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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-07-07, Page 4
FOR RENT Mrs. R. L. Page 4 u!.-y Mr. and of Detroit B. W. F. Mr. and Mrs. E. Lloyd Beaters visited his father, Mr. Beavers and brother, Beavers* over the week-end, end attended the Salem Old Boys’ Reunion on Saturday, July 2. THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 7, 1949 Beavers Hardware your REAL ESTATE after, gold- for. service, bring get more than just ser- VACUUM CLEANERS ELECTRIC FLOOR POLISHERS By Day or Week if you are shopping _ the South End. You „ too. Your car receives conscientious workman- C u s t o m er ; I don t like the looks of that haddock/’ Grocer:"Well, Madam, if it’s looks you’re whv don’t you trv fish Mr. Robert Kydd left Tuesday morning with friends from Gode rich on a motor trip to Vancou ver, B.C. * ' * The decline in interest rates in Canada in recent years has caused an increase in life insur ance premiums. Classified Directory FOR RENT—Farm house. Apply to Walter Madge, R.R, 1 Hen- sail, or phone 92r21 Hensall. 7:14* ES But car to vice, ship! South End Service RUSS & CHUCK SNELL Exeter Phone 328 0 EE Exeter Garage Operators Announce» THAT COMMENCING JULY 13 ALL GARAGES IN EXETER WILL CLOSE Wednesday Afternoon EXCEPT THE ONE OPEN SUNDAY & EVENINGS We thank the public for their co-operation in the past. The Wednesday afternoon closing has been started so that our staffs will not work more than the lawful 48 hours. Open this Sunday, next Wednesday afternoon, and evenings: CLIPS PAR, TAKES CANADIAN GOLF PRIZE Dutch Harrison, the ambling giant from Little Rock, Arkansas, won the Canadian Open Golf championship by the simple pro cess of clipping strokes off par. Harrison shot 271 for the 72 holes over St, Georges’ golf course, Toronto, to win $2000 top prize money and the Seagram gold cup. Harrison is pre sented with the cup by J. F. Seagram. —C.P.C. Lucan Reunion —Continued from Page One\ A bicycle, float, car, and pet parade moved to the school grounds and started the after noon’s program. A concert, baby show, baseball game and dance were othei* attractions to which old boys were attracted. On Sun day, services at the churches and on the school grounds were conducted by and teachers. Lucan High forgotten and of this fact is a short which appeared on the back of the reunion program, which says in part: “With the closing of Lucan High School, a link with the past seems about to be se vered. Not so; we are happy in the knowledge that its memory, as well as the memory of those who fought for us in the two great wars of our generation) is to be perpetuated by the erec tion of a Memorial Recreational Centre, opposite the old school site.” former students School will not be the best evidence article Holidaying at Grand Bend for the week are Mrs. Olive Hunter, Mrs. Everett Skinner, Mrs. Philip Murch and Mrs. Jackson Woods, of Usborne, and Mrs. Laughlin, of London., Newton Motor Sales lESWWi Don’t put up with dies . . . kill them! We stock Purina Fly Sprays (with DDT and 1068) for your cattle, your stable, and your home—real time-savers, real Uy killers. It’s often easier and more economical to control weeds by spraying than culti vating. We have full information on what Purina Weed Killers will and will not do. Let’s talk it over! PURINA FLY SPRAYS PURINA WEED KILLERS Keep up Milk Flow A little feed of the right kind, now will save you a lot of feeding later! Use Grow Better Heifers — Try feeding a bag a month per head, of Bulky-las and oats or Dry & Freshening Chow. Easy Way to Worm Pigs - Tells OF Camps . Observing their fifty-ninth an niversary the Women’s Mission ary Society of Carmel Presbyter ian Church held a birthday .party in the church schoolroom and entertained as their guests the societies of the United Church and St. Pauls Anglican churches of Hensall. Mrs. C. S. Hudson presided and extended the wel come. The devotional, using “Prayer” as the theme was in charge of Mrs. P. A. Ferguson. The first hymn sung. “Tis the blessed hour of prayer” was chosen by Mrs. H. Arnold, the only charter mender in the Presbytery of Huron, who is not able to attend the meetings. Miss Alma Bell sang a solo, and Mrs. B. Ed wards read the Bible lesson. The guest speaker, Mrs. Don ald Sinclair, of Exeter, addressed the meeting, choosing for her theme “Church Camps” in which she stated that church camps are highly organized in the churches today, the Women’s Missionary Society groups helped to support them, and have also purchased camp ’ sites, helping them and sending out leaders. Each camp will accommodate sevfenty-five or more boys or girls, the speaker said. Mrs. Harold Simpson of Exe ter gave a solq. Mrs. C. Kennedy accompanied at the piano. Mrs. R. Y. MacLaren gave the closing prayer. to equip Centralia Trims Exeter Exeter teed of with five” runs in the first inning but at the end of eight frames were on the tail end of a lopsided 14-6 count at. the Airport on Wednesday night. Following their eratic opening the airmen settled down and Ex eter was held scoreless until Nicol crossed the plate in the seventh. Farrow, Robinson and (Brintnell ■clipped the only safeties for the locals off Herman. The Airport got nine off Penhale Graduates In St. Louis The woman degree versity, MILKING CHOWS BULKY-LAS or D&f' No chasing, no catching, no holding, no mixing, no dos ing .,. just feed ’em PIGTAB REDIMIX t Solid Growth —For I If your pullets or poults are late or slow, you can build them big and sturdy, fast, with the new PURINA CHECKER-ETTS FOR SALE—(Seven room brick house on Main Street Hensall. All conveniences. Occupancy, August 15, 1949. Phone 5'0W Hensall. ‘ 7:14* FOR SALE—A brick house, with garage, in Exeter, Centrally located. Apply to John Prout, Main Street, Exeter. 7* FOR SALE—Frame house, 1%- storey, electricity and town water. —W. C. Pearce, real tor. 7c FOR SALE-—House and lot in Exeter. Apply to M. & C. Clark, 146 Mill Street, Lon don, Ontario. 23:30:7* $4,500.00 (TERMS) will give you immediate possession of well located brick home. Would ''accommodate two fam ilies if desired.'Complete with hydro, hot air furnace and bathrooms. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St. LARGE BRICK HOUSE with hy dro and water pressure to building. Three acres of good land, ‘1 % miles off No. 4 highway. —C. V. Pickard, Re altor, Main St. c $1,900.00 WILL BUY 5-room home With hydro and town water, basement. —C. V. Pic kard, Realtor, Main St. c House for Sale EXETER 4 li-storey brick, pre-war, well built. Newly shingled. Dry basement. Oil burner and furnace nearly new. Living room, dining room, 3 bedrooms. Beautiful hardwood floors downstairs. Garage. $4000 down, $3500 mortgage. APPLY: F/L MAHONEY Behind Theatre, Evenings, Monday to Friday from July 4 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ A FOR SALE—Blue cow, TB test ed, no reactors, fresh seven | weeks, second calf. Apply Alex ‘•Flynn, Nelson Street, Mitchell. 7c FOR SALE FOR SALE—Allis-Chalmers com bine, No, 60, complete with pick-up and bagger, in good condition, Phone 164rl4 Dash wood. fie FOR SALE—Cabin trailer, sleeps two,- sink, water tank. Reason able. Phone 41 SR Exeter. ' 30:7* NEW SINGER SEWING MACH INES—Cabinet and Electric, also Treadle rliachines. Re pairs to all makes. Singer Sewing Centre, 78 Ontario St. Stratford. * 2tfc FOR SALE—-Second tested Hol stein cows, new milkers and springers, priced from $165.00 and up. —R. A, Smith, 2 miles north of Aylmer, phone 13r58. 23:30:7c FOR SALE—1934 Harley-David son motorcycle, model 74;; p.a. system with microphone; re cord player and speaker. Tele phone 92r2 Hensall. 30:7* YOUR CAR WILL look shiny new, if you use “Tarnoff”. Just rub it on—and wipe it off. 16-oz. tin 60c - 36-oz. tin $1.00. At Graham Arthur’s; Brenner’s Garage, Grand Bend; Centralia Farmer’s Sup ply, Centralia. 7c FOR SALE—A Sherlock-Manning piano, plain -case with bench, $150. Apply to Wib Martin, Exeter South. • ♦ 7c IFIOR SALE—White “Sunshine” Jjaby carriage, one year old, in excellent condition. Mrs. Cliff Brintnell, west Huron Street.- q * FOR SALE—Folding baby car riage, good condition. Apply: Times-Advocate. 7c FOR SALE—Pontiac car, good running condition. Apply to Gra ham Arthur. 7tfnc FOR SALE—VA-C Earl tractor, with hydraulic plough and scuffler, nearly new. Price $1275. —Wallace Wein, Dash wood, phone 25rl. 7c FOR 'SALE—Ovenette, suitable for cottages; also Good Cheer coal stove, water front. Apply Harold’Wolfe, Exeter. 7* FOR SALE—Real camel hair shortie coat. Phone 383J Exe ter. 7c FOR SALE—’35 Ford, custom radio and heater. Apply. Har vey’s Groceries. 7* FOR SALE—Sunshine baby bug gy, in good condition. Apply to Times-Advocate. 7* FOR SALE—1930 Durant coupe, in good running order. Apply to Carl Genther’s Welding Shop, Shipka. 7:14c FOR SALE—Heifer, due in Sep tember. Apply: John Caldwell or phone 13rll. * HELP WANTED WANTED—Woman for early m o r n i n g cleaning, linoleum and mastic tile floors. Apply: Lakeview Casino, Grand Bend. , 7c PERSONAL IF FREE FROM corn or callous yOu’d be — for Lloyd's 'Corn Salve your druggist you must see. 5 0c at Robertson’s Drug Store. • •’ 7c BABY CHICKS STARTED CHICKS: Immediate delivery. 2 week oid: Barred Rock, Light Sussex X New Hampshires, Light , Sussex X Barred Rock, New Hampshire X Barred Rock, Barred Rock X N e w Hampshire Non-sexed 21.95, Pullets 30.95, Cockerels 20.95, New Hampshire Nou- Sexed 21.45, Pullets 30.95, Cockerels 20.95. Light Susfeex Non-Sexed 22.95, Pullets 32.- 95, Cockerels 2<0-,95. White Rock Non-Sexed 21.95, .Pullets 32.95, Cockerels 22.95. Black Australorp Pullets 32.95. As sorted Heavies Non-Sexed 20.- 45, Pullets 29.95, Cockerels 20.75, Three week ;Old add 5 cents per Chick. Also other Breeds. Day old 12 Pure Breeds and 13 Cross Breeds Non-Sexed, Pullets, Cockerels. Older Pullets 10 weeks to lay ing. Free Catalogue. 7c MISCELLANEOUS CUSTOM BALING with now automatic wire - tying baler. Reasonable rates. Elder Bros., Hensall, phone 83rl4 Hensall. 7:14:21* FOR SPRAY PAINTING, see Ly man Gratton, Grand Bend. Phone Dashwood 42rl8. 23:30:7:14c BARNS CLEANED and white washed following T.B. test. Brand new sprayer capable of 100 0 lbs. pressure. Work dona to inspector’s satisfaction. Phone Dublin. 44r9. Fred Har- burn. • 4-14~tfc DRESSMAKING—Individual de signs, reasonable prices. Phone Crediton 30-33. 30tfc TENDERS WANTED Tenders will ‘be received by the undersigned up to July 11 for the score card and conces sion privileges for the raco meet of July 20. Tenders must be submitted separately for each. GEO. W. LAWSON,. Secretary-Treasurer, Exeter Turf Club. 7c 0 "Lift"- Growing pullets and poults—layers, too —get a lift out of Chek-R-Tom Knocks out roundworm, peps up appe tites. ». - ■ PURINA CHEK-R-TON 41 Hay Fork Pulleys - Hay Fork Chains Pitch Forks - Gold Medal Binder Twine Grass Scythes and Snaths - Nose Guards Hay Fork Rope Cable Pulleys Sling Ropes Cable luair* s THE STORE with the CHECKERBOARD SIGN HR UH HR HR Hi Hi HS K HR RR RR HR RH RH HUI HR MR son of a former Exeter received a master of arts from Washington Uni St. Louis, four days after receiving his bachelor of divinity degree at Concordia, St. Louis. He is Harold Haas, St. Louis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Haas. Mrs. Haas inee Gladys A. Ford) was formerly from Exeter. Mr. Haas spent two years of strenuous study, maintaining his courses simultaneously on uses about 2 miles apart, his degrees. Announcements Birth, Death and Marriage Notices are inserted free of charge. Card of Thanks 50c. In Memoriam Notice 50c for single verse. 25c extra for each additional verse. En gagements 50c. FOR SALE—1932 Ford sedan, good tires and in good run ning condition. Priced for quick sale. Phone 48 Exeter. 7* ■S camp- to get Skull Fractured injured when a pulley barn struck him on the Lome McNaughton, farmer, is recuperating at home after hospital treatment. McNaughton and his stfh, Clar ence, were preparing the barn for the season’s hay crop. As the boy stood on a beam adjusting a rope and pulley, the robe broke and the pulley fell, strik ing McNaughton on the head. He suffered a fractured skull and was taken t o Clinton Public Hospital. 4 hisin head, Cromarty Town Topics Mr. B. W. F. Beavers, Mrs. M. Brown, Mrs. Harold Skinner ' and Miss Marilyn Skinner tended the band tattoo at . Marys Tuesday night. Sunday visitors with Mr. Mrs. J. L. Kydd were Mr. at- St. BIRTHS WEBBER—'On Friday, to Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hensall, a daughter, Grace; July 1, Webber, Marlene Grace; a sister for Margaret and Barbara. ENGAGEMENTS * Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Kirk wish to announce the engagement of their ydungest daughter, Lois Pearl, to Ronald Keith Hender son, only son of Mr. Samuel Henderson, Toronto, and the late Mrs. Henderson; the wedding to take place in mid July. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Patterson, Lucan, announce the engagement o f their only daughter, Lois Virginia Jean, to William Earl Culbert, youngest son of Mr. and M r s. Myron Cnlbert, also of Lucan; the marrage to take place Saturday, July 23,' 1949, at 3:00 pan. at Lucan United Mr. and Mrs. Earl Russeldale, Ontario, the engagement of .their only daughter, Ruth Erena, to Mr. Joseph Charles Shepherd, sou -of Mr. and Mrs. William Shepherd, London. The wedding will take place at Mt. /Pleasant Ontario, on July 23 at 4 o’clock. CARDS OF THANKS FOR SaDe—Pure bred Irish Setter pups. Also 500 yearling white leghorn hens, laying 60 per cent. H. C. Rivers, 1 mile south of Hensail. . * FOR SALE — Baby carriage, about 8 months old, in good condition, phone S7J Dash wood. 7c FOR SALE—Goodison thresher, 28 by 46. Good condition. — Snell Bros. & Co., Exeter, phone 100. 7c FOR SALE—’28 Whippet sedan, A-l condition. Call evenings: 172r23. . 7:14* FOR SALE—’3 4 Chev, in good condition, new tires, new bat tery, priced right for quick sale. Apply to Harry Joseph. 7* Church. Cole, of announce FOR SALE—Florence cGal oil stove with oven. Princess Pat cook stove; 2 cistern pumps. Frank Triebner, phone 17rl6 Crediton. 7:14c FOR SALE—1930 Ford coach, in good condition, with good tires. Phone 405M. 7:14* LOST AND FOUND I Tenders will be received for the undersigned until July 9 for the redecorating of the exterior and interior of schools No. 14 (Centralia) and No. 4 (Sharon) of the Stephen Township School' Area. Lowest or any tender not ne cessarily accepted. ARTHUR J. AMY, Secretery, Exeter, Ontario. 30:7c NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF the Es tate of Mary Jane Harris, late of the Village of Hensall, In the County of Huron, Widow, de based. ‘ ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the late Mary Jane Harris, who died on the 23rd day of May 1949, are hereby notified to send thorn to either of the ’undersigned, duly verified, on or before the 11th day of July 1949. AFTER the last-named date, the assets of the said estate will' be distributed among the per sons entitled thereto, having re gard only to claims of which the Executrix shall then have notice. DATED at Exeter, the 21st of June 1949. PEARL PASSMORE. Hensall, Ontario, Executrix GLADMAN & COCHRANE, Exeter, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executrix: 23:30:7c- day and and Mrs. Rae Clarke and family of M o n t r e a 1, Quebec, Mrs. Marj Bloomfield and Miss Beverley Chamberlain© of London. Visitors over the holiday week end with Mr, and Mrs. John L. Kydd were Mr, and Mrs. J. E. J. Willard and Betty Anne of Mt. Hope, Craftsman Roy Willard of Camp Ipperwash, Mr. and Mrs. J. P, Sanders and Margaret, Miss Ethel Kydd and Mt. and Mrs. E. A. Moffatt and Patricia of London. Mr. and Mrs. Neil, of 'Detroit, attended the reunion at Lucan and visited with Relatives in this community over the week-end. Mrs. E. A. Follick wishes to thank her many, many,- kind friends for their continued thoughtfulness of her alt' through her long illness, Thank you each and everyone. * In memoriam GOULD—In loving memory of Stuart Gould, who died one year ago July 9, 1948. *Tis sweet to know we’ll meet again Where troubles are no more, Abd that the one we loved so dear Has just gone on before. —Sadly Tmissed by wife and family. LOST—July 2, black Bulldog, female, white face, two white front feet. Reward for ,any information leading to same. • Phone 41rl3 Dashwood. 7c FOUND—Hanimer, east of lib rary. Loser may have same by paying for ad. —Fink’s Meat Market. 7* WANTED WANTED—C o 11 a g e at Grand Bend last week in July and first week of August. Write particulars to: Mrs. E. Miller, 665 W. Warren, Detroit, Mich. 30:7c WANTED—Elderly and conval escent people. Air conditioned home, running water. For in formation call Mrs. H, E. Rus ton, phone 284 Mitchell. 30:7* Used Cars Come In and See These Cars —. Drive Them, Ami Then Talk It Over With Vs! 1949 MERCURY Sedan with' loads of extras. See this one ■before buying! 1947 1934 1938 1938 1932 Those cars •have been all gone over and are ready’for the road. FORD Coach is real ni^e. flymouth coupe. PLYMOUTH Sedan. ’FORD Coupe. FORD Coach Model B. Bob Cook MOTOR SALES HENSALL Res. 17S - Rhone Bns. 54.