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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-06-16, Page 8
Some Oriental races believe •that pearls have medicinal Qual ities, and that Jo wear them greatly improves the clearness and beauty of the skin, Peapods were once used to stuff pillows, Original street lights were fiber torches. The New /Shortie/ Is So Becoming You’ll adore the new, youthful-looking briefer coiffure ... so becoming ... so fashion perfect . . . as styled at V’s Beauty Shoppe Vera C. Fraser, prop. Tel: 112 Exetei Phone 145 - Jean Hennessey Dot’s Beauty Shoppe (north of Bell Telephone) Natwrelle Permanent Waving Lustron Gold Wave Open Wednesday Afternoon charge. The meeting with the singing of a “The day Thou gavest Ended”, Devotional Exer- were taken by Mrs. F. Hairdressing Permanent Waves Cold Waves Dorothy G. Reeder, prop. Tel. 71 Exeter THE TIMES-ADVQCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 16, 1949 Mrs. Marjorie fur the quilt in September, l" with next 6 at Caven Circle Meets The ladles of Caven Congreg ational Circle held their May meeting at the home of Mrs. Jim Taylor with Mrs. Rose Rus- > sell in opened hymn, Lord is eises Simmons reading from St. John chapter 14, .verses 15-21 and prayer. Roll call was answered by twenty-seven members, nam ing their favourite hymn. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved business was discussed. Mrs. H. Laing and Mason presented the program during which Miss Taylor played a delightful piano solo. Mrs. E. Mitchell gave a humourous reading, “Aunt Doe- full’s Visit”. The meeting closed with the singing of hymn “God be with you till we .meet again” and prayer. -Mrs. Hatter thanked the hostess and* .all taking part in the program. Lunch . was served by Mrs. Lee Learn Mrs. S. Dick. and A Page Devoted to the Interests of the Women Readers of The Times-Advocate Catholic League Th© monthly meeting of the R.’C.A.F. Centralia Division of the Catholic Women’s League was held Tuesday, June 7, at the home of Mrs, Jean Belanger, The president, Mrs. McQueen, presided and gave a talk on her visit to the London Dioeeseon Convention held at Stratford in May. Business was discussed. A baking sale is t0 be'held June 18 .at Jenhson’s Store. The ladies of the society have made a beautiful patch-work quilt on which tickets will be on sale soon. The drawing will take .place i The meeting was concluded' refreshments served. The meeting will be held Sept the home of Mrs. Delaire. I The Newest Way To Soft, Radiant Hair Beauty Lotoz FLUID WAVE With Exclusive Magic Phix The greatest permanent wave "-advancement in years! Tomi inson’s Hairdressing PHONE 146 Wurm-Fletcher A pretty wedding took in Hensall when Rev. R. Brook united in marriage Cora Mae, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fletcher, New Salem, N.S., to Gerald Albert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Wurm, Exeter. The bride looked charming in a blue gabardine suit with -white accessories. Her corsage was of red roses . Miss Eleanor Keys, girl friend of the bride, .wore a wine with white accessories. Her sage was white roses. After a reception at groom’s sisters’, the couple on a short honeymoon. They reside in London. place A. suit cor the left will We are at your service always with the AVANT AD section. THIS BEAUTIFUL, fragrant, night-blooniink came into bloom last Tuesday night at the home of Rev. and Mrs. C. 5V. Down and lasted almost two days, A fourth bud blos somed this week. The plant, a specie of cactus (cereus grandiflorus), was started four years ago from a slip. —Photo by Jack Doerr 1 ’^XBUYSWHYS A WEEKLY INFORMATION SERVICE MONTREAL—Are you one of the many women who has decided that this time tl I will vote I ” ? We hope so. From a woman’s standpoint there are many things right now which call for a change. The Progressive Conservative Party is pledged to support many improvements that will mean much to housewives. The sales tax has been adding a lot to the cost of your clothes, and household equipment and many of the other things you buy. The Progressive Conservative Party believes that the sales tax should be lowered so that you will get more for your dollar. They are keenly interested an seeing that food prices are made fair and kept that way. They intend to encourage the produc tion and sale of all foods beneficial to health. And the Progressive Conservatives will go into action for more and better housing for all who need it. Their election will mean, less talk and more housing in record, time. The Progressive Conservative Party is the family party—so make it .your party. They believe that women’s opinions in Government are important and - helpful. On election day. rain or shine, show your interest in good government by voting. Every vote for the Progressive Conservative Party is a step toward a better and more secure future for all of us. This message contributed and paid for by the Progressive Conservative Party. ! Can See It How! . . . your family’s favorite fruit salad ... so ‘de licious on a warm June day! You use the freshest fruit —the crispest lettuce . . .Joe sure to make your dress ing with HEINZ VINEGARS—aged and mellowed in wood 'til they’re flavor-perfect! This Flufiy Fruit Salad Dressing will bring out the best in your fruit salads! .. Combine, blending thoroughly after each addition, cur sugar, ’a teaspoon salt, tablespoons flour, 1 egg yolk, s2 cup pineapple juice. cup orange juice and 2 table spoons Heinz AVhiie Vinegar. Cook, stirring constantly, until very thick, CcoL Fold in stiffly beaten egg white. Here To-day . . . Gone Too Soon , . . that's the story of the sen- at hand, delicious son’s fruits, But there's a fine way to have ytar- :mmd enjoyment of summer-ripe fruits—thanks to CERTO Fruit Pectin. I'or with Certo. you can preserve all the choice, rich flavor of fully-ripe fruits Jn. jams and jellies, so quickly, so easily. Be cause Certo. recipes cut the boil-t ing time to just 1 minute for both jams and jellies. And results are always sure—even for beginners— if they follow exactly the tested recipes in the booklet under the label of each Certo bottle. Welcome The Summer Sun with new-looking curtains and upholstery * » economically Tintex-dyed! Have fun under the summer sun in gayly colored beach and playtime-clothes made to look like new with the Tintex '‘beauty treat- ” • necessary ingredients—TINTEX COLOR jjrv REMOVER and. All-fabric Tintex Tints and Dyes! Sub- Sssl. tract faded color with the Color Remover ♦ . . and adj A Party Month Is This Month Oi- June . , . and be it a small, friendly gathering or some thing more^ preten tious, the wise host ess knows what a joy it is to enter tain with JELL-O close For there's no end to the __......... varieties of desserts and salads that are possible with Jell-O Jelly Powders. And with Jell-O com bining so beautifully with the summer's bounty of fruits # and vegetables . . . the list of enticing favorites is almost endless! Servo quick, easy and wonderfully econ omical Jell-O desserts and salads ojlcn, There are seven, delicious. {t loci** ” Jell-O flavors. I summer-bright color with All-fabric Tintex! All-fabric Tintex comes in a wide range of fashionable shades—eliminates all worry and guess-work from homo dyeing! Just follow the directions on the package! Ask for All-fabric Tintex tomorrow—at your favorite drug, department or variety store. Only 15c a package Here's One "Must" if you want to enjoy your summer holidays to the full, with no, money worries at all! Cany BANK OF MONTREAL Travellers Cheques with you when you go on holiday. I always find that the extra security of Travellers Cheques helps make my vacation twice as much funl When you buy Travel lers Cheques, you sign each one at the top; as you cash them, you sign each one at the bottom. That establishes your identity. It’s so simple—so very practical—.and so safe! You can get your Travellers Cheques at any branch of the B of M . .. and they’ll also provide you with special cheques for use abroad. Prepare now for a truly carefree holiday! FOR TRUE ECONOMY. Maxwell House eosts only a fraction of a cent more yer cup than the lowest-priced coffees sold. You get so much more for so little more.•«. i....\................................ Ilderton, provincial director, in her addres stated that a resolu tion to enforce temperance and abolish cocktail bars ip being forwarded to the Government by the AA^omen's Institute Head quarters. She stressed the neces sity to entertain foreign families and to have- them feel at home in the community. ‘ Musical numbers were .con tributed by Elimville and Ci’edi- ton ladies. Miss A< Spencer,:.rep resentative of the*AV. I. branch, Toronto, addressed the meeting. Mrs. Oke of Seaforth, gaVe a demonstration o n .articles made from cotton bags. «• Election of officers for..l'Q49- 5Cl was conducted by Mrs. Car michael, Ilderton: President, Mrs. R. Elgie, Kippen;, dice presidents, Mrs. J. Kirkland, Exeter; Mrs. Alvin Kerslake, Hensall; secretary - treasurer, Mrs. Alvin Moir, . llurondhle; assistant, Mrs. W. Gaiser, Credi- ton; federated representative, Mrs, A. Crozier, Seaforth; altern- nate, Mrs. G. Papple, .Seaforth; What a thrill I Bony limbs fill out; ugly hollows nil up*, neck no longer scrawny; body loses halt- etarved, Blckly “bean-pole" look. Thousands of girls, women, men, who never could gain before, are now proud of shapely, healthy-looklng bodies. They thank the special vlgor-bulldlng, llesli-bulldlng tonlo, Ostrex. Its tonics, stimulants, Invigorates, Iron, vitamin Bi, calcium, enrich blood, Improve appetite and digestion so food gives you moro strength and nourishment; put flesh on bare bones. Don’t fear getting too fat, Stop when you’ve gained the 6, 10, 16 or 20 lbs, you need for normal weight. Costs little. New "get acquainted" size onlv 6Oo. Try famous Ostrex Tonlo Tablets for new vigor and added pounds, this very day. At all drusgiSte. a J.Steel and ’ Flexalum Slats South Huron Institute Re-Elects Mrs. Elgie Mrs. Robert Elgie,* Kippen, was re-elepted president of the South Huron Women’s Institute at Crediton. Nine Institutes were , repre sented at the district annual meeting. Exeter Juniors, Credit on, Elimville, Grand Bend, Hen sall, Zurich, Hurondale,’ Kippen and. Seaforth organizations met in the Evangelical Church. Mrs. James Kirkland took charge of the meeting in the absence of Mrs. Elgie.. Mi’s. Alvin Moir of Hurondale, reported a s district secretary treasurer. .Reports were present ed by the secretaries of each branch reviewing their activities for the past year. Following re ports from the .Standing ’Com mittees, Miss Jean Scott, of Stratford, spoke' on organization of junior institutes and , home making clubs for girls 12-26 years of age. There are two or ganizations in this district, Exe ter Juniors and Seaforth Home- Makers Club, and 71 members in the Garden Clubs. The girls take part in broadcasts and take educational bus trips. They .have ibeen working on the project of making sleeping garments. The report of the officers con ference held .at Guelph was given by Mrs. Gordon Papple, Sea forth. Carmichael, 50c per square foot / Papers published 6in the West ern Zone of Berlin have been removed from newstands because they were described as . “war mongering and anti-Soviet”. No one denied they printed .-the truth. L. C. KAPPLER R.R. 1 ST. MARYS Phone Kirkton 29r2 ■* ■* FOR ONTARIO I THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) Main Street And James Street Churches Entertain Baby Bands Main Street On Thursday, June 9, the Main Street AV.M.S. Auxiliary met. in the primary room of the church with the president, Mrs. Carter, presiding. The secretary, Miss Broderick, read the minutes of the last meeting and roll call was answered by members giv ing the number of calls being made. It was decided to pur chase the book, “Growing Ayith The Years”, by K. J. Beaton, a book that gives a sense of the scope and witness of our United Church in these first twenty-five years of its history. The AAT.M.S. theme, “keeping the Lord’s Day”, was taken in worship service and meditation. The hymn, “O Day Of Rest And ■Gladness”, was sung and prayer and responsive reading—Ps. 84 —followed. Bible passages read by Miss Hackney, Cole, .Mrs. Darling Prance’, then prayer Penrose. Few subjects are of concern to Christian women to day than Sabbath observance. Many of the tragedies and the social evils that alarm us find their root-cause in the failure to use this day according to God’s purpose. Closing prayer was giv en by Mrs. Cole. Mrs. Merkley, superintendent of Baby Band, then took charge. The forty-five members enter tained the mothers and AV.M.S. members with a program which was very much enjoyed. Lunch was then served by the AV.M.S. and a social time spent. Games were played on the lawn, after which all retired, having had a happy afternoon—not for getting the splendid offering and givings by Mite Boxes. James Street The members of the Baby Band and their mothers were entertained at. the June meeting of the Afternoon Auxiliary held on Thursday afternoon last. A splendid attendance was record ed. » Mrs. C. AV. Down presided and extended a welcome to the guests. Mrs. L. Kyle read the scripture lesson and Mrs. Miners led in prayer, Mrs. R. Williams, Baby Band Superintendent, con ducted the graduation exercises when fourteen members were re ceived into the Mission Band by Mrs. C. Cann. Three new life members were welcomed. A solo was contributed by Miss Helen Shapton, numbers children, by Pat Cann and Marion Sanders and by were Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. and a reading by Janice Hamil ton. While the children were entertained on the church lawn, Rev. Reba Hern, of Varna, gave a very stirring talk challenging the responsibility not only of the mothers, .but of every adult in rearing our children of today. She referred to the two women in the Bible called Salome, the one who desired and worked for the best for her children and the the other Salome who was selfish and revengeful. She called on her hearers .to emulate the ex ample of the “first” Salome and to help and encourage in every way, th© youth of today. A vote of thanks to Miss Hern was moved by Mrs. William ’Cook and was heartily agreed to by all. Lunch was served on the church lawn and a social time was enjoyed with the children as the centre of attraction. more vital after which several were given by the including piano solos ELIMVILLE The June meeting of the Elim ville Women’s Institute was held at Elimville Church on June 8 with Mrs. Kenneth Johns presid ing for the business of the meet ing. The meeting opened With the Institute Ode, followed by the Creed. The roll call Was an swered by duties of a good hos tess. Communications were read. Miss Ruth Skinner gave * a splendid report of the “district annual” held at Crediton, Mrs, Delmer Skinner, leader of the home economics, took the chair for the program. The motto, “Home Is The An chor Of Our National Life”, by Miss Elaine Hern and Dalton Skinner, “The Bussy Cat”. Mrs. Cliff Brock, Mrs. Alvin Cooper, Mrs. John Miners gave a wonderful skit on “The Home —-A, place To Entertain”. A sex tette was given by the Eden girls, which was enjoyed by all. The meeting closed with the National Anthem, A dainty lunch was served by the hostess, Mrs, Harold Taylor, and her commit tee. HANDS IN TRAINING 5!. .-.J;.-.,?? Learning Business Practice IN Ontario the wheels of industry turn for the benefit of every single one of us. Our lathes* dynamos, drill presses* farm combines, tradtors, business machines, etc. arc producing goods and services which earn dollars. These dollars provide food, clothing* medical care and other necessities which contribute to out security and high standard of living. Every single one of us, therefore, has a very personal interest in the flow of a steady supply of trained workers to industrial plants. These workers will operate machines which are important to our way of life. We shotild appreciate, then, the Co-operative efforts of government* industry and labour in the field of employee training. In schools and in factories our workers, yodng arid old, are given the opportunity to develop pew and specific skills in every field of business and industrial activity. For instance, every effort on the part of office workers to become pro ficient in typing, filing* shorthand and secretarial work, will mean greater business efficiency—will help to make Ontario a finer place in which to live and work. Our Way of Life Rewards ! Trained Hands Ontario workers know they tan tarn mord, have executive responsibility and enjoy a higher standard of living in direct ratio to the skills they ac quire and the way they make use of them. That’s always true in a free economy —that’s why our com petitive system will continue to make Canada great and a great place in which to live. *