­ ker, Orrie, Elizabeth and Linda, spent Sunday evening with Mrs. B, Mossip of Thorndale. Mrs. Levi Leslie of St. Marys is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomson. Mr. and Mrs. Gladwyn Hooper. Ruth, Clare and Veryl, were Sunday evening dinner guests o£ Mr. and Mrs. Herb Oakes of Lakeside. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Harris and Ronnie of Galt were week­ end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jones. Mr, and Mrs, Mitchell Lieblei of Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hooper spent Sunday at Ailsa Craig. FOR SALE FOR SALE LOST They are read by more than 8,900 Times-Advocate readers every week Phone 31w For an Ad Taker THAMES ROAD Miss Ruth Miller, of Wood­ ham spent last week with Mr, and Mrs. Lome Passmore. Mr, and Mrs. Thomas B. and family, of Londesboro, Sunday with Mr. and Melvin Gardiner. M$. and Mrs. Edwin Miller spent Sunday evening with Miss Marian Francis, of Kirkton. My. and Mrs. Harry Rohde spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Jeffrey, of Sebringville. REAL ESTATE HOUSES SOLD—We sold two Exeter homes during the past week, However, we have just listed two more so that we are still in a position to give you a choice of several fine homes. Some of these are one-storey, Immediate possession. —-C. V, Pickard, Realtor, Main 'Street, Exeter, 14c Allen spent •Mrs. ft I L-; FOR SALE—Seven room brick house on Main Street Hensall. All conveniences. Occupancy, August 15, 1949. .Phone 50W Hensall, 7:14* FOR SALE—Two' lots. Apply J. W. Powell, phone 233 Exeter. 14 c It’s often easier and more economical to control weeds by spraying than culti­ vating. We have full information on . what Purina Weed Killers will and will not do. Let’s talk it over I PURINA WEED KILLERS Keep up Milk Flow — A little feed of the right kind now will save you a lot of feeding later! Use MILKING CHOWS Grow Better Heifers — Try feeding a bag a month per head, of Bulky-las and oats or Dry & Freshening Chow. BULKY-LAS or D&F Easy Way to Worm Pigs « No chasing, no catching, no holding, no mixing, no dos­ ing ... just feed ’em PIGTAB REDIMIX For Fast Solid Growth — If your pullets or poults are late or slow, you can build them big and sturdy, fast, with the new PURINA CHECKER-ETTS Gives Birds a "Lift"— Growing pullets and poults — layers, too — get a lift out of Chek-R-Ton. Knocks out round worm, peps up appe­ tites. PURINA CHEK-R-TON WOODHAM - Marilyn Brine returned home on Sunday after spending a week in St. Marys with Mr. and Mrs. Phil Brine. Miss 'Edith Rodd of London is spending two weeks’ vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rodd. Mrs. nie and Stickle Walter ma of Charles and Mrs. Phil Brine and Nancy of Base Line spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Brine. Miss Marion Rodd, nurse-in- training at Victoria Hospital, London, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rodd. Mr. and Mrs. John Selves ot Thames Road and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Selves of Hensall visited on Sunday with Mrs. J. Selves and Mrs. J. .Jaques. Mr. William Sinclair of "‘St. Thomas is visiting at Mr. Harry Webber’s. Miss Helen Webber spent a few days with her grandmother, Mrs. S. Hanna, of Seaforth. Bobby Webber is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Ruch of Lakeview. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mills and Betty attended the funeral of ’the late Lome Jollife of Mount Elgin on Wednesday. Mrs. Ray Mills spent a few days with Mrs. Lorne Jollife of Mount Elgin. ' Ronnie Webb of Grand Bend is spending’a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Norris Webb. Mr. and Mrs. Norris Webb and family attended the funeral of Mrs. Webb’s aunt, the late Miss on Elizabeth Chappell, Ber- Eai’l Chappell and Albert of Marlette, Mich., Mr. Brine, Phyllis and Thel- Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Brine of Base Line, Mr. M. Small, in St. Thomas Thursday. KIRKTON Essotane Gas Ranges Made by Beach and McClary Traquair’s Hardware THE STORE with the CHECKERBOARD SIGN Mr. Harold Tufts of Toronto is holidaying at the home of Mrs. Truman Tufts. The people of the village and community extend sympathy to Mrs. Lome Jolliffe (nee Minerva Moore) of Mount Elgin. Minerva was a Kirkton girl. Donna Brown of London spent a few days with friends village this week. Mr. Maitland Hammond ing a five weeks’ summer at the O.C.E., Toronto. Mrs. Roy Francis of Stratford spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Miller McCurdy. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Switzer, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Switzer attended the Didck and Neivita wedding at Kitchener Saturday and also the reception and lunch at Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Reg .Paul and daughter Lynn, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Paul spent the pHst week at ‘‘Fort Erie, Miss Eleanor Doupe, Reg.N., of Stratford, is holidaying with her sister, Mrs. William Harding. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sawyer of Toronto are holidaying with Mr. John Sawyer. in the is tak- course FOR SALE—Allis-Chalmers com­ bine, No. 60, complete with pick-up and bagger, in good conditidn, Phone 164rl4Dash- waod. tfc FOR SALE—GE ear radio, com­ plete with aerial, in excellent condition. Apply: Mel Aider- son, Albert St., Exeter, phone 1S6J. 14:21* NEW SINGER SEWING MACH­ INES—Cabinet and Electric, also Treadle machines. Re­ pairs to all makes. Singer Sewing Centre, 78 Ontario St. Stratford. 2tfc FOR SALE—Pontiac car, good running condition. Apply .Gra­ ham Arthur. 7tfnc FOR SALE—1930 Durant coupe, in good running order. Apply to Carl Genther’s Welding Shop, Shipka. 7; 14c FOR SALE—’28 Whippet sedan, A-l condition. Call evenings: 172r23. 7:14* FOR SALE—Florence coal oil stove with oven. Princess Pad; cook stove; 2 cistern pumps. Frank Triebner, phone 17rl6 Crediton. 7:14c FOR SALE—1930 Ford coach, in good condition, with good tires. Phone 405M. 7:14* FOR SALE—’31 Model A Ford, motor just rebuilt, good tires and body. Reason for selling, owner bought new truck. Apply Theophile Bedard, Zurich, phone 93rlS. 14* FOR SALE—16 pigs, 6 weeks old; also white terrier, not 2 years old, good with children. Mrs. Walter Weston, 16 con. of Hay. 14c FOR SALE—P i a n 0 (Mason - Risch); jacket heater; tank with electric heater; lawn mower. ‘Telephone 112 Exeter. / 14c FOR SALE—194 8 -Chevrolet se­ dan, just like new, 10,000 miles; 1930 Model “A” Ford sedan, new motor, sealed beam headlamps, $275. Apply South' End Service. 14.c FOR .SALE—-7-ft. Frigidaire re­ frigerator, used only 5 mons., owned by W. D. Burton who has been posted to Camp Bor­ den. Apply to Victor Jeffery, phone 173rl3 Exeter. 14* FOR SALE-—U s e d chesterfield, $10.00; buffet, $10.00; large ice box, "like new, $50.00; 3- burner Coleman gasoline stove like new, $50. —Sandy Elliot, phone 64W. 14c FOR SALE—1940 Indian 74 motorcycle, windshield and ac­ cessories. Phone 36rl6 Dash- wood..^ 14* FOR SALE—Real camel hail’ shortie coat; ladies beige win­ ter coat; ladies’ tailored suit, all size 16. Phone 383J mor­ nings or evenings only. 14* FOR SALE—S mall ice box, capacity 50 lbs., $5.00; floor model radio combination re­ cord player, $35.00; large se­ lection of fiction and comic books, 5 c and 10 c; flash­ lights; electric supplies; large gander, cheap for quick sale. Apply: A. H. Daynes, Huron St., ^xeter, phone 96J. 14* FOR SALE—-Little pigs. Apply: Herbert Heywood, phone 32rl4 Kirkton. 14c Your car will look shiny new, if you use “TARNOFF". Just rub it on—and wipe it off. 16-oz. tin 60c - 36-oz. tin $1. At R. Grenier, Grand Bend; Zimmer’s Garage, Dashwood; Hey’s Garage, Crediton. 14 FOR SALE -— 1937 Terraplane coach, cheap. Apply box 91, Exeter. 14*Exeter. FOR SALE—7 ft. Massey-Harris binder, complete. —Milton Brock, phone 4r4 Kirkton. 14c FOR 'SALE—Light-coloured baby carriage, good condition, $8; also girl’s light blue quilted rayon jacket, Size 14. Apply; 10 Ann Street, Exeter. 14c FOR SALE—Blue baby stroller, in good condition, leather- lined hood. Apply to Mrs. Roy Smale, Hensall, Ont. 14c FOR SALE—Blue cow, TB test- ted, no reactors, fresh seven weeks, (second calf) priced right. Apply: Alex Flynn, Mit­ chell, phone Mitchell 312-J. 14* Bargain Hecla Furnace in good condition readily and easily installed, s Telephone 30J Exeter 14c WANTED WANTED TO RENT—An unfur­ nished home by July 23. Ap­ ply Box , “P”, Exeter Times- Advocate. 14* WANTED—Woman or girl for general housework. Phone 95 Exeter. 14c MISCELLANEOUS CUSTOM BALING with new automatic wire - tying baler. Reasonable rates. Elder Bros., Hensall, phone 83rl4 Hensall. ' 7:14:21* FOR SPRAY PAINTING, see Ly­ man Gratton, Grand Bend. Phone Dashwood 42rl8. 23:30:7:14c- DRESSMAKING — Individual de­ signs, reasonable prices. Phone Crediton 30-33. 30tfc PLASTER GON TR ACTING — Plain or ornamental. Guaran­ teed satisfaction. Free esti­ mates. Telephone Dashwood 122, D. L. Firby. 14tfn c CUSTOM COMBINING and truck­ ing. Apply: Ward MacVicar, Dashwood 35r2. 14* CHILDREN CARED FOR 9 to 7 daily. For information 0 n week-end and weekly care call 259 Exeter. 14c FOR RENT FOR RENT—Cottage at Grand Bend. Apply: Box 286, Exeter. 14tfn FOR RENT—Furnished rooms to rent, running water and heat, fully modern. Telephone 418R Exeter, after 7 o’clock. 14c FOR RENT—Farm house. Apply to Walter Madge, R.R. 1 Hen­ sall, or phone 92r21 Hensall. 7:14* LOST—On July 5, a wheel and tire between Beverley Mor­ gan’s and Exeter. Notify L. V. Hogarth or telephone 266, 14c PERSONAL SKINNY MEN, WOMEN! Gain 5 to 15 lbs. New pep, too. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double results; new heal­ thy flesh; new vigor. New ‘get druggists. BABY CHICKS NEUHAUSER CHICKS — Thou­ sands of chicks available each week in July. All breeds— government approved. —Neu- hauser Hatcheries, 81 King St., London, Ontario. 14c BARGAINS IN STARTED chicks while they last. 2 week old: Barred Rocks, Light Sussex X New Hampshire, Light Sussex X Barred Rock, New Hamp­ shire X Barred Rock, Barred Ijlock ’X „ New Hampshires; Non-sexed 21.45, pullets 30.95, cockerels 2I0-.95. New Hamp­ shires, Rhode Island Reds: Non-sexed 20.9 5, pullets 30.95, cockerels 20.9 5. Light Sussex, Black 22.45, 20.95. 21.45, 22.95. Australorps: Non-sexed pullets 32.95, cockerels White Rocks: Non sexed pullets 32.95, cockerels Pullets: White 'Leghorn X Barred .Rock, White Leg­ horn X Light Sussex 33.95,. Black Minorca X White Leg­ horns 34.95. Assorted Heavies: Non-sexed 19.95, pullets 29.95, Cockerels 20.75. Three .week old add 5 cents per chick. Older pullets 1'0 weeks to lay­ ing. Free catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. 14c Stewart’s Taxi PHONE 335 Exeter KJ Before You Buy Drop In And See My Complete Stock Of USED CARS AU my cars are thoroughly checked before being offered for sale. Bob Cook MOTOR SALES HENSALL Res. 178 - Phone Bns. ■"K VACUUM CLEANERS ELECTRIC FLOOR POLISHERS By Day or Week Beavers Hardware For Sale ★ ★ ★ * Litter Gander Pipes Truck Wheels for Manure Spreaders Railroad Irons Angle Irons In All Sizes WE BUY SCRAP IRON Exeter Salvage Co. At Station Street 0WS3MCT r—...—................. .........~----------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------—---------■......................—------------—................................... ' ' ' “...........................-... “......... """ ... .............. .......... ..... 1 ■M HMfe Mfc. BHM HMK A WMMI -<■_»tr■■ b > rbb 1 > 1 If* Aa I m 1 I J R"®-k'B1 i H ^^R R H R 1 J 4 i 1 i 1 In View of the U. S. Steel Situai RH • ’ / cion ..H # ... Now Is The Time To Order /our Ford Tractor And Implements ! We Have J ust Received Our Fall Quota of TractorsSqd Can Makk Immediate Delivery to a Limitec Number of Purchasers - See Us Today ' * I 64-w SANDY ELLIO*■Ml MMMI ■Photic r i 11 Ul 11 „.......................... .___»......................................................................................... ......................................................... T..... ....