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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-06-23, Page 7
t TOE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER* ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 23, 1949 POP’S Taxi Service Rhone: Crediton lSrll Exeter 857 ■■ THE BEET SUGAR INDUSTRY With the downfall of Napoleon in 1815 the ports of Europe were -thrown open to cheap sugar produced in the Indies by slave labour. Quality of sugar beets was still poor (4 to'6 per cent sugai’ content), the factory pro cess crude, with the result that only one factory in Europe (at Arras, France) survived the per iod following. Great improvements were made in manufacturing, processes and in breeding improved beet strains during the next few dec ades. Even so, it was not until after slavery was abolished in the colonies that European beet sugar industry began to thrive. Germany led in re-establish ment of the industry and iby 1886 had increased extractipn of sugar from 5 .per cent to an average of 12 per cent and total output of sugar to over a mil lion tons. Meanwhile, other Eu ropean countries had built up their beet sugar industries and toy 1900 Europe produced over six million tons Next week: Sugar to North KIRKTON ■Mr, and Mrs. Milton Luther and daughter, Ann, of Exeter, were Sunday guests with Mr. and -Mrs. Free! Roger. Mrs. s, C. Switzer of St. Marys spent the week-end with her son, Mr. Clarence Switzer. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ross and Joyce visited with friends in the village this week. Mrs, Effie Kirkby of Bowman- vjile is holidaying with her sister, Mrs„ N, B. Doupe. Large congregations attended anniversary services at the Kirkton United Church, Sunday, with Rev. Dale of Fullarton as guest speaker in the morning, His subject, was “Getting Some thing for Nothing’’, with the Junior Choii’ leading the musib. At the evening service the church choir under the leadership of Dr. C. A. Campbell rendered very fine numbers. The church was decorated with spring flow ers and ferns by the committee in charge. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wallis and son Paul of Granton were Sunday guests with Lome Mar shall. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hodgson of Ailsa Craig were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. A. Cope land. t Before You Buy , CANADA SUGAR of beet sugar. Spread of Beet America, AND CO, DOMINION LIMITED Chatham Wallaceburg Drop In And See My Complete Stock Of USED CARS All my cars aru thoroughly checked before being offered for sale. Bob Cook MOTOR SALES TIEN SALL Res. 178 - Phone Bus. 54 Quick Heat SjunmMt, OIL HEATER Lengthen the season for pleasant weekends at your summer cottage . . . go earlier in the Spring and later in the Fall ... be comfort able regardless of the weather. Stop In Today . . . Visit our store—see the beautiful new Coleman Oil Heaters,' Let us explain how little it costs for comfort in your, cottage or your home. Radiant - Circulator Model with famous low-draft burner. R f Phone Come to CHURCH on Sunday Dependable Comfort... On cool mornings and evenings — or on chilly, rainy days — then is when it’s a pleasure to light the Coleman. Provides direct radiant heat for quick warm-up. Circulates warm air to distant corners. E. RUSSELL 109 Exeter, Ont. Hay There! Make Traquair’s your headquarters for your haying equipment. We have: ■* 9 9 9 9 Pitch Forks Hay Forks Sling Ropes Pulleys 9 9 9 © Pulley Chains Hay Fork Ropes 3/8 In. Cable Cable Pulleys ® Carborundum Stones I To Produce Healthy Turkeys Use Purina Turkey Growena Checkers The balanced ingredients of Purina assure your flock of the best value for your dollar. NO CATCHING NO HOLDING to Worm Pigs. Just Mix With the Feed Purina Pigtab Granules Wormy pigs can’t make the best of feed , . , they become unthrifty because worms get so much of their feed. You can’t afford to feed worms. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN Rev. Donald R.. Sinclair, B.A. Minister Miss Muriel Wliilsmith, Organist 10:00 a,m.—-Sunday School. 11:00-a.m.—-Public Worship. “The Sanctuary and the Ser vice of God.” The members of the Masonic Lodge will p ar a d e to the church and join in the service of worship. MAIN STREET UNITED Rev. Harry J. Mahoney, B.D. Mrs< A. Y. Willard. Organist 11 am..—S acr ament of the Lord's Supper. Anthems: “Blessed Is the Peo ple’’, “Come Ye Disconsolate.” 12 Noon—Sunday School. 7 p.m.—“Keeping the Glow.” Wednesday—Sunday School Pic nic at Seaforth. ZION Evangelical-United Brethren Crediton Rev. J. V. Dahm$ Minister ’ Mrs. F. W. Morlock, Organist 10 a.m.—Morning Worship. Speaker: Mr. A. W. Sparks, of the Canadian National In stitute for the Blind. 11 a.m,—Sunday School. 7:30 p.m.—-The Youth Fellow ship in full charge of the ser vice. Wed., June 29, 6:30 p.m.—The Ladies’ Aid picnic at the home of Mrs. iChris Dinney. TRIVITT MEMORIAL —• Anglican — Rector, Rev. C. L. Langford, B.A.. M.A. ..Mr, Robert Cameron, Organist 10:30‘a.m.—Sunday School. 11:30 a.m.—Church Service. Preacher: Rev. T. D. Jones, of Seaforth. REAL ESTATE BRICK BUILDINGS resurfaced, by sanding process. Contact W. R. Fowler, Mitchell 141. 2'3:3 0c FOR SALE—'House and lot in Exeter. Apply to M. & C. Clark, 146 Mill Street, Lon don’ Ontario. 23:30:7* FOR SALE—Modern 2-bedroom home, hardwood floors, hot air furnace, large garden plot, immediate possession. S/L C. W. Macnab, phone 340J, Wil liam St., Exeter. 23* FOR SALE—Acreage adjoining a village. Has a 6-room house, insul siding, partial cellar, 'built-in cupboards, heavy wir ing, garage, henhouse, barn, abundant water supply. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. FOR SALE—63-acre farm in good condition, lots of water, -hydro and water pressure jn house and ’barn on St. Marys ■highway, 2 miles north-west Kirkton, Con. 13, Lot 10. Phone 63-7 Usborne, James E. Stone. 23:30* remembered by and son-in-law, Mil- Henry Price, Detroit, 23* 10 11 a.m.. a.m.- JAMES STREET UNITED * Rev, II. J, Snell, Pastor Mr, Lawrepce Wein, A.W.C.M., Musical Director ■Sunday School. •Rev, R. B. Cumming, B.A., B.D., of Lucan. Solo: Helen Shapton, NOTE; There witf be no evening service. Monday, June 27—Y.P.S, Weiner Roast, Wed., June 29—Mission Circle Picnic. PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE H. T. Kendrick, Pastor Sunday, 7:30 p.m.—-Evangelistic. Wed., 8 p.m.—Prayer and Bible Study, The Gifts of the Spirit. Friday,' 8 sp.m.—iY.P.S. Sunday, 10 a.m.—Sunday School. Supt.: Mr. E. Cudmore, Sunday, 11 a.m.—Morning Wor ship. kept Of a father we will never forget, —Ever remembered by sop Wel lington, Margaret and family of Detroit, Mich, * bell—in loving memory of a dear father, Thomas M, Bell, who passed away June 27, 1947. Left with a beautiful memory, Often a silent tear,Of a*kind and loving father Whose memory is sacred and dear. —Lovingly daughter dred and Mich. BROCK—In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Martha „ Brock, who passed away June 22,’1945. Your memory to us is a keepsake „ With which we ’ will never part, Though God has you keeping, We still have you hearts. —•Lovingly remembered band and family. ■DOWN—In loving memory dear wife and mother, W, F. Down, who passed on June 23, 1945. The dearest one this world hold, The cheeriest smile and a of gold; Those who knew her all know How much we lost four ago. gave us strength to fight it, courage to bear the blow; what it meant to lose wife and mother Nd one will ever know. —Lovingly remembered*by husband and son, Clarence and family. . 23* .PARKER—In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Eliza beth Parker, who passed four years ag0 June 27, Your memory to us is a sake, With which we will never Though God has you in His keeping, , X We still have you in our hearts. •—Ever remembered by husband Robert and daughter Bertha. 24* in his in Our hus- 23* of a Mrs. away could heart •well years CALVARY Evangelical-United Brethren Dashwood Rev. J. H. Getz, Minister Mrs. Ken McCrae, Organist l'O1. a.m.—Morning Service, 7:'3O p.m.—Evening Service. CREDITON PASTORAL CHARGE United Church of Canada Minister: H- F. Currie Worship Sendee SHIPKA 10:15 a.m. CREDITON 11:30 a.m. Special Youth Service in charge of Community Youth Fellow ship. BRINSLEY 2:45 p.m. Special Youth Service in charge of Young Adult Fellowship. School 11:15 10:30 1:30 Church SHIPKA CREDITON BRINSLEY HP Announcements Birth, Death and Marriage Notices are inserted free of charge. Card of Thanks 50c. In Memoriam Notj.ce 50c for single veraa. 2,5c'. extra each additional ‘verse, gagements 50c. Si- BIRTHS God And But our her away 1945. keep- part. WILLIS—In loving, memory of a deai* husband "a n d father, Thomas Willis, who passed away on June 23, 1935. beautiful one so e cherish sincere; miss his love, his cheery ways, $4,500.00 (TERMS) will give you immediate .possession of well located brick home. Would accommodate two fam ilies if desired. Complete with hydro, hot air furnace and bathrooms. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St. LARGE BRICK HOUSE with hy dro and water pressure to building. Three acres of good land, 1% miles off No. 4 highway, —.0. V. Pickard, Re altor, Main St. c $1,900.00 WILL* BUY 5 - r o o m home with hydro and town water, basement. —-C. V. Pic kard, Realtor, Main St. c NOTICES •1 ZIPN Mr. and Mrs. James Earl spent the week-end on a motor trip through t the Peterboro district. Mr, and Mm. Warren Brock veiled pp. Sunday with ‘Ml and Mrs, Edwin Miller ;of Thames Road, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hern visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Orville Rogers of Kirkton. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Snell of Grimsby spent the week-end with the latter’s parents, Mr. and ■Mrs. Eph Hern. The annual Sunday 4 School picnic" will be held on Saturday, June 25, on the Perth Sunday School Camp Site. Both dinner and supper will be served and all the Sunday School members are invited to attend the picnic. Miss Anna Brock spent Sunday visiting with Miss Marion King, of Kirkton. Mr, and Mrs. J. Willis Rowell celebrated t heir forty * fourth wedding anniversary by a visit with their cousin, Mrs, Pearj Powell, in St. Thomas on. Tues day, Mr. and Mrs. Powell were . married in Sarpia June 21, 19 9 & ■ and always observed this date a® a holiday, With him we spent our days. v memory we see him same, ; long as we live cherish his name; Stil) in our hearts he yet, For we loved him too ever forget, —Sadly missed by wife and family. * In As / X happiest just the we' ’will is living dearly to Replace worn parts on your car NOW to avoid costly breakdowns 4?Genuine GM factory-approved parts fit, save you time and save you money. ‘ We use only genuine factory- approved parts in our service department. t I I Snell Bros. & Co DICKEY—At Mrs. Batten’s nurs ing home on Monday, June 20, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. William Dickey, of Woodham, a daughter. TAYLOR—Mr. and Mrs. William B. Taylor wish .to announce the birth of a daughter, Paula Lynne, on Wednesday, June 15, at St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. Mother, father and daugher doing well. WEBBER — At Mrs. Hunter’s nusing home on Friday, June 17, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Orville Webber, a son, Fred erick Orville, h brother for Diane, Nancy and Linda. DEATHS RAVELLE—^In St. Joseph’s Hos pital, London, on June 16, Mrs. Nancy Ravelie, of Grand Bend, aged eighty-three years. SERVICE—At his late residence in Grand Bend, on Tuesday, June 21, 1949, Alex J. Ser vice, ibeloved husband of'Hilda Wildfong, in his eighty-first year. CARDS OF THANKS Now is the time to make ar rangements for ^praying your corn. The corn should be sprayed for weeds when it is 6 to 12 inches high only. L. V. Hogarth, phone 266. 16:23:30c Township of Usbornc Ratepayers or others having milk cans or milk stands on roadsides please take notice that in case of accident the Township of Usborne will n o t be ill any way responsible same are entirely risk. The family of the late Mrs. James .Mustard wish to thank their friends and. neighbours for the kindness and sympathy Shown them in their recent be reavement. Also for the beauti ful floral tributes and cards. Special thanks to Dr. E. A. Mc Master, Rev. P. A. Ferguson and the pallbearers. We wish to say thanks to all those in any way while ’Rochester helped with the work, those sent cards, flowers, treats, made inquiries, to all who We W. J. Road and that the at the owner’s 16:23* Routly, Superintendent Mr. and Mrs. C. S. 'MacNaUght- on have returned from Montreal where they attended the Can adian Seed Trade Convention. Mr. and Mrs. Asa 'Penhale and Grace were in Brantford Sunday. 'Mrs. Elizabeth Frayne, who has been visiting there for three weeks, returned home with them. ■Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jasper, Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Jasper and ■Carol and Nancy were Sunday visitors with Rev, IL J. and Mrs. Mahoney. , Jones & M: Summer Hand Bags memory of a loved dear, still with love exceptionally prices. We have just received a shipment of the very latest styles; ladies’ summer hand bags, in white; and the new straw bags. Prices $4.50 to $5.75 Larger Size Girls* Dresses Girls’ dresses in larger sizes up to 14X, an fine range to choose from., at very reasonable PHONE 100 McAllister Wishes to one can 27, Chevrolet and Oldsmobile Case Tractors and Implement Sales Nylon Hosiery On Sale at $1.19 pair Five dozen pair 45-gauge nylon hosiery. Pollyanna brand, new summer shades, sizes 9 to 10%, very slightly imperfect, on sale at $1.19 pair. Girls’ Dresses on Sale at 98c Girls’ print dresses* sizes 2 io 6 years, odd lines and broken ranges, values to $1.50, on sale through this month at 980 each our sincere Who helped we were at Minn. To those lected and donated, many, many thanks. —Alma and Jack Mrs. Homer Russell thank all friends for cards, gifts and flowers sent while a patient at Victoria Hospital, London, * Frayne m any Mr. and Mrs. Stan wish to thank their friends and neighbours who re membered Mrs. Frayne in any Way while she was a patient lh St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, c IN MEMORIAM BELL—In loving memory of our Thomas M. Bell, away June dear father, Who passed 1947, Memories are can steal, Death is a heartache no one heal, Deep in our hearts a memory Is treasures no Ladies* and Misses* Summer Wear Ladies’ and misses’ summer dresses* slacks, sports wear — new lines arriving every few days. blouses and Bathing Suits Ladies’* men’s and children’s bathing suits, new styles and materials, at moderate prices RED COHOE SALMON Several good brands, ^-Ib. tins each 330 STOKELY’S F'CY TOMATO JUICE Large IS-oz. tins ..................... each 210 GRfeEN GIANT FANCY PEAS Large, tender peas, 20-oz. tins each 190 LYNN VALLEY REACHES Standard quality, 20-oz. tins each 230 PINEAPPLE JUICE Good, buying, 20-oz. tins ........ each 190 GREEN GIANT G. WAX BEANS Tender and tasty, 20-oz. tins .. each 170 HEINZ KETCHUP With 1 can tomato juice free 2 for 530 UNWRAPPED LAUNDRY SOAP Outstanding for economy 6 bars 250 PHONE 32 EXETER asrta®