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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-07-07, Page 6
CREDITON EAST Mrs. Mary Matheson, of Cal gary and Mrs. Grace Wilson, of Vancouver, have returned to their home after a months visit here with their sister and brother-in-law, Mr. . and $frs. Sam Baynham. It is forty-five years since Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Baynham have seen each other, the three women being sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Baynham and friends, of Stratford, visited Sunday with the former’s aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Baynham. Mr, and Mrs. Wes Baynham, o f Wainwright, Alberta, the week-end with .their and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Baynham. Mr. Charles Anderson is ing.in Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rawlings and Fred, of Ailsa Craig, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis and other relatives. . Mr, Mark Mitchell, of Exeter, spent the week-end at the Ander son home. -Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Brintnell and son of Exeter, and Mrs. Myrtle Hunter of London, spent Sunday, with ‘Mr. and Mrs. Mur ray Neil? Mrs, Racheal Sims, of Exeter, is visiting with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Neil. THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 7, 1949 ** Dorothy G. Reader, prop. Tel. 71 Exeter (north of Bell Telephone) Nat urejle Permanent Waving Lustron Cold Wave Open Wednesday Afternoon A Page Devoted to the Interests of the Women Readers of The Times-Advocate spent uncle Sam visit- ■ Canada is second in the world in production of gold, wood pulp, exportable flour, aluminum and zine. t Accounts of weddings, church meetings and other news items for the women’s page should reach the Times-Advocate by Monday if opssible or Tues day noon at the latest. Skinny men, women gain 5J0J 5 lbs. - Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor What a thrill 1 Bony limbs fill out; ugly hollows fill up: neck no longer scrawny; body loses haU- starved, sickly "bean-pole" look. Thousands ot girls, women, men, who never could gain before, ar® now proud ot shapely, healthy-looklng bodies. They thank the special vlgor-bulldlng, flesh-building tonic, Ostrex. Its tonics, stimulants, invlgorators. Iron, vMamln Bi, calcium, enrloh blood, improve appetite and digestion so food gives you more strength and nourishment; put flesh on bare bones. Don't fear getting loo tat. Stop when you've gained ths B, 10, 16 or 20 lbs. you need for normal weight. Costs little. New "get acquainted" size only 60c. Try famous Ostrex Tonlo Tablets for new vigor and added pounds, this very day. At all druggists. Kellett-Sheerer A quiet wedding was solem nized at the Thames Road United Church manse when Rev, Wil liam Mair, officiating in ,a double ring ceremony, united in m a r r i a g e, Wilda Christina, youngest daughter of Mr. Chas. Scheerer, of Exeter, and the late Mrs. Scheerer and George Edwin, youngest son John Kellett Given in father, the bride wore a floor length gown of ivory floral or ganza over taffeta with long fitted sleeves and round, .yoke of nylon -marquisette, ’off the shoulder folded bertha and fitted bodice, the skirt having side accents with large bow ,at back, falling into folds “and extending into a slight train. Her fingertip veil of embroidered illusion fell from a dainty beaded headdress. A double strand of pearls, gift of the groom was her only jewel lery. She carried a nosegay of red roses. Miss Lorraine Little of Exeter attended the bride, wearing a floor length gown of double blue net over taffeta, falling from a fitted lace bodice, accented with pink velvet bows. She wore a blue floral headdress, and .car ried a nosegay of pink roses. Mr, Jack Cooper, of Kippen attended the groom. A reception was held at the home of the bride’s sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Heard, ,of Anderson. For travelling the bride chose a powder blue dress of moire taffeta and a corsage of pink roses, topped by a blue gabardine shorty coat. After a short honeymoon, Mr. and Mrs. Kellett will reside near Winchelsea. of Mr. and Mrs. of Elimville. marriage b y her with white accessories The Correct SUPPORT Makes You Feel Better— As Well As Look Better! That’s why smart women like the entirely different principle of design used in Spirella FOUNDATION GARMENTS — Phone 125 — MRS. VALERIE ARMSTRONG In year ■mated that the cost of stering Canada’s Unemployment Insurance will be $19,600,000, and contributions t o Unemploy ment Insurance paid by the gene ral taxpayei' will be $18,800,- OO’O1. In 19 43 the cost of ad ministration was $4,700,000. the federal budget ending in 1950 it for the is esti- admini- Rader-Haugh A pretty June wedding took place in Zion Lutheran Church, Dashwood, when | Arvjs . Elva, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Haugh, 14 Con, Hay, was united in marriage to Elmer Edward ‘ Rader, son of Mr. and Mrs ,L H. Rader, of Dashwood, Rev. L. F. Higenell performed the ceremony in a setting of ferns, baskets of white lilies and delphiniums and light ed candelabra. Mrs. er presided at the Miss Helen Nadiger, “O Perfect Love” Lord's Prayer.” The bride, given by her father, wore a gown of white slipper satin with off-the- sho.ulder neckline edged in lace with a nylon yoke. Her full skirt extended into a train. Tiny pearl clasps caught up the skirt front to reveal 'lace ruffles on the petticoat. A headdress of seed pearls and lily-of-the-valley held hei- fingertip veil and she carried an arm .bouquet of Better.Time Roses. The bride was attended by Miss Dorothy Rader, sister of the groom, as . maid of honor, who wore yellow nylon marquis ette. Miss Shirley Haugh, sister of the bride, as bridesmaid, in mauve nylon marquisette and ■Miss Ellen Gilbert, cousin of the bride, a s junior bridesmaid, i n pale green sheer. All gowns were similarily styled to that of the brides. All wore floral headdress es and shoulder length veils and carried nosegays to blend with their gowns. Mr. Vyrne Weedo was best man. Earl Daters, cousin of Jhe bride, and Elgin Rader, brother of the groom, were ushers. A reception followed the cere mony at the brides home. The mother received in a : teal blue, with picture black accessories. The mother c hose grey crepe with black ac- each wore a corsage Elgin Mem organ and soloist, sang and “T h e in marriage bride’s gown of hat and groom’s faconne cessories and of red roses. Following couple left northern parts for which * the bride donned a wine silk figured dress with a blue shorty coat and grey accessories and a cor sage of red roses. CREDITON The annual picnic of the Ladies Aid of Zion Evangelical Church was held on Wednesday evening, June 29, on the lawn of Mrs. Chris Dinney’s home on the Mawhinney line. The tables were decorated in keeping yfith the national holiday. After the picnic supper, Mrs. Hugo Schenk and Mrs. Clayton Sims were in charge of contests and games. A sing-song concluded the eve ning’s activities. Mr, Herbert (Bud) Gibson of Aylmer visited over tile holiday week-end with his sister, Mrs. Gerald Leslie and Mr. Leslie. Mr. and Mrs. Sam King and Marl e/n e attended the Lucan High School Old Boys’ Reunion Saturday and Sunday afternoons, Mrs. King was a former student of the Lucan High School. Mr. John' Gaiser, Mrs. William Ratz and Mr. Ed Hendrick at tended the funeral of the for mer’s sister, Mrs. Susan Guen ther, in Buffalo on Sunday. Mrs. Guenther had attained the age of nipety-two years. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Hodge and baby spent a few* days last week at Wasaga Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wolfe and family of Exeter and Mr. Robert Wolfe of Sarnia visited over the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wolfe. Mr. and Mrs. E, M. Fahrner and Misses Norma Fahrner and Margaret Ratz were in Hamilton on Sunday where Norma and Margaret will attend summer school, each taking the primary teachers’ course. Norma has been appointed primary teachei’ in the Crediton Public School for the coming term, when Margaret will take over the primary room in Grand Bend School. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Heaman with and 88 at' the reception, the on a motor trip to The Play Must Go On Royal Doulton Figurines Beautiful Assortment Just Arrived! Buy Now — No Tax Also Several Sets Of 32 to 96-piece Breakfast and Dinner Semi Porcelain HESS The Jeweller, Zurich ■ When summer comes, the homemaker seems to be swamped in the endless tide of duties, both inside and outside the house. Three times a day, twenty one times a week — nearly a hundred meals a month must be on the table on time. Whatever happens s*h e wants t0 be proud of the food she Serves, so if she can find a short cut or a simple dish that looks elegant, she is delighted. Best of all, she may accept the compli ments of family and guests with out letting them know how easily the dish was made. , One-dish meals are often sur prisingly attractive but quickly prepared. Simple custards or whips, served in sherbet glasses, or moulded gelatine desserts garnished with a few fresh ber ries look much more complicated than they are. . The home economists of the Consumer Section, Dominion De partment of Agriculture, offer suggestions which may be help ful in planning and preparing summer meals and also some recipes that pass the time test. Meat And Potato Casserole 1 1it. drained fruit and stiffly beaten egg whites. Pour into a wet mould and chill until firm. Serve .with cream or fruit. Yield: six Praline Topping % additional fresh servings. sugar,cup brown packed teaspoons .flour tablespoons butter tablespoon water cup chopped nuts Mix *■ * -- " over a cake to i n a Yield; cake. firmly 2 2 1 % spread return all ingredients, hot 9” x9” cake, oven and bake 5 minutes moderate oven, 350oF. enough for a .9"x 9” Hardwood & Tile Floors Laid. Old Floors Re-finished. Asphalt and Rubber Tile Linoleum Laid. Wallace Bowden WOODHAM Phone Kirkton 53rl0 52 1% MINARD’S"" " SB Bi S 5® BS AUS? Br I N •! Ml K " N T lb. ground, raw beef medium onion, chopped teaspoon salt Dash of pepper medium potatoes cups peas, fresh or canned cups canned tomatoes cup buttered bread crumbs Mix meat, onion, salt and pepper. Place a layer of sliced raw* potatoes in the bottom of a greased casserole, cover with half the meat mixture, add a layer of pea s. Repeat layers. Add tomatoes and cover with bread crumbs. Cover and bake in moderately hot oven 375 F„ for 1 hour, then uncover and bake about 30 minutes longer, until potatoes are tender and crumbs are browned. Yield: six servings, Refrigerator Broad Pudding 2 % 4 a STIFF J/ MWSCIES oilflUYgame > Rub in Minard’s for nvttscular stiffness, aches, pains and sprains. Grease- less, quick drying, unpleasant odor. Lcrao Economical Site tablespoons gelatine cup cold water slices white bread (Inch thick cups milk cup sugar teaspoon salt egg yolks 1U i/n U2 1 cup crushed fresh fruit 2 egg whites Soak gelatine in cold water 3 minutes. Remove crusts bread and cut centres in inch dice (should make two cups). Heat milk, sugar and salt in top of double boiler. Add softened gelatine, stir until dis solved. Pour over well-beaten egg yolks. .Return to double boiler and cook 2 minutes, stir ring constantly. Remove from heat and pour over bread. Let stand 5 minutes and fold in from one- GREENWAY Decoration services will held at Salem Cemetery (Conces sion 19 of McGillivray) next Sunday evening at 7:30 p.m. The Harmony Class of the United Church will hold monthly meeting on Friday eve ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Eagleson. Mrs. A. Pollock and Miss Ruby Pollock of Hamilton are spending the summer at their home. here. Mr; and Mrs. Lloyd Brophey and Frances and Miss Muriel Fallis of Sarnia spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs. Claude Fallis and family at their cott age at Southampton. Frances re mained there for some holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Brown and family sp^nt the week-end with relatives at Collingwood. Mr. Claude Dettloff of Detroit spent tile week-end with his aunt, Mrs. Albert Pollock. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Pawliw of London spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bullock. Miss Lillian Ulens of Windsor a£d Mr. Dorman Ulens of Ham ilton spent the holiday with W. T. Ulens. Mr. Russell Pollock and gery of London visited on day with Mrs. A. Pollock Miss Ruby Pollock. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Gardner of London and Mr. Earl Gardner of Sarnia spent the week-end with their mother, Mrs. J. Gard ner. Mrs. John Mollard, Mr. and Mrs. Presley Bergen and Presley Jr., of Ontario, b e its Mrs. Mar- Sun- and CaL, and Miss Muriel Fallis of Sarnia visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brophey and Frances. Mr. Dawson Woodburn of onto spent the week-end his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Woodburn. Tor- with Chid The general direction of traffic in Canada is east-west in the United states. rail t, as THE Notice Shop will be closed from July 9 to July 16 Mr. visited of Virden, Man., visited Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Hill other relatives. Miss Patricia Marsh and Don Ellis of Windsor over the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Schenk. Mr. and Mrs. William ’French of St. Catharines and Mrs. Beat rice Tate of Waterdown visited over the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Finkbeinei' and other relatives. Mr. Fred Amy of Toronto spent a few days recently wtih Mr. and Mrs. Russell Finlcbeiner. Mrs. Frances Clark of London spent the week-end with Mr. Mrs. H. F. Young. Mr. and Mrs. P. Boulianne family spent the holiday Belleville. Mr. spent mas. Mr. and and in Hello Homemakers! According to reports there ar© many people born, undei- the $ign of the zod iac known as .Gemini, which de notes a nature with two sides! Versatile, entertaining, lovable —• but changeable, often contra dictory. Men say there is a bit of .Gemini in every woman and if this be so, it is advisable for them to 'understand such a dis position. Probably there are two sides t0 most women: the dreamer, ready to hitch her wagon .to a star — and the practical one, with two feet firmly on the ground. A homemaker has .al ways a dream home in her thoughts and at the same time is practical about the things .in which she invests as part of a long term plan. Thdre are ways to judge the justification of any purchase — first: Do I require it? The .sec ond consideration is: How much can I afford to pay for it.? In a'ddition to the dollars and cents value one must consider .com fort, convenience, durability and usefulness. To the many brides of this season we suggest yOu follow the principles of Better Buyman ship : a 1. Tackle the job with con fidence and determination. 2. Consult authorities before going into market. . 3. Decide in advance much you can afford to pay. 4. Deal with reputable mer- 'chants. 5. Learn how to recognize genuine bargains. 6. Read the labels and ask for facts. 7. Choose according to your special nee'ds. 8. Choose modern .aids that how and Mrs. j allies Byers the week-end in ,St. Tho- and Mrs. Irvine Fahrner of Kitchener visited over the week-end with C. Fahrner and Mrs. Mabel Ewald. Mrs. Rodney Bowman, Wind sor, spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Guet- tinger. Mr. and Mrs. G. Berg, Mr. Jack McDonald and Frederick of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. L. Hoare and son of London were week end visitors with Mr. and*' Mrs. Herb Fahrner. Rev. and Mrs. Fred Faist and family visited on Friday with Mr. <md Mrs* E, Faist. Rev. and Mrs. Reuber and family of New Hamburg called on friends in town on Sunday. ^Blackwell Who en tire west vacation with Mr. Pentecostal W-M.C- The June meeting was held on Thursday, June 30 at the church. The meeting was opened by the President, Mrs. R. McDonald. Hymns “.Praise Him” and “My Redeemer” were sung. Mrs. E. Millar .led in prayer. Roll call was answered by Scripture on “Worship”. Business was dealt with. Mrs. Thomas Jolly made a report on organizing the 'Young Ladies for their missionary group. Cards of thanks were read. Mrs. Stewart Treibner and Mrs. Ted Prouty favoured with a duet, “Sweeter Than The Day Before”. One verse of “ My Jesus I Love Thee” was sung before Mrs. Vivian Cooper gave the afternoon address on “Wor ship”. At the* beginning she read a lovely poem, “The J-Ioly Bible”, which was very fitting with her theme. The Prayer bul letin was read before going to prayer, missed increase effiency, 9. Fit purchases into your long-term plan, 10. Respect the merchant’s business sense and knowledge of his own merchandise. 11. Give due emph'asis ,to spirit ual and psychological values. Good buymanship on the con sumer’s part helps the merchant supply your needs more econom ically, For instance, avoid guess work by obtaining information before you buy. Purchase with the intention of keeping .the icle. Follow directions on label carefully and make report or returns promptly. We are impressed. with number of skilful shoppers in town. This was proven made our survey recently. How ever, we decided to write this column for t h te many young people who have written to ,us lately inquiring about budgets. The Question Box Miss J. R. asks: How can I reduce Answer: 1. Learn how to least expensive foods an adequate diet. 2. Never overbuying, overserving 3.,. Grow preserve a use. 4. Eat carry a lunch. 5. Serve plain, tasty food for company. Mrs. B. asks: Should I buy vacuum cleaner house with just Yohr purchase of this should depend upon your future neeMs too. If you buy the larger one and the pplisher attachment, you will save time and expense in keeping linoleum floors in condition cleaning vacuum art- the any the 1, our as we food "bills? choose the to make up waste foot) through earless cooking, or improper storage, garden prqduce and surplus for winter meals at home ’or a large or for a five one rug? small room item and have adequate equipment foi* the other jobs. Anne •write to her % Times-Advocate, Send in your . suggestions homemaking problems a watch this column for replies. inclusive for vacation. Jean Hennessey Phone 145 The New ^Shortie7 Is So Becoming You’ll adore the new, youthful-looking Jb r 1 e f e r coiffure ... so ^becoming ... so fashion pei'fect . . . as styled at V’s Beauty Shoppe Vera C. Fraser, prop/ Tel: 112 - Exeter ■ ice Shop Will Be Closed from July 1 to July 9 inclusive for vacation. Tomi mson’s Haird ressing PHONE 146 FOR YOUR Decorating Needs Th is Year CALL EXETER 327 We can advise you on your Paperhanging, Painting Rubber Tilp Plastic Wall Tile The New Flex-O-Wall EXPERT WORKMANSHIP H. KENDRICK Mr. and Mrs. R. , and Brian of Listowel, joyed a motor trip to coast, concluded their by spending a few days and Mrs. S. S, Wuertli. Rev. and Mrs. J. V. Dahms spent Thursday at Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Renney and son, Morris, of Detroit, the week-end with Mrs. J. zel. Week-end visitors with S. G. Lamport and Mr. and Lloyd Lamport were Mr, Mrs. James Leary of Royal Mich., Mr. and Mrs. William Benninger and Gayle of Mount Clemens, Mich., Marguerite and Agnes Lamport and George Vin cent Of Detroit. Accompanying th^m to her mother’s home was Mrs. Richard L. Vaughan and Miss Hope Cochrane of Long Beach, Cal., who have returned from a tour of Europe, where they attended a convention of International Nurses’ Congress in Stockholm, Sweden, Mrs. Vaughan is remaining with her mother for a few days before flying to her home in California. The members of the Crediton Women’s Institute, together with the members of their families, held a very successful picnic re cently in the Athletic Field. All enjoyed a bounteous supper, af ter which several group games were enjoyed with Mr. Ridley and Mr, Keddy as group cap tains. A hoop race, pie plate race and sealer ring race were won by Mr, Keddy’s group, while Mr. Ridley’s group was winner ill the grab bag and milkmaid race. Egg throwing caused a lot of merriment, as did the dress parade and infant bottle race, which were both won by Mr, Pratt. The spot dance was won by Mrs. I. Finkbeiner. *The child ren enjoyed a kiss scramble and Joan Morgan was winner in the foot race. Mrs. E. Cudmore .dis- meeting with prayer. primary textiles industry largest emloyei* of manu- The is the factoring labour in Canada, lat est statistics showing approxim ately 92,60'0 men and women employed. % Allan invites you to spent Hirt- •.. use fife Do what Master Painters do ■ HURON LUMBER CO. K SCARFE’S VARN-O-LAC Get that '’professional look1’ into your home painting jobs with Scarfed Varn-O* Lac 4-Hoar Enamel—a smooth-flowing enamel that leaves no brush marks and dries quickly to a brilliant* lasting gloss. Use it on wood, cement or metal. Wide colour range available. For Undercoat ing, use Scarfe’s 4430 Three-Way Coater. Enamels - Wax