HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-06-16, Page 6'Jftagpp. fJ:the: TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 16, 1949 OUT OF THIS WORLD ’. That’s one way to describe the marvelous flrvor of Maxwell House. It contains choice Latin-American coffees—expertly blended -—Radiant Roasted to the peak of coffee goodness. V1 POP’S Taxi Service Phone: Crediton 18rll Exeter 357 CEMENT W<3rK Foundations Sidewalks Free Estimates Doug Triebner Phone 17rl2- Crediton KIRKTON Miss Bella Hazlewood, who has. been making her home in Stratford the past few years is with her sister, Mrs. Fred John­ son. Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Marshall are holidaying at their summer home at Red Bay. Mrs. Olie Robson,, of St. Marys is spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. Ross .Francis, We extend sympathy to Mr. Oliver McCurdy in the loss of his wife and also Mrs. C. Smith, who is a sister. Several ipeople front this comr munity attended Anderson United Church anniversary last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Balfour, of London, and Mr. and Mrs. G. Wishart, q f Hamilton, attended the Paul-Urquhart wedding on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Stone and daughters, Donna and Mar­ lene, of Kirkton, spent the week-end holidaying at Niagara Falls, Buffalo and Crystal Beach Beach. N f NOTICE , WHITEWASHING Arrangements can be made Bill Watson Dashwood Phone 35r.t9 Custom Baling New Holland Automatic-String Baler Reasonable Rates Also Custom Weed Spraying Announcements Birth, Death and Marriage Notices are inserted free of charge. Card of Thanks 50c. In Memoriam Notice 50c for single verse, 25c extra for each additional verse, En­ gagements 50c.» BIRTHS BUCHANAN — In Clinton 'Gene­ ral Hospital, Saturday, 11, to Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan, of Hensall, a FAWCETT—Mr. and Mrs, Fawcett announce the of a daughter, Elaine Joyce, on June 8 at Mount Hamilton Hospital. JEFFREY—Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ liam Jeffrey (nee Lyda Steph- , ens) wish to announce the birth of a daughter, Helen Kathryn, on June 4, at Strat­ ford Hospital. MILLION—At Mrs. nursing home, June 14, 1949, Mrs. William Million, James William. SCHANTZ—In Hensall at Pearl Stephan’s nursing home, June 2, to Mr. and Mrs. Elam Schantz, R.R. 2 Hensall, a son, Richard Allen. June Keith son. A. J. birth Hunter’s on Tuesday, to Mr. a DEATHS and son, Mrs. CLARKE—In Usborne Township at the residence of her daugh­ ter, Mrs. on Thursday, June 9, Drucilla Coultis beloved of William Clarke, in eighty-first year. engagements' Emerson Gunning, 1949, wife her Classified Directory N K Decorating ? M. J. GAISER PHONE 164rl4 DASHWOOD For Weed Control In Corn, etc * Having disposed of my business, all outstanding accounts are now due and should be settled be- for : July 1 Investing by Mail. in these uncertain times, it is more important than ever for the individual to maintain a careful check on his or her Investments. Your enquiries, by mail, either for Investment advice, or relative to the purchase or sale of securities will be promptly answered, and in this connection, all deliveries of bonds or stocks, either bought or sold, can be completed at your Bank, at no cost to you. Huron & Erie Bld London King St* West Toronto 1 Naturally you want to make dad happy on his day. We have two suggestions that will not only make him happy but will show* him that you think he’s a swell pop. Both will make practical articles from which he will get a lot of use. Sunbeam Electric Razors A Piece of McBrine Luggage R. E. RUSSELL Phone 109 Exeter, Ont » Mr. and Mrs. Orville Taylor announce the engagement of their daughter, Isabelle Mae, to William George Butson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Butson; the wedding to take place in June. * CARDS OF THANKS I wish to thank all those who kindly remembered me with cards, flowers and treats while I .was a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital and since returning home. Special thanks to Dr. Mooney, T. Harry Hoffman, Mr. MacLaren, Provincial Police, and all those who assisted .the of the accident. —Wellwood night Gill* The family of the late Mrs. William Clarke wish to thank their relatives and friends for the kindness and sympathy ex­ tended to them during their sad bereavement; for the beautiful floral tokens, with special thanks to Rev. H. Snell, Mrs. T. Coates, the pallbearers, flower­ bearers and all who offered cars.* William Sanders wishes to ex­ press his grateful appreciation for the kindly remembrances while a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital, * •• Oliver McCurdy expresses sincere thanks to friends and neighbours many acts of kindness pressions of sympathy to him at the time of his recent sad bereavement. Special thanks to Canon James and the mem­ bers of Choir.' all his for the and ex­ extended HELP WANTED MALE HELP WANTED—Mar­ ried man for modern piggery. Wages $125.00. Modern home. Give full particulars. Apply, Bill Urlin, 236 King St., Lon­ don, Ont. 2:9:16* WANTED — Housekeeper, free furnished room and nice home, free meals, and will pay week­ ly besides. Apply by mail to: Box “H”, The Exeter Times- Advocate. 9:16c HELP WANTED—Young woman to be child’s nurse for one healthy boy. No other duties. Live in. Phone or write Mrs. Somerville, 315 Huron Street, London, Metcalf 49 3. 16c HELP WANTED—One kitchen girl, one dining-room girl, and one girl to assist in booth. Apply Lakeview House, Grand Bend, or phone Dashwood 59rll. . 16c WANTED - 1 "---T---“---------- WANTED TO BUY—Good se- v cond hand corn cultivator. Apply: G. J. Dow, Exeter. 16c WANTED—C ouple with no children, both working, desire 3- or 4-room apartment in Exeter, self-contained, if poss­ ible. Would like occupancy now or within six weeks. Ap­ ply Box 6, Exeter. 16* LOST AND FOUND LOST—Lady’s gold lapel watch, between South End Garage and Brady’s Cleaners; keep­ sake. Reward. Finder return to Times-Advocate. 9 * FOUND—In Exeter on May 10, a ladies’ wrist watch. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for ad­ vertisement. Apply at Times- Advocate. 16c WANTED WANTED—Small acreage in or on the edge of Exeter. Must have real good house with all conveniences. Also a farm. Possession by Sept. 1. Cash. Apply to Box 47, Alvinston. 9:16c FOR RENT HOUSE FOR RENT—In Exeter. Apply after Monday, June 20, to Supertest Service Station, North End. 16* For Rent VACUUM CLEANERS ELECTRIC FLOOR POLISHERS By Day or Week Beavers Hardware St. Paul’s Anglican c to thank those who so remembered me with treats and flowers, I wish kindly cards, treats and flowers, and helped in other ways since my accident. * —Mrs. Frank Coates Mrs. Amelia Dale wishes to thank Rev. and Mrs. Langford for calling; also church societies and and flowers while a patient in Vic- c I for flowers, and relatives friends for cards, letters toria Hospital. Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Godbolt wish to thank their many friends who remembered Gerald in any way while a patient in Victoria Hospital. » 4 Mrs. William Fisher wishes to thank all who remembered her with visits, letters, cards, flowers and gifts while a patient in Joseph's Hospital, London. IN MEMORIAM HERBERT—I n loving memofir' of our dear passed away one June 16, 1948. There is still an ache in hearts today That countless years won’t away, We smile with the world, never forget In our garden of memories live with us yet. You’re not forgotten, mother, dear, Nor ever shall you be; As long as life and memory We shall remember thee. <—Ever remembered by her and daughters, Florence, fred, Harvey, Mary and Doris. I mother, year who ago, our take but that last, sons Wil- * FOR SALE FOR RENT St.* ofHARNESS—in loving memory Private I. L. Harness, who died in England, June 15, 1943. He left a beautiful memory, A sorrow too great to be told; To us who have loved and lost you, Your memory will never grow old. Ever remembered by wife and daughters, Shirley and Jane. * HOOKEY—In loving memory of a dear father, James Henry Hookey, who passed away on June 19, 1947. Left with a beautiful memory, Often a silent tear, Of a kind and loving father, Whose memory is sacred and dear, -—Lovingly remembered by his sons and daughters-in-law ■— Jim, Elsie, Ronald, Dorothy and grandchildren. * * WEIGAND—In ‘ „ of Mrs. Henry Weigam , __ passed away seven years ago, June 17, 1942. Your memory is a keepsake With which We will never part, Though God has you in his keeping, We still have you in OUT hearts. —Ever remembered by husband and families. 16* DASHWOOD •Mr. Sam Witzel, of Toronto, spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Witzel. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ness, pf London, spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Ness. Mr. and Mrs. C. Goodman, of Detroit, and Mr. Charles Schroe­ der of Exeter called on friends here on Sunday. Mrs. G. Watson and son Jack of Detroit, and Mrs. Mathews, of London visited a few days with Mrs. Chas. Snell. load of school children to Niagara Falls on Mr. and A bus motored Friday. Miss spent a here. * Mr. Louis Kleinstiver, who has been in .London Hospital has i returned home. , | Mr. and Mrs. William Core, j Miss Marjorie Piper and Miss I Thelma Weber, all of Sarnia, | were Sunday visitors with Mr. land Mrs. B. Carr.„ J Hamilton, of London, few days with friends I Bowling Notes Two rinks of bowlers took in the trebles tournament at Clin­ ton Monday evening. W. E. San- | ders and K. Hockey, skip, won I third prize with two wins plus 15. W. E. Middleton, M. Mode and H. c. Rivers, skip, had two wins plus 13. At Mitchell on Wednesday of last week, W. E. Middleton, W. H. Pollen and H. C. Rivers car­ ried off first prize with three wins and a comfortable margin. NEW SINGER SEWING MACH­ INES—Cabinet and Electric, also Treadle machines. Re­ pairs to all makes. Singer Sewing Centre, 78 Ontario St. Stratford. 2tfc FOR SALE OR RENT—A ‘ used typewriter. The Exeter Times- Advocate. FOR SALE—M o f f a t 4-burner electric range, in good condi­ tion. Price very reasonable for quick sale. Apply: Tom Pryde, phone 41W Exeter. FOR SALE — Maple slabs and mixed wood. Apply Welsh’s Lumber mill, phone 109 Hen­ sall. 9:16:23* FOR SALE —' Two, Registered Scotch Shorthorn Bulls, one red, one roan. Apply to Fred Brown, R.R. 2 Crediton. 9:16* FOR SALE—Six registered, dual purpose Shorthorn bulls, one year old. Herd just tested for TB and 100 per cent negative. Apply: Wesley E. Johns & Sons, R.R. 1, Woodham, or phone 44rl0 Kirkton.’ 9:16:23* FOR SALE — .Several small calves. Orval Beaver, phone 54rl0 Kirkton. ' 16* FOR SALE—Hay loader, ’ Mas­ sey-Harris No. 8, heavy crop, loaded less than fifty acres. Elder Bros., Hensall. 16:23* FOR SALE—Blue baby carriage, like new. $25.00. Apply J. C. McComb, Centralia, phone 27r31, Crediton. 16* FOR SALE— 1935 Chevrolet Coupe, recently overhauled, new tires and battery. Emer­ son Durst, R. R. 4 Seaforth, phone 652rll Seaforth. 16* FOR SALE—1930 Model A Ford, 4 new tires, in good condition. Phone 82r2 Sebring- ville. 16* FOR SALE—Philco battery radio; also electric combina­ tion radio and record player, very reasonable for qiuck sale. Clearing out of comic, bantam and fiction books, less than half price. Floor wax, 1-lb. size or gallon; flashlights; shoe laces 2 for 5 cents; many other articles. —A. H. Daynes, Huron St. West, phone 9 6 J. 16* FOR SALE—Purebred Tamworth bore, 8 months old. —J. W. Gardiner, phone 21rl0 Kirk­ ton. ’ 16* FOR SALE—International team scuffler, in good condition. Apply: George Ingram, R.R. 3, Exeter. Telephone Hensall 89rl2. 16* FOR SALE—Miassey Harris hay loader, good condition, $75.00. Apply: Sandy Elliot, phone 64W Exeter. 16c FOR SALE—1948 John Deere 6-ft. horse mower, new condi­ tion, reasonable. Apply: Sandy Elliot, phone 64W Exeter. 16c FOR SALE—Boy’s bicycle, in good condition. Phone 396WJ or apply Times-Advocate. 16c FOR SALE—One registered Shorthorn bull, red, T.B. test­ ed, 15 months old; power mower, new, 7-foot bar to fit Model “A” International trac­ tor; one only 5-foot Inter­ national mower in good re­ pair; also one only 2-wheel horse trailer with loading chjjte. Apply: Fred Dawson, Hensall, Ont., phone Exeter 172rl6. 16* FOR SALE-—Lady’s balloon tired bicycle, $35.00. —Wib Martin, Exeter South. 16c FOR SALE—Allis-Chalmers com­ bine, No. 60, complete with pick-up and badger, in good condition. Phone 164rl4 Dash­ wood. tfc FOR SALE—McCormick-Dearing corn and bean cultivator, two- row, in good condition. Apply 16 4rl^ Dashwood. 16c FOR SALE—One cow, just fresh­ ened; one' black Belgian1 colt, four years old. Apply Exeter Tiines-Advocate. 16* FOR SALE—1937 Ford .coach, good condition, new clutch, sealed beam headlights, good tires, good glass all around. Call 375J Exeter after 6:30 p.m. 16c FOR SALE—1937 Ford in good condition, priced at $425 or closest cash offer for quick sale. Phone Exeter 258. 16c 1939 FORD 2-TON stake truck, platform with racks, new Brantford-Anthony hoist, new motor gone 4.00 miles, Apply: Bert Faber, Kippen, 16* FOR SALE—Model “A” Ford sedan, good condition. Phone Crediton 40r24, 16* Personal FOR RENT—Blue Top Cabins, at Grand Bend. By day or by week. Make your reservation now, R. Grenier, B-A Service, phone 5 Or5 Dashwood. 16:23?30c Papering and Painting Phone Exeter 407J BABY CHICKS Peter R. Durand SKINNY MEN, WOMEN! Gain 5 td 15 lbs. New pep, too. Try fam Ohs Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double results; new heal­ thy flesh; new vigor. New ’get acquainted’ size only 60c. All druggists. STARTED CHICKS—2 weeks— Non-sexed: Barred Rocks, New Hampshire X Barred Rock, White Rock 21,95, New Hamp- shires Rocks, Barred shires 32.95, 21.45. Pullets: Barred New Hampshire X Rocks, New Hamp- 30.95, White Rocks White Leghorns 33.95. Cockerels: Barred Rocks, New Hampshire X Barred Rocks, Black Australorps, New Harnp- shires 20.95, White Rocks 22.95. 3 week old add 5c per chick. Also other breeds. Day olds 12 pure breeds, 13 cross breeds non-sexed, pullets and heavy cockerels. Prompt de­ livery. Also turkey toults and pullets eight weeks to laying. Send for' reduced June price- list. —Tweddle Chick Hatch­ eries Limited, Fergus, Ontario 16c MISCELLANEOUS BARNS CLEANED and white­ washed following T.B. test. Brand new sprayer capable of 1000 lbs. pressure. Work done to inspector’s satisfaction. Phone Lublin 44r9. Fred Har- burn. 4-14-tfc CUSTOM BALING with new wire-tying baler, prevailing prices. Elder Bros., Hensall, phone ,83rl4 Hensall. 16:2-3:30*z REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—Acreage adjoining a village. Has a 6-room house, insul siding, partial cellar, built-in cupboards, heavy wir­ ing, garage, henhouse, barn, abundant water supply. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. HOUSE FOR SALE, iy2 storey brick, living room, dining room, 3 bed-rooms, oil burner, beautiful hardwood floors downstairs, exceptionally well built, includes garage /and spacious garden plpt. $8000. F/L Mahoney, Williams St., Exeter, behind theatre. 2:9:16? FOR SALE—3 6-acre farm in good condition, lots of water, hydro and water pressure in house and barn on St. Marys highway, 2 miles north-west Kirkton, Con. 13, Lot 10. Phone 63-7 Usborne, James E. Stone. 16:23* FOR SALE—'Modern" 2-bedroom home, hardwood floors, hot air furnace, large garden plot, immediate possession. S/L C. W. Macnab, phone 340J, Wil­ liam St., Exeter. 16* NOTICES % All Juniors wishing to attend the Field >Day in Guelph, June 24, please contact Howard Pym, Harry Hern or Jack Stewart on or before June 18 so that trans­ portation can foe arranged. 9:16c Now is the time to make ar­ rangements for spraying your corn. The corn should be sprayed for weeds when it is 6 to 12 inches high only. L. V. Hogarth, phone 266. 16:23:30c TENDERS WANTED FOR STORM SEWER Tenders will be received up to p.m., June 20“, 1949, at the undersigned for of approximately storm sewer on Pipe sizes range to 24 inches and supplied by Cor­ 5 _ office of the the installation 4,000 feet of William Street, from 15 inches all pipe to be poration. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of the Undersigned and form of tender be taken out on deposit of $15. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. June 8, 1949 C. V. PICKARD, Clerk, Corporation of the Village of Exeter. 9:16 NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the estate of Edward James Stephenson, late of Seaforth,x Gentleman. Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required to send full parti­ culars of such claims to the undersigned Executor on or be­ fore the 15 th day of July, 1949, after which date the estate’s assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims that have then been received. Dated June 10th, 1940, THE CANADA TRUST CO., London, Ontario, Executor, by Dawson & Nethery, Solicitors, Sarnia, Ontario. We are at your service always With the WANT AD Section. n Royal Doulton Figurines Beautiful Assortment Just Arrived! Buy1 Now — No Tax Also Several Sets Of 32 to 96-piece Breakfast and Dinner Semi Porcelain HESS The Jeweller, Zurich . —■■■ - B FOR YOUR Decorating Needs This Year CALL EXETER 327 We can advise you on your ' Paperhanging, Painting Rubber Tile Plastic Wall Tile The New Flex-O-Wall EXPERT WORKMANSHIP H. KENDRICK Yes We have all usable Pipes, Rails, Angle Irons. Yes We want your Scrap, Feather Ticks, etc. Bring it to the station past the tracks. We pay top prices. No Sale On Sunday K» It would be appreciated if local merchants would ren­ der accounts for all bills outstanding before June 30 in order that we may close our records as of the end of our fiscal year. Jones, MacNaughton Ltd. Wanted Immediately Young Women 16 to 21 Years. For Cherry, Strawberry, Raspberry Picking. „ Accommodation, in Farm Service Force Camps Supervised by YAV.C.A. Good Meals — Good Pay Good Fun For registration forms apply for High School Principal Nearest Employment Office OR Ontario Farm Sendee Force 9 Richmond Street East Toronto 1, Ontario. AUSPICES: Dominion Provincial I Farm Labour Committee Compare These Cars WITH OTHERS FOR MORE VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY 1947 MERCURY black convert­ ible, built-in radio, fog lights,, whitewalls and other extras. 1546 MERCURY 114X sedan, immaculate condition, low mileage. 1938 PLYMOUTH sedan, heater and fog light. 1936 1934 TERRAPLANE sedan. PLYMOUTH coupe. Res. 178 MOTOR SALES HENSALL Phone »fills. 54